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Forever Yours

Guest Danni02

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Thanks everyone. :wub: Hope this one is okay.

Chapter 171

Charlie went to open the door to Brax’s room, but before she was able to reach the handle, the door opened. “Georgie.” Charlie smiled.

“Charlie,” Georgie gave her a smile. “How are things going? How are the little ones?”

“Oh fine.” Charlie smiled. “How are you?”

“Good. Well I’ll let you get to Brax,” Georgie exhaled. “He tells me you got married. I guess congratulations are in order.”

“Thanks,” Charlie smiled lightly and Georgie closed the door and started walking down the hall. “Eh, Georgie,” Charlie said as she took a few steps towards her. “I hope Brax was helpful, I know what he can be like with talking if he’s upset and he was pretty upset when I left him yesterday, although he’d daren’t admit it.”

“I can’t really discuss police matters with you Charlie.” Georgie said before she bit her lip. “I really should get back to work.”

“I’m not asking for details Georgie,” Charlie shook her head. “I just want to know if Brax spoke to you about everything.”

“Like I say, I’ve got a job to do.” Georgie turned around and walked down the corridor. Charlie exhaled lightly as she watched Georgie until she walked out of sight, before she walked into room.

“Hey, how was that with Georgie?” Charlie questioned before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

“Fine,” Brax answered sharply. “Where’s the kids?”

Charlie pursed her lips together as she took a seat on the chair. “Jacob is playing at Megan’s house. Ruby and Xavier will bring him and the twins in later on.”

“What’s he doing off playing at a mates place when I’m in hospital?” Brax questioned as he glared almost angrily at Charlie. “Don’t you think the kids should be here with me right now?”

I eh...” Charlie took a deep breath. “I just thought you’d agree that we should keep things as normal as we could for them, but if it’s that much of a problem for you then I’ll go get the kids now.”

“No it’s not,” Brax sighed. “Sorry, I’m just angry with Heath.” Brax rubbed his forehead. “I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”

“It’s okay,” Charlie exhaled lightly. “And you have every right to be angry with him,” Charlie answered as she took his hand into hers and rubbed it gently. “But the police, they’ll find him, and he’ll -”

“No they won’t,” Brax shook his head. “And you I don’t know if I care. I’m so angry and I don’t care if I never see him again. You were right,” Brax exhaled. “You told me not to trust him. You told me something would happen and I didn’t listen. I just -”

“You wanted to see good in him,” Charlie said softly. “And there is nothing wrong with that. Heath unfortunately just didn’t want to change.”

Brax sighed lightly. “No, I don’t think he does, but you know what, Heath is my past, and you and the kids are my present and my future.” Charlie smiled lightly as she placed a kiss on Brax’s lips.

“I love you.” Charlie said as she pulled back from the kiss.

“Mm, I love you too.” Brax smiled. “And Jacob is with Megan, eh?” Brax laughed lightly. “I’m going to enjoy bugging him about that later.”

“Brax, don’t, you’ll embarrass him.” Charlie said.

“I know, it’s going to be funny.” Brax gave Charlie a cheeky grin, as she hit his shoulder.

“So, I take it you told the police about Jett?” Charlie asked tentatively.

“Yup,” Brax nodded. “Hopefully he gets found and pays for what he did.”

“Yeah,” Charlie agreed. “It’s what he deserves.”

“I’ll say,” Brax nodded. “Now, come and kiss me again.” Brax smiled before he pulled Charlie close to him and placed a kiss on her lips.


“So, Ruby thank you so much for whatever is it you said to April because she hasn’t looked at a school book all day.” Dex smiled as he handed her the glass of juice and April the class of wine. April looked down at the wine and placed it down on the table as Dex walked back over to the fridge.

“I don’t really recall saying anything,” Ruby shook her head as Dex pulled two bottles of beer from the fridge and walked back over to the couch handing one to Xavier. “But I’ll take it, so you’re welcome.”

“So, how was Brax today?” April questioned.

“Yeah, alright,” Ruby answered. “I think he’ll get home in a few days.”

“That’s great,” Dex smiled. “Heard anything about that Jett guy or Heath?”

“Not yet,” Xavier answered. “But the police are looking now so it’s a start.”

“You know what he’s doing with the restaurant?” Dex questioned before taking a swig of his beer.

“He doesn’t want to open a new one,” Ruby shook her head. “But mum’s hoping it’s just a jerk reaction and that he will open another one.”

“I hope so too,” Dex said. “Best pizza in town and where else am I going to take April out for romantic dinners?”

“Dexter,” April raised her voice as he shot him an annoyed glance. “Brax got stabbed and all you care about is your stomach, seriously?”

“I asked about him,” Dex answered. “Jeez, miss snappy much this month. Have a drink of wine and chill out a bit.” Dex said and he picked up April's glass and held it out for her to take.

“I said I didn’t want any wine.” April shouted.

“Okay, okay, calm down,” Dexter said. “You don’t need to get yourself so worked up.”

“Well then stop annoying me.” April snapped.

“Sweetie is it time for your...” Dex cleared his throat. “Lady things?” Dex asked.

“No, Dex, I’m not getting my period.” April spat before she stood up and walked from the room, the sounds of a door slamming shut being heard in the room.

“Well sorry about that,” Dex said feeling slightly embarrassed as he looked in the direction that April had ran off too. “I should probably go talk to her, right?”

“Ruby.” The sounds of April’s voice could be heard coming into the room.

“Or April has a good idea,” Dex said. “You should go.” Ruby gave Dex a smile before she stood up and walked out the room to find April.


Charlie walked back into Brax’s room with the kids. They’d been to see him earlier, and had left to get some dinner before going back to see him again. “Hello Mr Dr Sid,” Paige grinned as she looked up to Brax, who was sitting on the bed, his legs dangling over the side as Sid changed the dressing on his wound. “Eugh,” Paige screwed her face up as she ran closer to the bed. “Whats that?”

“Ahhh, mum have you seen dad’s scar.” Jacob's eyes widened as he looked down to Brax’s side, where a very red scar was visible across the middle of his tattoo.

“Sorry,” Charlie mouthed to Brax. “We should have knocked.”

“It’s fine. You would all see it soon enough,” Brax sighed lightly. “And I’ll live with a big ugly scar any day, than not be here now to be with you guys.” Brax looked up at Charlie and they both exchange a smile.

“Daddy it’s yucky.” Riley screwed her face up.

“Yeah, but daddy’s still alive eh.” Brax said as he looked to his girls, amused at their disgust at his scar.

“I think it’s cool dad,” Jacob said as he moved closer to him. “Will he have it forever Dr Sid?”

“He will,” Sid nodded. “The colour will die down and go back to skin colour over the next month, but it will be there for life.”

“I think it’s cool like that,” Jacob grinned. “Can I touch it?”

“No.” Brax shook his head as he heard Sid laughing lightly as he put the new dressing on.

Jacob sulked before he jumped up on the chair as Riley and Paige sat themselves on the other one. “Mr Sid when can daddy come home?” Riley questioned.

“Hopefully soon,” Sid answered before he looked around to Charlie. “His recovery is going well, so hopefully we’ll have him home to you by Wednesday.”

“When that be?” Riley asked as she looked to Brax.

“Well today is Sunday so still 3 days away.” Brax answered as he kept sitting up on the bed and patted next to where he was sitting and Charlie walked across and sat down next to him.

“I’ll leave you to it.” Sid smiled down at the kids before he left the room. Brax wrapped his arm around Charlie and placed a soft kiss on her temple.

“So, Jacob, you ready to admit that this Megan is your girlfriend yet?” Brax said, trying not to laugh.

“Daddy, no,” Jacob sighed. “I told you. She is just my friend that’s a girl.”

“Hmm, I don’t think so buddy,” Brax shook his head. “You can tell me, you know?”

“Mummy,” Jacob looked up to her with a pleading look on his face. “Tell him we is only friends.”

“Well, I don’t know if you are.” Charlie teased.

“We is....I too little for a yucky girlfriend.” Jacob said.

“Jacob,” Paige sounded most appalled. “Girls is not yucky.”

“Boys is yuckier.” Riley argued. Charlie and Brax both laughed before looking around to each other and into each other’s eyes, smiling lightly as their kids argued over boys or girls being the yuckiest.

“You know, the kids arguing would normally annoy me, but today....” Brax trailed off as he shook his head. “It’s the best sound in the world.”

“I’ll remember you said that when they argue when your home then eh?” Charlie laughed.

“Well nah, I’m not saying I’m going to welcome it all the time. I just mean -”

“I know what you mean,” Charlie smiled as she took told of his hand. “And I’m glad that your still here to enjoy this arguing.” Charlie placed a soft kiss on Brax’s lips before she turned to her kids and laughed as they were still trying to work out if boys or girls were the yuckiest.

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Thank you everyone. :wub:

Chapter 172

Ruby walked down the hall, and stopped outside the bedroom. “April are you in here?” Ruby questioned, unsure.

“I’m in the bathroom.” Came April’s response. Ruby exhaled lightly as she walked down the hall and into the bathroom, tucking her hair behind her ear as she walked into the room, to find April sitting on the edge of the bathtub, looking down.

“Everything alright?” Ruby questioned as she sat down next to her friend.

April shook her head. “I’m late.” April spoke so quietly it took Ruby a while to pick up on what she was saying.

“How late?” Ruby questioned.

“I haven’t had a period for almost 3 months.” April answered quietly once again, and she looked to Ruby. Ruby seeing fear plastered across her face.

“April,” Ruby was rather surprised by April’s comment. “How can you go 3 months before realising -”

“Oh I realised,” April answered. “I was just putting it down to stress. It’s my final year at uni and the workload load is just hectic. It’s non-stop and I….I’m stressing over assessments and then I have my finals in only 4 months time and I…I can’t be pregnant,” April shook her head. “I was supposed to finish uni and be able to work at the job I worked hard to get.”

“Well maybe it is just stress?” Ruby questioned. “Have you had any other symptoms of pregnancy?”

“I felt pretty nauseous last week for maybe 3 or 4 mornings.” April answered. “After breakfast I was okay though.”

“April,” Ruby mumbled. “Have you taken a test?” April pointed to the sink and it was then that Ruby noticed the little white stick balancing on the side. “Is it?”

April shrugged her shoulders. “I need to wait a few more minutes.”

