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The Rominator

Guest Miranda

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The year is 2027, and the machines which have taken over the world [and are trying to wipe out the last pockets of human resistance] are aware that the H1000 has failed in his mission to kill VJ Connor, the leader of the resistance. The machines sent a new Terminator back through time [to our present day] to do what the H1000 couldn’t. Indeed, it could be said that their logic is “never send a man to do a woman’s job” …….

Indigo Walker [dressed in her red halter bandeaux bikini] is exiting the water after she just finished having a surf when she is knocked off her feet by an almost cyclonic gust of wind by the water’s edge. There’s also seemed to be brief lighting storm, as a strange bubble appears on the beach. When the smoke & haze clears, Indi sees a naked woman [scientific name Macropus giganteus, aka kanga-Roo] crouched on the beach.

The woman stands up and Indi notes that the middle aged newbie has dark hair long enough to cover her breasts……

Terminatrix [sternly] “Give me your bikini.”

Indi “But then I'LL be naked, not you.”

Terminatrix “Just do it.”

Indi “Listen here little miss bossy britches, I’m NOT gonna give you my bikini.”

Terminatrix “If you don't comply, I’ll feed you to the sharks.”

Indi “But there are NO sharks in the Bay at the moment. We don’t need them. There’s ALREADY enough DRAMA with you Terminators AND the River Boys.”

Terminatrix “Give me your bikini or I’ll use THIS on you.”

The Terminatrix’s right arm turns into a cannon, aiming straight at Indi’s head.

Indi [sullenly] “OK, you win”.

Indi quickly strips naked and throw the bikini at the Terminatrix, before Indi extremely quickly puts her top & shorts on and the Terminatrix [after her arm goes back to normal] casually puts on the bikini.

Indi “If this top rips or anything before I get to the surf club, I’m gonna be VERY annoyed at you. Only MR. RIGHT gets to see my boobs, not just any old looser.”

Terminatrix “So young and foolish, but you’ll learn. Don't know about you, but I think I look WAAAY better in your bikini than you do.”

Indi “That one was getting old anyway. BTW, since you sound evil, I HOPE the Rominator crushes you into nothing.”

Terminatrix “Such an insolent, silly girl, but ……you’re NOT worth wasting ANY of my weaponry on.”


Whilst Indi makes her way to surf club to buy a new bikini, the Terminatrix also enters the surf club building ….but she immediately heads upstairs. Brax, who is working at the bar, sees the dark haired woman enter the room. Because she’s dressed only in a bikini, Brax initially thinks it MUST be one of the River Girls, as only they’d be so “classy” to come to a restaurant like this dressed so scantily. Brax look at the woman again as she approaches the bar. He’s never seen her before in his life ….

Brax “That’s a “classy” look you’ve got going on there, eh.”

Terminatrix “Well, I knew who I’d be coming to see. My clothes in the place are as classy as, well, you.”

Brax is taken aback. She still kinda sounds/looks like an up market version of a River Girl.

Terminatrix [a bit seductively] “Would you be able to tell me where VJ Connor is? I’ve got a “present” for him.”

Brax “Sounds like VJ isn’t old enough for the “present” you’ve got for him.”

Terminatrix “But YOU are. Actually, if you tell me where VJ is, I’d say let’s you & me have “presents” 10 times in a row. “

Brax “That’s an ……amazing offer, but there’s only ONE person I EVER want to “sleep” with, and that's Charlie Buckton.”

617190471377 Accessing personnel files

Terminatrix “But she’s in the psych hospital, and would fall in love with ME if I went to visit her.”

Brax “Doesn’t change a thing for me, eh.”

Terminatrix “But she’s sooooooo ANCIENT. Much older than you or I.”

Brax “Yeah, but Charlie is the coooooooooooolest HOTTEST Cougar in the world. She’ll get better one day, and when she does, I’ll be here waiting for her.”

Terminatrix “Moving on. Do you know where the H1000 is?”

Brax “Friend of yours?”

Terminatrix “You could say that.”

Brax “Haven’t seen him.”

Terminatrix “You’re lying …and my “scanners” can prove it.”

The Terminatrix takes a few steps back, with her arm changing into a plasma cannon as she does so.

