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Missing Heart

Guest TelephotoMarigold

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Chapter 100

“Oh my god Mike!” Ella called out.

Roman turned his head at her words and looked over at the door. He pulled at the cord binding his hands in an effort to get free and go to his son, watching helplessly as his son was dragged through the door. He was badly beaten, his arm hanging loosely by his side like it was broken. Roman sucked in a deep breath, his eyes going to Alexi. He saw the grin on the other man’s face and he promised himself that Alexi was going to die a slow agonising death. Struggling with the cord around his wrists he gasped as Ella shot out of her seat and went over to Mike.

“Get your stinking hands off my son.” She snapped out to the man half pulling half dragging him in.

He looked at her before releasing Mike in shock. Ella immediately took the weight of him and helped him over to a seat. She didn’t see the look that passed between Roman and the man who’d brought Mike in as she sat her son slowly down.

“I’m ok Ma.” Mike drawled slowly.

Ella shook her head at the condition of her son before her eyes were drawn almost beyond her will to the door once more as she saw Danni being led in. She said a silent prayer that there were no visible marks on her and another one when she saw Jennie safe in her daughter’s arms.

“Danni.” She cried out beginning to go over to her when she felt her arm held by one of the guards. She scowled at him before looking back towards Danni.

“I’m sorry Mum.” Danni cried out quickly coming towards her.

Ella looked puzzled at the apology for a brief moment before she saw a last guard dragging Lily in kicking and screaming. Her daughter had been crying and that alone made Ella roar out with anger once more.

“Get your hands off my daughter.” She screamed out yanking herself away from her detainee and sprinting to the side of her daughter.

“Mama.” Lily cried.

She looked up at the man who was holding her back from her mother and narrowed her eyes before screwing up her nose. Any other time Ella would have smiled at the familiar expression.

“Let mes go.” Lily asserted before she turned and bit the man’s hand.

He yanked it away in shock before Lily kicked him hard in the shins. Finally free she ran into her mother’s arms and after being picked up lowered her head and snuffled into her neck.

“Theys not get babies.” She announced lifting her head and glaring again. “Or Liams.” She added in an angry voice.

“Really Lils?” Ella soothed her leading her daughter away from the guards. She glanced at Danni before placing her free arm around her back and guiding her over to a chair next to Colleen.

“Yes Mama, I tells him to hides.”

“Good girl.” Ella murmured distractedly her eyes on Roman before she sat Danni down. “Is Jennie ok?” she asked her focusing her daughter.

Danni nodded.

“They followed me to Gabby’s.” she said hurriedly.

“Shush, it’s ok.” Ella murmured. “Isn’t my Lils?”

Lily nodded still looking angry and Ella smiled at her daughter.

It was lucky that Lily had little idea of what was going on and she intended it to stay that way, Ella thought her eyes going to Alexi over the side of the room. She saw him lifting his hand and striking the guard who hadn’t been able to control Lily. Was it wrong to sympathise with him, she wondered with ironic humour although he’d only had Lily for a few hours she had her full time.

“Mama?” Lily began dragging Ella’s attention back to her. “Milkshake?”

Colleen laughed suddenly before sobering as one of the guards moved towards her.

“I think drinks are a very good idea Squeals.” Ella murmured. “How about you sit here…”

“I’ll get them.” Roman offered.

He winked over at Ella as she looked at him before he dropped the cord from around his wrists and stood up. Immediately two of Alexi’s men stepped over to his side and Alexi himself barked out orders in his native language angry at his men.

Ella smiled before she sat Lily next to Colleen.

“Keep Auntie ‘Leen company?” she whispered to her daughter.

Lily nodded and moved closer holding the older woman’s hand leaving Ella to move over to Mike’s side.

“Let him get them some drinks and food.” One of the Australian guards muttered, his arms folded across his chest. “It’ll keep them quiet.”

Ella lifted her eyes and looked at the one who’d spoken, it was the one who’d brought Mike in and she watched him for a moment.

“Fine.” Alexi muttered glaring.

Roman nodded, the movement subtle as he shook off the guards and moved into the kitchen.

“You with him.” Alexi said pointing to the one who’d spoken up and the other man shrugged going into the kitchen with Roman.

“I need the first aid box.” Ella said clearly, loud enough for Roman to hear.

“No.” Alexi shot out.

“You may be planning on killing us.” Ella bargained keeping her voice low. “So it won’t suit your purpose to have to deal with …”

“Enough.” Alexi roared losing control.

Ella stood quietly looking at him and after a moment he nodded at her. She walked over into the kitchen in time to hear Roman talking to the other guard.

“So Jack what is going on?”

“Jack?” she whispered urgently her eyes shooting to the guard. She gasped out noticing the other man and looking intently at his face taking in familiar features and the dark brown eyes. She’d seen the face before somewhere and she dragged the memory back of where. “You’re Jack Holden. Tony’s son.”

Jack nodded lifting his finger to his lips urging her to be quiet.

She glared at him and then at Roman, her eyes promising him they would be talking later before she snatched the first aid kit and spun around marching out of the kitchen.

“So that is Ella.” Jack said slowly.

“And you think I’m scared of Alexi?” Roman shot back in a quiet voice. “When I have to go home and deal with that.”

Jack laughed before turning and looking at Roman.

“Get on with the food.” He said in a loud voice.

Roman nodded and began assembling sandwiches enjoying the familiarity of the routine of cooking. It focused him and he listened to Jack’s instructions carefully nodding occasionally as the other man outlined a plan.

“And I’m sorry about Mike.” Jack added after a minute.

“You roughed him up?” Roman muttered.

Jack nodded.

“Then I don’t need an apology.” He said. “Ella will be having words.”

Jack flashed him a grin.

“Does she know about us?” Jack asked, his voice still low and his eyes checking to make sure they weren’t being overheard. “About…”

“You mean you, me and Martha?” Roman nodded. “Oh yeah,”

Jack grinned again.

“Should I hide the knives?”

Roman flashed a quick grin back.

“She doesn’t know that you tried to arrest me or that you hit me.”

“Me? Hit you? Getting me confused with everyone else who hated you there. I didn’t hit you.”

Roman smiled.

“Yup, well if this plan of yours doesn’t work I’ll be telling her that you did. ”

Jack laughed before lifting his hand to his mouth and seeming to wipe the expression from his face. He gestured out of the kitchen and Roman nodded lifting the two large plates of sandwiches of the top and walking out. He put one plate on the top before taking the other over to his family. He saw Ella had treated Leah’s head wound fixing a bandage in place. He wondered how she’d coped with the blood knowing she had a phobia about it. She half nodded at him knowing what he was thinking as she knelt in front of Mike and began caring for him.

“Dada?” Lily murmured looking at him. “Shakes?”

“Coming Squeals eat a sandwich. You too Danni.” Roman told them, including his other daughter. He placed the plate down and gave a small grin as his young daughter dived on them and picked up a cheese sandwich. She gave Colleen her usual grin and passed a sandwich to her too. He watched for a moment before turning and walking back into the kitchen grabbing sodas and bottles of water from the fridge. Placing them to one side for a moment he grabbed the ingredients and constructed a quick milkshake before gathering everything and taking it through to his family. He sat down next to Lily and handed her the drink.

“Ta dada.” Lily said politely.

Ella looked over at them before she lifted her hands to Mike’s arm. She flinched before she even touched it and Roman could see how hard this was for her. He wanted to take the stress away from her of having to face her phobia but he knew if he did then she would never get over it. Even so it was hard watching her deal with it.

“Mike.” She whispered her fingers moving gently up his arm.

Mike moaned and pulled back.

“It’s broken.” He told her and she flinched again.

Roman looked at his son then, and something about the way Mike said the words seemed strange, he noticed that Mike meet his eyes and instead of the hazy way an injured person, someone in pain would focus, Mike’s eyes were clear and his gaze unflinching even as Ella was moving her hands up his arm. He inclined his head ever so slightly indicating that he understood the message that Mike was sending him.

“It is broken. I’m going to have to put a sling on.” Ella said and Roman felt his lips twitch as he recognised her tone of voice. Only someone who knew her well would know that she was lying and he looked at Leah then to see if she’d noticed. The flicker of the other woman’s eyes indicated that she had and he did smile then before schooling his face back into a neutral expression. He liked it that his wife had really good friends and his gratitude to Leah for being there the past year when he wasn’t around grew bigger.

“Mike.” Danni gasped and Jennie starting crying again.

“Roman.” Ella said taking out the last bandage from the first aid box.

He nodded and moved over to Danni taking Jennie from her. He checked that the little girl wasn’t hungry and that her nappy didn’t need changing as he held her.

“The great Roman Harris, family man.” Alexi sneered.

Roman ignored him as he focused on Jennie.

“Take the brat. Kill it.” Alexi ordered.

“No.” Danni screamed hysterically.

Ella stood and faced Alexi.

“Over my dead body.” She told him. “You lay one hand on my children and it will be the last thing you ever do.”

Alexi smirked and gestured to one of his men when Jack stepped forward. He shouldered past everyone and moved over to Roman. They struggled as Jack snatched the baby away from him, Ella crying out and going over to them. Mike got unsteadily to his feet using the table to balance against.