As April’s voice broke, Ruby wiped the tears from her friend’s eyes. “Hey, it’s okay,” Ruby said softly. “It may be a false alarm.”

“Don’t,” April shook her head. “I’m pregnant, let’s face it. I’ve spent long enough in denial.”

“Well would a baby really be that much of a bad thing?” Ruby questioned. “You love Dex and you two are in a committed relationship, right?”

April nodded her head as she pursed her lips together. “Well, I still love him. I don’t know how he feels about me. I’ve done nothing but either ignore him or bite his head off the last few months.”

“Well it couldn’t have been like that all the time otherwise we wouldn’t be in this little situation right now, would we?” Ruby said and April gave a little laugh. “Is that a smile I see?” Ruby questioned.

April gave a little nod before sighing. “What am I going to do Ruby?” April questioned. “How can I have a baby if I want my career? I’m going to have to stop working to take care of the baby before I really even start, and I’ve….if I pass my course then I’ve been offered a job at Northern Districts.”

“Ah well done, that’s great news.” Ruby smiled.

“Doesn’t matter now though does it?” April questioned. “I’m going to have to look after the baby.”

“Well, no you’re not,” Ruby shook her head. “You can still have this baby then a few months down the line go back to work. When would this job start?”

“April,” April answered. “The Doctor I’d be taking over for is moving to New Zealand for a job.”

“Right, so, you say you haven’t had a period in almost 3 months, so this is July and let’s estimate that you are 10 weeks pregnant. That leaves August, September, October…” Ruby counted the months out on her hands. “So the baby would be due around the middle to end of January. So you have at least couple of months at home with the baby before starting work in April.”

“But people are supposed to take like 6 months to a year off,” April sighed. “Bianca was off for like 8 months when she had Bella and the twins were almost a year old before your mum started work again.”

“So,” Ruby shook her head. “They made the choice to stay at home, and you can make the choice to go back to work. Some mums don’t have the choice but have to go back to work. And there’s nannies, day care, even Dex could stay at home with the baby, it doesn’t have to be you.”

“Well this is Dex’s fault.” April sniffed back.

“How so?” Ruby questioned.

“Well he has the…….stuff.” April screwed her face up.

“April,” Ruby exhaled. “I may not have aced biology but I do know that we women have stuff you need to be able to make a baby too. It’s not just Dex’s fault this happened.”

“I guess,” April sighed. “Am I being totally selfish here, choosing my career over staying at home with the baby?”

“No,” Ruby shook her head. “You’ve worked hard these last 5 years. I think you deserve to be able to do the job you want. And it’s not as if you will be ignoring the kid for life. You’ll still do as much as you can for him when you’re not working.”

“But you’ve gave up your career for the baby,” April exhaled. “Maybe I should just do the same.”

“Well just between you and me, I….” Ruby trailed off. “I miss singing like crazy. I miss Si, and Matt and Derek. Sometimes I wish I was still singing.”

“You think you will end up going back to it then?” April questioned. Ruby pursed her lips together as she shrugged her shoulders.

“I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and I can’t wait till Grace is here, but yeah, I can see myself going back to singing in a year or two.”

April smiled lightly as she glanced over at the test. “It’s probably time to confirm what I already know.”

“Want me to look for you?” Ruby questioned, and April gave a slight nod. Ruby pushed herself up from the edge of the bathtub, and walked over to the sink, and looked down. “Am I allowed to say congratulations?” Ruby questioned and April exhaled lightly before she pursed her lips together.

“I really should tell Dex now, right?” April questioned.

“Might be a good idea,” Ruby nodded. “Unless you wait and have the baby tell him. Although he might notice the bump. And the fact that there’ll be a kid in the house.”

April laughed lightly. “Thanks for that.” April took a deep breath.

“You want me and Xav to leave?” Ruby questioned.

“Nah,” April shook her head. “I promised Dex we’d hang out with you guys tonight like we used to, so can you stay? And it’ll give me time to think of how I’m going to tell him.”

“Sure, we can stay,” Ruby smiled. “And you know it’s pretty cool if you think about it. I mean our kids are going to be born only a few months apart. They’re going to be the best of friends too.”

“Yeah, they will be.” April gave a little smile, but Ruby could see she was petrified at the thought of a baby.

“And we get to be pregnant together. Making Xav and Dex bow to our every need. This is going to be fun.” Ruby laughed and the smile on April's face grew larger before she stood up and pulled Ruby into a hug.

“Thank you.” April smiled.

“You very welcome.” Ruby smiled, returning the hug.


Charlie, Brax and the kids had taken a walk along to the canteen, the promise of a treat stopping them from arguing about who was the yuckiest. “Right kids,” Charlie said as she took 3 juice boxes from the fridge. “What would you like?”

“Uhm....I want a pack of chips,” Paige grinned. Charlie picked up a packet and passed them down to her. “Yum yum.” Paige grinned as she waved them about in her hand.

“Riley, Jacob?” Brax said as he looked down at them.

“Mars bar cake.” Jacob grinned as he looked at the big pieces of cake, sitting out all nicely on display. Brax leaned forward and picked up a plate, and reached for the tongs before wincing.

“You alright?” Charlie questioned as she took a step closer to Brax and placed her hand on his shoulder. Brax nodded lightly as he gave her a smile.

“Still a bit sore.” Brax answered before reaching out a bit cake.

“No, the bigger bit daddy.” Jacob said, as Brax reached for the biggest bit he could see. “Yeah, that’s the one.” Jacob grinned as he took the plate in his hand.

“Right little Miss Riley, what are you wanting?” Brax questioned as he looked down at his daughter.

“Chips and cake and biscuits and lollies,” Riley grinned sweetly up at her parents.

“Now don’t get greedy,” Brax said. “You can have one thing.”

“Hmmmph,” Riley screwed her face up. “Lift me to see the cakes.” Riley said as she held her hands up to Brax.

“Mummy will lift you eh,” Brax said before looking to Charlie. “Daddy’s still hurting.”

Charlie lifted her daughter into her arms and she looked at all the cakes, humming and haring and which one to get. “C’mon sweetie, don’t take all night.”

“Euh...this one.” Riley finally decided on a caramel slice. Charlie put her daughter back down and the kids ran off to a table, leaving Charlie and Brax to get their coffees and pay. Charlie carried the stuff over to the table and they all sat down together.

“Darryl.” Charlie and Brax looked up as they heard the familiar voice.

“Sargent Watson,” Brax smiled weakly. “What can I do for you?”

“Can I have a word please?” Georgie said. Brax nodded lightly before he stood up and he and Georgie walked across the room, to a more private area. “We think we’d found your Jett,” Georgie said as she pulled a picture from the file. “This him?” Brax looked down at the picture and nodded lightly.

“Yeah, that’s him,” Brax nodded. “Surprised you found him so quick.”

“We can do our job right sometimes” Georgie replied.

“Yeah,” Brax laughed. “So what happens now?”

“Well he’s denying it, of course, but we’ll get through to him,” Georgie replied. “Now, about your brother, we -”

“I don’t care if you look for him,” Brax shook his head. “I just want Jett to pay for what he did to me.” Brax sighed.

“I get that, but, we’d like to find him,” Georgie said. “So, do you know anywhere of where he could be?” Georgie asked and Brax sniggered as he rubbed his forehead.

“Like I said, I don’t care.” Brax replied.

“Mr Braxton, not helping the police with their searches could -”

“Look, his kid lives in Brisbane,” Brax exhaled. “It’s a slim chance because he’s a pretty dead beet father but he could be up there. I dunno.”

“Okay, thank you,” Georgie said. “We’ll check it out right away.”

“Can I get back to my wife and kids now?” Brax questioned. Georgie looked over to his family before looking back to him. She gave him a slight nod before she walked off, leaving Brax to get back to his family.


Thanks everyone. :wub:

Chapter 173

Ruby and April walked back through to the living room, Ruby taking her place next to Xavier. April looked to Dex, as he looked to her. “Babe, you’ve been crying, are you alright?”

“Mmm,” April nodded as she took a seat. “I’m fine.”

“I hope it wasn’t anything I said?” Dex said questioningly.

“No, it wasn’t anything you said,” April spoke quietly. “Now, I’ve said I’m fine so let’s just enjoy the night with our guests.”

“Okay, so...” Dex exhaled. “Oh, did we tell you that Indi and Romeo are getting divorced?”

“No, you didn’t,” Ruby gasped. “I so didn’t expect that. They always seemed so...strong.”

“Yeah,” Dex agreed. “Well yeah, eh....how long ago was it now babe?”

“A few months ago Indi said things were tough,” April answered. “Said when she phoned last week that they were divorcing.”

“That’s crazy,” Xavier shook his head in disbelief. “Although Romeo and Indi, me and Rubes, you and April, we’ve all been together since we were young. Stats show us that one of those relationships was bound to end.”

“Well I hope it’s just the one.” Ruby glared at Xavier.

“Me too.” Dex smiled at April and she managed a weak smile back.

“So did they say why they were divorcing?” Xavier questioned.

“Well she was getting closer to this Steve guy, for a start,” April answered. “I don’t think they went all the way but she admitted to stuff happening.”

“Oh Indi, not cool.” Ruby shook her head.

“Nah,” Dex answered. “I don’t know how anyone could do that to their partner.”

“Ahem,” Xavier cleared his throat. “I seem to remember that April and I broke up because you and her were pashing behind my back.”

“Well yeah....” Dex rubbed the back of his head. “But...”

“Hey, if that didn’t happen, me and you wouldn’t have both been single at the same time and we probably wouldn’t have hooked up, then we wouldn’t be married, and little Grace here wouldn’t exist,” Ruby said as she rubbed her stomach. “So really you should be very thankful of their deceit.”

“Yes, exactly,” Dex shook his index finger as he spoke. “We are responsible for that little one being created.”

“Well not literally,” April said. “But I’m sure we all know what you mean.”

“Anyways, I rather not reminisce about how it was my best mate who took my girlfriends virginity,” Dex said. “So let’s just get back to talking about my sister and her failed marriage.”

“So, they’re like properly split up?” Xavier questioned. “It’s not just Indi getting dramatic over a tiff?”

“They’re talking with lawyers,” Dex answered. “Indi said it was practically over before she met Steve, but I dunno, he must have had something to do with the decision.”

“Well however they ended, I don’t imagine divorce can be much fun so hopefully they can work it out on friendly terms.” Ruby said.

“And at least they have no children,” Xavier answered. “That’ll make it easier for them.”

