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Guest Melbelle94

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Oh Grant got Charlie pregnant with a little boy I hope Charlie will be okay glad Shay told Brax the truth update again soon :)

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Chapter Twelve:

Brax held Shay in his arms as Charlie sat on the bed with Katie by her side in the exam room, they were waiting for the results of the test but Charlie was still finding it hard to believe that she was pregnant. She didn't want to believe that there was a possibility that the child she was carrying could be Grant's; she didn't think she could handle going through it all again; it was so much to bear.

Four children, two to Grant which included a little boy in heaven, one to Brax and a little girl that wasn't even biologically hers was too much to bear. The thought of bringing another child into a life that was already a mess didn't sound right to her.

"Daddy, what we doing here?" Katie asked and Brax glanced down at his daughter.

"We are just getting something for mummy" Brax answered as Shay snuggled in closer to him, she was small for a ten year old and it allowed him to carry her easily. The walk into the hospital proved she was terrified with the way she clung to him for reassurance.

Brax hadn't minded, since the night Charlie fainted Shay had thought to seek comfort in him. She didn't speak much but she loved cuddling with him, at first Brax would admit he was hesitant. He still pictured her as Grant's daughter but he knew if he wanted to work with Charlie he had to make it work with Shay.

"Is Charlie sick?" Shay whispered and Brax sighed.

"No, no Charlie is not sick. You remember what we talked about the other night right?" Brax asked and Shay nodded. "We are just here to find out if it's true"

"I made it" Ruby exclaimed as she rushed into the room, there was a grin spread across her lips as she thought about the possibility of getting another sibling.

The relationship she had with Shay was still strained, they hadn't spoken and Ruby tended to avoid the child even if she was biologically her half-sister. Ruby wasn't afraid to admit that she didn't understand why Charlie was so invested in the girl.

"Just in time" Nate murmured as he stepped into the room, he stood a seat at the ultrasound machine but his eyes stayed on the chart in his hand.

"Well?" Charlie asked as she helped Katie off the bed ushering her towards Ruby.

"It appears you are roughly four weeks along" Nate observed and Charlie felt the tears welling in her eyes, the dates were to close there was no way to tell who the father was without a DNA test. "Would you pull your shirt up Charlie and we will do and ultrasound to confirm"

Charlie pulled her shirt up slightly and looked over at Brax who reached out to hold her hand, she had a feeling he would support her no matter what.

"This might be a little cold" Nate warned and Charlie chuckled nervously.

"I've done this before" Charlie said and Nate smiled as he looked at the children in the room.

"I see, alright here we go" Nate said as he placed a blob of gel onto Charlie's stomach causing a gasp to escape her lips.

The transducer was used to spread the gel around, as he searched for the baby. A picture popping up onto the screen.

"I am just going to take a few measurements" Nate informed them as he tried to confirm the dates. "As suspected you are four weeks along, here is your baby" Nate concluded as he turned to the screen around and Ruby giggled.

"A smudge" Ruby laughed and Katie bounced up on her heels.

"Nah uh, it's a pea" Kate said seriously causing Ruby to laugh again.

"Alright short stuff if you say so"

"It doesn't matter, is everything alright doc?" Brax asked and Nate nodded.

"Everything seems perfect; we will monitor you throughout the pregnancy. Your next appointment will be at twelve weeks" Nate informed them and Brax smiled.

"As long as everything is okay" Brax said as he noticed the tears in Charlie's eyes falling, he immediately put Shay down. "Baby everything is okay" Brax said as he rubbed his thumbs under Charlie's eyes taking away the tears.

"What if it's Grant's baby?" Charlie sobbed and Brax took a deep breath as he took her into his arms.

He hadn't really thought about that, he couldn't. What would he do if it was Grant's baby? It had been different with Ruby, and with Shay he was still working things out but if the child she was carrying was Grants it would be a whole different ball game. Brax looked down at the sound of her cries and kissed her head.

