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Missing Heart

Guest TelephotoMarigold

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Chapter 90

Sophie flicked through the magazine she was reading and looked over the top of the page to where Angel was sitting. Meggy was on the next sunbed, laying flat.

“So tell me are you and Steve, you know.” Angel asked with a giggle.

“That is so none of your business.” Sophie muttered flicking the magazine shut.

“Come on, it’s no secret he was giving you a ring for Christmas. Gonna be expecting stuff after that.” Angel pointed out.

“What do you mean?” Sophie said sitting up and looking at her niece. “Everyone knew?”

“It was all over school.” Angel muttered glancing from Sophie to her sister and back again.

Meggy sat up swinging her legs to the floor and looked over to where her sister was sitting up.

“It that true Megs?” Sophie asked her.

Meggy nodded.

“Sorry, he must have mentioned it and been overheard.”

Sophie glared at the both of them before she stood and walked over to where her twin was in the swimming pool.

“I need to talk to you.” She announced. ”Now.”

Georgie turned and threw the ball to Sammy before he hauled himself out of the pool and after grabbing a towel he followed his sister up the garden and into the house.

“Ok stop.” He cried not wanting to drip throughout the house.

Sophie turned and looked at him.

“Is it true that Steve is expecting something in return for this ring?” she snapped out.

“First off, yuk, like seriously,” Georgie muttered. “And second, if he even thinks about fooling around with you I’m going to kill him.”

“Oh grow up. I can do what I like.” Sophie snapped going off topic.

“You are underage and what about wanting to wait and all that stuff?” Georgie asked her.

“Answer the question.” Sophie snapped.

“Which one?” Georgie snapped back.

“Does Steve expect me to sleep with him?” she shouted out as the front door opened.

“I so didn’t hear that did I?” Roman muttered glaring at his daughter.

Ella stepped forward and over to the twins.

“Georgie get a mop and wipe the floor. Sophie go up to your room and stay there for an hour for a time out.” Ella said. “And no mobile phone.”

Sophie looked at her and then her brother.

“Arrhh.” She cried out and stormed up the stairs.

“Er…” Georgie murmured looking hopeless.

“Oh, just mop the floor.” Ella snapped to him and stormed out the back. She saw Meggy and Angel on the sunbeds looking over at her and walked straight to them.

“Mummy.” Meggy said quickly shooting up and looking at her.

“So what did you say?” Ella asked turning and looking at Angel.

“Nothing.” Angel said stubbornly.

“Really?” Ella asked before bending down and meeting Angel’s eyes. “Aren’t you just the tiniest bit jealous that Sophie has a boyfriend?”

Angle flushed and looked around.

“No.” she stated quickly.

“So who started the rumours?” Ella asked.

“How do you know about them?” Angel gasped.

“Steve came and told me.” Ella said slowly. “He also said that he only spoke to one person about buying Sophie a ring.”

Angel flushed and stood up looking around before meeting Ella’s gaze again.

“I didn’t do anything.” She stuttered.

“What’s going on?” Geoff asked running over to them.

“Well Angel?” Ella murmured.

“Nothing.” Angel said stubbornly.

“Oh for gawds sake.” Meggy muttered.

Ella bit back a grin at hearing Irene’s favourite phrase tripping off her daughter’s tongue like she’d invented it and raised her eyebrows as she gave her a look.

“Angel, are you really not going to own up?” Meggy directed her comment at her niece.

“Angel?” Geoff asked.

“It’s not fair. I’m older.” Angel shot out. “I should have a boyfriend. Steve liked me first.”

Meggy shook her head.

“That’s not true. He’s always liked Sophie,” she murmured folding her arms across herself. “Just ask Georgie. You know Georgie, his best friend.”

Meggy shook her head and collected her things from the sunbed and Sophie’s magazine before she walked away leaving Angel facing Ella and her father.

“Come with me Angel we need to have a talk.” Geoff said leading his daughter away.

“I don’t know, I’m back five minutes and look what happens.” Marcus called out.

“Hey you, don’t be cheeky.” Ella said smiling at the little boy. She moved over to the side of the pool and bent down trailing her fingers in the water.

“We no come out now.” Lily called to her swimming quickly to the other side away from the side where her mother was.

“No.” Ella said with a grin.

She scooped a handful of water and sent a splash over towards her daughter, hearing Lily giggle in response.

“Mama no splash.” She cried out giggling.

“Mama what?” Ella asked before doing it again.

Lily laughed and turned swimming closer to her and slapping her hand on top of the water trying to splash her mother.

“Liam.” Elal called out. “Are you going to let your sister splash me?”

Liam nodded.

“Hey!” Ella called.

“Mama splash first.” He said tilting his head to one side and looking at her as he treaded water next to Sammy.

Ella did it one last time before she stood up and shook droplets off her hand before drying it on a towel.

“You got yucky stuff on?” she asked them.

Sammy nodded.

“Yeah, we have sun cream on.” He said slowly looking round at Tyler and Robbie before nodding towards the babies.

“Good.” Ella murmured. “Another half hour and then come out please.”

“Mama no.” Lily protested.

Ella grinned at her and nodded before she walked back up the garden and into the house. She saw Georgie first.

“I did the floor.” He said quickly.

“Go on then. I’ve said half hour more.”

He nodded and ran down the garden leaving her with Roman. She could tell that he wasn’t happy and she sighed.

“Sophie.” He said immediately.

She folded her arms and waited.

“So anytime you feel like tell me what is going on.” He said slowly.

“Your granddaughter started a few rumours about Sophie and Steve.” Ella began.

“Like what?” he roared losing his temper. “Because if she….”

Ella stepped forward and kissed him, stilling him into silence.

“Sophie is very grown up for her age in a lot of respects but no, she’s not doing what you think she’s doing.” Ella muttered after easing away from her husband. “And if you stopped clinging to those outdated ideas that just because she’s your daughter she’s not allowed to date then you might actually get to know Steve and realise he’s a good guy.”

She turned and began to move away from him, stopping when he caught hold of her arm.

“It’s not that she can’t date.” He said slowly. “She’s my baby girl. What if he hurts her or worse…”

“Worse?” Ella asked a scathing note in her voice as she turned and slowly lifted her head and looked him in the eyes.

He knew that she was thinking of the attack and what Gardy did to her and he almost flinched.

“No worse.” He said again starring her back. “Meet someone like me.”

Ella sighed and felt her shoulders relaxing the only indication of how tense she had gotten at the implication in his words.

“Didn’t do me any harm.” She murmured quietly.

He nodded, smirking.

“Come here.” He told her bringing her over to him and wrapping his arms around her. “Is sending her to boarding school going to make those rumours worse?” he asked.

Ella sighed.

“Probably.” She muttered. “But, well, we decided didn’t we?” she said biting her lip again.

“I can’t see your face but I know you are biting your lip.” He told her.

Ella giggled.

“I can’t help it.” She cried out.

He smiled and putting his fingers under her chin he lifted her head and leaned down kissing her.

“Better go see to Sophie.” He said softly.

Ella sighed and nodded looking over to the stairs. She moved out of his arms and began heading toward them. She stopped and turned looking at him.

“Actually, I think you should get this one.” She told him.

“No.” he refused point blank shaking his head.

“No seriously, it would be better coming from you.” She murmured.

“So let me get this straight, you want me to go talk to our daughter about sex?” he asked incredulously. “Me,” he clarified.

Ella nodded.

“I did the other bit and explained about pe…..”

“Euh woman are you trying to kill me with embarrassment?” he growled out.

She shrugged.

“Go on get it over and done with.”

He glared at her knowing that she was enjoying this, not just his embarrassment but putting him in the position of having to console their daughter over her boyfriend when he wasn’t entirely comfortable with her having a boyfriend.

He’d known of course that Nicole had already had a number of boyfriends by the time she had come to the Bay; and although he managed to ignore most of what she got up to he still felt vaguely uncomfortable every time she hooked up with someone new. As though he had no right to protest because he wasn’t exactly a prize father or, well, someone who didn’t hook up with a different woman every week himself.

“Fine. But there better be some kinky sex thing you are going to do to make up for the three weeks of embarrassment I’m going to end up with over this.” He said and walked past her over to the stairs and up them.

Ella watched him go before she walked through into the living room and looked at Miles, Jacko and Pete who were sitting on the sofa drinking beers.

“We, er, ..” Miles stuttered. “Thought we, er, should remain quiet.”

“Yeah,” Jacko sniggered.

Pete added his contribution by nodding.

Ella glared at all of them before she turned and walked away.

“But I wouldn’t mind being a fly on the wall while Hardcore is having a talk with his teenage daughter over sex.”

Pete laughed.

“Well Sophie it’s like this. Stay away from boys until you are 30.” He said imitating Roman. “And yeah, you is going in a nunnery.”

Miles chuckled.

“That is so true.” He said nodding as he laughed. “God, you should have seen the look on his face when he found out she was wearing bras.”

They looked at each other and laughed.

“Still,” Pete said slowly. “He finds us here when he comes down.”

“Yeah,” Jacko nodded. “We should .,..”

“Start the BBQ.” Ella called out from the kitchen.

Pete sighed.

“We’s only ever get invited to do the dirty work around here.” He complained.

“Get on with it.” Ella said.

“Yes Ma’am.” Jacko said standing up and saluting in the direction of the kitchen.

Miles laughed and stood up too, followed by Pete and the three men moved out the back.

“Can I come in?” Roman called out knocking on his daughter’s door.

“If you must.” She called back.

He frowned realising that this was going to be harder than he thought. Reaching down he turned the handle and opened the door seeing Sophie lying on the bed. She lifted her head off her folded arms and looked at him. He saw his eyes in her but the rest of her features came from Ella and he smiled stepping over to her. He sat on the other bed and looked at her.

“There are two ways we can go about this.” He began.

“Uh huh.” She muttered, sounding like his wife. He hid a smile from her.

“We can say we talked and that way forego the embarrassment of actually talking or I actually have to sit here and you tell me why I should let you out of the house before you are 30.”

Sophie shot up and glared at him.

“You aren’t going to stop me seeing Steve.” She muttered glaring at him. “I don’t care what stupid rumours are going around I know the truth and he wouldn’t….”

Roman held up his hand cutting her off mid tirade.

“I was hoping we’d go with the first option.” He said quietly. “Apparently Angel is a bit jealous of you having a boyfriend. I’m sure she’s going to apologise for causing trouble. As for the statement you made earlier I’d hope that you will take care and be safe and wait until it’s right to take that step.” He said quietly and calmly. “Not do it because you felt at all pressured.”

Sophie gave him a look.

“I’m not stupid.” She told him. “I’m not going to get pregnant,”

“It’s not just about pregnancy. You are still really young and innocent. I don’t want you to have to worry about things like …” he paused. “ Well, pregnancy is one concern but also there are things like sexually transmitted diseases and…”

Sophie shook her head.

