pembie Posted October 23, 2012 Report Posted October 23, 2012 Thanks Kristen, Red Sandie and Sarah Hope you like this one Chapter 11 Roland’s little ratty ears perked up as the door to Dexter’s bedroom slowly creaks open. Roland’s excitement intensifies as he watches Dex’s head pop through the now open doorway. Normally when Dexter returned from his little trips out he would greet Roland with a huge and juicy nut, but as far as Roland could tell today it would seem that his little treat of having a nut would go unsatisfied. Dexter seemed far to excited by bringing a sudden newcomer into his bedroom instead that Roland had never seen before. Dex: : “Well welcome to my little abode.” April: : “Why thank kind sir.” Dex: : “I know its not much compared to the castle or palace your used to living in with your sister, but I like it. It’s where I come to blog and act even nerdy than I do when I’m out in public.” April who had yet to gaze into Dex’s room having been smiling at him while he had just been talking, turns her head to follow Dex’s displaying gesture of presenting his bedroom too her. April: : “ GOOD LORD” Dex:: “Wow thanks but I didn’t realise your be that impressed April.” April:: “Look at this place.” Dex:: “I know it really is something special isn’t it its….” April:: “Messy really MESSY.” Sure there were a few things cluttered about on the floor, dirty plates and cups a few items of clothing tossed here and there across the bed and some loose chairs, but nothing so alarming to cause the look of horror on April’s face as she took the sight of his bedroom in. Dex:: “It’s just well lived in April, I’m sure your place gets well messy at times but Bianca’s maids see to that so……..” April:: “Oh Bianca doesn’t have any maids.” Dex:: “Then who cleans your palace?” April:: “I do I can’t stand mess. I just get this itching feeling to clean whenever I see any.” Dex:: “Oh my it sounds like you have abit of OCD there.” April quickly snaps her head round feeling abit insulted. April:: “I’m sorry what did your say?” Dex gulps just as a beeping sound goes off in his pocket. Dex:: “Oh look it’s a text from my girlfriend Lottie that’s what I said.” April sighs shaking her head looking once more to the messy looking room. Dex:: “Hey do you want to come shell collecting at the beach with me and Lottie? She’s so awesome I bet you would like her.” April:: “No its ok you go I have things I must do here.” Dex:: “Really but we just meet and I feel bad about…..” April:: “Dex its fine like I say I have a pressing matter to see too.” Dex:: “Ok then it must be my fantastic comic book collection your dying to get too isn’t it? I recommend Batman, well see you April see you when I get back.” Dex then happily skips out of his room leaving April to her burning desire to start cleaning. On either side of the beach two jeeps sit waiting; one of the jeeps is from Gaden News the other The Bulletin Newspaper. Belle::” Look at his smug looking face.” Jai peers up from his laptop to gaze across at Aden who is sat in other jeep. Jai:: “ Don’t let him get to you Belle.” Belle:: “Oh I’m not, anyway this is a very nice jeep don’t you think? It was very nice of the newspaper to buy it after you smashed the news van up.” Jai:: “Yes shame I cant have a go driving this.” Belle:: “Oh no I will be doing the driving from now on.” Jai sighs with disappointment. Jai:: “So tell me again why are we sat on the beach waiting for the off chance of this guy turning up?” Jai points to his computer screen which shows Dexter Walkers blogging website. Belle:: “Well seeing as we tried to get into the diner for a interview with Irene last week but couldn’t, because of you getting trampled on by a crowd of people and ending up getting a black eye. I thought it would be safer just to wait for the guy who started all this to show up.” Jai:: “Ah I see, I think they did a great job with my eye patch actually.” Belle:: “Yes kind of makes you look sexy.” Jai:: “Gee thanks.” Aden:: “Oh Geoff would you take a look at that? She just can’t take her eyes off me.” Geoff peeks over the top of his latest copy of the Naughty Vicar. Geoff:: “Yes Aden Belle is kind of pretty.” Aden:: “KIND OF PRETTY She’s smoking hot.” Geoff:: “Yes anyway has there been any sign of the nerdy looking guy yet?” Geoff and Aden had also been looking at Dex’s blogging website, the website had a rather goofy looking picture of Dex in the right hand corner. Aden:: “No oh wait is this him?” Geoff quickly glances down to look at Dex’s picture. Geoff:: “Nope doesn’t look like him, and plus that guy has a surfboard there’s no way this Dexter guy surfs.” Aden gazes out at the blond muscly guy walking across the beach. Aden:: “Your right he looks like abit of plank to be honest.” Lottie:: “It’s not a problem Dex you cant expect aitalian princess to come shell colleting with us.” Dex:: “No April isn’t the princess her sister Bianca is.” Dex smiles at Romeo as he passes them on his way down to the sea. Lottie:: “I’m sure I will get to meet April soon.” Dex:: “Yeah maybe you can come meet her tonight for the diners rock night……” Lottie notices a sudden strange look come over boyfriend’s face. Lottie:: “What is it Dex?” Dex:: “I hear the sound of revving engines do you?” Jai:: “Get ready Belle remember drive up to Dex close enough for him to climb inside and then we can drive away and interview him.” Belle:: “Yes but the way these wheels are spinning I think I will have a job seeing him through this sand storm they are causing.” Jai:: “Ease back take it easy.” Aden:: “Right get ready bible boy.” Geoff:: “Won’t this scare the poor guy with two jeeps racing up to him?” Aden:: “Probably but it will be worth it when we break this story.” Dex and Lottie glance slowly round as the first specs of dust from a sudden sand storm blows across them. Dex:: “It seems we