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Complications We Didn't See Coming


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Romeo&Indi Forever. JarlieFanEver. You are both so sweet!

Chapter Five: The Girls, Drinks & A Child.

Charlie rolled over, the silk sheet falling down her body to hang loosely over the curve of her hip. Brax glanced down, his fingers running through her hair.

It wasn't how she planned to spend the day. She was meant to work but Colleen had completely caught her off guard and she left earlier only to end up in bed with Brax for the fifth time in week.

"What are you thinking about?"

Charlie peeked up at him, her fingers tracing over the 'Blood and Sand´ tattoo on his chest. "Hmm, nothing"

Brax placed a light kiss to the top of her head. "Liar"

"It's nothing. I just…I'm thinking about telling my girls. They'll want to meet you"

Brax smiled. "Who wouldn't? I am pretty awesome" Brax joked. "Seriously though, isn't it a good thing? I want to meet them"

Charlie exhaled. "Are we kidding ourselves though? I mean Colleen was right. I am a cop and well, we both know that even if I can't prove it that you've had your fair share of dodgy deals"

Brax rolled his eyes. His hand dropping to her shoulder, his fingers tickling her skin. "Does that matter? It's in the past"

Charlie went to sit up but Brax pulled her back into his arms, holding her around the waist. "I don't know that much about you other than the simple facts. You invested in Angelo's, love to surf and have a brother. Oh, you're a Riverboy who is pretty amazing at sex"

Brax chuckled. "I am" He replied with a smug grin. "But if you want to know more then all you have to do is ask. I am actually surprised you haven't check out my file"

"Wouldn't looking through your file be cheating? You have to want to tell me these things"

Brax nodded as he shifted his body so they were facing each other. "I have two brothers, Heath and Casey. My mother is Cheryl. My father is in jail. I spend my days thinking about a woman who I want to spend the day in bed with"

Charlie glared playfully. "And just who is she?"

Brax smirked. "I could tell you a bit about her. She is a beautiful single mother of two girls, a cop by day and a secret lover by night. She is intelligent and could surely kick my ass if needed…"

"I think I like her" Charlie teased.

Brax glanced at her. "Ah, all I would have to do is get her to the bedroom and she's mine"

"Really now?"

Brax grinned. "Yup" Pulling Charlie on top of him, he smiled. "I love you"

"I love you too"


Bianca jumped startled when the front door slammed. April who was kneeling at the coffee table doing her homework looked up in fear, Bianca tried to smile reassuringly but fear instantly welled up in her as Liam trudged into the living room, his face clearly showed his exhaustion as he flopped down on the couch beside where April was kneeling though he didn't look at her. The letter in his hand fluttered to the floor in front of Bianca.

Liam glared as she picked it up. "Hope you're ready to be a mother"

Bianca's eyes scanned the letter; it was from the same law firm as the last one. "I…I am a mother. Liam, baby, we never discussed more children. I don't think I want anymore" Bianca told him softly.

Liam's gaze turned cold as his eyes shifted back and forth between her and April. "We don't need to discuss it. We have her in this house" Liam pointed to April who kept her eyes focused on the homework in front of her. "If I decide I want another child then we'll have one"

Bianca bit her bottom lip. "Not for a publicity stunt, that's not a reason to bring a child into the house"

Liam sat up probably, his eyes fixing on hers. "You listen here. If I decide that this is what I want then you'll co-operate or it won't be you who pays for your lapse in judgement by not obeying me. Got it?" Liam asked, his voice low.

Bianca swallowed as she watched him run his hand over April's head, her little girl sat completely frozen in fright. "Uh, I…can I think about it?"

Liam shrugged. "Think all you want but I'm the one making the decision" Liam looked down at April. "Oi, come have some ice-cream with your dad"

April looked up biting her bottom lip softly; she set her penicil down knowing if she didn't go he would be furious. The word dad was like a punch, he wasn't her dad, he didn't act like a dad should. "Okay" April whispered as she stood up.

Liam smirked as he hopped up off couch and walked over to Bianca. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a little family? I mean we got one well-behaved kid" Liam kissed her cheek; he chose to ignore that she was ridged in her chair. "I know you don't agree but a bit of hard discipline is for the best"

Bianca breathed heavily as she nodded. She didn't agree. She hated that Liam touched April in an abusive manor. "A baby is just a lot of work, extra responsibility"

Liam shrugged. "Exactly why you'd be looking after it" Liam turned around leaving those words to sink in as he walked over to April. "Let's go see if there chocolate ice-cream in the freezer, you can try and come up with a reasonable excuse for why your bed wasn't made today"


Charlie looked over at her girls; they were curled up on the couch under a blanket watching their favourite show. Charlie couldn't help that her hands were wringing nervously in front of her, she wasn't sure how the girls would react to the fact that she was dating yet again. There had only been one guy since Roman and it had been for a fleeting moment, Angelo. There hadn't been a connection with Angelo, not in that way.

Charlie sighed as she wiped her hands on her pants nervously, there wasn't a choice, she had to tell them. "Girls" Charlie cleared her throat when the word escaped her lips in a whisper.

Walking over she sat down on the coffee table in front of them causing a groan to escape their lips.

"Mum" Ruby whined as she craned her head to try and look around Charlie.

Charlie patted Ruby's knee. "We need to talk"

Nicole glanced up, her hand freezing in the middle of the popcorn bowl. "We already promised we'd be good at Nanna Irene's. No fires in the oven"

Ruby nodded frantically. "It wasn't even our fault. Nanna left the kitchen and we just wanted the muffins to cook faster"

Charlie exhaled. "280 was too hot for the oven but it's not about that. Just no going near the oven this time"

Ruby nodded. "Okay, okay. You can move now. This is the best bit of the show" Ruby stressed as she waved her hand in the direction of the tv.

Nicole sensed her mother wasn't done. "What is it?"

Charlie wrung her hands together. "Well, uh, I have something to tell you both"

Nicole and Ruby both looked up at her with wide eyes shining with curiosity, they were both being to notice their mother's nervous behaviour.

"Okay. I'm just going to say it. I've been seeing someone"

Nicole and Ruby glanced at each other, grins slowly creeping onto their features, giggles escaping their lips. "You mean, Brax?" Nicole guessed.

Charlie's mouth dropped slightly at her girls knowing looks, her mouth opening slightly. She didn't understand how her girls knew when they had barely met Brax. "How…How do you know?"

Nicole grinned widely showing off her white teeth. "He's always at Angelo's"

"He works there" Charlie supplied.

"He always watches you" Ruby added.

Nicole nodded. "And then one morning he texted you. Ruby showed me. He put lots of kisses at the end"

Charlie scratched the side of her head. "You, ah, you know…well this is awkward" Charlie giggled. "How do you feel about me dating, Brax?"

Ruby shrugged. "It's cool; if he works at Angelo's do we get free pizza?"

"Do we get to meet him now?" Nicole asked as she knelt on the couch.

Charlie raised her eyebrow. "You're okay with it?"

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Duh!"


Charlie walked through the front door after dropping the girls off, flinging her handbag onto the couch as she typed on her phone, her fingers moving across the screen like lightening.

The girls want to meet you. They already knew. I worried over nothing – C

Haha. My sexy worry wart. I told you I'm awesome, they'll love me. When should we have dinner? – B

Charlie grimaced at the nickname as she started to type.

Yuk! Worry Wart?! Really? Uh, dinner? I was thinking just a visit… – C

Sorry babe. My worry bug! Uh, dinner. I have to woo the girls – B

Charlie shook her head; Brax was going to have his way even if she didn't want him too. She smiled though at the thought of dinner, he actually wanted to take her girls out.

I thought you said they'd love you cause your awesome – C

Well I am awesome. Dinner is a precaution – B

Lol. Okay dinner. Rubes wants free pizza now – C

Well if they are anything like their mother they'll demand it. Haha ;) – B

Charlie laughed to herself as she saw the front door open.

Pssht. I don't demand it. I just take it. I got to go. Bi is coming over, drinks and girl chat – C

Bianca raised her eyebrow as she place the two bottles of wine on the side table by the door. "What are you laughing at?"

Charlie shrugged. "My Riverboy. How are you, babe?"

Bianca sighed. "Okay. I guess"

The beeping on Charlie's phone caught her attention, glancing down she smiled.

I know you take it. Okay. Don't talk about me too much. ;) Love ya – B

Talk about you? We wouldn't dare. Love you too – C

Charlie turned back to Bianca as she chucked her phone over the back of the couch. "What's wrong? Do I have to throw Liam's ass in jail?"

Bianca rubbed her forehead. "He wants a kid" The words tumbled from her mouth.

Charlie's jaw dropped, she hadn't expected it and it infuriated her. She hated Liam; it was one thing for Bianca to be with him but another for her to completely tie herself to the man forever. "I think we need to open this wine"

Charlie grabbed the glasses down from the cabinet as Bianca opened the wine. "I don't know what to do, Charlie" Bianca exhaled as she placed the bottle on the coffee table and dropped onto the couch, curling under the blanket. "I've never thought about having anymore kids after April. You know what it was like back then"

Charlie smiled sadly as she poured the wine into the glasses. "That was different though, babe. It was under horrible circumstances and you were so young" Charlie passed the glass to Bianca before sliding onto the couch and pulling the blanket up over her legs as well.

"You were there for me though" Bianca observed as she lowered the glass from her lips. "I couldn't have…I wouldn't have gotten through it without you"

Charlie shook her head. "You're stronger then you give yourself credit for. Even though I don't regret what I did. I'm glad I was there for you"

Bianca traced the rim of her glass. "I don't think I could do it again, not without you. I'm not even sure I want another kid. Things are good with April"

"They are. But you don't want a mini Liam?" Charlie tried to ignore the bitter taste in her mouth as she spoke the words.