Brax [as he hits a button under the counter] "Suggest you don’t do that”

The Terminatrix ignores Brax and fires a plasma charge at him ….. but the charge hits an energy shield that is protecting the bar [since Brax hit THAT button]. The plasma charge richoted back and hits the Terminatrix, knocking her to the ground. She gets up immediately and is about to bail when …..

Brax “You better put THOSE back in the holster.”

Terminatrix “What???”

Brax “Your …… the plasma bolt melted your bikini top, and Summer Bay doesn’t “do” topless females in public.”

Terminatrix “Good point, but topless guys are noooo trouble, so give me your shirt.”

Brax complies and the Terminatrix enjoys seeing Brax flex his muscles both before & after he removes his shirt. Brax then throws her the shirt and the Terminatrix puts it on.

Terminatrix “Your body type is JUST like the H1000. I’m gonna find & reboot him, then we’re goanna DESTROY Ruby, VJ & the Rominator.”


The Terminatrix quickly makes her way to the beach, where she puts both her hands on the chest of the H1000 ….. her hands are like a defibrillator ……and the H10000 quickly comes back to life …….so the 2 evil Terminators quickly set off after Ruby, VJ & the R101 !!!!!


Speaking of whom, our heroes are on horseback, heading for the house of Dr April Scott. The Rominator has determined that a track through the bush is the quickest way to get to April’s ………. but Ruby, the Rominator & VJ find a police car blocking their path …….its CHARLIE in their way ……she used her feminine wiles to escape the psych hospital !!!!!!!


  • 4 months later...

Thought it best if I rescued this fic from the possibility of it going into THE VAULT !!!!!!

Hope you enjoy !!!!!


Ruby [shocked voice] “Mum !!!! How …… how did you ………” [her voice trails off]

Charlie “Howdy, oh daughter of mine.”

Ruby [sarcastic voice] “Surprised you recognize me …..after what happened last time I visited you.“

Charlie [sternly] “Rubes, you had a MOHAWK !!!! A none too subtle one at that. We’re talking stereotypical 70s/80s British punk band look. It’s no wonder I didn’t recognize you. Why DID you go all weird hair like that?”

Ruby [sarcastically] “I don’t know. MAYBE it’s cos my mum was taken away from me and thrown in a LOONY bin!!!!”

Charlie “Well, I’m out now.”

Ruby [intrigued voice] “You’re cured?”

Charlie “Let’s just say that I maybe couldn’t wrap the doctors round my little finger, so they think I’m cured. Yep. No more falling in love with EVERYONE I see. [short pause] However, who's that cutie you’ve got with you?”

Rub [shocked voice] “OMG!!! You’re sooooooo NOT cured ...... and GROSS !!!! That’s my son, your GRANDSON, that you’ve jus …….. “

Charlie [cutting in, sternly] “I don’t mean the youngster. I’m talk about your man of steel friend here” [as she puts her hand on the Rominator’s shoulder]

Ruby [sternly] “MUM !!!!!!! [intrigued voice] How …. How did you know …… what MY man is???”

Charlie “Don’t care who or WHAT he is. He’s HOT !!!!!!! THAT’S what I care about. [charming voice] Now, be a good daughter and let me have your b/f.”

Ruby [sternly] “Over my DEAD body!!!!”

Charlie [fiercely] “That can be arranged.”

Ruby [taken aback] ”But ……I’m …. I’m your DAUGHTER. You can’t kill me.”

Charlie “Yeah I can. Your friend’s WAAAAAAAY too HOT for you …. AND, even with you dead, our family line will continue with young VJ.”

Ruby “Gosh, Rominator, you are NOTHING but trouble, BUT …. still waaaaaaaaaaaay LOVE you so ……. “

Ruby backhands Charlie across the face, which starts a HUGE cat fight tween mother & daughter. There’s LOTS of slapping, hair pulling and scratching with manicured but sharp enough nails. As they are in the fighting, whilst duelling in the ground in the bush, Charlie & Ruby use WHATEVER they can as a weapon against the other ..... like stones or even dirt to throw into the eyes of their rival ........ with Romeo & VJ watching curiously as the 2 women fight ......

VJ “Don’t know about you, Rominator, but if this catfight was tween anyone who ISN’T in my family, I’d be ENJOYING this.”

