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Their famliy day out was amusing and quite sweet. Jacob made me laugh wanting a turtle and dolphin for a min there I thought he might of wanted a penguin too. :lol:

I was expecting him to shout out or something at the end to stop Brax and Charlie from kissing again.

Posted (edited)

WOW ... awesome update! I am feeling much better reading each update now but still have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that the rug could be pulled from under them!!

I'm praying that Brax isn't the father of Biancas kid sooo much LOL ....

Thanks for a brilliant update Danni02 ... truely loved it :wub:

Edited by beebee

YAY another amazing chapter Danni!! :) I really hope Charlie calls Brax!! I am with BeeBee praying Brax isn't the father of Bianca's baby! It's always going to be a problem for them until they find out for sure!! Please update again soon! Xx


Great updates, the zoo was so cute. Especially the little banter between Chax and Jacob forcing his parents to cuddle up for the camera.

Is she calling Brax? I have a feeling they won't be able to work it out for a while yet. Bianca will always haunt them, if she's carrying Brax' baby, there's no going back.

Your updates are always SO heart breaking.


Sounds like the tears where over this whole “i can’t have another child” thing !!!!!

Enjoyed that, especially ......

 “You know...it had been a year.” Brax said.

“What had?” Charlie questioned.

“Since we last....” Brax raised his eye brows suggestively. “Jacob’s birthday last year. It was the last time we had sex.”

“Didn’t realise you were keeping track.” Charlie said as she sat up in the bed and rested her head against the headboard.

“I just remember.” Brax sighed as he too sat up. “The first 3 months you were pretty uhm....well you had a high sex drive. Then after Jacob’s birthday I remember that’s when it went downhill or a couple of months and then when you wanted it again, I wouldn’t do it, and then the girls were born, and now their seven months old and we’ve had all this trouble....a whole year exactly.”

“Well it was a year since I’d had sex.” Charlie sighed. “Might have happened sooner for you.”

“Charlie.” Brax sighed lightly as he shook his head.

“You should probably go.” Charlie said as she pulled the covers closer to her, like she was trying to protect herself.

“Charlie -”

“Jacob’s taken to coming in here in the mornings. I don’t want him seeing you and getting confused.”

 Brax sighed lightly before he got out of the bed and looked around the room for his boxers, combats and shirt that Charlie had ripped from him only a few hours before, and redressed himself. “So are we going to talk about what this meant later today or what?”

“I eh...” Charlie shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ll be in touch.” Brax shook his head lightly before he walked out of the bedroom, and upon hearing the front door slam shut, Charlie burst into tears as she hid herself under the covers.

 Aww I wish I was there too.” Ruby smiled. “But Happy Birthday.”

“No Ruby it not today. It yesterday.”

“Well technically it’s still Wednesday here in Illinois, so it’s still your birthday for me.” Jacob pulled a face of confusion not really understanding what Ruby had said.

 Good.” Ruby smiled. “So mister you think you could go off and play and let me and Mummy have some grown up talk?”

“I grown up now.” Jacob said.

“Go on sweetie.” Charlie said as she spoke into his neck. “You could play with your new pirate island.”

“Oh...you can play too?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah, once I’ve talked to Rubes.” Charlie smiled as Jacob jumped down from her knee and ran off to his bedroom.

 “We eh...I feel weird talking about this to you. You’re my daughter, not a girlfriend.” Charlie sighed.

 “Yeah.” Charlie nodded, not going to discuss this fully with her daughter. This was something she would normally talk to Bianca about, but considering she was the reason she was feeling like she was, she was the last person she wanted to talk too. “Anyways, what’s the relationship status between you and Matt this week?” Charlie questioned.

“Friends” Ruby answered. “With benefits.” Ruby added after a pause. “I don’t know, I like him and I mean the sex is gre....” Ruby trailed off. “He’s not Xavier.” Ruby shook her head. “No matter how lovely and how much of a good time we have together, he’s not Xavier. And I can’t stop comparing the two and Xavier always come out on top.” Ruby said sadly.

 “Aww let me see them.” Ruby smiled. “I bet they’ve got so big.” Charlie disappeared from the screen for a minute, before coming back into view with the girls in her arms. “Oh my gosh.” Ruby brought her hand up to her mouth. “They’re getting so big.”

“Tell me about it.” Charlie smiled as she looked down to her girls.

“And Riley is still as bald as ever.” Ruby laughed lightly. “But wow, Paige almost needs a haircut.”

 “Aww I hope they’re not going to be scared of me when I next see them. They won’t know me.” Ruby said sadly.

“Well I’m not going to lie, Paige probably will be.” Charlie said half laughing. “But Riley will be fine I’d think.”


This is not so bad for Charlie and Brax. They ended a nice day with the kids in bed together. The feelings are still there, otherwise they wouldn't have had such a great time together. Charlie might be scared that when Brax is the father of Bianca's baby that he will choose Bianca over Charlie, because she can give him more kids. But that is insane, Brax loves Charlie more than ever and I don't think he wants more kids. He already has Jacob and the girls. I really hope the baby is not Brax's. And if it is (worst case scenario) I want Charlie and Brax to still be able to work it out. But I really hope Brax is not the father.

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