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Good Chapter

Hmmm maybe Brax should talk to Ruby maybe that could help...........Er on seconds thoughts maybe not such a good idea I don't know :)

I'm thinking he may come to Ruby's rescue somehow in the end.

At the minute I can only see things getting worse for Ruby before they start to get better.

Look forward to your next gripping chapter :D


Great couple of chapters Danni, you're an awesome writer..loving this fic! It's good that Charlie is telling Ruby she needs to be home straight after uni..she needs some stability it seems and i'm glad Charlie is going to give it to her even if it means she has to be hard on her! Good on Charlie for trying to make Ruby understand it's not all about Ruby and she is the one who will be alone when it's all said and done!! Brax is so gorgeous. Wish Charlie hadn't turned away from him when he went to kiss her...but just makes me want more :P Please update soon! Xx


Has to be said Ruby was acting quite childish in the way she told Charlie she is never to move on and find happiest like seriously :lol:

I maybe wrong but I somehow I can't see Ruby listening to Charlie about coming straight home after uni.

Great chapter and look forward to reading your next one tomorrow :P


That was a really nice mother daughter moment ... Really hope Ruby sees how hard she has been on Charlie and makes an attempt to support her choices!

Awesome update xx


Aww Charlie giving Ruby her necklace :wub: Loved their talk! Another great chapter Danni! Looking forward to more...hopefully Ruby is coming arounf to the idea of Charlie dating Brax! Xx


Beautiful Chapter Danni :wub:

Loved the mother daughter moment between Charlie and Ruby, how and they were just there for one another

I do hope that Ruby will sooner rather than later come round to the idea of Charlie with Brax

Cant wait for the next chapter

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