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Posted (edited)
  On 17/10/2015 at 23:39, Luke39 said:

Funny I have always seen Matt as a more serious character then Oscar. How do you define a character to be beleiavble? Because you don't like one? Lol. People or me wanting Matt and Maddie as a couple, has nothing to do with him being more exciting or less believable as a character. It is based on pure chemistry, and compatiability. You see it all the time in home and away eventually a girl well outgrow a guy, no matter who it is. It doesn't matter if its Matt or its Oscar, or anyone it happens. I Think it is an unfair characterization of Matt, Oscar ain't any less believable then Matt is. I personally find Matt more believable as a character, based on the hardships he and Maddie have experienced. I think their is an opportunity to progress Matt and Maddie, through their interest in music. I just think in the long run Oscar well cause Maddie to become stilted and stagnant, I don't want that for her. That is just my two cents. I'll say this again, anyone can twist things to suit their pre-conceived notions, or who they ship. And I think Matt and Maddie well eventually get together, clearly the writers won't forget Matt's feelings, I think it well end with Maddie falling into Matt's arms, and I Guess their is nothing any of us can do about that either way haha.


I have said that I compatability is the thing which is lacking, and I have really explained why. So you are accusing me for disliking them only because I you think I don't like the character is quite amusing. You are saying you and people who like them do that because you find them more compatible. Why are your reasons more valid than mine? They had a good storyline arc with the cancer story and build up Maddy and Oscar together. And then they could have developed further. And they should have. But It is probably too late now... it must be long time since the cancer storyline in Australian pace and it will probably be too difficult to build the trust and the beautiful relationship up again. But I am saying that they shouldn't have thrown it all away. 

But you have your opinion and I have mine, none of them is more valid than the other. 

Buts I said, it must be many months since the cancer storyline in Australia. And many months have been lost. Maddy has also had relationships with Josh and with Spencer on the show. She has been almost three years on the show (three years on set, I suppose), Matt less than two years. She will probably leave long time before him and her departure is probably not that far away. My biggest fear for her now is that they put her in a relationship quickly and then when it starts to be interesting, then she is leaving. That will be a shame. 

I feel like the writers are wasting to much time on moving characters from one partner to an another without really good build ups or follow ups. It is hard to invest in a couple or a character. I have mentioned it before; it is really long time we have had a young couple in the show that people really rooted for... A young golden couple.. They should have given Maddy a long lasting relationship with good development long time ago! 

Edited by jodlebirger
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I don't think Matt's a very serious character at all.There's stuff going on underneath which occasionally shows through but on the surface he's a joker.If they did pair him up with Maddy, she'd be spending most of her time acting like a primary school teacher and trying to keep him in line, much like Sasha did half the time.Saying "They both like music!" feels like a rather desperate attempt to act as though they've got anything in common: You might as well pair her with Kyle by that logic and, certainly at UK pace, I'm struggling to remember the last time Matt liking music was even mentioned.Round about the time he got wasted instead of performing at the colour run, I guess.I don't know why the show would let people get invested in Maddy and Oscar and then just break them up.Saying she's "outgrown" him seems like a simplistic explanation which doesn't have the inevitability about it that some people seem to think.

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If nothing else, this love triangle has provoked more reaction than any other love triangle that has occurred in the last few months! That can only be a good thing. I think that might be partly because I think that there has probably been a bit more groundwork here rather than it coming completely out of the blue between 2 characters who have never interacted. The idea of a Maddy and Matt romance was first introduced by Evie before Oscar and Maddy got back together, and they have been consistently interacting as friends since then. In fact, I think part of the problem with Oscar/Maddy is that when, for instance we had the fire, we saw more of Maddy supporting Matt than Maddy supporting Oscar to an extent that I actually forgot that Oscar and Maddy were still together.

As for the whole Maddy outgrowing Oscar...I think that when a relationship really takes off because one person becomes dependent on the other person during their time of need (as opposed to have an already strong relationship that then gets tested by a crisis that bring the people closer together) then the relationship struggles to adjust to the change in dynamic when that person overcomes these trials and is happier. This is certainly how it feels with Maddy/Oscar - like they struggle to just have fun together, and need to be in constant "heart-to-heart" mode. I felt this was apparent with the whole magazine quiz storyline. The premise might have been contrived, but it was still telling that the period where they felt most natural was having their "heart-to-heart" at the end. Whereas I can see why this might draw some people to them as a couple, but for me, I want more balance between the lightness and seriousness, and I often find their lighthearted scenes quite forced if they are not in a group setting (I feel Oscar often veers into excessive awkward geekiness with Maddy being excessively perky during these scenes). The other additional problem here, is that when Maddy first got ill she was quite ill - she had Roo and Oscar. Now, her friendship group has expanded and we see her interacting with the likes of Matt and Evie, both of whom I think she has really good natural chemistry. This in my opinion, only highlights the lack of chemistry between Oscar and Maddy. Now this may be poor writing, but it means that I have failed to ever warm to Oscar/Maddy as anything more than friends.

