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Most Popular Character 2014

Dan F

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Will's return's ending was annoying due to the ambiguity of his fate. How long did he get? It was like he never existed after being

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charged for offing Penn


Well, this means only 1 of my votes to go .....with Shannon being in this update !!!

Aside from her, looooved many of the people listed today .....Kit, Robbie, Ruby [who I’ve voted for in the past, and almost did again this time] and Angie!!!!

Sooooooooooo glad that Martha has finally appeared [don’t like that woman]!!!!!

Looove the continiung comments about the H&A legal system ......inspired by Jake Perovic i'm guessing.


Massive surprises here

Matt was one of the main characters who I thought would not score points!! Maybe its my own personal view but I don't think much of him... Same with Kyle (Oh wait he is a braxton. Of course!)

Ruby is another who I thought was going to get 0- Her last year on the show was awful and I was really fed up of!

Martha I felt would be lower down as well. Its been a while since she was on the show and time still has not lessened my opinion of her!

Since there wasn't any 2002/2003 repeats lately I thought Angie would be lower down the ranks as well. It shows the test of time for certain characters! Same with Robbie and Kit (red ranged once again did great with the comments about Kit!!

Alisa on the other hand might have done better than what she did due to what is coming up but to be fair I think the character hasn't done much since karen left again!

And as for Shannon I think 2016 might push her up the rankings quite a bit!

Can't wait until tomorrow!!

  On 20/12/2014 at 01:17, j.laur5 said:

I did not realise you can include guest characters and pets in the poll.

Yep there's never been any restriction on what sort of characters you can vote for (though we'd draw the line at 'Extra who ordered a soy latte & salad')

Admittedly we never thought of people voting for the likes of Scruffy, Eduardo Bearo and Milco (back in his invisible days) when we first started it, nor is it something we'd actively encourage as everyone would start doing it, but it adds a little light-heartedness to the bottom end of the poll.


Great to see Matt so high on this poll, if it was based on just current characters he wouldve been one of my choices. So either the other Matt didn't feature or hes in the top 20 (the first one is probably the most likely though)

Surprised Will is so high given his most recent stint, i'm not sure what others thought but I thought they ruined the character in 2010-11 and its as if he never existed now.

Wow Shane and Angel bring back memories of when I first watched the show, surprised Shane is higher than Angel though as I thought she was more popular.

Great to see Ailsa nearly top 20, I nearly voted for her, but then theres a few I nearly voted for but didn't. Hard to believe shes been off the show longer than she was on it! (Guessing her 2002-03 stint as a vision of Alf's isn't counted then?)

So looks like all my choices are top 20 as I thought they would be, I'll be shocked if any of them dont feature.

Thanks Dan and Red ranger for this


Alrighty.Who's playing silly buggers with me lol.Noah, Peter, Kit and Robbie all one after the other is just to much for my fangirl heart seeing it's the order I put them in.

I've also often had a good laugh over the fact that Kit and Noah didn't get together after months of build up because she wasn't deemed pretty enough then she ended up randomly having a baby with Thor.Go figure.

I'm glad Robbie's fairly high up.He was definitely my favourite character from that time and one I think I'll be attached to forever along with Noah, Peter and Kit.I was attached to Angel for years on end to but Melissa throwing a tantrum ruined that hence me not voting for her.

Kyle's one of my favourite current characters.He has a lot of potential though he hasn't done much beside be Brax and now Phoebe's lap dog so I'm pleasantly surprised he rated so highly.

Matt is another few of the currant characters I like so it's nice to see him rate so highly to.He actually has personality.

I'm surprised to see Martha and Ruby so high up.I'm guessing Roo being around might be of help in some people remembering Martha and Ruby was cray cray at the end of her time.

I'm not overly surprised to see Angie so high up.She's always been popular.It's nice to see Shannon so high to, she was another fave of mine.

Only one to go for me and it's the only current character I voted for.


I'm immensely enjoying following the poll. Good memories and some interesting selections. Thanks to Red Ranger for the very entertaining character summaries.

Very happy that the majority of my favs are top 20. My only vote that has appeared so far is Shane. It was so great to see him beat Angel. The Shane and Angel pairing was my favourite when I was growing up but, similar to you Lynd, Angel has been ruined for me with all Melissa George's arrogant carrying on in the last few years. And I must say that re-watching the 93 eps now, I am wondering why I loved her so much at the time - Melissa had a very shaky start in the acting stakes. Terrible! Aside from his epic romance with Angel, I always loved Shane's fiery relationship with Donald Fisher. The dynamic in Fisher's house with Shane, Don and Nick was always a highlight for me.

So pleased to see Kyle perform well. If I had one more vote to give he would have been my next in line. I loved the original Braxton brother unit so much that I was very apprehensive about the addition of a fourth brother but my fears were well and truly unwarranted. I loved Kyle and his battle to become a part of the family right from the start. I think they have written his character and his battle to be accepted perfectly. It was very gradual and always felt authentic. And even when he became accepted there was always something that set him apart and that was how it should be. He shares some things with his brothers but is also very different. Quiet, observant, reflective and smart. Phoebe's addition this year and the large amount of time they spent isolated from everyone has slightly ruined his character for me this year but overall I have loved watching him over the past two and a bit years.


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