JosieTash Posted October 20, 2013 Report Posted October 20, 2013 MANY thanks to Red, Sarah and pembie for your WONDERFUL comments!!! CHAPTER 51 !!!!! AJ is VERY tense …and April and Joey are BOTH very keen to be in their OWN bodies once more but, as much as Dex loves them, they are worried more that he might once more use his magic against them …..even with the mermaid powers that AJ possesses …… AJ [sternly] “Dex, you got GOTTA change us back. This is SILLY. You can’t HONESTLY think this is a good idea.” Part of Dex KNOWS that he’s on a hiding to nothing for doing what he did BUT it’s the ONLY way to keep both April [the woman he loves] AND his children. He’s already had to search the country for Charlotte, Adrian and Danica …..and SOOOOOO isn’t keen to do so again. Dex “OK, I’ll CONSIDER doing that, April-Josephine, if Jo……..” AJ [cutting in, perplexed, kinda annoyed voice] “April-Josephine. REALLY???” Dex “I’m not that keen on abbreviations, unlike EVERYINE else. Anyway, I’ll consider splitting you back into TWO people IF Joey doesn't take my kids away from me. “ AJ [especially form the Joey side of AJ’s brain] “That’s NOT fair.” Dex [annoyed voice] “FAIR !!!!!! Fair sooooo doesn’t cum into this. You TOOK my kids away from me once AND you’re threatening to do so again.” The two voices in AJ’s head are conflicted about this, but MAYBE April had the solution ……maybe ….. April “Hey Joey, I think we SHOULD stay like this. That way we BOTH get the man we LOVE. I KNOW I’d rather have him ALL to myself, but I KNOW he wants to be close to his kids, so yeah, THIS is the way I want things to be.” Joey [shocked “voice”] “WHAT ?!?!?!?! [Angry] You belong in the loony bin if you think I’m gonna share Dex with you. He’s had MY kids. I deserve him. Besides, we DON”T need HIM to separate us. I bet I can use my mermaid powers to split us. Then, YOU”L be history.” April [bemused] I didn’t think mermaids could do that ….just things with water.” Joey [determined] “Well. I’ll show YOU ….and EVERYIONE.” April “But what IF things go wrong? I CAN live in the body as you.” Joey [sternly] “Well, I CAN’T with you. Do you KNOW how ANNOYING up are, April? Yeah, I think you’re a COMPLETE fruit loop. How Dex puts up with you if BEYOND comprehension. But time to end that.” AJ, muchly using the Joey part of her brain, raises both her arms til they get parallel to the ground. April tries to fight it, but Joey’s will is TOO strong. AJ, who has no real idea if this AT ALL can work, moves her hands in various ways. Some of the movements are the ones that the mermaids use to control water, but others are made up movements ….in the hope that things will work. Dex has NO idea what Joey has in mind, but it’s comforting – for the moment – that he thinks that any mermaid magic attack that AJ makes, he can counter …….he hopes …… Joey & April can FEEL the Joey’s powers are pulling them apart. Joey LOOOOVES that there’ll soon be no more AJ ….and, she prays, Dex/Joey. AS the mystical energy swirls around them, April also hopes now that this WILL be a success ……and that she ad Dex and Joey CAN work out a compromise if some kind. Dex watches on …..HOPING that whatever AJ is trying to do doesn’t end up harming anyone ….especially HIM!!!!! [given that he has NO idea what AJ is doing]. Dex covers his eyes, as the lights of the mystical mermaid energy that AJ is producing is now becoming quite blinding ……until it all of a sudden STOPS!!!!!! There’s and eerie silence in the room, until Dex – still quite blinded by the now dissipated light – hears the sound of someone crashing against the yet to be removed breakfast tray. Dex rushes to April’s side ….she’s lying on the floor ….and isn’t moving. He’s not worried that Joey has broken his spell. All he’s worried about is finding out that April is OK. Dex checks immediately for a pulse …… Dex [excitedly] “YES!!!!!” Nurse Julie, having heard the commotion of the breakfast tray crashing to the ground from the nearby nurse’s station, enters the room. She sees Dex tending to April, but her eagle eyes alert her to someone else lying on the floor ……and the other side of the bed to where Dex and April are. Nurse Julie quickly makes her way to Joey’s side. Like Dex did with April, Julie goes to feel for a pulse, but as she goes to do so, Joey convulses ……AND Julie almost can’t believe it when a weird blue type of … or something ……emerges from Joey’s body. The blue energy quickly dissipates, and as weirded out as Nurse Julie by what’s just happened, she decides to push on and do the job she’s trained all her life to do. She feels for a pulse .............. NOTHING!!!!! Nurse Julie [calls out] “I need help in here.” +++ Elsewhere, Blake, Billy & Ruby are by Sasha’s bedside again. There’s still no movement of her legs, but Sasha is VERY confident that she’ll gain FULL mobility. After general chit chatting for a bit …….. Blake [a little tentatively] “Sash, I hate to love you and leave you …..but I REALLY have to sort out how it makes sense that I’m here. At least, Rubes have come up with a plan that’s bound to work.” Sasha “Are you gonna tell me …..or just leave me hanging.” Blake [as he looks straight at Ruby] “Think YOU should tell her.” Ruby leans in closer to Sasha ….and whispers the plan ………. Sasha [after she gives the plan some thought] “Sounds like it can work. Soooo …I’m guessing Billy and Blake are about to bail.” Ruby “Yep. You’re gonna be stuck with just having MY company.” Sasha [as tears star to well in her eyes] “Rubes ……you’re just …… I like Blake sooooo much, and you and Billy bought him here for me. Even AFTER everything I said to you. About you.” Ruby “I’m just glad that we’re friends again.” Sasha “Now it’s me who needs to whisper something to you, Rubes.” Billy “Blake and I will take off. I’ll call Alf on my mobile. Find out where he is.” Ruby “No probs, babe.” Billy kisses Ruby softly on the lips, before he & Blake leave the room ……. Ruby “So the boys are gone. There no one else around. You could just TELL me what you wanted to whisper”. Sasha “’Fraid not.” Ruby thinks to herself “Be mysterious then”, before she leans close in to Sasha, and gets a BIIIIIIIIIG hug!!!!!!! When the embrace ends ….. Ruby [loving voice] “Sash, you’re just the BEST.” Sasha [very happy voice] “You better believe it.” +++ Soon after, Alf is in the surf club. He and Roo and others are setting up for the Australian launch of the new Summer Bay ad campaign …..the one that overseas has already been VERY successful. Alf is very busy, and doesn’t see a woman of similar age to him enter the club. The woman quickly makes a beeline towards Alf, with Blake not that far behind her. She finally gets to be right near Alf and ….. Abigail Kaplan “Excuse me, Mr. Stewart.” Alf sees the woman, but doesn’t recognize her. He’s just about to dismiss her, to continue setting up, when he sees a familiar face beside the woman …….. Alf “Hello, Blake. Who …..Who’s this?” Blake “Mind if I tell him?’ Abigail “Not at all, sweetie.” Blake [as sure as he said anything EVER] “This is Abigail Kaplan. My GRAN.” TO BE CONTINUED !!!!!
JosieTash Posted November 1, 2013 Report Posted November 1, 2013 MANY thanks to Sarah, Red and pembie for your TERRIFIC comments!!! WARNING – This chapter contains a character soon to arrive on UK screens ….but in my fic, she’s pretty different to the way she is onscreen !!!! CHAPTER 52 !!!!! Alf, Blake & Abigail have made their way into the surf club’s office and …… Alf “Blake, I’ve met ALL of your grandparents and Abigail here, she ISN’T one of them.” Blake “You’d be right …..if you were talking about my dad.” Alf looks quite intrigued by what Blake has just said and ……. Alf “Your …..DAD? Blake, you’re not making ANY sense.” Blake steadies himself ……because if Alf, who can smell a rat a MILE away, can believe that story that Ruby came up with, then Blake and his new friends will KNOW that there won’t be any problems of Blake continuing his new existence without trouble or suspicion. Blake “Alf, my father …..Blake Senior, the boy who lived with you, the one who was deeply in love with Meg Bowman …….well, he, just after he & Karen arrived in the Bay, had a brief 'ship with a girl from Yabby Creek. Her name was Dena Kaplan ……….. “ Abigail [softly] “That’s my daughter.” Blake “Dad never said anything to you or Ails about the ‘ship because Dena left the area suddenly soon after the short ‘ship started. He never heard from her again.” Alf [still quite confused] “Is all this leading somewhere?” Blake “Gran, best if you continue the story.” Abigail “My husband, myself and our daughter left Yabby Creek many years ago, to live a MUCH more simple lifestyle. We and some friends went off the grid, barely without telling anyone. Dena told Blake Senior. She knew they were close, and that he deserved SOME kind of explanation.” Blake and Abigail see that Alf appears to be slowly piecing together, but they also continue the Blake Jnr story ….. Blake “My mum discovered that she was pregnant soon after the move to …..I guess you’d call it an isolationist society. Living in the bush. Living solely off the land. I was born and lived quite happily with my mum and Gran and everyone in the camp for …….well, until ………….my mum …..