“Yeah,” Dex answered. “No pooping, crying, vomiting little demons.”

April glanced at Ruby before looking back to Dex. She felt her hand go instinctively onto her stomach. “Babies aren’t like that all the time.” April said.

“Maybe when they are sleeping.” Dex laughed.

“So you don’t see kids in your future?” Xavier questioned.

Dex gave a little laugh, sounding nervous at Xavier’s questioned. “Maybe we’ll do the whole marriage thing for a while. Although then I’d need to propose first....” Dex trailed off. “Well we’re happy as we are for now, right?” Dex smiled up at April.

“Yeah.” April tried to sound positive as she answered, but everything was slowly getting worse for her. It didn’t sound like Dex was going to be thrilled at the idea of the baby and it didn’t seem like she would get a proposal anytime soon.


Charlie placed a soft kiss on Paige’s forehead before she stood up and left the room, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, picking up Milo’s water bowl and walking over to the sink, filling it with water. She put it back down and shouted on Milo. “Milo,” Charlie shouted and the dog came running through to the kitchen. “Here’s a drink, and once Ruby and Xavier gets home I’ll take you for a nice walk.” Charlie smiled as she clapped him.

Hey, mum.” Ruby smiled as she walked into the kitchen, with Xavier following after her.

“Rubes, was just wondering when you were going to be home.” Charlie stood up and smiled at her daughter.

“Oh yeah, why’s that?” Ruby asked.

“I need to take Milo out for a walk but obviously can’t leave the kids on their own. But now you’re home, I can go.”

“I’ll take him.” Xavier smiled.

“Oh thanks.” Charlie smiled as Xavier walked over to the store cupboard and took out his lead.

“Milo,” Xavier gave a whistle and the dog ran over to Xavier excitedly. “C’mon buddy, we’ll go for a nice walk.” Xavier clipped his lead onto him before walking out of the kitchen with the dog.

“So, how was Brax tonight?” Ruby questioned.

“Yeah, he’s doing good,” Charlie smiled. “They reckon he’ll be home on Wednesday so that’s good. Might finally get a proper sleep again.”

Ruby smiled lightly at her mother. “Well that’s good.”

“Yeah. And Georgie came to see him and they’ve found Jett already, so that just brilliant news. Now all they need to do is find Heath.”

“You think they will?” Ruby questioned. “He’s had a few days head start now.”

“Brax seems to think they won’t,” Charlie shook her head. “In fact I don’t think Brax cares if they even look for him.”

“Well I can understand why.” Ruby answered. “But hopefully they do.”

“Yeah,” Charlie nodded. “And hopefully you can get some of your money back at least.”

“Ah I don’t really care about that,” Ruby answered. “I just want Heath to pay for crossing Brax like that. Brax really didn’t deserve that and hopefully he’ll get what he deserves.”

“We’ll I guess we can hope.” Charlie gave a weak smile, before pursing her lips together.

“You alright?” Ruby took a step forward and placed a hand on Charlie’s arm.

“Mmm yeah,” Charlie exhaled. “I just....I’m just worried about him. He puts on this front when then kids are there but...” Charlie shook her head. “I just think all this has affected him a lot more than he is letting on. Especially losing the restaurant.”

“He’ll open up to you eventually,” Ruby said. “You need to let him do it in his own way, in his own time.”

“I know,” Charlie answered. “But I love him so much and I just hate seeing him hurting.”

“I know you do,” Ruby rubbed her arm. “But he’ll open up when he is ready, and you just have to wait until then.”

“I know.” Charlie nodded as she sniffed back.

“Mummy,” Riley ran into the kitchen. “My eyes won’t stay shut.”

Charlie laughed lightly as Riley ran over to her and Charlie picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you sweetie.”

“For what?” Riley screwed her face up.

“For just being you.” Charlie smiled as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Riley giggled as she wrapped her arms around Charlie’s neck.

“Can I sleep in your bed?” Riley questioned as Charlie walked out of the kitchen with her daughter.

“You know what Riley?” Charlie questioned. “Just for tonight, you can.” Charlie smiled as she once again placed a kiss on her daughter’s cheek.


Thank you everyone. :wub:

Chapter 174

The rain was beating down heavily as Ruby and the twins walked along the path towards the diner, where Ruby had arranged to meet April on her lunch break. Ruby was walking quickly under the umbrella, with Paige walking beside her, but Riley was finding it quiet fun splashing in the puddles. “Ruby my hair is getting wet.” Riley squealed as she splashed from puddle to puddle.

“Then put your hood on.” Ruby said but Riley shook her head.

“No,” Riley gasped. “I like it getting wet.”

Ruby rolled her eyes. “Riley you are a strange child.”

“I’s not,” Riley shook her head as she ran over to her sister. “It’s fun.”

“No Riley,” Paige shook her head. “Rain is cold. The sun is best.”

“No Paige, you try,” Riley nodded her head. “It fun in the puddles.”

“I know,” Paige sighed. “I did it before, Riley.”

“Then come now.” Riley pulled on Paige’s hand.

“No Riley,” Paige pulled her hand away. “We go for lunch.”

“Can I play in the puddles just?” Riley asked as she looked up to Ruby.

“No,” Ruby laughed lightly. “We’ll get some lunch. You can play in the puddles again after lunch, if you must.”

“Okay,” Riley smiled as they walked into the diner, and Ruby spotted April and the girls ran over excited to see her. “April.”

“April....look at our new gumboots.” Paige said as she climbed up on the chair, sitting next to April. Riley took a seat opposite her and Ruby sat down next to her.

April smiled at the girls before looking down at Paige’s pink and purple gumboots that had a picture of Dora the Explorer on them. “Wow, they are so cool.”

“Mines the same,” Riley grinned. “Dora the best.”

“Yeah,” April smiled. “And look at your raincoats, how bright are they?” April said as she looked from Riley’s yellow one, to Paige’s pink one.

“Just a bit,” Ruby laughed. “But mum will never lose them now.”

“No, definitely not.” April said. Ruby took her raincoat off before instructing the girls to do the same.

“April, I stuck.” Paige looked up at her as she was pulling at the zip on her coat but it wasn’t going anywhere. April leaned forward and pulled the zip down.

“There you go.”

“Thank you April,” Paige smiled as she pulled her coat off. “Does you like pink?”

“Yeah,” April nodded. “Pink is a lovely colour.”

“Paige loves it,” Riley giggled. “Pink Paige.”

Ruby laughed at her sister before looking up to April. “So, how are things?”

“Fine,” April forced a smile. “You?”

“Yeah good,” Ruby answered. “Did you tell Dex then?” April pursed her lips together before shaking her head ever so slightly. “April,” Ruby sighed. “You need to tell him.”

“Well you heard what he said,” April sighed. “How can I tell him if he thinks babies are crying pooping vomiting demons? It doesn’t sound like he wants a child anytime soon.”

“April, you have too,” Ruby said. “And it’ll be different because it’s his child.”

April scrunched her face up. “I dunno. Besides it not as if the baby is coming tomorrow. I have time yet. You know I got a scan today at placement and I’m 10 weeks, you guessed well.”

“Might start showing soon,” Ruby said. “April, please tell him. You’ll feel so much better once you do.”

“No,” April shook her head. “I can’t. Not yet. And besides it’s my first baby, and you didn’t start showing until like.....last month, so I have a couple more months at least.”

“That’s not going to be the same for everyone,” Ruby shook her head. “Please April. I can be there for you if you want, or you can tell Bianca and have her there, but you need to let Dex know.”

“I...” April trailed off as she saw Leah making her way across to the table.

“Hey girls, what can I get you today?” Leah smiled.

“Leah,” Paige smiled. “Ruby looking after us.”

“Yeah, I hope your behaving for her?” Leah questioned.

“I always do,” Riley nodded and Ruby laughed. “It not funny.” Riley shook her head.

“Right, eh, sorry can you give us a few more minutes?” Ruby questioned and Leah nodded before walking off again. “So April -”

“Can you stop bugging me about it?” April raised her voice. “I need your support right now, okay. I’m not ready to tell him.”

“Okay, sorry,” Ruby exhaled as Charlie walked into the diner, and over to the table. “Mum?” Ruby looked surprised. “Aren’t you still supposed to be at work?”

“Eh, yeah,” Charlie cleared her throat. “I eh....finished early.”

Ruby screwed her face up and was about to talk again when Riley spoke. “Mummy how you find us?”

“Oh, mummy is magic.” Charlie said as she pulled as seat across and joined everyone.

“Really?” Paige gasped.

“Mmm hmm,” Charlie nodded. “Don’t mind if I join you, do you?”

“No, it’s fine,” April smiled. She knew the talk about the baby would stop now that Charlie was at the table. “Have you seen Brax today?”

“Not yet,” Charlie shook her head. “We’ll all go in later once Jacob is done with school.”

“Ah okay.” April answered.

“We miss daddy lots April.” Riley sighed. “Too much lots.”

“Aww I bet you do,” April said. “But the hospital are doing a good job looking after him, right?”

“Yeah.” Paige grinned.

“Yeah, they say he’ll be home on Wednesday so that’s great.” Charlie placed her umbrella under the table, before taking her coat off.

“Is we getting lunch mummy?” Riley questioned and Charlie nodded as she looked down at her daughter.

“You look like a drowned rat Riley, what have you been doing?”

“I’s not a rat.” Riley shook her head.

“No mummy she is a girl.” Paige giggled.

“I was jumping in them puddles,” Riley giggled. “It was real fun.”

“Ah yeah, you’d have loved that hmm.” Charlie smiled down at Riley who nodded her head.

“Yup,” Riley nodded. “I go again.”

“After lunch you can.” Charlie smiled down at her daughter.

“Yes,” Riley nodded. “Ruby said that.”

“Oh I see, sorry,” Charlie exhaled lightly. “So April, how are things with you?”

“Not bad,” April smiled. “Just working hard with uni.”

“Yeah, I bet. You’ll be glad to be finished right?” Charlie questioned and April nodded.

“Will be nice to get a bit of a break in the summer then come April if I pass my course I’ve got a job at Northern Districts.”

“Ahh well that’s great.” Charlie smiled.

“Yeah, means Dex can stay in his job here, and we don’t need to move to the city or elsewhere.” April said.

“Good.” Charlie smiled.

“Mummy can we get food?” Paige questioned. “I’s is hungry.”