The thought of losing her again just because the baby wasn't his made his heart tug, he couldn't let her go.

"Then we will deal with it together" Brax murmured as he kissed her head again, hugging her tight to his chest.

"We can do a DNA test but there is risks to the pregnancy if we are to attempt one, or if you are comfortable to wait we can wait until the baby is born" Nate said as he looked at Charlie who couldn't help but let more tears fall as she looked at Brax waiting for an answer.

"We'll wait, we don't want to risk anything" Brax said and Charlie smiled weakly.

"Brax the baby might not be yours" Charlie whispered and Brax shrugged, he knew he had to be brave. Not only brave for Charlie but for the children.

"It will be ours Charlie, it will always be ours" Brax whispered as he ran his hand lightly over her stomach. "I'll stand by you know matter what, I can't lose you again"

"I love you" Charlie sobbed and Brax kissed her head, his hand brushing along her cheek.

"I love you Charlie, I have loved you since the day we met. I will always stand by you"


Authors Note: Please Review. Let me know what you think.


Great chapter I hope the baby isn't Grants update again soon :)


Sorry it's too so long for me to review but I've only just got the internet back - 5 weeks is a long time!

I love this story but I have the feeling that Grant will be back.



Please Review.



Chapter Thirteen:

Charlie rolled over and kissed Brax's neck lightly as she snuggled in closer to him, the comfort of his body soothing her worries as he wrapped his arms around her waist holding tightly. Charlie was certain he was going to leave her as soon as the pregnancy had been confirmed; she hadn't been ready for him to become more sensitive. He treated her with such care, as though she would break at any moment normally this would have annoyed her. Charlie hated to be treated as fragile but she knew Brax didn't mean anything by it; he simply just wanted to care for her.

"Morning babe" Brax murmured into her hair and Charlie smiled softly as she felt the light kiss on her forehead.

Charlie snuggled in closer into him. "Is it morning already?" Charlie whined and Brax chuckled at her behaviour as she tried to pull the blankets over her head.

"Yeah, come on it's time to get moving before we are descended on by the wolves" Brax joked referring to the girls, in particular Ruby and Katie.

"I don't want to get up" Charlie said as she held the blanket tighter.

"Mummy!" Katie's voice could be heard as she came into the bedroom, she sat on Ruby's hip grinning.

Katie had become much more adventurous, she adapted to living with Brax and the boys easily. She had quickly realised that all men weren't like Grant but Shay was another personality all together.

It was hard for Brax and Charlie to understand what Shay was feeling or thinking, she liked to cuddle with Brax but wouldn't speak to him unless it was absolutely necessary, she was only beginning to warm up to Charlie again but didn't like to cuddle with her anymore. She wouldn't speak to Ruby and would only speak a few words to Katie every now and then. Shay had withdrawn more over the last week with the announcement of the baby and although Charlie had a feeling that the baby was the reason Shay wouldn't talk about it.

Charlie wanted Shay to realise the home she had here was forever, she wanted all three of her girls to come and jump on the bed in the morning but instead her middle child would always be found in the lounge room reading quietly to herself.

Katie jumped into her stomach, waving a hand in front of her face. "Mummy, are you listening to me? Daddy is going to take me to the beach, mummy are you listening?" Katie asked and Charlie smiled softly.

"Yes baby, that sounds wonderful" Charlie said softly and Ruby cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you okay mum? You don't look well" Ruby commented and Charlie sighed.

"I'm fine, just worried about Shay" Charlie told them and Ruby scrunched her nose up as Katie pouted.

"My Shay doesn't like to play no more mummy" Katie whined and Charlie rubbed a hand over her daughters hair.

"I know baby, she's not feeling well at the moment" Charlie said softly, she knew how much Katie missed Shay's constant presence.

"She's being a spoilt brat; she gives everyone the silence treatment because you're having a baby. God I hope this baby is dads! I couldn't handle another one of Shay" Ruby snapped as she turned around and stomped out the room, Charlie cringed as she heard the bedroom door slam.