“Stop.” Alexi said after a moment.

Jack looked at him and Alexi nodded. Turning Jack handed the baby back to Roman. Their eyes met before Roman placed the still crying Jennie into Danni’s arms. He eased them back down on a seat and comforted them.

“You are a very noortie man.” Lily shouted out to Alexi. “And I’m going to watch my Dada spank you.”

Ella turned and laughed at her daughter feeling the tension leave her before turning and helping Mike back into his seat.

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Chapter 101

“What’s going on?” Ella hissed urgently to Roman.

He’d noticed Alexi getting more and more agitated before he’d received a phone call and then the other man had sent six of his men away leaving Alexi, Jack, and four others remaining. He knew that Mike had counted them too and it increased the odds that they could overpower the remaining force. His eyes had strayed to Jack and he saw the other man give a slow deliberate half shake of his head.

“Don’t know.” Roman answered calmly and cursed at the sudden look of fear on her face. “El,” he whispered urgently.

Ella shook her head at him and pressed her lips together. She glanced over at Lily who was laying down on one of the benches with Colleen’s cardigan draped over her to keep her warm.

“El.” Roman said again quietly.

She gave a little half shake of her head and he knew that she was back to being upset with him. He half grinned when he saw Mike shoot a quick look at him before grinning as Ella glared at her son before his gaze was taken by Alexi, watching as the other man began to pace back and forth. He could tell that whatever was going on had disturbed the other man and he felt a prickle of unease down his back. His eyes met Mike’s again before his gaze flicked to Jack and then back to his son. He saw Mike lower his gaze and then lift his eyes back up and he almost grinned at the way they’d both slipped back into being solders.

Of course he knew that Ella would be pissed at him, at them both and he half smiled at that before leaning back in his seat and folding his arms across his chest.

“Divorce?” he murmured when Ella glared at him.

“You’ll be lucky.” Danni whispered speaking for the first time.

Roman shared a look with Ella before he responded.

“Depends on your definition of lucky.”

Danni gave him a strained smile before she saw to a fussing Jennie, she saw Mike giving her a curious look and she nodded back at him. She was terrified but there was no point letting him see that although she couldn’t hide it much longer, feeling the crippling emotion welling up in her again. Glancing back up at Mike she gasped when she saw him wink at her. Her lips curved into an unbidden smile and she inclined her head feeling the warmth of his love washing over her and knew he’d keep them safe.

“What’s the plan?” Ella mouthed to Roman.

He gave her a bland look and lifted an eyebrow in response making her glare at him once more.

“Fine.” She muttered folding her arms.

Suddenly there was a flurry of movement coming from Alexi. The other man looked harassed as he moved from the other side of the room. It had been nearly two hours since the first phone call and it was obvious something was going on.

“It seems that the special guests I was arranging to join us won’t be coming.” Alexi ground out his temper making his nostrils flare. He turned his flinty gaze to Ella for a long moment before looking over at Roman. “Very clever at sending your children away.”

Roman kept his expression neutral not even letting his eyes flicker in Ella’s direction although he wanted to see the expression on her face.

“Clever?” Ella snapped out.

Roman turned and looked at her then seeing a cold anger in her eyes and he pressed his lips together to stop himself from holing her back. He knew from the many years he’d been married to her that she needed to get this out of her system.

“No it wasn’t clever. It was necessary because a creep like you couldn’t realise that justice was done when you were locked up.”

He could have applauded her then but Roman knew that no matter what she said it wouldn’t get through to Alexi and he turned to her stretching his hand out to her. In normal circumstances she would have slapped his hand away and given him hell too, but she turned to him and let him hold her hand. He felt her hand tremble in his grasp and his eyes filled with moisture before he blinked it away. Now was no time to fall apart like a wuss.

Alexi glared at her before shouting out orders to his men in his native language before his eyes went to Jack. He paused narrowing his gaze before moving to his side and saying a few words.

Roman could tell from there expressions that something serious had happened. He tried to read Alexi’s lips but the man kept his face half averted as if he’d guessed that Roman would do that. He found Mike shooting an anxious look at him and he shrugged in response.

Ella leaned forward and he felt her fingers begin taping against the palm of his hand. At first he thought she was being annoying but then he realised she was trying to use morse code to send him a message. He rolled his eyes as he tried to work out what she was saying.

“No.” he whispered, although he’d only picked out the word toilet. When this was over he’d have to give her a refresher course in morse code. Assuming she didn’t kill him first.

“Why not?” she whispered back.

He gave her a look that said it’s too dangerous and bit back a groan when she stood up ignoring him.

“I need the toilet.” She announced.

Her eyes shot to Danni’s when her daughter stood up too.

“And me.” Danni said quietly.

Alexi glared at them before he pointed to Jack.

“You take them.” He muttered.

Jack shrugged before he gestured to the toilets with his gun.

Ella reached out and took hold of Danni’s hand leading her to the toilets ahead of Jack. He put his hand on her arm stalling her movement as he checked out the toilets before letting them inside. Leaving the door ajar he gave Ella a look as she moved with Danni to the cubicles.

“You first Danni.” Ella murmured.

“Jennie needs changing, I don’t have anything.” Danni whispered.

Ella nodded before she accepted her granddaughter from Danni’s grasp and took her over to the changing table. She undid her babygrow and dealt with the old nappy before looking around the bathroom. She saw the utility cupboard next to the sinks and opened that finding a roll of unused cleaning clothes. Ripping off a few from the roll she placed them on Jennie and tied the side together before tucking them into the babygrow. It wasn’t perfect but it would do and she grinned as she caught sight of Danni watching her.

“That isn’t going to last long.” She predicted.

Ella smiled.

“Hopefully we won’t be here that long.”

“Hurry up.” Jack called out in a gruff voice.

Ella shot him a look before she moved into the toilet and closed the door behind her. She took out the phone from where she hid it and switched it on. Her hands shook as she waited for it to connect to the network and then it vibrated indicating an incoming message. She almost dropped it in shock before reading the text.

“Kids safe. We’re outside. Await instructions.” Ella moaned before stifling the sound. She gave another gasp as a further text came in. “Alexi’s men caught. Only has the men inside left. Suitable odds??”

Even as she read it she knew that the message was saying for Roman to take out Alexi and she shuddered with reaction. Forcing herself to use the toilet she thought of the text to send back before she heard Jack outside the cubical. She switched the phone off and hid it again before flushing the toilet and coming out.

Jack gave her a searching look before he looked in the toilet.

“Checking we are washing our hands too?” Ella shot out.

Jack responded with a glare before he pointed to the door and the two women moved out of there and back into the diner.

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Chapter 102

Roman looked at Ella and watched as she bit her lip again. He knew something was wrong and he couldn’t get them alone so that she could tell him. He had a sudden thought that maybe one of their kids was hurt and he cursed silently under his breath.

“El.” He whispered earning a glare from one of the guards. He sucked in a breath when he saw Ella pale. “What?” he asked not bothering to lower his voice the second time.

Alexi watched from his seat the other side of the room before he stood slowly and walked over to them. There was an air of defeat about him in the slump of his shoulders and the way he walked. He muttered some instructions to one of his guards before approaching Ella and after grabbing hold of her arm he yanked her out of her seat and began pulling her with him.

“No!” Roman bit out standing up.

One of the tall guards pressed a gun into his temple and began pushing him backwards to sit again.

“Back.” He grunted at him.

Roman knew everyone was looking at him. There was Lily and Jennie not to mention Danni, Colleen and Leah. He felt his heart racing as he tried to work out the best solution. He knew he couldn’t let anything happen to Ella but he was stuck, a gun pressed to the side of his head.

“It’s ok.” Ella murmured; her words for Roman.

He inclined his head his eyes filling with tears having to watch Alexi walk her away knowing what he was planning to do to her, his wife and then the slow anger curling in his gut grew and consumed him. With a roar he stepped not back as was expected but forward letting the gun press harder into his head. Surprised the guard loosened his grip on the gun and Roman used a sweeping movement to knock the guards arm away from him. He depressed the trigger on reflex and the shot went into the diner wall before the gun fell to the floor. Fearing that Roman would reach for it the guard kicked the gun away. There was a cacophony of voices and a blur of movement coming from around the room. Roman focused on the guard next to him even as his eyes were swerving around the room to take note of what was going on. He swung his fist up once, twice and then a third time. The blows rained on the same spot on the other man’s jaw and he knew from experience that he’d broken it and heard the moan of pain as the man tried to pull away from him. He lifted his arms to ward off more blows but all Roman knew was that in the storeroom Ella was with Alexi and he had to get there and stop the other man,

Behind him he caught a glimpse of Mike standing, steadily, no longer feigning an injury and taking out the guard nearest him. That left one more guard to tackle aside from the one that Jack was dealing with. He hit the one next to him with a final punch feeling a savage satisfaction when he crumpled to the floor and sprinted over to final guard. His first job was wrestling away the gun, and he was deafened again by a second shot ringing out next to him in the suddenly too small room. Shaking the momentary fog of confusion away he battled the man in front of him hoping that the shot went wide and missed everybody and he had no time to check. His focus had to be on disabling this man even though hearing Ella scream made him want to rip the guys head off and just go after Alexi and stop him from hurting his wife.