I'm not sure if Matt/Maddy would work but I can see why the writers might want to explore that avenue (more than I have with other random pairings that we have had). At the end of the days, these guys are all teenagers - there will be plenty more partner swapping to come.


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I do like Maddy and Oscar's heart to hearts, and for me when they do get lighthearted moments I like and enjoy them, but each to their own.I think they've grown into each other and I don't think they've changed drastically since then.Unfortunately, Maddy seems to be permanently stuck on the relationship merry-go-round.Literally every year she's started off in a happy, stable relationship and then in the middle of the year it's broken up, usually with her being portrayed as the bad guy.So I find it hard to feel anything other than frustration at the possibility of it happening again.

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I think Maddy has struggled to be consistent with relationships, for lack of balance. I think the fact Matt shares the same passion as Maddy does, music. There is a chance for more balance in her life, while still progressing like she has done all year. I do think there is an unfair characterization of Matt going on here. What, are we taking shots at the actor now? Oscar has had a stable upbringing, even in the cult at least he was sheltered. I kinda get the feeling some are againgst a female In this show hooking up with a River Boy. So maybe less to do with Matt/Alec, but everything he represents. And I kinda understand that. I got sick of females been buried by getting romantically involved with River Boys. Ruby, Bianca, Tamara, April e.t.c. Thank God Indi never got with a River Boy. But I kinda think Matt is becoming an exception. He has become fully integrated into their family, and you're seeing a different side to him. He had developed a nice friendship with Josh and Evie especially. So I think his character's identity is changing, from bad boy River Boy, to fully functional teenage boy. So hypothetically speaking, I don't see any issue of Maddie and Oscar breaking up, if Maddie dates Matt who has already integrated into her life. And contrived as it maybe, shown to be more compatible, and have far better chemistry between the actors.

I don't think the idea of Matt being not believable is due to poor casting, or bad acting (surprised at that comment, IMO Alec is the strongest young male actor on the show). A lot of the teenagers on the show are portrayed by actors in their twenties. I mean the idea of say me dating Kassandra Clementi, is unrealistic :(. Haha so my point is a lot of the show is not believable. But if the actors possess compatibility and chemistry in their characterization I think in the long run it is going to benefit both Maddie and Matt. So while in the short run it may well rock the boat, I think so Maddie can get that balance in her life, and not get stagnant, it is an important development imo. Like some said Maddie and Oscar share a dependability with each other. He was her rock, he broke up with her because she had cancer. Then he brought her back from the city, but now she is entering a new phase in her life. It is realistic she will outgrow Oscar. That is not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of couples particularly teen couples in this show, have broken up, and been better as friends. This may be the case too, just my two cents.  I wasn't telling anyone how to form their own opinion, I was just saying perspective can change if your biased to certain characters.


Again, people say Maddy would "outgrow" Oscar, but to me she's already outgrown boys like Matt, which is why this feels like it would be a backward step and stunt her development.Maddy and Oscar were friends long before the cancer, pretty much from the moment he arrived in town, she was one of the first people he met and looked out for him in the early days, and that friendship has been a mainstay of their time on the show.It's a friendship that Maddy abused at times, but she obviously cared about him from the start, sticking up for him with Matt, trying to help him deal with his community service bully, looking out for him during his eating disorder.And Oscar has been at Maddy's side through an awful lot, sticking by her when the rest of the town including the adults responsible for her viewed her as a hate figure while still pulling her back in line when she went too far as when she stole from Roo, wanting to be there for her and the baby when she thought she was pregnant even before she told him he could be the father...What happened during the cancer was the natural progression of the friendship that had been building over the previous year, and their relationship was a natural outgrowth from that.Now, I get that some people think that's the problem, that they're no different now from when they were friends except for the kissing and sleeping together.There have been couples in the past who I haven't been able to believe in despite liking them as friends, but in Maddy and Oscar's case I think it works.I actually think Matt and Maddy are in that category.Just because they work well as friends, doesn't mean they have the sort of chemistry that would work in a relationship.They're just far too matey and trying to turn it into a relationship would just make them flat.

