beebee Posted March 11, 2012 Report Posted March 11, 2012 Great chapter! Is Jake really dead? Or is that just the story? I'm not too sure still don't feel that great about it! Please update soon xx
AvrilRP212 Posted March 14, 2012 Report Posted March 14, 2012 I’m not very sure about this chapter but I’m gonna post it before I try and rewrite it again. (And to answer a question Jake is still alive but everyone now thinks he's dead) Chapter 8 “All done.” Shawn said zipping up Brax’s coat. “Yeah I’m all ready to go. Now I want you to be a good boy tonight. Just because George is sleeping in your room does not mean you can run a riot.” “Okay daddy. Wait daddy, you forgot your party hat, silly.” Shawn said getting something out of his bag. “What is that!” “It’s your party hat.” Shawn replied putting the object on his head. “Shawn I look stupid.” Brax said looking in the mirror. “I’m sorry daddy but you have to wear it all night.” Shawn giggled as the doorbell rang. “Izzybells here.” Shawn said excitedly rushing out the room. “So what are we actually doing tonight?” Brax asked walking into the restaurant. “Nice hat Brax.” Casey said as he walked up to him. “Don’t start. Shawn wouldn’t let me leave the house until I put it on.” “Well we were thinking drinks and poker.” Casey said laughing. “You gave him this didn’t you?” Brax asked taking the hat off. “Before you go telling me off, it was Ruby’s idea.” “Come on now guys we don’t have all night.” Xaviour said walking up to them. “Why are you here?” Brax asked. “I’m offended. I’m one of Casey’s mates.” “Since you have hardly any friends I thought we could do with a few of mine. See I even brought Dex.” Casey said pointing at Dex who was sampling some of the drinks over on the table. “I hate to say it but your right. My only friends here are Angelo and Liam.” “Well like I said we don’t have all night so can we like get on with this.” “Oh hello Nicole. You’re a little late aren’t you?” Morag said opening the door. “Yeah, Mya here was being stubborn.” “Mummy move.” George said pushing past his mum and running into Shawn’s room. “I’ve got her dinner in a tin and her bedclothes are in the bag and some spare clothes for both of them in case anything happens.” Nicole said putting the bag down on the floor and handing the two year old to Morag. “And if she cries when you put her to bed just leave her for a little while unless the cry sounds painful. And if George messes around just tell him he won’t get his something nice tomorrow and…” “Nicole I think I get it. Now you can go.” “Okay.” She said before walking back down the driveway. “Nicole, I’m glad you came.” Charlie said as Nicole walked into the diner. “Well when I thought about it I haven’t been out in ages without the kids and it seemed like a good way to catch up.” “So what are we doing?” Nicole asked as the music went louder. “Well, first Ruby’s trying to get us all drunk.” She said pointing to Ruby who was standing at a table mixing loads of different alcoholic drinks. 4 hours later-Restaurant “Alright then.” Casey said putting his cards down. Everyone else put theirs down in turn. “No way not again.” Brax said rubbing his head as Dex grabbed everything in the middle. “This is just not fun. Other than the one game Liam won and another that Casey did, Dex won every single game.” Xaviour said. “Yeah well your poker face kinda sucked Xave.” Dex replied laughing. “Yeah and yours was any better.” Xaviour retorted. “It was.” “Are you kidding me? You panicked every time you looked at your cards. “Exactly. No one would suspect I had the winning cards when I was panicking.” Even with all the practice we got hey Angelo.” Liam said remembering all the nights him, Angelo and Roo had sat down playing. “Hey guys what’s going on?” Heath said walking in. “Heath?” Casey said surprised. “I’m out. Now what’s going on I here.” He asked looking around at the mess. “Rosetta? That you?” “Uh ha.” Angelo said sleepily. “Well?” Heath asked turning back Brax. “I’m getting married.” Brax said before passing out. “To who?” Heath asked confused. “Did you give him doubles?” Casey asked looking at his big brother. “I might’ve.” Xaviour replied rubbing his head painfully. Diner The phone started ringing. “Hello.” Irene