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  On 15/10/2015 at 21:10, Luke39 said:

I think things have changed for Maddie and Oscar since they got back together. Maddie realized what was in front of her the whole time Oscar, so she realized she was mistreating him. I think Oscar has been good for her, and been a big part of her maturity.

I do accept that she has possibly acknowledged that she wronged Oscar.  And I don't disagree Oscar hasn't been good for Maddy.  He supported her through her cancer but I still don't think they are suited to being a couple.  I agree about the codependency thing which goes back to my point about the basis for their relationship.  They should be together because they want each other not because they need each other.

No problem that you prefer this version of Maddy.  I'm the sort of person these days that prefers a bit more drama now and again.  I think I get your point about the friend zone.  The way I see it is that there's no actual chemistry between them so they often seem more like friends than lovers.

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I have been reading this discussion with interest.  It has been intriguing to see people's differing views of the relationship.

I don't know how others feel but I feel that the writers have decided to do something a little different with Maddy from the other teens. I'm not sure of Kassandra's contract status but I'm wondering whether the writers have decided that she may possibly be staying around longer than some of the others.  Because of that they have decided they can write Maddy with a longer time frame in mind. That may just be wishful thinking and it is certainly just speculation on my part.

Maddy is moving on with her life.  For a time there she was in survival mode while she underwent treatment for cancer.  Oscar was an important part of that fight to survive.  He was the solid rock that kept her together and fighting when she considered giving up.  I recall Oscar's rescue of her in the city.  He was her lifeboat at that time and I think she will always be grateful for that.  However once she had survived things began to change. After the rescue people don't continue to live in the lifeboat.  Maddy is no longer in survival mode.  She is now looking forward to a future with challenges and new opportunities. She is no longer looking for a rock but someone who will be with her as she faces an exciting future.  

I think that is where Matt comes in.  Although he has also matured greatly he still has that edge of unpredictability and excitement which is what Maddy is seeking as she once more contemplates a future. I suppose that's where my personal prejudices come in. I have a sister who almost died of cancer but is now in remission except for a maintenance treatment every month.  I love the way she lives her life.  She packs as many challenges and experiences into every month that she possibly can. I want Maddy to do the same.  I think Matt will be the better companion if she takes that path.

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See, I don't want that.I don't want Maddy to turn into some thrill seeker with an idiot boyfriend egging her on.I've really liked the development of her this year.She had a moment where she was thinking of going travelling and living a little, which I initially thought was setting up her exit, but then she stopped and thought about everything she'd gone through recently and looked at the nursing leaflet and it struck a chord with her.The way she passionately defended the idea to James suggests it wasn't just a passing whim, and that her way of dealing with what happened to her is to help others deal with similar.To me, seeking out new challenges and experiences smacks of the old "self absorbed" Maddy rather than the new one.She had two previous boyfriends where it was them against the world and that resulted in her going through a lot of experiences and challenging events and going into areas that she perhaps wouldn't have gone otherwise.It's not like she's lived a sedate life and I think her brush with death has made her more settled.She's a naturally exuberant and fun-loving person, and Oscar isn't incompatible with that (there was a lovely scene after Josh and Evelyn broke up when they were sat with Evelyn and, even though they barely said anything, their easy chemistry and banter shone through as they tried to cheer her up), but I think she's grown up a bit and so her challenges are of the more grown up variety.

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Posted (edited)

Well I woulden't consider Matt an idiot lol. I don't think it is suggested that Maddie needs to on a thrill ride with Matt. Matt and Maddie imo would be no different to Oscar, it is just I agree with the sentiment Matt would be more compatible with Maddie, now she is entering a different phase in her life (people forget Matt and Maddie were a thing before Oscar, kinda like Romeo and Ruby). TBH Oscar would be the idiot boyfriend before Matt lol. Either way whatever anyone's point of view. Matt and Maddie are getting together it is inevitable tbh. I mean it has been said, it is a fact Maddie well outgrow Oscar. His role in her life was like above said a Rock, their was a co-dependency with each other. So whether or not who you prefer Maddie with haha, I think this is an inevitable reality.

Edited by Luke39

I do think that the characterisation of Matt as an idiot boyfriend is a bit unfair.  He is a product of his past but he's not still stuck in it.  He's growing as is Maddy.  I guess your reference to thrillseeking needs a bit of definition.  I didn't have in mind an irresponsible pursuit of risky, stupid activities.  More an adventurous part to life which occasionally pushes the boundaries in the best possible way.

I don't think a relationship with Matt would in any way preclude her pursuing a career in nursing and I hope she does.  I also hope that Matt makes a decision to pursue his education and a career of some sort. The type of challenges I had in mind were of the support group to other cancer survivors, perhaps medical or volunteer aid stint in a third world country.  At their age I certainly wouldn't rule out bungie jumping, skydiving and such other experiences.

I want them both to dream and live life to the full.  

I guess we'll all have to wait and see.