“Dad.” Mike called out rushing to his side.

He landed a final punch on the guard before letting Mike take over. Running into the store room he saw Ella, a knife pressed against her throat and Alexi on top of her. He froze for a milli-second his heart pounding in his chest.

“Give it up!” he snarled out hoping to distract the other man.

Alexi yelled out something in his native language looking past Roman for one of his guards to come running before he turned and gave Roman a hate-filled look.

“What have you done?” he snarled out to him.

“Let go of my wife.” Roman responded.

Alexi snarled and pressed the knife he was holding harder against Ella’s neck and he saw it nick in her skin.

“On second thoughts.” Alexi muttered standing up slowly and moving away from Ella. He glared at Roman swapping the knife from one hand to the other as he approached him.

Roman stepped back luring Alexi into the other room knowing there was more room to manoeuvre and also it was imperative that he get him away from Ella.

He watched the look in Alexi’s eyes as he moved backwards. His eyes were wild, flickering from side to side as he looked back at him. Suddenly he lunged making a sweeping gesture with the knife. The point slashed through his top and grazed Roman’s stomach cutting into his flesh but he ignored the sting of the wound his hand capturing Alexi’s mid stroke as he tried to direct the knife back towards him.

“Not this time.” Roman roared out.

He kept the pressure on Alexi’s wrist with one hand whilst using the other to punch the other man. It was little more than a glancing blow. He didn’t have the momentum to get in a decent strike and he knew he needed to focus his strength on keeping the knife away from himself. If Alexi got close with that he would find himself stabbed and no good to anyone in this fight and he couldn’t let Alexi get loose again.

Roman pressed his fingers into Alexi’s wrist and felt his nails pressing into the wiry flesh. He knew from er… Ella that this was painful and frowned for a partial second at the image he had of his wife being threatened. He pressed harder and felt Alexi’s grasp loosen again. They lurched together in a kind of drunken dance as he felt the force of a blow from Alexi. The shock of the blow connecting made him suck in a sharp breath just as Alexi swung again and he felt that breath leaving him in a shocked sounding gasp. Luckily he was only winded and not hurt. They scrabbled more blows on each other still wrestling over the sharp blade in Alexi’s hand. He could have put the blame on it being the third fight of the day but whatever it was he and Alexi tumbled backwards in slow motion. There was a sick sounding little gasp before the prone figures slumped to the tiled floor.

Ella staggered up feeling sick. She wasn’t sure she could make it out of the storeroom her legs were shaking so badly but she lurched forward. Her eyes immediately went to Roman and Alexi lying on the tiled floor. Alexi lying collapsed on top of her husband, with neither man moving. She felt her heart sinking at the sight her glance going round the room.

“Mama.” Lily cried out.

Ella looked up and saw Lily in Colleen’s arms and tried to give her daughter a comforting smile.

“Dad.” Mike gasped coming over to them.

Kneeling down he eased Alexi off and gasped at the blood his eyes shooting to where his mother was.

Ella took one look at the growing crimson stain and felt bile rising up in her stomach before her eyes went to Roman, still lying there not moving and she felt herself losing consciousness. Roman was dead. In front of her again. She was looking at him lying there covered in blood just like before and everything faded. She couldn’t hear past the roaring in her ears. Lights seemed to dance in her eyes until they faded and it went black. And then nothing. She was not even aware of Danni calling out to Mike or of Jack ushering Alexi’s guards over to the corner of the room. Suddenly the place filled with people and she lay there only aware that her husband was dead.

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Chapter 103

Roman blinked and looked around. He saw the room full of people and blinked again clearing his vision.

“Scared me old man.” Mike said gruffly.

Roman half grinned.

“Hit my head.” He mumbled putting his hand up to his head. His fingers came away with a smear of blood on them and he muttered something under his breath. “Where is your Mum?”

“She’s.” Mike stopped causing Roman to look at him as he sat slowly up. He looked down at himself and saw the blood across his stomach.

“Ah.” He murmured.

“Yeah, she, er, we, “ Mike stuttered.

“It’s ok. What’s the sit rep?”

“All of Alexi’s men disabled.” Jacko said from behind them.

He reached down and helped Roman to his feet.

“Right, get the children back.” Roman muttered feeling woozy.

He blinked a couple of times before looking around.


“Ella is in an ambulance. She’s a bit shocked.” Jacko told him. “Pete has taken your Lily and Danni home.”

Roman nodded and then cursed as a wave of nausea went through him. He gritted his teeth as he resisted the urge to throw up.

“Jack?” he asked quickly.

“He’s here.” Jacko murmured. “As is Angelo. They’ve been arguing.”

Roman half nodded before he stopped himself.

“Take me over to them.”

“Don’t you think you better get cleaned up first?” Mike asked him.

“I’m fine.” Roman grinned suddenly. “Get me to them.”

It was only that last part of the sentence that alerted them to how injured the man was.

“Hardcore?” Jacko murmured.

“Concussion only.” He said back quickly.

Jacko nodded at him like he believed that before he guided Roman over to where Jack and Angelo were in deep discussion.

“Jack.” Roman murmured.

“Roman.” Jack bit out.

“You can come back.”

“It’s too late.”

Roman looked at Angelo and then Jack before he spoke again. He knew what it was like to be out there with a false name and missing family, wondering how they were. Jack shouldn’t have to go through that again.

“Jack,” he began feeling sick and dizzy and wanting just to go to Ella and make her alright. “Tony needs to know you are alive. He has grieved for you every day since you left. You’ve got two sons. Martha needs you.”

“Two?” Jack asked his voice wavering.

“One is called Jack after you. Martha had him adopted when she couldn’t cope and the other is called Marcus. He’s a great kid.”

“Hardcore.” Jacko murmured placing his hand on Roman’s back to steady the other man.

“Marcus?” Jack said quietly.

Roman nodded weakly.

“She brought him to the Bay and told me he was mine. But there was no way mate. He looks like you.” Roman said quickly. “He needs a dad.”

“Wait, how can I be… I mean two kids? Surely..” Jack stopped and looked at Angelo a scowl on his face. “Why didn’t anyone tell me?” he asked.

“So Jack.” Roman said quickly interrupting what he knew would be another argument. “Do you want to keep running or do you want your life back?”

He finished the sentence and felt himself wobble even with Jacko’s support.

“Need a doctor?” Jacko asked slowly.

Roman nodded before cursing. He bit down on his lip to stop himself throwing up and then his eyes narrowed as he looked at his old comrade.

“Sneaky man.” He whispered as Jacko disappeared round the corner of the building.

“I can’t come back.” Jack said finally. “It’s been too long.”

“Your Dad still lives here.” Roman told him quietly just as Jacko moved around the corner with Rachel.

“Jack?” Rachel called out. “Jack?” she said again as though she couldn’t believe her eyes. .

Roman looked at the expression on Jack’s face before he put his hand out and guided him towards Rachel The two of them embracing and talking excitedly before Rachel led him away, no doubt to see Tony and his siblings.

“Pleased with yourself?” Angelo said scathingly.

“Yup, reckon he is.” Jacko answered as he moved to Roman’s side. “Bad guy is dead, Jack is back home and you is history. Reckon they won’t want you on the force much longer with your failure rate.”

He gave Angelo a last scathing look before putting his hand on Roman’s back and leading him back to the front of the diner.

“You think I couldn’t handle him SGT?” Roman asked the other man.

“No LT, jus’ didn’t want to have to ‘plain to the Mrs how you got them extra bruises on you.”

Roman laughed feeling his body aching from the fights he’d had let alone the concussion.

“The kids?” he asked again.

“James is bringing them all home.” Jacko told him. “They are all safe. Apparently that boy of yours has been protecting the others.”

“Georgie?” Roman asked a note of pride in his voice.

“No, the other one.”

“Sammy?” Roman muttered puzzled.

“No the other one…” Jacko murmured grinning.

“Jacko.” Roman scowled and then swore as his head throbbed painfully.

“Liam.” Jacko said softly with a shake of his head. “Wouldn’t let anyone touch the twins. Reckon he’s going to be having words with you for letting the bad man get his sister.”

“Takes after his mother.” Roman said before he staggered and half collapsed against Jacko.

“Come on your foolish man. Let’s get you to the hospital.”

Roman nodded and let Jacko lead him away. The next hour slipped past with the doctor patching up the cut on his stomach and adding a couple of stiches to the cut on his head. No one would tell him about Ella and he started snapping at everyone including the doctor.

“Leave the poor man alone.” Jacko murmured from the corner of the room.

“I will if someone just tells me about my wife.” Roman snapped out.

Jacko smirked at him before the door opened beside him and Mike walked in.

“I thought I heard the sound of impatience coming down the hallway.” He said grinning at his dad.

“Everyone alright?” Roman checked again.

Mike nodded.

“For the tenth time.” Jacko muttered.

“Shut up old man.”