said picking up the phone. “Irene, is Charlie still sober?” Morag asked. “Sober? She’s not even awake anymore. Why, is something wrong?” “It can wait until morning. So did they have a fun evening?” “Well it was very interesting. They were all very drunk, the games very funny and then Leah decided it was time for table dancing.” “Oh no.” “Well actually yes. It didn’t end too badly but I hate to imagine what Leah’s gonna think tomorrow when she sees this place. Let alone when they see this video tape capturing everything thing they’ve done here tonight.” “Well I see you tomorrow then.” “See you darl.” Next morning “Oh my head.” Brax complained getting up off the floor. “Yeah you had quite a lot to drink last night.” Casey said handing him a glass of water. “I don’t remember going to sleep on the ground.” “Yeah you sort of passed out.” Heath replied walking in. “Oh my god, Heath, what are you doing out of jail?” “I’m out on good behaviour and I don’t intend on going back. So who were you talking about marrying last night before you passed out.” He asked not recalling anything about his brother ever going out with another girl. “Charlie.” “Whoa what?” “Long story short mate, she was put in witness protection.” “Oh my god what happened to my diner?” Leah said standing up and rubbing her eyes sleepily. “Eight very drunk women a bit too over excited.” Irene replied. “What did we do?” “Did some karaoke and dancing. You threw in a bit of table dancing and before I knew it you were all on the floor.” “So did you have fun?” Morag asked as Charlie, Ruby, Nicole and Bianca walked into the house. “Fun? I don’t even remember half of it.” Bianca said rubbing his head. “Mamma.” Isobel said as she ran over to Bianca and hugged her. “Did you enjoy your first sleepover?” “It was ok. I miss you so much though.” “I missed you too sweetie.” “Last night Shawn broke his arm.” “Shawn did what?” Charlie asked looking alarmed. “He did not break his arm. He twisted it. He had an accident last night. He sort of landed on his arm and then the cupboard came down too. I took him to the hospital and he’s fine now.” Morag replied looking worn out. “Mummy your home.” Shawn said as Charlie went in his room. “What have you done to yourself Shawny?” Charlie asked sitting down on his bed. “Well, I was playing with George and I climbed up onto the bunk bed and then I climbed over onto the cupboard and I slipped and fell. And I landed on the floor and then the cupboard came down and then I see these bright lights and then I wake up and my head hurt and I in hospital. Now I gots a bandage and sling.” “Oh dear. George your mummy’s here.” “Mummy, mummy.” George said getting up and running out. “Well it’s been a long night so I think I’m gonna go home and sleep.” Morag said picking up her bag and walking out the door. “Thanks Morag.” Charlie said standing up. “Hello Brax. Goodbye Brax.” Morag said walking out. “Morning.” Brax said walking though the kitchen and straight to his bedroom. “Come on then Isobel. Let’s go home.” Bianca said getting up. “Can we go home now mummy?” George asked as he waved goodbye to Isobel. “Yeah, let me go and get Mya first.” “So how was your party?” Charlie asked as they sat down on their bed. “I can’t remember much of it except I was drinking a lot and I think we were playing poker.” Brax replied still rubbing his head. “It was a good night.” “Yeah. But I don’t think I’m ever gonna drink that much again. I think I have a migraine coming on.” Later that afternoon “Brax what are you doing?” Charlie asked coming into the living room. “Well, Irene thought I might like to see what my soon to be wife gets like when she’s drunk.” “What?” She said paying closer attention to the screen. “You know this has to be the first time I’ve ever heard you sing.” Brax laughed. “Oh no, no Brax switch that off.” She said trying to grab the control off him. “Ooh is there something else that I should probably see on here?” “No you don’t need to see us doing this…” She carried on trying to get the remote control. That evening “Hello.” Bianca said answering the phone. “Is Liam there?” “Yes, just a minute. It’s for you Liam.” “Hello.” Liam said taking the phone. “Liam. I want you to take Ash.” Chelsea said.