"No" Bianca replied immediately. "No, I've never thought of it. I'm happy with April"

Charlie nodded. "Okay"

"Charlie, I know I keep saying, I say it every year but thank-you. I never would have been able to have April if it hadn't been for you"

Charlie waved her hand dismissively. "Don't be silly"

Bianca shook her head, grabbing Charlie's hand in her own. "I'm not. I still remember everything from the moment he laid his hands on me" Bianca shuttered. "How he could do that, to me, of all people"

"He was a sick man" Charlie sighed as she gripped her friends hand tighter. She remembered staying in the same house with him at least twice a week and she never thought for a moment that her best friend had been in danger.

Bianca squeezed her eyes shut trying to push the memory back. "I was so scared of what everyone would think. But then you…you came in and told me everything was going to be okay" Bianca smiled at Charlie. "I'll never forget you showing up with the pregnancy test in hand"

Charlie laughed her hand going over her mouth to keep the wine from spraying everywhere. "Oh god! I showed up with a pregnancy test in a baby bottle wrapped in baby wrapping paper!"


Well, what are your thoughts? Read & Review?! Please


Great chapter I don't like Liam in this fan fiction update again soon :)


Thankyou for commenting :)

Chapter Six: Meetings & Horrible Liam

Nicole and Ruby startled Charlie as they jumped on the bed erupting in a fit of giggles when she bounced up and down groaning. It was a Saturday morning and as Charlie rolled over to look at the clock she almost had a heart attack. All week they had been dragging their feet when it came to getting up early for school, yet a Saturday morning and they were up at six thirty.

Ruby jumped up and down on her knees. "Mum! Mum!"

"Please let me sleep!" Charlie whined as she pulled the pillow over her head.

Nicole tried to wrestle it off her but Charlie gripped tightly. "Come on, mum. Give me the pillow"

"Can we have pancakes for breakfast?" Ruby helped Nicole pull the pillow away from her.

Charlie squinted at the light. "Girls, it's really early"

Ruby shook her head. "No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't" Ruby argued.

Nicole rolled her eyes. "Ruby, that's not what we came in here for" Nicole nudged her sister.

Ruby's eyes widened in realisation. "Oh yeah!"

Charlie propped herself up on her elbow. "What is it?"

"Can Brax come over today please? We really want to meet him" Ruby pleaded as she clasped her hands together, Nicole doing the same.

Charlie breathed heavily. The girls had been hounding her for nine days straight to meet Brax but Charlie couldn't bring herself to set an actual day. She was nervous. Her daughters were precious and she vowed to protect them. She also wanted to protect her relationship with Brax, not because it was fragile but if the girls didn't like him then she would have to end it. "Girls…"

Nicole sighed. "Mum, we really want to meet him. Why can't he come over?"

Charlie chewed on the inside of her cheek. "I…"

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Do you think we'll bite him or something?"

"No" Charlie exhaled as she rubbed her eyes. "I just don't want to pressure him"

"I thought he wanted to meet us" Nicole accused.

Charlie frowned, she didn't remember telling them that but apparently she had. "Uh, okay. How about this, I'll see if he is free tonight for dinner. How is that?"

Ruby nodded her head frantically. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Nicole beamed as she launched herself at Charlie, her arms wrapping around her mother's body in a tight hug. "Thank-you"

Ruby grinned as she reached for her mother's phone and held it out to her. "Text him now, please!"

Charlie rolled her eyes as she snatched the phone from Ruby's hands. She couldn't deny them the right to meet Brax anymore, she didn't have a choice. "Fine"

Hey babe. Girls want to meet you. How does dinner at mine sound? – C

Charlie looked up to see the girls both kneeling in front of her fidgeting nervously. They were rather impatient when it came to certain things but the dinging of her phone caught their attention and they scrambled to peek at the message.

Bout time baby, I seriously was beginning to think you'd never cave. Dinner is great. Don't cook. I'll bring something. See you at six! – B

"Yes!" Ruby cheered. "Do you think he'll bring pizza?"


Brax fumbled with putting his jacket on as he headed out into the kitchen. He wasn't afraid to admit that he was a tiny bit terrified to meet Charlie's daughters. She had been so secretive over them that it scared him a tiny bit to think about what they would be like. He wanted to make a good impression which was why he wanted to take them to dinner, but Charlie being her natural self was a stubborn woman and wanted the meeting to take place in the comfort of her home.

"Hey mum"

Cheryl smiled as she glanced up from her book. "Hey mate, are you working today?"

"Nah" Brax scratched the side of his head nervously. "I actually have a date tonight"

Cheryl smiled as she placed her book down on the kitchen table. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend"

Brax shrugged. "She wanted to keep it quiet because of her daughters"

"So she's a mother" Cheryl nodded as Casey came running in through the back door trekking mud over the tiles. "Casey Braxton, you freeze right there!"

Casey looked up wide eyed as his mother spoke. "What? Oh, hey Brax"

Brax grinned. "Hey mate. You better take those shoes off before mum comes after you"

Casey looked down blushing when he noticed the mud. "Oops. Sorry mum! I'm going back outside"

Cheryl shook her head. "Boys! Please tell me she doesn't have boys"

Brax chuckled. "Nope. Two daughters" Brax said as he leaned against the bench. "You'll be home tonight with Case while I head out right?"

"Yes. Of course. I wouldn't make you take your little brother on a date" Cheryl laughed. "So tell me about her"

Brax smirked slightly. "She's a cop"

Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Only you would fall in love with a cop. I hope you're done doing your dodgy deals then"

Brax nodded. He knew his mother had never approved of the deals he had made, he'd tried to explain it was to help pay back the debts Danny had left behind when he went to prison but she still wouldn't listen. "Yea, I've been straight for a few months"

Cheryl smiled, obviously pleased. "Good" She picked up the ringing house phone. "Hello? Hello?"

"Is Brax there?"

Cheryl's face lit up. "Heath, Heath is that you?"

"Is Brax there?"

"Heath, please talk to me. Mate, you have to understand..."

"I don't want to speak to you. Is Brax there?"

Cheryl's face crumbled as the words left her middle son's mouth. Looking over at Brax she saw the confusion etched in his eyes. "Yes, he is here. I love you, Heath" Cheryl whispered as she held the phone out to Brax.

Brax walked over and took the phone; he kissed his mother's cheek in comfort quickly. "Hey mate"

"You didn't tell me she would be home when I called"

Brax sighed. "Sorry, I got distracted. What's up?"

"I need you to cancel Casey's trip"

Brax groaned as he rubbed a hand across his face. "Heath this has been planned for months. You're going to break the kid's heart"

"I know, I'm sorry. I have to work. Just, uh, just let him know I'll come down in a few months. I'll be down for his birthday"

"He turns eleven in six months, Heath. Don't make a promise you won't be able to keep" Brax sat down on the arm of the couch.

"I can't have him come up here Brax. I won't be home and Teegs has her hands full with Darce" There was a slight falter in his voice. "Tell him I'm sorry and that I will be down for his birthday with Darcy. I'll spend a whole two weeks with him"

Brax could hear the regret in Heath's voice. "Alright, I know this is hard" Brax rubbed a hand over his face. "You have to tell Case tho, I can't tell him for you"

"Okay, put the kid on. I'm really sorry about this, Brax"

Brax nodded. "I know, mate. I gotta go. We miss ya Heath" Brax listened as his brother gave a sarcastic chuckle.

"What you mean to say is 'We miss you but know you won't come home because Casey can never know the truth'" Heath sighed. "I can't lie to the kids face Brax. I can't hear him speak about dad, ask questions about him...not when I know the truth"


April rushed up to the counter in the diner, her dark hair swinging wildly behind her from the breeze. She was happy that that house had been peaceful and Liam had offered to take them to lunch. He hadn't been nasty about it.

April felt wary but happy because when Liam was nice it meant that he wasn't being mean her or her mother.


Irene smiled over the counter at the young girl. "Hey darl, how are you this afternoon?"

"Good!" April grinned widely. "I'm having lunch with mum and Liam"

Irene nodded at the girls' excitement. "Sounds exciting"

"Hey Irene, how are you?" Bianca spoke as she walked up to the counter, her face was masked with the fake smile that she wore to fool people into believing that she was happy.

"I'm good, love. I'll be with you in a tick; I just have to take this coffee outside"

Bianca smiled. "Of course"

Liam placed his hand on April's shoulders turning her slightly around to face him. "Did you just run off on your mother and I?"

April froze as she looked up at Bianca. "I…"

Liam grabbed her chin and forced the ten year old to look at him. "I am talking to you, not your mother. Did you just run off?"

April glanced down at her shoes though he kept a hold on her chin. "Yes"

Liam glared slightly. "What have I told you? When I take you out in public then you stay with your mother and I. I did not raise you to run around like a wild child"

April shook her head. "You don't raise me" April muttered.

Liam's nostrils flared as he looked down at the young girl. "Forget lunch. We are leaving"

Bianca panicked slightly as she looked at April. She could see that her daughter was instantly regretting the words that had escaped her lips as she looked at her mother for support. "Liam, we need to eat"

Liam didn't respond to her as he grabbed April's hand tightly in his and pulled her out of the diner. "We are going home"

"I didn't mean it" April whined as she tried to dig her heels into the ground. "I didn't mean it. Mummy, tell him!"

Liam pushed April towards the car but his eyes were fixed on Bianca. "Do you have something to say?"

Bianca swallowed. "She didn't mean it, Liam. She is just a child"

"Who doesn't have any manners" Liam glared. "If you taught her better then it wouldn't be a problem"

April wiped her eyes with her arm. "It's not mum's fault" April spoke as more tears came rushing to her eyes, the guilt that her mother was now in trouble.

"I wasn't talking to you" Liam snapped.

