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1991 Episode Discussion

Guest Ryan

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Watched up to 865 now

Fin is very likable at the moment and I really felt for her in 865, Please join David, Crawford.

Simon is just Hayden mark 2 in my opinion. However the prank on Crawford was funny.

Lou having a go a Nick about the con was petty and childish from her.

Greg has had a strong start and god help me but I'm finding him likable. I can see Bobby's Point of view though

Wonderful to see Alf and Michael as friends again and its just as god to see Sophie and Fin being friends!

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Adam's shirt on Pippa's washing line in 862! Really like Greg and he does look like Sam. You can really believe that' his son. Fin also had a really likeability factor about her. I never realised first time round just what a good year 1991 was but the episode are so enjoyable. Marilyn still managing to entertain, loved Alf's bang on the head. There is such a good balance of comedy and drama in the show at the moment.


We've now pretty much got the regular cast in place from when I started watching, except that Matt's still there and we haven't had the start of Damian's long journey to opening credits yet.Slightly amusing that they're in so much of a rush to add Simon and Fin to the teen group that they have Blake and Sophie adopt them as BFFs within seconds of meeting them.Fin seems to have undergone a very rapid character metamorphosis:In her first week she's sulky, moody and slightly dodgy, a couple of episodes later, bar the odd bit of sniping at Simon, she's suddenly a sweet-natured goodie two-shoes.Interesting that Haydn came in at the end of the Stone storyline and it was the fact he stood up to him that provided the first evidence he wasn't a total stuck-up, and now Simon comes in at the end of the Crawford storyline and pretty much his first act is to get one over her.Seems pretty obvious that Lois' way of "getting results" is to focus on her favourites and ignore anyone who won't help improve results.

Good to see that Alf's still a bit of a larrikin at this point, with his turning up in the middle of Michael's carefully prepared kitchen and starting to break up a crab with a rolling pin.(I find myself curiously reminded of his relationship with Rhys a decade later.)The moment when you think Michael's going to blow his top at Alf wrecking his pie and instead they both collapse laughing is a brilliant summation of friendship.

Greg is likeable and I'm not sure how much of that's down to being familiar with the character, audiences at the time might have been more inclined to side with Bobby and think there was something dodgy about him.She does seem to have accepted he doesn't mean any harm, so I'm guessing she's mostly concerned about Sam being let down by another well-meaning but slightly feckless parent.

Um...with good reason as it turns out.Memories of Don balling him out for being rubbish in 2000 spring to mind.

Has Sally had a growth spurt or am I just too used to her being the cute kid to have made the mental adjustment?She's nearly as tall as Michael now, which is about as tall as she's ever going to get. Only a few months off her starting at SBH...


Fin seems to have undergone a very rapid character metamorphosis:In her first week she's sulky, moody and slightly dodgy, a couple of episodes later, bar the odd bit of sniping at Simon, she's suddenly a sweet-natured goodie two-shoes.

This is why I prefer Karen to Fin. Even when she was good, Karen had an edge to her. Fin is just too sweet and even when she was trying to be a rude, moody stowaway it wasn't coming off as believable.

I do like Finlay though - just in 2nd place.


I feel that both Alf and Marilyn are very much same 22 years on as neither is getting any real storylines either in the early episodes or in the newer ones.

I find more characters to be more unlikeable in the earlier episodes.

As I don't like Adam, Michael, Luncida and Blake.


Adam's shirt on Pippa's washing line in 862! Really like Greg and he does look like Sam. You can really believe that' his son. Fin also had a really likeability factor about her. I never realised first time round just what a good year 1991 was but the episode are so enjoyable. Marilyn still managing to entertain, loved Alf's bang on the head. There is such a good balance of comedy and drama in the show at the moment.

What was Adam's shirt doing on Pippa's line? LOL, I missed that bit. I also liked Adam making himself at home in the Ross household last week, reading a magazine at the table and trying to eat their food. He may be a schemer but he's a lovable schemer and the community of SB are just used to him.

Great post, you've pretty much said what I wanted to say. I'm loving the Early Years at the moment.


Well, Blake repeated a year at his old school as well, which is why he was in the same classes as Karen, so maybe he and Fin are the same age and Sophie's younger?


Glad Lois is gone. I hated that witch. She kind of reminds of Angie Russell but she's not as evil as Angie was.

Is Simon supposed to be another Hayden mark 2?

Sophie not feeling well.

I know what that means, she's pregnant


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