Mike smirked before he moved over to Roman and handed him a clean set of clothes.

“Here thought you might like these.” He told him.

Roman nodded and then cursed at the resulting pain in his head.

“You’d think he’d have learnt not to do that about half hour ago.” Jacko remarked.

Mike chuckled.

“All the kids are home.” He said slowly. “Leah is doing ok.”


“Fine.” Mike said quietly.

“So what aren’t you telling me?” Roman asked.

“Alexi is dead.”

“Mike for gods sake is your mother alright?”

Mike paused folding his arms across his chest.


Roman groaned when his son didn’t answer. He ripped off his damaged T shirt and pulled on the clean one before changing his shorts. Swapping over personal effects he threw the blood stained items in the bin and began walking toward the door stopping where Mike was and looking him in the eye.

“Mum isn’t doing too well. They can’t wake her up.”

Roman nodded again before he pushed open the door and moved down the corridor. He paused at the nurses station long enough to find out where Ella was before going to her room.

“El.” He called out and saw a minute reaction in her.

Walking over to her side he placed his hand on the side of her face before leaning down and kissing her.

Ella blinked before opening her eyes and looking up at him.


“I’m fine, safe and well.” He said quickly.

“But I saw you.” She scrambled up and looked at him before pushing up his top. She flinched at the bandage across his stomach and he moved it to one side and let her see the wound, a mere scratch.

“I had them cover it so you wouldn’t have to see it.” He told her quietly.

Ella looked up at him and gave him a slow smile before wrapping her arms tight around him and hugging him to her.

“Sleeping beauty.” Jacko said from the doorway.

“Take us home.” Roman said to him before he helped Ella up from the bed. She collected her shoes from the side and put them on before walking out with Roman and going home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 104

Roman guided Ella into the house and let out a sigh as he saw Lily sitting quiet with Liam. She was holding his hand and it was obvious the pair of them had been crying.

“Mama.” Lily cried out.

“Hey squeals, how is my brave girl?” Ella said pulling away from Roman and going over to her. She hugged her daughter for a long second before hugging Liam.

“Me’s no let them take babies.” Liam told her in a fierce voice.

“Really my little man?” Ella asked him.

Liam pulled back and looked at her folding his arms and glaring at his Dad.

“Me’s smack them.” He announced.

“Ah babes.” Ella muttered her eyes shooting to where Roman was standing before she looked back at her son.

He nodded at her before moving back next to Lily and holding her hand again.

“Well I think that you were very brave to do that.” Mike said softly standing over near Roman. He eased past his dad and over to the sofa. “We should get you some chocolate.”

Liam shook his head.

“No medal.” he muttered. “Just me Lils and Mama and babies.” He said slowly.

Ella sighed before leaning forward and kissing her son on his cheek.

“So where are the babies?” she asked him.

“Naps.” He stated.

“That so?” Ella asked him and saw him nod.

“The others should be here soon.” Jacko told them.

Ella sighed her eyes going to Roman. She frowned as she saw the expression on his face and the way he was standing before she stood and moved through into the kitchen and put the kettle on before going back into the room.

“Liam are you going to choose a film for Lily to watch?” she asked her son before turning to Mike. “Where are Gabby and Toby and the others?”

“They will be over in the stables.” He murmured. “Danni is with them.”

Ella nodded.

“I’ll go see the babies first.”

She moved back out through the longue and past where Roman and Jacko were standing giving Roman a puzzled look before going past him and up the stairs. She moved quickly into the nursery and saw her two sleeping babies and her heart thudded in her chest. She had no doubt that Alexi would have killed them all and she sighed before lifting first August out of her bed and then Fleur and balancing the two sleepy infants in her arms before kissing them and moving to sit in the rocking chair.

“Oh my wonderful babes, I love you so much and you are so going to have to thank your big brother for looking after you one day.” She murmured kissing them again.

“Ok?” Roman asked from the doorway.

Ella nodded, giving a rueful smile as the twins came fully awake and looked at her.

“Mama,” August cried.

“Hey babes.” Ella said quietly before kissing her daughter on the cheek. She did the same with Fleur before easing back and looking at them. She checked them over for bruises and marks before sighed and easing back. It was only then that she remembered Roman standing in the doorway and she smiled over at him.

“They are ok.” She murmured to him.

“Perhaps you need to put them back to bed so they can finish their nap?” he suggested.

“No sleeps Mama.” Fleur told her.

Ella smiled as she let them slip down to the floor from on her lap and stood herself leading them out of the room. She walked down the stairs with them and grinned as they sprinted across the hallway and into the lounge. She heard them talking to Lily and Liam and smiled at that too before heading into the kitchen where she saw that Mike had made a pot of coffee. She poured out a cup for herself and took that through with her into the dining room and sitting at the table with Irene and Mike.

“Strewth love.” Irene murmured, “You look ok considering.”

Ella gave her a tired smile.

“Just waiting to see my kids and then I think I’m going to collapse.” She murmured back.

“Mum.” Mike said quickly.

“We need to get food organised. Maybe some buffet. I wonder if Roman wants to do some cooking.”

Ella took a sip of her coffee before putting the cup down as the back door opened and Danni walked in. She could tell the young girl had taken a shower; her hair was still wet and was carrying her daughter. Jennie was dressed in clean clothes, obviously having been bathed.

“Hey.” She said softly.

“Oh Ella, I was so scared.” Danni blurted. “I never meant to…”

“Shush.” Ella told her standing and going over to them. “It’s ok.” She added putting her arms around both of them and hugging them.

Mike nodded and stood holding out his hand to her.

“Hey,” he said softly.

Danni shook her head.

“I’m so mad at you.” She told him. “Sacrificing yourself?”

“He did what?” Ella asked giving Mike a look.

Danni turned and told her and Irene what Mike did at the house and in the van when he’d tried to get her free and had been ‘Beaten’ by Jack,

“Jack Holden, alive, that will set a few tongues wagging.” Irene commented draining her cup. “Well, I never, and Angelo knew all this time?”

“Yes.” Ella commented easing back into her seat. She gave Mike a look and he smiled back at her innocently.

“Think Tony will be needing a glass or two of whisky.”

Ella turned and looked at Irene.

“Marcus.” She muttered.

“That boy doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.” Irene said softly. “Still he is the spit of Jack now that I think about it. I should have realised earlier.”

“Realised what?” Danni asked sinking into a seat herself.

“Marcus is Jack’s son.” Mike told her.

“Oh,” Danni looked at Ella. “So this Jack, who is he?”

“You want to fill her in Irene?” Ella reached for her cup and took a long swallow. “You know more than me.”

Irene began telling them about Jack Holden, how he used to be the cop in the district and had been married to Martha. Ella listened as the other woman spoke, having heard the details herself from Tony and Rachel independently. She sighed thinking what this meant for Marcus before realising that Roman hadn’t followed her downstairs and she stood placing her cup down before going in search of him up the stairs.

“Hey you.” She called walking into their bedroom. She closed the door quietly behind her and looked over at Roman lying on the bed, facing away from her.

“I told Jack about Marcus.” Were his first words, as though he knew about the conversation she’d just had with the others downstairs a moment ago.

“Ok.” Ella said puzzled by his tone.

“So he’ll probably want to see him.” Roman continued.


“Alexi’s men didn’t even get close to the school. The second lot he sent out, Jacko was waiting for.”

“Roman stop.”

Ella moved around the bed and looked at him a frown on her face.

“Why are you shutting yourself away up here?”

He looked at her finally, meeting her eyes as he did so.

“I need some space.” He said finally.

“Because you killed Alexi?”

“Amongst other things.”

Ella half shook her head before sitting on the bed and reaching for his hand. She frowned at the clammy feel of his skin.

“But you had to, didn’t you?” she asked.

Roman looked at her.

“I should have found a way out of there for you and Lily, not to mention the others, before you had to see that.”

He swung his legs to the floor and eased up off the bed and walked into the en suite away from her. She made to follow him only for him to shut the door keeping her out. She knew they needed to talk properly and she sighed before turning and moving out of the room. Heading back down the stairs she saw the front door opening and her children coming through it, Sammy first and then Meggy, followed by Marcus and then finally Sophie and Georgie. She smiled at seeing them and raced down the last of the stairs and over to them, hugging each in turn before leading them over to the settee and sitting down. It was some time before she noticed Gabby and Toby coming in and sitting at the dining table, Daniella coming over to join the babies.

She also didn’t notice Roman had come down and was watching them, he kept himself separate from them before disappearing into the kitchen.

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Chapter 105

“It’s been a week Hardcore you think you going to start getting some sleep soon?” Jacko muttered.

He was sitting at the dining table lying in wait for when Roman came down the stairs to get himself a drink.

“Let me guess, my wife told you.”

Jacko shook his head before blinking as Roman put on the bright kitchen light before watching as the other man moving quietly around the small space as he got out a glass and the bottle of whisky. He poured out a large glassful and took a long swallow before topping it up and moving past Jacko to go sit on the sofa. Grabbing the remote he switched on the tv and moved through the channels before finding a film and watching it.

“Ain’t going to help.” Jacko muttered sipping from his beer.