"She didn't mean it" Brax quickly defended as he saw the look in Charlie's eyes, the sadness.

"Mummy, why does Ruby not like my Shay? Shay is my sister" Katie murmured as she buried her head into Charlie's shoulder the tears brimming in her eyes. "My Shay isn't a brat, right mummy? She's not" Katie sobbed and Charlie kissed her head.

"No baby, Shay isn't a brat" Charlie said softly as she rubbed Katie's back soothingly. "Shay is just unwell" Charlie told her but Brax raised an eyebrow at her.

"Charlie, you know that's not true" Brax hissed and Charlie covered Katie's ears with her hands. "We have to do something about Shay, I won't have her upsetting Ruby or Katie" Brax said and Charlie frowned.


"No Charlie, I've tried but she isn't getting any better. She's Grant's child Charlie, not yours" Brax said as he flung his legs over the side of the bed, he looked down at his daughter, his youngest child as she curled into her mother tears streaming down her cheeks as her eyes begun to drop shut. "It's different with Ruby, and if this child is part his it'll be different as well they will have a piece of you within them. She doesn't, Shay's solely his kid. What are we meant to do?" Brax asked his voice was filled with an emotion Charlie couldn't quiet place.

Charlie tried to keep the tears at bay as she watched Brax pull on a pair of board shorts, it was clear he was leaving the house and going for a surf, he always did when he was angry and Charlie didn't know how to feel. She didn't know what she was meant to stay to that. "Brax"

"I need some air, talk to Ruby. She is your daughter to you know"


Shay let the silent tears slide down her cheeks as she crawled up onto the bed, she grabbed the pillow and hugged it close to her chest as the words Ruby and Brax had spoken twisted around in her head.

They were right, she was a brat she knew her daddy had called her that and he now he was right.

She wasn't Charlie's child; she was no one, just a little girl who had a bad daddy and a mummy who was dead.

Shay let the tears flow freely as she crawled back off the bed and put her shoes on, she didn't want to be in a house where no one loved her not again, not after her daddy didn't love her.


Authors Note: Please Review. Let me know what you think.

Ideas of what you would like to see in coming chapters?

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Chapter Fourteen:

Tamara approached Charlie as she sat at the kitchen table watching Ruby and Katie as they played a game on the floor, Tamara had been around for the last five years, since the week after Charlie was taken. She knew Ruby like the back of her hand, she knew the girl wouldn't accept Shay as part of the family as she had too much of Grant in her.

But it wasn't about Ruby at the present time.

"Charlie?" Tamara asked softly as she slid into the seat across for the older woman.

Charlie looked at the teenager with a warm smile. "Hey honey" Charlie said as she noticed the conflicting look on Tamara's face. "Is everything okay?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. I've been around since you left, I've watched them all overcome grieving but Ruby struggled the most, she formed a connection with Brax as she lost the one with you" Tamara said softly and Charlie gave her an encouraging smile urging her to go on. "She is struggling with Shay being a part of the family because you have a connection with her one she lost five years ago, Shay's innocent though she's a little girl who needs you, she isn't understanding where she fits into the family. What Brax and Ruby said before really hurt her" Tamara said and Charlie frowned, the shock seeping into her body as she ran Tamara's words through her mind.

"She heard? She heard what they said?" Charlie asked and Tamara nodded slowly.

"Yeah, she locked herself in Heath's room crying. I thought you would have known, she was coming to your room to see you" Tamara said and Charlie shook her head as she stood up, her eyes meet Ruby's as she quickly made her way to Heath's room.

Knocking on the door softly Charlie pressed her ear to the door. "Shay, honey, can I come in?" Charlie asked but she was met with nothing but a deafening silence. "Shay, we need to talk baby" Charlie said quietly as she pushed the door open slightly, her gaze going straight to the bed to find it empty. "Shay?" Charlie panicked as she moved forward into the room, the open window catching her gaze. "Oh Shay" Charlie whispered as she spun around on her heels colliding with Heath who was entering.