“I’m not doing anything.” She said her face flushing. “Steve and I don’t even kiss much.”

“Hey!” he protested quickly. “When I say I really don’t want to hear stuff like that I actually am not joking. I’m glad that things are going ok for you and er.. Steve but hopefully if you ever well er… wanted… to er…. Move on in your relationship then it will be in a few years when not only is it legal, but well also when you are both mature and ready and stuff.” He said quickly.

Sophie looked at him before looking at the floor her face red.

“Can we go back to the first option please?” she asked.

Roman nodded with relief and stood up patting her awkwardly on her shoulder before he walked out of the room.

“Oh and tell mother her plan worked. I’m so not having sex, probably ever after this talk.”

Roman stilled at her words as they sank in.

“Your mother is a sneaky….”he stopped. “witch.” He substituted and walked back down the stairs and then into the kitchen. He looked over at Ella, his eyes narrowed.

“Thanks.” He told her. “Seriously thanks.”

Ella smiled at him innocently.

“No worries.” She told him. “Now Lily needs getting out of the swimming pool.”

Roman glared at her before he moved to the fridge and took out a beer. He opened it and went out the back looking over at the swimming pool.

“Lily Alyssa Harris, get out of the pool now or we’ll give Liam away.”

“Roman.” Ella gasped out his name and walked over to him.

He grinned and pointed to the pool as Lily climbed out and looked over at him her hands on her hips.

“It worked didn’t it.” He said.

“You idiot.” She glared at him before running down to the pool and to their daughter before she had a tantrum.

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Chapter 91

Alexi looked about the hotel suite, taking in the small sitting room and the bedroom. The pale cream and gold décor was subtle and opulent at the same time and he nodded his approval of the hotel along with the suite of rooms. He supposed he’d had to be in worse in his time, immediately frowning as he thought of the small dark grey prison cell he had spent ten years in. Ten long incredible years pacing the small cell thinking of his revenge, and before that another prison cell and another one. Interned for doing his duty as a solider. Looking back at the desk clerk that had escorted them into the room he nodded once more.

“It is acceptable.” He acquiesced slowly, aware that he’d made the desk clerk uncomfortable in his presence. He would have smiled at that but he found very little to smile for anymore.

His bodyguard moved over to the clerk and slipped him a bank note as he escorted him out of the room. He made sure that the door was shut tight before turning and looking at Alexi.

“Your orders, Sir?” he asked,

“He is being watched?” Alexi asked slowly.

“Yes General.”

“Then for tonight we rest. There will be enough time for him to pay for what he’s done.”

The bodyguard nodded and moved away sensing that he was dismissed. He walked over to the door and opened it walking out and closing the door behind him.

Ella looked over at Miles and chuckled as the other man poured out yet another drink and handed that to Roman. The kids were in bed, although not necessarily asleep and that left them on the back veranda enjoying some adult time. She looked over at Gabby and then Brett, watching, as the couple were being so careful about not being together. She could have told them that very thing gave them away. Her eyes met Belle’s and they grinned before looking over at Toby and Amy-Belle. Finally admitting they were a couple the lovebirds were holding hands. Although seeing that did make Aden act like a proverbial over protective father.

Her attention went to Danni and Mike. The couple hadn’t married and she worried about them. Worried more about Danni. She didn’t seem to be coping with motherhood, perhaps missing work although it was more like she was comparing herself to every other woman here who’d had babies and found herself wanting. She’d have to sit down with her daughter soon and tell her that about the times she’d struggled herself.

Then there was Lee and Miles. Her love for Miles expanded and grew with the easy friendship he gave her husband. They’d clung to each other for a bit trying to keep Roman alive between them, talking non-stop about him at times. It was no wonder that Lee felt cut out of their secret club. Grief made you selfish, it altered the way you thought and felt about things, blinded you to what others needed. She looked up and saw Lee smiling at her and smiled back. Hopefully she’d been forgiven.

“That is your fifth.” Miles murmured bringing Ella’s thoughts back to the present.

“You counting?” Roman murmured back. “Why?”

“Because I want to see how many drinks it takes for you to end up flat on your back.” Miles told him.

Ella giggled and moved over to Roman whispering in his ear.

He looked at her before looking round everyone.

“Ok, who gave my wife wine?” he muttered giving the collected group a look.

Nic giggled as she watched Ella flush bright red.

“I haven’t been drinking wine.” She protested.

“Really?” Roman asked. “You don’t normally prop…..” he stopped talking when Ella kissed him into silence.

Ella groaned as she heard everyone laughing around her and she looked into Roman’s eyes seeing his amusement.

“Love you.” He mouthed against her lips silently.

She eased back and smiled at him before moving and sitting on his lap.

“Is this a party or what?” Mike asked. “How about some music?”

Ella rolled her eyes as she looked at her son.

“Go on then.” Roman said.

Ella muttered something under her breath before gasping as Roman tugged her hard against him.

“Getting old Mrs Harris?” he asked her.

“Just don’t want to wake the kids.” She murmured.

“Jennie sleeps through his music.” Danni muttered lifting her feet up and placing them on the corner of the table. She crossed one ankle over the other and lifted her drink to her mouth and took a drink of her single glass of wine.

Mike grinned at Danni catching his Mum giving him a curious look. His eyes flicked back to Danni and he stood going into his place with Brett to fetch the stereo out.

“It’s nice to see you two like this.” Nic announced looking at Ella.

“Don’t start Nicole.” Ella said softly grinning at the other girl.

“But it is nice.” Nic murmured blinking up at Geoff as he removed the empty glass from her hand and placed it on the table. “Oh, does this mean I don’t get any more?”

Geoff nodded.

“We agreed that if you started making comments like that I was to stop you drinking.” He said slowly ignoring Aden grinning at him.

Ella felt Roman sigh behind her, his breath ruffling the hair on the back of her neck and she reached down and took hold of his free hand placing it on her stomach, her hand pressing on top. He sighed again and she grinned knowing that he was thinking of the way they fit together, the way they figured out what the other was thinking and the way they comforted one another in small ways with small gestures.

“So,” Miles said slowly.

“Do I need to stop you drinking too?” Lee asked looking at her man.

Miles shook his head vigorously, his curls flopping on to his forehead to his annoyance. He pushed them back and looked around the group grinning happily at them.

“I jus’ think this is special.” Miles muttered slurring his words.

“What?” Ella asked. “Us being together?”

Miles shook his head again.

“This.” He said holding up his glass. “I never thought I’d be drinking Roman’s whisky again.”

Roman laughed and reached out clinking glasses with the other man.

“Now then.” Brett called setting up the music centre. He began selecting the music before turning the volume up testing the levels.

“Where is Mike?” Danni asked looking over at the poolhouse.

“Jennie was awake so he’s changing nappies.” Brett murmured.

Danni immediately shot up.

“Danni.” Ella called out quickly. “Mike will call you if there is a problem I’m sure.”

She knew now that there was a lot going on for the couple, perhaps even some postnatal depression. She felt Roman giving her an encouraging squeeze as he held her and she smiled before looking at her daughter.

“I’m sure they are fine.” Gabby called out.

Danni nodded worriedly and sat back down slowly trying to smile as Gabby reached out and held her hand trying to soothe her.

“When Mike was a baby I had no idea what I was doing.” Ella began. “The only reason I keep having kids is one day I hope I can get it right.”

Danni shot her a look before sighing as Mike jogged up the garden towards them. He bent down and kissed Danni, as though realising that she was worrying.

“She had her nappy changed and after went straight back to sleep.” He told her.

She groaned and looked around everybody knowing that she couldn’t invent a reason to go check on her.

“So what are we listening to?” Mike asked softly deflecting attention from Danni.

“I have no idea.” Aden called out. “How about putting on something we can actually relate too?”

“You finally admitting that you are old?” Brett asked his Dad.

“You finally moving out?” Aden shot back.

Brett rolled his eyes before he moved to the stereo and selected some different music. He grinned as he watched his parents moved off the veranda and start dancing, his eyes going to Gabby. She smiled back at him before flushing as Ella grinned at her.

“Come on Mrs Harris.” Roman murmured in her ear. “Lets dance.”

Ella chuckled and eased up moving off his lap. She sighed as he stood too and caught hold of her hand leading her down to where the other couple were dancing to the slow music. She moved into his arms and sighed again resting her head on his shoulder.

“Sure you don’t want to drink any wine?” he whispered in her ear. “I always did like you drunk.”

Ella giggled and pressed her lips to the side of his neck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 92

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Roman said after a while.

“I don’t know.” Ella told him, the dark of the room sheltering her expression from him. She sighed and moved restlessly in his arms.

“Maybe because you sense trouble coming?” Roman suggested in a soft voice.

“Don’t you?” Ella asked back immediately.

Roman sighed and reached out stroking her face gently. He couldn’t see her expression but he knew that she was frowning. His fingers grazed her lips and he turned his head capturing her mouth with his own in a searing kiss. He felt her hands moving and pulling him closer pressing her nails into his flesh in her passion. He moaned against her lips before running his hands down her body against her naked skin. He should have been prepared for the way that passion ignited between them once again considering how hot it had been just a while ago.

“Calm down.” He whispered against her lips as he eased away.

“Why?” Ella pulled back and searched out his eyes before looking into them.

“Because I don’t want to have to explain to your kids why I’ve got scratches down my back.” He murmured his lips curving in a half smile.

Ella pouted and leaned up kissing him again, quick pecks on his lips, his cheeks before he took her mouth again and pinned her down on the bed.

“Witch.” He gasped out as he felt her fingers running down his back, her nails lightly scratching against his skin.

“Are you sure you don’t want….” She began to ask and demonstrated pressing her talons into the firm flesh of his behind and pulling him against her. She parted her legs and he sank between them, his flesh finding her moist heat.

He reacted by biting her lip gently.

“I thought I said behave.” He said at her gasp.

“You don’t want me to behave.” She said back moving one of her hands inbetween their bodies and teasing him with feather light strokes.

He leaned down and moaned against her neck, muffling his cry.

“When are you going to play fair?” he asked before biting her neck in the place that made her moan in response. He kissed down her arched neck and then further down finding the valley between her breasts. As his tongue snaked out and he drew an erotic pattern on her skin he felt her hand tighten on his flesh stroking him faster.

“Slow down.” He whispered against the firm flesh of her breast.

“I can’t,” Ella cried out arching against him. “I want you now.”

Roman chuckled, the sound low and husky.

“You always were impatient.” He teased her, his fingers moving to trail up her thigh before he cupped her behind and pressed his fingers in her flesh.

“Just eager to have you.” Ella said arching against him.

He chuckled again before his mouth moved over the globe of flesh and he took her nipple deep into his mouth sucking on it. He heard her gasp and felt her hands moving to cup his head, holding him against her.

“Hate you.” She moaned as he released her nipple.