are having a spot of bad weather.” Lottie:: “I don’t like this Dex aren’t sand storms dangerous?” Dex was about to ensure Lottie that there was no way they were about to be caught up in a sand storm just as a big gust of sand blows passed their faces. Soon to be followed by other gust of sand. Dex:: “Er Lottie I would advise you to RUN.” The two jeeps race across the bumpy sand towards to Dex and Lottie, who both keep shooting tiny glances over their shoulders. Jai peers up through the opened top jeep to see bellows of sand shooting up into the sky caused by the speed they were travelling at. Belle:: “Jai close your mouth.” Jai:: “What?” Belle watched Jai’s face as it turned to shock as he swallowed some sand. Belle:: “Oh dear” Jai was too busy coughing up mouthfuls of sand to answer her. Aden:: “Quick bible boy box them in, we don’t want them getting away from us.” Dex and Lottie both watch in horror as the two jeeps start to trap then amongst the sand dunes. Dex:: “Lottie I can get away I will be back with help I promise.” Lottie watches Dex disappear into the clouds of sand dust. In her opinion Dex didn’t have anywhere to run too, seeing as the sand dunes were only big gaping holes which led no where. There is a sudden loud thudding sound as one of the Jeeps hit something. Lottie:: “DEXTER” Lottie runs in a blind panic to at last find a dazed looking Dex lying in the sand. Belle:: “Oh dear sorry did I just run you over?” Lottie:: “You run him over” Jai:: “No she didn’t she run this guy over here, you ok dude?” Romeo Looks up to Jai while rubbing his leg. Jai:: “Romeo hey sorry didn’t realise it was you.” Romeo:: “Oh man oh man my leg it hurts.” Belle:: “I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you.” Romeo:: “No worries but you do understand you may for ruined my chances of ever being able to surf again.” Romeo says before hopping away with difficultly while somehow managing to carry his surfboard. Dex rolls his eyes as he sits up. Dex:: “I shouldn’t worry about Romeo, he always claiming he will never be able to surf again but somehow he does.” Belle:: “Oh ok anyway I would like to get a interview with you about the Pier Diner.” Aden:: “No I think you would find I would more.” Belle:: “Shut up Aden.” Aden:: “Oh really you think his going to give you a interview after nearly running him down?” Belle:: “I didn’t though it was..” Dex:: “QUIET BOTH OF YOU” Belle and Aden both stop looking shocked. Dex:: “I will go with the pretty looking girl.” Belle:: “Thank you” Lottie:: “Hey Dex I….” Dex:: “Lottie there’s no need to get jealous.” Lottie:: “Why not?” Dex:: “Because even though this reporter is very pretty she hasn’t got the one thing that you have.” Lottie:: “Oh really what’s that?” Dex:: “My sea shells for my collection.” Soon after his ordeal of his dramatic time on the beach, Dex had come back into his bedroom not noticing his room is completely spotless of any mess, Dex sighs as he falls face first on to his bed. The softness of the bedclothes soon has him snuggling up to something warm and smelling sweet. Had he brought himself a new sweet smelling teddy had had forgotten about or…….. Dex:: “Oh my I think I have someone in bed with me.” Dex opens his eyes to see that he was chugging up to his new friend April. Feeling rather frozen in place Dex watches as April rolls over to face him. Dex:: “Oh dearly me I……….” April:: “Hm you what Bianca? Yes I will dust the sliver in a while.” Dex:: “Er” Aprils eyes pop open. Dex:: “Hello” April lets out a scream which causes Dex to fall off the bed. April:: “Dex I’m sorry I was just having a nap.” Dex:: “Oh that’s all right……….” Dex screams as he gazes at his tidy floor. Dex:: “WHAT ON EARTH?” April:: “I cleaned up while you were out.” Dex climbs to his feet quickly remembering to feed Roland his nut. Dex:: “You cleaned up where’s all my stuff? Where’s my comics?” where’s my Star Wars action figures? Where’s ROLAND?” Dex stared into the empty cage where his pet rat should have been. April:: “Roland?” Dex:: “Yes” April:: “Who’s Roland?” Dex:: “My pet rat” April:: “I er” Dex:: “April please tell me you haven’t lost Roland Rat?”
pembie Posted October 28, 2012 Report Posted October 28, 2012 Thanks Kristen,Sarah,Red and Sandie. Hope you like this one Chapter 12 Turning his fixed gaze of horror from Roland’s now empty cage to April, Dex tries his best to hide the crippling panic in his voice, as he asks once more of his faithful little pet rats whereabouts. Dex:: “Where’s Roland April?” April:: “I don’t know I mean I didn’t really notice him. I was too busy cleaning away all your comic books.” Dex:: “So you didn’t happen to accidently pack a little brown rat away in one of my drawers then?…………..Did you say you packed away my comic books, oh April they were stacked in the order of their coolest.” April:: “Dex I think if I picked up a rat I would of screamed and then died.” April watches as Dex rushes over to his chest of draws and starts to empty its contents, by madly tossing handfuls of his underpants and socks back over his shoulder. Dex:: “Maybe his in here, maybe his buried himself underneath my pants and socks for some warmth.” Dex turns to find April blushing as a pair of his pants he had chucked backwards has landed on top of her head. Dex:: “Oh hang on let me get those off you.” With one quick sweep of his hand he knocks them from her head. April:: “Well thank you, I haven’t even been her twenty four hours yet and you have showed me your…….” Dex:: “Yes, yes be very flatted Lottie hasn’t even my collection of pants yet………Oh Roland where are you are hiding? Are you inside my woolly winter socks? Hellooooooo. April suddenly remembering turns to look at the small window she had opened while cleaning Dex’s room. But the window was high up, surely no small rat would manage to jump across from Dex’s