“Sure, you want to go ask Leah to come take our order?” Charlie questioned. Paige looked up at her mother before looking towards the counter where Leah was standing, taking money from a customer and ringing it through the till.

“Me?” Paige asked and Charlie nodded her head. Paige exhaled before she all of a sudden looked really shy.

“I’ll come Paige.” Riley jumped down from the chair and ran over to where her sister was sitting and held her hand out. Paige climbed down and took Riley’s hand before they both ran off, down the diner to get Leah.


“Sarg,” Brax exhaled lightly as Georgie walked into his room. “What can I do for you today?”

“Darryl,” Georgie gave him a smile. “We have some news regarding your brother.”

“Oh yeah?” Brax said. “And what is it?”

“We found your car out at Sydney harbour,” Georgie said. “Talking with the guys down there, Heath was seen getting on a boat on Friday afternoon.”

“So he stole a boat too?” Brax laughed.

“No-one has reported a stolen boat, no,” Georgie shook her head. “But knowing you’re brother I am sure he would have had ways to get one.”

“Yeah,” Brax answered. “So that’s him long gone then eh? I mean he’s had what, 3 days head start?”

“Yeah,” Georgie nodded. “But we do have marine command out looking for him, and also marine command from New Zealand are on the look-out for boats in that area.”

“Well I’d just tell you to stop now, but it’s up to you if you want to waste time looking for him.”

“Well we’re going to try,” Georgie told him. “But yeah, we just thought we’d let you know.”

“Thanks, I guess,” Brax said. “So, when can I get my car back?”

“We’ll have an officer drive it back to your house for you.” Georgie answered.

“Oh wow,” Brax grinned. I’m honoured at the effort.”

“Yeah,” Georgie raised her eyebrows. “Well that’s all I came to say, so I’ll leave you to it.” Georgie said before she left the room.


Thank you for the comments. :wub: Hope this is okay. I'm not sure... :unsure:

Chapter 175

Charlie was giving the kids their breakfast when Ruby walked into the kitchen, pulling a banana from the fruit bowl and taking a seat. “Shouldn’t you be dressed for work?” Ruby questioned. Charlie pursed her lips together as she walked across to the table, placing the boiled eggs and soldiers down in front of Jacob and Paige.

“I’m not working today.” Charlie shook her head as she knocked the top off of Paige’s egg, before going to do the same for Jacob.

“Is everything alright?” Ruby asked. “You came home early on Monday, you didn’t work yesterday and now you’re not going in today.”

“Not really,” Charlie sighed. “I got paid-off.”

“Mum,” Ruby gasped. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I wanted to tell Brax first and I haven’t been able to yet,” Charlie exhaled. “On Monday he was on about Heath, then yesterday I just…..he was taking about being able to take some time off and be with the kids so he could decide what he wanted to do, and we’d be okay for money because he’d have the insurance money from the restaurant and my wage would still be coming in.”

“Well he still can do that even with you not working for a while,” Ruby said. “It’s not as if you are struggling to make ends meet right now. You have enough money, and the insurance is going to be a nice boost too.”

“I know,” Charlie nodded. “I guess I don’t want him to think I failed. You know I can’t even hold down a receptionist’s job in a spa.”

“He is no way going to think you’ve failed,” Ruby said. “It’s not your fault that you got paid-off. The place was obviously just struggling and had to make some staff cuts. Did anyone else get let go?”

“One of the massage therapists.” Charlie answered.

“Well, sorry,” Ruby said. “But you’ll find something else.”

Charlie sniggered. “Like what?” Charlie answered. “I don’t know how to do anything else, Rubes.”

“You were a pretty amazing police officer.” Ruby answered.

“Before I got involved with a criminal and assaulted a suspect, you mean?” Charlie questioned.

“Hey, you married that criminal.” Ruby said.

“I know, but he changed,” Charlie answered. “And I got expelled from the force so I can’t exactly go asking for my job back just because I lost my current one. It’s doesn’t work like that. Expulsion is for life.”

“Maybe not,” Ruby shook her head. “I’ve read about expelled officers getting their jobs back. It could be turned around.”

“Well I’m not going to lie, I loved being a police officer and would love to work at the station again but it’s not going to happen.” Charlie exhaled. “I’ll work something else out though.” Charlie gave a weak smile.

“Mummy I’ve not got my breakfast yet.” Riley said. Charlie looked down to Riley to see she did in fact have nothing before her.

“Sorry baby,” Charlie said as Riley watched Jacob and Paige eating theirs. “You wanted coco pops, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Riley nodded as Charlie walked across to the cupboard and pulled out a bowl, preparing the cereal for her daughter.

“So, what are you doing today?” Charlie questioned as she walked across to the table and gave Riley her breakfast.

“Meeting April again for lunch,” Ruby answered. “That’s about it. Xavier is going to the house to build up and move in furniture, but I’m not allowed to do any heavy lifting, so he’s taking Dex.” Ruby rolled her eyes as she spoke.

“I wouldn’t like you lifting things either,” Charlie answered. “So, is it alright for me to leave the girls with you when I pick Brax up from hospital?”

“Yeah fine,” Ruby answered. “We have fun together don’t we girls?”

“Yeah.” Paige nodded.

“Right, Jacob buddy you almost done?” Charlie asked and Jacob nodded lightly as he stuffed the last soldier of toast into his mouth. “Okay, go clean your teeth and get your school bag.” Jacob ran from the room as Charlie cleared away his plates.

“Mum?” Ruby questioned.


“Well I know this girl, and she’s pregnant but she’s scared to tell her boyfriend because of things he’s said in the past about kids. Should I tell the boy or how can I convince the girl to tell the boy? Should I just stay out of it and leave her to sort it out?”

Charlie exhaled as she pursed her lips together. “You don’t tell him,” Charlie shook her head. “She needs to tell him herself and she’ll probably end up being mad at you for breaking her trust in you. Just let her know that telling him sooner is the best idea and you’ll be there to support her.”

“I tried that already.” Ruby answered.

“Look, April will tell Dex when she is ready. Don’t pressure her.”

“I didn’t say it was April and Dex.” Ruby shook her head.

“No but it is April, right?” Charlie questioned and Ruby gave a slight nod. “You’ve not seen her for weeks and now all of a sudden it’s the 3rd day in a row you are seeing her.”

“Well yeah but that’s just because she’s been busy with uni.” Ruby answered.

“Right, well as I say, don’t pressure her, just let her know you are there, and that’s all.”

Ruby nodded her head as Jacob came back into the room, his school bag on his shoulders, ready to go. “Ready mum?”

“Yeah,” Charlie lifted her car keys from the hanger. “And when you get back from school daddy will be home.” Charlie smiled and Jacob’s eyes lit up as he jumped on the spot.

“Well let’s go,” Jacob pulled on Charlie’s hand excitedly. “The quicker I get to school, the quicker I get home to daddy.”

“Be good for Ruby girls,” Charlie said as she walked out of the kitchen with her son. “I’ll try and not be too long.” Charlie shouted out as she looked back towards Ruby, before leaving to take her son to school.


“So, how many rooms do you want me to do?” Dex asked as he turned the Allen key, securing the bolt on the bed.

“Well there’s our bedroom, the first guest bedroom, second guest bedroom, third -”

“How many bedrooms did you put in this house?” Dex questioned as he turned to face Xavier.

“There are 6 bedrooms.” Xavier answered.

“Wow, are you planning on having an army of kids?” Dex asked.

“Ruby wants 2, I want 3,” Xavier answered. “So not really an army no.”

“Well then why have so many bedrooms?” Dex screwed his face up. “A lot of unnecessary cleaning if you ask me.”

Xavier laughed lightly. “Ruby wanted a big house,” Xavier answered. “And she’s got brothers and sisters that might stay over sometimes so they’ll need a bed.”

“I suppose,” Dex sighed. “And it’s not as if you can’t afford it. Ruby’s got money coming out of everywhere.”

“Sounding jealous there?” Xavier questioned and Dex sighed.

“No it’s just….April’s at uni right now and all her spare time goes into studying, so my job is supporting us both right now.”

“Not as if you get paid peanuts,” Xavier answered. “You’re job is enough to support you both.”

“I know, but….” Dex trailed off. “Well it’ll be nice when she starts working too. Hey, speaking of work, when are you getting a job?” Dex questioned. “Or are you planning on sponging off Ruby's millions for the rest of your life?” Dex joked.

“Haha, no,” Xavier sighed as he put the Allen key down on the floor and leaned back against the wall. “I was supposed to be getting a job as a chef in Brax’s restaurant but well, that kinda went up in flames.”

“I’m presuming you mean the restaurant and not the offer?” Dex questioned. “He’s going to open a new one right?”

“Like we said the other night, we’re not sure he will.” Xavier answered.

“Well you could always open a restaurant,” Dex suggested. “Be your own boss too, so you can be home with Ruby and Grace whenever you want.”

“I could,” Xavier smiled. “But I dunno, we’ll see.”

“So,” Dex scratched the side of his head. “This whole marriage malarkey, is it worth it?”

“I’d say so,” Xavier answered. “Why? You thinking of asking April?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know.” Dex shook his head. “I know she wants marriage at one point. And I would like to get married too, but…” Dex trailed off.

“But?” Xavier asked.

“I just….” Dex paused. “Look I love April so much, I do, but I just…..she’s the only girl I’ve been with intimately and….sometimes I wonder what it could be like to be with someone else.”

“Oh, geez.” Xavier looked surprised; he didn’t expect to her that from Dex. “So you want to play the field a bit, is that what you are saying?”

“I…I dunno I just….” Dex trailed off. “I’ve imagined myself being with someone who wasn’t April, yeah.”

“You know I imagine myself with someone other than Ruby too.” Xavier said and Dex raised his eyebrows.

“Really?” Dex questioned.

“Yeah, I’ve imagined myself with Jessica Alba quiet a few times.” Xavier said.

Dex gave a little laugh. “Can we be serious?”

Xavier exhaled as he rubbed his forehead. “Look, I think you imagining it is one thing but actually wanting to go out there and do it is another, so just….think about what’s truly important to you before you go and do something stupid. April is an amazing girl and you guys are great together, so just…really think about this before doing something that you’ll end up regretting. You know, what’s more important to you? You being married to your high school sweetheart and the woman you love so much, or you being able to say you’ve slept with more that one woman?” Dex nodded lightly, taking in what Xavier said. “Now, lets get back to building this bed.” Xavier said before he knelt in front of where one of the screws had to go, and got back to work.