“Really?” Roman teased. “Should I stop then?”

“Don’t you dare!” Ella moaned pulling him back against her when he made to move away.

He pressed his mouth to the side of her neck as he laughed before moving. He sighed as he eased his body into hers, joining them fully once more and heard that small breathy gasp she always made and he smirked.

“Stop teasing me.” Ella muttered before kissing him.

He laughed against her lips.

“You know I love that little sound you make.” He whispered.

Ella sighed in response as she touched him back and held him against her. She moved in response to his movements like they were dancing some intimate dance, her legs wrapping around his and her hands stroking him.

“Love you.” He gasped out before he caught hold of her wandering hands and pinned them above her head. Easing back, his eyes met hers; fusing with them before his lips claimed hers once more.

“Love you too.” She said into his kiss. “So much.”

Holding her close he thrust into her as they made love again. He really couldn’t get enough of holding her and touching her and making love to her. He’d missed the closeness of being with her over the past year, so much. Missed being with her like this, seeing her beautiful face as he pleasured her and then, afterwards, when he held her and kissed her before sleep claimed them.

He rolled over when she climbed back into bed. Her feet were cold and she moved close to him, sighing as he opened his arms to her.

“So,” he whispered. “Despite two very energetic lovemaking sessions you still can’t sleep.” He added with a yawn. “Shall we try three?”

Ella giggled pressing her lips to his shoulder to muffle the sound.

“Who was it?” Roman asked.

“I checked on Sammy.” Ella confessed.

“Been a long time since you had to look in on him.” Roman commented.

He moved in the bed and pulled up the covers, tucking them around her as she moulded her body to his and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Yeah.” She whispered.

“Still feel uneasy?” he questioned.

“Maybe because it’s getting closer to us sending them off, to boarding school and the little ones up the coast.” She whispered once more.

“Maybe.” He conceded.

He looked down at her and sighed before kissing the top of her head. He knew that she wouldn’t sleep tonight so he may as well accept it.

“Leaves us with a problem.” He began.

“You don’t have to say it.” Ella said quietly. She took a deep breath before speaking again. “Marcus.”

“Yes.” He confirmed.

“I’m sorry but I couldn’t let him….”

Roman leaned over and cut her off with a quick kiss.

“Him stay….” She tried to continue.

Roman sighed and kissed her again.

“There.” Ella murmured and looked up at Roman.

“Yeah, not falling for it. You want me to keep kissing you so we get distracted.”

She nodded.

“But you’ll enjoy it I promise.”

He chuckled pressing his lips to the side of her neck before settling back down in the bed once more.

“I’m sorry.” She said once more, her voice quiet.


“Keeping you awake.”

He chuckled.

“It’s ok. I can get by on little sleep.” He murmured kissing her on the end of her nose. “Do you want to talk?”

“Maybe,” Ella sighed. “Maybe just lay here.”

Roman eased down in the bed and adjusted the covers taking care to make sure she was wrapped up in them beside him.

“What is the plan for tomorrow?” she asked after a few minutes.

“Taking the boys surfing.” He answered smiling as he thought of Aden and Geoff as boys still.

“Did I hear you teasing Jacko?”

“Yeah, I still don’t know how you got him to the beach.”

“I have my ways you know.”

Roman forced himself to laugh realising that there were still some unresolved feelings over Jacko’s attachment to his wife, not that he couldn’t trust Ella. Even when things had been bad between them, they had even thrown the divorce word around; she had proved her faithfulness to him.

“Sore subject?” Ella asked seeing through him as always.

“A little.” He confessed. “I used to have nightmares that you would find someone while I was gone.”

“Someone?” Ella asked with a slow smile. “No there were quite a few guys.”

“Still not falling for it.” He said finally after a moment.

Ella sighed.

“Lot’s of someone’s.” She clarified. “Here in this bed.”

He gave a half growl half moan before turning his head and looking at her. He narrowed his eyes as he looked down on to her beautiful face. She looked like a pale moon goddess in his arms and he remembered all the times he would dream of making love to her. With a deep sigh he turned and kissed her. Not a passionate kiss, just a simple kiss, which confirmed his love for her. He felt her turning towards him and wrapping her arms around him as she returned his kiss.

“We should get some sleep.” He whispered against her lips.

“We could get some sleep.” She confirmed with a smile. “Or.”

“Or?” he asked.

“You could try for the record.” She said.

Roman chuckled.

“You are going to give me a heart attack.” He muttered kissing her and moulding her body against his.

Ella giggled against his lips as she kissed him back.

Roman yawned as he rubbed down his board with wax and caught Aden grinning at him.

“Something wrong son?” he asked him.

“Nope.” Aden said with a smirk and a glance at Geoff.

Geoff glared back at him.

“Obviously something bothering you two.” Roman said after a minute.

Geoff flushed and glared some more at Aden who unrepentantly smirked back.

“Jacko switched rooms last night.” Geoff said finally.

Roman felt the warm heat creep up his neck and focused on waxing his board before he slowly spoke.

“And?” he murmured.

“The walls aren’t that…..” Aden muttered before Geoff reacted by pushing him over into the hot sand. “Bible boy!” Aden groaned.

Roman looked on as the two men began mock wrestling on the beach. He saw that Mike had looked up and pointed them out to Toby.

“If you are done are we going to catch the surf or what?” Roman said after a couple of minutes grateful for the distraction. He was so going to have words with Ella later, he decided.

Grabbing his board he carried it to the water and padded through the surf. He saw others following him including Sammy carrying his new board proudly. He grinned over at him forcing himself to acknowledge that his boy was growing up. Sammy had muscles now, the baby fat gone from his face too, not to mention the height. Tall, taking after him. He grinned thinking about it before catching Georgie looking over at him.

“Is this some kind of record?” he asked.

Roman immediately shot back to the previous night and tried to say something as embarrassment choked off his words.

“I mean all of us surfing like this.” Georgie added gesturing to Brett, Toby and Mike and then to Aden and Geoff and finally Sammy and himself.

“Need to get Marcus in on this.” Sammy said still upset at leaving the boy behind today.

“And Liam.” Georgie added.

“Nah, Lily won’t let him.” Sammy grinned back.

Roman chuckled.

“Don’t let Lily hear you say things like that boys.” He cautioned. “She takes after your mother.”

Georgie let out a shout of laughter before all of them started lining up ready to catch some waves.

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Chapter 93

Roman walked slowly into the house, a towel around his waist, the others following behind him a collection of noisy exuberant voices behind him. He stopped and caught sight of Ella sitting in the lounge, her face pale. He moved quickly towards her stopping when she rose from her seat and came over to him.

“This is Mrs Brown from Docs.” She told him.

He nodded.

“Has she come to talk about Marcus?” he asked in a soft voice.

Ella nodded.

“Ok.” Roman murmured. “Why don’t you take her into the study for some privacy and I’ll be down in a minute.”

Ella gave him a minute look before turning and going over to the woman, he heard her talking to the other woman before she stood. Taking the stairs two steps at a time he raced into the bedroom and through to the en suite. He showered in record time and then dressed just as hurriedly, he paused only to grab something on the way out and down the stairs.

He walked through to the study, closing the door quietly behind him knowing there were a few interested parties trying to listen in and then confidently moved over to where Ella was sitting on the sofa.

“I have to say Mr Harris that you are looking quite well for someone declared dead.” The woman he presumed was Mrs Brown remarked.

“Thank you.” He said with no hint of sarcasm. “Did someone get you a drink?” he asked taking Ella’s cold hand within his own. He shot her a quick concerned glance before looking at the other woman.

“I’m not here for social niceties.” Mrs Brown stated. “I want to see the paperwork that you have detailing Marcus’ paternity.”

“And I would love to show you.” Roman murmured squeezing Ella’s hand as he sensed that she was about to talk. “But the truth is we don’t know who his father is.”

Ella gave a small betraying gasp and looked over at Roman. He returned her look before glancing back at the other woman.

“So please have his things packed for his return to the home.”

“Please.” Ella murmured leaning forward. She dropped Roman’s hand and shot him a look.

Roman also leaned forward and tugged the envelope out of his pocket. He placed it flat on the table between them. Ella immediately looked over at Roman.

“That envelope contains the results of his DNA test. If we open it we’ll find that I’m probably not his dad.” Roman said slowly. “But the truth is, it doesn’t matter to us. Or to the rest of the family.”

Mrs Brown gave him a long searching look noticing that he reached out and took hold of Ella’s hand once more.

“Have you seen him with our other kids?” Ella said hating the almost pleading note that had entered her voice.

“I did notice that most of your children went to the beach today and he was left behind.”

“That’s different.” Roman said before Ella could speak. “It’s tradition for me to take the boys surfing.”

“And is he not one of your boys?” Mrs Brown asked looking over at him.

Ella opened her mouth to speak when she felt Roman squeeze her hand. She eased back against the sofa and let him deal with it.

“Marcus is six years old, he doesn’t have the confidence in the water that the other children have and he only has a body board not a full surfboard. If we’d take him with us today then one of us would have to have remained on the beach with him. No doubt Sammy would have volunteered and as he got his first surfboard for Christmas that wouldn’t have been fair.” Roman paused and looked at Ella before looking back at the other woman. “Beside which he didn’t want to go. Seems to feel safer here with the others.”

Ella sighed and watched as Mrs Brown took out a notepad and a pen and made a few notes.

“Meggy got her first surfboard too, in case you think we are in anyway sexist.” Ella said softly. “But she didn’t want to go either.” She added in a quiet voice.

“El.” Roman murmured.

“She’s judging us.” Ella shot out. “She should know the truth. Martha left him here and we took him in. “ she broke off before saying anything else.

“Martha made out that he was my son. We had the DNA test done as a result.” Roman murmured cutting out the difficult bits of the story.

“And that?” Mrs Brown asked gesturing to the envelope.

“We.” Ella began looking to Roman. He nodded his support and she continued. “Decided that we needed to take care of him as if he were our own regardless of the results.”

“So we didn’t open the envelope.” Roman added when Ella stopped.

“We decided that if Marcus wanted to know one day then he could open the results himself. That’s why we kept the envelope.” Ella finished slowly.

“I see.” The woman murmured taking more notes.

Ella sighed and looked at Roman, he gave her an encouraging look back.

“There’s more.” Ella said slowly. “When I came and saw him there in that place I noticed that he’d lost weight, he was pale and tired. His things had been stolen from him. If you put him back in that place I …” she stopped sucking in a deep breath as she forced herself not to give into the tears that were threatening to overflow. “You need to see and see how happy he is here.”

Roman sighed before he leaned forward,

“It’s not just that, my wife was seriously considering fraud. She thought about faking the results in order to keep Marcus with us.” He said and heard Ella make a small sound of distress.