"Baby, please, she's just a kid" Bianca pleaded as she placed her arm around April's shoulder drawing her close. "She's sorry, are you sweetie?"

April bobbed her head up and down. "Yes. Yes. I'm sorry"

Liam shook his head sharply. "I find that hard to believe. A little daddy/daughter time and you'll be a good little girl again"

April sobbed as Liam opened the car door for her. "I'm sorry. I won't run away again. I promise" April promised as she hugged Bianca's waist tightly.

Liam grabbed her arm firmly and jerked her towards the backseat. "Get in" Liam spoke sharply as he spanked her harshly on the bottom.

April squeaked as she climbed into the car and sat down before he could strike her again. "I promise I'll be good" April sobbed.

"Liam. Please"

Liam turned to Bianca. "Get in the car. Now!" He demand was clear before he turned back to April. "Don't you want to be daddy's princess again?"

April nodded quickly knowing he was in a bad mood now. "Yes"

Liam smiled tauntingly. "Then you'll be punished when we get home. Now shut up. Understand?"

"Yes Sir" April sobbed as the door banged shut.

Bianca turned around in her seat, tears rushing to her eyes as she saw the utter distraught look on her daughters face. The tears pouring down her little girls cheeks faster then she could wipe them away. "I love you, sweetie" Bianca whispered quietly.

April looked up, her brown eyes filled with sadness. "I'm sorry, mummy. I love you too"

Bianca placed her hand on April's knee. "I promise you I'll get us out of this one day. I'm so sorry I did this to us"


Charlie came out of the kitchen drying her hands on the towel when she heard the doorbell ring, the nerves that had subsided over the day where suddenly back with a vengeance. Placing the towel down she took a deep breath to calm herself before starting towards the door.

"I got it" Ruby shouted as she stumbled out of the hallway with Nicole right on her heels.

"No. I do" Nicole pipped up as she hurried towards the door grabbing the door handle.

Ruby placed her hand on top of Nicole's. "I'm opening it"

"I want to"

They both reefed on the doorhandle causing the door to open, they both grinned widely as Brax looked down in surprise.

"Hi Brax!"

Brax smiled slightly at both girls as they bounced up and down on their heels, smiling at him. "Uh, hi girls"

Ruby looked at the bag in his left hand. "Where's the pizza?"

Charlie shook her head. "Ruby, I don't think Brax was bringing pizza"

Brax hummed in agreement which caused Ruby's face to fall. "Not this time sorry. I had other ideas"

"What's in there then?" Nicole asked curiously as she went to peek into the bag but Brax moved it out of her sight.

"Girls, how about we let Brax into the house?" Charlie asked as she placed a hand on their shoulders and pulled them slightly away from the door. "Hey"

"Hey babe" Brax stepped into the house and looked at the two girls who were beaming with curious smiles. "I thought we could make pizzas for dinner"

Ruby frowned. "Make them? Mum isn't a good cook"

Brax chuckled. "Well I am"

Nicole giggled at his smug look. "Do we get to help?" Nicole asked as she nudged Ruby.

"Yeah we are better cooks then mum" Ruby announced.

"Hey!" Charlie glanced down at her daughter in offence. "I think I'm a good cook"

Ruby shook her head. "Not even!" Ruby told her firmly before turning back to the man in front of her. "So can we?! Can we help?"

Brax nodded. "Yea, I need two helpers and I think it should be you two"

"Good idea. Don't let mum in the kitchen" Nicole agreed enthusiastically.

Ruby pointed to the bag. "Is that all you brought?"

Brax shrugged. "I might have brought a present"

"You didn't need to do that. They have enough stuff" Charlie started but Brax glanced up at her with a silencing look to which she rolled her eyes. "Okay. Okay. Sorry"

"What did you bring?!"

Brax reached into the bag and pulled out a dvd, he held it out for them to see and smiled when he saw their faces alight with pleasure. "I hope you haven't seen it"

"OH MY GOD!" Ruby shrieked with delight.

Nicole jumped up and down. "Yes. Yes. Yes"

"Mum. He brought FROZEN!" Ruby tugged on her mother's hand. "He brought it!"

Charlie giggled as she saw the utter excitement on the girls faces. "I see. This is going to be a great night. What do you say?"

"Thank you Brax!" The girls chimed in unison as they grabbed the dvd and bag from his hands and sprinted towards the kitchen.

Brax chuckled as he looked over at Charlie. "Think I won them over?"

Charlie smiled. "You didn't need to buy anything to win them over. They've been pestering me about you for days"

Brax grabbed the hem of her white shirt and pulled her towards him, snaking his arms around her waist. "How about a kiss for your handsome boyfriend?"

"A kiss for my adorably cute Riverboy? I don't know" Charlie teased.

Brax moved his right hand up her back and entwined it in her hair, gently but firmly. "I am not adorably cute. Handsome" Brax pouted.

Charlie giggled. "You're just proving my point, baby"

Brax crashed his lips to hers in a claiming kiss, the hand in her hair pushing her closer; he nipped her bottom lip lightly to force her to open her mouth.


Charlie used her right hand to push Brax's chest to make him step away from her. They both blushed when they turned their head slightly to see the girls peeking around the wall.

"Mum, you not allowed to kiss him. Brax is going to cook with us" Ruby said as she marched across the room and grabbed Brax's hand. "Come on. I want to have everything on my pizza"

Brax let go of Charlie's waist, winking at her as Ruby pulled him towards the kitchen. "Later" He mouthed.

Charlie shook her head as Nicole grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. "You stay here, mum" Nicole told her firmly as she let go of Charlie's hand and skipped towards the kitchen.

Charlie sighed when she looked at the clock twenty minutes having past; she could hear the giggling coming from the kitchen and couldn't resist a sneak peak which was why she was standing in the kitchen doorway. The grin on her face and her eyes alighting with happiness was enough to explain the scene in front of her.

Brax was standing in the middle of Nicole and Ruby as they rolled the pizza bases out on the bench, both girls had flour smeared across their cheeks and foreheads while Brax had it in his hair, a thin layer of flour coated the kitchen floor.


Brax turned to look at Nicole. "Hmm?"

Nicole glanced up from her pizza base, wiping her forehead with her arm leaving around trail of flour. "Do you love mum?"

Brax grinned. "That's an easy question. I love your mother a lot"

"You have to promise never to hurt her Brax or we'll have to kill you" Ruby said sternly.

Brax would have laughed at a ten year old threatening him but then he saw the look on her face, it was clear that she was being completely serious. "I promise I will never hurt her"

"Cause mum hasn't had a boyfriend in a long time and she needs to be loved" Nicole told him.

Ruby pursed her lips together in agreement with her sister. "Auntie Bi said so"

Brax smirked. "And I don't want to mess with Auntie Bi right?"

Ruby nodded. "Never" Ruby told him sternly. "Oh I almost forgot. You have to promise I can have free pizza whenever I want" Ruby told him cheekily.

Nicole rolled her eyes. "Ruby!"

Brax just laughed as he ruffled the brunette's hair. "I'll see what I can do" Brax told her as he winked at Nicole who giggled.

Charlie snuggled into Brax's arms as the credits of Frozen played on the tv in front of them, neither adults were watching as they were too busy looking at the two girls who were curled up in an arm chair together with a blanket tucked around them and a big bowl of popcorn in their laps. Nicole was sleeping peaceful with her head rested on Ruby's shoulder and Ruby was sleeping with her head rested on top of Nicole's with her mouth slightly open.

"They loved you. I think you completely sealed the deal with Frozen"

Brax chuckled. "They are great. Even managed to threaten me"

Charlie looked up at him, her right hand resting across his chest. "They are my girls for a reason"

"Yeah. Ruby is the complete mini of you. She was stealing my pizza through the whole movie even when I caught her she insisted it was someone else"

"Yep, that's my girl" Charlie enthused.

Brax run his fingertips through her hair, he was unsure of whether he should risk approaching the next subject but knew it would bug him if he didn't. "Charlie, I want to ask you something…"

Charlie glanced up an apprehensive look on her features. "What is it?"

Brax swallowed. "Who is the girl's father?"

Charlie pulled back slightly, shocked at the sudden question. "Uh"

Brax shook his head. "You don't have to answer if it's too personal"

"No, I, uh" Charlie paused. "We are in a relationship, these questions do come up"

"You can tell me when you're ready"

Charlie just smiled. "Nicole is my adoptive daughter. Her father was a man, Roman; we dated for a little when the girls were young. He is in the army" Charlie sighed. "Nicole's mother didn't want anything to do with her and I came in when she was so young that I've always been around. She doesn't know that I'm not her biological mother"

Brax nodded. "I see. That explains the hair colour and different personality to Ruby"

"Well they aren't twins"

Brax raised an eyebrow. "You sure?" Brax teased but he was referring to their ages.

Charlie smirked. "Of course, I only birthed one baby!" Charlie teased back. "No. Nicole is eleven and Ruby is ten"

"Ah" Brax murmured. "And Ruby's father?"

Charlie tensed. "Well…I don't want you to think different of me" She would admit to herself that she was frightened that he would see her as a young native girl.

Brax rubbed her shoulder as he pulled her closer. "I would never"

Charlie breathed heavily. "I went to the city with Bianca for her cousin's birthday party and I got particularly drunk. I slept with a guy that night and nine months later Ruby welcomed herself into the world. I don't know his name or what he looks like"

Brax chuckled to relieve Charlie's tense posture. "I've had a few of those nights; probably around the same time you did that" Brax kissed her head. "Nothing to be embarrassed over. Let me help you put the kids to bed. I'll take Nic first" Brax tilted her chin up. "Thank-you for trusting me" He kissed her lightly on the lips.

Charlie sat frozen; she couldn't bring herself to say that particular night had been a plan made by her and Bianca. She didn't know who the father of her baby was because she was too drunk to care.