Thanks everyone. :wub:

Chapter 176

“So,” Xavier said as he handed Dex the sandwich and beer and sat down at the table next him. “This someone other than April who you can see yourself with,” Xavier exhaled as he twisted the cap of his beer bottle. “Is it someone anyone or does she have a name?”

“Jade,” Dex answered. “Jade King.”

“And how do you know her?” Xavier asked.

“She’s an intern at work,” Dex answered. “Blonde hair, blue eyes….she just so dreamy.” Dex said dreamily.

“So when you look at her, do you see yourself having a long term relationship with her, or is it just about a bit of sex?”

Dex took a bite of his sandwich, if only to make answering Xavier’s question hold off a little longer. “The latter,” Dex swallowed. “April is who I want to be with, but….Jade…..she’s….sexy.”

“And you don’t think April is anymore?” Xavier questioned.

“She….” Dex paused. When he looked at April he felt a huge amount of love for her. He saw April in a wedding dress walking up the aisle to marry him, he even saw them with children eventually. He saw them growing old together, loving each other for life. “Sometimes I feel that she doesn’t make as much of an effort anymore. You know, to look good all the time.”

“She shouldn’t have too,” Xavier said. “If you love her….” Xavier trailed off. “I think Ruby looks gorgeous when she’s first woken up and has bed hair and no make-up….you know, that’s the real Ruby.”

“Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong she doesn’t need to dress up to look gorgeous, but sometimes the effort would be appreciated,” Dex said before taking a swig of his beer. “And our sex life…” Dex, for some unknown reason started talking quieter. “It’s just became more routine than us actually wanting to do it. The passion is kinda fizzing out.”

“So the other night when you were making out you were all happy, you’re really not, are you?” Xavier questioned.

“I’m happy yeah, and I don’t want things with April to end but something’s needs to change.” Dex exhaled. “Like I get that she is stressed out with her uni at the moment, but she needs to take a break and have her own life too.”

“When was the last time that you took April out for a romantic dinner?” Xavier questioned.

“So you’re saying this is my fault?” Dex questioned. “If I took her out more we’d be fine?”

“No,” Xavier shook his head as he took a bit of his sandwich. “I’m just saying…” Xavier paused to swallow. “If you had some time set aside for couple time then maybe things would work themselves out. Both of you need to work at things if it really is how you say it is.” Xavier said. “So, answer the question. When was the last time you two went out for a meal?”

“Eh….” Dex scratched the side of his head. “March, maybe even February.”

“Okay, so Rubes and I always try to get out a least once a month and things are still great with us.” Xavier said. “Maybe you just need to find that spark again and your thoughts of being with this Jade woman will disappear.”

“Maybe,” Dex answered. “I’d like it to, to be honest.”

“Have you ever heard of the seven year itch?” Xavier questioned and Dex shook his head.

“What’s that?”

“They say after seven years of marriage or seven years together, that people can start to re-evaluate their relationship and think about things they could have missed out on. Maybe your just falling victim to that.”

“Well it will be seven years for April and I in October,” Dex said. “So maybe that’s what’s wrong. I eh…I could take her out for a nice meal and then we can talk and just, try and find what we had.”

“I think that’s a better plan than you wanting you be with this Jade girl. Especially if it is just for sex.” Xavier said.

“Thanks mate, I appreciate that.” Dex smiled as he raised his beer bottle to him before taking a drink, and really hoping that that was all it was with April, and that his doubts would leave, once he got their relationship back on track.


Charlie and Brax walked back into the house, and took a seat on the couch in the living room. “It’s nice to be home,” Brax smiled. “Although I did expect the girls to be here with a big welcome home daddy sign, maybe a chocolate cake, some chips, dip, that kinda stuff.” Brax teased as he looked around at Charlie.

“Ah I knew there was something I forgot.” Charlie laughed.

“Yeah, I come home to an empty house,” Brax exhaled. “No kiddies, not even an excited Milo to greet me."

“Well clearly Ruby and the girls took Milo for a walk,” Charlie answered. “Rather see them a little later than have an excited Milo do his business in the living room, right?”

“Yeah,” Brax nodded. “Would hate to see you clean that up,” Brax grinned as Charlie lightly hit his right shoulder. “So it was nice of you to take the whole day off work today.” Brax smiled as he pulled Charlie closer to him, and wrapped his arm around her as she rested her head against his chest.

“I wish that’s what I done,” Charlie mumbled. “Brax, I eh….I lost my job.”

“What?” Brax sounded surprised. “How did that happen?”

“They just had to make cut backs and let a couple of us go,” Charlie sighed. “So, looks like both of us will be able to spend a lot more time with the kids till we figure out this job situation.”

“What so you mean we’ll be seeing more of each other?” Brax pulled a face, mocking disgust.

“Haha,” Charlie hit his chest before running her hand through his hair. “You’ll love it really.”

“Mmm,” Brax smiled. “Would love you spend some time with you in the bedroom right now.” Brax gave Charlie a suggestive smile and she gazed up into his eyes.

“Really?” Charlie raised her eyebrows. “In the middle of the day?”

Brax gave a small laugh. “Well how often do we get the place to ourselves? Especially in the middle of the day?”

“Not very,” Charlie shook her head. “But are you sure you’re okay to be doing….that?” Charlie questioned before she looked down to his stomach, where his scar would be. “I don’t want you doing too much too soon.”

Brax laughed once again. “I’m perfectly fine,” Brax said as he tucked Charlie’s hair behind her ear. “And besides we still need to christen this house.”

“We do?” Charlie questioned. “I seem to remember we’ve christened this place quiet a lot.”

“Yeah, but now we are married,” Brax answered. “We haven’t, you know, since Hawaii given the trouble with Heath as soon as we got back, so….” Brax raised his eyebrows once again, before placing a soft kiss on Charlie’s lips.

“Mmm Brax,” Charlie reluctantly pulled back from the kiss. “The kids could come home any minute.”

“Well doesn’t the thrill of being caught excite you?” Brax smiled before kissing her once more.

“Not by our 3-year-olds, no,” Charlie shook her head. “That will just bring on questions that I’m not ready to answer yet.”

“You’ll have to one day, you know,” Brax said. “And they are girls, so it’s better coming for you.”

“Right,” Charlie nodded her head. “So, because you are boy, you’ll talk to your son, right?” Charlie questioned, coming to the conclusion that if she had to talk to the girls because she was female, he’d have to talk to Jacob, because they we’re both male.

“I’d rather not have that talk with anyone,” Brax shook his head. “I’m sure you’ll rock at it though.”

“Uh-uh,” Charlie shook her head. “If I get the girls, you get the boy,” Charlie said. “It’s the only fair way.”

“Hmm, we’ll see,” Brax said before placing another kiss on Charlie’s lips. Charlie smiled into the kiss letting it get deeper, before once again, she reluctantly pulled back at hearing the kids coming back into the house. Milo was first to bound though to the living room and upon seeing Brax, he shot over to him and jumped up, so his front paws were on Brax’s legs, his tail wagging excitedly as Brax clapped him, Milo moving his head around, trying to lick him. “Hey buddy, did you miss me?” Brax questioned and Milo bounced around in excitement, trying to climb up onto the couch.

“Milo,” Riley yelled as she ran into the living room. “You no on couch,” Riley instructed as she waved her index around in front of her. “Daddy,” Riley cheered as she ran forward pulling Milo out of the way and jumping onto his knee. She wrapped her arms out his neck and kept kissing his cheek. “You no to be the hospital again,” Riley shook her head and Brax smiled at his daughters mixed up sentence, but of course, understood what she meant.

“Don’t worry sweat pea, daddy doesn’t plan on being at the hospital again for a long time.” Brax smiled as Riley continued to hug him.

“Daddy,” Paige smiled as she ran into the room and over to Brax. Climbing up onto the couch, taking a seat next to him. “Riley move.” Paige pushed on her sister, and Brax moved her along, so she was sitting on his left knee and Paige sat down on his right knee.

“Daddy missed seeing you girls all the time.” Brax said as he looked down to his daughter.

“We miss daddy,” Paige said. “You not at the hospital no longer?”

“Nope.” Brax shook his head as Ruby appeared in the living room, with a glass of juice in her hand.

“Hey, Brax,” Ruby smiled. “Nice to have you home. As you can see you were missed.” Ruby smiled as she watched her sisters, sitting on his knee and Milo still jumping around excitedly at his feet.

“It’s nice to be home.” Brax said with a big smile on his face.


Thank you everyone. :wub:

Chapter 177

Ruby smiled as she saw April and Bella walking into the diner and joining her at the table. “Hey April, and little Bella, how are you?”

“Non va bene.” Bella sulked as she climbed up onto the seat.

“Wow, am I going to need to try to remember some high school Italian here?” Ruby laughed as she looked up to April. April laughed lightly as she shook her head.

“Bella, we talk English, okay,” April said and Bella frowned as she stuck her bottom lip out. “Sorry I had to bring her. Babysitter called in sick and I finished uni at 12 today so said I’d help Bianca out.”

“That’s okay,” Ruby smiled down at Bella. “We get on good me and you, don’t we?”

“No,” Bella shook her head. “You rubbish,” Bella said as she pointed to Ruby. “Aunty Apil rubbish more.” Bella shouted before she reached for the sugar bowl and started playing with it.

“Bella,” April gasped. “That’s not a nice thing to say.”

“You no nice.” Bella stuck her bottom lip out as she continued to move the sugar bowl from hand to hand.

“She’s in a bit of a bad mood today,” April sighed. “Especially with me because I’ve had to put her on the naughty spot. She really is making the most of this whole terrible two’s phase.”

“Oh dear.” Ruby looked down to Bella who had started throwing sugar from the sugar bowl across the table.

“Bella don’t do that,” April batted her hand away and moved the sugar bowl but Bella stood up on the chair and pulled the bowl closer to her again and continued to throw sugar. “Isabella Scott, this is your warning and if you do it more time then you’ll be on the naughty spot again, do you understand?”

Bella looked at April before looking to Ruby who gently nodded in agreement with April. Bella scratched the side of her head as if thinking about what to do, before reaching her hand down and taking a fist full of sugar. “Isabella,” April pulled the bowl out of the way. “I’ll have to tell mamma what you’ve done today and she won’t be happy with you.”