He stood and urged Ella to stand with him before picking up the envelope and putting it back in his pocket. “Are you planning to see Marcus?” he asked Mrs Brown rhetorically. “Because you can tell him why you are taking him back.”

The other woman eased to her feet and followed them out of the room. He led them over to lounge and looked inside.

“Hey,” he called out to Sophie. “Where is Marcus?”

Sophie looked up at him from her seat on the sofa; Meggy was sitting beside her, the two girls obviously talking. He frowned only slightly that Angel was missing.

“He’s out back with the young ones.” Sophie murmured.

Ella grimaced, thinking that this was a fine example of parenting, being so busy she had no idea who was looking after the twins or keeping an eye on what Lily was getting up to.

“This way.” Roman murmured leading them all out the back. He saw George and Irene immediately and smiled at them before looking around.

“If you’re after the young ones Darl, they are in their play house.”

“Thank you.” Ella murmured politely.

Roman grinned at Ella ignoring the serious look on her face and walked in the direction of the small-enclosed play area for the children. Ella had designed it so the youngest ones could be in there with no worries about what they could get up to. He saw the blanket on the ground and the plastic tea service out, with a scattering of toys.

“Mama.” Lilly called seeing her.

“Hey baby girl.” Ella said quickly silently urging her daughter to be good.

“Where is Marcus, Lils?” Roman asked.

“I’m here.” Marcus called out walking out of the playhouse. He stopped when he saw Mrs Brown and paled as he recognised her. “I’m not going back am I?” he asked his bottom lip trembling.

“No!” Lily called out. Liam joined her ahead of Mira and Millie and then Daniella, Kai and finally the twins. They looked round each other before picking up on Lily’s distress as she moved over to Marcus and took hold of his hand.

“No Mama.” She said lifting up her big eyes and looking reprovingly at them.

“Lils.” Roman called out quietly.

“The lady wants to talk to Marcus.” Ella announced. “So you need to let go of him.”

Lily shook her head and pouted.

“Lily please.” Ella murmured going over to her daughter and kneeling in front of her. “Come on Squeals.”

“No.” Lily said clinging to Marcus’ hand with both hands.

“I’m a little confused.” Mrs Brown murmured. “You seem to have more children her.”

“Mira, Daniella and Kai are our grandchildren.” Roman announced pointing them out knowing that Ella was trying to distract Lily from her protest. “And then there is Millie, my wife’s goddaughter.”

“Right.” Ella removed Lily’s hands from Marcus and picked her up not surprised when she started kicking her. “Squeals time out.” Ella announced.

Roman came over to her and took Lily from her carrying the crying stroppy child into the house.

“She shouldn’t get told off because of me.” Marcus called out stepping forward and in front of Ella. He looked up at her before looking over at Mrs Brown and sighing. “I’ll go back.” He added.

“Actually.” Mrs Brown began her eyes meeting Ella’s. “I think you qualify for temporary custody.”

“Really?” Ella murmured.

The other woman nodded.

“I’ll have the paperwork prepared and out to you tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” Ella said quickly placing her hands on Marcus slim shoulders.

“What’s going on?” Georgie asked coming out of the house. He had Sammy, Robbie and Tyler with him, along with Sophie, Meggy and Angel. “You can’t take him.” He added folding his arms across his chest and glaring at Mrs Brown.

“Georgie,” Ella said quietly trying not to smile at seeing him do the arm thing. “Mrs Brown has just agreed that Marcus can stay.”

“Oh.” Georgie said taking a half step back. “Perhaps you need to tell Lily, she’s screaming.”

Ella sighed and bit her lip again.

“Can I go tell her?” Marcus asked.

“Me’s too.” Liam added.

Ella sighed again.

“Go on then.” she said to them and chuckled as all the kids trudged into the house. She waited until they were out of earshot before going over to Mrs Brown. I don’t suppose you’ve got room for Lily have you?” she asked slowly.

Mrs Brown smiled at last.

“If we had, I’m not sure I’d tell you.”

“Ella.” Roman called out from the veranda.

She moved over to his side and took hold of his hand.

“She said he can stay.”

“I heard.” He murmured giving her a slow smile. “Which is good because I think that Lily is going out on strike.”


“I do have one question.” Mrs Brown murmured. “You called your daughter ‘Squeals’ I believe.”

“Cuz when you ickle a Lily she squeals.” Roman and Ella chorused together with a laugh. They looked at each other, the other woman forgotten for a moment in their relief. If they’d looked at her they’d see the still puzzled expression on her face.

“Let me show you out.” George stood and smiled gallantly at the other woman. He walked her round the building and out the front.

“Well.” Ella murmured.

“You need to go see to your daughter.” Roman said dryly.

“How come she’s my daughter all of a sudden?”

“Because I heard you trying to palm her off on that poor woman.” Roman said slowly.

Ella flushed as Irene looked at her.

“She never did.” Irene murmured.

“Well,” Ella muttered. “Don’t tell me you never thought about it?”

She flushed even more as Roman looked at her before walking into the house and up the stairs to her daughter’s room. She saw all the kids inside and looked at them before nodding towards the door watching as they slowly trundled out.

“What have you got to say for yourself Lily?” Ella asked slowly.

“Mama me’s sorry.” Lily murmured wringing her hands and looking sorry as she sat on her bed.

“Good,” Ella said. “Now then you are having a time out for fifteen minutes.”

Lily looked at her with her mouth dropping open before she sighed loudly.

“Mama don’t forget me?” she asked looking suitably sorry.

Ella shook her head.

“And put your toys away.” She added as she moved out of the room and down the stairs. She saw Roman waiting for her and she went over to him.

“Me toys is all tidy now.” Lily called out.

Roman shot Ella a rueful grin.

“You missed your son coming to the rescue.” Ella sighed.

“Georgie?” Roman asked.

Ella nodded her hair falling on to her face; it hid her smile as she spoke again.

“He even did the arms.”

Roman groaned and glared at her.

“Come here Ella Harris.” He called pulling her over to him and putting his arms around her. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips.

“Is it fifteens yet?” Lily called out.

“So your daughter.” Roman said easing away and looking into Ella’s eyes.

Ella giggled before Roman kissed her again.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Chapter 94

Ella looked over at the school gates as they pulled away slowly. Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them back before reaching for her sunglasses from her handbag putting them on and covering up her distress. Roman reached to touch her hand and she pulled away from him, folding her arms across herself. He could feel her distress washing off her in waves and hated that he was separating her from her children. He knew that tonight she wouldn’t sleep, just like last night and the night before. They’d also said goodbye to Lily, Liam and the twins that morning as Mike and Danni took them with them heading up the coast to see Toby. Gabby and Danielle had also gone.

As for Nic and Geoff and their family they had been despatched to the airport to catch their plane for the trip, Aden, Belle and their family on the same flight. He half smiled as he thought how clever Ella was in arranging the trip so that he wouldn’t worry about them being in Summer Bay when things kicked off.

She was also clever enough to resist his attempts to get her out of the Bay and safely away up the coast he thought, casting a look over at her. She still had her arms tightly folded across herself and looked fragile and pale. He knew that if she removed the oversize sunglasses there would be dark circles under her eyes and the sheen of tears in the blue depths. He couldn’t make this better for her and beat himself up over it again, for like the hundredth time.

“I need to stop for a leg stretch.” He announced after an hour.

“Fine.” Ella answered him knowing he needed to hear her voice.

“Is there anywhere you can suggest?” he asked her quietly.

“No.” she muttered.

Roman refused to sigh or say anything else. The kids had been despatched to the same boarding school that Mike used to go too so he knew that Ella knew the area well, including somewhere they could stop and perhaps get a coffee. He grimaced before looking at the road signs.

“Pass the atlas.” He told her.

Ella sighed and shot him a look before she looked out the windscreen and took notice of where they were.

“Swap lanes.” She told him. “Not this turning but the next one.”

Roman nodded once and waited for the opportunity to move into the outside lane indicating to the cars behind him. He looked at the signs and a faint memory of the place was dragged from the recess of his mind and he nodded again before pulling off the highway and driving down the side road towards a small town. He knew they had stopped there before, either on the way to or from dropping Mike off at the boarding school and half smiled. It took a half hour to get there but when he pulled up stopping in the car park of the local supermarket, making sure there was a parking space left open next to him before turning off the engine. He waited a heartbeat before turning to her.

“Ok.” He said slowly.

“Ok what?” Ella asked unclipping her seatbelt.

She reached for the door handle and frowned when he stopped her from getting out of the car.

“I thought you wanted to stretch your legs.” She murmured in a cold voice.

“I do.” He stated clearly. “And I also want to know that my wife isn’t planning on sticking a knife in my ribs tonight because I’ve just separated her from our kids.”

Ella pulled away from him and opened the car door. She climbed out and reached for her handbag walking away from him.

Roman swore before vaulting out of the car after her. He caught up with her after a moment and reaching out grabbed her arm and pulled her back to his side.

“Ella Harris. Stop. Talk to me.”

“There isn’t anything to say.” She muttered. “We decided this. We. Us. Together.”

“Then stop acting as if I’m the enemy.” He murmured looking at her.

He lifted his hand and pulled off her sunglasses frowning at the tears he could see in her eyes.

“You are.” She hissed at him. “I hate you right now. I wish you were dead because that way you wouldn’t have come back and taken my babies away.”

Roman nodded feeling her words hit him like bullets. He gave her a rueful smile before pulling her into his arms as she began sobbing.

“Ella Harris.” He murmured.

She shook her head against his chest and he grinned at her stubbornness before frowning again as she continued to cry.

“Come on.” He murmured after a minute.

Ella sniffed and pulled away from him before delving into her handbag for a tissue. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose before looking up at him.

“Better.” He told her although her eyes and nose were still red and puffy from crying. She glared at him before grabbing her sunglasses out of his hand and putting them back on.

She walked away from him quickly and he was forced to hurry in order to catch up with her. He sighed as he reached her side and reached out taking hold of her hand. She didn’t pull away from him and he sighed again before speaking softly.

“I climbed into his window. Don’t ask me how I found the strength not to creep into our room and look in on you because I don’t know. He was asleep on his side with his thumb in his mouth. I kissed him and said ‘No thumb babes’ just like you’d taught me and he sighed rolling over and opening his eyes in that sleepy way of his.” Roman sucked in a breath before he could continue. “I kissed him and called him Samson before telling him that he shouldn’t be so sad because I would always find a way of being there for him. I left him the pebble, I don’t know why, maybe because in some way I wanted you to find me but in another.” Roman stopped and shrugged.

“We can get a coffee here.” Ella told him in an unemotional voice.

Roman nodded before opening the door for her. He had to let go of her hand and felt bereft. She moved over to a booth and eased into it before taking off the sunglasses and looking at him.

“You gave him the pebble so he could touch it and remember his ‘dream’.” She murmured gesturing with her fingers to put speech marks around the word dream. “That way whenever he was feeling sad he had a visual, tactile reminder of you saying you’d be there for him.”