“ Blake bows his head, and tries to hold back tears, whilst ……. Alf [not totally sure what’s going on, but well aware of the emotions Blake is showing] “Must have been hard. Losing your mum like that. Especially with your dad, MY Blake, not being around.” Abigail “Blake here …..He HAS struggled …….so that’s why my husband and I thought it best to try to find his dad ……. “ Alf totally appreciates the effort that has gone into constructing a story like that …..and even admits to himself that if he didn’t know Blake better, he might have actually “bought” the story, so ……… Alf [tongue in cheek] “Well, I guess THAT explains why Junior here has been so “stumped” by things like tiny mobile phones then.” Blake and to a slightly lesser extent Abigail smile ……especially when Alf gives Blake a BIIIIIG welcome [back] to the Bay type hug, before ……. Abigail “Mr. Stewart?” Alf “Call me Alf. Everyone else does.” Abigail “Alf, would you be able to look after Blake for us? He’s been pining for the adventures of the modern world, with all your electronic gadgets and the like …… even BEFORE his mum died.” Alf “No problems at all. Blake, well THIS Blake, I guess he’s like a grandson to me ……and I bet Sasha and Ruby and BILLY will be able to bring Blake up to speed with all he’s missed out on.” Alf gave a gentle nod to Abigail as he said Billy, and she responds with a subtle smile …….acknowledging that she knows that Alf is well aware that Billy is currently morphed into Blake Junior’s supposed grandmother. Abigail “I best be off. This modern, hi tech world, it’s still not for me. Look after him. Won’t you, Alf?” Alf [VERY sincerely] “You have my word.” With that, Alf gives Abigail a small hug, before Blake and his Gran REALLY really [bear] hug. Abigail then kisses Blake on the cheek, before she – with tears starting to well in her eyes - leaves the office AND the building ……. Alf “Well, Blake …..want to help me set up here?” Blake “Mind if I head back to the hospital? Sash and I …….we’re already quite close …..AND she’s IN hospital because of me.” Alf “Sure, but I’ve got to stay here. BIG day for the Bay. [Alf reaches into his pocket for his wallet] Here’s some money for the bus though.” Blake “Thanks, Alf.” Blake, like his “Gran” before him, exits the room ……leaving Alf quite intrigued, yet VERY pleased, that Ruby & Billy have given the Blake he knew 20 years ago a 2nd chance at life. +++ At the hospital, Sasha is sitting up in her bed, talking to Ruby. Not long ago this morning, Sasha had even MORE tests done on her still VERY immobile legs. Not that far away, Sid is talking to the hospital’s new doctor, Evelyn “Evie” Maguire ………… Sid “It’s great to have you with us. Joining our team here at Northern Districts.” Evie “Well, my brother Zac has raved about the Bay ever since he got here ……despite the mess that those Whincups have caused this town ………. but I get the feeling that you aren’t ONLY talking to me to welcome me to the hospital, are you?” Sid “VERY perceptive. I’ve got a patient that I’d like you to take on. She’s ……she’s my daughter and ……. “ Evie [cutting in] “Say no more. Conflict of interest. I can imagine that kind of thing happens quite a bit in a small town.” Sid “Definitely. Seeing family and friends and people I see everyday in the diner and the like …..and to top it all off, my partner Lisa works here at the hospital. She’s a physiotherapist here.” Evie “Small town indeed ……….Now, what’s your daughter’s name and what’s her story?” +++ Not long after Sid and Evie’s chat, Sasha and Ruby are intrigued when a woman they've never seen before enters Sasha’s room …… Evie “Hello, Sasha. I’m Dr Maguire and I’ve taken over your case. How are you feeling?” Ruby can see that her bestie is quite surprised that a doctor other than Sid is treating Sasha, so …. Ruby [very expressively] “Well, I can tell you that my bestie is SPEECHLESS right now. She has NO idea who you are OR why her dad isn’t here.” Evie “Sasha, your dad …….he ………I have some news for you, about your latest test results. Would you ……….. “ Evie’s voice trails off, as she thinks of the news she is about to deliver. She also thinks of her OWN life. How she’s STILL feeling the effects of her parents’ decision to get involved with a DEEPLY “religious” group ….. Evie “Ruby, is it? [Charlie’s daughter nods] Would you mind leaving the room? There are things I need to discuss with my patient.” Sasha [rather adamantly] “Ruby’s my friend. I WANT her to stay.” Evie [slightly taken aback by their insistence, but totally understanding of it] “OK then. Your latest test results are in. I’ve thoroughly examined them, and Sasha, I have to inform you that the swelling on your spine, it’s totally all gone down.” Evie can see that Sasha looks slightly confused by that, but Evie also senses that her patient doesn’t WANT to hear what the new doctor will say next ……… Evie “All of this means that there’s … chance that you’ll ever walk again. Your …………. “ Ruby [uBER shocked] “WHAT ?!?!?!?” Sasha doesn’t say a word. She can’t. There’s TOO much going on. She can’t believe EVERYTHING that has happened over the past few weeks ……Ruby’s betrayal about not telling her about Billy; Blake being bought through the time rift for her; THAT encounter with a certain deadly reptile !!!!!!! ….. but NONE of that matters now !!!!! Her life has been REALLY really changed FOREVER !!!!!!! Sasha tries to speak ……..but nothing comes out. She bursts into tears ……. leaving a similarly disbelieving Ruby to speculate what will happen next, whilst Evie wonders if it’s best to contact Sid and the rest of Sasha’s family right away or stay with her VERY distressed patient. +++ In a hospital in another part of Australia, Nurse Julie is exhausted. She and David Reynolds, Bathurst’s top doctor, have been using a defibrillator on Joey for seemingly ages ………WITHOUT EFFECT. Dr Reynolds [similarly exhausted] “Nurse, time to call it.” Nurse Julie [trying to stay as professional as possible, despite the loss of someone she knew] “It’s ….[looks at her watch] 9.48am. ……..Dex, I’m so sorry. We did ALL we could.” Dex isn’t sure HOW to feel, especially in light of how it could be said that THIS was ALL his fault ….if he hadn’t merged April and Joey ………. Whilst Dex contemplates that, he doesn’t see the blue energy that emerged from Joey before has now immersed itself in April ……who quickly emerges from her mostly unconscious state. She can ALREADY tell that she different to the April she was prior to being merged. One who LIKES that she ALONE [ie. not part of AJ] is a MERMAID!!!!!!! Dex is pleased that April is now on her feet, looking fairly steady on them as well ………but he doesn’t know, as he tries to come to terms with the sudden death of the mother of his children, that April has just made a BIG decision !!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 BIIIIIG thanks to Red, Sarah and pembie for your AWESOME comments!!! Note - In this fic whilst Evie has similar qualities/charcteristics as her onscreen self, she's about Hannah's [in the show] age ........that is, I'm not going all "Doogie Howser M.D." on you !!! CHAPTER 53 !!!!! Dex and April are both sitting nervously within the confines of Bathurst Police Station. A little over an hour has passed since the staff at the local hospital had pronounced Joey Collins as dead. April reflects on how, when asked by Nurse Julie and Dr Reynolds about what happened to Joey, Dex responded by saying that Joey seemed to faint [which lead by to convulse and subsequently lose her battle for life]. April, knowing that it was MAGIC which caused ALL of this …..AND knowing the she now is a mermaid ….. TOTALLY concurred with Dex’s versions of events. April KNOWS that if the truth came out not only her life and Dex’s would be affected …. April’s now fellow mermaids Bella, Cleo, Rikki and Emma could be too. April also muses that she told the medical staff that she passed out as a result of the shock of Joey doing so ….especially since they were in a hospital, of all places, when it occurred. April and Dex are BOTH hoping that the currently-being-performed autopsy shows that Joey died of natural causes …a heart attacks perhaps …as a result of Joey trying to reverse Dex’s merging spell. April hopes that she AND Dex aren’t held accountable for the death. She knows that those thoughts are a combo of both her own self preservation kicking in AND the fact that Dex and Joey’s kids will be TOTALLY without parents if Dex is locked up. Dex tries to talk to April, but she’s too lost of her own thoughts – ESPACIALLY the BIG decision she made at the hospital just after Joey’s passing – to listen. Both the former Baysiders, however, DO hear some VERY familiar voices as part of a news update on the radio that is near to them. The voices are those of Alf and John. Through the radio, Dex and April hear snippets of not only several speeches at the Australian launch of the new Summer Bay ad campaign, but they also hear part of a brand new EXTREMLEY catching song written for the campaign ……with the song performed LIVE at the launch by ……. Liam Murphy [the reformed by the Bay drug addict who is currently a worldwide music sensation] …. AND … Tiegan Brook [the recent Australian THE X FACTOR finalist, who as a troubled, illiterate teen in Summer Bay in the 1990s learnt not only how to READ but how to socialize effectively] Dex and ESPECIALLY April are pleased to hear that the launch, which also featured several other former Summer Bay residents whose lives had been TOTALLY turned around by the town, sounds like it’s been a BIG success already ….with the radio announcer commenting of how there’s been a SURGE of enquiries for holiday and the like in the town, from ALL over Australia!!!!!!! ……along with enquiries garnered from the overseas launch. As Dex and April wonder what the Whincup family will do in response, the Sergeant in charge of the Bathurst Police Station enters the room where Dex and April are. Both are on tender hooks ………… and are TOTALLY relieved when SGT Harman tells them that Joey died of a heart attack, without suspicion, so they are free to go. +++ As Dex and April exit the police station, Dex doesn’t really know how to feel. Part of him is relieved that Joey’s death WON’T be “pinned” on him, but he also feels quite guilty at the same time …..for both getting away with it AND, even MORE importantly, for robbing his OWN children of having a mother !!!!!!!!! As he & April head for their car, which is parked down the street from the police station, Dex is trying to