Well, what are your thoughts? Read & Review?! Please


Great chapter glad Brax got along with the girls and poor Casey I look forward to more update again soon :)


Thankyou for commenting :) Means the world to me.

Chapter Seven: Moments

Brax groaned as he felt the small finger poke him in the chest. He tried to ignore it as he didn’t see any reason for Casey to be waking him up so early. Another poke yet he refused to even blink in hopes that Casey would leave him along. Giggling. Brax huffed as he pictured his mother standing above him with her youngest son. Another poke to his chest, Brax attempted to bat the hand away.

“Is he alive?”

“Yes. He moved”

“What’s he doing here?”

“Maybe he’s homeless”


Brax rolled off the couch landing on the floor with a thump, groaning at the sudden impacted. He looked up when he heard giggling, Nicole and Ruby stood above him with their hands on their hips. “Uh, hi” Brax scratched the side of his head nervously.

Ruby tilted her head to the side. “Are you homeless?”

Brax grabbed his shirt off the table and quickly tugged it on. “What? No. Of course I’m not homeless”

Nicole frowned. “Why are you still here then?”

Brax pulled himself off the floor and rubbed his right hip as it was sore from the fall. “Uh, well, umm, I had a sleepover with your mum”

Ruby mock glared at him. “Why wasn’t I invited?”

Brax shuffled nervously as he glanced down at Charlie who was still asleep on the couch, tucked into the very back of it, sleeping soundly. He wished she was awake so he didn’t have to explain to her daughters why he was in the house. “Because…” He blushed. “You were asleep so we put you in your beds”

Ruby nodded accepting the answer. “Want to watch cartoons with us?”

Brax glanced down at Charlie quickly. “Your mums still sleeping. How about we make breakfast instead?”

Nicole smiled. “On Sunday’s we have waffles”

“Okay, I’m sure we can make them. What’s the time?” Brax asked as Ruby took his hand and started to drag him towards the kitchen which he allowed her to do.

“It’s seven” Nicole told him. “Did you like Frozen?”

Ruby tugged on Brax’s hand. “Who was your favorite Anna or Elsa? I liked Anna”

Nicole shook her head. “Elsa was better right, Brax?”

Brax chuckled as he opened the fridge, Ruby jumped up to on the bench and watching him with an expectant look it was clear she wanted him to agree with her. “Well…”

“Anna is sooo much better then Elsa” Ruby rolled her eyes as she turned to sister.

Nicole stood her ground, crossing her arms. “Elsa is the best. She has powers. Right, Brax?”

Brax grinned. “Actually I think Sven and Olaf are the best”

Ruby and Nicole rolled their eyes simultaneously. “Braax!”

“What?” He asked innocently as he placed the ingredients on the bench beside Ruby. “Should you be sitting up there?”

Ruby shrugged. “I dunno”

Brax smirked, he knew she knew but wouldn’t tell him. “Get down, please. You can help me make these”

Ruby exhaled as she jumped off the bench and rolled her sleeves up. “Okay. What can I do?”

Charlie jumped off the couch, her eyes searching frantically as she heard a crash from the kitchen. Rushing in she saw Brax lying on the kitchen floor as if he had just fallen over, covered in egg. The girls stood by the bench with massive grins on their faces which they tried to hide with their hands.

She hadn’t meant for Brax to stay and even though he did she didn’t expect for the girls to see him when they woke up, he was meant to be gone. Charlie felt her breath quicken at the sight of him with her girls, the scenes last night had been enough to melt her heart. He really liked them and they already loved him.


Charlie glanced over at the sound of Ruby’s shout, her waist immediately being squeezed by the ten year old. “Hey sweetie”

Ruby pulled back slightly. “Brax is making waffles and he’s really bad at it”

“Hey!” Brax exclaimed as he stood up, wiping the egg from his face with a towel. “I am not that bad”

Nicole giggled. “Yes you are!”

Brax shook his head as he poked Nicole in the ribs causing a laugh to erupt from her lips. “Say ‘Brax is the best cook ever’ say it”

“No Brax! Nooooo” Nicole squealed as she twisted to get away from Brax. “Nooo. Ruby, help!”

Ruby went to rush over but Charlie looped an arm around her waist intent on watching the scene between Nicole and Brax. “You say here baby” Charlie whispered as she poked Ruby causing her to grin.

“Okay! Okay! Brax is the best cook ever” Nicole caved as Brax swung her around in his arms ticking her sides. “I said it”

Brax laughed as he let her go, he saw the smile on her lips and his heart melted. “I know” He looked over her head and saw Charlie smiling at him widely. “Morning baby. I was just making breakfast with the girls, uh” He scratched the side of his head. “Not going to well”

Charlie chuckled. “I can see. Doesn’t matter though. Did you two forget Auntie Bi is taking you out today?”

Ruby smacked herself on the forehead. “I totally forgot”

Charlie pushed Ruby’s right hand away from her head. “Don’t do that. You two need to get ready, Bi will be here in half an hour”

“Alright mum” Nicole went to rush towards the hallway turning back to Brax at the last moment. “Thank-you for coming over, Brax”

“Yeah. Thanks!” Ruby chimed as she poked her head back into the room.

Brax smiled. “It was great to meet you girls”


Bianca grabbed her bag off the breakfast bar and shoved her phone into it, glancing up she looked at the mirror hanging under the clock. Her face covered with makeup to hide the bruise that was shadowing her right cheek. She couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her lips as she moved her hair to cover her cheek a little more so Charlie would have a hard time telling.

“Mum, are you ready?” April walked out of her room in her white and blue dress, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.

Bianca nodded. “Sure am, sweetie” Bianca motioned her to the door opening it just as Liam stepped out of the bedroom.

“Where are you two going?” Liam groaned.

Bianca’s head snapped in his direction and she pushed April in the direction of the door discretely. “Morning baby, I have plans to take Nicole, Ruby and April to breakfast”

Liam shook his head. “Ugh, you’re always spending time with those girls. I am fully aware Charlie doesn’t like me”

Bianca bit her bottom lip. She knew that was true, Charlie had always tried to hide her hate for Liam but it could be seen clearly. “I’ve had this planned for a while”

Liam grunted. “Fine. How about a kiss good-bye? You’re being rude”

“Sorry baby” Bianca murmured as she moved quickly over to Liam and placed a light kiss on his lips.

Liam wrapped his arms around Bianca’s waist and pulled her in for a deeper kiss, he nipped her bottom lip to force her to open her mouth to which she complied too.

While Bianca let Liam kiss her, she didn’t contribute. Her hands stayed at her sides still and unmoving, her back ridged and her mouth open with only a light kissing motion.

She tried hard to contain her relief as he let go but it simply turned to fear as he looked back and over to April who was standing nervously in the doorway clutching at the ends of her white cardigan.

“Get over here. Don’t be rude” Liam scolded sternly.

April blushed as she moved across the room and wrapped her arms around his waist automatically like she had been taught when she was just a little girl. “Sorry. Bye”

Liam caught her as she went to let go. “What was that?”

April glanced up so their eyes meet, her deep warm brown ones staring into his cold hard eyes. “Sorry. Good-bye Sir. Have a good morning”

Liam released his grip on her arms and used his right hand to brush of her hair, but it wasn’t gentle. “See ya kid. Be good for your mother. No running off”

April nodded. “I won’t. I promise” April squeaked, her voice full with fear over the punishment that had occurred last time she had rushed away from her mother.


Bianca swung the front door to Charlie’s house open and walked into the main room with April beside her clinging to her hand tightly. The moment with Liam had instilled some fear into April so much that she had been too scared to let go of Bianca’s hand on the walk to Charlie’s house.

“Charlie, I just…”

Bianca smirked as she saw Brax walk out of the kitchen with his shirt in his hands and what looked like to dried egg on the side of his head and down his arms. “Hey Braxton, spend the night?” Bianca quirked an eyebrow.

Brax shifted nervously. “Uh, hey Bianca. Charlie is just getting the girls sorted”

“I figured. Usually they’d be trying to pull me out the door” Bianca laughed.

Brax nodded slightly as he looked down at the brunette by Bianca’s side. “Hey, you must be April. Charlie’s girls have been telling me a lot about you”

April shifted slightly so she was leaning heavily on her mother. Even though she didn’t want to be, she found herself utterly nervous that a man was standing before her. “Hi”

“She’s shy” Bianca felt the need to make up an excuse knowing that April’s greeting had come out no louder than a whisper.

“Auntie Bi” Nicole ran out of the hallway and through her arms around Bianca and April. “Hi Ap!”

April smiled. “Hi Nic”

“It’s my turn” Ruby shoved Nicole to the side generally and launched herself at her Aunt and best friend. “Hi Auntie. Hi April. I missed you both soooo much”

Bianca laughed at the ten year olds exaggeration. “You saw us yesterday sweetie”

Ruby nodded frantically. “I know. I know. It’s been to long”

Bianca smiled. “We’ll it’s girls day out without mum today” Bianca told her as Charlie walked into the room. “Hey babe”

Charlie smiled. “Hey hun” Charlie opened her arms as April moved over in a hurry and hugged her. “Hey gorgeous girl”

April smiled. “Hi Auntie”

Ruby spun around. “April, did you meet Brax? He’s mum’s boyfriend and he’s so fun. He watched Frozen with us. His favorite isn’t Anna though and that sucks!”

“Ruby” Charlie scolded as she looked over at her little girl.

Ruby glanced up. “Sorry mum!”

Bianca smiled. “Alright. Come on girls. Say bye to Charlie and Brax” Bianca said as she moved across the room to Brax leaving the girls to say bye to Charlie. “Dating my sister”

Brax looked at her nervously. “Sister?”