Roman nodded as he sat opposite her in the booth.

“Maybe,” he acknowledged.

“Am I really to believe that you didn’t spy on me?” she asked him raising an eyebrow as she looked at him before continuing in a low husky voice. “Me, in a double bed, asleep, in one of those skimpy nightdresses you like me wearing so much?”

Roman sucked in a deep breath forcing his body not to react to that sexy voice of hers as his eyes met hers.

“You carry on like that and we’ll be stopping again pretty soon. Somewhere secluded.” He told her forcing himself to laugh softly. There was a definite plan for the trip back to Summer Bay and it was one she wouldn’t like.

Ella laughed softly before her eyes lowered to the tabletop.

“If things were the other way around…” she began.

“If things were the other way around you would have come into our bedroom and ran your hand down my back telling me that I wasn’t totally screwing up things with our kids.” He murmured.

Ella shook her head.

“Really?” he asked.

“Of course not, you’d wake up drag me in the bed and make love to me for most of the night at which point I’d be trying to convince you that you were having a series of kinky sex dreams about me.”

Roman threw back his head and laughed before reaching out and grabbing hold of her hand.

“I’m sorry this is hurting you El, I know how much you hate being separated from the kids.” He said at last, he added silently that he was really sorry for the next bit.

“Hello folks, what can I get ya’s?” The waitress moved over to their table, her pen poised over her notebook.

“Two coffees.” Roman murmured softly. “One black, one white.” He looked over to Ella and saw her nod before she picked up the menu. She glanced down it before asking for a veggie burger and fries.

“Make that two.” Roman added.

He watched as the waitress scribbled the order down on paper before moving away to deliver the order to the kitchen.

“I know you love our kids too Roman,” Ella began. “But it’s different for you.”

He nodded and gave her hand a sympathetic squeeze. He knew that she was thinking about those first few hours that they had been told that Sammy had been kidnapped and the drama with the twins and finding out about Gabby and Toby. Having the children where she couldn’t check on them would be hard for her. He swore that he was going to get this sorted out quickly, if only to get the haunted expression from her face even though he figured that expression would be changing pretty soon.

“El,” he murmured helplessly.

“No,” she shook her head. “Don’t say anything.”

“Not a lot I can say. The way you are with the kids, well maybe I don’t feel it as deeply as you but I am still their father, El, and one top of the times we’ve lost them, well there have been times when you’ve been gone too.” He said in part explanation for what he was about to do.

Her eyes flashed to his and she saw the sadness in them that never quite faded as he thought about the times she’d been taken away from them. First Gardy, then Elliot and William. He knew that he wasn’t ever going to let Alexi near her.

“So.” She whispered.

“Here’s your order.” The waitress murmured bringing a tray over to them. She placed the food and drinks in front of them before turning and moving away. Ella found herself watching the waitress as she moved away before looking back at Roman.

“So?” he prompted distracting her for a moment while he added two crushed sleeping tablets he prepared earlier to her drink before moving the cup closer to her.

“Never mind.” Ella whispered before taking a sip of her coffee. She found the strong brew had a bitter aftertaste to it and pushed the cup away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her.

“Coffee tastes funny.” She murmured.

He took a sip of his and shrugged seeming unconcerned.

“Mine is fine.” He told her.

Ella shrugged and took another sip before frowning. She took another swallow before discarding it and taking a bite of her burger.

They ate in silence clearing their plates before Roman stood and moved to the till. He paid for the meal and moved to collect Ella looking at the coffee in her cup.

“Going to finish that, it’s going to be a while before we stop again.” He said half turning away from her.

Ella sighed and picked up the cup taking a long swallow of the brew before she shuddered and put the cup down. She followed Roman out of the café and they began moving back towards the car. She yawned suddenly and moved closer to him feeling tired all of a sudden. She found her eyelids drifting shut before she realised what was happening and swore, her lips feeling numb.

“What..” she muttered falling against him.

Roman looked down at her grimly before putting his arm around her and leading her over to where the cars were parked. He caught sight of Jacko in the other car with James and he gave them a look before guiding Ella into the back of the car.

“This was the only way.” He told her.

“Going to kill you.” She hissed at him, unable to open her eyes as the sleeping tablets took effect and she lapsed into unconsciousness.

“You absolutely sure about this Hardcore?” Jacko asked him sharing a look with James.

Roman nodded even as he reached out and kissed his drugged sleeping wife.

“If she’s there I’ll only worry about her.” He stated.

“You do realise that she is really going to kill you don’t you?” Jacko muttered.

“I’m trusting you with her Jacko.” Roman said slowly. “Take her to be with the babies.”

He turned and walked away to the other car and climbing behind the wheel he set off back to Summer Bay. His eyes were on Jacko in the rear view mirror as he watched the other man get into the car and pull away from the carpark heading in the opposite direction.

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Chapter 95

Ella looked over at Mike and folded her arms.

“He did it for the best Ma.” Mike murmured again.

Ella shook her head and began walking away.

“Ella.” Danni called out before giving Mike a worried look. He shrugged before stepping forward and over to his mother’s side.

“The only thing I want to hear is that there is a car I can use to get back home.” She muttered. “I don’t want explanations and I don’t want to hear that you thought it was a good idea.”

“No.” Mike muttered feeling defensive. “I told him you wouldn’t….” he trailed off as he realised that he’d admitted to knowing that Roman had been plotting something. Although drugging his mother and arranging for her ‘kidnap’ wasn’t the brightest of ideas.

“Car keys.” Ella said.

“We can’t we promised.” Danni said stepping forward to stand at Mike’s side.


Ella walked out of the door and along the street. She’d been here a few times in the intervening years between finding Tobias and now and knew her way around. Eventually she came to the beach and moved to sit on the sand, bending her knees and bringing her legs up before leaning her head on them. Only when she was convinced she was totally alone did she give into the tears she’d been holding inside for the past couple of hours. After a while she wiped her eyes and looked up seeing the darkening sky and the incoming sea. She stood feeling her legs wobble slightly before stretching and walking back the way she came.

She saw Mike and Danni giving her a concerned look before glancing at Jacko and James.

“We’re going back now.” Jacko said finally.

Ella nodded.

“Er…” he muttered before glaring as James prodded him in the back to prompt him. “Is there anything you want us to pass on?” he finished and pressed his lips together.

Ella nodded and stepping forward she took off her wedding ring and placed it in Jacko’s hand.

“Tell him to move out of my house.” She added, her voice bitter.

Jacko flinched at the tone of her voice before looking at James and the two of them filed out of the house. Ella watched them go before taking a bottle of water from the fridge and walking out of the room and up the stairs. She found the bedroom they’d given her and walked inside shutting the door behind her. She saw her phone sitting on the side and wondered who’d smuggled it into her room. James had taken it from her earlier when she’d tried to arrange transport back to the bay.

Ella sat cross-legged on the bed before picking it up cautiously and looking at it. She saw that he’d texted her and took a deep breath before opening it.

“Sorry.” He’d put.

Sorry, she thought, sorry? He couldn’t even give her the courtesy of an explanation? She’d give him sorry when she saw him. Looking at the display she dialled his number before she could change her mind and put the phone to her ear. She heard it ring and go to voicemail. With a moan of disgust she hung up before throwing the phone down on the bed beside her. She started when it rang and glared at it before slowly reaching out her hand and answering the call.

“El.” Roman murmured hearing the call connect.

“I hate you. I don’t just hate you I want you dead. How dare you do that to me?” Ella shot out.

“I had to. You wouldn’t listen to me.” Roman explained forcing himself not to get defensive with her.

“I listened.” Ella protested. “But you didn’t hear me. Do you think that I don’t know what you are like? If I’m not there you are going to come up with some stupid plan and get yourself killed.”

“El,” he murmured.

Ella shook her head hearing him breathing through the phone as he tried to talk to her. She thought back to all the times she’d seen him like this, the solider coming out in him as he steeled himself to deal with things. Her frustration mounted and she stood up from the bed and pulling back her hand she threw the phone as hard as she could against the wall and screamed at the same time. She looked at the broken phone before dropping to the floor and sobbing.

“Mum?” Mike murmured before knocking on the door and coming in. He looked at her as she lay by the side of the bed and grimaced coming over to her. “Come on Mum.” He murmured helping her up and over to the bed.

“I suppose you heard that?” she asked with a sniff trying to pull herself together.

He nodded and moved over to pick up the pieces of her phone. He looked at it for a moment before slotting the pieces together. The display was cracked and the plastic was broken but he managed to make a call on it, using his own number as a tester. He listened when it went to voice mail checking that you could hear the call through the speaker and then as an extra precaution he spoke softly into it knowing he would check his voicemail to make sure that the phone worked. Handing it over to his mum he sat on the bed with her.

“Why do you think I’m here?” he asked her.

“Because your Dad was protecting you.” Ella said lifting her head and looking at him. “He didn’t want you hurt.”

“Ignoring the fact that yeah, that’s part of it why don’t you…”

Ella shook her head.

“I know, he sent you here to take care of your family and so that nothing would happen to you because…” her voice trailed off and she swallowed before continuing. “He knew if I lost one of the children I’d fall apart.”

“Kind of embarrassing.” Mike said sinking on to the bed. “He let me go to war but doesn’t trust me enough to help him with this.”

Ella shook her head.

“He loves you too much to risk your life for something he has to sort out.”

Mike looked at her and slowly nodded.

“Same thing Ma.” He murmured.

Ella cast her eyes around the room seeing the white wardrobe and chest of drawers with the tv atop it before looking at the pale blue walls and the single picture above the bed.

“The problem being is that without me there because your father has a long history of self sacrifice, if his death will end this so that we are no longer targets that is what he’ll make happen.” She whispered feeling the fear again that he was planning something exactly like that.

“Mum?” Mike said slowly. “You need to be there don’t you?”

Ella nodded.

“I know you don’t want me to go, but I have to.”

Mike sighed and stood up. He moved over to look out of the window seeing houses opposite before the curve of the golden beach. He thought over what she’d said and everything that Roman had said. Then he thought of the information he’d seen about Alexi. He didn’t want his Mum to be in danger, anymore than he wanted Roman to be but she was right. Without her there his Dad would be tempted to sacrifice himself to make them safe. Just look at the way Roman had gone into witness protection to try and keep them safe. Pulling himself together he got out his phone and dialled.

“Jacko, yeah hi, I need you to come back.” He said when the call connected. “You need to take my mother with you.”

He looked at her as he listened to Jacko’s response before sighing.

“No, she needs to be there.” He murmured. “Roman needs her there.” He added his eyes going to the view again. “Ok.” He said slowly and ended the call.

“Thank you.” She told him.