process these thoughts when ………. April [loudly, after trying to get his attention, from the moment they left the station, several times] “Earth to Dex !!!!!!!” Dex [”waking up”] “Reading you loud and clear, Houston.” April tenses up a little, and stops walking. Dex follows her lead. April KNOWS what she HAS to do. As much as she loves Dex, she just has to do this. After all, he MERGED her with Joey. Without batting an eyelid it seemed ……. Dex [upon seeing the tense look on April’s face, but trying to “make light” of the sitch] “Houston, do we have a problem?” April [after a few soothing breaths] “Dex ……I just can’t be with you anymore.” With that, April starts RUNNING. As she does so, she can feel the tears begin to well in her eyes. She loves Dex ….and his beautiful triplets who she’s become quite close to …….. but all of that isn’t enough. April knows that Dex REALLY doesn’t have the physique to follow her right now ……which is good. She knows she has nowhere to go in this town. Soooooooooooooooo many memories of her and Dex and Joey AND the triplets, so she heads for the train station. Dex, meanwhile, is still standing where April dumped him. He just can’t comprehend ALL that has happened today. He’s ready to go completely MAD !!!!!!!!!!!!! ……….. Except there’s 3 adorable kids, HIS kids, stopping him …….but having to go home and somehow try to actually TELL Danica, Charlotte and Adrian what’s happened. THAT will be …………..words can’t even BEGIN to describe it!!!! +++ In Summer Bay, Sasha is trying to deal with the SHOCKING news that Evie has recently told her. There’s only Sasha and Sid in the room. Sasha hasn’t said a SINGLE word since she was told she would NEVER walk again. Sid’s daughter is swinging between being deadly tense silent and crying. Some of which are vey HARROWING cries. It was Sid, upon entering the room, suggested that Ruby should leave …..and Evie thought it best, at that point, for herself to leave the room as well … Sasha could be with family. Ruby is in the corridor outside Sasha’s room when Blake and Billy [back in his normal teenage boy mode] arrive. She knows it’s not her place to tell them, but she IS keen to speak to her bestie … especially because of ALL the tears and cries that she’s heard. Ruby gets up out of the chair she was sitting on. She can’t help it. She sooooooooooooo wants to be there for her friend. Sasha sees Ruby enter her room and …………… TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted December 6, 2013 Report Posted December 6, 2013 MANY thanks to Red, pembie and Sarah for your ACE comments …..and your continued support of my fics !!!! CHAPTER 54 !!!!! Ruby doesn’t really know what she expects to happen when she enters Sasha’s room, but part of her is bracing for impact. Ruby knows that, in the end, this is all HER fault ……. So she isn’t really surprised when Sasha greets her with a steely DEATH STARE, and …… Sasha [ANGRILY] “GET OUT !!!!!!!!” Ruby just stands there. She’s not in shock. Ruby is merely standing her ground. Sasha [a teeny tiny bit less angry] “Are you DEAF or something, EX bestie? GET ….OUT !!!!!” Ruby [slightly assertively] “No.” Sid “Ruby, I think you should ……… “ Sasha [cutting in angrily]”I NEVER want to see you EVER again, you little BITCH.” Ruby [assertively] “And THAT’S why I’m not moving an INCH. I know that it would be easy for me to do you ask and turn around and go, but I won’t. [Emotionally] I PROMISE you that I won’t REST until I’ve made your life as good as it CAN be for this moment on.” Sasha [annoyed voice] “But I’m gonna be in a WHEELCHAIR for the REST of my life and it’s all YOUR fault.” Ruby [totally heartfelt] “I KNOW. That’s WHY I made this pledge to you.” Sid “I really think ……..” Sasha [sternly] “Sorry, Dad, but this REALLY is tween me and that little HUSSY over there. “ At that very moment, Sid gets a further surprise, when there’s an announcement over the hospital’s PA system that there is an urgent phone call for him. Sasha can see that her dad continues to be VERY protective of her, with Ruby not budging an inch and all …. Sasha “Dad, I love you, but I HAVE to deal with Ruby on my OWN.” Sid [still not entirely convinced, but …]… “OK. But I’ll be back VERY shortly. [slightly annoyed] This call, it better be ………” Sasha [kinda finishing her dad’s sentence] “I know. It better be BEYOND urgent …..for you to agree to leave.” Sid really isn’t sure about this, but he slowly exits the room. He hopes that Sasha doesn’t over excite herself …in her quest to VERBALLY destroy Ruby. What Sid doesn’t know just yet is that the urgent call is from Dex. Back in the hospital room ……. Sasha [annoyed voice] “I’m gonna ring my buzzer and get security to get you out of my room.” Ruby [vehemently] “I wouldn’t care if you took out an AVO on me. I’m STILL gonna do ALL I can to do as MUCH as I can to make things as RIGHT as I can. No matter WHAT it takes.” Sasha [sternly] “But you’re POISON, Ruby. You LIED to me about Billy AND your "GREAT" schemes to get me a b/f have RUINED this town AND ended my life as we know it.” Ruby “That’s WHY I want to make things better.” Sasha [angrily once more] “Then GET OUT!!!!!! [slightly less angry] Let me deal with what YOU did to me.” Ruby [insistently] “I’m NOT budging.” Sasha [annoyed voice] “I’m going to get some rest ….to help me deal with this. DON’T be here when I wake.” Sasha lies down in her bed. She faces away form where Ruby is standing [about half way tween the bed and thr door]. Sasha puts the covers over her head and starts to softly cry. Ruby hears her friend’s cries, but she continues to hold her ground. Ruby isn’t, right at this very moment, exactly sure HOW she will make good her plan, but she KNOWS that somehow/someway, she WILL fulfill the promise she just make to the girl who Ruby still MUCHLY considers to be her bestie. +++ In Bathurst, Dex is sitting in a park at the center of the small-ish town. He’s just got off the phone to Sid who suggested, in light of ALL that’s occurred, that Dex should return to the Bay. Dex told his dad that he thinks that that is where April is heading, as the local train station attendant had indicated so. Sid insisted that if Dex needs ANYTING to contact him immediately. Dex didn’t tell Sid the REAL reason why Joey died AND April left him, but Dex knows that although he blames himself for Joey’s death, he isn’t really responsible. Sure, IF Dex didn’t cast the merging spell, Joey wouldn’t have had to try to break it. Dex consoles himself in that knowledge …..that he didn’t actually murder anyone. Dex is distracted from his thoughts when he sees good friend Leanne Tander approaching …… Leanne “What are you? ……where’s April and Joey? Don’t worry, the …….. “ Dex [cutting in, slightly frantically] “You left my kids ALONE ….adn you OWN. What are you THINKING, woman?” Leanne is more than slightly taken aback by the mere idea that Dex could think that she would leave the youngsters alone ……. Leanne [more that slightly defensively] “Garth, you remember him, my HUSBAND. Well, he got home this morning form his latest business trip. He’s looking after ALL of our kids. I can tell you that he was VERY keen to hang out with not only Scarlett and Sebastian, but your lot as well.” Leanne sees the look on Dex’s face. She can tell that he’s VERY stressed. Yeah, the look of hopelessness matches the [in Leanne’s mind] insane question about the kids ……. Leanne [slightly tentatively] “What’s ……what’s up? We’re good friends. You can tell me.” Dex REALLY doesn't want to even try to answer that question. How can he. How can you explain what TRULY happened to anyone, but ….. Leanne “Come on. [smily voice] Now, who’s the one who can calm Danica when she’s ESPECIALLY being a little tear away?” Leanne sees a tiny smile, just a smirk really, on Dex’s face ......along with him mouting the words "You are." She hopes that what she said has broken the ice enough for Dex to tell her ……whatever is weighing deeply on his mind. Dex realises he HAS to tell someone what REALLY happened…..and Leanne is kinda detached enough form the sitch to make her the perfect candidate …… Dex “I …….I have to tell you something. It’s a confession if you will.“ Leanne [tentatively] “I …..don’t know if I’m the right person for this. There’s a church nearby.” Dex [assertively] “No, it HAS to YOU, Leanne.” Leanne “OK. Let’s hear it.” +++ In Summer Bay, mermaid Emma exits the kitchen of the house she lives in. She’s just made a snack for herself and good friend Cleo, but when Emma enters the living room ……… Emma [playfully] “Get a room, you two.” Bianca & Charlie, who had been softly kissing on the couch, break away from their kissing. They both chuckle about Emma’s comment ….with Cleo adding to the mood by smiling. Cleo “Today’s just been the BEST. Great launch of the ad campaign and now a relaxing afternoon with my oldest dearest friend AND my kinda surrogate mums. Don’t you agree, Em?” Emma [smiley voice] “Completely.” Bianca, Charlie, Cleo & Emma are startled by a knock on the door. Emma is about to get up and answer it, but she can see that Bianca has beaten her to it. Bianca opens the door ….adn is SHOCKED to see an in tears April standing there. Bianca immediately hugs her little sister …..and, after the two have embraced for at least a minute …… Bianca [V caring voice] “What’s …..what’s the matter? April [muchly still in tears] “I broke up with Dex …….[starts crying even MORE] and Joey is dead.” Bianca hugs April even more, whilst she thinks that she’s glad Rikki isn’t here. Charlie looks at both Emma & Cleo and ……. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted December 25, 2013 Report Posted December 25, 2013 BIIIIIG thanks to Red, Sarah and pembie for your BRILLIANT comments!!! pembie, re your comment recently about the mermaids’ potential revenge attack, there’s reference in the chapter below to one of the mermaids using her powers quite EVILY !!!!!! [in this fic’s predecessor] MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone !!! I know chapters of this fic have been sporadic of late, but things have been very involved/busy in my life. Most of that has resolved itself now, so chapters should be more frequent. CHAPTER 55 !!!!! Bianca slowly encourages April to enter the house with her, but they head for the couch, Bianca realizes that Charlie is no longer there ……. Bianca [inquisitively, but still keeping most of her focus on her sister] “Where’s ……where’s Charlie gone to?” Cleo [hesitantly] “Um.” Cleo and Emma both saw Charlie pretty much rush out of the room, heading for the bedroom as soon as she heard that Joey, her ex wife, is no longer on this Earth ……….but Bianca, rather than trying to deal that, focuses back on April …….. Bianca “You know that you’re VERY welcome to stay here.” April [appreciatively, as her tears slowly start to ease] “Thanks, sis.” Emma and Cleo, although they’ve been estranged from Joey since she caused all manner of trouble when she cause an endless snow storm in the Bay a while back, are still quite shocked and Cleo feels more that a tad forlorn, but Emma senses something else going on here …….. Emma “April, do you mind joining me in the kitchen? I think a hot chocolate will do you good right now.” NO one else in the room, even April, has any idea that Emma has an ulterior motive for doing this, so …… April [still a little teary] “Sure, Em. Yeah, that might do me good.” Emma & April quickly make their way into the kitchen and April is suprised that Emma hasn’t headed for the fridge or the cupboard ……. April [concerned voice] “What’s this all about? [joking voice] Do you “angels” know a different way to make hot chocolate top the rest of us?” Emma [serious voice] “But you’re NOT the rest of us anymore, are you?” April is REALLY surprised. How on EARTH does Emma know ????? Emma “I can sense that you’re one of us now. What I’d like to know is how and WHY?” April wonders how she’ll tell Emma about what her ex did …….or if she’ll be believed if she comes up with another theory. Like, can she somehow tap into Emma’s brain and extract how Emma and the others become mermaids, but she can’t. it’s one of the things that didn’t transfer over when April became part fish ….as she knows the girls have powers, but April herself doesn’t know how to activate them ………. April [after deciding to tell Emma everything] “Em, I swear to GOD that this is the truth ………..” +++ Not that far away, Charlie is lying in her & Bianca’s bed. Charlie knows she loves Bianca very very dearly, but the news of Joey’s death has hit her pretty hard. Harder than Charlie EVER could have imagined. It’s like, Charlie knows that Joey MUCHLY betrayed her trust by keeping the truth about the night the triplets were conceived a secret. That deception led to Charlie divorcing Joey AND to Charlie hooking up with Bianca ……but what now? Charlie muchly knows she’s been sharing a bed ….getting waaaaaaaaaaaaay intimate with her 2nd wife for ages now, so why does Joey’s death hurt sooooooo much ????? Charlie can’t help it. She tries to stop herself, but she starts to sob. Charlie grabs a nearby pillow and buries her head in it, hipping that no one in the longue room mad the like can hear here. +++ Leanne & Dex are sitting by side by side in the park in Bathurst …….. Leanne [somewhat bewildered] “That’s ……….that’s quite a story. [serious] Surely you’re kidding me like always. You’re SUCH a kidder.” Leanne sees the look on Dex’s face. She tries to find some kind of crack in his VERY serious [hopefully just a] veneer …….. Leanne “You’re not ………you’re NOT kidding are you? [Dex bows his head] What ……what are you going to do?” Dex “I’ve really thought it through now. [deep breath] I’ve lost April cos of what I did, but I deserves to suffer MORE. I’m gonna go back to that police station, and turn myself in.” Leanne knows that that would the theoretically brave and noble thing to do, but she just knows that, right now, there’s some people who Dex ISN”T thinking about ……. Leanne “Dex, you can’t.” Dex “Sure I can. Just a case of taking one step at a time. Putting one foot in front of the other.” Leanne [frustrated] ”Could you be serious for ONE moment of your life?” Dex “I AM being serious. I need to pay for what I did.” Leanne “But do your children? Those girls, they ADORE you.” Dex “They shouldn’t. What kinda person tries to solve a love triangle by [whispered] merging the two people who are fighting over him.” Leanne realizes tat Dex does have a bit of a point there, but she also knows something else …….. Leanne “I know you want to ease your conscious. To pay for what happened to Joey, but there’s 3 VERY important reasons why you shouldn’t turn yourself in.” Dex [knowing exactly what she means] “They’re ……better off ……better off without me.” Leanne [emotionally] “no they’re NOT, Dex. They NEED a parent. They DESERVE a parent, especially after YOU too away their mum.” Dex [he can see that she is DEAD serious] “Can I at least ……think about this?” Leanne “i’ll give you til tomorrow …….but know this, I like your kids. Charlotte especially is ADORABEL, but Garth and I won’t be the ones looking after them if you turn yourself in.” Leanne, rally not wanting be in the same space as Dex, stands up and heads off ……leaving Dex to ponder his next move. +++ Sasha is asleep in her hospital bed. Ruby is sitting close to her bedside, when Evie enters the room …….. Evie “The nurses told me that you were being quite persistent. Not leaving Sasha’s side.” Ruby “I can’t. I did this to her. I know that I can’t fix her legs. Make her walk again, but I NEED to be here. To show Sash that I’m not walking away from her.” Evie, despite being new to the town, has heard a number of pieces of gossip adn the like about Ruby and Sasha and their currently fractured ‘ship, and can totally see Ruby’s dilemma, but she also knows that there are other way that Ruby can help …… Evie “Ruby, there are better ways to do way what you’re trying to do.” Ruby gives her a mostly disinterested glance ……. Evie “What about trying to organize, with Sasha’s dad of course, ways to help Sasha when she gets home. I can tell you that Sasha’s in a world of change, most especially when she is discharged from this place.” Ruby “But I don’t want to leave her. She’ll think ‘I was right. I can’t walk so Ruby’s walked out on me’ .” Evie [bordering on sternly] “You got to give my patient some space. Give her room top breath, even for just a bit …..AND the suggestion I had I think is the BEST way for you to do that.” Ruby, try as she might, begins to realize that Evie isn’t going top take no for an answer. Ruby’s had occasional chats and the like with Evie’s brother, Zac …..including during one of her shifts at Sexy Tales ……. and she’s seen enough of both Evie and Zac to know that these Maguires know their stuff so …….. Ruby [slightly begrudgingly] “OK, but PLEASE tell Sash what I’m doing. PLEASE tell her I’m not abandoning her. As soon as she wakes up.” Evie “I promise. Your friend, she IS in safe hands.” Ruby “ I’ll hold you to that.” Ruby, still not 100% sure about her decision, exits Sasha’s room …….looking back at her currently-in-sleeping-beauty-land friend. Ruby hopes that, somehow, her friendship will be strong once more … time ….as she heads off to find out how to amend Sasha’s house to accommodate her bestie’s new reality. +++ Elsewhere in the Bay, Lottie has heard the bad news about Sasha. Just like Ruby, Lottie is feeling REALLY bad about what’s occurred. It’s like, IF she hadn’t told Billy she loves him, he NEVER would have input the wrong coordinates and NONE of this mess would have happened. Lottie can’t help herself. After BEGGING Roo and Harvey to let her out if their sight after she stayed out ALL night last night, she heads for the one place …..or more to the point … person who could make today bearable. Lottie is sure that Rosie would know by now about Sasha. After all, gossip like this in a small town spreads like wildfire …….but Lottie decides t9o press on anyway. Lottie is a little surprised to see Rosie acting normally [chirpily taking orders and the like form customers at Angelo’s]. Lottie thinks that maybe it’s cos Rosie doesn’t know Sasha THAT well ……… Rosie [happy voice, as she approaches Lottie] “Howdy, stranger.” Lottie [trying to sound happy] “Good to see you again, Rosie.” Rosie “You don't sound so good. What’s up?” Lottie is REALLY surprised that the Summer Bay grapevine hadn’t reached Rosie today, but she’s glad. Lottie rally wants to bury her feelings of self loathing DEEP, and she figures that the BEST way to do that is to “hook up” with someone. She knows that Rosie REALLY likes her AND that their kiss earlier today was VERY beyond nice ……………. Lottie [lovingly] “Rosie, dear sweet Rosie, I REALLY want to be with you.” TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted December 31, 2013 Report Posted December 31, 2013 MANY thanks to Red, Sarah and pembie for your TREMENDOUS comments!!! Hope you enjoy my latest !!