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Maybe I am being unfair on Matt, it's not that I dislike the character as such, I just find him massively overrated and I dislike the implication that he somehow "deserves" Maddy more than Oscar does. Putting Sasha with him drained her somewhat, so that by the end people were complaining that she used to be fun, and I doubt Maddy would fare any better.I'm fully expecting to be disappointed, because it often seems to happen.I've seen Maddy and Oscar break up for no good reason once and no doubt it will happen again, which leaves me wondering why the show bothered to put them back together except to torment us with false hope.Once again, their relationship has clearly been right down the list of priorities and instead of focusing on it, they've either been stuck in the background or dragged into an unwanted love triangle (unwanted by me, anyway).If Maddy does get stuck with Matt, then it's not because of natural growth or compatibility, it's simply because Matt is one of the writers' favourites and Oscar is one of the characters they don't seem to be interested in, as demonstrated by the fact he did absolutely nothing while he and Maddy were apart, so not sure what his chances of sticking around are if they break up.I guess I should be grateful that Maddy seems to be at the forefront of their minds and is guaranteed some screen time whoever she ends up with.I would probably enjoy her with Matt, but that wouldn't be because of him, it'd be because I enjoy her however much she gets messed about.I don't think having him as a boyfriend would add anything new or worthwhile to her character at all, it'd just be same old, same old.

We will see.


  On 16/10/2015 at 23:48, Luke39 said:

(people forget Matt and Maddie were a thing before Oscar, kinda like Romeo and Ruby).

That's overstating the case a bit.What actually happened was Matt took advantage of Maddy to cop a quick feel when she was in a vulnerable state after having her drink spiked with drugs that Matt had sold and didn't know what she was doing.I accept they're different people now, especially him now he's been upgraded to regular and we're all meant to quietly forget the more dodgy aspects of his original characterisation, but that's got to be an even bigger reason than what Maddy did to Oscar to be uncomfortable about the idea of them hooking up.

I agree that Oscar was Maddy's rock and I'm not sure why that should be considered a bad or temporary thing.Sounds to me like a pretty good foundation for a relationship, more so than any of the token attempts to make out she's got a connection to Matt.I think it's moved beyond co-dependency.Their time apart allowed Maddy to grow, stand on her own two feet and fight the cancer for herself, and then when that was over she realised she still liked Oscar.Oscar isn't an "idiot", certainly not to the extent that Matt can be.Maddy's the only girl he's ever been with (not that she's particularly experienced herself), it's understandable that he's not a suave sophisticated boyfriend and is cautiously fumbling his way through all this, and that he might, on the surface, seem like less of a grown up boyfriend than Matt with his false confidence.But in fact I think he's just more honest about his failings and that doesn't mean Maddy should give up on him because Matt seems shinier at times.

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The reason why people want Maddy to stay with Matt is that he is more exciting than Oscar. But what have made him more exciting? He got a lot of hype in the beginning because he was introduced as a River boy. And he has been given more exciting storylines and in general more to do than Oscar. As RR1 said, Oscar is one of those characters they only want to be there and do nothing, while Matt is one of their favourites. 

It is not fair, especially not to the actors. Jake Speer has shown that he can handle several storylines while he has been given chances. He was good in the cult storyline, but it didn't help when the storyline was extremely bad. 

There is no reason why Oscar can't do funny stuff. He is a more serious character than Matt, but that is what Maddy needs. But he is also still young and can do different things if the writers want to give him such storylines. 

I have never liked Matt's character, I am five months behind and there are a lot of stuff I haven't seen yet. But it doesn't seem like he has changed overnight when I am reading here. At least Oscar is believable. 

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Posted (edited)

Funny I have always seen Matt as a more serious character then Oscar. How do you define a character to be beleiavble? Because you don't like one? Lol. People or me wanting Matt and Maddie as a couple, has nothing to do with him being more exciting or less believable as a character. It is based on pure chemistry, and compatiability. You see it all the time in home and away eventually a girl well outgrow a guy, no matter who it is. It doesn't matter if its Matt or its Oscar, or anyone it happens. I Think it is an unfair characterization of Matt, Oscar ain't any less believable then Matt is. I personally find Matt more believable as a character, based on the hardships he and Maddie have experienced. I think their is an opportunity to progress Matt and Maddie, through their interest in music. I just think in the long run Oscar well cause Maddie to become stilted and stagnant, I don't want that for her. That is just my two cents. I'll say this again, anyone can twist things to suit their pre-conceived notions, or who they ship. And I think Matt and Maddie well eventually get together, clearly the writers won't forget Matt's feelings, I think it well end with Maddie falling into Matt's arms, and I Guess their is nothing any of us can do about that either way haha.

Edited by Luke39
Posted (edited)

I don't think Matt has had that much to do and he's been on the show for like two years now. He is very over hyped. Up untill his fling with Charlotte he hasn't been that interesting. I don't really think putting him with Maddy would help with making him anymore interesting either storywise. He needs something away from relationships I think. But Matt and Maddy do seem to have good chemistry with each other. Poor Oscar :lol: I don't really care either way who the teens get with. I like Matt with Charlotte though at the moment because it is somewhat different and Charlotte is just bonkers 

Edited by pembie
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Matt isn't beliavble for me, because he isn't well played or casted. The actor is far too old looking, and isn't able to play a younger person, like Cassandra Clementi is, Jackson Gallagher, or Jake Speer when he is given the possibility. And I don't think his backstory has been developed enough, he is a kind of character that needs more background story and more storylines with both his sister and father. It all felt too quick and wrapped. I don't think Oscar has had good enough storylines either, for example together with Zach... But he didn't change personality over night.  I think that Matt dragged Sasha down, after she became more mature then she regressed... I feel the same will happen with Maddy. 


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