bed to his overbalanced bookcase, and then leap across to his thin dangerous window sill. Which too a normal little rat would seem like a tiny type rope. No Roland would have to be some kind of specially trained circus rat to plan such a daring escape wouldn’t he? April:: “Er Dex this might be nothing but.” Dex:: “Yes do go on.” April:: “I opened your small bedroom window over there because I was hot and……” Dex:: “OH NO” April:: “Roland wouldn’t of been able to get up there would he?” Dex:: “YES, OH MY……HIS MASTERED HIS HIGH JUMP, YES WHAT A CLEVER LITTLE RAT.” April laughs nervously. April:: “High jump is he training for the Olympics or something?” Dex:: “The circus” April once more looks at the height of Dex’s open window that she had to get open with a long fishing pole with a net on the end to even get it open herself. She had found the long fishing pole resting against his bed. April:: “The circus?” Dex:: “Yes me and Roland planned to travel the world one day. Dad wants me to be a doctor but I want to……” April:: “Join the circus?” Dex:: “Yes I was teaching Roland some tricks..” April:: “Oh I am sorry for losing him maybe he will come back.” Dex:: “Oh no I’m going to find him now.” Dex quickly grabs his long fishing pole and dashes from his room with April running after him. As they dash towards the front door downstairs, Dex and April turn back as Sid calls out to them. Sid:: “Hey you aren’t staying for dinner?” Dex:: “Dad no and why are you cooking? We are off out to the diner’s rock night tonight.” Sid:: “Well I am showing Bianca and her bored prince Vittorio here my cooking skills.” Dex:: “Oh, anyway cant stop.” Sid:: “Oh I really think you should.” April:: “What are you having?” Sid:: “Ratatouille” Vittorio:: “ Oh er how say in english hmmm ratatouille have real rat inside?” April pushes a sudden very queasy looking Dex through the front door. Sid:: “Now then where on earth was my son going with that giant fishing net?” Sid then shrugs and smiling starts to dish up his home made ratatouille, which he clearly ensured Vittorio that it was not made of real rats. April:: “Now Dex so what is the plan here?” Dex:: “Are you allergic to nuts?” April gives her new found friend an odd look. April:: “No” Dex:: “Can you drive?” April:: “Well no I don’t really have a need to seeing as Bianca is a princess. We have butlers and servants to do things like that.” Dex:: “Ah that could be a problem, but do not worry its one we can overcome.” Dex smiles as he hands her keys to Indi’s car that he had sneaked into his pocket while Sid had been talking. April:: “What are these?” Dex:: “They are called keys, and they are for my sisters run down car that she is currently leaning to drive in.” April:: “But what where…… how what is going on?” Dex:: “Well your going to drive very slowly while listening to this how to learn to drive CD, while I hang out the passengers window dropping Roland’s favourite nuts on to the road. And then when Roland comes to eat a nut I will catch him in this fishing net. Simple don’t you think?” April:: “Er yeah ok, but how about we go search for him on foot?” Dex:: “We can cover more ground this way, now get in and switch one of Indi’s driving instruction CDs on.” Freedom at last the freedom to explore, the freedom to run free, I will miss you my human friend, but now I’m free to run and eat cheese and all the nuts I want. Maybe even find a nice little sexy female rat to settle down with and have a little ratty family with. Don’t get me wrong you tried your best to keep me happy, what with those little ramps to run up and down on and that little swinging yellow tennis ball for me to play with. Not to mention that huge one I sped round your room in. But the fact is I’m a rat and rats don’t like to be shut away in cages. I someday dream of being a superstar, YES ROLAND RAT THE SUPERSTAR. But until that day I plan on finding food scraps to pig out on, and I may even track my friends down Kevin and Errol. I haven’t seen them since leaving the pet shop, yes that will be my quest I will go and find them. Oh but look here’s nut on the ground yummy. And oh my what is that delicious smell hitting my nostrils? Oh this place looks busy, hmmmmmmmmm food I think I will stop here for food first I’m sure Kevin and Errol wont mind. April:: “Did you get him Dex?” Dex:: “No I missed he was right there eating a nut.” April:: “Well try again if you see him. I’m not sure what to do now as this driving CDs instructions are now speaking in Russian I think. Dex:: “Oh no April there he is.” April:: “Well that’s good isn’t it?” Dex:: “No his going into the diner NO ROLAND COME BACK.”
pembie Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 Thanks Red,Kristen and Sarah for the feedback Hope you like this one Chapter 13 Silence now filled the diner having been cleared of the public for a short time. To allow a very famous celebrity to enter its premises without being mauled to death by thousands of screaming fans, Irene, Leah, Marilyn and Colleen stood along the counter nervously as they got ready to meet this very famous face. Meanwhile having been taped off from going inside the crowds of people waited. Casey:: “Brax I don’t see why we have come here.” Brax:: “To eye up the competition eh, plus its rock night and Heath likes his heavy rock don’t ya?” Heath:: “Well it better be good that’s all I’m going say.” Further on down the line Aden watches Belle and Jai smirking at him, having been the first to get the scoop of the goings on at the diner, thanks to Dexter’s interview he had given Belle. Aden:: “Look at them bible boy being smug.” Geoff:: “Yeah” Aden:: “You know I was going to go and ask out her but no way am I going do that now.” Geoff:: “Aden there’s no shame in losing out to a girl. So what she beat us, so man up and go ask her if that’s what you