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1993 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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Joe wasn't all bad but his behaviour towards Sally was completely indefensible (and I'm not sure he was actually interested in anyone else?).He actually seemed to like Sally up to the point when he realised she got on well with his mother, at which point he started bullying her for no reason except that she was an easy target for his issues.I think he did basically part on good terms with everyone once he'd got over it.


But in the long run, no I wish they hadn't killed her off and I think it was the wrong decision. Who knows, perhaps Nicole would have liked to return again at some point after a few years break. She did start acting again in the later 90's (All Saints etc.) perhaps by then she would have been up for a return and with hindsight she could have been a perfect choice to replace Pippa in 1998 when Debra decided it was time to go.

I agree. in the long run, they made a mistake by killing off one of the best and most memorable characters. Of course, death stories of loved ones make very good ratings, but in the long run the show is losing the chance to bring back a favorite character (unlike american soaps, that bring back characters from the dead all the time!)

  On 08/01/2015 at 23:37, j.laur5 said:

The credits showing Bobby & Greg with the boat foreshadows Bobby's fate!





Never noticed that before!

I'm just catching up on the previous week. Poor Adam, finally getting his act together and we know how it ends for him :( Every mention of his boat (and there's been loads!) is like a stab in the stomach, a reminder of whats going to happen. Even though it was 20 years ago, and I KNOW what's coming up, I'm still watching with part of me hoping that something will change and that events will unfold differently lol - crazy!


I know the feeling Beau! The anticipation of it seems surreal almost especially looking back in hindsight at how a few things could have been different such as the boat not existing for example.

At the time Bobby's death was extremely effective but in the long-term I'm not entirely sure it was a good move by the show but what's done is done now. At least Bobby cements herself as an icon of the Early Years!


While there was a Genuine loss loss, the ship managed a steady course without her and the Mid-90s were arguably Home and Away's peak period (in the UK anyway). Shane and Angel dominated the show from there but others like Jack, Curtis, Shannon and Selina got their time to shine.


seen up to 1297 now and oh Boy its it difficult to hear Bobby and Greg planning to have a baby of their own knowing what is coming in the very next episode. THese writers did decide to make it as cruel as possible for the viewers!!!!!


The "happy ending" for Bobby and Greg at the end of 1297 was very similar to the scene of Shane and Angel in bed together at the end of the episode before

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Shane's death


Poor Bobby. Hate the idea of her struggling to swim to shore with an bashed skull and then collapsing. Kind of glad we didn't see that part.


Its quite scary to think that

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Shane is the next main character to be killed off!!!!

I am really sad that we have reached this point with Bobby- Ever since we started the early years she has been one of the main character with only the second half of 1989 being a low point!!

I wish she would just wake up....


I guess back then they wanted a major storyline and so killing off Bobby was it. maybe Nicole wanted to leave the show for reasons and if she did then killing her off was the only option. But it was just devastating how it happened.


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