“No mamma,” Bella’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “No Apil.”

“Well put that sugar down.” Bella exhaled as she dropped the sugar onto the table. She’d had one to many telling’s off from her mother lately, and each one, Bianca seemed to shout even more at her daughter, fast losing patience with her.

“Sorry Apil,” Bella said in the most angelic voice she could come up with. “I get chocowate milk?”

“If you behave, yes,” April nodded and Bella sat back down on the chair wiping the sugar from the table onto the floor. “Look what we’ve got to look forward to.” April rolled her eyes.

“Aww but the cuteness and the love and everything else will make up for that. And besides just because Bianca has a little terror right now it doesn’t mean that your child will be the same.”

“I know,” April sighed. “But the baby’s own father thinks it’s a demon already.”

“Look Dex is just.....being Dex,” Ruby said. “Once he knows he’s going to have a baby he’ll be excited. He’ll love that kid so much.”

“You think so?” April questioned nervously, the expression on her face all too clear to Ruby that April still hadn’t told Dexter about the baby.

“There’s only one way to find out.” Ruby replied.

“How do you know I haven’t told him already?” April asked.

“Have you?”

April shook her head. “Not as of yet, no,” April exhaled. “But I will. I know I have too, I just need to get the courage.”

“I don’t understand why it’s so hard,” Ruby exhaled. “I know this wasn’t planned, but surely you’ll want his support?”

“Yeah,” April nodded. “I just....” April trailed off. “I’ll tell him soon I promise, now can we please talk about something else?”

“Sure.” Ruby sighed lightly as she rubbed her stomach as she felt her baby kicking. She remembered what Charlie told her about not pushing April to tell Dex and all she could do was support her decision, for now.


Charlie, Brax and the girls were out for another walk with the dog. The girls riding their bikes just in front as Charlie and Brax walked together with Milo running back and forward excitedly. “Brax, I’ve been thinking.” Charlie said as she looked up to her husband.

“Oh dear.” Brax said, mocking alarm.

“Haha,” Charlie hit his chest. “It’s a good idea. Maybe even great, I think you’ll like it.”

“Right then, you going to share the idea or just keep bragging about it?” Brax questioned as he glanced down at her.

“Well, I was thinking that we could open a new restaurant together,” Charlie said. “You know we both need a job and -”

“Charlie I told you I didn’t want to open a new restaurant. Angelo’s....that was my place and opening a new one...” Brax shook his head. “It won’t be the same.”

“No-one is saying it will be the same,” Charlie shook her head. “Because it won’t be Angelo’s. But we can have a new place and we can make new memories there together working as a team.”

“It might be nice,” Brax managed a weak smile. “But, I dunno,” Brax shook his head. “Can I think about it?”

“Of course you can,” Charlie smiled. “Like I said, it’s just an idea. I thought it could be fun, that’s all. And we can give the new place a new name if you wanted. It doesn’t have to be named after my ex anymore.”

“Well like I said, I’ll think about it,” Brax replied. “Because I eh...I thought we could use the insurance money to eh...” Brax scratched the back of his head. “I wanted to give it back to Ruby. She lost some of her money and eh...this is my chance to give her it back. It’s my fault that she lost it in the first place.”

“Brax it was not your fault,” Charlie shook her head as she rubbed his arm. “Heath owed the money; Heath ran off with the money, it’s his and only his fault.”

“Well I think differently, but okay, if you insist,” Brax sighed. “I feel bad that he’s got the money, but I couldn’t be happier that he’s disappeared.”

“So you don’t think he’ll be found?” Charlie asked.

“Nah,” Brax shook his head. “He’s gone. They say they have the NZ marine cops helping but who knows if he even sailed that way? He could be heading up towards Indonesia, Papa New Guinea, he could go out to Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga....there’s plenty of islands out that way he could go to.”

“I guess,” Charlie agreed. “But the police could still find him.”

“Don’t make me laugh,” Brax shook his head. “He’s gone and don’t get me wrong, I don’t care. It’s only for Ruby’s money that I’m angry.”

Charlie went to reply, but was cut off by her daughters voice. “Daddy daddy come see come see.” Riley shouted. They looked up to their daughters to see they were now off their bikes, looking down at something on the ground next to a tree. They picked up their pace and stood behind the girls who were looking down at a dead bird.

“It yucky.” Paige screwed her face up as she looked up at her mother.

“It cool.” Riley grinned as she crouched down and put her hand out and picked the bird up by its wing.

“Riley Mae,” Charlie yelled. “Put that down now. You don’t touch dead animals,” Riley giggled as Charlie glared up at Brax. “Brax.”

Brax screwed his face up. “Riley, let it go sweetie,” Brax said as she shook her hand, trying to get her to drop the bird. “Don’t touch things like that, okay?”

“Okays.” Riley sighed as the bird dropped back to the ground as Milo joined them, bringing with him a stick that he’d found that he now wanted to play with. He dropped it at Charlie’s feet and she bent down and picked it up, before throwing it away as Milo chased after it.

“Riley, what are we going to do with you?” Charlie asked as she ruffled her daughter’s hair.

Riley shrugged her shoulders before she ran back over to her bike and jumped on it, chasing after Milo. “She is yucky ay mummy?”

“Well for picking up a dead bird yeah.” Charlie said and Paige giggled as they watched Milo and Riley went off in search of the stick.


Thank you everyone. :wub:

Chapter 178

“Mamma.” Bella smiled as Bianca and Ash walked into the house. She jumped down from the couch and ran over to her mother, her baby doll held tightly under her arm, her brown ponytail swaying from side to side.

“Hey princess,” Bianca smiled as she lifted her daughter up into her arms. “Have you been good for April and Ruby?” Bianca questioned as she saw Ruby sitting on the couch with April.

“Yeah.” Bella nodded as Bianca walked over to the arm chair and took a seat, placing her daughter on her knee.

“Mum can I play on the Wii for a bit?” Ash questioned as he put his school bag down behind the couch and pulled at his school tie, until it was loose enough to pull off. Bianca had gotten Ash a Wii for his birthday and every day since, he’d been on it every chance he got.

“Sure you can bud, but can you change out of your school uniform first?” Bianca said and Ash nodded before running off up the stairs.

“So, madame here said she behaved, but did she really?” Bianca asked as she looked to her sister.

“She was.....she had her moments,” April answered. “She was good, great even, but then she started biting me like crazy so she got put on the naughty spot. Then at the diner she kept throwing the sugar over the table but stopped once she was threatened with the naughty spot and telling mummy.”

“Mamma, not mummy,” Bella shook her head. Mamma was the only Italian word that Bianca allowed Bella to get away with when she should be talking English and Papà when Liam was around. “Silly Apil.”

“Well Isabella, mamma isn’t happy with you being naughty.”

“No, I no mamma,” Bella shook her head. “I not.”

“Hmm, well forgive me for believing Aunty April.” Bianca said as she played with her daughters golden brown hair. Bella looked up to her mother, her already big brown eyes appearing even bigger. She shook her head sadly before placing a kiss on Bianca’s cheek.

“Love you mamma.” Bella smiled sweetly.

“Love you too princess,” Bianca smiled as she hugged her daughter. “So Rubes, how are you doing?” Bianca questioned. “How’s pregnancy?”

“I’m fine and so far it’s great,” Ruby smiled. “I just can’t wait to meet her now.”

“Aww I bet not,” Bianca grinned. “I felt exactly the same when I was pregnant with this little one.”

“Why is it everywhere I go today people are talking about babies?” April raised her voice. “They’re not the whole world you know.” April spat as she stood up from the couch and stormed off to the bathroom.

Bianca looked to Ruby questioningly. “Is something bothering her?”

“I eh....” Ruby paused. She couldn’t tell Bianca, it wasn’t her call. “You should maybe go talk to her.” Bianca nodded her head before putting Bella down and walked off to the bathroom. Bella climbed up onto the couch and crawled closed to Ruby, putting her little hand on her stomach.

“It a baby?” Bella asked and Ruby nodded as she smiled at the little girl who looked intrigued at her bump. “Mamma no baby?” Bella asked.

“No, she’s not having a baby,” Ruby laughed lightly. “Do you not want a little brother or sister?”

“No,” Bella shook her head. “Just mamma and me.” Bella pointed to herself, straightening up her flowery dress in the process.

“What about Ash?” Ruby questioned. “He’s you brother now.”

“Yes, Ash,” Bella nodded. “He nice. But no baby.” Bella shook her head. “I the baby.”

“Ahh I see.” Ruby smiled as she rubbed Bella’s cheek. Bella let out a yawn before rubbing her eyes.

“I tired.” Bella said as another yawn hit her.

Ruby looked down to her watch. “Do you normally have a sleep in the afternoon?” Bella nodded her head.

“Want mamma.” Bella spoke quietly and Ruby looked towards the direct of bathroom and could hear the sound of hushed voices.

“Well mamma is busy with Aunty April right now so if it’s okay with you, I’ll take you up the stairs and put you down?” Ruby said and Bella nodded her head as she held her hands out. Ruby stood up from the couch and lifted Bella into her arms and took her the stairs for her nap.


Charlie and Brax were standing in the doorway of the restaurant. The kids had been taken to the diner by Leah to get some milkshakes, leaving Charlie and Brax to sort some things out. Brax took a few steps further in, pursing his lips together to hold back the tears. “It’s such a mess,” Charlie could hear the tremble in his voice. She walked further into the blackened restaurant and rubbed his back in comfort. “Everything is gone,” Brax sniffed back. “I eh....one day I....well never mind. Because Angelo’s is gone now and there’s nothing I can do to change that.”

“What do you mean, one day what?” Charlie questioned a look of confusion present on her face. “Brax, talk to me.”

Brax took a deep breath as Charlie saw his eyes glazed over with tears. “I eh...Angelo started this place out...he eh worked hard to get it going and I...I wanted to keep it running for Jacob,” Brax paused as a lone tear escaped his eye. “I eh.....I thought one day, if he wanted it, this place could be his. Somewhere that was started by his biological dad and then given to him.”

“Brax that was a lovely thought.” Charlie smiled lightly.

“Doesn’t matter now though does it?” Brax questioned. “I couldn’t keep it safe for him. I’ve let him down because I can’t give him something of his dad’s.”

