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1991 Episode Discussion

Guest Ryan

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Ep 734. Any one notive some incidental music from the pilot used when Ailsa was in the new store?

I just checked the ep and couldn't find any scenes in the store with music.

The guy who played Rhys Sutherland (his name escapes me at the moment) makes a first appearance as the vet.

Good spot! I never knew he had appeared before.

I could be wrong but its at 4:17 on youtube. Its only the beginning of the piece. Sure its used in the pilot.

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I'm really enjoying the pacing of these episodes. Also Summer Bay feels very idyllic. Nice to see the Store up and running too, it looks so much more inviting than the old store, I prefer the size too.

I'm not getting sick of Ben or Carly, I enjoy their screen time. I think they're both handling this farm life quite well, I'd hate to be in that situation in my early 20's, but they're giving it a go. Edit: Just watched further episodes. I feel sorry for these two, what a disaster. At least they know for sure that it isn't for them. Carly really gave it a shot despite knowing all along that she didn't want to run a farm and then she remained positive when everything went wrong.

I agree that Sam has given Bobby a new burst of life, I really like the dynamics at The Beach House at the moment and how Don is getting involved.

I've noticed that Blake has his own theme, that underscore (which was used as he read out Rachel's letter) pops up quite a few times during 'Blake Moments' over the years.

Sally seems to have really grown up over the last few weeks. Ailsa's mullet is slowly being erased. I liked her involvement in the Ben/Carly drama.

Marilyn made me laugh during her interview and then when she told the receptionist she already knew she didn't have the job. Emily Symons' body language and facial expressions as Marilyn are really fun.

I'm surprised Matt is still around, I like that he is but I just wonder what made the producers keep him on for so long. Maybe it was because he had been in the show since the beginning and he provides continuity - but I do like that although he's hardly actually done anything, I feel like I know him well enough.

The Alf and Marilyn duo is a funny one, I'm either left with a smile on my face or laughing out loud! When Alf called her a 'Good little worker' and her responce, classic. Nice and very random scene on the beach with Alf, Ailsa and Duncan. And again, left smiling as Alf gave Maz her promotion.

Completely agree about the feel of the show in these eps. After finding some of 1990 a little boring I feel think this year its great. Such a good balance of all stories and everything just seems to be falling into place. I too liked the random scene with Alf and Ailsa on the beach. YES! Ailsa's mullet is subtly disappearing.

Thanks for making me realise Blake had his own theme tune. Carly and Ben have one too right? Seem to be played a recently. I can't help but laugh when I hear the Carly theme though cause it always involves a scene with her looking glum self pitying.


I can't help but laugh when I hear the Carly theme though cause it always involves a scene with her looking glum self pitying.

Haha very true. But I love that it takes me right back to early 1988. Such a great link (continuity wise) to the start of the show. Character themes like Carly's make it seem like the character is progressing in one long, intentional, story arc. Of course they aren't - when the show began there were no plans for Carly to marry an ex Army soldier 3 seasons later. But using the same piece of music for important developments in a character's story make it seem this way.


I like him, at first he seemed more laid back and happy go lucky, but his gripe with Adam is reminding me of how he is a bit later on, when he lives with Fisher and Shane.


I like him, at first he seemed more laid back and happy go lucky, but his gripe with Adam is reminding me of how he is a bit later on, when he lives with Fisher and Shane.

Things sure change though RE Adam in 1993 but. Nick's the one person, besides Pippa, who stands up for him in court over Bobby's death.


Things sure change though RE Adam in 1993 but. Nick's the one person, besides Pippa, who stands up for him in court over Bobby's death.

Should be in spoilers. Even though some of us know, others don't.


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