Roman looked at the cup of coffee again. It was still cold. He pulled out his phone and looked at the display again. No new messages. No missed calls. He thought about calling her but the scream he heard during the call earlier convinced him that any call from him would be unwelcome. He sighed and ran his hand over his face feeling the stubble from two days growth on his face; he hadn’t shaved this morning in his rush to get them out of the house. Looking back at his cup he sighed before jumping as Fluffy, one of the cats jumped on the table. He looked at her seeing bright green eyes looking back at him. She seemed to have a reproachful expression on her face and he sighed before scratching her on her head.

“Come on then.” he murmured talking his cup and walking through to the kitchen. Putting his cup to one side he opened the fridge and took out a couple slices of ham, tearing them into small pieces and tossing them into the cat bowl. He smiled as Fluffy went over to the bowl followed by her brother Monster. The other cats were out, probably not aware that Lily had gone away. His lovely daughter had a habit of cuddling the cats whether they wanted to cuddle or not.

He looked back in the fridge thinking that he should eat something before sighing and closing it. Turning he put the kettle on to boil before going to the study and collecting the papers that related to Alexi. He made a second trip for the laptop and began sorting through it before spreading it out on the dinning table. It had been months since he last looked at this and he found his attention span kept him looking up and away, focusing on one of the pictures on the mantelpiece. Him and Ella on their wedding day, the first one, her in her long white gown a flower in her hair, smiling up at him. Then the second one in the gown Nic had designed and finally the big photo of all of them at the last wedding, all his daughters in their bridesmaid dresses and his sons in matching suits and then himself and Ella. Ella in her beautiful gown, her hair curled and flowing down her back, Only if you looked close did you see the slight bump of her pregnancy. Three times they had married, four if you counted the first blessing out in Afghanistan and they still made stupid mistakes and took each other for granted.

He was feeling maudlin. Knowing that she wasn’t ever going to forgive him for what he’d done, even if he somehow managed to get through this.

Pulling himself together he walked back into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee before getting himself a cup, adding a dash of milk to it before walking back to the dinning table where he spread out the paperwork. He opened a file and began reading making notes on a tablet of paper.

Jacko reached out and opened the door. He heard nothing and his hand nervously went to the gun he had at the back of his waistband. Stepping over the threshold he walked inside, stopping when he saw Roman sitting at the table. He glanced back behind him before walking further into the room.

“Hardcore.” He greeted.

Roman looked up, startled that he hadn’t noticed the other man coming in and wincing because maybe he’d lost his edge. He sighed and gave Jacko a nod.

“How is she?” he asked before he could stop himself, the words bursting out of him.

“She did give me a message to pass on but I’m not sure if I can repeat those kind of words.” Jacko said slowly in his normal drawl.

Roman nodded, a half smile twisted his lips before he rubbed his face tiredly. He put the folder and notepad to one side and picked up his cup, noting in disgust that for the second time he’d let a cup of coffee get cold.

“Drink?” he asked moving through into the kitchen.

He half turned his head when he caught the scent of Ella’s perfume before shaking his head tiredly. Maybe he was starting to lose it he thought to himself.

“Where’s James?” he called out. “Are you guys hungry?”

He heard nothing and frowned before walking back through the archway to look at Jacko. He saw the other man looking sheepish and then behind him there stood Ella. A surge of happiness went through him before he clamped down on it and forced himself to get mad.

“What are you doing back?” he muttered folding his arms.

“You can’t decide for me.” Ella said simply mirroring his body language and folding her arms across herself. “And what you….”

“No, the children are not going to risk losing two parents.” Roman said angrily cutting across her words.”

“In answer to the question, yes, we are hungry and want something to eat and drink.” Jacko said raising his voice to cut across the argument. He smirked when Roman spun around and marched into the kitchen. They heard him slamming cupboard doors and banging pots around as he began preparing a meal.

“Leave him.” James said moving into the room behind them his gaze going from Jacko to Ella and back again.

“I know.” Ella nodded before moving to sit on the sofa. She was tired and emotionally drained and didn’t know if she wanted to cry or scream or just shout at the top of her voice. Leaning back and closing her eyes for a minute she opened them again when Jacko placed her wedding ring in her hand.

“Thank you.” She told him sliding the platinum circle on her finger.

“He ever threatened to weld that thing on?” Jacko asked her.

She started, her gaze meeting his before laughter bubbled up inside her and she giggled.

“Many times.” She said with a nod.

Standing up she walked into the kitchen and over to Roman.

He stopped what he was doing and pulled her into his arms holding her tight before he kissed her passionately. She felt her face wet and thought it strange that she didn’t know that she was crying before realising that they were his tears. Taking his face in her hands she kissed them away before putting her lips on his.

“I’m still going to kill you.” She murmured to him before he kissed her again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 96

Roman looked at the doorway into the en suite. Ella had been in there a while and he was starting to get worried about her. Hell, there was no starting about it, he was worried about her, a little while ago they had spoken to Lily on the phone, their daughter had been playing up and refusing to go to bed without talking to them managing to upset Liam and the twins and also Daniella. Then when they’d finished the call Ella had said she was going for a long soak and had come up here. That was the last he’d seen of her. Over an hour ago.

Moving the pillows behind him he stacked them up so that he could sit up in the bed and make it look like he was reading, he thought turning pages in the book he’d brought up for just that reason. Scanning the small print he tried to look absorbed in the plot for when, or even if, she came out of the en suite.

Ella wiped the last of the tears from her face and stood up climbing out of the bathtub. She pulled the plug at the same time as reaching for one of the large towels to wrap around herself. Her head was all over the place and she didn’t know if she wanted to go and get into the same bed as her husband.

Wiping the condensation from the mirror she peered into it seeing her aged face glaring back at her. Lines around her eyes and creases near her mouth. She was too old to be dealing with this stuff. Too worn out, and quite frankly it just wasn’t fair. This was his mess. He should deal with it and get it out of their lives.

Taking out the moisture lotion from the bathroom cabinet she poured out a generous measure into her hand and began smoothing it over her legs and then her arms. The delicate strawberry scent reached her and she smiled thinking of just how long she’d been using this. She smoothed it over the rest of her body. Taking the bottle with her she walked into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed next to Roman.

“Do my back.” She instructed him passing him the bottle.

“Uh huh.”

He put the book to one side, forgetting to mark his place like he normally would and therefore giving the game away that he wasn’t really reading it. He glanced at her surreptitiously and she had a half smile on her face, damn she knew him too well.

She turned her back to him and lowered the towel. Roman looked down the smooth skin of her back, seeing the butterfly tattoo she’d had done. He poured the lotion in his hands and smirked as he placed it on her back unwarmed.

“Hey!” she grouched.

“Problem?” he asked in a smug voice.

“You did that deliberately.”

“Of course I wouldn’t.” he protested.

Ella spun around and picked up the bottle before he’d finished. He noticed that the towel had slipped down in her hasty move giving him a nice view of her breasts. He focused solely on them not taking into account she’d opened the bottle. He gasped when the cold liquid hit his chest.

“Grrr, thanks.” He gasped out.

“Cold isn’t it?” Ella asked him sweetly readjusting the towel and covering herself.

“I can’t believe that you did that.” He muttered.

Ella giggled letting out some of the tension that she had been holding inside. Distracted she didn’t see him moving out and grabbing her hand and putting on the gooey white stuff on his chest.

“Rub it in.” he ordered her.

“Really?” She asked him narrowing her eyes. She flexed her fingers and he felt the press of her nails into his flesh.

“Really.” He told her undeterred by the implied threat to scratch him.

Ella sighed and looked into his eyes. She felt the leap of passion between them and nodded slowly before tugging off her towel and dropping it to the floor. Moving on the bed she straddled him and reaching down she began smoothing the lotion all over his chest, massaging him slowly, sensuously.

“That feels good.” He told her, his voice husky.

“I can tell you are enjoying it.”

Roman laughed before lifting his hand to her hair. He pulled out the clip that she’d used to keep it up out of the water and watched as the curls tumbled down on to her shoulders. Brushing it back away from her face he eased up and pressed a kiss to her rounded shoulder.

“I want to make love to you.” He said quietly.

Ella sighed before she caught his head between her hands and kissed him. Her lips were firm on his and she sighed when his mouth opened slightly before her tongue slipped out to tease his lips to open wider. She heard his soft moan before they were kissing passionately, their tongues dancing with each other.

Tearing his mouth away from hers he lowered his head to her breasts pressing kisses on the firm globes. She moaned softly as his tongue traced a slow pattern down towards her pink nipple and then moaned again when he caught the same nipple between his lips and suckled gently. She arched backwards, her hands on his head keeping him trapped there, as he loved her breast.

“Perfect.” He said against the satin of her skin before moving to the other breast and doing the same. “You are so very beautiful.” He whispered. “So magical. My magical princess.”

Ella sighed as he manoeuvred them in the bed so that he was on the top once more, before giving a little knowing smile as he swore and pushed his pillows off the bed so that they landed scattered on the floor. He kissed and teased his way down to her navel, blowing softly against her skin watching intently as goosebumps rose up on her skin. He swirled his tongue around her bellybutton before kissing lower.

“I want to make love to you.” He told her.

Ella giggled, her hands reaching for his head.

“You are doing.”

“No, with my mouth.” He told her lifting his head and looking into her eyes.

Ella shook her head.

“No.” she told him huskily.

“El,” Roman protested before moving back up her body.

He kissed her lips and sighed when she kissed him back hungrily.

“Make love with me.” She murmured to him putting her arms around him and holding him to her.

He groaned pushing down his pyjama bottoms as he eased inbetween her legs. He felt her stroking his back as he tried to get the damn pyjamas off his legs.

“Dammit.” He cried out.

Ella burst into giggles at his frustrated cry before gasping as he rolled away from her and sat up.


“It’s ok.” He told her softly.

Pushing the tangled material down his legs he turned and gave her a rueful grin.

“You always are in too much of a hurry.” She told him.

“Me?” he squeaked out before coughing and getting his voice back to normal. “I suppose I imagine those claw marks you leave on my body.

He threw the finally removed pyjama bottoms to the floor before turning and moving to her side.

“Where were we?” he asked running a finger down her body.

“I was about to go get a nightdress and go to sleep.” She told him a serious expression on her face.

Roman sighed.

“Fine.” He told her. “But I’ll remember this the next time you want my body.”

Swinging his legs to the floor he stood up and reclaimed his pillows putting them on the bed before picking up her discarded towel. He took it through to the en suite before coming out a moment later and walking back to the bed. He noted that Ella had climbed under the covers and he smiled before moving to join her.

“Hey, wait.” She muttered. “Pyjamas.”

He shook his head, as he got in the other side still naked.

“Light on or off?” he asked settling down in the bed.

“Off.” Ella murmured quickly.

Roman nodded and reaching out he clicked out the light that plunged them into darkness. His hand touched something on his bedside cabinet and he smirked when he realised it was the bottle of moisturiser. He quickly picked it up and poured some into his hand before moving it under the covers.