beebee Posted March 15, 2012 Report Posted March 15, 2012 Had to crack up at Irene giving Brax the video of Charlie to watch Not looking forward to Jake re-appearing at some stage Can't wait for more .. great update xx
AvrilRP212 Posted March 21, 2012 Report Posted March 21, 2012 My updates are so infrequent i know. Hope this Chapters okay. Chapter 9 “Excuse me Chelsea?” Liam asked. “You heard me. I want you to take back Ash.” “Why? We agreed you had custody over him.” “I thought this is what you wanted.” “I did…I mean I do want him, but why now?” “Look its either you take him or I’m putting him up for adoption.” “What…why?” “He’s ruining my life. No one wants to hook up with a single mother with a son who belongs to the infamous, washed up rock star, Liam Murphy.” “Now Chelsea, be reasonable…” “No Liam, it’s you or adoption.” “Give me a minute.” Liam said putting the phone down on the table. “What’s wrong?” Bianca asked. “Bianca, she wants to get rid of Ash.” “Do you want to take him?” “I want to know what you think about this.” “Liam, he’s your son. If you want him to live with us then I’m fine with it.” “What about Isobel?” “I’m sure she’ll be fine with having a big brother.” “You’re seriously fine with this?” “Yes, tell her yes.” Liam picked up the phone smiling as he mouthed the words ‘I love you’. “Forget the adoption Chels, I want my son.” “Great, you can pick him up within the week. Bye.” “What do you think happened?” Liam asked putting the phone down. “I have no idea. But I’m pretty sure you’re going find out all about it when you pick him up.” 4 days later-14th may Ash’s P.O.V “Well this is it Ash. Summer bay.” Liam said driving the car back into the bay. I looked out of the window so that dad wouldn’t see the tears that had welled up in my eyes. This was it i thought. Living with dad and his new wife. I met her before when she came with him to see me. She was nice to me but things are different now…I have to live with them. All because of that man that I had trusted… “See you after school Ash.” Bianca said as he walked out the door silently. “He hates me.” She said frustrated putting her head in her hands. “No he doesn’t.” Charlie replied. “Yes he does. He never says a word to me. He talks to Liam; I’ve even heard him talk to Isobel. But never to me.” “Maybe he’s finding it hard to adjust to living here. Summer Bay isn’t exactly the city.” “I suppose. So, how’s the wedding plans going?” “Ruby’s taking it as her mission to organize it in two months with as little help as possible from the two people who are actually getting married. You’d think she has no social life at all.” “Well I’ve seen what Ruby’s plans lead to and I think I might have to stop her before this really gets out of control.” “I take it you’ve seen Irene’s video then.” “I can’t believe that was me singing solo.” “Let’s just thank our lucky stars it was Italian and as I have never heard Italian music I have no idea if it was in tune or not.” “Don’t offend my singing. And guess what?” She said looking at her watch. “I have a class to teach in 30 minutes and…” “And that’s your way of making me leave.” “No that’s me saying you need to find something else to do than hang around with me in the mornings.” “I guess it’d be nice to have a job again.” “Not a bad idea, but career choices are kind of limited. There’s no way you could go back to the force, so we can scratch that. Um what about helping Brax at the restaurant?” “Are you kidding me? I’d probably burn the place down.” “What have you been feeding Shawn on these last few years?” She asked shocked that she still couldn’t cook.” What did you do in Perth anyway?” “I worked at a supermarket.” She said quietly. “OMG.” She said before looking at her watch. “As much as I’m enjoying this conversation it’s going to have to wait until after work.” “Alright then, see you later.” Charlie said before walking out. Pre-School /Primary School “Who’s he?” George asked looking towards Ash as they sat in the playground eating. “My brother…” Isobel said. “You never said you had a brother.” Shawn said surprised. “Until a few days ago I didn’t know I had a brother. He’s very quiet. Sorta likes his own company.” “Maybe we should go and talk to him?” Shawn suggested. “I don’t know Shawn.” George replied. “I tried to at home but he didn’t want to know.” Isobel carried on as Shawn decided to walk over to him. “Hi…my names Shawn.” He said uncomfortably as he sat down next to him. Ash looked at him briefly before looking away again. “You don’t talk much. That’s okay, you’re new here. I am too.” “You talk a lot.” He said looking around again. “I know. Mummy says I do too.” At hearing, the word ‘mummy’ Ash looked away again his eyes watering, filling up with more tears as he thought about what she’d done. “It’s about your mum, isn’t it? What happened?” “She sent me away.” He cried letting the tears fall. “What do you mean?” Shawn asked putting his arm around Ash in a comforting way. “She got this new boyfriend…and