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!! WARNING - this chapter gets more than a bit intense at times !!! CHAPTER 56 !!!!! Rosie REALLY can’t believe it. She knew, before she got to this town, that it had several females in same sex ‘ships so Rosie suspected it was going to be a pretty hard slog finding a gay, or bi, girl who is single. All of which meant that Lottie throwing herself right now at Rosie was unexpected. Rosie admits to herself that she is a tad weary. After all, this was the girl she slept back to back with just last night ……who KISSED Rosie this very morning. Rosie IS a tad confused, but she can see that Lottie is looking rather seductive. Not a hair out of place, chest pushed out to accentuate her ample breasts, cleavage revealing top, figure hugging clothes to highlight Lottie’s kinda voluptuous bod. Yeah, Rosie likes what she’s seeing and hearing ……. Rosie [sexy voice] “You’re HOT, Lottie. Actually, no. You’re LUSCIOUS.” Lottie “Why thanks, babe. [short pause, as she looks around] I know this place looks busy rather busy ….which is a GOOD thing for you …lots of customers and all, but I REALLY want to BE with you right now.” Rosie is further surprised. She knows that she was “all guns blazing” when she propositioned both Tamara and [the 1st time she saw] Lottie, but it’s weird for the boot to be on the other foot. However, although she shared a bed last night with Lottie, Rosie hasn’t been intimate with anyone for the last 6 months ……as since that time, she & her then g/f Petra parted ways when Petra went to Europe [permanently] with her family ……… Rosie “Tamara, I KNOW we’re busy but can you SEE how HOT Lottie is? I NEED to be with her. Like, right NOW.” Tamara indeed gives Lottie the once over. Tamara’s not into girls, but Lottie is looking rather sensational AND Tamara knows how much Rosie is keen to get REALLY involved with another woman. Tamara is a little concerned that she’s heard the gossip going round about Sasha, and how that news should/could be affecting what’s sounding like the Bay’s newest copule, but……….. Tamara [a little hesitantly] “OK, but you BOTH owe me a favour.“ Lottie quickly makes her way t where Tamara is nearby, and HUGS her, whilst ……. Rosie “I’m sooooo not in to guys, but I’ll help you however I can to “land” Zac … EVERYONE deserved someone special in their life. Thnaks you soooooooooooooooooo much, Tamara.” Tamara smiles, as Lottie ends the hug. Rosie, being the more girl on girl experience of herself & Lottie, outstretches her hand, and Lottie eagerly grabs hold. Rosie, with Lottie just a little bit behind her, walks hand in hand lovingly through the restaurant [to the intrigue of some of the customers] , then the kitchen, and into the flat behind it. Lottie “You don’t know how much …….. [a combo of nervous and excited] OH !!!! I’m just soooooooooooooooooo EXCITED. I can’t believe this is ACTUALLY happening. I sooooooooooo wannna kiss you right now.” Rosie “Well, stop talking and star ………… “ Lottie kisses Rosie several times quickly on the lips. Rosie LOVES that, but even in the throes of passion, she remembers what happened last time she tried to PASH Lottie …… Rosie is YUMMILY surprised when it’s Lottie who starts French kissing her. The two eagerly caress each other clothes clad bodies, getting steadily more intense with both the kissing and the caressing, especially with Rosie groping Lottie’s backside. Rosie REALLY starts thinking bout the next phase …..muchly actually sleeping with Lottie, but she has NO idea how experienced Lottie is …..both in terms of girl on girl OR sex of any kind, so Rosie slows her intensity …..going back to merely kissing Lottie on the lips …….but as she does so, she starts to remove Lottie’s top. She gets no resistance and adores seeing her new g/f’s breasts covered only by an aqua colored push up bra. Lottie REALLY like that Rosie IS taking the lead here ….being the man as it were …….and Lottie joyously removes Rosie’s top …….. Rosie [in tween kisses] “You’re soooooooooooooooo HOT and luscious, Lottie. Think you should lay down on the bed, but not before I ……… “ Rosie reaches down inside the back of Lottie’s knee length shirt AND her panties ….she’d only previous had her hands on the outside of the luscious one’s skirt …. and muchly caresses her b/f’s actual behind ……….. Lottie [alarmed voice] “WAIT !!” Rosie’s too lost in the moment and continues to fondle Lottie’s derriere, with BOTH hands now ……. Lottie [loudly] “STOP IT, Rosie. STOP IT !!!!!” That wakes Rosie up from her bliss, so she indeed halts ……. Rosie [caring, confused voice] “What's up, baby? Did I go too fast? You liked it when I took your top off, didn’t you? [Lottie starts to cry] REALLY what’s up, Lottie? I’d NEVER do ANYTHING to hurt you ….or that you don’t want to do.” Lottie KNOWS that she can’t go through with this. She BEYOND knows that she’s just using Rosie cos of the guilt she feels as to what’s happened to Sasha. Lottie starts to look for her top, which is strewn on the floor somewhere now after what Rosie did …… Lottie [slightly frantic] “Where’s my shirt? Can’t go to the hospital wearing just a BRA up top.” Rosie [shocked, confused] “Hospital? WHAT ??????” Lottie grabs her top off the floor and wants to get out of there. She REALLY doesn’t want to face Rosie right now ……… Rosie [concerned voice] “Lottie, PLEASE tell me what’s up? [“wakes up”] The hospital. What’s happening with Sasha?” Lottie’s only response is tears …………before ……. Lottie [still muchly in tears] “Soooooooo sorry, Rosie. I ……just ……NEEDED someone. Needed some com….comfort.” Rosie [concerned, but tender voice] “What’s ………what‘s happened?” Lottie [teary voice] “Sasha …… mustn’t have heard, or why would you still be at work ……..Sash, your new friend, she’s NEVER going to walk again.” Rosie is ROCKED by what she’s just heard. She knew that Sasha was in hospital, and was going to visit her when her latest shift at her new job finished today, but this !!!!!! Rosie sooooooooooo can’t believe what Lottie did ……… Rosie [angry voice] “You were gonna use me for SEX !!!!!!!!!!!!” Lottie, despite her continuing tears, moves her head from being where it was, towards the ground, to be facing Rosie …..with a look that TOTALLY comfirms that what Lottie said was true !!!!!! Lottie, with tears still streaming down her face, exits the flat …..and the restaurant ……… including past a rather STUNNED Tamara. Not long after, Rosie emerges from the flat, with Tamara, along with many of the restaurant’s patrons, noticing almost immediately …….. Tamara “Sorry to say this but you look like hell.” Rosie “Feel like it too. My new friend, the 1st one I made in this town, will never walk again. NO ONE told me THAT news AND my supposed new girlfriend tried to use me for sex!!!!! So yeah, I’ve had the “peachy” day. Actually, tell me you’re not gonna fire me for all this?” Tamara [as she gives Rosie a hug] “Nope, but I’m still taking you up on your offer for you to help me “nab” Zac.” Rosie looks at Tamara and gives her the weakest of smiles, before ………. Tamara “You planning on working here again today?” Rosie [downtrodden] “Yeah, if you’ll have me.” Tamara “Suggest you put a shirt on then. Angelo’s doesn’t “do” almost topless waitresses.” Rosie [with a slightly broader smile than before] “OK. Boss.” Rosie, who still currently only has a bra on the top half of her body, heads off back to her flat ….to find that work shirt. ++++ On the outskirts of Mangrove River, Indi is salivating. TV and radio news bulletins are reporting that many, many people [both in Australia and form overseas] have been seduced back to the Bay by THAT ad campaign ……. Indi “It’s sooooooo time for us to do our thing. There’s OODLES of people in the Bay again. No thanks to that BITCH, Jane Whincup. Are you ready, Heath???” Heath [menacingly] “To crush, kill and destroy!!!! ALWAYS !!!!!” Indi “I can’t wait for you to TOTALLY destroy Summer Bay. EVERY building flattened. EVERYONE ………DEAD !!!!!!! And hey, what are you ESPECIALLY going to do to that little SLUT, Ruby?” Heath [with the EVILIST gleam in his eye] “The rest of the people in the Bay, I’m gonna STOMP ON, or CRUSH or EAT, but Ruby, I’m gonna GRAB her, then RIP her arms off one by one. Same thing with her legs, before, as she SCREAMS in pain, I TEAR her head off ……then I’m gonna eat all those pieces.” Heath laughs MANIACALLY !!!! …….with Indi joining in ……..before ……. Indi “Time to turn you into a FULL SIZE Godzilla monst....... “ Heath [cutting in] “Not GODZILLA, babe. HEATHzilla !!!!!!” Indi & Heath exit the cabin that’s been their secret hideaway ……and Indi starts to incant the spell that’s about to rain down terror on the Bay !!!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted January 3, 2014 Report Posted January 3, 2014 MANY thanks to Red, pembie and Sarah for your FANTASTIC comments!!! NOTE – there’s a fair bit of carnage in the action below !!! CHAPTER 57 !!!!! At the hospital, Ruby is talking to Sid. They are on the same floor as Sasha but right at the other end of the building ………… Sid “I’m glad that you took Dr Maguire’s advice and aren’t camping out in Sasha’s room any more, BUT I can’t let you do that. PAYING for ALL the modifications my house now needs.” Ruby “But I INSIST. Your daughter, I know that you’re her father, but I’M responsible for her now. It’s MY fault she'll NEVER walk again. It’s like, as soon as I arrange AND pay for the mods to the farmhouse, I’m gonna do as MUCH research as I can, talk to as many PEOPLE as I can, for me to be able to help Sasha in EVERY way possible when she leav.......” Ruby is startled when she hears a large, heavy THUD !!!!! ……..followed by another and another !!!!!! Ruby [worried voice] “Are you hearing and feeling this, Dr Walker?” The walls around them start to shake, and various medial supplies tat are on shelf on the nearby walls come CRASHING down …… Ruby [shocked voice, as she & Sid moves out into one of the corridors from the small treatment room they were in] “What the HELL is that?” Sid is thinking that it might be an earthquake, as it’s not like the Bay hasn’t been struck by several of them before, but moments later, Billy approaches ………… Ruby [annoyed voice] “Why aren’t you with Sash? It’s OUR job to protect her. Get her out of here, befor ……….. “ Billy [cutting on] “That’s what I AM doing. I need to get you so the two of you close to each other.” Ruby [slightly frantic] “We NEED to get out of this building, before the quake collapses it.” Sid [stern voice] “I agree with Ruby, but we should ALL be doing so, as much as we can, in an orderly fashion.” Billy [loud voice] “But it’s NOT a quake. It’s a MONSTER heading this