The reasons for Maddy choosing Matt over Oscar seem trivial and superficial to me.The magazine quiz scene underlined how wrong the approach is: Matt is more compatible with Maddy because he knows a few meaningless facts that any random stranger could find out from her Facebook page?To me, the natural bond between her and Oscar means far more.It seems like people see the serious, mature relationship Maddy has with Oscar and think they're boring, and are more drawn to her joking about with Matt.But I don't share that opinion.Matt just isn't mature enough to be right for Maddy at this stage in her development.He can be supportive but he never really sustains it for long and he's not the person you turn to in a grown up situation.(Goodness knows why Josh keeps asking him for advice, he either tells him the wrong thing to do or makes fun of it.)I guess it depends on which way you want Maddy's development to go, but being stuck with someone like Matt who still has a lot of growing up to do doesn't appeal to me.She's better off keeping him as a friend and having someone more reliable for the important stuff.

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  On 18/10/2015 at 17:01, Angelica said:

I think that when a relationship really takes off because one person becomes dependent on the other person during their time of need (as opposed to have an already strong relationship that then gets tested by a crisis that bring the people closer together) then the relationship struggles to adjust to the change in dynamic when that person overcomes these trials and is happier.

For me this is it in a nutshell although I think the dependency was mutual to start with.  Oscar needed Maddy because he was lonely and didn't have anyone else.  He was an introvert, wasn't particularly good at socialising and didn't have any experience with the opposite sex.  If it hadn't been Maddy it probably would have been another girl that gave him enough attention.  Maddy needed Oscar when she got sick and needed support.  If Josh had taken her back before Oscar probably wouldn't have even been in the picture because that was someone I feel perhaps she did love.  Going back to what I mentioned previously and going by our Australian pace counterparts the fact that it looks like something is going to happen with Maddy and Matt you would assume that the dependency is one way now.  If Maddy doesn't need Oscar anymore that would allow feelings to develop for someone else (Here's hoping!).

Posted (edited)

TBH in the long run I think Matt is more reliable and dependable. Your already seeing the chinks in their relationship, clearly very different personalities here. Their lack of compatibility and commonlarities, are becoming apparent. I just think their relationship is running its natural progression, and running its course imo. So naturally no matter what anyone says Maddie is starting to outgrow Oscar, but like I said that is not a bad thing, I think they are better as friends then lovers. So I agree above the dependency is one way now, and so Maddie keeps developing I am all for a fresh, new relationship with someone who arguably compliments her more then even Spencer did. I always felt Maddie felt sorry for Oscar, then he really became special for her, because he was the one guy who never gave up on her. So I always think Maddie well love Oscar, but they say if you love something or someone, set it free haha. In terms of character development, Matt is maturing into a caring, young man. But he also has an edge to his character, that well compliment the next phase in Maddies life perfectly. I get the concept of Oscar being more reliable, but I don't think that is a good enough reason to be with someone. It reminds me of Kirsty choosing Miles over Kane, because he was more safe. Kane was the love of her life! It is obsurd, Matt and Maddie could have something special potentially, so I think it is risk over reward.

Edited by Luke39

I just don't see the appeal at all.I think Maddy and Oscar's personalities complement each other and she's a better, more mature person around him.Matt...Seriously what's so special about Matt, because I really can't see it?He's never going to be the love of Maddy's life, at best he'll be yet another guy that she dates for a bit and then breaks up with, and throwing away what could have been a solid, mature relationship with Oscar for a bit of short term excitement seems like such a waste.Kirsty chose Miles over Kane for exactly the right reasons, because he was the better man and because he could give her the mature, grown up relationship that Kane couldn't.The excitement of dating a bad boy soon wears off and if they can't step up to the plate, and I don't think Matt can, then it's not going to last.If the show's suddenly done a U-turn and is trying to pretend Maddy and Oscar know nothing about each other (which, like I say, is the opposite of what we were told when they got together), then shame on them, frankly.He's far far better for her.



When a girl is dating a bad boy in the show, it isn't always like she is a nice girl, she is very often troubled and rebellious herself. For example Belle was just as rebellious as Drew or as Aden, even more from time to time. And Kirsty was really a bad girl behaving the way she did. Kane was more loyal to his family (even they abused him) than Kirsty was (who came from a great family). There were sides to Charlie which lead her to her relationship with Brax, she really had some bad sides too and broke the law and moral and work rules every time it suited her. 

So it's not always a nice girl met a bad boy. But sometimes they can grow so they can move away from that. But that also counts for the guys. It feels to me that a bad behaved girl is always seen as a girl who has a rebellious period, while the boy always is seen as someone who can't change, even if the storyline says that there were reasons for him to behave like that and he has got help to deal with it. That frustrate me so much, because I think it is a bit like this in real life. 

But when it comes to Maddy, I think she moved away from the rebellious things, with the cancer storyline and she discovered what life was about and what what friends and love are about. Maybe Matt has changed in UK and Australian pace, but I think Maddy and Oscar should have been in a stabile relationship for a while now, why on earth throw away something that they used months to develop?



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