and he was really nice to me and I liked him to start with but after a while he started to say that I was holding mummy back from doing things. I thought she would say he was wrong but she looked at me as if to say he’s right you do ruin my life. And then she called daddy and I had to come live here. I miss mummy but she didn’t want me there anyway.” “You know what Ash. If she picked him over you then your better off without her. You’ve still got your dad and Bianca’s nice too.” “I know but it still hurts. How do you deal with that kind of rejection?” “I don’t know. But turning anti-social defiantly won’t do any good. So how about you come and sit with us?” Shawn asked standing up. “Okay.” Ash replied picking up his school bag and walking over to where George and Isobel were sitting. “Okay I’m really bored now.” Charlie said walking into the restaurant and sitting down next to Brax. “I wish I could say that. It’s been so busy in here.” He said yawning. “Someone tired?” She asked smiling. “Yeah someone wouldn’t go to sleep last night.” “Well I’ll try to make sure Shawn doesn’t disturb you tonight.” “It wasn’t Shawn who was keeping me up.” “Well I didn’t hear you complaining last night.” “Point taken. Now as much fun as it is having you here your kinda ruining my concentration on work.” “So this is your way of saying ‘can you leave’ nicely?” She asked looking slightly disappointed. “On second thoughts, I think I’ll take the afternoon off.” He replied giving in, much preferring to spend time with her and Shawn. “So what are we doing?” “First get Shawn from nursery and then whatever you want to do.” “As it so happens I just got this great idea.” He said as they walked out. “What would that be?” “Well as much as I’d love to tell you, I think you’d probably end up wishing you hadn’t convinced me to take off the afternoon.” He replied smiling at his plan. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said as they walked down the beach and she realised what he was talking about. “I told you, one day I would get you on a surfboard.” “But does it have to be today? I can’t surf and that’s not going to change anytime soon.” “I promise that this will be fun okay. Once you get the hang of it.” “Can I swim daddy?” Shawn asked. “Not right now mate. How about you build me the best sandcastle ever?” “Okay.” He replied sitting down. “Brax I’m just going to fall off and embarrass myself.” “You’re the one who wanted to do something fun.” “This isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” “With me teaching you it won’t take long for you to get the hang of it.” “Alright.” She said as she nodded nervously. “Now first you can just try keeping your balance on dry land.” Another 10 minutes later and Brax decided it was time to try in the water. Shawn watched from his seat on the beach as his dad unsuccessfully tried to teach her. After a while they stopped with the surfing and just started swimming. The sight Ruby and Casey saw as they walked down the top of the beach with their surfboards made them stop and smile. Brax, Charlie and Shawn Playing in the water. Shawn trying to splash Brax but ended up being splashed at himself. Finally they went back up to where they’d left their towels and things (and where Ruby and Casey were now sitting) and sat down. “Having fun?” Ruby asked as Shawn started working on his sandcastle again. “Yeah lots.” “What’s all this?” Casey asked looking at the neat tally table Shawn had drawn in the sand. “All the times mummy fell of the surf board.” Shawn said giggling. “Maybe I wasn’t the best teacher.” Brax said sighing. “I’m pretty sure one day you and Shawn can come down here together and he will actually be able to surf.” Charlie said before she kissed him. “Mummy and daddy kiss. It yucky.” Shawn said trying to put his hands over his eyes.
beebee Posted March 22, 2012 Report Posted March 22, 2012 Great update!! Shawn keeping tally of the amount of times Charlie fell off cracked me up ... & how cute was he at the end .. Mummy & daddy kiss . It yucky LMAO More soon please x
AvrilRP212 Posted March 28, 2012 Report Posted March 28, 2012 Chapter 10 Thank you ~JarlieFanEver~ and beebee for the comments. And the next Chapter will defiantly be the wedding. “Rubes, Rubes it’s my birthday it’s my birthday.” Shawn said jumping up and down on the sofa. “Did you get me a present?” He asked as she came through the front door. “Geez I missed you too Shawn.” “Sorry, I just so excited. I’s 3 now.” “Here you go then. Happy Birthday.” She said handing him the present and watching as he ran off to open it. “So no Casey?” Charlie asked as they sat down. “We had a bit of an argument last night. It’s nothing to worry about. I think he’s just stressed about finally going in to work with the children next week.” “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.” Shawn squealed running in to hug Ruby. “You’re welcome.” “How long till my party now?” He asked. Great with English, hated maths, Charlie