way. Summer Bay’s own GODZILLA !!!!!!” Ruby AND Sid [in shocked unison] “WHAT !?!?!!?!?!?” Billy’s only response is to look them both dead in the eye. They both KNOW that he IS telling them the ABSOLUTE truth ……. Sid [determined voice] “We’ve got to get EVERYONE out of here.” Billy “Sid, can you organize that? … I’ve got to get Sasha and Ruby & I outside right now.” Sid, amidst the HUGE thuds which continue to weaken the structural integrity of the hospital as the creature gets closer, wants to argue with Billy, especially with Ruby’s b/f’s insistence of getting Sasha out …….because as much as Sid wants his daughter out of the hospital, he KNOWS that he has responsibilities to EVERYONE here ……… Sid [with a great amount of authority] “Billy, get my daughter out of here.” +++ Ruby & Billy quickly make their back towards Sasha’s room, avoiding as best they can the now strewn on the floor medial supplies and trollies and the glass that’s been shattered for the numerous windows, and as they do so …….. Billy [a little breathless form the running] “Rubes, you’re not gonna like what I’m about to say.” Ruby [slightly annoyed and frantic] “WHAT ???? Whatever it is, it CAN’T be worse than that MONSTER …………..” Some metal bedpans, which were on the shelf they were passing, fall off the high shelf !!!! Several of them hit Ruby’s body, especially her arms as she tried to use them to keep them away form things like her head, but one DOES connect just above her left ear ……..Ruby just KNOWS that the blow has drawn blood !!!!!, but she can’t think about that now. Nothing is pervading Ruby’s mission to get to the paralyzed and no doubt even MORE frightened Sasha ……and as they run ……. Billy “The monster. I can SENSE that it’s a human creation.” Ruby [perplexed and frantic] “Like a HUGE robot?” Billy “No, a creature created by MAGIC.” Ruby [somewhat disbelieving] “WHAT ?!?!!?!?!?!?” Billy “And I sense whoever the creator is, wants YOU especially DEAD !!!!!!” Ruby, who is close to Sasha’s room now, stops DEAD in her tracks. How can Billy know THAT !!!!!! Must have something to do with his alien physiology, she muses. Ruby & Billy enter Sasha’s room. There’s rubble everywhere already, Blake is on top of Sasha, acting as a shield …protecting her as much as possible from the various debris. Ruby can see numerous cuts and abrasions of Blake’s body ………. Ruby [breathlessly] “Thanks, Blake. GOD !!!!!! We gotta get a wheelchair ……..[she remembers all the rubble and medical supplies on the floor] or one of you boys can CARRY Sash?” Billy “No need, Rubes. I’M gonna transform myself into a similar size MONSTER … destroy whatever that ……… “ Ruby [heartfelt] “Oh Billy, you’re so brave, but ………..” Billy [cutting in] “But I NEED to know that you & Sash are FAR out of harm’s way.” Ruby “But I wanna FIGHT !!!!! If this thing is here for ME, I’m NOT running away.” Sasha [emotionally] “Rubes, I REALLY need you right now.” Ruby “OK ……..but …………….. “ Ruby has no idea exactly what she is going to do ……How she IS gonna keep Sasha safe …………but she KNOWS that she DOES really need to do this ……….. Billy “Guys, there’s something I’ve not even told RUBY about my powers. As a TOTAL one off, I can morph 2 humanoids, including you guys, into ……whatever ……..and back. Sasha, you’ll TOTALLY have the use of your legs for a time.” Sasha [trying to comprehend] “So you can change me & Rubes into, say, gazelles or cheetahs, something REALLY speedy so we are WELL out of the way.” Ruby “And change us back when things are safe again.” Billy [forlornly] “I can’t ......can't change you into a non paralyzed human." Sasha [despondently, but she knows why] “Yeah, cos how we gonna explain that. After all, my name’s not LOCKE.” Billy [authoritively] “OK. Let’s do this. Ready to be cheetahs, girls?” Sasha [bringing some lightness to the sitch] “I DO always look good in clothes with animal prints.” Ruby [tongue in cheek, after Sasha’s led the way in that respect] “AND some might say I’ve been a cheater LOTS of times already.” With rubble falling all around them, Billy points a hand each at Sasha & Ruby [who is standing as close to Sasha as she can, shielding her from the fallimg debris now] …………and Blake looks on with ATONISHMENT as the 2 girls all but instantly transform into CHEETAHS !!!!!!!! Blake “They …..they can’t talk to us now, can they?” Sasha, now a wild animal, gets to her feet on the bed and ROARS !!!!!! Blake “Well, it would’ve been cute if they could talk like the animals do in Disney cartoons.” Ruby & Sasha quickly make their way out of the room. Both are sooooooo glad that they are on the ground floor of the hospital. They know that will create a bit of panic, when staff and patients see WILD animals in the building, so they RUN as fast as they can ………dodging debris AND people as best they can. Sasha almost can’t believe that she can, even in animal form, run again. She and Ruby quickly make it to a side exit of the hospital, which has thankfully been left open by others fleeing the hospital, and begin to escape, side by side, as far as they can AWAY from the Bay. +++ At the Chanca house, Emma, Cleo, April and Bianca are STUNNED to hear radio reports that a scaly HUGE Godzilla like monster is not only in the Bay, but is getting SERIOUSLY close to attacking the hospital ……… Bianca [sternly] “Come on, girls. You CAN’T be serious. Getting April involved in a battle like this?” Emma [insistently] “But we “Angels” and Billy are the ONLY people in this town that even have a CHANCE at defeating whatever that thing is.” Cleo “I know that you don’t know HOW to use your powers, but you’re about to get some SERIOUS on the job training.” April [confused, worried] “But I have no idea ...................” Cleo [cutting in] “What powers you have. How to activate them.” Emma “Neither did we when we 1st became “Angels”, but we discoverd by accident soon enough.” Bianca [stressed] “Did you do THAT in the middle of a crisis?” Cleo “No but ………..” Emma [cutting in] “You’re an “Angel” cos of Joey. Bet you have HER powers.” Cleo “Yeah, we’ll totally help you use your magic.” Emma’s mobile rings. It’s Rikki. She & Bella have heard the reports about the beast and have abandoned [their shifts] at Sexy Tales ……….both are heading for the hospital. Emma informs them of April’s sitch ….and Rikki is REALLY insistent that April SHOULD join the battle ………. April [worried, nervous voice] “OK. I’ll ……….give it a try. [as feisty as she can] Oh, and if anyone gives me that “There is no try” crap. I’ll ………” Cleo [cutting in] “We KNOW that would annoy you……..given that you’ve just split with a certain UBER geek.” Bianca [worried voice, as she puts a hand on each of April’s (face) cheeks, cupping them gently] “Are you SURE about this?” April “If that monster DESTORYS this town, or even just parts of it, and I personally haven’t helped, I WON’T be able to LIVE with myself. After all, I’m a mer …….sorry, “Angel” now.” Cleo “I’ll drive us to near the hospital. Emma’s best to teach you on the way.” Bianca eagerly hugs April, then Cleo & Emma ……before the trio head out of the house …..and Bianca starts to REALLY wonder where Charlie is in the middle of ALL of this. ++++ At the hospital, Evie & Sid are doing all they can to get the patients, staff and visitors away from the crumbling buildings. As many patients as possible are loaded in ambulances and other medical vehicles, but Heathzilla sees the movement of ALL those vehicles. He REALLY likes that there’s only one road away for the hospital. Heathzilla STOMPS on SEVERAL of the fleeing ambulances !!!! Heathzilla ROARS !!!!!!!!!!!! ……which all but deafens anyone close. The monster also sees many people near the hospital are trying to flee on foot …….but he STOMPS on them !!!!!!!!! Killing MANY more victims INSTANTLY !!!!!!!! Evie & Sid start to herd those still alive to the forest on that is close to the hospital, but Heathzilla gives chase. BOTH doctors are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY fearing for their lives, ESPECAILLY when the monster starts to punch and kick the hospital buildings. Heathzilla is BEYOND smashing up the place, but Evie & Sid are little bit relieved ….as the beast is currently no longer going after them and the people they are leading. As the 2 doctors reach the edge of the forest, they 1stly hear, and then partially see, ANOTHER Godzilla like beast nearby. Evie can’t BELIEVE that the supposed pretty sleepy town she just moved to has sooooooooooooooo much going on right now. Sid is really really worried. He, Evie and the people who followed them from the hospital seem to be right now caught in the middle of both GIANT monsters, but ……………….. Blake [who’s just approached Sid & Evie] “Doctor, I have GOOD news for you. The beast NOT closest to the hospital is [whispered] Billy. Sasha, she knows he’s an alien …………………….” Heathzilla, having turned the last of the hospital into rubble, uses his MIGHTY tail to whip Blake, Evie, Sid and several others off their feet. Heathzilla KNOWS that he’s just done this to Indi’s father, but she DID say kill EVERYONE !!!!!!!! Blake slowly gets to his feet. He sees Evie moving nearby, but there’s no sign of Sid. Evie is battered and bruised, just like Blake ……as both crashed against the several trees and then the ground. Evie then catches a glimpse of Sid. Looks like he hasn’t moved since he hit the ground. Evie starts to make her way towards Sid, but she AND Blake see the EVIL creature coming towards them, but Billy, who is a bit LARGER than Heathzilla, charges towards the malevolent beast and ……… TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted January 12, 2014 Report Posted January 12, 2014 MANY thanks to Red and pembie and for your MARVELLOUS comments!!! CHAPTER 58 !!!!! Heathzilla breathes FIRE !!!!!! on the charging-towards-him Billysaur, a T-Rex like beast !!!!! Heathzilla is sure that this