“Because you are an expert I suppose.” Roman muttered scathingly. “Especially on my wife.”

Jacko felt the hairs on the back of his neck starting to rise. He supposed this was long due and he turned pinning Roman with his gaze. Twenty years of friendship disappeared in the blink of an eye as Roman stood and faced him back.

“You want to make something of this?” Jacko murmured slowly. “Because we both know the other man’s weaknesses, eh Hardcore.”

He too stood and faced Roman.

“Perhaps we should take this outside.” Roman said casting a look around Ella’s sitting room. Not that going outside was going to change much, it was Ella’s garden. Ella’s house. Ella’s money. Ella controlling him.

Roman took a last swallow from his glass and drained it before placing it on the table. Hell, even her whisky he were drinking. And in front of him stood Ella’s champion. The man who kissed her and had been in love with her behind his back for years. He growled as he thought about the last bit and glared menacingly at Jacko.

“How long?” he snarled out.

“How long what?” Jacko shot back. “Come on get this out of your system.”

Roman roared and kicked the coffee table out of the way as he strode over to Jacko. He lifted his hands up swinging out, one fist connecting with Jacko’s jaw. The two men began brawling, holding on to one another in a lover’s parody as they hit and punched. They crashed into the fireplace scattering the items on the mantle. Pictures and ornaments crashed to the floor unheeded by the brawling men.

Ella heard something waking her from another fretful sleep. She grabbed her wrap and put it on quickly glaring at the empty side of the bed. Obviously he’d gotten up in the night, again. Moving silently down the stairs she walked barefoot across the hall puzzled at the sounds coming from the lounge. She assumed that the tv was on and gasped when she saw Roman and Jacko grappling with each other in the dim room.. Flicking on the main light she cried out on seeing the state of room alone.

“What the hell?” she gasped out.

Roman tugged away from Jacko and sucked in a breath. He looked around the room and saw what Ella was seeing, not only her husband fighting with his best friend but in her carefully arranged family lounge. He noticed then the broken things from the mantle scattered on the floor. He looked at her face and saw a combination of horror and anger.

“Is there an explanation for this?” she asked quietly moving over and picking up a picture. She gasped at the broken frame before looking up at Roman.

“Ella, I’ll fix it.” He said seeing their wedding picture in pieces in her hands.

“How?” she asked the one word quietly.

“Yeah, Hardcore, how yous going to fix this?” Jacko asked him with a sneer.

Roman ignored him and moved over to where Ella was kneeling cradling the broken frame. He looked into her face and reached for her flinching when she pulled back from him.

“I can..” he began. “Or get a new one?”

“Harry bought us this frame as a wedding present Roman. How are you going to fix it?” She sighed and looked around them. “Go to bed, the pair of you.”


“No.” She snapped out. “I am not going to give into whatever drama is going through your head. I’m sorry you had to kill Alexi. I didn’t ask you too and I didn’t expect it.”

“No, you just meekly went with him and let him pin you down…” he stopped when Ella recoiled and flinched.

“Yeah. Well.” She muttered. “Go to bed.”

He stood wavering and slowly stepped out of the room past her.

“I’m sorry.” Jacko said slowly.

“You should go home Jacko. We’ve ruined enough of your life with all this drama. Go date some sweet woman.” Ella said in a tired voice. “Don’t let ..” she stopped tilting her head to one side as she heard a noise from the hallway. Standing she walked over to the door and saw Roman standing by the stairs. “What?” she asked him sneering. “Did you want to see further proof of my fickleness?”

He flinched before turning and walking away from her and up the stairs. She turned back and looked at a concerned Jacko.

“Girlie.” He murmured.

“Goodnight Jacko.” She murmured back.

He nodded and walked out of the back and down to the stables leaving her there looking at the broken frame. The wood was broken and the glass smashed where someone had stepped on it. She frowned at the way the crack seemed to separate their images and looked over at the rest of them. Picking carefully through the broken pieces she collected all the pictures and placing them on the table before walking through to the utility room and picking out the dustpan and brush. Sweeping up the broken fragments she found she was crying over the broken candle stick that the kids had bought her one birthday. Hot tears splashed down on to her hands as she gathered up all the pieces of a cup and saucer that her Dad and Irene had found in an antique store in England and placed carefully in the dustpan. Roman had smashed half of her life and she had no idea if the pieces could be put back together.

Pulling herself together she cleared up the last of the bits before fetching the handheld vacuum and running that over the carpet to make sure that no fragments were left behind. Finally she moved to put it back in the utility room before going and taking the pictures into the study. Tomorrow, well in the morning, she would find new frames and tell the kids she wanted a change. Turning and walking back over to the lounge she gave it a look before switching off the light and doing the same with the other lights. It left her facing the stairs scared to go up them and see her husband. Finally she began to walk up them.

“I’m sorry.” Roman murmured.

“Yes I know.” Ella said quietly. “Need to get some sleep.”

She moved over to the bed and looked at it like she was stepping into another universe by getting under the covers and swallowed nervously before shrugging out of the wrap and climbing under the covers.

“Can it be mended?” he asked her.

Ella turned so her back was to him. She thought to the crack in the glass, the line dividing them.

“No.” she whispered and knew with a shudder that she wasn’t just talking about the picture.

Roman heard her soft voice and the hurt she was trying not to show him and felt more lead weight crashing down on his shoulders. Forcing himself to climb into the bed he lay carefully by her side. Part of him wanted to pull her across the chasm and into his arms. Take her pain away. And then the other part of him came out and he grew angry. It was just stuff, why did she give him such a hard time over possessions. His body twitched as he had the random thought of going down the stairs and smashing everything go through his mind.

“Ella.” He whispered.

She turned in the bed and moved into his arms feeling him shake.

“Go to sleep. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” She said in a normal sounding voice.

He nodded stupidly blinking back tears and pulled her tighter to him, cradling her body in his arms. Closing his eyes he eased out a slow breath between his lips and felt the pull of sleep luring him away.

Ella waited until Roman was asleep before she eased carefully away and moved back to her side of the bed. She didn’t forgive him. Not for tonight. Not for what he was capable of when he was drinking and she hated the slight tremor that ran through her at the way her thoughts were drifting. No sooner had the traitorous thoughts gone through her head than she drifted to sleep moving back into his arms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 106

Roman looked up as George walked into the garage. He sighed sensing another lecture about keeping his family safe and bit back the automatic defensive response.

“So this is where you are hiding?” George murmured.

“Seems safer.” Roman said back.

He looked down at what he was doing; he was in the middle of shaping a small section of wood to fit the broken part he’d removed from the wooden photo frame that Harry had bought them. He knew on one level that he couldn’t make up for the way it had been broken but he hoped that it would be a suitable peace offering. Or at least get Ella talking to him again.

“It has been noticed.” George told him pulling up the stool next to the workbench Roman was using and sitting down.

“Kids ok?” Roman asked quickly.

George nodded.

“More worried about my son-in-law at the moment.” He said slowly after a brief silence.

Roman’s head shot up at that and he looked at the other man.

“I’m fine.” He muttered feeling defensive again.

“Then I’m imagining that you’ve just tensed up and are ready for a fight.”

Roman groaned and looked down at his hands. He’d curled them into fists and could see his knuckles were bruised and swollen from all the fights he’d been in lately. He glared at them as though it were their fault before slowly swallowing the automatic rage that was going through him and blew out a slow breath.

“Can’t have been easy being someone else for a year.” George went on. “Not being able to check on your family.”

Roman groaned.

“Wasn’t.” he said using one word to sum up the year he’d spent half drunk to cope with being away from everybody. After their earlier fight he’d not expected George to offer him any understanding and that choked him up. If only Ella could at least listen to him. He knew it was tough on her, being ill and not looking after the twins. Needing Irene’s help, Dealing with Sammy and all the kids. But at least she wasn’t alone. She wasn’t struggling to walk, to even sit up and she certainly didn’t have to hear that she was declared dead to everybody she cared about.

He looked down and saw that his hands had clenched into fists again and he groaned.

“Seems like you need to talk to someone.” George went on.

“And you got nominated.” Roman bit out.

George laughed before placing his hand on Roman’s shoulder. He felt the tenseness of the other man’s muscles.

“No son, I may be in the army but I ain’t brave enough to come between you and her.”

Roman grinned suddenly before looking in the direction of the house. He couldn’t see it from here, the garage had only one window facing towards the back and he turned and looked out seeing down the garden and out beyond that, to the poolhouse and the stables and the orchard before turning and looking at George. He saw pity in the other man’s gaze and before he knew it tears bubbled up and spilled down his face. He’d rarely cried, even when Ella and he were hurting over something and he felt unmanned by falling apart in front of the other man but he couldn’t stop the tears and groaned again before feeling himself pulled into George’s arms and held. He sobbed like a kid, clinging on to George the way he would have done if it were Ella holding him.

“It’s ok son.” George patted him on his back encouraging him.

“Can’t..” Roman muttered.

“Let it out.” George told him feeling the other man shaking.

“Nothing, it was worth nothing.” Roman ground out.