thought. “2 more hours.” “The longest two hours of my life.” He groaned sitting down on the floor to play with his new toys. “Where daddy gone?” He asked walking over to the table. “He had to pick up some stuff for the restaurant.” She replied. “You had a fight about the washing up?” Brax repeated. “Yeah I know it was stupid.” Casey replied. “So what exactly do you need for the restaurant?” “Well the truth is I don’t actually need anything for the restaurant.” “Then why…” “I haven’t actually gotten Shawn a birthday present. I want to find something special because he’s never had a present from me before. But I have no idea what to get him.” Brax replied as they walked out of the supermarket. “Just get him some toys, he’s only 3.” Casey said laughing. “He’s got plenty of toys.” “How about a book?” “He’s got plenty of books already.” “How about a dog?” Casey asked as they stopped in the street. There was a cardboard box with five adorable little puppies in. “How much do they cost?” Casey asked the woman who was standing there. “Nothing. If they aren’t adopted today then they’ll be put down tonight.” She replied sadly. “I don’t know…” “Come on Brax. He’ll love a dog.” “I should probably ask Charlie first. She’s not going to be exactly thrilled if I come in the house with a dog.” “Well hurry up or you’re gonna miss the party.” Casey said stroking one of them. “So did you have a good day?” Brax asked as he sat down on Shawn’s bed. “Yeah, I had loads of presents. But I didn’t get anything from daddy.” “I know. I’ve got you something, to make up for the two birthdays I missed and today. But I’m not sure how you’re going to react to it.” “What do you mean?” “Mummy told me you had a pet in Perth…” “My doggy Sam. That nasty man killed him.” “Yeah and that wasn’t nice. The thing is daddy found this other pet for you, and it really needs a home. And I know she’ll never replace Sam but right now she needs you.” He said as Charlie brought the puppy in and put it on his bed. “Cocoa.” He finally said as he stroked the Chocolate Labrador. “I’ll call her Cocoa” “That’s a good name.” Brax said smiling as he stood up. “Can she sleep in my room? Just for tonight.” He pleaded. “Just for tonight.” Charlie replied as they said goodnight to him. “Thank-you daddy.” Shawn whispered as Brax hugged him. “I didn’t think he would take to the dog after you told me about Sam.” Brax said sitting down on the sofa. “Well, he loves animals. And even when we had Sam he was always asking if we could get another dog.” Charlie replied. Day before the wedding Cheryl’s P.O.V I walked back into the old house. I’d been gone for two years now and I was slightly curious to find out what had happened to my sons. When I had first left, Brax was mourning, Heath was back in the slammer and Casey was still chasing after that Buckton girl. It was obvious none of them had been home. I decided to head to head to the diner. I’d find out everything there. I sat down ordering a coffee. And just my luck I heard everything I needed from colleen about Daryl. It was not what I’d been expected to hear. Shocked I walked out of the diner and onto the beach. And who should I see sitting there but the ex-cop herself and her daughter. “You shouldn’t have come back here!” I seethed at her. “My son was better off without you, eventually. Because of you he almost carked it as well.” Charlie’s P.O.V The words sliced me as she said them. I didn’t know Brax had almost died. Or now that I think about it he probably wanted to die. He was drinking himself into the ground as it was, just before I came back. But the thought that he might’ve wanted to die made me shudder. “Cheryl, they’re getting married tomorrow and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” Ruby shouted, standing up and defending me. “And I wasn’t even invited. Why’d you want to be a Braxton anyway, all you used to do was lock us up.” She finished before walking away. “She did what?” Brax said horrified at his mum. “I think she was just in shock but yeah that’s what she said.” Ruby replied. “She’s not getting away with it.” He said heading out the restaurant. “What were you thinking?” He shouted as he walked into her house. “I was thinking for your best interests.” “You had no right. I love her and I am going to marry her, whether you approve or not. And as for inviting you, if I knew where the hell you were I might’ve considered it. But not after that. This is my life.” He shouted before walking out. “Way to go.” Heath said walking in as his brother drove off. “What do you want?” “See how you were. First time I’ve seen ya in two years.” “Well you’ve seen me now get going.” “Brax is really happy you know. Well he was until you had a go at them.” “So?” “They have a little boy. His names Shawn Daryl Braxton.” “I didn’t know. I’ve really stuffed up this time, haven’t I?”
Inactive User Posted March 28, 2012 Report Posted March 28, 2012 Great chapter Update soon please xxx I do enjoy reading this fanfiction.