will stop the larger creture in its tracks ….but it has NO effect!!!!!! The Billysaur continues to charge towards the evil beast. Heathzilla breathes more fire !!!!!!! but the Billysaur lowers its head closer to the ground and picking up speed towards Heathzilla ……….and then RAMS the evil beast !!!!!!!! Heathzilla is muchly knocked backwards, after the Billysaur’s large head ploughs into the evil beast’s stomach. Heathzilla crushes many trees and even a few houses as he fell. The Billysaur moves closer, but Heathzilla is able to get up and starts to move away from the Billysaur ……towards Summer Bay High where, despite it being the weekend, Zac is conducting rehearsals for the end of year school play …………….. Maddie “Sir, what’s all the roaring and ground shaking I can hear and feel?” Spencer “Yeah, Mr. Maguire. Sounds serious. Think we should turn on a radio or something.” Maddie hugs Spencer, and they softly kiss on the lips, whilst Zac reaches into his pocket for his internet and radio capable iPhone. +++ As Heathzilla makes his way towards the school, Evie & Blake are trying to revive the still lifeless Sid …… Blake [stressed] “He’s gotta make it, Doc. He’s my maybe girlfriend’s dad !!!!” Evie [in tween giving Sid mouth to mouth etc] “Not making any promises.” Blake [still stressed] “But he NEEDS to. Sasha’s alread ………” Evie [cutting in, as calmly as she can]”I know the sitch, Blake. Just calm down. I can do this.” Moments later, Sid starts coughing …….. Blake [excitedly] “Doc, you’re the BEST!!!! “ Blake hugs Evie, before she tends to still quite battered and bruised Sid ……ignoring her OWN injuries for the time being ….. Evie “Blake, once I’ve gotten Sid into a reasonable condition, I’ll start on you …cos you look like a MESS.” Blake [with a tiny smile on his face thanks to her comment] “Thanks ……. I think.” +++ Meanhwhile, at the Chanca house, Bianca had found the in tears Charlie. Bianca has tried to talk to her beloved about the monster attack, but Charlie is too lost in her own world to pay any attention. Bianca runs her hand threw the hair of her wife, who still has her head buried in a pillow ………….. Bianca [increasingly worried] “Charlie Brown, talk to me. Say something. [really stressed] ANYTHING!!!!!” Charlie FINALLY truly realises that Bianca is in the room, stroking her hair. She slowly turns her head, and Bianca sees her wife’s VERY red eyes and face. Charlie is still VERY muchly crying …….. Bianca [tenderly] “Whatever it is, we can deal with it, but ………” Charlie [harrowingly] “No, we CAN’T. We …………..I don’t ……………….” Charlie voices trails off, as the tears TOTALLY take over. She KNOWS that she can’t deal with the fact that Bianca is being so tender towards her right now ….given that Charlie’s thoughts are ALL consumed by her feelings for Joey. Charlie divorced her 1st wife, but she NEVER stopped loving her. Charlie REALLY doesn’t know how she can continue on being with Bianca …… Bianca [tenderly, but as sternly as she dares] “Charlie, I know you’re …..not so good right now, but I KNOW there's gonna be a LOT of people counting on you right now. The town’s in mortal danger. The hospital’s already been DESTROYED, and the school is……… “ Charlie [quickly, and despite her own pain] “OK ……[she sits up] Get my uniform. I’m gonna have the quickest shower ever. Don’t want the troops seeing me looking like a basket case mess at a time like this.” Charlie quickly gets up off the bed and heads indeed for the shower. She’s totally blocking out any thoughts right now about how she is HUGELY thinking that she’ll NEVER being intimate with Bianca again!!!!! +++ Heathzilla RIPS the roof off one of the buildings of the high school ……….where Zac and the others were. They are now making their way to a basement in one of the other buildings. The Billysaur, despite being bigger than the Heathzilla, isn’t as quick as the evil beast. Billy thinks about briefly changing to another, quicker, creature, but he takes heart when he sees streams of water moving rapidly towards Heathzilla. The water, which begins to envelop the evil beast, is totally maneuvered into places by both Cleo AND April, who is soooooooo rapidly using the skills she learned during the training she received from Emma in their way to the battle. April almost can’t believe that this is happening, that she is COMPLETELY being the mermaid she now is. She’s not yet swam or even seen her new tail, but April just LOOOOVE that she can muchly help her new mer-sisters. Emma is microseconds away from using her power, to freeze the evil beast, but Heathzilla BLASTS the streams of water from Cleo and April, with his FEIRY breath !!!!!!!! Both girls are knocked form their feet and Heathzilla REALLY likes that he’s scored this little victory ……………….. ……but Rikki, REALLY angered that her friends have been, for the moment, downed, uses the most EXTREME of her powers!!!!!!! She crates an INSTANT lightning storm!!!!!!! ………striking the evil beast with several bolts of lightning!!!! Heathzilla, partly now in pain cos of the lightning strikes, STOMPS on and crushes the school building that Zac and the others had escaped from. Deep in the basement of one of the other school buildings, Spencer hugs Maddie VERY tightly, as the gorund above them continues to be shaken by Heathzilla !!!!! They hope the evil monster will be able to be defeated ….. by the town’s resident mermaids ……….or the army or …..whoever!!!! +++ Ruby and Sasha are still MUCHLY running. Using their VERY speedy cheetah legs to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay foot it away from the Bay ……so much so that they quickly make it to the bush land on the outskirts of Mangrove River. Ruby growls at Sasha, to indicate that she thinks they should stop when they get beyond Mangrove River. Sasha growls back at her, indicating that she agrees. The 2 cheetahs charge up a hill in the forest, and as they get towards the top, they hear ………… Indi [LOUDLY, in a cackling VERY witch type voice] “DESTROY Summer Bay, my pretty.” Ruby & Sasha reach the top of the hill. They see Indi, with a crystal ball on front of her ……. Ruby [after she turns to face Sasha beside her] “O M G !!!! INDI'S the one created that MONSTER !!!!!” Sasha “No wonder Billy told you that that beast was out to get YOU specifically.” Ruby “I don’t know bout you, but I think that she needs to be taught the BIGGEST of lessons!!!!!!” Ruby GROWLS menacingly, and ………… TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted January 17, 2014 Report Posted January 17, 2014 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY thanks to pembie, Red and Sarah for your SUPERB comments!!! CHAPTER 59 !!!!! Sasha glances over at Ruby, who is getting set to charge towards, and POUNCE on, Indi when Sasha realizes something. Her enhanced feline senses have detected something she almost completely can’t believe ………….. Sasha [growls a little nervously] “The monster …’s Heath !!!!! Ruby [shocked] “WHAT !!!!!!!!!! GOD, I’m REALLY gonna KILL Indi now !!!!!!” Sasha [pleads] “But you CAN’T !!!!” Ruby [angry] “Why the HELL not? Your sister, she turned the man who almost RAPED me, and wants to totally KILL me, into GODZILLA !!!!! [slightly less angry] She DESERVES to die !!!!” Sasha [emotionally] “No she doesn’t …….and I KNOW she’s REALLY bad, but think of the person who will REALLY be affected by all of this.” Ruby [puzzled, but still quite angry] “Who ???? [annoyed voice] Actually, I don’t care. I’m gonna ……… “ Sasha bites the ear of her fellow cheetah, and a FIERCE struggle ensues!!!!!! Ruby can’t believe that Sasha is fighting her like this ….a literal cat fight. Ruby & Sasha claw at AND pounce on each other they can to get the upper hand …to pin their rival to the ground …….with Indi, through it all, too lost in his own evil thoughts to pay attention to wild cat fight going on close to her. Sasha look to have the upper hand, having gotten close to pinning her fellow cheetah to the ground but Ruby wildly claws at Sasha, gashing her face in the process. Ruby sees that Sasha is muchly distracted by this rather affective face strike, so she starts to head towards Indi ………….. Sasha [sternly, with her face still smarting from the blow] “You CAN’T do this!!!!!! Ruby [taken aback, and holding position because of it] “WHAT?????” Sasha “Rubes, I KNOW you’re REALLY angry right now …and have EVERY right to be, but …………….. “ Ruby [cutting in, angrily] “But what, Sash????” Sasha [emotionally] “My dad !!!!! HE’S the one MOST affected by ALL of this. Heath’s probably just TOTALLY trashed the hospital, and I’m a PARAPLEGIC for God’s sake. He doesn’t deserve his other daughter dead or REALLY wounded!!!!!” Ruby moves a few steps towards Indi, who’s still at least 27 meters from where Ruby is right now, before she stops and looks back towards Sasha ……before her friend's words truly “hit” Ruby. After all, on top of all the things that Sasha had just said, Ruby has been muchly helped with her diabetes by Sid,....which his regular check ups of her sitch !!!!, so ….. Ruby [curiously] “So how do we a-little-bit maim your sister?” Indi, who can see in her crystal ball the Heathzilla is putting up quite a fight with the mermaids and Billysaur, notices the nearby cheetahs, and almost can’t believe that one of them is her arch nemesis !!!!!! Indi, with vegance TOTALLY in her heart, points her arm towards cheetah Ruby and ……………………… +++ At the school, Billysaur uses his GIANT monster arms to swipe at Heathzilla, and the mermaids using their powers against the evil beast too. Rikki draws on ALL her RAGE to power the lightning storm that she has created. April & Cleo cover Heathzilla’s lower legs and feet in water, but Emma is too quick for the evil creature this time …..she freezes the water. Heathzilla tries to move his feet, but he CAN”T!!!!!!! He tries to BLAST the frozen water away with his FEIRY breath, but