“Wasn’t nothing son.” George told him. “You were trying to protect your family. After Gardy, Elliot and William.”

“William.” Roman said before he swore. “Couldn’t even catch him.”

“I know.”

“He’s could come back for her. Couldn’t stop him.”

“It’s ok,”

“She was so hurt, so broken and I had ….”

“Roman shush man,” George eased back and gave the other man a shake. “You will make yourself ill.”

“She doesn’t care.” Roman muttered.

“If by she you mean my daughter, then I have to disagree with you. She’s always cared about you, and will always care. She can’t help it.”

“Oh great.” Roman muttered pulling away and rubbing at his eyes. “So what? I’ve somehow…”

“Can’t help who you love.” George interrupted quietly. “You can tell yourself that you are done and walk away but something will drag you back every time.”

Roman nodded, knowing the other man was thinking of Ella’s mother.

“Maybe I should talk to her.”

George nodded.

“Can’t hurt can it.” He said slowly. “I’ll leave you to finish up. Nic and Aden are due to land soon. We’ve been drafted to go pick them up. I think Ella wants to have a big dinner with all the family together.”

“That could be good.” Roman said slowly.

“Really? Because I think that Ella mentioned something about shopping and you cooking.”

Roman gave a mock groan before he looked up and over at the open doorway. Ella was standing there her arms folded across herself.

“So this is where you got to.” She murmured quietly.

George nodded.

“Thought I should warn him that he’s been drafted for cooking.” He said easing away from Roman. The two men shared a look before George turned and walked towards where Ella was standing. He paused and kissed his daughter on her cheek before walking out of the door and away leaving them alone.

Ella sighed before moving into the garage and over to where Roman was working. She caught sight of the photo frame and pressed her lips together to stop herself commenting before looking at him.

“I thought that we needed to do some bonding with the kids.” She said quietly.

“So dinner.”

Ella nodded.

“We would need to go shopping.”

Ella looked at his face seeing the play of emotions across it. She should have said something, it was obvious he’d been upset over something, possibly even crying but she couldn’t deal with it right now.

“Yes, I’ve done a list of essentials. Depends on if you want to do a bbq or cook?” She said keeping things neutral between them.

Roman nodded.

“Let me get freshened up and we’ll go.”

“Ok, Gabby is watching the kids.”

Roman nodded and looked round the garage before following Ella out of the garage and into the house. He glanced at the kids as he walked through to the hallway and up the stairs. He saw that Ella had made the bed with clean covers, the dark red velvet bedspread looked like blood for a brief second and he shuddered before pulling himself together.

“You ok?” Ella asked from the doorway and he started at the sound of her voice, unaware that she’d even walked up the stairs after him.

“Yes fine.” He said in a stilted voice his eyes still on the bedspread.

“Ok.” Ella told him walking past him and over to her dressing table. He watched as she sat down and looked into the mirror. She picked up her hairbrush and started doing her hair while he stood there frowning at the bed. Pulling himself together he walked into the en suite and scrambled out of his clothes and climbed in the shower.

Ella looked at the pulled to bathroom door before looking back at the bed. After a few moments she stood and walked over to it pulling off the throw and folding it up before putting it away. Searching through them she took out one in neutral colours and replaced it before moving to the next wardrobe and grabbing a cardigan to put over the top of her west when she heard the shower switch off. Glancing at the bathroom door she turned and grabbed her things deciding to give him some space.

Roman walked out of the bathroom a towel slung around his hips. He stopped and looked at the bed doing a double-take before realising she’d spotted his unease. He wished she’d stayed in the room so he could talk to her but frowned knowing that he wasn’t ready to talk to her and that she knew that too.

“Dammit.” He cursed rubbing a hand over his face. He pulled open the wardrobe door and took out clean clothes before going to the dresser and grabbing underwear. Dressing hurriedly he out on his trainers and headed down the stairs. Ella was waiting by the door and he looked at her before seeing her lift her finger to her lips. Feeling like he was sneaking out he moved quietly through the door with her and out to the car.

“Twins were falling asleep.” She told him softly. “And er..”

“Lily would have wanted to come with us?” he finished for her.

Ella looked at him and smiled as she climbed into the car as he got behind the wheel and started the car.

She looked over at his profile noting the way his jaw was clenched and despite the fact they hadn’t settled the argument of last night she reached over and placed her hand on his knee. She felt him start and immediately pulled her hand back only for him to reach out and catch hold of it. He lifted it to his lips and placed a kiss on it before placing her hand back on his knee. She looked over at him and gave a small smile before looking back out of the front.

“So do we know what we want?” he asked after a while.

“I thought we could do a chilli.”

“Cook with me?” he asked her softly.

Ella blushed as though he’d asked her to do something kinky and nodded unable to utter anything from lips.

“So Chilli.” She finally muttered.

“Garlic bread, cheese, sweetcorn,” he listed.

“Are you going for corn on the cob?”

“Lily likes that doesn’t she?”

“Oh and Mike.” Ella laughed her eyes straying to him.

“Yeah, he does love Chilli.”

She chuckled, thinking of the way that Mike always had two or three bowls of chilli.

“Potatoes.” She said slowly.


Ella gasped and looked at him.

“What!” she muttered.

“It always gets hot and steamy when we cook together.” He murmured smoothly. “But we’re out.”

“I hadn’t noticed.” She admitted. “Maybe I should go on the pill again.”

“If you want to.” He said slowly giving her a look before placing his hand on top of hers for a second before returning it to the wheel.

She looked out of the side window as she smiled thinking that maybe she’d been pessimistic the night before. That maybe they were going to be ok.

“We’re here.” He announced redundantly parking the car and getting out.

She nodded before climbing out of the car and walking to the supermarket with him.

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Chapter 107

“This is the last bag.” Georgie said with a mock groan.

Ella turned and saw that he was holding the bag from the pharmacy and groaned herself. She caught Roman giving her an amused look as she went over to her son and snatched the bag from him.

“I’ll er…. Take that.” She stuttered and darted from the room.

Georgie looked at his dad after she left and shrugged.

“Do I want to know?” he asked.

Roman grinned at him and half shook his head before he moved past his son and walked up the stairs following the way Ella had gone. He found her in the bedroom looking in the bag.

“I have no idea why you get so embarrassed.” He mused seeing the red in her cheeks.

“I don’t know.” She half wailed. “But you do seem to enjoy embarrassing me.”

Roman nodded and moved further into the room, nudging the door shut with his foot and going over to her. He sat down on the bed and tugged her down beside him.

“Why did you buy half of this stuff?” she asked her voice rising.

He grinned and emptied the bag on the bed next to them.

“Now this is for you.”

“How?” Ella asked and blushed. “I mean, I er know how.” She added at his look before reaching down and picking up the sensual massage oil, glancing at the label. “And just how much sex are you planning?” she asked her voice sounding sassy again.

Roman stacked up the boxes of condoms and added up how many he’d bought.

“Er… a lot.” He murmured.

They looked over at each other before they burst into giggles and fell back on to the bed. Roman reached out and pulled her into his arms, turning his head and kissing the top of hers.

“I love you.” He told her.

“Love you too, but no way are we going to manage to use all of them.”

“Well not tonight anyway.” He murmured.

Ella giggled again before she eased up and away from him.

“I wonder how long it will take before Lily starts trying to make us take her to Disneyland.” She said holding out her hand to him,

“I’m surprised she hasn’t already started.” He murmured and stood.

They walked out of the bedroom together and down the stairs into the kitchen. Roman smiled when he saw the clear tops and all the groceries put away.

“Thanks.” He called out.

“No worries.” Georgie said back before appearing in the archway. “Want any help?” he asked.

Ella narrowed her eyes and looked at her son.

“With cooking?” she asked him.

Georgie shrugged.

“Ok, what have you done?” she asked him.

“Nothing, can’t a…” he trailed off at her look. “Fine.” He muttered. “Didn’t work.” He called out.

Meggy peered round the archway and looked at them.

“We,” she began.

Roman grinned at the expression on Meggy’s face thinking just how much she looked like her mother in that moment before he turned and saw Ella’s expression. He frowned for a moment and then turned back giving his attention to Meggy.

“We wanted to do a bar again, but well if you are cooking.” She shrugged and gave her mother a pleading look.

“Up to your Dad.” Ella said softly.

“Can we Daddy?” Meggy asked him immediately.

Roman nodded.

“Set it up on the Veranda.” He murmured.

Ella smiled and stepped closer to him, running her hand down his back.

“But do you want any help?” Georgie asked them.

“No we’re fine, aren’t we?” Ella asked her husband.

“We are.” He agreed wondering if he really meant something else. He turned and smiled at her before grinning as Sammy moved into the kitchen.

“We can do it?” he asked.

“Yes.” Ella told him. “Let’s leave them to it for half hour otherwise they’ll get under our feet.”

Roman looked at her and nodded slowly before feeling her hand clasp his again. She led him out of the kitchen and along the hall and into the study. Sinking on to the sofa, she grinned as he kicked the door shut behind him and sank down next to her.

“You seem to be avoiding the kids.…”

“I’m not.” Ella said paling and glaring at him. “I just thought we needed to connect.”

