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LOVED these updates Danni! :P

Chapter 5

Charlie eating all that food! Well, at least she has the excuse! and Brax been in awe was funny

Colleen been wound up by Brax was funny, she just needs to have things like that happened to her sometimes! (ooh I am evil.....)

Jacob is just so cute! He's adorable! )Can I steal him away? Bianca can't have him!)

Chapter 6

I had to giggle when Charlie wanted it and Brax did until he felt the babies kick. And the comment about not reaching was hilarious! I love how you write Charlie and Brax, its so sweet! And the whole PJ thing.... again, funny and sweet.

Brax wants to adopt Jacob! Awwwww :wub: Jacob will be told about Angelo, Charlie doesn't need to worry about that, Brax doesn't seem the kind to push him out.

Please update again.....LOVE this! :D


That was ACE !!!! especially.............

 Charlie was sitting on the couch eating her third bowl of cereal when Brax arrived home.

 . “I told you I would bring the bacon home” Charlie laughed lightly

 “Or you could just buy maternity pyjamas” Brax answered.

“Yeah, because that will make me feel sexy”

“Oh babe, you are sexy” Brax grinned before he pulled her into a soft kiss.

 “I know, but you’re getting bigger....they’re getting bigger.....what if I poke the baby -”

“Aww babe, you are not going to reach that far” Charlie laughed and Brax tutted, looking offended. “I mean, no-one would. The babies are perfectly safe in there” Charlie smiled before she once again went to kiss Brax, and this time he responded, before stopping again as another kick could be felt.

“I’m sorry, I can’t” Brax said as he shook his head.

“Brax....this is the first time I’ve actually felt like doing this in weeks. I thought you’d be jumping at the chance considering how long it’s been”

“I know....but I -”

“Ahhhh” Jacob screamed as he ran into Charlie and Brax’s bedroom. “Mummy Mummy there’s snakes in my bed” Jacob said as he clung onto Charlie.

“Snakes?” Charlie questioned as she looked down at her son, resting her hand on his head. “I don’t think so sweetie”

“Yeah yeah” Jacob said “Blue ones and red ones and orange ones and yellow ones and green ones”

 “I’m not in the mood anymore” Charlie said coldly as she walked back out of the bathroom, leaving Brax standing alone. She walked back into her bedroom and got into her bed, and wrapped her arms around her son, placing a kiss on his forehead.

 “Bacon, cheese, peanut butter and banana” Charlie laughed as she took her sandwich back into her hand.

 “What Colleen said today really got me thinking about us, and our future together and Jacob calling me Daddy” Brax smiled. “And you know, I think she’s right. We should become a proper family” A smile started to grow on Charlie’s face as she thought about what Brax may be about to ask her. Although a part of her thought this was hardly going to be the most romantic proposal ever, with Charlie sitting in Brax’s clothes, and Brax just in his boxers, she was excited for what may be about to happen. “Charlie, I want to adopt Jacob”

“Yes.....I mean” Charlie paused as realisation of what Brax actually said hit her. “You want to adopt Jacob?”

 “No” Jacob shook his head “He not Bax. He Daddy”

“Are you okay with that? You know him calling me... yeah” Brax asked “Because I like it” Brax smiled as he felt his heart going ten to the dozen. He loved that little boy like he was his own and him saying Daddy felt amazing.


Another great chapter. Poor Charlie thinking that Brax was going to propose, but how sweet that he wants to adopt Jacob :wub:

How funny Charlie wearing Brax's pjs I used to do that to my hubby when I was pregnant :lol:

Can't wait to see what happens next and what Charlie decides :)


Great chapter,

Haha I had to chuckle at Brax literally bringing home the bacon :lol:!!

Aww Charlie thought that he was gonna propose, but it's still pretty cute that he wants to adopt Jacob :wub:!!

More soon please :D

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