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Posted (edited)

Taken the crown from Maddy as the most annoying character and that's only because the other one got cancer! Congrats Phoebe!

Edited by dee123
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Ever since Phoebe.....

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...broke up with Kyle I have started to like her more (big surprise I know). Guess that's natural that once they get away from being just in Braxton scenes they start to develop more of a character for themselves!?

  • 10 months later...

I increasingly loathe Phoebe.  She's a self-righteous moron.  It's a shame because when she first came to the bay I really liked her.  I liked her lively personality.  I thought she was pretty headstrong and a breath of fresh air.  I thought she would be able to pacify the most violent Braxton (sorry Bennett) when she rekindled their relationship.  I loved the way she would routinely stand up to Brax and wouldn't take any crap off him.  In a funny sort of way whilst he clearly found her a pain in the backside I think he actually respected her for that.  I liked that she had a very musical side to her. And I've actually enjoyed some of the storylines that have come about as a result.  e.g. Nieve when she drugged Phoebe and tried to create the sex tape to boost her popularity and status in the music industry, completely oblivious to what she was doing wrong.  And also the storyline with Ryan.  I really enjoyed and found his stalking of her fascinating.  So I definitely wouldn't have described her as boring before.

The main reason why I've turned from liking to disliking her is because she is incredibly sanctimonious.  She will often launch self-righteous rants when she feels strongly about something.  And it's incredibly annoying because often the character she launches her tirade doesn't deserve it.  So much so that I will almost always default to siding with the person who is on the receiving end regardless of whether they are right or not.  One of the worst examples of this was when she went for the job interview with Snelgrove and he quite correctly pointed out that her rock band attire was inappropriate for applying for a position as a school teacher.  And rather than accept a perfectly reasonable statement she started spouting feminist bullocks.  And quite incredibly she still got the job.  Other examples of getting on her high horse include the way she spoke to Casey when he wanted Josh to move in, harping on about her parent's marriage failing after rejecting Kyle's proposal, getting annoyed with Kyle for blanking her when she told him to stay away when she finished with him, her attitude towards Charlotte when she got her marching orders from Angelos and in particular the way she was with Ash when she found out Brax was alive after going through his phone.  Her holier-than-thou attitude on numerous occasions has made me want to slap her.  She also irritated me when she opened her big mouth and congratulated Ricky when she got pregnant even though Kyle specifically told her not to and the way she practically blackmailed Ash into going to Ricky's to reveal that Brax was alive made my blood boil.

I dislike Kyle more than her but I don't think him going out with her has made him a better person.  He was jealousy possessive and aggressive towards other people.  Going out with Ash seems like it's more trouble that it's worth for him.  She seems to blame him for anything that goes wrong and she finished with him just because she thought he chose Brax over her ego couldn't handle it (Completely negating the fact that this was all done to protect Ricky and Casey from Gunno).  I feel he has to watch everything he does around her and I honestly don't know how he puts up with it.  Why he would want to get back with her again especially considering that he finished with her when she was pregnant?  As I said before I struggle to understand how the Braxtons even managed to live with her for as long as they did.  Even Ricky got fed up with her after one day.  And she is enough to drive anybody insane.

During her time on the show she's effectively transitioned from a fun hipster type girl into an nagging housewife and I do feel sorry for Ash as she's almost like a vampire sucking the life right out of him.

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Posted (edited)

You had me until you basically called feminism rubbish.What Phoebe did wasn't anything close to it though she tried to use it to talk nonsense.She's just an idiot.

Edited by ~Lynd~
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I will stick up for Phoebe but I won't bother with a long rant as no matter what, I will no doubt get attacked from all sides.

Yes Phoebe can open her mouth without thinking, she can stick her nose in others business, she regularly doesn't look before she leaps with both feet into things. But I like that it all makes her real for me. 

Phoebe does nothing that other characters don't also do, but they never get the torrents of abuse she suffers. Indeed she has done nothing even a tenth as ugly as characters that get fiercely protected on this forum.

I was contemplating why some characters are so loved by some whilst others receive such hatred for reasons I struggle to discern. I also notice that I tend to swim against the tide in this matter.

The only answer I can come up with is my age and life experience. I judge people by their actions not their look, so no matter how pretty someone is, it doesn't influence my opinion. I also loathe violence and therefore will not accept it being glamourised or encouraged.

And as I have said before, I also find double standards offensive. Its interesting how much the male characters get defended regardless. I think that offends my deep seated feminism as well.

I get this post will no doubt get me in trouble, but I was reading an article a few days ago about online bullying and its effect on those who suffer it.

An interesting point was raised. Would you say such things to a persons face?

I know the excuse is given that such attacks are about the character. But I still ask the question. Would you say such things to Isabella s face?

I have no doubt it would upset her, I know if would upset me.

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You've made some fairly interesting points kmp1963.  Some of it to do with Phoebe, some if it related to people's attitudes towards characters in general.  I'm going to respond to what you've said.  This may come across as blunt so apologies in advance (nothing personal) but it's late, I've just finished a five and a half hour drive and I'm tired.


