Sazzle Posted January 4, 2012 Report Posted January 4, 2012 Aaahhh I'm sad they've split and hope its not for long... Joyce best not get all sleazy on Charlie! Don't like him at all and I hope that Ruby tells Charlie to sort it out Well done! thanks
Charlie-brax Posted January 5, 2012 Report Posted January 5, 2012 CHAPTER 20 RUby got up from her chair, at the sound of someone knocking on the door. Leah was staying at Miles' place and Charlie hadn't come out of her bedroom since yesterday, so she had to answer. Swinging open the door, she noticed it was Casey. "Hey Case" she said, as she noticed that something was wrong by his face. "Hey Rubes, is your mum home?" he asked her, she nodded very confused. "Why?" she asked. "It's just, they broke up. And Brax was crying not that he'll admit it and he keeps getting himself drunk and i'm worried" Casey finally admitted to a shocked Ruby. "What! They broke up!" she said quietly, not wanting her motheer to hear. "Yeah, and Charlie's the only good thing in Brax's life at the moment. He needs her" Casey said. Ruby nodded and then a smile grew on her face. "Charlie hasn't left her room since then so we will get them back together?" Ruby suggested and Casey nodded and his smile grew bigger. "Okay, here's the plan....." Ruby said. Charlie woke up later that day, to find Ruby pacing outside her door. She walked dout, half asleep and looked at Ruby. 'What's your problem?" she asked, as she started to walk towards the kitchen. "Um, when were you gunna tell me that you and Brax broke up?" Ruby asked, a little angrily. "When was it any of your buisness" Charlie said, as she started to drink out of the wine bottle. RUby snatched it out of her hands and looked at her. "Charlie your a mess. You need him" Ruby said, hoping that it wasn't too obvious. "No i don't need him" she said, trying to grab the bottle off of Ruby. "Charlie, all you are doing is drinking and sleeping. I think that you do need him" Ruby said, tossing the bottle into the bin. "I don't need him" she said, trying to convince herself and her daughter that it was true. She did need him, desperately. And she didn't know how she was gunna go when she had to go to work again. "Well, i was wondering if today... we could do something.. together?" RUby asked, hoping that Charlie would buy it. "Yes, that i will do" Charlie replied, pouring herself a glass of water this time. "What about a picnic?" RUby asked, praying to the gods that she would say yes. "YES!" Charlie answered, excitedly. She needed to get out of the house, but she didn't want to see Brax. Cause if she saw him, she would break down and would take him back. Just one look at him would do that. And that's exactly what Ruby was hoping would happen. Casey walked into their living room to find Brax gone. He tried the kitchen, and there he was leaned up against a wall with like 20 bottles around him. He shook his arm, trying to wake him up. "Brax!" Casey said, loudly into his brothers ear. "What is it?" he screamed, as he started to wake up. "WHat are you doing?" Casey asked, taking the bottles out of Brax's hand. "Im drinking" he answered, as he started to stand up. "Yeah, well drinking your troubles away isn't gunna do much" Casey said, as he picked up all the bottles that were on the floor. "Well, it's good enough for me" Brax answered, knowing that this wasn't true. He really loved Charlie and drinking just made it worse. Made him feel horrible and it didn't get rid of Charlie. "No Brax, it's not. You need to get her back and drinking isn't gunna do that" he said, as he poured his brother some water. "I want to but she won't even look at me" he replied, as they both sat on the couch. "Okay then, well what about we do something together? go fishing or someting?" he asked and Brax nodded. "Yeah, i'll do that" he said, switching it on to the footy. Casey smiled to himself. It had worked. Just then his phone, began to ring. He answered to an excited Ruby. "Hey Case, i got CHarlie. Have ya got Brax yet?" she asked, happily. "Yeah" he answered, not wanting to say too much s Brax was sitting right next to him. "Okay, well i have to go, i'll talk to ya then" she said, hearing her mother walking towards her. "Yeah, ill see ya then" he said hanging up his phone. At lunch time, Ruby and CHarlie layed out the blanket and sat on it. Pulling out food from the hamper them got from the Diner, Ruby smiled as she saw their car pull up. Charlie tensed up as she realised who it was. "Ohmygod! Look who it is!" Ruby said, prenting to be surprised but CHarlie didn't buy it. "Hah, fancy seeing you here" Casey said, as they both walked up to the girls. "Ruby, Casey. What are we all doing here?" Charlie asked, trying to pretend that sshe wasn't affected from him being here. "Well, Charlie, you never left your room. And Brax, you were drinking to forget" Ruby said, looking at thm both. "Yeah, so we ffigured that if you talk tthat maybe you can sort it out" Casey answered, as ruby began to stand up. "Where are ya going?" Brax said, as he saw them both walk towards the road. "We're leaving you two alone" Ruby laughed, as they headed towards the diner. Brax sighed as he looked back down to Charlie. "So, how have ya been?" Brax asked, trying to make small talk. "Alright i suppose" she ansswered, indicating for him to sit down. "So, what do ya wanna talk about now?" he asked, not liking the awkwardness between them. "Im so sorry Brax" she blurted out as he turned and looked at her. Their faces were now only inches apart and Brax couldn't help it. He slowly leant in, and gently kissed her. She kissed back, just as Ruby and Casey turned around. Ruby smiled as she saw them kissing. Casey laughed. "Oh, we are so good" Ruby said, as they entered the diner with big grins on their faces. Just as they had finished ordering, Ruby and Casey heard Colleen rushing in. They laughed, wondering what rumor she had heard today. "Your not gunna believe it" she said, as she chucked an apron on. Irene sighed. 'Do i really wanna know?" she asked, wiping down the bench. "Yes. Its that Darryl Braxton." Casey's head shot up at the sound of his brothers name. What if Colleen had seen them kissing. That could be bad. "And Sargeant Buckton. They were, kissing!" she said, as Irene's head shot around to her, angrily. "Oh, if i was you i would stop making up all these rumors" Irene said angrily, as she stormed out the back. SHe was just sick of Colleen making up rumors about every person in SUmmer Bay. Little did Irene know, that this particular rumor was true.