want.” Aden:: “Nope she would be way annoying and we would always be trying our hardest to out do each other when it came to our jobs. You know what they say never trust a journalist. Jai stands next to Belle as she gazes across to Aden. With a slight cough Jai tries nervously to catch her attention. Jai:: “So………” Belle:: “Hm?” Jai:: “We got the story Belle, I can tell your enjoying rubbing it in Aden’s face.” Belle:: “Oh yes I am Jai very much.” Jai:: “That’s cool so…all we need now are the interviews off a couple of people and then tomorrow I will upload them to the papers website and then we can also go viral.” Belle:: “Oh Jai you’re the best.” Jai blushes. Belle:: “The first person I want to interview is Irene. I haven’t seen her since I left the bay to purse my journalist career.” Jai:: “Well I’m sure we can sort that out for you once we get inside.” Jai blushes once more as Belle places a quick kiss to his cheek. Meanwhile inside the diner the four women standing by the counter have started to get restless. Indi who has been told to flirt for her life when this very famous celebrity walks through the door as started to get bored. Chef Ramsey:: “Look flaming lively you lot.” Colleen I just want my warm cup of hot chocolate and go to bed, I’m soo tired.” Leah:: “Who is it we are meeting again?” Chef Ramsey:: “Oh a very good friend of mine his very talented when it comes to his music.” Irene:: “Sounds very exciting darl.” Chef Ramsey:: “Thank you Irene at least someone is flaming excited about this.” Miles stands by Chef Ramsey rubbing his stomach from a another case of hunger pain. Miles:: “I am too this guy is said to be the best in the music industry. It is said he knows how to rock out.” Chef Ramsey:: “INDI FLAMING WAKE UP AND GET READY.” Indi sits bolt up right in her seat from being flopped forwards while sleeping from being so bored. The silence of the diner then continues until the sounds of footsteps could be heard, and the door then slowly swings open, and as he enters he is met by a number of shocked gasps. Liam:: “Hello there.” Liam then walks inside with a swagger of confidence and importance. Indi who was normally bored by her need to flirt with anyone who entered the diner upon Alfred Ramsey’s instructions, found herself sweating with excitement over the sight of Liam appearance, standing there wearing dark shades and his black leather jacket and tight black leather trousers while chewing on a toothpick. Liam:: “Why hey there little Miss I can see that you like what you see.” Indi:: “I………well…….wow………I mean………oh my your……..just………Wow I’m hot.” Liam:: “Yes, yes you are.” Liam then gazes at the Irene and co lined up against the counter with their mouths hanging open. Liam:: “Why hello, I’m happy you all are so glad to meet me. But then again why shouldn’t you be, I am after all the one and only…………” Liam lets this hang expecting them all to utter his name but to his disappointment this does not happen. Liam:: “Now come on surely you lovely ladies know who I am I mean I’m famous.” Irene:: “Are you darl?” Liam:: “Yes I’m Liam……..” Leah:: “Nice to meet you Liam.” Colleen:: “Oh my why are you chewing on that silly stick thing? Don’t you know you might choke on it?” Marilyn:: “Oh Colleen be quiet his very handsome.” Colleen:: “Oh for………I’m going back into the kitchen to finish up with this chocolate mud cake I’ making.” Liam just stands there in silence with everyone looking back at him. The only sounds are of Colleen’s shuffling feet as she goes to the kitchen. Indi:: “So…….have you come here for the rock night?” Liam:: “Yes I’m the one performing because I am………….” Indi:: “Yes your Liam you have said.” Liam:: “Hey Ramsey can you help me out here?” Chef Ramsey and Miles get up from behind the counter having fallen down behind them because of their fits of giggles. Chef Ramsey:: “Oh sorry but this is just so flaming funny. His Liam Murphy the famous rockstar.” Everybody quickly pretends they knew who he was with a lot oh yeah’s silly me’s and then watch as Liam wanders off to set up for the gig. With all this going on nobody has noticed a little brown rat run inside and hide himself under one of the tables. Yes rock night was going to be the most exciting nights the diner had ever seen. Not to mention it’s very last. Because before this night was through the Pier diner was going to be no more.
pembie Posted November 2, 2012 Report Posted November 2, 2012 Thank you guys This was going to be the last chapter but when I wrote it. It seemed to long so the next chapter will be the final one. Hope you like it. Chapter 14 Now with the diner bursting at it’s seams, with the huge queue of people who had been waiting outside now all sat at their tables peering down at their menus. Leah and Marilyn each with a notepad in hand run round at speeds they would of never thought possible taking orders upon orders of food. Leah:: “Yes what would you like? Oh the Pasta bake good choice.” Marilyn:: “Yes Oh the cheese omelette and chips not a problem.” Leah:: “Steak well done not a problem.” Marilyn:: “Burger no salad ok then.” Leah and Marilyn met in the middle both letting out sighs of relief. Leah:: “How’s it going Marilyn?” Marilyn:: “Oh Leah I feel abit frazzled to be honest.” Irene’s voice now can be heard from the small kitchen alerting them both to come and collect the insane oncoming flow of already cooked meals. Leah and Marilyn both wiped the sweat from their brows with a dishcloth before making their way back to the kitchen. The famous Liam Murphy stood proudly upon the little stage in which some of the diner’s high profits had been used to pay for. Liam:: “Look at all of you, aren’t you in for a treat tonight.” Liam smiles to himself and takes hold of the mic stand with a quick thrust. And with a quick swipe of his hand he removes his black shades. After