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Sooooooo fuuny, most especially .......

 “Am I the only one who thinks we might all be a bit high or something? Because this keeps getting weirder and weirder.” Casey says.

“Oi Casey where is your romance?” Ruby says, gently hitting Casey’s arm.

“I just saying is it possible Brax could of spiked our pizza’s with something? He did say he wanted to put his own stamp on things at the restaurant since Angelo left. Maybe we are there right now and we are imagining all this” Casey says as he looks round with great wonder.

 “Jezz thanks Dex I’m sure that’s what every girl wants to hear off their boyfriend when they are having a baby.” April says rolling her eyes.

 Casey, Xavier and Dex all turn their heads at the sound of their girlfriends sighing.

“OH COME ON NOW HIS NOT ALL THAT” The three teenage boys shout.

“Well he is a soldier” Alf says.

“His dreamy Kelly” April and Ruby both say.

 “I mean er I mean she’s hot for my brother not that I find her hot that would be just silly” Casey says as he breathes a sigh of relief as Ruby moved her finger she had jabbed him with away.

“You say it would be silly Casey. I say more like suicidalMorag adds nodding towards Ruby.

 “Oh yes my Dad is such a ladies man his nickname is Doctor Dish”

Sid takes a small bow at Dex’s words.


Oh man, that was funny.Aden as trainee chef.Geoff as a monk.Dexter liking bananas.Casey proving he's a rebel by eating pizza and blaming Xavier.Ruby almost literally dragging Casey down the aisle. And whoops at the ending.


LOVED that, most especially .......

 “Well we aren’t actually in Hawaii now are we?” Casey says trying his best not to let his eyes wander towards the sexy dances of the belly dancers.

“How can you say that? Since when have you seen girls like that in Summer Bay?” Roman asks.

“Well I er..”

“I don’t think you should answer that Case” Dex says.

Casey looks to Ruby quickly to see her watching him closely awaiting his answer. Casey quickly lowers his eyes to his menu again.

 “Why it isn’t raining is it?” Dex asks covering his head with his menu.

 “April trust me your inner child never leaves you.” Dex says taking another loud slurp of his punch.

 “I shouldn’t Alfred it will blow your socks off.”

“Oh shut up Morag I have sandals on not flaming socks”,

 “Flaming crazy pregnarent women and their cravings”

 “Oooh Casey you rebel” Ruby laughs.

“Well we Braxtons aren’t called bad boys for nothing.” Casey says leaning forward nudging Xavier gently.

 “Bible boy I don’t think she recognizes you” Aden laughs.

“Geoff? Is that you?” Ruby asks trying to hold back her laughter.

 “Oh no nothing like that I’m innocent really, just got very unlucky when a strong gust of wind blew my brown robes right up causing me to flash”

The WHOLE wedding sequence ….. in particular Ruby being all gung ho through it all AND “Well the fact that Casey fancies Charlie.”

 Dex was still lost in his happy thoughts of April when a sudden jolt hit him in the back sending down to the dark waters below.


ADORED that soooooooo much, especially.............

 The ENTIRE court dream sequence – including “Yes come on son your get your fur all wet.”

“Yay, me likes Goldie Locks she pretty she likes me the beset she eat my stinky stupid porridge me can have ice cream for breakfast now.” Winne claps his hands excitedly.

 “First off Morag do you think I’m hot? Only you have called me that now three times” Roman says laughing.

 “No I can ensure you it wasn’t Alf. He was chasing after Aden and his plate of ousters at Casey and Ruby’s wedding party, in fact all the guys from Summer Bay were there.”

 “That’s not the morning that’s the middle of the night that’s when me and Casey were just dropping off after having……”

“Ruby be quiet don’t tell everybody about our sex lives.” Casey quickly says.

 “I tied my and Casey’s postcard to Charlie and Brax to its leg. It would have been a big waste of begging the shopkeeper to take my golden bracelet from me seeing we don’t have any money.” Ruby says.

“I say it would. I brought you that bracelet Casey says looking relived.

“Now come on Cas we both know you stole it from Jake’s warehouse before you confidently tripped over holding that match resulting in the whole place burning down.” Ruby says laughing.

 Xavier says going over to comfort April.

 “Ruby don’t take that tone.Where have you been all this time? I have been really really worri……. No Brax stop trickling me oh no that is so naughty.” Charlie falls quiet again as she continues to snog Brax’s face off.

 “Oh yes I remember now. Its just every time I look at Brax and his sexy body I seem to lose all sense of……”

 We really do need a new cop in this town” Bianca says to herself shaking her head.


Oh my, that was superb.Is Dex all right?Does Morag think Roman's hot?Loved Morag's nightmare. Wonder how far Xavier will get comforting April.Charlie being a bit distracted and Bianca noting they need a new cop.Brilliant!

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