“Not by blood” Bianca rolled her eyes. “But let’s get one thing clear. You hurt her and I’ll cut off you balls and ram them down your throat” Bianca threatened before she turned back to her nieces and daughter. “Come along girls. I have a big day planned. Bye Charlz. Brax”

Brax stared after the blond, his hand discretely covering his private area in slight panic that she meant her words.


Charlie squealed as Brax threw her onto the bed, pulling his shirt over his head as he walked towards her. Charlie couldn’t gain the smile that broke out on her face as he leaned down to loom over her, their noses near touching.

Brax gripped her right hand as she went to touch his chest and moved it up the bed pinning it just about her head, her breathing turned rapid as he moved his hand down her body, brushing his fingertips against her golden brown skin before reaching his intended target. He wrapped his hand around her left wrist and pulled it up to meet her other one.

“Brax” Charlie moaned his name as she stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

Brax smirked as he pushed her shirt up her body so it was tucked just under her bra, his smirk widening at the sound of her breath hitching. “What do you want baby?”

Charlie closed her eyes in anticipation as his hands moved down her body and unbuttoned her shorts in a swift motion. “You know what I want”

Brax chuckled under his breath. “You need to tell me” Brax murmured as he pulled her shorts off her legs taking her lacey underwear at the same time. “Come on baby”

Charlie moaned as Brax brushed his right hand up her inner thigh. “Brax, please, you’ve been teasing me all morning”

“I still didn’t hear what you want” Brax teased as he lift her shirt up over her head, unclipping her bra by the front clasps freeing her breasts. “Tell me babe…”

Charlie squirmed in need as Brax’s tongue flicked her nipple. “I want you” Charlie cried desperately beneath him. “Please, take me Brax. I need you”

Brax pulled back and crashed his lips to hers, their tongues entwining and battling for dominance which Charlie allowed Brax to win. She loved it when he took the lead, when he took charge and brought her into a pleasurable bliss. In the couple of years she had been with Roman he never made her feel the way Brax could with one single touch.

“No” Charlie whined as he pulled his lips from hers and released her wrists. “Braaax” She tried to pull him back but he shrugged out of her grasp.


Charlie raised her eyebrow. “Why?”

Brax titled his head. “Come on”

“Why?” Charlie challenged again not willing to give into him easily. “Why?” She repeated.

Brax cocked an eyebrow. “Haven’t you heard of shower sex? Maybe you don’t need it as much as you think”

Charlie scrambled off the end of the bed. “Shower sex?”

Brax nodded as he motioned towards the bathroom door, as she turned he slapped her ass playfully causing her to squeal and rush into the bathroom eagerly. She wanted his attention.

“Braaaax! Hurry up. I need you!”

Brax walked out of the shower in a towel hanging around his waist and another slung around his neck that he was gripping with both hands. He grinned at the slight of Charlie lying on her stomach on the bed, the towel she had been using discarded to the side.

He couldn’t believe how lucky he had been to catching her, one night and she had been his ever since. He was even luckier that she had finally agreed to include her in reality don’t just in the bed at a hotel.

He smiled at the next thought at came into his head. “So, I think it’s time you met my mum” He waited for it as Charlie’s head swept around to look at him.


Brax grinned as he inclined his head. “You heard me”

Charlie shook her head back and forth. “Brax, we only just told my girls. Uh, you want to tell your mother”

Brax shrugged. “She already knows about you. Come on Charlie, it isn’t a big deal. She’d love to meet you and the girls”

“You want her to meet my girls?” Charlie’s jaw snapped open and shut.

Brax walked over and dropped the towel from his neck down onto the floor before crawling up beside her and kissing her softly on the bare shoulder. “My house. Friday at six. No excuses”

Charlie groaned. “Brax”

Brax kissed her neck. “Please? She’ll love the girls. She’ll love you”

Charlie moaned as he tailed a bunch of kisses down her neck and spine. “Uhh, oh god. Okay. I give. Dinner. Friday” Charlie pushed Brax’s shoulder down and moved to straddle him.


Well, what are your thoughts? Read & Review?! Please


Great chapter poor April and Bianca oh meeting Brax's family already update again soon :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank-you for your review! :) I hope you are enjoying it Romeo&Indi Forever

Chapter Eight: Single & Dinner at the Braxton’s

Brax stepped out into the backyard to see his mother standing at the end of the deck with her hands on her hips; she was scolding his mates Brodie and Sam quiet loudly as they carried a outdoor setting into the backyard. One he had never seen before.

Brax hated to admit that he was a little worried about his mother meeting Charlie, he was half certain the she would love her but Cheryl Braxton was always determined her boys deserved the best girlfriends/wives so he was a little nervous that she would say something out of line.

“Brax, mate, your mothers crazy” Sam shook his head as he placed his end of the table onto the ground.

Cheryl raised her eyebrow. “What was that, Samuel?”

Sam shook his head. “Nothing ma’am!”

Brax chuckled as Sam ducked his head and hurried out the back gate to help Brodie retrieve the chairs. “Ma, take it easy on them. What’s going on? Where did you get this setting?”

Cheryl smiled. “I brought it”

Brax frowned as he watched his mother’s smile widen. “Why?”

“We have to have a place to eat outside, we can’t all fit in the stuffy house” Cheryl shrugged as she stepped in through the backdoor and motioned for Brax to follow.

Brax shook his head, he was slightly stunned. “You brought an outdoor setting for today? Mum, I thought you were saving?”

“I am. I just want to make a good impression”

Brax exhaled. “Mum”

Cheryl pulled the bottle of salad dressing out and turned to her eldest son. “Don’t. Darryl, this is important to me. I need to make a good impression”

“Mum. Mum. Mum” Casey came storming in from the backyard clutching his football. “Sam thinks he broke the back gate”

Cheryl rubbed her forehead. “Those Riverboys of yours, Darryl”

Brax laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. “I’ll deal with the knuckleheads. Come on, Case” Brax slung the ten year old over his shoulder causing a loud giggle to erupt from Casey’s lips. “Let’s go nab us some Riverboys”

“Don’t you get dirty, Casey!” Cheryl called half-heartedly after the young man.


Charlie stood in front of the mirror holding up a white dress against her body. She groaned to herself when it didn’t look like the perfect outfit for meeting the mother of her boyfriend. Throwing it to the side it landed on the bed on top of a pile of twelve other dresses that hadn’t made the cut.

Even though she’d been preparing herself for the meeting all week she couldn’t help but feel utterly nervous. The thought of Brax’s mother, Cheryl, hating her was terrifying. She didn’t want to cause a rift between the family.

“Mum. I liked the blue one”

Charlie turned around to see Ruby standing by the bed, her hands clutching the blue cotton dress. “You think?” Charlie walked across the room and took it from Ruby’s hand, holding it up against her body once more and looking at the mirror.

The dress would cling to her breasts once it was on and flow down the rest of her body to just above her knees.

Ruby nodded. “Yep. It’s my favourite”

Charlie glanced down and smiled at her daughter. Charlie had braided her brown locks to one side as per Ruby’s request; the young girl hated it getting in her way. She was wearing a pair of white denim shorts that went to the mid of her thigh, a black singlet that was tucked in with a white vest pulled over the top, a pair of white strappy sandals on her feet. Charlie sighed she wished it had been that simple for her to chose an outfit but instead she was trying to pick one that would make the best impression.

“I like the blue one too”

Charlie turned to the doorway where Nicole stood. She was wearing a yellow sundress with white strappy sandals to make Ruby’s. Her blond hair following to the mid of her back. “Don’t you two look beautiful”

Ruby rolled her eyes. “You would if you picked the blue dress”

Charlie laughed as she looked down at the dress in her hands. “You really think?”

Nicole sighed. “Mum! Brax’s mum is going to like you”

“Can you get ready now?! I haven’t seen Brax since the weekend” Ruby whined as she placed her hands in the middle of Charlie’s back and tried to push her towards the bathroom.

Charlie stumbled. “Rubes, I can walk”

Ruby pushed gently again. “You’re not moving fast enough. I want to see, Brax now”

“The barbeque isn’t til six”

Nicole clasped her hands together. “Please. Get ready. If you don’t then Ruby will explode”

Charlie glanced at her youngest daughter to see her holding her breath. “Ruby!” Charlie scolded.

Ruby opened her mouth. “I’ll keep doing it if you don’t get ready”

Charlie sighed in defeat. “Okay. I’m going. You two go get the stuff out of the fridge to make a salad”

Nicole shook her head. “Mum, you can’t cook!”

“Yeah! You don’t want to kill Brax or Casey” Ruby admonished, gasping in shock.

Charlie rolled her eyes. “It’s just a salad, girls”


Heath rolled out of the hotel bed to the sound of his daughters crying, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Even though he was exhausted he stood up and went to walk in the direction of her crib when the flicker of movement caught his eye.

Turning slightly Heath saw Tegan standing by the door with their three year old daughter in her arms, a suitcase behind her.

Heath’s heart stopped. “Teegs…”

Tegan sighed. “I can’t do this anymore, Heath. We are going to live with my mother in Perth”

“What?!” Heath shook his head as if to clear the fog that was still looming over him from just waking up. “What are you talking about?”

Tegan glanced down at Darcy, bouncing her up and down slightly to sooth the crying. “I’ve met someone else. You were always working and now you’ve lost your job. Heath, I don’t love you”

Heath glared. He wasn’t surprised that Tegan had met someone else; it wouldn’t have surprised him if she was cheating. What he cared about was his daughter. “I was cut because they at closing down the company. I’ll find other work. I don’t care if you met someone but you aren’t taking my daughter”

“I am!” Tegan opened the door quickly as Heath started to walk towards her, the sound of people on the street stopping him in his tracks unwilling to cause a scene. “It’s better this way”

Heath shook his head. “Tegan, stop. Think about what you’re doing. Darcy needs me”

“Darcy needs her mother Heath. I can’t stay here with you just because of her”

Heath looked at the woman he loved, she stood cradling their daughter. Darcy’s eyes wide, tears streaming down her cheeks.