JosieTash Posted January 5, 2012 Report Posted January 5, 2012 That was coooooooooool, especially............. "It's just, they broke up. And Brax was crying not that he'll admit it and he keeps getting himself drunk and i'm worried" Casey finally admitted to a shocked Ruby. "What! They broke up!" she said quietly, not wanting her motheer to hear. "Yeah, and Charlie's the only good thing in Brax's life at the moment. He needs her" Casey said. Ruby nodded and then a smile grew on her face. "Charlie hasn't left her room since then so we will get them back together?" Ruby suggested and Casey nodded and his smile grew bigger. "When was it any of your buisness" Charlie said, as she started to drink out of the wine bottle. RUby snatched it out of her hands and looked at her. "Charlie your a mess. You need him" Ruby said, hoping that it wasn't too obvious. She needed to get out of the house, but she didn't want to see Brax. Cause if she saw him, she would break down and would take him back. Just one look at him would do that. And that's exactly what Ruby was hoping would happen. "Well, it's good enough for me" Brax answered, knowing that this wasn't true. He really loved Charlie and drinking just made it worse. Made him feel horrible and it didn't get rid of Charlie. "No Brax, it's not. You need to get her back and drinking isn't gunna do that" he said, as he poured his brother some water. "Ruby, Casey. What are we all doing here?" Charlie asked, trying to pretend that sshe wasn't affected from him being here. "Well, Charlie, you never left your room. And Brax, you were drinking to forget" Ruby said, looking at thm both. Their faces were now only inches apart and Brax couldn't help it. He slowly leant in, and gently kissed her. She kissed back, just as Ruby and Casey turned around. Ruby smiled as she saw them kissing. Casey laughed. "Oh, we are so good" Ruby said, as they entered the diner with big grins on their faces.
Inactive User Posted January 5, 2012 Report Posted January 5, 2012 Awesome chapter. Glad Chax are back together again! Update soon please xx
Charlie-brax Posted January 6, 2012 Report Posted January 6, 2012 CHAPTER 21 Ruby's POV Casey and i ran down, to where we had left Charlie and Brax. They were now sitting there, laughing. I nearly bawled into Charlie as Casey followed, closley behind. "Wow! What's wrong Ruby?" she asked, as i tried to balance myself. "Its..its.. its Colleen. She.. she.." i was trying to say, but couldn't get the words out of my mouth. "Ruby! What happened?" CHarlie asked, getting slightly annoyed. "Colleen... she saw you, she saw you kissing!" I finally blurted out. Brax's head shot up and CHarlie froze. "WHAT! she screamed. They had wanted to tell people themselves. "I suppose we'll have to tell people, before she does" Brax sighed, annoyed with himself for kissing in public. "But..." CHarlies said, sighing as she realised that they had no choice. They had to tell everyone, before Colleen did. They both stood up, and started to pack away their picnic. "Do you want us to come?" I asked. I wanted to be there to see everyone's reactions but also not there for all the bad ones. Charlie shook her head. "Nah, i think this is something that me and Brx should do" she said, as we all had finished packing away the picnic. "Okay, well goodluck" Casey said, as they both walked together, towards the other side of the beach. Where the river boys were. Brax's POV We walked towards them, nervously. Brodie ssaaw me and then CHarlie and got confused. Eventually everyone saw us coming, and just watched as we walked towards them. "Hey, we need to talk" i said, as they all listened in to what i had to say. "Yeah mate, what is it" Peewee asked, confused. Heath just laughed. "Finally!" he said, laughing. I looked up at him, confused. CHarlie just froze, realising that he had known all along. "Well, anyway. WHat we need to tell you. Is that.. me and Charlie, well we..." i started to say, but got interupted. "Your seeing each other? Yeah, we all knew" Brodie said, as he turned around and picked up his board. I turned to Charlie, and she had the same confused look as i had. I laughed. "Well that was easy" i said, as we both turned, and headed towards the police station. Charlie's POV I walked into my office, with Brax and Watson following behind me. SHe took as seat opposite me as Brax paced the room. "Well, we have something to tell you" i said, as Brax began to settle. "Yeah? What is it?" she asked, slightly annoyed that we had stopped her from her work. "Um, we have kinda been seeing each other" i said, wincing. SHe just sat there in shock. "HOW COULD YOU CHARLIE!" she yelled, storming out of the room. I sighed, putting my head into my hands. "Charlie, it's gunna be okay. She just needs time" Brax said, trying to comfort