  On 04/04/2016 at 20:29, kmp1963 said:

Phoebe does nothing that other characters don't also do, but they never get the torrents of abuse she suffers. Indeed she has done nothing even a tenth as ugly as characters that get fiercely protected on this forum.


I'm not sure what difference that makes TBH.  Just because somebody feels a certain way about a character it does not under any circumstance mean that somebody else should feel the same.  I don't see a problem with Phoebe (or any other character for that matter including the ones that I like) getting a torrent of abuse.  Home and away is not real life, it's a scripted drama with fictional characters in a fictional program.  The argument may hold water if this were real life but it's not.  I believe that fictional characters are fair game as long as the posters don't continually repeat the same thing and there is some level of reasoned discussion.  Critique is fine as long as the posts don't include negative comments about the character's physical appearance, aren't racist or homophobic then I see no problem.


  On 04/04/2016 at 20:29, kmp1963 said:

I was contemplating why some characters are so loved by some whilst others receive such hatred for reasons I struggle to discern. I also notice that I tend to swim against the tide in this matter.

The only answer I can come up with is my age and life experience. I judge people by their actions not their look, so no matter how pretty someone is, it doesn't influence my opinion. I also loathe violence and therefore will not accept it being glamourised or encouraged.


I'm not sure what your point is and how that relates to this thread.  Are you suggesting that characters who are morally worse than Phoebe are given a free ride because they're hot, whereas Phoebe is not?  I don't think there's anything wrong with her appearance actually but again I don't see what the issue is here.  People are perfectly entitled to like whoever they want regardless of how shallow their reasons are.  Again this is a fictional program


  On 04/04/2016 at 20:29, kmp1963 said:

And as I have said before, I also find double standards offensive. Its interesting how much the male characters get defended regardless. I think that offends my deep seated feminism as well.


Why do you find it offensive?  I don't see why it should it matter what other people think.  Surely the most important thing should be what you think.  Are you suggesting if someone likes a character with violent tendencies in a fictional program they will support or encourage behaviour like that in real life?  I found Chris so annoying last year, I wished he was comatosed after the bus crash instead of Leah but of course if it was real life I wouldn't want something like that to happen to someone just because I find them annoying or because I didn't like them.  Similarly with Neighbours Paul Robinson is one of my all time favourite characters.  I love the way he blackmails, manipulates, lies , schemes and threatens people.  Would I advocate behaviour like that in real life?  Of course not.  But in the context of the fictional program I absolutely love it because I want to be entertained.

  On 04/04/2016 at 20:29, kmp1963 said:

An interesting point was raised. Would you say such things to a persons face?


Would I say what I said above to someones face if I felt that way about them?  If someone like Phoebe was in my face delivering a self-righteous sermon, raising her voice, there's no way I would stand there and take it.  I'm not sure if I would attack someone personally like I have above.  It really depends on the circumstances and what she's actually saying.  But I would see it as my right to stand up for myself.


  On 04/04/2016 at 20:29, kmp1963 said:

I know the excuse is given that such attacks are about the character. But I still ask the question. Would you say such things to Isabella s face?


Of course not.  Why would I? I've got no issue with the actress, simply the character she portrays.  Again you're not differentiating between an element of the program and a real person.  The two are completely independent as far as I'm concerned.

This is not specifically directed at you kmp1963 but as long as I've been posting here there have always been posters that have taken offense and seen it as their right to go into threads and call people out just because they've gotten upset about comments towards a non existent entity.  Almost acting as if the poster in question has said that to someone in real life.  You see I like to think that people are better than that and irrespective of their comments here they would be different if it was a real person with real feelings.

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I find it a bit rich for someone who has openly stated they would like to see 'a certain couple' die in a car crash,   then turn round and criticise someone else for having strong feelings about another character.  We all have characters we like and some we don't,  its a free world and  the 'holier than thou attitude' is not warranted.


Well I knew I was asking for it when I made the post. So!!!

But just for the record, my suggestion re the Bonnie and Clyde style exit for Brax and Ricky was totally facetious. Although for a number of reasons, appropriate in a warped kind of way. Apparently I should have put lol at the end. Obviously most of you are also too young to understand an ancient pop culture reference. (I freely admit that is no doubt a contradiction).

Good luck with the hate, I'm frankly over it. 


Patronizing us is not helping your case.I only see one hater here and it's not us.I also seem to remember you blasting Phoebe for daring to consider an abortion.You can't have it both ways.

Posted (edited)
  On 05/04/2016 at 23:20, kmp1963 said:

Well I knew I was asking for it when I made the post. So!!!

But just for the record, my suggestion re the Bonnie and Clyde style exit for Brax and Ricky was totally facetious. Although for a number of reasons, appropriate in a warped kind of way. Apparently I should have put lol at the end. Obviously most of you are also too young to understand an ancient pop culture reference. (I freely admit that is no doubt a contradiction).

Good luck with the hate, I'm frankly over it. 


Honestly, I'm so tired and sick of your negative attitude to other people for not thinking the way you do. This is a public forum, we can freely share what we think, that is what it's for.

And no, criticizing a character is not attacking the actor. The character is fictional. I've seen you say you've wanted a character dead before, and I don't think you were attacking the actor.

Edited by Wanderer101

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