“Shh Darce” Tegan tried to sooth.

“Daddy. I want Daddy”

Heath glared at Tegan. “She wants me Tegan, not you. Just leave her here”

“She’s mine” Tegan gripped Darcy tighter in her arms.

Darcy moaned in pain. “Mummy hurting. I want daddy. Daddy!”

Heath stepped forward his eyes trained on Tegan as he reached for Darcy. “Daddy’s here baby. Daddy’s here”

Darcy reached out towards Heath, her weight pressing against Tegan’s arms until they caved under the pressure and she toppled into Heath’s embrace. “Daddy!”

Heath cuddled his daughter tight, glancing over her head at Tegan. “You can leave but she is staying here”

Tegan scowled at him. “She’s my daughter”

“Darcy isn’t an object! She is a person. Our daughter. You have a choice but since you’ve already met someone I think you’ve already made it. Good-bye Tegan” Heath held onto Darcy firmly as he moved out of the hotel.

Darcy waved over his shoulder. “Bye mummy!”

He couldn’t be in the room when she left, he’d go back later when it was all clear. It would be then when Darcy was asleep that he would allow the effect of what had just occurred to really hit him. He would then let the emotions take their toll.


Bianca walked along the beach with April by her side, the young girl stopping every so often to pick up a sea shell. Bianca couldn’t help but smile at the grin that spread across April’s face; she hadn’t stopped smiling since they’d left the house earlier that day.

“What’s got you so happy, pretty girl?”

April looked up with a shy smile. “Promise not to get mad…”

Bianca frowned. “I’d never get mad at you”

April grinned widely. “Liam’s gone for the whole weekend. It’s just you and me!”

Bianca nodded. She agreed with April on that, Liam was gone which meant total freedom for the next two days. “It’s prefect isn’t it. Do you want to go swimming?”

“Can we build a sandcastle first?” April asked with a hopeful smile, clasping her hands together.

Bianca giggled. “Sure” They headed towards a spot down the beach where April dropped to her knees, Bianca knelt down beside her. “Ap, I want you to know that you don’t have to be scared when Liam is gone. I will never hurt you”

April glanced up. “I know, mum”

“I’m sorry that I can’t leave him yet. I’ve been saving baby. One day we’ll be able to move out”

April chucked a bit of sand onto the pile in front of her. “Can’t we go stay with Auntie Charlie?”

Bianca bit her bottom lip, she wished it was that easy but Charlie had already done the unthinkable for her that she couldn’t possibly ask for more help. “Sorry Ap, we can’t but I will fix this. Okay?”

April smiled as she reached over to hug her mother. “I know. I love you”

“I love you too, baby” Bianca picked up a fist full of sand. “How about we make this sandcastle and then get a milkshake?”



Charlie stood nervously on the front porch of the Braxton’s house clutching at a large bowl of salad. The nerves she had been trying to push down all day were back with a vengeance, it made it even worse to know that Cheryl Braxton was just on the other side of the door.

Ruby looked up at her mother, rolling her eyes. “Mum if you want someone to let us in you have to knock” Ruby said exasperated as she moved forward and knocked loudly on the door.

Nicole reached up and linked her right arm with Charlie’s. “It’s gonna be fine, mum”

The door flung open almost immediately and Charlie let go of the deep breath she was holding when she saw it was Casey. “Hi guys” Casey grinned.

Ruby stepped forward. “Where is Brax?”

Casey snickered. “Nice to see you too, Ruby” He joked.

Ruby looked back at her friend. “Sorry” She muttered sheepishly.

Nicole pulled on Charlie’s arm gently, forcing her into the house. “Hi Case!”

“Hey Nic” He waved at the blonde before looking up at Charlie. “Brax is in the kitchen. Come on”

Charlie felt herself relax a little as they stepped into the kitchen to see Brax looking out the window above the sink; he was chuckling madly at whatever was happening outside. “Oi Case, come look at his…” He spun around, stunned to see Charlie and the girls. “Uh, hey. I didn’t hear the door”

“Brax!” Ruby squealed as she thrust the bottle of soft drink she was holding into Casey’s arms and launched herself at Brax, hugging him tightly around the waist. “I haven’t seen you since ages ago”

Brax chuckled as he loosely wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “It’s been seven days kid, not a life time”

Ruby looked up with a serious expression. “It feels like it. Why didn’t you come to visit?”

“Yeah Brax, why?” Nicole backed her sister up as she let go her mother.

Brax glanced down at the two girls, an immediate guilty feeling fell over him. They could make his heart melt with one look, their wide eyes looking up at him awaiting an answer. “Uh, well I thought you might have seen enough of my handsome face for one week”

“Errk! He called himself handsome” Ruby scrunched her nose up. “Boys are gross”

Brax chuckled as he motioned at Charlie to come closer. “Look out here babe, this will make you relax”

Charlie frowned. “I doubt it” Charlie muttered as she felt his hand touch her lower back, it was a simple guiding gesture but it made her shutter.

Looking out in the backyard she couldn’t help but suppress a grin as Brax’s mother chased two grown men around the outdoor settling with a wooden spoon. Both men had their mouth full and cheeks puffed out. Charlie smiled realising they probably ate something they shouldn’t have.

“See my mum’s crazy. You got nothing to worry about” Brax shrugged as Ruby tried to peek out the window but was too short to see. He scooped her up suddenly causing a shriek to erupt from her lips, her hands gripping onto is shoulder to steady herself.

“Brax!” Ruby scolded but her attention was soon on outside, the giggles making him smile.

Nicole frowned. “I can’t see either”

“Come up here” Casey called from his spot where he was kneeling on the bench.

Nicole hoisted herself up and moved over to kneel beside him. “Brax, does your mum chase everyone with a wooden spoon?”

Charlie glanced over. “Nicole, hop down from up there”

Nicole exhaled. “Casey said I could, mum!”

Brax looped his free arm around Charlie’s waist. “Leave her be, babe” Brax kissed her temple. “And to answer your question. Mum only chases the bad guys with the wooden spoon” Brax joked.

Nicole grinned. “She must chase you a lot then!”

“Hey!” Brax exclaimed in mock offence, his hand hovering over his heart as if she had wounded him.

Casey bumped knuckles with Nicole. “Good one”

“That was a good one”

All eyes darted to the back door where Cheryl had slipped in unnoticed, her mouth quirked in an amused smile. The silence the was deafening. Charlie’s heart was racing widely in her chest as she looked at the woman before her.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me, Darryl?” Cheryl raised an eyebrow.

Ruby giggled. “Your names Darryl!”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “Well his name isn’t Brax Braxton, Ruby!”

Charlie eyes darted to both her girls and back to Cheryl, calming a little as she felt Brax’s hand on the curve of her hip squeezing gently. “Introduce me” Charlie hissed.

Brax gave a smug smile. “Ma, this is Charlie and her daughters. Nicole is the blonde and this kid in my arms is Ruby”

“Hey. I’m not just a kid!” Ruby pouted as she squirmed out of his arms, ducking as he went to ruffle her hair.

Cheryl smiled. “Nice to meet you” Cheryl glanced at Charlie winking. “Aren’t you just a gorgeous girl. Caught yourself a good one, Darryl”

Brax wrapped his other arm around Charlie’s waist and pulled her back into him. “Don’t I know it”

Cheryl laughed. “Get outside and make sure those Riverboys keep away from my food”

Brax kissed the side of Charlie’s head. “Okay”

“Can I help you nab them again, Brax?” Casey asked with enthusiasm.

Brax chuckled. “Sure. Do you want to help girls? I say we hose them down this time. Cold water will keep them away”

“Don’t you get my table cloth wet” Cheryl warned as they walked out the back door leaving her alone with Charlie.

Charlie looked at the woman in front of her. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Braxton”

Cheryl nodded. “Likewise. Call me, Cheryl. Here let me take that” Cheryl took the salad from Charlie’s hands. “You didn’t need to bring anything”

“You’re cooking dinner it was the least I could do” Charlie shrugged.

Cheryl placed the bowl on the bench and turned to face the cop beside her. “Don’t hurt him. I’m not going to be the overprotective mother and threaten you. All I ask is that you don’t hurt him”

Charlie smiled. “I won’t”

“Good. Now make yourself useful, grab those plates”

Nicole plopped down on the wooden chair on the deck beside Cheryl, she huffed with exhaustion. The game of tag had been going on for nearly half an hour, Brax and his two mates had been acting like big children.

“Tired?” Cheryl murmured as she looked over at the blonde.

Nicole nodded. “Yea”

Cheryl placed the cushion from beside her in her lap, patting it gently to encourage Nicole to lay her head down which she did. “Have a rest, sweetheart”

“Cheryl, do you like my mum?” Nicole yawned.

Cheryl smiled slightly as she run her fingers through the girl’s blonde locks. “I do. I think your mother is a very nice fit for Darryl” Her eyes wandered over to where Brax had cornered Charlie, Ruby and Casey were screaming that she was ‘it’. “Do you think Darryl is a good fit for your mum?”

Nicole sighed. “Yeah, I like him. He’s fun and he likes Ruby and I”

“He does. He told me all about you two”

Nicole peeked up at the older woman. “He did?”

Cheryl nodded, a smile falling over her lips. “Of course. He told me that you were lovely girls”

Nicole grinned. “Do you think he’ll stay? My friend Jake, he really liked his mum’s boyfriend but then he just left one day. Now his mums sad all the time. Do you think Brax will stay?”

Cheryl looked back over at the two adults; they were play wrestling on the ground. Ruby and Casey having jumped on Brax’s back and were holding him still for Charlie to squirt with the hose. “I think Darryl will always love your mum, Nicole” Glancing down she noticed the young girls breathing had evened out and her eyes were closed.