me. I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, you're right" i said, standing up. I took his hand into mine as we walked out of my office. Everyone saw and gasped. None of them had a clue about us. I smiled as we walked out of the station., It was gunna be good for everyone to finally know about us. We walked into the diner, and walked towards Colleen. SHe stopped and looked up at us and then looked down to where we were holding hands. I tried to smiled politely. "Collen, we have something to tell you" i said, as Brax tried to hold back his laughter at this old woman's facial expression. I slightly gigled as she nodded and started to listen. "Well, um me and Brax. We have been seeing each other" i said, as the old woman smiled towards Irene who had just passed us. "See, what did i tell you" she said, as she walked off, giving us a dirty look. "Kay, well now everyone in the country will know by tomorrow" Brax said, laughing. Little did he know that he was right. Colleen had walked off, towards the newspaper. Colleen's POV I walked into the newspaper place, i was fuming. I had just found out that our local sargeant who i trusted with my life, was seeing the riverboy leader Darryl Braxton. I walked upto the front bench, where a man was sitting. "Excuse me, i'd like to see a woman" i said. No man would listen to me so i had to see a woman. "WHat for, i can help you" he said, trying to be polite but he wasn't. "No, i have a story for your newspaper that you can use" i said, as the man nodded and directed me to a both with a lady of my age sitting there. She smiled up at me and indicated for me to sit down. "Hello, so what was the story?" the lady asked. "Our local police sargeant is seeing a riverboy" i said. The lady shrugged. "That's still no story" the lady said to me rudely. I stormed out of there, angrily. I was gunna find a way for it to get in there. Miles' POV I was at home, when suddenly i heard a knock on the door. Answering, i noticed a 50yr old man standing therre. "I would like a caravan to rent" the man said. I smiled and nodded. We had two available. "Okay, right this way" i said, leading the man to caravan 23. Who is the man? Who has he come to see? And who will he hurt by arriving?
GeorgieNZ Posted January 6, 2012 Report Posted January 6, 2012 Loved that last update. Can't wait to find out but I think I have a couple of ideas. Please Chax are out in the open. Update soon. G x
Inactive User Posted January 6, 2012 Report Posted January 6, 2012 Awesome update More soon please xx
JosieTash Posted January 7, 2012 Report Posted January 7, 2012 That was cooooooooooool, especially ...... They had to tell everyone, before Colleen did. They both stood up, and started to pack away their picnic. "Do you want us to come?" I asked. I wanted to be there to see everyone's reactions but also not there for all the bad ones. Charlie shook her head. "Nah, i think this is something that me and Brx should do" she said, as we all had finished packing away the picnic. "Yeah mate, what is it" Peewee asked, confused. Heath just laughed. "Finally!" he said, laughing. I looked up at him, confused. CHarlie just froze, realising that he had known all along. "Well, anyway. WHat we need to tell you. Is that.. me and Charlie, well we..." i started to say, but got interupted. "Your seeing each other? Yeah, we all knew" Brodie said "HOW COULD YOU CHARLIE!" she yelled, storming out of the room. I sighed, putting my head into my hands. as Brax tried to hold back his laughter at this old woman's facial expression. I slightly gigled as she nodded and started to listen. "Well, um me and Brax. We have been seeing each other" i said, as the old woman smiled towards Irene who had just passed us. "See, what did i tell you" she said, as she walked off, giving us a dirty look. "Kay, well now everyone in the country will know by tomorrow" Brax said, laughing. Little did he know that he was right. Colleen had walked off, towards the newspaper. "Our local police sargeant is seeing a riverboy" i said. The lady shrugged. "That's still no story" the lady said to me rudely. I stormed out of there, angrily. I was gunna find a way for it to get in there. Preview sound intriguing!!!
RoRo90 Posted January 13, 2012 Report Posted January 13, 2012 Great couple of updates. Glad they are back together and everyone now knows. Colleen needs to mind her own business. I think I know who the man, I hope am wrong thou that would be bad for Charlie and Ruby. Update soon.
Sazzle Posted January 13, 2012 Report Posted January 13, 2012 Enjoyed last couple of updates and glad that Casey and Ruby helped them come back together. Colleen is absolute nightmare and I hope whoever is arriving in town doesn't mess up the happy Braxton Buckton time. Really great stuff.... thanks
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