Rominator “Your culture is SOOOOOO weird to me, but a fight to the death I ‘get’. “

As the girl on girl battle continues, Charlie soooooo can’t believe it .... She’s ALWAYS been able to physcially best ANYONE else [even guys] when she took them on ..... but here, Ruby on the verge of defeating her. The Rominator notes that it must be cos of how BATTLE HARDENED Ruby now is .... since the Rominator and the EVIL H1000 came into her life ......

Ruby [on top of her somewhat CRAZED mum, with her hands pinning Charlie’s outstretched arms against the ground, says sternly] “Do you yield???”

Charlie [whose face & arms, like Ruby’s, bear the scars of their catfight] “NEVER!!!!!”

Charlie uses ALL her strength to "turn the tables" on Ruby!!!!! Charlie is CRAZED and grabs a pretty big solid ROCK from nearby ......

VJ [shouts] “Rominator, you’ve GOT to do something. My Mum, she’s AWESOME. Do something bout my PSYCHO Gran !!!!!”

As Charlie thrusts her hand with the BIG rock in it towards Ruby’s head, Rominator runs and CRASH TACKLES Charlie ...... which knocks Ruby’s mum unconscious!!!!!

Ruby [all but breathless, as she sits it] “Thank you ........ VJ ..... and ......you too ..... Rominator. [deep breath] I LOVE how you LOVE me soooooooo much.”

VJ “Mum, we can’t worry about silly things like love right now. We’ve GOT to get the Dr April Scott’s lab and STOP her from creating the tech which leads to machines taking over the world!!!!”

Ruby “Veej, you’re too young to understand, but LOVE is the MOST powerful force in the universe. It’s like I LOVE Rominator more than ANYONE, which is how I defeated my mum just then.”

VJ [annoyed] ”HELLO !!!!! If I hadn’t instructed Rominator to save you, there’d be blood POURING out of a head wound that probably would have KILLED you!!!!”

Ruby [deep breath, upon realising that VJ is right] “You probably think that I deserve to be in the psych hospital with your Gran. Don’t you, Veej?”

Rominator “I suggest caution with you answer this question, VJ. Your mum might "ground" you for a month for the wrong answer.”

Ruby “Rominator, you are sooooooo right. How coooool that you are picking up Earth culture so well.”

VJ “I ...... won’t say anything.”

Ruby “Good choice, Veej. Now, let’s get your Gran back to the loony bin.”


As the Rominator, Ruby & VJ take the unconscious Charlie to the psych hospital on horseback, the Terminatrix arrives at the beach where the H1000 lies dormant on the sand ...........

Terminatrix “What HAVE they done to you?? Our Master’s were right. Should NEVER send a man to do a woman’s job ...... BUT these Summer Bay people DO seem quite resistant, so ......... “

The Terminatrix puts one of her hands on each of the H1000’s nipples ..... hoping to use her powers like a defibrillator. She tries this several times, without success .........

Terminatrix “What do I try now??? The H1000, he needs a MAJOR re-boot to get him going. When I find out who did this, they are sooooooooooooooooo DEAD !!!!!”

The Terminatrix thinks about how she can revive the H1000, unaware that magical mermaid Bianca is hiding close by ........

Terminatrix [excited voice] “I’ve GOT it!!! If this doesn’t revive the H1000, NOTHING will!!!!”

The Terminatrix LICKS the shorts-clad groin of her fellow Terminator. She feels a BIT of a stir ..... but not quite enough, so she licks him in that area again ........

1023569910 Systems Re-initialising

The H1000 quickly sits up, then stands up .........

H1000 [stressed voice] “Bianca or Colleen. I just CAN’T decide !!!!!“

Terminatrix [sternly] “I’ll make it simple. Forget ALL Earth women EXCEPT for Ruby Connor. SHE is our priority. Capiche ?? If you say NO, I’ll PERMENANTLY deactivate you.”

H1000 “I’d say, [sternly] let’s go PULVERISE the Rominator. Yeah, TERMINATE him, Ruby and VJ !!!!”

The Terminatrix laughs the MOST EVIL laugh in the ENTIRE history of UNIVESRE, before the TWO evil Terminators set off to find the Rominator AND the humans he is assigned to keep safe !!!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED ..................

  • 2 weeks later...

MANY thanks for ALL those SUBLIME comments !!!!!!