Cheryl smiled, her son, her oldest boy. He’d fallen in love. Her youngest son was smiling happily but what she missed was the feeling of her family being whole. Her middle son. Her granddaughter. She wanted them back at home.

Charlie’s squeal was muffled as Brax placed a large hand over her mouth and pushed her up against the bathroom door, his eyes dark with desire.

“Shh” He warned as he pulled his hand away from her mouth and went to kiss her.

Charlie turned her head. “We can’t do this here”

Brax grunted. “Yes we can. I’ve barely seen you tonight. You’ve been to interested in chatting with me mother”

Charlie shuttered as she felt his hands on her leg pushing the bottom of her dress up. “Like you can talk. You’ve been outside with the kids hitting tennis balls at the orange tree”

Brax inhaled as he buried his face in her neck kissing softly. “Tell me you want me”

Charlie sighed. “I always want you”

“Then what’s the problem?” Brax muttered as he pulled back and crashed his lips to hers.

Charlie moaned into his mouth, one of his hands squeezing her thigh gently, the other bracing himself against the door. She moved her arms up and wrapped him around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss. “Braax, we have to stop” Charlie murmured as the kiss started to become needy.

Brax panted as he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Charlie”

Charlie smiled. “Later. My place. Just not here, okay?”

Brax sighed knowing that she was right. “Okay” He promised kissing her softly on the forehead. “A date tomorrow night?”

Charlie giggled breathlessly. “A date? You and me?”

Brax rolled his eyes. “Yes, if you don’t want to I can always take Colleen out”

Charlie laughed as she whacked him softly in the chest. “I’ll find a sitter for the girls and I’m all yours. Make sure you woo me, Braxton”

Brax smiled smugly. “Don’t you worry. I will Buckton”

“I hope you two are behaving!”

Brax winced at the sound of his mother’s voice floating down the hallway, Charlie’s giggles filling his ear. “Muuum!


Well, what are your thoughts? Read & Review?! Please

Thank-you for your review! :) I hope you are enjoying it Romeo&Indi Forever

Chapter Eight: Single & Dinner at the Braxton’s

Brax stepped out into the backyard to see his mother standing at the end of the deck with her hands on her hips; she was scolding his mates Brodie and Sam quiet loudly as they carried a outdoor setting into the backyard. One he had never seen before.

Brax hated to admit that he was a little worried about his mother meeting Charlie, he was half certain the she would love her but Cheryl Braxton was always determined her boys deserved the best girlfriends/wives so he was a little nervous that she would say something out of line.

“Brax, mate, your mothers crazy” Sam shook his head as he placed his end of the table onto the ground.

Cheryl raised her eyebrow. “What was that, Samuel?”

Sam shook his head. “Nothing ma’am!”

Brax chuckled as Sam ducked his head and hurried out the back gate to help Brodie retrieve the chairs. “Ma, take it easy on them. What’s going on? Where did you get this setting?”

Cheryl smiled. “I brought it”

Brax frowned as he watched his mother’s smile widen. “Why?”

“We have to have a place to eat outside, we can’t all fit in the stuffy house” Cheryl shrugged as she stepped in through the backdoor and motioned for Brax to follow.

Brax shook his head, he was slightly stunned. “You brought an outdoor setting for today? Mum, I thought you were saving?”

“I am. I just want to make a good impression”

Brax exhaled. “Mum”

Cheryl pulled the bottle of salad dressing out and turned to her eldest son. “Don’t. Darryl, this is important to me. I need to make a good impression”

“Mum. Mum. Mum” Casey came storming in from the backyard clutching his football. “Sam thinks he broke the back gate”

Cheryl rubbed her forehead. “Those Riverboys of yours, Darryl”

Brax laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. “I’ll deal with the knuckleheads. Come on, Case” Brax slung the ten year old over his shoulder causing a loud giggle to erupt from Casey’s lips. “Let’s go nab us some Riverboys”

“Don’t you get dirty, Casey!” Cheryl called half-heartedly after the young man.


Charlie stood in front of the mirror holding up a white dress against her body. She groaned to herself when it didn’t look like the perfect outfit for meeting the mother of her boyfriend. Throwing it to the side it landed on the bed on top of a pile of twelve other dresses that hadn’t made the cut.

Even though she’d been preparing herself for the meeting all week she couldn’t help but feel utterly nervous. The thought of Brax’s mother, Cheryl, hating her was terrifying. She didn’t want to cause a rift between the family.

“Mum. I liked the blue one”

Charlie turned around to see Ruby standing by the bed, her hands clutching the blue cotton dress. “You think?” Charlie walked across the room and took it from Ruby’s hand, holding it up against her body once more and looking at the mirror.

The dress would cling to her breasts once it was on and flow down the rest of her body to just above her knees.

Ruby nodded. “Yep. It’s my favourite”

Charlie glanced down and smiled at her daughter. Charlie had braided her brown locks to one side as per Ruby’s request; the young girl hated it getting in her way. She was wearing a pair of white denim shorts that went to the mid of her thigh, a black singlet that was tucked in with a white vest pulled over the top, a pair of white strappy sandals on her feet. Charlie sighed she wished it had been that simple for her to chose an outfit but instead she was trying to pick one that would make the best impression.

“I like the blue one too”

Charlie turned to the doorway where Nicole stood. She was wearing a yellow sundress with white strappy sandals to make Ruby’s. Her blond hair following to the mid of her back. “Don’t you two look beautiful”

Ruby rolled her eyes. “You would if you picked the blue dress”

Charlie laughed as she looked down at the dress in her hands. “You really think?”

Nicole sighed. “Mum! Brax’s mum is going to like you”

“Can you get ready now?! I haven’t seen Brax since the weekend” Ruby whined as she placed her hands in the middle of Charlie’s back and tried to push her towards the bathroom.

Charlie stumbled. “Rubes, I can walk”

Ruby pushed gently again. “You’re not moving fast enough. I want to see, Brax now”

“The barbeque isn’t til six”

Nicole clasped her hands together. “Please. Get ready. If you don’t then Ruby will explode”

Charlie glanced at her youngest daughter to see her holding her breath. “Ruby!” Charlie scolded.

Ruby opened her mouth. “I’ll keep doing it if you don’t get ready”

Charlie sighed in defeat. “Okay. I’m going. You two go get the stuff out of the fridge to make a salad”

Nicole shook her head. “Mum, you can’t cook!”

“Yeah! You don’t want to kill Brax or Casey” Ruby admonished, gasping in shock.

Charlie rolled her eyes. “It’s just a salad, girls”


Heath rolled out of the hotel bed to the sound of his daughters crying, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Even though he was exhausted he stood up and went to walk in the direction of her crib when the flicker of movement caught his eye.

Turning slightly Heath saw Tegan standing by the door with their three year old daughter in her arms, a suitcase behind her.

Heath’s heart stopped. “Teegs…”

Tegan sighed. “I can’t do this anymore, Heath. We are going to live with my mother in Perth”

“What?!” Heath shook his head as if to clear the fog that was still looming over him from just waking up. “What are you talking about?”

Tegan glanced down at Darcy, bouncing her up and down slightly to sooth the crying. “I’ve met someone else. You were always working and now you’ve lost your job. Heath, I don’t love you”

Heath glared. He wasn’t surprised that Tegan had met someone else; it wouldn’t have surprised him if she was cheating. What he cared about was his daughter. “I was cut because they at closing down the company. I’ll find other work. I don’t care if you met someone but you aren’t taking my daughter”

“I am!” Tegan opened the door quickly as Heath started to walk towards her, the sound of people on the street stopping him in his tracks unwilling to cause a scene. “It’s better this way”

Heath shook his head. “Tegan, stop. Think about what you’re doing. Darcy needs me”

“Darcy needs her mother Heath. I can’t stay here with you just because of her”

Heath looked at the woman he loved, she stood cradling their daughter. Darcy’s eyes wide, tears streaming down her cheeks.


“Shh Darce” Tegan tried to sooth.

“Daddy. I want Daddy”

Heath glared at Tegan. “She wants me Tegan, not you. Just leave her here”

“She’s mine” Tegan gripped Darcy tighter in her arms.

Darcy moaned in pain. “Mummy hurting. I want daddy. Daddy!”

Heath stepped forward his eyes trained on Tegan as he reached for Darcy. “Daddy’s here baby. Daddy’s here”

Darcy reached out towards Heath, her weight pressing against Tegan’s arms until they caved under the pressure and she toppled into Heath’s embrace. “Daddy!”

Heath cuddled his daughter tight, glancing over her head at Tegan. “You can leave but she is staying here”

Tegan scowled at him. “She’s my daughter”

“Darcy isn’t an object! She is a person. Our daughter. You have a choice but since you’ve already met someone I think you’ve already made it. Good-bye Tegan” Heath held onto Darcy firmly as he moved out of the hotel.

Darcy waved over his shoulder. “Bye mummy!”

He couldn’t be in the room when she left, he’d go back later when it was all clear. It would be then when Darcy was asleep that he would allow the effect of what had just occurred to really hit him. He would then let the emotions take their toll.


Bianca walked along the beach with April by her side, the young girl stopping every so often to pick up a sea shell. Bianca couldn’t help but smile at the grin that spread across April’s face; she hadn’t stopped smiling since they’d left the house earlier that day.

“What’s got you so happy, pretty girl?”

April looked up with a shy smile. “Promise not to get mad…”

Bianca frowned. “I’d never get mad at you”

April grinned widely. “Liam’s gone for the whole weekend. It’s just you and me!”

Bianca nodded. She agreed with April on that, Liam was gone which meant total freedom for the next two days. “It’s prefect isn’t it. Do you want to go swimming?”

“Can we build a sandcastle first?” April asked with a hopeful smile, clasping her hands together.