“Roman what are you doing?” Ella asked after a moment, feeling him moving in the bed beside her.

“Finishing off what you started.” He murmured grinning. Safely grinning, knowing that she couldn’t see in the dark. He gave a little moan and smirked when she turned in the bed and glared at him. He couldn’t see her glare of course but he knew that she would do.

“You seriously…” she muttered at him.

“Shush, don’t destroy the mood.” He said in a husky voice.


“Yeah, say my name.”

“You!” she screeched out.

Roman chuckled before he reached for her hand and guided it down his chest and to his aroused flesh. He wrapped his hand on top of hers and moved them together hearing her sigh.

“Yeah, love that.” He said quietly.

Ella moaned and heard him chuckle before he reached out and kissed her. She kissed him back before moving back closer to him.

“You can stop now.” He whispered after a while. “Or I won’t get…”

Ella sighed before she moved in the bed to kneel up beside him. He heard the rustle of her nightdress being removed and then she moved over him. He reached out and began stroking her body.

“Have I told you how much I love you?” he asked her before kissing her.

He trailed kisses down her neck as he moved his hands over her body. He heard her making small sounds and smiled before he felt her moving against him.

“Oh God El” he cried out as their bodies joined.

“You are the devil.” She told him breathing heavily. “Driving me crazy.”

Roman chuckled before he wrapped his arms around her and pulling her gently towards him rolled them over in the bed until he was above her. He looked into her eyes and kissed her lips once more as he made love to her.

“And you wonder why this strawberry scent drives me crazy.” He moaned against her lips.

Ella giggled and kissed him back her arms wrapped tightly around her husband.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 97

Mike woke slowly, hearing footsteps. He eased out of bed and padded barefoot to the door peering out into the dark hallway, there was nothing there but he could still feel something was going on. Moving back to the bed he placed his hand over Danni’s mouth and shook her awake. She cried out, the sound muffled by his hand and her eyes flew to his.

“Something’s wrong.” He whispered quietly. “Get Jenny and go to the place we talked about.”

Danni nodded, her eyes going wide in her face.

She quietly eased out of bed and pulled on jeans over her nightdress before putting on the baby carrier. Lifting Jenny out of the cot at the end of the bed she prayed that the baby wouldn’t wake up as she jostled her trying to get her into the pouch. Mike reached out and helped her with the baby before Danni reached for the hoodie she’d put aside to go over them both. She slipped her arms into it and zipped it up before putting her feet into her shoes. Mike handed her the baby’s bag and she nodded at him before going over to the window. Looking out of it she gave a betraying little gasp as she saw the dark figure in the garden. Mike placing his hand on her shoulder made her jump and she turned frightened eyes to him.

“Alexi’s men?” she whispered.

Mike nodded.

“I’m going to go and distract them. Get to the safe place and ring Gabby.” He instructed.

He moved back round the bed and put pillows under the covers before dressing in black trousers and a black top and then non slip soft soled shoes. He gave Danni a look before opening his bedside drawer and taking out his gun and spare ammo clips. She paled even more watching him and opened her mouth to protest when she caught his look and nodded.

He grinned and moved silently over to her putting his arm around her and pressing a quick kiss to her mouth before kissing the top of Jenny’s head. Then he spun around the room and was gone out of the door.

Danni felt an hysterical moan coming out of her mouth and clamped her lips shut, pressing them together. She thought about Ella and Roman and all the times they had been through this and cursed the weak tears that seeped out of the corner of her eyes. Pulling herself together as much as she could do she eased the window open and looking down in the garden sighed again. Although dark there was enough light so she could see the dark menacing figure standing near the back gate. She gasped silently when she saw another figure lurch out of the darkness and wrap their arm around the first man. The first man seemed to slump before they were lowered to the ground. It could only have been Mike making it safe for them to get out. She glanced over at the cot and quickly rearranged the covers making it look as though the baby was still in there before snatching up the winnie the pooh blanket and stuffing that inside the hoodie. Stepping back over to the window she saw the other man lying prone and Mike disappeared. She sighed and stood up straighter before reaching up and pulling herself on to the windowsill. Lifting her legs over the sill she scrambled out on to the roof of the veranda at the back of the house and moved carefully along it. She found the ladder that they’d put there earlier when Mike had outlined the escape plan and with another furtive look around she began the slow steady climb down it.

That was what Mike told her, take things slow and steady and to keep breathing. She’d thought the breathing advice a bit redundant at the time but now she could feel her heart pounding and her lungs heaving with effort and knew what he meant. Besides if she focused on her breathing she wouldn’t scream like a girl.

Finally her feet touched the ground and she breathed out slowly, looking around once more before moving to the fence panel along the side of the garden. She eased slowly along it before finding the loop that Mike had tied earlier. She pulled it towards her and the panel moved enough to let her and the baby squeeze through. It led her into the neighbours garden and she picked carefully through his plants aware that she was probably crushing loads of them. Running across the lawn she clicked out his gate, feeling that the loosening of the catch sounded as loud as a gunshot in the quiet night. She moaned softly under her breath and cast frantic eyes around checking to make sure no one was following her before opening the gate and slipping out of it. At last she was clear and began making her way out to Gabby’s.

Mike disposed of the man guarding the back gate. He allowed him to slip quietly unconscious to the ground before his eyes scanned the house, searching out the shape of Danni. At last he say her coming out of the window and he breathed a small sigh of relief before slipping back into the shadows. He knew that his racing heart was only partly down to adrenaline and he appreciated so much more the times that Roman had to do this to save his mother, he thought his eyes following Danni’s progress. The fact that she was carrying their baby daughter made him suddenly very anxious and he had to force himself to focus as he moved into the house.

He’d memorised the layout earlier, moving some of the furniture to give him space to manoeuvre through the rented house easier and now he relied on his training to work out how many men there were, what they were armed with and what they wanted.

He suspected that Alexi was not one of them, but according to the info that Roman and the boys had amassed some of his men were with him. That meant it was possible there was a combination of mercenaries and veteran soldiers.

He heard a whispered conversation in a foreign language from close to him and stopped listening before the soft fall of footsteps told him that one of the men was leaving. So that was two, plus the third man, now unconscious in the garden. He waited his muscles tense before silently approaching the man left behind, obviously as a back guard. His arm snaked around his neck and he pressed on his neck cutting of air long enough for him to black out. He let his weight fall to the floor before scanning the darkness to see if the brief struggle had been heard as he prepared to find the next target. No one approached him so he moved out, through the lounge and with another pause to double-check either side of the doorway he went out into the hallway. He saw the front door open and moved silently towards it seeing two figures standing just beyond the entrance. They were talking and too busy to notice him. He paused taking his time before springing out on them.

He got the first punch in before he felt their answering response in the form of a fist to the stomach. His focus was on subduing them and ignored the sharp pain that went through his kidneys. They fell to the ground in a rolling snarling mess of arms and legs and punches. Mike felt a blow to his nose and a sharp pain exploded in his head. His vision blurred temporarily and he groaned. His fist flew out, once twice in retaliation and he grinned with satisfaction as the hits connected. The first man went down stunned leaving him to focus on the second; he blocked what would have been a savage uppercut before leaning forward and using his head as a weapon butted the other man. The pain of it jarred his broken nose and he would have winced if it wasn’t for the fact he had to focus right then. Movement caught his eye and he half turned his head to see the first man coming around. Rolling over and getting to his knees at the same time he delivered two further blows in quick succession rendering him unconscious.

“How many are there?” he snarled out turning to the second man. “Who sent you? Alexi?”

“That doesn’t matter.”

Mike heard the words spoken from to the side of him and turned his eyes adjusting to the sudden influx of light from the headlights of a white van. His eyes widened.

“I’m sorry.” Danni cried out fearfully.

Mike sank back defeated at seeing the gun pressed against his fiancée. He moaned softly his mind working out how to get to her and save her.

“Don’t even think it.” The man in front of him murmured standing and looking at Mike. He checked with the one holding the gun at Danni, and after seeing him nod turned and pulled out his own gun.

“No!” Danni screamed at seeing the weapon.

Mike opened his mouth to say something to her when the butt of the gun descended and there was nothing but the slow slide into blackness.

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Chapter 98

“What’s going on?” Ella asked rolling over in the bed. She appeared to be naked, she thought with a sigh pulling up the sheet over her as she glanced at her husband. She saw his eyes watching the movement and she sighed softly, blowing out the breath between kiss swollen lips. How many times had he woken her to make love again, she asked herself catching his smirk as though he knew what she was thinking.

“We’re going to the diner for breakfast.” Roman said looking over at Ella.

“Any particular reason?”

He shook his head.

“Need to clear my head.” He stated perching on the bed to put on his trainers. “So come on before I decide to join you back in there.”

“That won’t do anyone any good will it?” Ella murmured feeling her cheeks heating up with a blush.

Roman smirked at her again before turning and reaching out he tugged the sheet down and let his gaze linger at her bared breasts.

“No.” he said in a husky voice. “But it will be fun.”

Ella squeaked and darted from the bed into the en suite. She heard his laughter following her and slammed the door shut behind her.

He stood from the bed and moved down out and down the stairs thinking how quiet it was without the kids around and knew that if he were missing them then Ella would be going through hell. Part of his reason for taking her out of the house this morning, the other part was that Jacko and James were going to go over the house and plant a few little things as a surprise for Alexi’s men for when they showed up.

“She getting ready?” Jacko asked him when he walked through to the kitchen and Roman nodded. “Still po’d at us for bringing her back?”

Roman shot the other man a look before he nodded again.

“I warned you she was very persuasive. “ Roman told him, a hint of amusement in his voice.

“And I warned you that she was going to kill us. Jus’ ‘cause she hasn’t done it yet doesn’t mean that she isn’t going to.”

Roman laughed before turning his head and looking at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled over at Ella before nodding at Jacko and going over to his wife.

“Ready?” he asked.

Ella nodded at him and he reached out taking hold of her hand and led her over to the door. She shot Jacko a brief look before turning her attention back to Roman.

“So why are you rushing me out of the house this morning?” she asked him and heard Jacko chuckling behind her.

“Can’t I want to have breakfast out with my wife?” Roman murmured to her.

Ella climbed into the passenger seat of the car and turned to look at him as he got into the drivers seat.

“No.” she told him bluntly.

Roman laughed before he placed the key in the ignition and started the engine. He pulled slowly out of the drive keeping an eye on the mirrors and checking that they weren’t being followed. He saw Ella giving him a look and he shot her a rueful grin as they pulled slowly up outside the diner. He stopped the engine and turning leaned over and kissed her.

“And what was that for?” Ella asked him.

“So not only do I need a reason to take my wife out for breakfast now I need a reason to kiss her?” he grouched.

