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1993 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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its strange how children deal handle situations better than adults. Sam knew that Bobby was never going to be ok and it was so sad when Don was telling him she has gone to heaven and he started crying then at the end when he told greg he would help him.

I did sort of laugh when don yelled at greg and told him straight that she had gone and he had to realise it. I guess back in those days especially characters like don they would just bottle up there feelings, not allowed to show emotion and just expected to deal with it.

Poor Alisa when the phone rang. But seriously how did we not see Pippa again. I mean michael should have told her and she should have been there for sam.

Interesting they bought up the donation of her organs. 20 years ago im assuming that it was an issue never discussed and now its a bigger issue but now it doesnt seem to be bought up. Over the past few years when home and away characters died like casey and charlie organ donation was never raised. I think the writers hsould add it in because people relate to tv and characters and it may get discussions going.

anyway now we have no bobby and i had no idea she was only 19 when she raised the idea of the diner with Ailsa.


The Diner first appeared in the first episode of 1989, and she finished school at the end of 1988. She was going to go to university but chucked it in because she was marrying Frank instead.


i wonder if there is a chance we will see a scene with both michael and pippa in it. So far they have taken it in turns to appear each day separately. also how come we didnt see sally today. she grew up with bobby. now the interetsing thing will be when morag comes back. She was so evil back then.

  On 15/01/2015 at 08:13, dees189227 said:

now the interetsing thing will be when morag comes back. She was so evil back then.

The one good thing about Bobby's death!

  On 14/01/2015 at 23:48, Old H&A Fan said:

The Diner first appeared in the first episode of 1989, and she finished school at the end of 1988. She was going to go to university but chucked it in because she was marrying Frank instead.

The Exterior was shown from the '89 premiere but the interior was shown in episode 226.


It's funny how Morag softened up over time, even when she returned in 2001 she had already softened up a lot compared to how she was in the early years, apart from a few run ins with Shauna!

  On 15/01/2015 at 13:39, j.laur5 said:

It's funny how Morag softened up over time, even when she returned in 2001 she had already softened up a lot compared to how she was in the early years, apart from a few run ins with Shauna!

It's true! Although compared to 2011 she was still pretty harsh in 2001. But I agree, nowhere near her 1989 self.

  On 16/01/2015 at 06:20, dees189227 said:

i miss morag now. i wish she would come back. I also wish finn or damien would come back to the bay and visit Irene.

Irene isn't in the show at the moment but Finlay and Damien are!


i meant in the current series that screen at 7 pm. id love to see them visit the bay again.

Also did anyone else find it strange that in todays episode that pippa was helping greg and still obviously upset about bobby while michael was off at a soccer match having a laugh and again not seen with pippa and we still havent seen sally.


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