Bianca giggled. “Sure” They headed towards a spot down the beach where April dropped to her knees, Bianca knelt down beside her. “Ap, I want you to know that you don’t have to be scared when Liam is gone. I will never hurt you”

April glanced up. “I know, mum”

“I’m sorry that I can’t leave him yet. I’ve been saving baby. One day we’ll be able to move out”

April chucked a bit of sand onto the pile in front of her. “Can’t we go stay with Auntie Charlie?”

Bianca bit her bottom lip, she wished it was that easy but Charlie had already done the unthinkable for her that she couldn’t possibly ask for more help. “Sorry Ap, we can’t but I will fix this. Okay?”

April smiled as she reached over to hug her mother. “I know. I love you”

“I love you too, baby” Bianca picked up a fist full of sand. “How about we make this sandcastle and then get a milkshake?”



Charlie stood nervously on the front porch of the Braxton’s house clutching at a large bowl of salad. The nerves she had been trying to push down all day were back with a vengeance, it made it even worse to know that Cheryl Braxton was just on the other side of the door.

Ruby looked up at her mother, rolling her eyes. “Mum if you want someone to let us in you have to knock” Ruby said exasperated as she moved forward and knocked loudly on the door.

Nicole reached up and linked her right arm with Charlie’s. “It’s gonna be fine, mum”

The door flung open almost immediately and Charlie let go of the deep breath she was holding when she saw it was Casey. “Hi guys” Casey grinned.

Ruby stepped forward. “Where is Brax?”

Casey snickered. “Nice to see you too, Ruby” He joked.

Ruby looked back at her friend. “Sorry” She muttered sheepishly.

Nicole pulled on Charlie’s arm gently, forcing her into the house. “Hi Case!”

“Hey Nic” He waved at the blonde before looking up at Charlie. “Brax is in the kitchen. Come on”

Charlie felt herself relax a little as they stepped into the kitchen to see Brax looking out the window above the sink; he was chuckling madly at whatever was happening outside. “Oi Case, come look at his…” He spun around, stunned to see Charlie and the girls. “Uh, hey. I didn’t hear the door”

“Brax!” Ruby squealed as she thrust the bottle of soft drink she was holding into Casey’s arms and launched herself at Brax, hugging him tightly around the waist. “I haven’t seen you since ages ago”

Brax chuckled as he loosely wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “It’s been seven days kid, not a life time”

Ruby looked up with a serious expression. “It feels like it. Why didn’t you come to visit?”

“Yeah Brax, why?” Nicole backed her sister up as she let go her mother.

Brax glanced down at the two girls, an immediate guilty feeling fell over him. They could make his heart melt with one look, their wide eyes looking up at him awaiting an answer. “Uh, well I thought you might have seen enough of my handsome face for one week”

“Errk! He called himself handsome” Ruby scrunched her nose up. “Boys are gross”

Brax chuckled as he motioned at Charlie to come closer. “Look out here babe, this will make you relax”

Charlie frowned. “I doubt it” Charlie muttered as she felt his hand touch her lower back, it was a simple guiding gesture but it made her shutter.

Looking out in the backyard she couldn’t help but suppress a grin as Brax’s mother chased two grown men around the outdoor settling with a wooden spoon. Both men had their mouth full and cheeks puffed out. Charlie smiled realising they probably ate something they shouldn’t have.

“See my mum’s crazy. You got nothing to worry about” Brax shrugged as Ruby tried to peek out the window but was too short to see. He scooped her up suddenly causing a shriek to erupt from her lips, her hands gripping onto is shoulder to steady herself.

“Brax!” Ruby scolded but her attention was soon on outside, the giggles making him smile.

Nicole frowned. “I can’t see either”

“Come up here” Casey called from his spot where he was kneeling on the bench.

Nicole hoisted herself up and moved over to kneel beside him. “Brax, does your mum chase everyone with a wooden spoon?”

Charlie glanced over. “Nicole, hop down from up there”

Nicole exhaled. “Casey said I could, mum!”

Brax looped his free arm around Charlie’s waist. “Leave her be, babe” Brax kissed her temple. “And to answer your question. Mum only chases the bad guys with the wooden spoon” Brax joked.

Nicole grinned. “She must chase you a lot then!”

“Hey!” Brax exclaimed in mock offence, his hand hovering over his heart as if she had wounded him.

Casey bumped knuckles with Nicole. “Good one”

“That was a good one”

All eyes darted to the back door where Cheryl had slipped in unnoticed, her mouth quirked in an amused smile. The silence the was deafening. Charlie’s heart was racing widely in her chest as she looked at the woman before her.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me, Darryl?” Cheryl raised an eyebrow.

Ruby giggled. “Your names Darryl!”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “Well his name isn’t Brax Braxton, Ruby!”

Charlie eyes darted to both her girls and back to Cheryl, calming a little as she felt Brax’s hand on the curve of her hip squeezing gently. “Introduce me” Charlie hissed.

Brax gave a smug smile. “Ma, this is Charlie and her daughters. Nicole is the blonde and this kid in my arms is Ruby”

“Hey. I’m not just a kid!” Ruby pouted as she squirmed out of his arms, ducking as he went to ruffle her hair.

Cheryl smiled. “Nice to meet you” Cheryl glanced at Charlie winking. “Aren’t you just a gorgeous girl. Caught yourself a good one, Darryl”

Brax wrapped his other arm around Charlie’s waist and pulled her back into him. “Don’t I know it”

Cheryl laughed. “Get outside and make sure those Riverboys keep away from my food”

Brax kissed the side of Charlie’s head. “Okay”

“Can I help you nab them again, Brax?” Casey asked with enthusiasm.

Brax chuckled. “Sure. Do you want to help girls? I say we hose them down this time. Cold water will keep them away”

“Don’t you get my table cloth wet” Cheryl warned as they walked out the back door leaving her alone with Charlie.

Charlie looked at the woman in front of her. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Braxton”

Cheryl nodded. “Likewise. Call me, Cheryl. Here let me take that” Cheryl took the salad from Charlie’s hands. “You didn’t need to bring anything”

“You’re cooking dinner it was the least I could do” Charlie shrugged.

Cheryl placed the bowl on the bench and turned to face the cop beside her. “Don’t hurt him. I’m not going to be the overprotective mother and threaten you. All I ask is that you don’t hurt him”

Charlie smiled. “I won’t”

“Good. Now make yourself useful, grab those plates”

Nicole plopped down on the wooden chair on the deck beside Cheryl, she huffed with exhaustion. The game of tag had been going on for nearly half an hour, Brax and his two mates had been acting like big children.

“Tired?” Cheryl murmured as she looked over at the blonde.

Nicole nodded. “Yea”

Cheryl placed the cushion from beside her in her lap, patting it gently to encourage Nicole to lay her head down which she did. “Have a rest, sweetheart”

“Cheryl, do you like my mum?” Nicole yawned.

Cheryl smiled slightly as she run her fingers through the girl’s blonde locks. “I do. I think your mother is a very nice fit for Darryl” Her eyes wandered over to where Brax had cornered Charlie, Ruby and Casey were screaming that she was ‘it’. “Do you think Darryl is a good fit for your mum?”

Nicole sighed. “Yeah, I like him. He’s fun and he likes Ruby and I”

“He does. He told me all about you two”

Nicole peeked up at the older woman. “He did?”

Cheryl nodded, a smile falling over her lips. “Of course. He told me that you were lovely girls”

Nicole grinned. “Do you think he’ll stay? My friend Jake, he really liked his mum’s boyfriend but then he just left one day. Now his mums sad all the time. Do you think Brax will stay?”

Cheryl looked back over at the two adults; they were play wrestling on the ground. Ruby and Casey having jumped on Brax’s back and were holding him still for Charlie to squirt with the hose. “I think Darryl will always love your mum, Nicole” Glancing down she noticed the young girls breathing had evened out and her eyes were closed.

Cheryl smiled, her son, her oldest boy. He’d fallen in love. Her youngest son was smiling happily but what she missed was the feeling of her family being whole. Her middle son. Her granddaughter. She wanted them back at home.

Charlie’s squeal was muffled as Brax placed a large hand over her mouth and pushed her up against the bathroom door, his eyes dark with desire.

“Shh” He warned as he pulled his hand away from her mouth and went to kiss her.

Charlie turned her head. “We can’t do this here”

Brax grunted. “Yes we can. I’ve barely seen you tonight. You’ve been to interested in chatting with me mother”

Charlie shuttered as she felt his hands on her leg pushing the bottom of her dress up. “Like you can talk. You’ve been outside with the kids hitting tennis balls at the orange tree”

Brax inhaled as he buried his face in her neck kissing softly. “Tell me you want me”

Charlie sighed. “I always want you”

“Then what’s the problem?” Brax muttered as he pulled back and crashed his lips to hers.

Charlie moaned into his mouth, one of his hands squeezing her thigh gently, the other bracing himself against the door. She moved her arms up and wrapped him around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss. “Braax, we have to stop” Charlie murmured as the kiss started to become needy.

Brax panted as he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Charlie”

Charlie smiled. “Later. My place. Just not here, okay?”

Brax sighed knowing that she was right. “Okay” He promised kissing her softly on the forehead. “A date tomorrow night?”

Charlie giggled breathlessly. “A date? You and me?”

Brax rolled his eyes. “Yes, if you don’t want to I can always take Colleen out”

Charlie laughed as she whacked him softly in the chest. “I’ll find a sitter for the girls and I’m all yours. Make sure you woo me, Braxton”

Brax smiled smugly. “Don’t you worry. I will Buckton”

“I hope you two are behaving!”

Brax winced at the sound of his mother’s voice floating down the hallway, Charlie’s giggles filling his ear. “Muuum!


Well, what are your thoughts? Read & Review?! Please


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