“Hey, no,” Charlie shook her head. “You have not let Jacob down at all. I don’t want you ever thinking that. You’ve been the best dad to him and you’re going to adopt him.....he adores you, Brax. And you dreaming about him running this place.....it can still happen,” Charlie said. “Maybe he’ll appreciate the fact that we opened a new restaurant in dreams on making it a family business, and if it’s what Jacob wanted he could take over.”

“It would be kinda cool working with you,” Brax answered. “But what do you know about working in a restaurant?”

“Well I could learn,” Charlie said. “If you’d be willing to teach me.”

“You’ve have to take it seriously,” Brax said. “No back chat,” Charlie laughed lightly. “I’m being serious. This would be our only means of income so we couldn’t joke around.”

“Well no, but I’m sure we would take work seriously.” Charlie answered.

Brax smiled lightly. “And you don’t think it would be too much working together and living together? We’d be together all the time.”

“I’m your wife; you’re supposed to want to be with me.”

“C’mon Charlie, you know what I mean,” Brax sighed. “Some people use work as a break from home, but we’d always be together.”

“Well we don’t need to do the same shifts every week,” Charlie answered. “We’d work it so sometimes we’re working together, we can start and finish at different times, sometimes I’ll be working and you can be with the kids, and vice versa,” Charlie pursed her lips together. “I could only work part-time because quite honestly I like that set up.” Charlie laughed lightly.

Brax exhaled lightly before nodding his head. “Okay, let’s do it, let’s open a restaurant together.”

“Yeah?” Charlie shrieked as she widened her eyes in excitement.

“Yeah.” Brax smiled before wrapping his arms around Charlie, pulling her into a hug.


Thank you everyone. :)

Chapter 179

Bianca and April were sitting on the bathroom floor, their backs resting on the edge of the bathtub. April had told Bianca she was pregnant, and was yet to tell Dex and Bianca was now trying to get her to see that a baby wasn’t such a bad thing, and she needed to let Dex know. “I’m not just worried about telling Dex,” April sighed. “I’m worried about my OCD,” April bit her lip. “Bianca your house is a mess and I -”

“Excuse me?” Bianca questioned. “My house is not a mess. Yeah so the kids have a few toys lying around, but it just makes the house looked lived in. I still clean it. You know, I can still work a hoover and I know how to dust. That doesn’t go away after having children.”

“I know, but....” April paused. “You’ve seen my apartment, right? It has to be spotless. Everything has to be in its place and a baby...” April shook her head. “How am I going to keep the place so clean when there is a baby around?”

“You can still be neat if you want too,” Bianca answered. “Maybe for the first while when you are getting used to being a parent and getting the bub into a routine it’ll be a little harder, but it’s not all stress and mess, like some movies like to make out. Babies sleep a lot. When baby is sleeping you can clean to your heart’s content. And Dex is going to be there too to help out with the baby and cleaning.”

“No,” April shook her head. “I have to do it myself. Dex just doesn’t do it right.”

“You know he probably does clean things fine,” Bianca said. “You’re standards will just be a tad on the high side.”

“Yeah, I guess,” April exhaled. “Ruby said that it’s okay for me to want to go back to work soon after the birth too. You know I’ve worked so hard at this uni course and I want to work as a doctor. Is she right or am I being selfish?”

“I’d say she’s right,” Bianca answered. “If you want to return to work, then that’s your call. And you never know once the baby gets here you might even change your mind and want to be at home with him.”

“Maybe,” April spoke unconvinced before looking down at her watch. “Dex will probably be home by now so wish me luck.” April smiled nervously at her sister as she stood to her feet.

“You’ll be fine,” Bianca stood up and rubbed her sisters arm in comfort. “It’s not like you’re telling mum.”

April sniggered. “It will be so much easier telling mum,” April said. “I never see her face to face and she doesn’t seem to care about us so why would she care about a grandchild?”

“Well considering she asked me in an email how Arabella was, I’m not going to argue with you there,” Bianca raised her eyebrows as she spoke. “Come to think of it she hasn’t even been to visit her granddaughter yet. Guess her little toyboy is keeping her in Germany.”

“Our mother certainly does have a thing for the Europeans huh?” April gave a small laugh. “If she cared about us girls as much as she did in having a man in her life.....well, I’m pretty sure you feel the same way I do.”

“Hey, we have each other though, and I’m always going to be here for you and my little niece or nephew.” Bianca smiled down at her little sister.

“I know that,” April smiled. “You’ve been more of a mother to me than our own mum has, especially these last 8 to 10 years,” April said. “So thank you.”

“Well you are my little sis,” Bianca grinned. “And even though at times we argue, I’m always going to be here for you. You’re the best little sister in the world and I love you.”

“I love you too.” April smiled as she wrapped her arms around her sister. Bianca wrapped her arms around April, welcoming the embrace.


“April,” Dex shouted as he walked into their apartment. “April you home?” Dex heard the faint sounds that sounded like someone was being sick, so he quickened his pace and walked into the bathroom where he saw April leaning over the toilet being sick. “Sweetie are you alright?”

April looked up to him as she wiped her hand across her mouth. “Do I look like I am alright?”

“No,” Dex shook his head. “You eat something dodgy?”

“No, no Dex I didn’t eat something dodgy,” April shook her head as she pushed herself up to standing and flushed the toilet as she took a seat on the edge of the bathtub. “I eh.....come sit.” April said and Dex walked into the room and sat down next her. “I eh....we need to talk.”

“Yeah,” Dex nodded. “What’s up?”

“God Dex, I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just going to have to come out and say it.” April pursed her lips together as she looked up to him.

“You’re breaking up with me?” Dex questioned with a worried look on his face. No matter what he was saying to Xavier about his thoughts of being with this Jade woman, losing April was something he didn’t really want.

“No,” April shook her head. “I eh....I’m pregnant.” April blurted it out.

“With a baby?” Dex asked. April pulled a face. “Of course with a baby, sorry. Wow...a baby.”

“It’s not like I planned it or anything you know I didn’t trick you into getting me pregnant.” April said.

“I didn’t think you would have,” Dex shook his head. “Still it’s a bit of a shock eh.”

“Yeah,” April nodded her head. “I eh...I didn’t expect this at all right now.”

“Well a baby,” Dex smiled lightly. “It’s gotta be a good thing right? Something that's going to have your good looks and my charm and wit. And mummy’s brains.” Dex’s smile grew larger and April laughed lightly.

“So you’re alright with this?” April questioned “Because I know it wasn’t planned and- ”

“April it’s a baby,” Dex smiled as he placed his hand on her stomach. “It can only be a good thing.”

“Well that’s not what you said the other night so I’ve been scared to tell you.” April spoke quietly, looking down to the bathroom floor.

“What did I say?” Dex questioned.

“Babies were crying pooping vomiting demons.” April looked back up to Dex as she answered him.

“I did,” Dex nodded. “But this will be our crying pooping vomiting demon,” Dex grinned. “And, you got love that.”

April smiled lightly as she felt a tear roll out of her eye. “And we will be okay?” April questioned. “I know it’s not been the best time in our relationship lately and I don’t want to have this baby if we’re going to have troubles.”

Dex pursed his lips together. Jade was just a stupid fantasy, a crush that would leave. All he saw when looked at her was sex. What he has with April was amazing and there’s no way he was going to ruin that, just for some sex. April was who he wanted to have a life long relationship with. “I know it’s been....” Dex trailed off. “Look, I think we just need to find a bit of time for each other again. You’ve been wrapped up in uni and I’ve not really done anything to keep the relationship strong,” Dex answered. “But from now we’re going to find time okay,” Dex said and April nodded lightly. “So how about we go out at the weekend, have a nice meal and just....have fun.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.” April nodded and Dex smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead.


“Hey, how did moving stuff into the house go?” Ruby questioned as she walked into the living room to see Xavier sitting on the couch, with a beer in his hand.

“Good,” Xavier smiled. “We got a lot done.”

“Good,” Ruby sat down next to him and took the beer into her hand. “Nice to see you are giving up the booze with me,” Ruby teased. “Loving your support.”

Xavier laughed lightly. “I won’t drink anymore then,” Xavier shook his head before taking the beer into his hand. “After this one.” Xavier grinned before taking a drink.

Ruby laughed lightly. “No if you want to drink you can, I don’t mind at all. So, did you ask Dex about marriage?”

“We spoke about marriage yeah.” Xavier answered.

“And you brought it up subtly, right?” Ruby questioned.

“Dex brought it up actually,” Xavier answered. “He eh....well he....” Xavier trailed off.

“Well what?” Ruby questioned.

“He wants to sleep with this girl Jade from his work.” Xavier answered tentatively, already scared of Ruby’s reaction.

“Xavier,” Ruby gasped as she hit his arm. “What did you say to him? I hope you didn’t tell him to do it?”

“Of course not, Rubes, give me some credit,” Xavier exhaled. “I just told him to really think about it and that he and April had something amazing and don’t throw anything away just for sex.”

“Well that’s not the worst advice,” Ruby said. “I just hope he wises up. Poor April doesn’t need this at all right now.”

“Well if he’s not 100 per cent happy then -”

“No Xav, you don’t understand,” Ruby shook her head. “April is pregnant.”

“Oh shi....” Xavier trailed off. “Look we just need to leave these two to sort everything out. Dex staying with April just because she is carrying his baby would never be a good thing.”

“I know,” Ruby sighed. “They’re our best mates. I don’t want them breaking up.”

“Me either, but babe, we can’t meddle,” Xavier wrapped his arm around Ruby and she rested her head against his shoulder. “Just let them figure it out, okay?”

“Yeah, I know.” Ruby sighed before she cuddled into Xavier.


“Do you think it’s a bad sign?” Brax questioned as Charlie slipped into the bed.

“Do I think what is a bad sign?” Charlie asked as she gave her husband a confused look.

“That I haven’t heard from the adoption people yet?” Brax questioned.

“Oh no,” Charlie shook her head. “It’s only been just over a week,” Charlie answered. “These things could take months.”

“I don’t remember it being that long the first time though,” Brax sighed. “Charlie I couldn’t deal with it if I was rejected again.”

“We just have to hope you won’t be,” Charlie rubbed his arm. “But remember that no matter what, you’re still his father and he loves you so much, okay?” Brax nodded lightly before placing his hand on her cheek.

“I’ve missed sleeping next to someone.” Brax said softly.

“Someone?” Charlie raised her eyebrows teasingly.

“Well you.” Brax answered as he moved closer to her in the bed.