The Terminatrix transforms into a sleek, UBER fast AND sexy Ferrari F50 [see below] ......and the H100 jumps in. Bianca, not wanting to be outdone by the newcomer, uses her mermaid power to FREEZE the car’s tyres to the road. The Terminatrix is about to change back into her humanoid mode when Colleen WHACKS Bianca in the back of the head with her handbag ……

Young Colleen “When are you gonna learn, HUSSY, that the H1000 is MINE.”

Bianca “First of all, OUCH !!!!!! Second of all [bianca BACKHANDS Colleen across the face] and thirdly, I think we should join forcs to DESTROY the H1000’s new friend !!!”

Young Colleen “You have a point there. Whoever she is, she can turn into a sexy CAR !!!!”

Terminatrix [whilst still in Ferrari mode] “H1000, use your abilities. Melt the ice that is holding us here …..so we can go and DESTROY the so called savior of mankind, his mummy AND that pesky Rominator. Yeah, compared to ME, he’s soooooooo a dinosaur. You’re not much better but at least you’re one of us. Machines that WILL take over the world and COMPLETELY exterminate or ENSLAVE the puny humans and ANY creature who sides with them !!!!”

The H1000 uses his mighty abilities to destroy the ice that is keeping the Terminatrix stuck to the road ………….so she “takes off” at a “million” kilometers per hour….. her mind almost completely focused on TERMINATING young VJ Connor !!!!!


Meanwhile, as the Rominator, Ruby & VJ make their way on horseback to Dr April Scott’s house …….

Rominator “My sensors detect that not only the H1000 but a new evil machine called the Terminatrix are in pursuit of us. It won’t be long till they are on our tail. The new Terminator has transformed herself into a FERRARI ….so our adveraries are closing on us FAST !!!!”

Ruby “Well, I think that we should lay low somewhere and then launch a surprise attack on them. After all, I know that the H1000 is affected by Bianca’s voice AND my boobs …..so until they catch up with us, we should, say, hide out in a bridal store. Yeah, we could all look like mannequins. I KNOW I’d look ACE as a bride ESPECIALLY you, my DREAMY Rominator, by my side as the groom …..with VJ as, like pageboy or something.”

Rominator “I’m not so keen on that plan. I know I am here to protect you AND we had sex, but I’m soooooooo not the marrying kind of robot.”

VJ [as Ruby looks all disappointed] “I’ve got a great idea where we can lay low. Those 2 EVIL Terminators won’t even contemplate looking where I have in mind.”

Ruby “And where’s that, oh so of mine?”

VJ “At the nearby nudist camp.”

Ruby [shocked voice] “Did you just say ???"

VJ “ Yeah, I did. We should literally hang out at a nudist camp.”

Ruby “And WHY on EARTH did you even THNK bout this idea?”

VJ “ Well ……….. “ [his voice trails off]

Ruby “This better be VERY good, or you’re GROUNDED for, like, FOREVER !!!!!”

VJ “I got the idea from …..Leah & Elijah. They’re ALWAYS being Adam and Eve around the house ……and sometimes they come to the place that I told you about.”

Ruby “Veej, I know that I’ve got …..a reputation for being ……well, ‘easy’, but I can’t believe that Leah & Elijah behave this way. Have YOU ever been to this place?”

VJ “Nah. I go at stay with Leah’s parents.”

Ruby “I will soooooo never look at Leah OR Elijah same way EVER again.”

Rominator “VJ’s plan has merit. I KNOW I said that the H1000 couldn’t track where we are from that bra of yours that I covered in tracking resin, but the Terminatrix must have more advanced tech.”

Ruby “So, why don’t I just ditch the bra and ………”

VJ [cutting in] “MUUUUUM !!! Embarrassing.”

Ruby “Says he who proposes we go to a nudist camp.”

VJ “But we’ll ALL be naked there.”

Ruby [realises something] “Even you, Rominator?”

Rominator “Of course. I wouldn’t want to draw attention to myself.”

At that VERY moment, the Terminatrix and the H1000 arrive. The Terminatrix quickly transforms back into human mode. BOTH evil Terminators charge towards the Rominator ………

Rominator [as he prepares to deal with the impact of BOTH Terminators charging at him] “Ruby, VJ, get out of here. I’ll hold these two ………… “

The H1000 crash tackles the Rominator, sooooooo driving him into the ground. The Terminatrix is about to use her plasma canon on the Rominator when Ruby quickly grbs the rifle that Charlie had with her [when she escaped from the pysch hospital] and fires it at the evil female looking Terminator ………… but even several shots of the high powered rifle have little effect!!!!!!