lowering the mic down to ground Liam leans into it and yells at the top of his voice. Liam:: “HEY THERE I’M LIAM MURPHY AND I HAVE ONE THING TO ASK YOU ALL TONIGHT.” Everyone looks up from their meals with blank expressions on their faces, as if to say who the hell are you? Liam:: “DID YOU ALL HEAR ME? I SAID I HAVE SOMETHING TO ASK YOU” Heath:: “Yeah what?” Liam coughs nervously as he had been expecting the whole diner to go into a cheering uproar. But to his disappointment only Heath seemed to be interested enough to heckle back to him. Liam:: “Ok not the response I was hoping for but…” Heath:: “Hey just get on it with stop yapping on.” Liam:: “Hang on just wanted to ask, ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?” Heath:: “Yeah well I was half an hour ago.” Liam:: “Ok keep your hair on, I have brought a couple of my albums to sell to any of you heavy rockers tonight so….YEAH LETS GET ROCKING.” Meanwhile Roland hides under the cover of one of the tables. Maybe it had been a bad mistake to think he might just pop in here for a quick bite after all. This guy on the microphone was hurting his small little ratty ears. His plan had been to go feast out on something in the kitchen, but now Roland would wait for the safer option of waiting for someone to drop something from their plate. Leah:: “What can I get you both?” Belle:: “I don’t know really I’m watching my figure.” Belle and Leah both shoot Jai a look as a bark of laughter escapes him. Jai:: “Oh sorry I…………….Your er not fat.” Belle:: “Well I think I could lose some weight.” Leah:: “You could have the pasta Belle I………” It is at this point Jai’s shyness for Belle gets the better of him and before he knew it his words were tumbling out of his mouth at wrath speed. Jai:: “ITHINKYOURPREFECTJUSTASYOUAREYOURSTUNNINGITHINKSOANYWAY.” Belle:: “I’m sorry what did you say Jai?” Jai:: “I said I think your prefect the way you are and your stunning and…………” Leah:: “Awwwwwww how sweet abit of romance I…………..” Leah then sighs as she hears Alfred Ramsey’s voice shouting from the kitchen. Chef Ramsey:: “WHAT THE FLAMING HELL DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAY THE OVEN IS BROKEN?” Leah:: “Oh for the love of God, would you both like a sandwich maybe?” Belle:: “Yes thanks, would you get Irene for me when she’s not busy?” Leah:: “I can but that won’t be for quite a while yet. Maybe give it a year and this place might not be so rushed off its feet.” Belle smiles at Leah as she runs back to the kitchen to learn more of how the oven broke. Belle then turns back Jai who is hiding his blushing red face behind the menu. Belle:: “So maybe we should talk because it sounds like someone may have the hots for me.” Jai:: “I……………” Liam bows having just finished singing. Liam:: “Thank you very much for your stunned silence everyone. I wrote that great song myself.” Heath:: “You did not.” Liam:: “Yes I did.” Heath:: “Black Sabbath wrote Crazy Train you just did a sucky cover of it.” Liam:: “I……” Brax:: “Don’t argue with him Heath knows his rock eh.” Liam gives Heath a glare as he turns to face Bianca, Vittorio, Sid, Sasha and Xavier sat at their table. Liam:: “Well hello there you must be a princess because you sure take my breath away.” Xavier:: “Cheesy much?” Bianca:: “Why thank but yes I am a real princess.” Liam is taken back by this slightly Liam:: “Oh well let me sing you a song a nice…….” Heath:: “Hang on one second what kind of rock is this?” Liam:: “Well special rock just for the lovely lady here.” After kissing Bianca’s hand Liam starts to play some soft notes on his guitar. Heath:: “This sucks.” Casey:: “Give it a chance maybe his working up to the rocky bit.” Liam then starts to sing. “You are my one and only, my own little loveboat. My one and only loveboat. My precious little loveboat, my loveboat oh yeah, my loveboat now don’t you go rocking my love for you are my…..” Heath:: “OH MY GOD ENOUGH WITH ALL THIS LOVEBOAT CRAP.” Heath gets up and marches over to the stage. Heath:: “You suck Murphy, hand me that spare guitar up there and……” Liam:: “Why?” Heath:: “Because we are going have a rock out I will show you real rock music.” Leah meanwhile has escaped the kitchen to return to a rather loved up looking Belle and Jai. Leah:: “Here you are, here’s your sandwiches.” Leah coughs to attract snogging couple. Belle:: “Oh sorry it must have been that Loveboat song of Liam’s that had a funny effect on us Jai, I am sorry for kissing you.” Jai:: “Not a problem I kind of enjoyed it. Oh yeah thanks Leah.” Belle:: “Well Jai I hope that moment of passion doesn’t mean we can no longer work together. Because without you I don’t think we could of got this story and I’m so happy we did.” Jai blushes feeling like he was falling head over heels for the news reporter sat opposite him. For the second time that night silence once again comes over the diner as all of sudden Dex runs in holding his big fish net. Sid:: “Er Dex glad you could join us.” Dex:: “Dad I have something to say.” Sasha:: “Dex have you been out hunting with that thing or….” Dex quickly eyes his long poled fishing net. Dex:: “Oh no I was trying to……….oh it doesn’t matter, April here will tell you.” April:: “Yes me and Dex we were trying to catch er.” Belle:: “RAT, RAT.” Dex:: “Yes how did you guess?” Belle:: “NO THERE’S A RAT RUNNING AWAY WITH MY SANDWICH.” Dex:: “Now Roland you know that is naughty just to take food without it being offered to you get here.” Dex takes a running dive and processes to slid across the wet floor where a milkshake had been mopped up. Roland takes one look at the incoming net and scurries away. Dex:: “Dam I missed him, don’t worry Belle I’m sure Jai will share his sandwich with you amongst other things. I watched you both playing tonsil tennis through the window when I was checking for Roland. April:: “Ok everyone check your bags, pockets for a run away rat. Roland makes a break for the kitchen.
