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This story is sooooooooooooooooo GLORIOUSLY hilarious !!!!!! LOOOOOOOVE it, most especially …..

Xavier:: “What’s Dex doing trying to contact his home planet?”

Rocco:: “Nos I smacks your naughty car Dexy.”

Dex:: “No don’t do……..”

Rocco whacks at Dex’s wheelchair, as he does so he catches its little joystick control which causes Dex to launch into the computer table, Which results in it banging into the wall.

Colleen:: “Oh Dexter seems to be getting angry with that Skypey thing.”

Morag:: “Yes Dex try not to go through that wall too. You have already taken a chunk out of the wall over there when you did your grand entrance.”

Miles Ok no wait there’s a problem, I’m not to sure which cable it is I think it might have fallen behind the computer. Hang on I will ask Sally to crawl behind it and hunt it out. I’m abit busy eating a bowl of cereal at the monment and wouldn’t want to spill any milk over any of the wires.

Dex:: “Rocco meet Miles.”

Rocco:: “Piles?”

Dex:: “No Miles.”

Rocco looks confused.

Rocco:: “Hellos Piles I is Rocco.”

Xavier drops his phone to the floor as he gazes up at Marilyn as she swings the red laced and rather revealing sexy nightwear before his face.


Haha Dex and Rocco!!!


Dex:: “Rocco meet Miles.”

Rocco:: “Piles?”

Dex:: “No Miles.”

Rocco looks confused.

Rocco:: “Hellos Piles I is Rocco.”

Love it!

Looking forward to more Steve :D


This fic always has me in STITCHES !!!!! Soooooooooooooooooo funny and coooooooooooool, especially …..

Everyone can’t help but share a look of utter astonishment with one another as they glance at the computer screen, to see Miles cutting a huge chunk of turkey off his and sally’s massive looking Christmas turkey. As well as the turkey the table was laid with other varieties of different Christmassy foods. making it look like a huge Christmas feast fit for a king or queen.

A dozen or so placed candles were it seemed to be their only source of light and were dotted round their huge cosy living room gently burning away. Some of the candles sat upon the table. Others stood behind upon a golden brass burning log fireplace; just above Sally’s head a daisy chain of Christmas cards could be seen dangling from the ceiling.

From where everyone were sitting watching them back in Summer Bay via the webcam Miles and Sally seemed to be living in a some kind of wintry Santa’s Christmas wonderland.

Miles:: “That is where you are wrong Xavier, I don’t know what is the matter with me, but ever since moving to Thailand I seem to have a bigger appetite, which is strange because I never used to be a big eater back while I was living in Australia.”

This last statement by Miles makes almost everybody round the table choke on their Christmas punch and mulled wine. The only person who wasn’t in shock was Rocco who was happily bouncing his Christmas cracker up and down off the table.

Rocco:: “Is yous strong?”

Dex:: “Oh yeah April has HUGE muscles.”

Rocco::: “Likes my daddys?”

Dex:: “Way bigger she’s like superman.”

Rocco:: “Nos superman no girl, Aprils is girl silly Dexy. mys daddys superman.”

Marilyn:: “Well I got some very sexy very naughty underwear and it seems I have a new pet as well.”

Marilyn holds up the chipmunk for Miles and Sally to see via the computer screen.

Marilyn:: “Cute isn’t he? I think I’m going to call him John, seeing as John Palmer brought me a very sexy present. I didn’t see that coming in my tarot cards.”

Xavier:: “Well Marilyn he didn’t actually buy you that present. The underwear is for my Mom and err John’s coming up here in abit to get them back.”

Marilyn:: “Well he can try to if he wants Xavier but the thing is I’m wearing it I quickly nipped upstairs and tried them on.”

Rocco:: “We nos nos Piles whats?”

Miles:: “A rabbit”

Rocco:: “Wooooooooooooooooooooooo I wants one Aprils you buys rabbit now.”

Alf:: “Oh for flaming hell Miles she isn’t real Rabbit is a figment of your flaming imagination strike me roan.”

Miles:: “No not Rabbit I haven’t seen her for quite a while now, although I did think about writing her a Christmas card.”


Once again, I've loved the last two updates. :wub:

I like how I can never predict what is going to happen next - and what does happen is very entertaining. :lol:

I've been reading some of your other stories as you suggested and really love the ideas behind them - very clever! :D

I'm looking forward to the next update!


Loved it! :D

Nice warning about the uncontrollable fits of laughter at the beginning - that made me start laughing in itself! :lol:

Glad they found the watch and ring!

Morag not being able to open the door was one of my favourite bits - because it's so ridiculous! It can't be that hard to open a door! :P

Great work!

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