VJ “Days like this I actually DO wish that Leah & Elijah are at the nudist camp.”

Elijah [calls out] “We are.”

Leah [as VJ turns around and sees, just the other side of the fence, his NAKED foster parents] “DUCK !!!!! This ISN’T Elijah’s you know what in my hand, even though it IS waaaay big. It’s a grenade launcher!!!!!”

Leah fires the high powered weapon ……. and the projectile hits the Terminatrix right in the chest …….. knocking her waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay backwards ……so now it’s just the 2 male Terminators currently fighting it out !!!!!

As VJ thanks Leah & Elijah, and thinks of how kinda weird it is to once more see them naked – even with appropriately placed shrubs etc, Ruby [with rifle in hand] approaches the still quite wounded Terminatrix …………

Ruby “Now listen you ……not very nice person, the Rominator is mine. We are sooooo going to get married one day, and that won’t happen if you kill him, so YOU’RE gonna have to die. [calls out] Leah, hand the grenade launcher to VJ, so I can rid the world of this even creation !!!!”

Leah does so, whilst Ruby keeps the Terminatrix “pinned down” by constantly firing bullets at her at point blank range …….

VJ [as he hands her the grenade launcher] “Here, Mum.”

Ruby “Thanks, son. You’re just the BEST kid in the world.”

Ruby, with VJ now firing the high powered rifle at the Terminatrix, steps back a few steps ……

Ruby “Time for you to soooooooooooooooo DIE !!!!!!!”

Ruby presses the trigger on the grenade launcher !!!!! She soooooo at point blank range that the Terminatrix is DESTROYED !!!!!! by the blast !!!!!

Ruby “One down, one to go !!!!”

……as she & VJ refocus on the 2 remaining Terminators ……eagerly dueling to the death !!!!!!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED ..................




MANY thanks for ALL those BRILLIANT comments about the latest chapter ……..……..AND to EVERYONE who’s commented on this fic.

Since this is the FINALE, I’d also like to thank my “partner in crime” of this fic, Miranda !!!! It’s been TOTALLY AWESOME combining the two worlds and I HOPE everyone who’s read it has MUCHLY enjoyed!!!!


Ruby Connor sees the man of her dreams, the Rominator, in an intense physical duel. She thinks bout using the grenade launcher once more, but she doesn’t want to endanger the Rominator in ANY way. What to do now, she thinks ……..

Bianca [who emerges from the nearby creek which is attached to the ocean] “Hey Rubes. Oooooh, that looks all fun. The boys getting all literally survival of the fittest !!!!”

Ruby “If the future of The UNIVERSE didn’t depend on this, I’d be drooling too, but the future IS riding on this, so, can you help me???”

Bianca “Bianca Scott, savior of the world. I LIKE the sound of that.”

Bianca then sings !!!!!! the most melodic, dreamy song in the history of FOREVER!!!!!!!! A TOTAL siren song voice …….that TOTALLY captivates the H1000, who stops fighting with the Rominator …..and eagerly heads in Bianca’s direction…….

Ruby “Looks like the H1000 is TOTALLY in your power, Bee. Now, I KNOW you LOVE him, but for the sake of ALL mankind, he’s GOT to be destroyed!!!!”

Bianca weighs at the decision for a little bit before ……

Bianca “ Yep, he’s sooooooooooooo gotta DIE !!!! No man’s worth THAT much!!!!”

Ruby “You should sooooooo talk to my mum. She could SERIOUSLY use that advice.”

Bianca “Yeah, but she would have “hit on” me before I got the chance.”

Ruby “I sooooooooooooooo wish I could pick my family ....... [VJ approaches] and my FIRST choice EVERY time would be VJ !!!!!”

Bianca [as Ruby kisses VJ on the cheek] “H1000, prove that you LOVE me, self destruct yourself !!!!!!”

The H1000 instantly pokes himself in BOTH eyes with his fingers .........

058848746 Self Destruct Activated !!!!

H1000 “I’m going to IMPLODE ....but you better stand back, everyone. Self Destruct in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 !!!!!!!