pembie Posted November 9, 2012 Report Posted November 9, 2012 Thanks to Red,Sarah,Kristen,Sandie and Phoebe for all your awesome feedback on this fic. It's been good fun to write it for you guys. Hope you like this final chapter. Warning sexual references Chapter 15 In all his years of being a top chef Alfred Stewart Ramsey had never had the misfortune of ever having come across a broken oven before. But alas it had finally happened. Marilyn:: “Oh dear what do we do now?” Leah sighs dramatically making it seem like she really cared, while really she was over the moon that there was a reason to just go home and put her feet up. Leah:: “Oh well it looks like this booming business period has finally reached its end. Well you know what they say all good things must come to a end.” Colleen meanwhile is happily humming away lost in the magic of preparing her chocolate mud cake at one of the kitchen counters., while Alfred Ramsey looked upon the over used oven with a puzzled gaze. Chef Ramsey:: “Hmm you see Miles it is always good to have a back up plan, you never know when you might need to put it in action.” Miles:: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Leah:: “Oh dear what is it exactly that your both thinking? Because I was just planning on having a nice lazy night at home in front of the tv and……..” Chef Ramsey:: “HOME? HOME? YOU WANT TO GO HOME I DON’T FLAMING THINK SO. STONE THE FLAMING CROWS ALFRED RAMSEY DOES NOT GIVE UP THAT EASILY, NOT WHEN THERE’S COOKING TO BE DONE.” Irene looks to Ramsey with a dreamy eyed gaze. Irene:: “Flipping heck darl you are so masterful.” Chef Ramsey:: “Too right I am, Miles go get the Barbie.” Miles:: “Right you are Alf.” Miles runs off to fetch Alfred Ramsey’s trusted gas barbeque from off the back of their ute. Leah and Marilyn fall back against the wall with exestuation. Irene:: “Cheer up you two I mean it can’t be all that bad look at Colleen she’s laughing her head off over there.” Leah and Marilyn both looked to Colleen who by the looks of it was indeed having a very good time. In fact it looked like she was having a good old dance as well as letting out yells of enjoyment as she made the finishing touches to her cake. Irene:: “Colleen darl have you been at the cooking sherry again?” Colleen struggles to speak through her gasps of laughter. Colleen:: “Oh…………………..I think……..I must of…spent to long on my feet because I have a…………… tickling feeling going through them.” Irene was just about to say it was probably the simple case of having pins and needles. But to her horror the sight of a small brown rat running round Colleen’s feet made her dismiss that very thought straight away. Irene:: “Colleen darl don’t flipping move.” Colleen:: “Why not?” Irene quickly signalled to the others of what was wrong as well as urging them to stay quiet. Chef Ramsey:: “Strike me handsome well I never would of flaming thought that……….” Irene:: “Shush don’t say it last thing we want is Colleen running round like some kind of flipping mad woman.” Colleen:: “What is wrong why can’t I go moving? Oh no it’s one of those poisonous spiders isn’t it? Is it its crawling up my leg?” Irene:: “No darl its nothing like that.” Marilyn:: “No its much more worse than that its……..” Dex:: “Hey there ladies, have any of you been lucky enough to see my rat run in here?” Colleen lets out an earth shattering shriek as she hears the word rat. Colleen:: “RAT? A RAT OH THE HORROR.” Dex spots Roland running happily round Colleen’s feet catching a few crumbs of chocolate mud cake as they fell from the worktop. Unaware with all the panic that was going on in the kitchen the customers cheered with glee as Heath and Liam’s rock out contest filled their ears. Unknown to Liam and Heath though their short lived fame would only last a few more minutes. Geoff was hungrily chewing on a sausage while Aden sat next to him glaring across at a pair of very much loved up couple of lovebirds. Aden:: “Would you look at that why must they do that here I’m eating.” Licking his fingers of the grease from his long and juicy sausage Geoff sighs with content. Geoff:: “Oh man that’s was sooooo yummy.” Aden:: “Yummy really? I think it was pretty disgusting.” Geoff:: “Oh no it was just so tasty,…..oh you mean Belle and Jai over there.” Aden:: “Yes of course I did, what did you think I meant?” Geoff:: “I thought you were saying that you thought my foot long sausage was disgusting.” Aden’s head snaps round so fast to look at him he was lucky enough to still have it attached to his neck Geoff jumps. Aden:: “Bible boy what on earth….” Geoff:: “Doesn’t matter anyway, Your jealous of Jai and Belle’s kissing aren’t you?” Aden:: “Who said I was jealous?” Geoff:: “Well that gutted look on your face tells me a lot.” Aden:: “No I…………oh man who am I kidding I am gutted.” Reaching his hand out and gently grasping Aden’s Geoff smiles. Geoff:: “Don’t worry pal I am here for you.” Aden:: “Thanks Geoff thanks for understanding me.” Colleen screams once more as Roland runs across her feet. Dex and April edge their way into the kitchen, with his net held out at arms length Dex indicates April to throw a nut into the net. Dex:: “Now Colleen don’t move as Roland is very excited right now and he may bite you.” With that Colleen lifts her arms high above her head and makes a mad dash for the door. But in her mad panic to escape she knocks a boiling pot of water from the stove. Roland being the first one to notice the spilled water start to creep its way through the groves of the floor dashes out after Colleen. April:: “Did you get him Dex?” Dex:: “No this rat of mine is very good at doing the vanishing act.” Miles meanwhile has returned with Chef Ramsey’s barbecue, and has set it up by the kitchens