"Hey, where's the fire?" Heath teased but he frowned when he saw the look on her face. "Charlie?"

"Shay's gone" Charlie whispered as the tears started brimming in her eyes, Heath's eyes narrowed.


"I don't think so, oh god. Heath she heard how Brax and Ruby don't want her here, I can'tshe can't be gone" Charlie sobbed and Heath wrapped his arms around her, he held Charlie tightly.

"It's going to be okay, we want her we do" Heath promised. "Come on, I'll help you look" Heath told her.

Charlie didn't bother asking him to call Brax; she didn't know if she could bring herself to face him, to face Ruby. Not until Shay was found safe and sound.

Ruby looked up as they entered the living area, Charlie tugging on a jumper. "Where are you going?" Ruby asked and Charlie couldn't bring herself to look at her oldest daughter.

"Tam, watch Katie" Heath said and Ruby frowned.

"I can watch her Uncle Heath" Ruby said as she turned back to Charlie. "Where are you going?" Ruby asked again, louder causing Katie to flinch.

"Mummy?" Katie asked and Charlie's face softened as she looked as her youngest.

"You stay with Tamara baby; I just have to go out. I love you" Charlie said softly as she kissed Katie's head and followed Heath out the door.


Charlie walked down the small trail leading to the beach; Heath was walking behind her keeping an eye out as well. They had been looking for an hour with still no sign of the young girl; Charlie couldn't bring herself to get worked up. She knew Shay needed her; she couldn't let her down by working herself up into a panic and not being able to find her.

"Heath, we have been everywhere" Charlie sighed as they came to the end of the trail. "We aren't going to find her" Charlie whimpered and Heath clamped his hands down on her shoulders.

"You're wrong; we are going to find her. I promised you Charlie and I won't break my promise but maybe we should call Brax" Heath said but he took a step back at the glare Charlie had radiating for her face.

"No!" Charlie shouted before she breathed deeply. "Sorry, just no. I can't have him finding Shay not after what she heard" Charlie said and Heath nodded as he ran a hand through her hair.

"Alright, come on. Let's go back up the trail" Heath said as he allowed Charlie to walk before him, but he paused for a moment hearing the sound of a faint cry in the distant. "Charlie" Heath called as he made his way back down the beach, scanning the greenery his eyes landed on the top of Shay's head. "Charlie" Heath yelled as he ran up the sand and into the greenery.

Shay was curled up leaning against a rock holding her jacket tightly around her; the tears were rolling down her cheeks as her hair whipped around her face.

"Shay" Heath whispered softly and he saw the look of utter sadness as she stared at him with a pained expression.

"Baby" Charlie sighed in relief as she sunk down to her knees and wrapped her arms tightly around the young girl in her arms holding her firmly. "Don't you ever do that again, I love you Shay. You scared me" Charlie said as she kissed the young girls head over and over again.

"You scared your mum kiddo; you can't run off like that. Your freezing" Heath said as he tugged off his leather jacket, going to put it over her shoulder but Shay looked hesitant.

"You'll get cold" Shay whispered and Heath shrugged.

"I'm tough and your Uncle so you'll put this on because I said so" Heath told her softly as he pulled it tightly around her shoulders, he didn't fail to notice the small smile that crept onto her face momentarily before disappearing at the word Uncle.

He knew all she wanted was a family to feel loved.

"Come on, let's get you home baby then we will talk" Charlie murmured as she went to help the young girl stand but Shay's eyes suddenly filled with tears all over again.

"No! No I don't want to see Brax or Ruby, no please don't make me Charlie! Please!" Shay cried and Charlie glanced at Heath with a frozen expression, her daughter was distraught.


Authors Note: Please Review. Let me know what you think.

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