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Had 5 chapters to catch up on

It's good that Brax isnt Isabella's Dad I think people might of hunted you down with pitchforks if he had been. :lol: I could sort of see his point of veiw wanting Isabella to be his. But I was also abit annoyed with him at the same time. :lol:

But Chax seem to be getting on better now no doubt there will be more drama on the way through. Hope we find out who the real Dad is.

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hahaha yeah I think you are right Danni, we would have hunted you down! :P *joke* I loved this chapter..the twins are so cute! I am so glad Brax and Charlie are together and sorting everything out and it's good to see Bianca at the beach with them too..like old times! Please update soon!!! Xx


That was VERY ace !!!!!!, especially …..

 I did think about making Brax the father, but I think I would have been tracked down and killed!

 “Please tell me you haven’t had a drink.”

Brax looked behind at Charlie and laughed lightly before turning back around again, lifting the glass and taking a drink. “What do you care?” Brax questioned. “I’m a failure as a partner....as a father....I’m useless anyways so what does it matter if I drink.” Brax said before he took another drink.

“You’re not useless.” Charlie shook her head as she stepped forward and took a seat next to Brax.

“You as good as said so.” Brax sighed.

“Brax, I -”

“You’re right though.” Brax said. “I am my father.”

You’re not. I didn’t mean that.” Charlie said.

“It’s okay. I know you did.” Brax said. “I am....I’m turning into him Charlie and I don’t want. Please help me.”

 “You can get it right.” Charlie said. “The girls are young enough to not remember any of this bother and, Brax; you can be a great father.”

“I just need to learn how to do it fulltime.” Brax sighed.

“And you can.” Charlie said. “Brax we can work everything out and I know that you’ll be a great father. You’ve already showed me that you can be.”

“So you still want me?” Brax questioned. “You still want to be with me and give me a chance after all the crap I’ve put you through recently?”

“If you’ll have me.” Charlie said. “I said some pretty nasty things too.”

“You said the truth.”

 “Da...da...dadda.” Riley shouted.

“Ahh I’m her first word.” Brax grinned.

“Aww Riley.” Charlie grinned. “Clever baby.” Charlie smiled as she rubbed her daughters head, as Jacob swam back over to them and Charlie took him into her arms.

“Dadda dadda dadda.” Riley grinned.

“Can you say Mamma?” Charlie questioned. Riley looked to Charlie and screwed up her face.

“Dadda.” Riley giggled.

“Mamma.” Charlie said.

“Dadda.” Riley smiled as she put her hand on Brax’s chest.

“She no no Mamma yet.” Jacob said as he looked up to Charlie.

“No, she doesn’t.” Charlie said sadly.

 “Paige you say Mamma.” Jacob smiled as he sat down next to his sister. Paige let out a gurgle as she smiled up at Charlie.

“Say Mamma.” Charlie smiled.

Paige giggled as he held her hands up for Charlie to pick her up. Charlie lifted her daughter into her arms and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Ma...mamamamam....” Paige squealed.

“That’s not it.” Jacob giggled. “Mamma.”

“Mam....Mamma.” Paige smiled.

“Ahh yeah, getting in their first hey.” Brax laughed as he stopped walking next to Charlie. “Paige you’re supposed to say Dadda.”

“Mamma.” Paige said.

“Dadda.” Riley smiled.

“Aww bless they are so cute.” Bianca smiled. “I love how you have one each.”

“Well I think we need some Daddy and Paige time.” Brax said as he took Paige from Charlie and handed her Riley. “I’m going to make you like this water girl....persistence will pull off.”

“Don’t go forcing her if she doesn’t like it.” Charlie said. “Jacob and Riley are your water babies. Let me have Paigy.”

 “Irene’s been a great help....and April.” Bianca smiled. “Although the other day April, Bella and I were out and someone thought she was April’s.” Bianca laughed lightly. “I can see why. She has dark hair and brown eyes, just like Isabella does. April was quick to correct them though. I guess I should be glad she doesn’t seem like she’s going to want kids any time soon.”


:wub: Completely LOVE this story! Thanks so much for each update and how frequently you update! I'm always so eager for each update and look forward to how they continue to develop and move forward :wub:

Glad that Brax and Charlie talked it out and committed to trying to sort their relationship out and that they are moving slowly. Looking forward to them both continuing to be open with one another.

Love how Riley and Paige obviously ecah have their favourite parent - So cute and well written!! The whole family time at the beach was gorgeous and glad that Chax didn't go backwards after Charlie finding Brax drinking... Hoping that she opens up to him after going to sessions..

I'm intrigued who the Daddy is but glad its not Brax... (unless you had Bianca type up fake 'cover' letter to try and make the peace...YES, I am this paranoid and sure you've still got interesting things to come). Lol! Really looking forward to more... Thanks as always for great writing and sharing!!


another great chapter :)

So happy to finally get some fsmily bonding time with Chax :D

and as most people have pointed out Riley and Paige are soo cute :wub:

love how both take after each parent. still curious as to who Bella's father is... hope we find out soon

cant wait for more Xx

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