Roman looked at her and sighed.

“I’m fine.” He insisted.

“Not.” She muttered pouting.

“I am, honestly.”

“Roman you killed a man. If you aren’t suffering because of it that would make you a monster. And I know that you aren’t.” she said bravely feeling her bottom lip trembling. She forced herself not to bite it and sighed when he lifted his hand and ran his thumb across it before lowering his head and kissing her.

“I keep seeing his eyes staring back at me as the knife sank in.” he admitted in a stilted voice.

Ella nodded.

“And you blame me?” she whispered. “If I hadn’t let him..”

“God, no Ella, no,” Roman cried. “I see the look on your face. You were scared as hell. If Lily hadn’t been in the other room you would have scratched his eyes out before you let him touch you.”

Ella shuddered remembering the knife at her throat and the weight of Alexi on top of her. She moaned softly before turning to Roman and hurling herself in his arms.

“Just for a minute.” She whispered.

“You were reminded of Gardy.” He finished for her.

Ella nodded.

“I didn’t want you to kill him but I’m so glad he’s out of our lives.” She gasped out sobbing safe in his arms. “Oh God, Roman I thought we’d lost you again and I couldn’t handle it.”

“I’m safe.” He told her. “We made it, the kids are ok.”

Ella nodded once more before easing back and wiping at her eyes.

“But you.” She began again. “You aren’t ok.”

Roman shrugged before inclining his head slowly.

“No.” he admitted. “I keep thinking of all the things I’ve done and wondering if I made the right choices,”

Ella felt those words rip into her like they were knives he’d thrown at her and wondered if he knew how much he’d just hurt her. Did he really wonder if he’d made the right choice to marry her? She flinched before getting control of herself and looking into his eyes.

“You mean all the times you were sent out?” she forced herself to ask in a calm voice.

He looked into her eyes and began to talk, telling her some of the things he’d done that had haunted him over the years. She listened holding his hands as he shook with the retelling before leaning forward and kissing away the tears that fell down his face.

“I love you.” She whispered softly. “Really love you. I love your heart.” She placed her hand over the spot on his chest where his heart beat and sighed quietly, feeling the rapid beat pound against the flat of her hand. He was scared, scared of her she realised, of revealing himself to her and she bit back a groan remembering all the times she’d been wrapped up in her own drama or her own reactions never seeing that he needed her too.

“El.” He cried out before wrapping his arms tight around her and pulling her on to his lap.

She leaned closed, as though if she got close enough to him she could somehow share his pain.

“I’m here. And tonight we are going to make love and I’ll somehow manage to show you that you are a good man and we love you so much.” She whispered pressing her lips to the side of his neck.

Roman shuddered once more, his grasp tightening on her before he eased back and looked into her eyes. He saw the sheen of tears in the sapphire depths and sighed before she kissed his lips, capturing the sad sound.

“Love you wife.” He said eventually.

She gave him a look before easing up off his lap.

“Come on we need to feed everybody.” She muttered.

“About that making love stuff tonight.” He began tugging on her hand and resisting getting up off the long cream sofa. “What’s the earliest we can send the kids to bed?”

Ella glared at him as her face suffused with colour before yanking her hand away and storming out of the study. She heard his soft laughter following her.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 108

“Ella!” Nic cried launching herself at the other woman and hugging her. “Thank you that trip was a-maz-zing!”

“You’re welcome.” Ella said patting the younger woman on her back before letting go and easing back seeing a tanned and relaxed Nic. She smiled, thinking that the holiday was a good idea before hearing Roman cough behind her.

“Thank you too Daddy.” Nic said grinning at her dad.

“Great, now get out of the kitchen we are cooking.” He murmured.

“Yeah, we noticed. I was looking forward to pizza.” Aden called out.

Ella giggled at the expression on Roman’s face before she moved over to his side and stroked her hand down his back. She leaned up and whispered in his ear before chuckling at his gasp.

“And we invited them, why?” he asked her.

“So they could do the washing up.”

“What?” Aden muttered before poking his head round the archway.

Ella grinned at him before she gave Roman a gentle push towards them. He shot her a look and nodded before putting his arm around Nic and leading her out of the kitchen.

“So come on then, tell me about it.” He murmured.

“Actually, “ Nic stopped and looked to Aden who nodded encouragement, “We want to know what happened here.”

Roman shot a look over his shoulder to Ella before looking back at Nic and then Aden.

“Come on then.” He told them leading the way out the back and down the garden to the long bench near the orchard. He collapsed on it and waited as first Aden and then Nic joined him followed by Geoff and Belle. He began to tell them the story, about Alexi’s men going for Mike, Danni and the kids. How Toby and Gabby escaped them. And then with a hint of pride he explained how Liam protected his sisters, pausing in the retelling as Aden laughed loudly, stopping when Belle poked him in the ribs.

“Seriously?” he muttered to her. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?”

Belle and Nicole exchanged a look before grinning at each other.

“So anyway,” Roman murmured.

“Dad?” Nic prompted slowly when he lapsed into silence.

“We went to the diner, Alexi had already taken it over when we walked in,” Roman continued the story of how they were held captive and the others brought into it. He shuddered as he remembered Lily being brought into the diner. How she’d told Alexi off brought a brief smile to his face and then he had to explain that he’d stabbed Alexi and killed him.

“Jack?” Nic murmured a puzzled look on her face as she tried to remember the other man.

Roman nodded.

“Wow, and Angelo knew he was alive all this time?” Aden whistled slowly and shook his head. His gaze went to Belle and she looked as shocked as him.

“He did,”

“Marcus.” Geoff said slowly looking over to where the little boy was playing with the others.

“Oh no,” Nic shook her head. “You can’t let him take Marcus, not after El just got him back.”

“He should be with his father.” Roman said quietly.

“Jack is a stranger.” Aden put in.

“I’m not debating this.” Roman stood folding his arms across his chest.

“No, you’ll just make the decision and we’ll all suffer the consequences.” Nic shot out before she too stood and fixed her father with her stare and giving a small triumphant grin when he looked away first. She turned and walked up the garden and over into the kitchen where Ella was.

“Roman,” Geoff began.

“No, it’s alright.” Roman murmured. “Go and get a drink, tonight is a time to catch up and spend time with each other.”

Aden and Belle shared a look with each other before Aden nodded and after taking hold of her hand led her across the garden and over to the drinks bar the kids had set up.

“I’m fine.” Roman told Geoff.

“Of course you are old man.”

“Hey,” Roman muttered before he grinned slowly.

“You need to talk to Ella about Marcus; she’s very protective of him.”

“I know.”

“And you need to get over what you did.”

Roman shook his head before turning and looking at Geoff.

“Not so easy.” He commented.

“I know,”

Geoff smiled at the set of Roman’s shoulders and the way the other man was glaring at him, his jaw set and his arms folded across himself.

“Come and talk to me,” Geoff told him before easing away to join the others.

Roman moved over to the bench and sat down. He looked down the garden seeing his family interact with each other. He felt distant and uninvolved before catching sight of Ella looking at him from the kitchen doorway. Sighing he stood and walked up the garden and over to her. She smiled and greeted him with a kiss before leading him inside and over to the cooker to finish off the food.

“El,” he began.

“Want a beer or I think Mike has opened a bottle of red.”

“He has?” Roman forced his tone to be even.

Ella nodded.

“An expensive bottle of red?” he asked.

“I believe so. He started purring when he took a sip.”

“I can’t believe that your son likes red wine when you hate it.” Roman murmured before realised what he’d said. He frowned down at his hands as he stirred the food and hoped that Ella wouldn’t have noticed. “This is nearly done.”

“Good.” Ella murmured reaching out and stroking down his back. “I think everyone is hungry.”

Roman nodded his eyes on the food.

“You didn’t answer about the wine?”

“I would love a glass.” He said relaxing again and congratulating himself because she’d missed his slip.

Ella nodded

“I’ll go ask my son if he can spare a glass.” She bit out and turned away from him.

“El,” he called quickly.

He watched as her shoulders tensed but she didn’t stop, continuing to walk away from him.

“Dammit.” He cursed softly.

Focusing on the dinner he finished it off before turning the cooker off and carrying the large pans through to the dining room. He placed them on the table and looked down at the bowls of salad and vegetables before turning and collecting the rice.

“Mum said you wanted wine?” Mike called from beside the table his eyes on the food.

Roman wanted to say no, that it would somehow take back the words he’d said earlier but turning and looking at Mike he saw the other man holding out a glass towards him. Placing the bowl with the rice in on the table he accepted the glass and took a sip.

“Nice.” He commented.

“Way more than nice.” Mike shot him a look.

“Sorry.” Roman grimaced before taking another drink. “Fruity.” He murmured. “Sharp.”

Mike smiled at him.

“A shiraz.” Roman concluded.

“It is,” Mike chuckled. “But one day I’m going to get a box wine and fool you.”

“Hardly!” Roman laughed before looking up and seeing Ella in the doorway.

“Don’t even think about it.” She said softly.


“Stop with the innocent eyes mister, “ she told him.

