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Most Popular Character 2014

Dan F

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It was actually only a couple of days ago that I thought "Hang on, I know Matt got some votes, how high is he?!" I didn't realise it was Top 30 and I wrote it! I'm surprised he polled so high above Sasha and also above John and Jett: I know there's a few people that really love him but I thought there was a lot of apathy as well.

Kyle is one of my favourite current characters, although he hasn't been well-served by the last few months, since Casey died, when I've ended up not liking him a fair bit.He is also, let's face it, a prime example of the weird way the legal system works in the show.

And every vote counts, so if you voted for someone they'll be in here somewhere!

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How can an iconic character like Ailsa, an original who was in it for 12 years get the same points as someone who's been in the show for 6 months. I feel like I should have voted for her now. Nice that Nancy Hayes got credited on the write up but Louise Crawford was left out of Selina's.

Hard to believe we have had Alf longer without Ailsa than with. Though he's not really Alf anymore.

And I agree, Fyn3. Melissa's acting was shocking to start with. But you can already see an improvement in the 7two run. You can really see her journey as an a trees throughout her time, which is why her attitude about the show stinks.


I am enjoying this poll so much that I am finding myself staying up until after midnight to see the results !! ☺

Ok so I still have four characters that I voted for that have not yet featured....

I voted for Michael and am happy that he made No.30. In my opinion he was a very underrated character.


I'm also surprised to see that Matt scored as highly as he did. I think he has the potential to be a great character but he has really been weighed down by Sasha for most of his time on the show IMO. Sasha has become very dull since her family left and I hate that they have isolated this pair simply because Sasha has nothing else to do. They have spent far too much time together and it hasn't given Matt a chance to find his own place in town. He has only just started to interact a bit more with Leah and VJ and his music scenes with Phoebe and Kyle have been good. I'm interested to see where they take his character if/when Sasha leaves.

  On 20/12/2014 at 10:40, Blaxland 89 said:

And I agree, Fyn3. Melissa's acting was shocking to start with. But you can already see an improvement in the 7two run. You can really see her journey as an a trees throughout her time, which is why her attitude about the show stinks.

Totally agree Blaxland 89! From what I've seen in these re-runs, she should be forever grateful the show took a chance on her at all. It makes her bad attitude so much harder to swallow.


  On 20/12/2014 at 10:40, Blaxland 89 said:

How can an iconic character like Ailsa, an original who was in it for 12 years get the same points as someone who's been in the show for 6 months. I feel like I should have voted for her now. Nice that Nancy Hayes got credited on the write up but Louise Crawford was left out of Selina's.

Ultimately it's just down to the amount of votes from long term/early years viewers vs more recent viewers, hence why we try and encourage as many people as possible to vote in order to get a balanced mix. Even then, the amount of votes we receive nowadays is nowhere near the amount we had in the earlier polls, less than half of what we were getting in 2006/2008. Saying that, there's no doubt the early years repeats have had an effect on this poll.

You're absolutely right about Louise, I noticed her omission before the upload and meant to add her, but completely slipped my mind.

I have only been a member since 13 November 2014. Had I known about this poll then, I would have voted this.
1. Matt Page
2. Sally Fletcher
3. Pippa Ross
4. Ailsa Stewart
5. Leah Patterson-Baker

Matt Page is among my least favourites. Basically because I think the actor is far too old looking, and is not able to act like a teenager. He would have been better as an adult, and is not in the same league as Maddy for instance, or Evie and Oscar.

I feel that Matt is only moping around, and being totally pointless.

I am not surprised to see Matt so high in the list though. Because I've seen that he is popular.

I think it is Matt who drags Sasha down and not the other way around. She lost her spark when her family left, I would have prefer her to leave with them. But it would have been better to let Sasha grow up a bit, and not mess around with an another "bad" guy. She has done that far to many times before. I am a bit surprised that she is so much lower on this list than Matt.

It is not strange that Martha is this high on the list, she was a very popular character some years ago. Martha and Jack were one of the most popular couples h&a ever has had.

Probably more surprised by Ruby's relative high position on this list. She seemed to be very popular in her first year around, and then it dropped. For me she became better towards the end, and Rebecca Breeds became excellent at playing her. It was quite understandable that Ruby did what she did, she practically lost everything, nobody seem to care about her and some really betrayed her. I thought Ruby's downfall was kind of compelling to watch even if it was extremely sad. Some people have probably thought the same since she is this high on the list.

Shannon is the one of the teen characters from the mid nineties that I forget about the most. I also watched Paradise beach at that time and mix up Isla Fisher's character with Shannon a bit.

Selina Cook (no. 34), Jack Wilson (no 84) and Curtis Reed were more memorable for me. I actually would have liked to rewatch episodes from the mid nineties and to 2000, because I didn't watch regularly at that time.

Thanks again for the updates on the list RR1 and Dan F. !!


There was a mention somewhere that 6 of the current cast are not mentioned in this years poll. I'm guessing they are:







Or am I wrong??

Nice to see Angie Russell there - Josie Russell hasn't been mentioned yet has she?

Also, I wonder if Rachel will be in the top 20? She was a great character - really wanted to include her in my top 5 but went for Dr Peta Bradley instead!


I am not surprised that Matt Page scored so highly. I don't think his characterisation hs been well written up to date, and I think they have made a mistake isolating Matt/Sasha from the other teenagers; however, I think audience like a bad boy with a soft interior - I think we still have a few more of those bad boys turned good that I am sure will be seen in the top 20. In addition, I think Alec Snow who plays Matt has a lot of charisma that has made up for the writing (reminiscent of Aden Jeffries).

I am more surprised that Ruby scored so highly. I really liked Ruby, and sympathised with her even in the end. This I think was partly due to good acting on Rebecca Breed's part. But I always remembered Ruby getting a lot of hatred (and unfair blame) during the whole Indi/Romeo/Ruby storyline. I am glad to see her ending, hasn't affected her popularity. But then again, she did well in 2012 when she would have only just have left.

  On 20/12/2014 at 20:57, DialMforMorag said:

There was a mention somewhere that 6 of the current cast are not mentioned in this years poll. I'm guessing they are:
Or am I wrong??

Nice to see Angie Russell there - Josie Russell hasn't been mentioned yet has she?

Also, I wonder if Rachel will be in the top 20? She was a great character - really wanted to include her in my top 5 but went for Dr Peta Bradley instead!

I thought those 6 too. But then again, I can't imagine Spencer or RIcky being popular enough to make the top 20 so I don't know.


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