AvrilRP212 Posted April 11, 2012 Report Posted April 11, 2012 Chapter 11 At Brax’s house “She didn’t really mean what she said you know.” Heath said as Brax finished getting ready. Cheryl had been over twice to apologise but Brax was having none of it. In his opinion when his mum said something, she meant it. He didn’t want her just to say sorry out of guilt. “I’s all dressed daddy.” Shawn said coming down the stairs. “Good. Now do not get those clothes dirty.” He replied. “We ready to get going?” Casey asked. “Yeah. You got the rings?” Brax asked. “Course I do, they’re right…” He said looking around. “No Cocoa, bad idea.” Shawn said watching the dog on the table. She picked up the box with the two rings in. “Put them down slowly, and no one will get hurt.” Brax ordered. Cocoa looked down at the box in her mouth before jumping down off the table and running out the dog flap in the front door. “Somebody get that dog.” Brax shouted as Casey and Shawn ran outside. 20 minutes later “Hey dad, you know what you said about not getting these clothes dirty…well…” Shawn said coming back inside covered with mud. “Oh Shawn. It’s a good thing I got one extra suit, anticipating you would find a way of getting yourself dirty. So where are my rings?” “Right here, I’ve got them.” Casey said walking into the house looking worse than Shawn. “Alright. Now carefully give them to Liam. Hopefully he can do a better job looking after them.” Brax said before marching them both up the stairs. At Bianca’s house “Hey mum.” Ruby said walking into the bedroom. “Hi…” Charlie replied looking into nothing. “Alright everyone, are we ready to get started?” Bianca said walking into the room followed by the others. “Um…there’s something I’ve got to do.” Charlie said standing up and walking out. “Do you think she knows she’s only got two hours left to get ready?” April said taking another sip of the champagne. “Okay then do me.” Ruby said sitting down. Charlie pulled the car up outside the Braxton residence, unsure of what she was planning to do. She got out of the car, made her way to the door, and knocked lightly. It took quite a while but eventually Cheryl opened the door. “Look I already told…oh it’s you.” She said surprised. “I think we should talk.” “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere, like at your wedding?” Cheryl said looking at her watch as they sat down. “I don’t want us to be enemies. We’re going to be family by the end of the day. And answering your question, I know I used to lock you up, but for some insane reason, I fell in love with your son and ended my career for him. And I don’t regret it at all.” “I guess it’s my turn then. I don’t want us to be enemies anymore either. I’ve been so angry for a long time and I don’t want to be anymore. I want to apologise for what I said yesterday, I was out of line.” “Don’t worry about it. God forbid the day Shawn comes home with a girlfriend.” She replied smiling. “Well, you better get going, or Brax will get worried.” “I want you to come to the wedding. Brax does want you there.” “Oh no he already made it pretty clear he doesn’t.” “Well then come because I invited you.” Charlie said getting up. She took a last look at Cheryl before walking out and getting in her car. Cheryl sat wondering what she should do. Brax hadn’t asked her to come. Because she couldn’t accept his choice. But she owed it to him to go. He gave up being a teenager to help her and she had just wasted away the money. If this was really going to make him happy then she shouldn’t be standing in the way. She stood up and went to get dressed. 40 minutes to go “I need a miracle.” Charlie said walking into the room where everyone else was getting ready. “Sit, now.” Ruby ordered her. “I cannot believe we managed that in 25 minutes.” Bianca said sitting down exhausted. “I think we managed a small miracle.” Ruby said sitting down next to her. “Mum, the cars here.” Isobel shouted as she came running up the stairs. “Are we ready to go?” Leah asked walking in too. “Do you mind if I just had five minutes…alone? Charlie asked. “Sure. I think we need to finish that champagne off anyway.” Bianca said as they walked out. Charlie took a deep breath as the door closed. So this is it she thought. I’m really going to get married. “You look so beautiful Charlotte.” A voice said from behind her. “Mum…” Charlie said recognizing the voice as she turned around. “But…how?” “You didn’t think we were going to miss your wedding did you?” Elsie asked smiling. “Even if I don’t like that Braxton.” Ross said. “Oh…Ross, you couldn’t help yourself, could you?” Elsie said. “Alright, he’s not that bad. That Rosetta was starting to grow on me though.” Ross replied. The Beach “You nervous Brax?” Casey asked as they both stood at the altar. “Course I’m not.” He replied wiping the sweat of his forehead. Casey smiled at his brother. It was good to see him finally happy. After everything that Brax had been through in life, he deserved