He almost flinched thinking she meant the slip he’d made earlier before meeting her gaze evenly and begging with his eyes not to betray him to Mike.

“I’m not taking a sip.” She said finally.

“It is nice.” Roman commented relieved and then cursed himself for thinking that she would be vindictive in that way. God, he thought, was he that upset with her?

“No chance. Is this ready for serving?” she asked gesturing to the food.

He nodded to her.

“If we serve the little ones and then the others help themselves?” he murmured and she nodded. They moved round the table sorting out food for the kids and getting them sitting down to eat.

“Can we…” Mike murmured.

Roman chuckled at him before nodding.

“No.” Ella said. “I want the others to get in first before you eat it all.”

Roman laughed as Mike pouted.

“Can we get food now?” Sammy asked peering in through the door.

“Yes.” Ella said.

Sammy grinned and turned to the other kids and nodded before leading them through. Roman moved to help serve them watching as Ella eased outside and spoke to the others. Soon a queue formed with people helping themselves and he took the opportunity to get two plates of food and took them over to where Ella was.

“Here?” he offered.

“Thank you.” She said in her normal voice.

He sat down with her and they began eating before they were joined by Nic and then Geoff and then Aden and Belle. Her father and Irene sat down next and he was struck by how silent everyone seemed.

“So how were the waiters in Rome?” Ella asked slowly.

Aden flushed and glared at Belle when she giggled at him.

“They were fine.” Belle said and earned a glare of her husband.

“When are you going to take me away again?” Irene murmured.

George groaned.

“Strewth woman I’ve only just got home.”

“Strewth?” Nic caught on to. “Have you been hanging around with Alf?”

“He has.” Irene told her.

George smiled.

“Just fishing.”

Ella shook her head.

“It starts with fishing and then you watch it, you’ll be running the bait shop next.”

George laughed at his daughter.

“Haven’t got the time, going to be busy catching up with my grandkids and my great-grandkids. In fact, there is no reason why you and that husband of yours can’t have a weekend away.”

Roman looked up and caught George’s gaze on him and he inclined his head slightly acknowledging what the other man was offering before turning to Ella.

“I think we’re pretty ok at home for a while, aren’t we?”

She nodded a faint look of strain around her eyes.

“Keep the offer open though.” Ella added.

George smiled at her.

“You won’t prise my dear step-mama away from her babies.” Nic murmured.

Ella smiled at her daughter before catching Roman giving her a look. His face had paled and lines of strain were around his mouth. She reached out her hand to him and stroked his knee before turning to Nic.

“I don’t know about that. The tickets I bought you were one way; don’t know how you managed to get back.”

Roman laughed with the others but his head was in a different place. He’d separated Ella from the kids. And they’d nearly got hurt. He was never going to take her away from them again.

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Chapter 109

Roman put the last of the pots away before turning and seeing Ella standing in the archway. She held out a glass to him and he smiled at seeing the red liquid in the crystal.

“Does Mike know?” He asked her.

“That I stole the last of his wine? No.”

She gave him a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes or distract him from noticing the lines of strain from around her mouth. He recognised her look from his own reflection.

“El,” he murmured.

She looked at him before laughing that sexy sounding chuckle and he felt his body responding, not just with the hardening of his loins but the way his heart pounded and the blood seemed to speed round his body.

“Are you ready for bed or do you want to stay up a bit longer?” She asked him using her sexiest voice.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “Did you have anything in mind?”

Ella moved a slow step forward and placed the glass in his hand before stroking his arm, before she eased away and looked at him.

“Jus’ thought we could maybe go for a swim.”

Roman sucked in a sharp breath imaging swimming naked with her, not that she’d outlined what they would be wearing but he couldn’t help but think of her slipping into the pool, letting the cool water slip like silk on her skin before she’d dive down into the dark blue depths. He felt his body throb with the image.

“I think swimming might be good,” he got out despite the fact the words seemed to twist into a tangle on his tongue.

Ella ran her finger down his chest before she turned and began walking down the garden towards the pool. Roman drained the wine and put the glass on the side before he followed her. He grinned at the trail of clothes Ella discarded along the way before catching up to her at the edge of the pool. She turned and shot him a look before undoing her bra and dropping it to ground and then wriggling her hips as she hooked her thumbs in the side of her blue panties and sliding them down her legs. Her skin shimmered in the silver moonlight and she looked like a goddess as she stepped out of her undies and tossed them in his direction. He caught them one handed before watching as she dived into the water.

“Damn!” He groaned.

Shucking out of his clothes he dived in after her and swam the length of the pool urging his body to calm down. He reached the end and turned, placing his feet on the bottom of the pool before smiling at her as she reached his side.

“Better?” she asked him.

“Much,” he said softly. “But then you always did know the way to relax me.”

Ella shot him a look before she sucked in a deep breath. She held it and then released it, repeating that action two more times before diving just under the water. He gasped feeling her hands on him before swearing when her mouth enclosed over him.

“Sweet god!” He moaned. “God, Ella, stop!”

He put his hands on her head meaning to guide her away but the sensations of her sucking him underwater overwhelmed him and he threw his head back unable to do anything apart from groan. Nearly a minute went past before she pulled away from him and lifted her head above the water to breathe again.

“Ella Harris.”

She giggled at the expression on his face before easing his hands away from her and swimming back towards the deep end. He watched fascinated as the moon shone down on to her body and highlighted it with silver. He gave another gasp before crashing through the gently rippling surface of the water and swimming to her side. He caught hold of her and pulled her into his arms dunking them both for a second before he guided her over to the side of the pool.

“You are amazing,” he gasped out before kissing her.

Knowing that her lips had just been around him added an extra layer of fetishism to the kiss as he devoured her mouth. He plunged his tongue inside the warm chasm of her mouth teasing and tasting her tongue, looking the hint of spice from the meal they’d eaten earlier mixed with the sweetness of her. He couldn’t stop kissing her, couldn’t ease away. It was as though he had to devour her, to suck her into him, to own her. Yes, own her, he thought with savage intent. He gasped as he realised just how passionate and desperate his kisses were and reaching up he dragged her arms from around his neck and pulled away, breaking off the kiss.


He looked at her seeing her puzzled gaze before he sighed and reached out a tentative hand to touch he cheek.

“I need to slow things down,” he murmured meeting her eyes. “Let’s go to bed.”

Ella nodded and turned slowly placing her hands on the side she levered herself out of the pool and walked slowly away collecting her clothes. Roman swore under his breath watching her walk away from him before he vaulted out of the pool. He yanked on his shorts before picking up the rest of his stuff and heading towards the house the way she had gone. He saw her standing in the kitchen holding out a towel to him, a similar one wrapped sarong style around her.

“Thanks,” he said softly.

She gave him a small hesitant smile.

“I’m sorry,” he added drying off.

“It’s ok,” she murmured. “I mean, everyone is here so maybe…” she trailed off before turning and walking along the hallway and up the stairs leaving him behind.

He watched her go before dumping his things in the laundry and following her up the stairs, switching off the lights as he went. Moving into the bedroom he saw the bed turned down and the bedside lamps on, with noise coming from the en suite to indicate that she was taking a shower. He moved into the room and watched her for a moment before joining her under the hot spray.


“Thought this would save water,” he told her softly taking the sponge out of her hand using it to soap her arms and then her back. Reaching out he added more shower gel before sliding the sponge down her legs. She giggled as she lifted one foot and he washed that smiling as she gasped when he tickled the base of her foot before she swapped and he cleaned the other one. He drew the sponge slowly back up her legs before sliding it inbetween them and slowly soaping the secret places there. He heard her moan slowly as he caressed her there before the sponge dropped down and he used his fingers to arouse her. Looking into her beautiful expressive face he sighed and leant forward kissing her again.

She eased slowly away and looked into his eyes, jostling slightly she managed to pick up the sponge, and rinsing it off under the hot water she poured on shower gel and began washing him as he washer her. He stopped her exploring hand and met her eyes again.

“I think we…” he began and realised that he didn’t want to have sex with her.

Ella looked at him and took in the way he’d stilled.

“What is it?” She asked him.

“I ..er.. sleep.”

Ella paled feeling the colour fading from her face and the hot water of the shower dropping down on to her stunned head. She thought to just a few minutes ago and the way he was touching her. She nodded, unable to speak, before turning off the shower and stepping out. For the second time that night she wrapped herself in a towel drying off. Walking through to the bedroom she pulled on one of her long nightdresses and discarded the towel to the floor before stepping over to the bed and climbing under the covers. She switched off her light and willed herself to fall asleep quickly before Roman got into the bed. She’d been rejected twice by him, and it had not just been her that was rejected but he’d also rejected Mike earlier that evening, labelling him ‘her son’. She bit her lip as tears shot into her eyes and blinked them away before breathing out slowly forcing herself to relax.

Roman stepped out of the bathroom and over to the dresser. He pulled on pyjamas and shot her a look before collecting both towels and taking them back into the bathroom, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror and groaned before walking back through to the bedroom. Looking over at her in the bed he swore under his breath before climbing in beside her. He turned his back to her and switched off the light.

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