The H1000 goes BOOOOOOOOOOM !!!!!!!!!! but the IMPLOSION works a treat. There's NOTHING left of the EVIL killer robot. Ruby & the Rominator are pleased that this has occurred, but ................

Bianca “Well, I've got 2 things to say. One, Colleen is gonnna be TOTALLY pissed with me, given that I ORDERED the H1000 to “top himself”, and TWO, what’s the plan now?”

Ruby “We need to go to your sister’s lab.”

Bianca “What’s my brainiac, admittedly more than slightly strange, sister got to do with this?”

Rominator “SHE’S the one who invents the technology on which Sky Net is based .....which led to me, the H1000 AND the Terminatrix !!!!”

Bianca “God !!!! My sister, she’s sooooooooooooooo evil.”

Ruby “No, just what she creates turns out to be mostly evil.”

Bianca “Let’s get to her lab, and DESTROY all this EVIL research !!!”


Because Dr April Scott’s home AND lab is inland, the 2 trusty steeds are needed once more .....

Ruby “Rominator, you & I should ride together. After all, we BOTH like riding each other in bed.”

VJ “Muuuuuuum !!!! GROSS. Bianca, I want to be as far away from mum as I can right now, so can you ride with me on one of the horses?”

Bianca “Be better if it were a SEA horse we were on ....... [she sees the strained looks of the others] Come on, that was soooooooooooooooooo funny. Anyway, let’s ride !!!!!”


Our heroes quickly make it to April’s home. Dr Scott is quite SHOCKED when she is told what her research is going to lead to ........ so April joins VJ & Bianca on one horse, whilst Ruby & the Rominator ride the other. They quickly make their way to the lab where April works, and they access a supposedly highly secure vault which contains the “Holy Grail” of Aprils research .......

April “Part of me ....it feels soooooo wrong to destroy this stuff. It’s like, the only way that I’m gonna create life.”

Bianca “Come on, sis. I KNOW you’ve got that mad sceintest thing happening for you, but there’s GOT to guy out there for you .....so you can create life the conventional way. Yeah, I can imagine it now, you as BIG as a house, with the man of your dreams, the father of your children beside you, with a whole bunch of your rug rats near you.”

April “You’re sooooo getting soppy in your old age there, Bee.”

Bianca “Not so much with the OLD there, thank you.”

Rominator “We better get to an open area, so i can destroy ALL traces of the evil future technology.”

Ruby [upon realising something] “When you say ALL, what .......I hope ........... “ [her voice trails off]

Rominator “The future tech DOES include me.”

Ruby [with tears welling in her eyes] “But why? You’re the PERFECT dad for VJ ....and you’re .....you sooooooo don’t know you good you are in bed.”

VJ “Yeah, Rominator, i’ll sooooooo miss you. Who am I gonna play cricket in the backyard with? Mum’s bound to be hopeless, and even if she's not, I’ll REALLY miss you.”

Rominator “VJ, I must be destroyed. After all, I now KNOW why you cry, but it’s something I can NEVER do.”

April “So, what now?”

Rominator “I will activate my self destruct. The blast will, like the H100, be an implosion, and I’ll destroy the tech that April had by holding it in my hands. Ruby, a word with you in private, please.”

Ruby “Definitely. [Ruby & the R101 make their way away from the others] What’s this about?”

Rominator “Do you trust me?”

Ruby “Literally with my life.”

Rominator ”Good. Now, go stand over there with you son and the others. Thank you for treating me as more than just a machine.”

Ruby “Let’s kiss, just one last time.”

The Rominator eagerly softly kisses Ruby for starters, before they waaaaaaaaaaaaaay PASH, with their hands going as far as caressing each other's skin under their tops !!!! .....before Ruby rejoins the rest of the group, who are standing 30 metres way from the Rominator.

Ruby starts crying, and even VJ has tears welling in his eyes, whilst, just before he enables his self destruct [with the items that started April’s research in his hands so they will be DESTROYED too], the Rominator signals to the future.

Moments later, Ruby is BAWLING her eyes when the Rominator is blown to smithereens!!!!

Ruby, with her heart broken, slowly make her way to where the Rominator stood. Just a small blast crater remains. She continues to cry, whilst VJ, Bianca & April try to comfort her!!!!!