this, deserved to be happy. “I think they’re here.” Casey said as Liam nodded at him. Everyone stood up as the music started playing. Isobel walked down the aisle throwing flowers, with Shawn walking next to her. Then came Ruby, Bianca and then Leah. “You ready Charlie?” Ross asked as he watched the bridesmaids walking to the sides. “I love you daddy.” She said gripping his hand. “I love you too Charlotte.” He replied smiling as they started walking. Brax had tears in his eyes as he watched her walking towards her. The day he’d always dreamed of had finally come and it couldn’t be any more perfect. When she finally stood before him, Ross let go of her hand and moved to the side. “You look beautiful.” Brax whispered as he took her trembling hands and they faced the minister. “Everyone take a seat. Now, we are gathered here today to join Daryl and Charlotte in holy matrimony. I would like to remind you both that marriage is a lifelong commitment that should not be taken lightly. If you would like to make your vows now. “Charlie, I remember that first time we locked eyes with each other and I knew I liked you. Ever since then we’ve had to go through one extreme after the other. The first time I kissed you, well you arrested me. But somehow we made it here and I just can’t believe I ever got so lucky. I promise to love you, cherish you and honour you. In good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as we both shall live.” “Brax, I love you and the kids more than anything in this world. I promise to love you, cherish you and honour you. In good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as we both shall live.” “Take this ring as a symbol of my love for you.” Brax said putting the ring on Charlie’s finger. “Take this ring as a symbol of my love for you.” Charlie said putting the ring on Brax’s finger. “Daryl and Charlotte have both declared their love for each other. I would also like to remind you that the road will not always be smooth and destiny not always kind. But you must both be there for each other and in witness to your vows be faithful to each other and strong in your love for each other and for the lord.” Shawn took the rings from Liam’s hand and went to give one each to his parents, before going back to his place. “I now declare you husband and wife.” He said smiling. “Daryl you may now…” “Yeah I know.” Brax replied kissing Charlie. Watching that last bit Elsie finally cried. Ross had been crying long before then, ever since he’d left his daughter at the altar. Shortly afterwards everyone made their way up to the surf club and then up to the restaurant. “How Sentimental.” Jake said as he watched the whole ceremony from the top of the hill. “It really is you know. I didn’t know you were into weddings.” Matt said wiping tears out of his eyes. “You’re not seriously crying are you?” Jake asked almost horrified. “But that was so beautiful.” Matt said slightly confused. “It was disgraceful. Now back to the point, we are here to do a job.” “You haven’t exactly told me a lot about this job.” “Hammer. She killed him. She killed my little brother and got away with it.” “Not Hammer. When?” “A couple of years ago.” “But how? Hammer wouldn’t have put himself in a situation that could result in being shot by a chick.” “She’s an ex-cop.” A couple of hours later “What are you doing out here?” Morag asked coming outside and sitting down next to Charlie. “Just needed some air.” She said. After all, she couldn’t exactly tell Morag she was outside talking to her dead parents. “Your parents would be so proud of you.” “I know. Even If dad did say that Brax was defiantly not the best choice.” She said smiling at her father. “I’m pretty sure he would’ve warmed up to Brax eventually.” Morag replied. “Thank goodness I found you.” Ruby said coming outside. “Brax was starting to get worried. Come on.” Ruby said beckoning them both inside. “Rubes, what are you up to?” Charlie asked as Ruby lead her up to where Brax stood behind the bar. “What’s going on?” Shea asked. “What type of husband would I be if I hadn’t organised a honeymoon after this?” Brax asked. “What about Shawn?” She asked. “Well, you and me are going to go for a week and then for another two weeks Shawn, Ruby and Casey are going to join us so we get a family holiday as well.” “And where are we going?” “It’s a surprise. So you’ll just have to wait and see.” Brax said kissing her. “And when are we going?” “That’s what I wanted to tell you. The flights in four and a half hours, so we might want to wrap this up.” “Brax I haven’t even packed yet.” “Don’t worry. Ruby took care of it last night.” He replied standing up. “We should probably say goodbye to everyone.” “Where’s Shawn?” She asked a little worried she hadn’t seen him in a while. “Hanging out with nanny, as he calls her.” “You’re not angry that I invited her?” “I could never be angry with you. We had a good talk and we’re getting along okay.”
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