Ella nodded and climbed out of the car. She walked over to the door of the diner and stopped, smiling over at Roman as he joined her.

“I’m beginning to think you don’t want my kisses.” He murmured leaning his head down and kissing her again.

“Ouh, I don’t.”

“Definitely need some coffee.” He muttered and led her inside.

He stopped dead and looked at the man with the gun standing in front of him. His first reaction was to protect Ella and he pulled her to stand behind him.

“What do you want?” he asked hoping that perhaps this was a robbery, although he knew in the pt of his stomach that I wasn’t.

“Get in.” the words were growled out.

“Roman.” Ella said softly feeling her husband tensing.

He gave a slow brief nod and moved through the door. Immediately he saw Colleen sitting at a table a worried expression on her face. Turning he saw Leah, a bruise spreading on her face and he bit back a moan at seeing his friends like that. Hurt and scared because fo him. As soon as he sank into the blackness of depression he felt Ella’s hand in his and knew why she wouldn’t let him go through this alone. She had known that he would react like that, he thought as he stepped forward.

“Glad you could join us.” A second voice said, the accent Australian.

Roman half nodded as he guided Ella to a table near Colleen his eyes scanning the room. Two men so far. Armed. Four hostages. He narrowed his eyes as he scanned the room.

“Phones.” The first man muttered.

Ella eased her hand in her pocket and pulled out her phone. She saw Roman looking at it and giving her a brief grin as he saw the broken case before it was whipped away by the guard.

“So I was planning on getting a new one anyway.” She muttered defensively.

Roman grinned despite everything.

“I left mine behind.” He told the guy with the gun, the grin still on his face.

The reaction was immediate, the gun slamming into his head and he feigned falling to his knees like the blow was a stunning one. He heard Ella and Colleen gasp, before the older woman began to cry.

“Stop.” Ella shot out, although she wasn’t quite certain who she was addressing.

She began to move towards Roman when she noticed that he’d slide his phone across the floor towards her and she carefully placed her foot over the top covering it up.

“So when does he get here then?” Roman asked scathingly as he staggered into a chair putting a hand up to the place where he’d been hit.

Ella looked at him before she gave her attention to Colleen, calming the other woman down.

“Leah?” she asked quietly.

“Shut up, no talking.” The Australian one said.

Ella turned and glared at him before she felt Roman touching her hand. She looked at him and nodded.

“I’m fine.” Leah said quietly.

Ella nodded and looked at her husband. He had an expression of defeat on his face and she couldn’t work out if it was because he’d walked into this trap or because he’d got them into this situation with his actions all those years ago. Just as her heart went out to him she saw the light in his eyes and knew that he was acting in order to appear less of a threat to the two gunmen. She pressed her lips together to stop herself saying anything and looked instead at the two men. They were dressed in dark non-descript clothes with identical shown haircuts. Like they were military. Another covert look at Roman and she could see that he’d noticed the same thing. So they were hired mercenaries, she thought, doing this for money. She wondered if they knew how rich she was and could probably outbid their employer. A quick half shake of Roman’s head made her lips twitch as she fought the urge to smile. He’d known she was thinking that exact thing and had told her silently not to try anything. God, her husband was annoying when he got inside her head.

“So when is he getting here?” Roman asked again. “Can’t be much fun waiting around.”

“I need a coffee.” Ella announced.

Roman eased back and looked at her, one hand still supporting his head as if to say ‘’now?’.

She looked at the Australian one and gave him a small taut smile.

“Let me get a coffee?” she asked softly.

The two moved out of earshot and began talking which gave Ella the chance to bend down like she was stretching and surreptitiously pick up Roman’s phone, she kept her eyes on the two men as she placed it in her pocket.

“What do they want?” Leah hissed out in an urgent whisper.

“Me.” Roman answered.

“Are they the men who were after you?” Colleen asked her voice wavering with pent up emotion.

Roman nodded before looking at Ella. She gave him one of her smiles and he breathed out slowly letting out some of his tension.

“How do we…” Colleen began and lapsed into silence when the men came back into the room.

“One coffee.” The Australian declared.

Ella nodded and stood up. She walked past Roman and into the kitchen her movements slow and steady as she made coffee. Her eyes kept flashing to the set of knives stuck to the wall and she knew they were watching her too closely for her to reach them, let alone do any good with them before they would subdue her. She finished the coffee and poured out cups for everyone, including the two guards before handing them out. Colleen nodded at her as she placed the cup in front of her.

“Ok Leah?” Ella asked seeing the other woman had a green tint to her face.

“Yes.” She said faintly.

Ella shot Roman a concerned look and he nodded back.

“Shut up and sit down.” The first man said hostilely.

Ella was torn between saying something but sank into a chair and began drinking her coffee feeling impotent. Her eyes kept meeting Romans and she wanted to ask him how they were going to get out of this when the door opened and more men walked in, at least six of them, all wearing black with the same military haircuts. She looked at Roman and saw the expression on his face change and her eyes shot to the seventh man walking in through the door.

“Alexi.” Roman said under his breath recognising the other man immediately.

“I see that reports of your death were premature.” Alexi Zoran Petrovic announced. “I’m planning on rectifying that.”

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Chapter 99

Ella looked at Roman carefully; they had been there for hours and still nothing. She knew that made him nervous.

“I need the bathroom.” She announced looking over at one of the men.

“Sit down and shut up.”

“I still need the bathroom.” Ella persisted thinking of the phone in her pocket. Perhaps she could get a message through to Jacko, although she was sure that he would be missing them by now and convinced something was up. She watched, as there was some debate between two of the guards before one of them walked over to her and grabbed her by her arm. She was hauled out of her chair and yanked in the direction of the toilets. She heard Roman protest and she turned looking at him before shaking her head, although the guard was pressing his fingers into her arm she figures that this was the only chance that she would be able to get a message out.

“Thank you.” She said softly, lowering her head demurely.

He stopped her outside the toilets and kicked open the door checking inside before he let her in. He stood and looked at her and she gave him a blank expression.

“I can’t go if you are watching me.” She said lowering her gaze to the tiled floor.

He breathed out loudly and angrily shoved her inside and closed the door behind her.

Ella looked around the room before heading into the toilet cubicle and closed the door behind her and sliding the bolt in place. Closing the toilet lit she pulled out Roman’s phone and grinned at the messages there from Jacko. She quickly sent one back, telling him they were being held hostage in the diner, up to eight bad guys plus Alexi before wrapping the phone up and placing it in the toilet tissue holder and felt immediately safer for not carrying it. Whatever Alexi had planned she didn’t put it past Alexi to punish her for carrying the phone. Flushing the toilet and leaving the cubicle she made a show of coming out and washing her hands. Feeling relieved when the door swung open behind her and Alexi stood there.

“I had the feeling that you were trying something Mrs Harris.”

“I needed the bathroom.” She stated resisting the urge to spit in his face or just slap him. Peeling one of the towels from the holder she dried her hands and turned to look at him before throwing the towel away in the bin.

“I’m going to enjoy breaking you Ella Harris.” Alexi murmured quietly stepping closer to her.

Ella refused to step back; she could see the pores in his skin and smell the cloying odour of his aftershave. She was immediately reminded of Gardy and wanted to swallow and clear the lump in her throat but that would give away that she was in any way scared of him.

“Do you not know who you are dealing with?” she asked instead. “Do you think that your men scare us?”

Alexi laughed before he stepped forward and grabbed her arms. He did it so suddenly that she had no time to react and she gave a small gasp at the pain in her arms before she pressed her lips closed and her eyes met his.

He leaned forward and placed his lips on hers; kissing her softly and despite the gentleness of the kiss Ella felt a shudder of revulsion go through her. She was transported back into the dark room and back to being helpless and as quickly as the feelings were formed she combated them with an intense anger that made her lift her leg and strike him as she wrenched her arms from his grasp.

“So you aren’t as composed as you would appear?” he murmured moving away so her knee didn’t connect.

“I’m quite composed thank you. Keep your slimy lips to yourself.” Ella hissed out pulling away from him. She spun around and grabbing a couple of towels ran them under the hot tap and washed her lips clean, knowing that she appeared childish. Finally satisfied that she’d scrubbed every trace of his kiss from her she threw the towels in the bin and began walking through the door.

Alexi reached out once more placing his hand on her arm.

“How are you going to feel when I’ve had you?” he asked her, “How is he going to react knowing that you’ve been in my bed?”

Ella glared at him refusing to answer and he slowly dropped his hand from her arm allowing her to walk out of the toilets and back into the diner. Roman lifted his head and looked at her shooting to his feet. He was quickly restrained by one of the guards but not before Alexi smiled at his reaction.

“I’m fine.” Ella said quickly sitting next to him.

Roman sank down into the chair his eyes on her face before he turned and looked at Alexi and glared.

“So what is the plan Alexi? You seem to have trapped us here.” He murmured leaning back in the chair and folding his arms across his chest.

“The plan?” Alexi asked slowly, his accent smothering the words. “We wait for some guests. Perhaps your wife would like to keep me and my men company?”

Roman looked straight at Alexi, his faze unwavering with no change to his expression.

“Dear, would you care to keep him company?” he drawled out.

Ella forced herself to laugh.

“No thanks.” She replied. “But thank him for his kind offer.”

Roman half smiled before he leaned back on his chair, he made it go up on the two back legs before rocking forward again and down. Repeating the same motion over and over again, his eyes never leaving Alexi’s.

“Enough!” the other man barked out.

Roman moved so quickly that no one reacted for a few valuable seconds. He shot forward and stood, pacing the few steps it took to reach Alexi before his arms snapped out and his hand clutched at Alexi’s designer shirt to yank him to his feet. He got in one punch before it took three of Alexi’s men to drag him off and hold him back.

“Look what I did in one minute Alexi.” Roman spat out. He struggled for a further few seconds to emphasise the point, almost getting free again before standing still and staring with contempt at the men holding him. “No one hurts my family.” He added in a quiet voice.

“That’s right.” Colleen called out excitedly. “He’s going to get you.” She added quickly when they looked at her.

Ella smiled gently at the other woman before she turned her attention back to Alexi and folded her arms across her chest the same way Roman had done. She caught her husband grinning at her as he was forced back into his seat. They took no chances this time and used a pulled out electrical cord to bind his hands behind him. She smirked as he winked at her before settling back in his chair.

Alexi’s men eased back satisfied that they’d secured him and moved away unaware of how easily he could escape. He caught Ella looking at him and shared a smile with her, thinking it was a pity they hadn’t used handcuffs because then he could really show off his escapology skills. Not that he’d worked out how to get them out of this mess, yet.

His eyes were drawn to Alexi, watching him as he moved to the corner of the room and had a conversation with one of his men. He saw Alexi look over at them and that evil smug smile crawled on to his face. That alone made his heart sink and he looked at Ella urging her to stay calm and strong no matter what happened next. Then the diner door opened.

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