Within the next week or so, Ruby organised a meeting with Social Services, in a bid to have VJ live with her again. The social workers weren’t initially so sure about this idea, but VJ, Leah, Elijah, Bianca & April telling them EVERYTHING that Ruby had done – during the apocalyptic encounters with the Terminators – led the social service people, a few days before Christmas, to ALLOW Ruby’s request!!!!!!!!

Having her son live with her again is a GREAT Christmas present, as is Bianca AND April also moving into Ruby’s house, but Ruby is still feeling “DOWN”, which is about to change .......

The LAST thing that the Rominator did before he self destructed was to contact home [i.e. the future], telling them of the heroics efforts of Ruby & her friends .........so the VJ Connor of the future [who’ll now no longer need to be a resistance leader] speaks to his friends/colleagues in his present day, asking them to volunteer to go to the past permanently. None of the 4 who volunteered had any family left .......... so, before the causality loop [the started with the Rominator destroying himself] closed, the 3 male and 1 female volunteers travel back into the past.

The 4 arrive in our present day in Summer Bay, VERY early on Christmas morning. The quartet was “beamed” straight into Ruby’s backyard. Unlike the Terminators who arrived her naked, the 4 humans arrived in the war battered clothes they were wearing when they left the future. The quartet, all who aren’t related to each other by blood, arrive without waking Ruby & co, so they set up “camp” and sleep these few hours til morning in the back yard.

A few hours later, its 7am, and Ruby, VJ, Bianca & April eagerly exchange Christmas presents, before they head into the back yard for a friendly Connor versus Scott cricket game. VJ is the 1st out the back door, with bat in hand ...........

VJ “Guys, there are people in our backyard. They’re .......

Ruby [cutting in, loudly] “Asleep.”

April “Who ARE they?”

Ruby “Don’t know, but we better wake ém. Find out why they’ve taken up residence in my backyard.”

Bianca “My sexy mermaid siren voice should wake them.”

VJ [as he looks kinda closely as the sleeping quartet] “Even a girl about my age?”

Bianca “NO ONE is immune to this voice.”

Ruby [upon seeing two of the males] “This is soooooooooooooooo déjà vu.”

Bianca “Still sing?”

Ruby “Yep, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. After all, it’s Christmas. Do it.”

Bianca starts singing, not Chrissie carols either, and her melodic voice easily wakes the quartet ........

“Hello, Ruby. Your son in the future got the signal from the R101, and here I am.”, says the familiar looking man.

Ruby “What’s your name? .......and are ......are you ........human???”

“1000% human .....and as for my name, it’s Romeo.”, said the blonde

Ruby “Romeo, eh. You know, I .......... “ [her voice trails off]

Romeo “I KNOW there was a Terminator based on me. The one who helped you destroy the war against the machines future that I just came from. But no, I’m here for you. You deserve something after all you’ve been through.”

Ruby [taken aback] “I think it’s up to ME to decide what’s best for me.”

Romeo “Ruby, just be quiet and KISS me !!!!!!!”

Romeo proceeds to kiss Ruby, which she BEYOND enjoys ......

Ruby “That was sooooooooooooooo the BEST kiss EVER !!!! Can see where the R101 got it from now. [short pause] So, who are your friends? ...... and .....[points to the man to the left of Romeo] is he ........a bad man?”

Bianca “Oh God. PLEASE don’t be him evil.”

Romeo “Trust me when I say Heath is one of the nicest, most heroic men I know.”

Bianca “Heath, eh. Think I’d like to get to know you. Who are your friends though?”

Heath [gestures to his left, to an adult male & teen female] “Meet Dex & Lily.”

A YEAR LATER ........... Its Christmas morning, and Ruby & Romeo and VJ & Lily and Bianca & Heath and April & Dex are all, couples wise, VERY muchly in love with each other. Over the past year, Romeo, Lils, Heath & Dex have now moved in with Ruby et al, and whilst Romeo is now VJ's surrogate Dad, ALL are “over the moon” that there’s been no sign of Terminators !!!!!! .......AND better than that, there’s THREE more people in this big extended “family” !!! Babies Tatum, Ethan & Rikki, whom April gave birth to 16 weeks ago !!!!!!! ................


THE END !!!!!



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