backdoor. Miles:: “So anyone for a hotdog?” Chef Ramsey dashes passed the door. Chef Ramsey:: “Strike me roan Miles this is no time to be thinking of food there is a flaming rodent on the loose.” The runaway water has now made its way out into the main diner and is steadily making its way over to Liam’s electrical equipment which had loads of long cables and wires hanging loosely about it, for the spilled water to merge itself with. Liam:: “Ok you may of beat me this time but the next time it is war.” Heath:: “Bring it on.” Liam:: “Oh its like that is it? Well I do actually have this last song which will just make this place explode.” Liam drums down hard on his guitar cords and too everyone’s surprise it does sound impressive. Liam:: “See I told ya like the sparks fly.” And with that the sparks did indeed fly. Heath turns to see blue sparks shoot out from one of the cables. Heath:: “Er what the?” The shooting blue sparks grow larger as the water runs itself over the leads and cables. The smell of burnt rubber soon hung in the air as one of large speakers at the front of the stage caught fire. The people watching stared back at the orange blaze of fire quickly takes it’s hold as it starts burning more fiercely . Heath:; “Hey rockstar I think we better…….” Liam who has dropped his guitar to the smoky ground is now watching in horror as all his equipment starts to burn. Liam:: “I……..oh no I didn’t literally mean I was going to make this place explode. I oh well this sucks. I am now watching as my singing career goes up in smoke for about the millionth time.” Heath:: OH WHAT A CRYING SHAME THAT IS. NOW COME ON GET GONE MURPHY.” Alfred Ramsey steps out from the safety of the kitchen which was lucky enough to be equipped with a fire proof door. Chef Ramsey:: “WELL DON’T JUST SIT THERE LIKE A COUPLE OF GALAHS FLAMING LEG IT.” And as if by magic everyone shoots up from their seats and hurries towards the door. Indi watches in horror as the crowd of people come at her with speed. Why did she have to be the one who had to sit in the doorway with the job of meeting and greeting? This only meant now she was at the risk of being crushed to death by a large number of panicked people. Indi:: “HELP ME” With the noise of the mass of people running at her as well as the noise of the flickering flames of the fire raging away a few feet from her. Indi pulls at the doors. Only to find that they seemed to be jammed shut. “OPEN THE DOORS” the panicked stricken people shout at her over the sounds of the now raging flames of the impending inferno. Indi:: “I can’t quick give me something to bash the doors in with” Upon hearing this Liam gazes down at his strong looking guitar. Liam:: “Oh well we have had good times together hey but now is your chance to go out in a blaze of glory.” Liam sighs sadly before handing his guitar to someone to pass to Indi over the large crowd stood before him. Meanwhile in the kitchen everyone had made their way out of the back door. Miles:: “Hotdog anyone?” Everyone glares at him. Miles:: “Hey in times of trouble food is always the answer.” Chef Ramsey:: “Well what a flaming disaster this turned out to be. I have never been the top chef of a restaurant which has exploded before.” April suddenly looks to Dex with a great deal of panic on her face. April:: “Ok so we were all able to escape through the back door of the kitchen, but what about everyone else sat eating? Dex:: “I maybe wrong here but I think I can hear the grunts of Indi bashing the front doors in with the aid of something very heavy.” Indi brings Liam’s guitar round for another swing at the smashed in doors of the diner. Sid:: “Indi keep whacking your nearly there I just need to go find Princess Bianca.” Heath:: “No need doc.” Heath stands before him holding a smiling princess in his arms while a very sulky Prince Vittorio stands nearby looking slightly lost. Bianca:: “Oh thank you Heath your my hero.” Heath tries his best to act all macho but that doesn’t stop Bianca noticing his little grin. Casey:: “Hey Brax are you jealous Heath has managed to pull himself a princess?” Brax:: “No” Casey:: “Really your happy with just the town cop?” Brax:: “Yep Charlie is one in a million plus I would find it very difficult to find myself such a gullible cop as her again.” The doors to the diner crash to the ground, now with everyone now safe outside. The diner lets out a loud boom and collapses. From the shattered and burnt out windows several things come flying out at everyone, including Colleen’s chocolate mud cake. Sid:: “Watch out Colleen take cover incoming.” Colleen looks up to the sky to see her cake sailing through the night’s sky just before it explodes all over her face. Meanwhile round the back of the diner everyone sighs with relief not realising that the trail of water was creeping its way towards the gas barbecue. April:: “Well at least we had a quick escape.” Irene:: “Yes darl thank goodness, It would have been a very different story if that barbecue of yours was gas Miles.” Miles:: “It is it……………” BANG. Before the force of the explosion forces them back some of the contents of the kitchen fly out at them. Irene is lucky enough to catch a bottle of cooking sherry. Marilyn:: “Is everyone ok?” Chef Ramsey:: “Yes I flaming think so.” Irene screams as she feels something furry lying beneath her. Chef Ramsey:: “What? What is flaming wrong?” Everyone watches as Irene scrambles to her feet while pointing frantically down to the ground, where something rather squashed, crispy, brown and furry lay. Miles creeps forwards from where he laid amongst the burnt rubble of the diner towards the odd furry looking thing. Miles:: “Ah” Everybody gasps as Miles holds up the odd furry thing to his face with what looks to be a long dangling tail. Miles:: “So anyone up for barbecued rat?” Dex:: “Did you just say