Heathzilla can’t do so without majoring scorching his own legs, and Billysaur charges towards the evil creature. Billysaur uses his BRUTE strength AND Heathzilla’s frozen legs to push the evil beast backwards …….waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay backwards. Heathzilla starts rolling down a hill, picking up pace as he goes. Billysaur and the mermaids can see that the out of control beast is flattening trees AND houses as he goes, so whilst Billysaur runs to get in front of the evil beast, Cleo & April envelop most of the creature’s body in water ………which Bella turns to jelly. This provides waaaaaaaaaaay enough friction for Heathzilla to stop rolling. The evil beast breaks free of his jellied confines, and stomps towards the surf club, where John, Jett, Gina, Alf, Roo, Tamara, Rosie and a decent amount of customers, from the gelato bar and Angelo’s, are ……………. Alf [loudly, near the gelato bar] “Everyone, there’s a bomb shelter underneath this club. Been there since World War 2.” The crowd of club patrons are quite panicked. After all, the Bay has seen just about everything, but the only place the crowd had seen Godzilla in the past was on their TV or movie screens!!!!! Alf [slightly louder, including to the people who were in Angelo’s, but are now heading down the stairs] “OK, everyone. Follow me.” Most people do, but Tamara – as she hears the ever louder STOMPS from Heathzilla – sees Rosie heading for the exit of the surf club …………. Tamara [shouts] “Rosie, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT !!!!!” Rosie [looks over her shoulder as she runs, getting closer to the doors with each step] “Can’t.” Tamara “Where ever it is you're going, I’m going with.” Rosie [annoyed voice, as she stops by the door] “This is wasting time.” Tamara [as she quickly heads for where Rosie is] “Come one, Rosie. No one should be out THERE alone.” The sounds of the stomps are getting louder, but that makes Rosie’s resolve even stronger ……….. Rosie “You’re right. No one should, THAT’S why I’m going out there. [she sees a curious look on Tamara’s face] Lottie. She’s the one I’m going after. She’s out there. Trying to get home after I spat her out for …..well, you know why.” Rosie can see that she’s still not really gotten through to Tamara ……to allow Rosie to go outside ……. Rosie [heartfelt] “This monster …’s all made me realise that i LOVE Lottie. REALLY love her. We’ve been through quite a bit these last few days. Yeah, she’s BEYOND worth it.” Rosie breaths deeply, and gladly sees a look on Tamara’s face suggesting that Rosie should take the BIG risk and go over Lottie, so Rosie exits the surf club …………………….whilst Alf, who’s finished escorting everyone else to the bomb shelter, has a go at Tamara for not stopping Rosie. +++ Nearby, Heathzilla sees Lottie not far form where he is. The evil beast sees the surf club, and is looking forward to wiping it off the face of the Earth, but a quick snack will TOTALLY hit the spot right now ………..especially after the battle with Billysaur and those pesky mermaids. A battle which is bound to recommence pretty soon … Heathzilla can see that Billysaur is not too far away ……..but he’s far enough way to snack on Lottie first. Rosie races as fast as her legs can carry her. She wouldn’t be surprised if Lottie is literally dragging her feet as she walks home. Probably even might be blocking EVERYTHING, even the giant stomps of Heathzilla, out ….as Lottie tries to deal with Sasha’s paraplegia AND Rosie having a go at her. Rosie, as she runs, rounds a corner and sees Lottie indeed going rather slowly in the distance. Rosie, as well as looking for Lottie, has also been keeping an eye out for Heathzilla ……who is now RAPIDLY approaching where the seemingly obvious Lottie is. Heathzilla reaches down towards Lottie and ………………… TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!
JosieTash Posted January 26, 2014 Report Posted January 26, 2014 MANY thanks to pembie, Red and Sarah for your MAGNIFICENT comments!!! CHAPTER 60 !!!!! Rosie, as she continues to SPRINT as fast as she can, hopes what she is about to do will “wake up” her good friend/potential girlfriend……………….. Rosie [screams VERY loudly] “LOTTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Lottie, who had been on total auto pilot as she walks home ……just thinking about how she won’t have a chance with Rosie now, hears the forceful emotional cry of her friend. Lottie looks around, sees Rosie in the distance running towards her. Lottie then TRULY pays attention to the world about her but……… Seconds later, Heathzilla GRABS her. Lottie SCREEEEEEEEEEMS ………totally like Fay Wray in the epic original version of “King Kong”. Heathzilla looooooooooooooves those screams, and he’s REALLY looking forward to EATING the young woman in his grasp but……………….. the VERY fast moving Billysaur RAMS into the left shoulder of the rival massive beast. Heathzilla is knocked off his feet. As she falls, Heathzilla lets go at Lottie. She screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeems as she falls, but long before she hits the ground, her falls is cushioned by WATER ……….courtesy of April using her powers!!!!!!! Bella then jellies that water, and Lottie is softly bought down to the ground!!!! Lottie is BEYIND relieved. Being monster food soooooooooooo wouldn’t have been fun, but what IS fun is seeing Rosie heading VERY quickly in her direction. Lottie slowly gets to her feet, and Rosie MUCHLY bear hugs her when she gets to where Lottie is ………………………. Rosie [as they hug] “Don’t know WHAT I would have done if I’d lost you.” Lottie ADORES the sound of that. Sounds like there might STILL be hope for she and Rosie after all ……… But those thoughts are halted dead is their tracks when Heathzilla, who had crashed to the ground [causing it to MUCHLY shake] begins to get back onto his feet ……..but Cleo and Emma is TOTALLY on the case. Cleo covers him with water, and Emma COMPLETELY freezes him …………………….. Emma [calls out] “BILLY!!!! Crush the evil beast.” Billysaur eagerly does so …….in a big to DESTROY the monster that has bought soooooooooooo much terror to their town, causing the deaths of sooooooo many. Billy punches and stomps on the frozen evil beast. Blood starts to emit from the monster, but then something slightly weird starts to happen. The evil creature begins to shrink. Billy sensed at the hospital that the creature didn't start life is it current way, but he had no idea what the creature REALLY is ……………… So he and Emma and Cleo and the others nearby are SHOCKED to see that the broken, battered DEAD body of HEATH BRAXTON!!!! lying where the EVIL beast fell !!!!!! Billysaur, upon seeing/knowing that the former evil beast will no longer cause them any harm, morphs back into his usual teenage boy self. He approaches Heath’s remains ……with the 5 mermaids joining him soon after ……. Billy [still quite in shock about what has occurred] “Still can’t BELIEVE that it was Heath. Soooooo lucky that I got Ruby …………..” Billy is muchly interrupted …….when Rikki uses her powers to fire several lightning bolts at Heath’s lifeless body!!!!! And when she stops ……. April [sternly] “Rikki !!!!!” Rikki “That bastard TOTALLY deserved.” Cleo [as Emma she puts her arm round her wife’s neck an softly kisses Rikki on the cheek] “How on EARTH did HEATH get like that????” Emma “Bet it was Indi. I’ve heard they hooked up. AND I know that Dex is TOTALLY into magic, so maybe it runs in the family.” April [annoyed voice] “So this is ALL Dex’s fault. Typical.” Bella “But guys, if Heath is here, where’s Indi?” +++ In the bush land near Mangrove River, Indi fires a bolt of red energy form her hand. It hits Ruby ……and turns her back in to a human …….but one who can’t move except for her head …………… Ruby [exasperated voice] “Indi, what on Earth …………..” Indi [angry voice] “Shut up, you BITCH.” Ruby “What …………..” Ruby can’t complete that sentence, as Indi fires ANOTHER magical BLAST at her. Ruby can now NOT move AT ALL !!!!!!!!! Indi [vengeful voice] “I’m gonna END you, Ruby. Sure, I would have LOOOOVE to have broken up you and Billy, but THIS will have to do. Say your prayers, you little hussy.” Indi muchly conjures up a VERY sharp, double bladed battleaxe. Indi KNOWS that all she has to do now is CHOP off her enemy’s head ………….and these are thoughts that Sasha can sense. Sasha knows that what Indi is doing is VERY wrong. Creating Heathzilla to destroy the Bay and now this new plan to KILL Ruby. Sasha can sees how single minded that Indi is. She is COMPLETELY fixated on ending Ruby. Sasha knows that in human form she might be able to get through to Indi. Talk to her, but as a cheetah, Sash knows that she can do a LOT of damage to her sister. A sister who probably deserves it right now, but Sasha is haunted by her OWN worlds to Ruby earlier …..about how Sid would be affected by both his daughters being maimed or dead ………. But as Indi walks and gets ever closer to Ruby……and gets the battleaxe into position to SEVER Ruby’s head, Sasha decides to POUNCE!!!!!!!! She charges towards Indi and ………………… +++ In Bathurst [at the same time as Indi used her magic on Ruby], Dex, having thanked Leanne’s husband Garth for looking after his daughters and having taken them back to his house, is deep in thought. His daughters, Adrian, Charlotte and Danica, don’t deserve a father who did what he did to April and Joey, BUT they also don’t deserve to end up in the foster system either – thinking that they don't matter to anyone. Dex has thought about nothing else since Leanne’s …..well, ultimatum …….. and now he’s come to a decision Dex phones Leanne. They agree to meet tomorrow morning, as Leanne wants to spend some MUCHLY alone time with her often away on business husband ….. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!! …… Indi's double bladed axe
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