“Yeah, I’ve missed sleeping beside you too.” Charlie said.

“Not the only thing I’m missing.” Brax said quietly before he leaned forward and placed a soft on Charlie’s lips. Charlie smiled into the kiss, letting it deepen quickly, as she moved her hand up and rested it on the back of his head. Just as Brax went to remove her singlet, the door creaked open and Charlie and Brax looked up to see Riley running into the room.

“Riley,” Charlie exhaled as she straightened up her top. “What you doing awake?”

“Seeing if daddy is still here.” Riley answered as she jumped up onto the bed and crawled in between her parents.

“Well I am sweetie,” Brax smiled down at his daughter. “So off you go back to bed.” Brax made a gesture with his hand, pointing back to the door.

“Daddy,” Riley shook her head. “No be rude.”

Charlie laughed lightly at her daughter. “You have to go back to your own bed. You’ve seen daddy is still here.”

“Mummy no,” Riley shook her head. “I talk.”

Charlie and Brax looked at each other, before looking down to their daughter. Brax smiled as he pulled Riley closer to him, and wrapped his arms around her, placing a soft kiss on her temple. “And what do you want to talk about?”

“Eh...” Riley scratched the side of her head. “I tell a story.”

“You want to tell mummy and daddy a story?” Charlie questioned and Riley nodded as she moved her hair from the front of her face.

“Now, listen.” Riley instructed as she pointed her index finger out at her parents. Charlie and Brax looked at each other and laughed lightly before looking back to their daughter.


Thank you everyone. :wub:

Chapter 180

It was now Saturday morning and Brax gone into town to talk with the restaurant staff letting them know what would be happening, while Charlie stayed home with the children. Ruby and Xavier had gone to the new house to continue getting it ready to move into. “Mummy Bee-Bee is coming,” Paige danced excitedly around the kitchen before running over to the window, climbing up on the bench and looking out the window. “And Bella.”

“Bella is cool.” Riley grinned as she ran out the kitchen towards the front door with Charlie following.

“Bianca,” Charlie smiled as she opened the door, letting them come inside. “How’s it going?”

“Good, how are things with you?” Bianca asked.

“Great. We -” Charlie started to talk but was cut off by her daughter.

“Bee-Bee,” Riley pulled on Bianca’s hand. “Daddy is home now.”

“Yeah,” Bianca smiled down at the girl as they all walked through to the kitchen. “I bet you are glad to have him home?”

“Yes.” Riley nodded.

“Hi Chalie.” Bella waved up to her.

“Hey little one,” Charlie smiled as she flicked the kettle on. “How are you today?”

“Good.” Bella answered as she watched Charlie getting the cups out from the cupboard.

“Bee-Bee where is Ash?” Jacob asked as he ran into the kitchen with his pirate swords, dressed up as a pirate.

“Oh did you forget him?” Paige questioned as she ran over to join the rest of the kids.

“No,” Bianca bit her lip as Charlie laughed lightly. “Ash is with his grandparents in the city this weekend.”

“Oh, so he can’t play?” Jacob asked, saddened.

“Sorry buddy, not this weekend.” Bianca shook her head as Charlie prepared the milk in the coffees, before reaching for some sugar to put in hers. Jacob sighed before he handed Riley the sword.

“Let’s go play girls.” Jacob said before he ran out of the kitchen, with the girls running after him.

“So, Ash is with his grandparents?” Charlie questioned as she handed Bianca the coffee cup and they walked over to the kitchen table. “Liam’s mum and dad, I take it?”

“No,” Bianca shook her head as she took a seat, wrapping her arms around the hot cup. “Chelsea’s parents.”

“Oh wow,” Charlie sounded surprised. “Surprised they didn’t go for custody then, especially after Liam got sent away.”

“They said that they felt they were too old to have a young kid to look after full time,” Bianca answered. “So they wouldn’t contest to me taking guardianship, as long as they got to see him from time to time.”

“Well there’s no way you would stop that,” Charlie answered. “And it’s nice that he gets to spend time with his maternal grandparents. He’ll feel closer to his mother that way.”

“Yeah,” Bianca answered. “I think it’s important that he spends time with them. Maybe even more so now that he doesn’t even have his dad around.” Bianca exhaled lightly as Charlie saw the sadness in her eyes. There was no question about it, Bianca definitely missed Liam.

“How are the kids doing without Liam?” Charlie asked.

“Ash doesn’t really talk about him at all,” Bianca shook her head. “He saw him drunk, I’m pretty sure he saw him high on something....” Bianca trailed off as she shook her head. “He’s scared of him and I don’t blame him. I think when Liam does eventually get back here, it’ll be....well it’ll be hard.”

“Poor kid,” Charlie took a drink of her coffee as she shook her head. “He doesn’t deserve that.”

“No,” Bianca shook her head. “Bella asks after her papà a lot though. To be honest I think that’s why she’s acting up so much lately. She misses Liam and she doesn’t understand why she can’t see him. But I don’t want to take her to a prison. I shouldn’t right?” Bianca questioned before she bit her lip, unsure.

“I wouldn’t like to take my kids there,” Charlie shook her head. “But it’s up to you.”

“No,” Bianca exhaled. “I don’t want to take her there. Maybe if he was just in rehab, but a prison....” Bianca trailed off as she shook her head. “No I can’t.”

“I don’t blame you and Liam should understand you not wanting the kids there.” Charlie said. “So, do you see any hope for you and Liam once he returns or are you still firmly saying no to anything rekindling?”

“If he is sober and clean then I have no problems with him seeing the kids,” Bianca answered. “As for me and him....” Bianca clicked her tongue. “I dunno. We’ll see what happens. I’m not going to rule it out entirely but I’m not going to welcome him back in open arms either.”

“Fair enough,” Charlie answered. “So, you’ll still let him see Bella then?”

“Yeah,” Bianca nodded. “As I said I don’t have a problem with that. Although at the moment both seem rather bad choices for a father. A drunken druggie or a rapist. Lucky girl she is hmm.”

“Well at one point I thought Brax would be a bad choice for Jacob,” Charlie said. “But he did change and I have faith that Liam will too.”

“Well I’d rather she believed he was her father than know the truth, so yeah, Bella will still see him, no matter what happens between us. When he was sober he was....he was great with her.”

“He was.” Charlie smiled.

“Yeah, so, have you heard anything more about Heath?” Bianca questioned.

Charlie shook her head. “Nah,” Charlie answered. “Brax doesn’t really care if he’s found to be honest. And I think....I think he’s long gone too.”

“That’s a shame,” Bianca said. “Well for Ruby’s money anyways.”

“I know,” Charlie nodded. “Brax and I were talking about that last night actually and he’s going to give her some of the insurance money.”

“Oh, I thought you were opening a new restaurant with that?” Bianca asked.

“We are,” Charlie nodded. “But he feels really guilty so he’s going to at least offer her some of the money. I don’t think Ruby will accept it, but he’s adamant that she’s going to take some.”

“Well it’s nice of him to offer,” Bianca smiled. “So when you opening this new restaurant up?”

“Ah I don’t know,” Charlie shook her head. “Brax still has a lot to get sorted before the insurance company will actually pay out and then we’ll need to gut out the old place....it’ll be a couple of months I guess.”

“Where am I going to get good pizza in the bay till then?” Bianca laughed and Charlie shrugged her shoulders.

“We’re not making the place a pizza place anymore,” Charlie shook her head. “It’s going to be a vegan style restaurant.”

Bianca widened her eyes. “You’re joking right?”

“Nah vegan dining is all the range nowadays.” Charlie said trying to keep a straight face, but soon burst into laughter.

“Charlie Braxton,” Bianca shook her head. “Don’t joke to me about that place and there pizza.”

“It’s not like you can’t cook and you need to get pizza’s from there every day.” Charlie answered as Paige and Bella came running back into the room, each dressed in one of Paige’s princess dress up outfits.

“I know but the kids like it and I can bribe then with an Angelo’s pizza. Makes them behave.”

Charlie laughed lightly as Paige climbed up onto her knee and Bella onto Bianca’s. “Mummy we playing dress-up.”

“So I see,” Charlie smiled down at her daughter. “You look awfully pretty girls.”

Bella giggled shyly. “Jake and Wiley are pirates.”

“And Milo,” Paige said. “They gots an eye patch on him.” Paige giggled.

“And a banda.” Bella added.

“Yeah a bandana on his neck,” Paige giggled once again. “He look funny.”

“I bet he does.” Bianca answered and the girls nodded before giggling once again.


“So you hear Dex and April are going out tonight?” Xavier asked as he sat down at the table in their kitchen, handing Ruby her sandwich.

“Yeah,” Ruby answered. “Hopefully that’s a good thing, right?”

“I’d say so,” Xavier took a bite of his sandwich. “So, I guess she told him she was pregnant?”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Ruby gave him a scolding look. “But yeah she did. Going by what she said he took it pretty well.”

“Well that’s good,” Xavier smiled. “Maybe once April is done with uni she’ll be more relaxed and we can have some nights out.”

“I’m not so sure that could happen,” Ruby shook her head. “Grace here is due when she’s getting her finals so I think we’ll be a bit busy with the bub.”

“Ah,” Xavier nodded his head. “Of course. Well still, one day when both the little bubba’s will be born then,” Xavier smiled. “It will be good to raise a kid along with our best mates.”

“Yeah.” Ruby suddenly looked uncomfortable as she fidgeted in the chair.

“You alright?” Xavier looked concerned for his wife.

Ruby shook her head. “I feel like I’ve peed myself.” Ruby spoke quietly as she looked down.

“Oh my God have your waters just broken?” Xavier yelled frantic, as he stood up.

“No, I don’t think it’s that,” Ruby shook her head as she put her hand between her legs, before looking down at it to see it was now red with blood. “Xav, I’m bleeding,” Ruby said, feeling herself tearing up. “I’m really bleeding.”

“Hey hey, it’s okay,” Xavier was trying to stay calm for his wife, but inside he was worried about his unborn daughter. “We’ll go to the hospital and get checked out and everything will be fine, you’ll see.”

“But there is so much blood,” Ruby cried. “Xav I’m sorry.”

“Hey, you’ve not done anything,” Xavier shook his head. “C’mon, we’ll get you to the hospital yeah?”

“I’m so sorry.” Ruby cried as she took Xavier’s hand and he led her out of the house to the car, to take her to the hospital to see what was wrong.


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