rat?” Miles:: “Yep looks well and truly roasted.” Dex:: “Oh no, NO IT CAN’T BE?” Miles:: “Er yes it can be.” April:: “No what Dex means is that is Roland.” Miles:: “Roland who?” Dex:: “ Roland Rat that’s Roland my pet.” Miles:: “Oh well sorry Roland has been well and truly been fried.” Irene wipes a tear from her eye as she finally reaches the end of the harrowing story of the fire of Pier Diner. Kochie looks to the four women with a dumbfounded look on his face. Kochie:: “Oh dear poor little Roland.” Leah:: “POOR LITTLE ROLAND? How about our business blowing up.” Kochie:: “Oh yes that is a bummer too.” Irene takes a quick swig at her bottle of cooking sherry. Mel:: “Well thank you for that very detailed story for our viewers of Sunrise.” Kochie:: “Yes thank you but fancy poor little Roland dying like that.” Marilyn:: “So can we go now and get cleared up?” Kochie:: “Not quite yet we would like to know what is next for you ladies now that….” The doors to the Sunrise breakfast studios suddenly crash open. Mel:: “Oh dear Mr Ramsey you have missed your cue and ruined the surprise, your not due on yet.” Chef Ramsey:: “Oh flaming hell” Kochie:: “Mind the language sir this is a family breakfast show.” Chef Ramsey:: “Oh I am so sorry.” Mel:: “That is quite alright and we really appreciate you joining us after such a fierily ordeal.” Chef Ramsey:: “Yes, Yes I’m only here because I’m flaming looking for Irene. And I have been ordered by the flaming producers of my show Kitchen flaming nightmares to make this proposal live on tv.” Colleen who has still not spoken since having the exploding chocolate mud cake land on her head makes a sound of excitement. Irene:: “Proposal what kind of proposal darl?” It is at this point Alfred Ramsey trips and falls to one knee. Marilyn:: “Oh Irene will I get a hat for the wedding?” Chef Ramsey:: “You what? No I’m not declaring my love for the woman. I only want to know if you want to come work as my apprentice in one of my restaurants.” Irene:: “Oh yes darl I would.” Chef Ramsey:: “Well that’s a flaming good job because I plan on retiring and going on a year long fishing tour with Miles.” Leah:: “What will we do though?” Marilyn:: “Oh I’m quite happy with my hairdressing company Colleen can join me.” Colleen:: “Can I? Would I like it?” Marilyn:: “Yes just think of all that gossip you will get to hear about.” Colleen smiles. Leah:: “Oh what about me?” Mel:: “Come work as the Sunrise breakfast show cook Leah. Our other cook got a bad case of food poisoning live on air while doing a cooking demonstration and had to leave.” Kochie:: “Plus you’re a exotic Greek babe your pull in the viewers.” Leah:: “Well thank you I..” Kochie:: “Oh well that is nearly all from us there’s one last thing to do before we go.” Mel:: “Yes lets get one last report from our reporter in the field” The tv screen pops on a large monitor in the studio to reveal the picture of some bushes where a light rustling sound could be heard. Kochie:: “Hello Belle are you there?” The sound in the bushes grows more urgent. Belle:: “Quick Jai pull your trousers up.” Jai:: I can’t the zips stuck.” Belle:: “Oh here let me.” Jai:: “Ok but what ever you do don’t tug at it to hard.” Mel:: “Hello Belle have we er caught you two at a bad time?” Belle:: “No, no we were we were er……..” Chef Ramsey:: “Having a flaming good game of rollie pollie in the bushes it would seem.” Belle and Jai exit the brushes with leaves in their messy looking hair while wearing very muddy clothes.” Belle whispers to Jai quickly… Belle:: “Jai next time you suggest we go make out in some bushes I’m not listening to you.” Jai:: “Hey I’m………” Irene:: “It’s always the quiet ones isn’t Belle? You have to watch out for them.” Jai blushes. Mel:: “So how is it down there?” Belle:: “Well the fire is still burning.” Jai:: “Everyone got out though. I didn’t see what happened to Aden and Geoff though.” Belle:: “Well I saw Aden carrying Geoff out and then….I think they er went into the bushes too.” Jai:: “Ah so they finally gave in for their feelings for one another. That sure brings a whole new meaning to Gaden doesn’t it? I always knew they lusted each other.” Kochie:: “What about Prince and Princess Bianca?” Belle:: “Well I got to have a interview with them Bianca and April are staying here. Bianca took quite a liking to Heath after he rescued her from the fire. Jai:: “As for Vittorio his going back to Italy to be on one of those dating reality shows to find more faithful Princess or so he says.” Kochie:: “Belle do we know the cause of the fire?” Belle:: “No but hang on I will go and ask this fireman over here for you.” Everyone watches as Jai picks his camera up from the ground and follows Belle over to a friendly looking fireman. Belle:: “Hello there sir can we ask you a question?” Fireman:: “Yes but it depends what it is about.” Belle:: “It’s to do with the Pier Diners fire.” Fireman:: “Oh yes well fire away mind the pun. If there is one thing I am I’m a expert of knowing about fire.” Belle:: “Good so can you tell us your name for the camera first though?” Fireman:: “Yep my name is Sam.” Belle:: “Your name is Sam?” Fireman:: “Yes” Belle:: “Now is that for real or…” Fireman:: “No my name is Sam.” Belle:: “So your Fireman Sam.” Fireman Sam gazes at Belle oddly as she starts to giggle. Fireman Sam:: “Er have you got a question or do you plan on taking the mick?” Belle:: “Oh yes sorry now can you tell us how the fire started?” Fireman Sam:: “Yes as I have said I know a great deal about fire.” Belle:: “Well?” Fireman Sam:: “Well first of all it went Boom.” Belle nods. Fireman Sam:: “Then it went boom again.” Belle nods. Fireman Sam:: “And then it went Pow.” Belle:: “Well there you go everyone the fire started by going………” Jai:: “BOOM, BOOM POW.” The End Comments
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