pembie Posted February 7, 2015 Report Posted February 7, 2015 It's very cool that Amelie has brought the Surf Club, and that her family are one of the founders of the bay. I'm looking forward to seeing what Roman gets up to in this story.
Laura2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Author Report Posted February 7, 2015 Thanks for the comment and welcome RedRanger1. Chapter Three “Amelie....Amelie is that you?” She froze at the voice, a shiver went down her spine before she slowly turned around. The person standing in front of her was not the person she was expecting. Dani Sutherland. Her former best friend and now successful romance writer, she was absolutely not the person she expected to see. “Oh my god it is you, when did you arrive back in town?” Dani asked excitedly as she placed her sunglasses onto her head. “OMG who’s this?” “Hi Dani, yesterday night. I’m the new owner of the Surf Club and this is my three month old daughter, Aurora.” “Awww she’s gorgeous. I heard the club had been bought but no one would disclose the name. Wow congrats. So what made you move back?” questioned Dani, happy to see her old best friend. They had been so close and she herself had only moved back two years ago. She missed the sun, sea and sand and now she was a successful romantic writer she could do that. “I guess it was time to come home after so long away. You?” “I actually missed the place. I’m a mum too, I have a daughter, Courtney, who’s six.” “Same age as my eldest I also have two sons. I’m sorry but I need to get home but how about we meet up and have a chat?” Amelie asked. She had to admit it was nice to see Dani again and she had missed her, it would be good to get their friendship back. “Okay here’s my number. Ring me.” Amelie took Dani’s card before the two sad goodbye and headed off into their different directions. As she climbed into her car a short time later, after clicking Aurora’s car seat back into place, she had to admit it was good to see Dani and to have someone she was so close to still in the Bay. It was twenty minutes later she pulled into the double gates of her new villa as she heard her phone signal a text. Retrieving the item once she had parked up, she saw the text was from Lola and she was about twenty minutes away. “Mummy!” the voice of Tristan screamed as she walked through the door. Amelie placed Aurora’s car seat down on the floor. She was fast asleep and didn’t see the point of disturbing her. “Hey, little man, you been good for Ruby?” “Yes! We’ve been unpacking bedrooms!” “Wow. Where’s Ruby and Wyatt?” she asked as she allowed Tristan to lead her upstairs, but not before gripping Aurora’s car seat. “In Wyatt room. We didn’t do yours Aurora’s.” “We’ll be painting your rooms next week or once mammy finds a decorator.” When she had decided to move back to let the boys’ decorate their own rooms, and so far they had lots of ideas. She knew Wyatt wanted his to be Cars as he was mad about them while Tristan wanted trains so had thought of maybe Thomas the Tank Engine. “Mama!” Wyatt cried when he spotted his mother and baby sister. “Look we’ve been unpacking. Ruby said we should leave yours alone. Where’s Lola?” Amelie laughed at her son and knew the little boy had missed Lola. They had left America six months ago but Lola’s arrival had been delayed by visas. Now she had her visa they were all looking forward to having her back with them. They would be complete. “She’ll be here soon buddy. We’ll order pizza in for dinner; it’s a treat as tomorrow we’re going to visit your new school.” Wyatt screwed up his face and she knew it wasn’t his favourite topic right now but school wasn’t opinional. Hearing the intercom sound, she smiled and nodded knowing that Wyatt had an idea who it was. She let him run off to go and welcome his favourite housekeeper to their new home. *_*_* “Did they go down okay?” Lola asked as Amelie rejoined them in the living room. “Yes it’s good to have you here.” “It’s good to be back, I’ve missed you all. Still think you made the right decision?” the housekeeper asked. “Yes, I needed to come back, Lola, there’s so many memories in New York. Staying there, seeing all the places we use to go was just so hard. I need to move on with my life, the boys need a fresh start and Aurora dad doesn’t even want to know her.” It had been three months into her pregnancy she had made the decision to come back to Australia. She had loved her life there but it was tarnish by all the memories she had of Rhys – everywhere she looked she saw them. The cafes they used to visit, the happy afternoons in Central Park. Oh she knew she had to move on and moving to the Bay would help that, a lot. She had happy memories here of growing up, it was a safe community and she had great friends. “What?” Ruby said as she sipped her one and only glass of wine. Amelie let out a sigh; “I was out with some of my friends and I met this guy. It had been a year since Rhys and I was really drunk. One thing led to another and we were back at his house. Six weeks later I discovered I was pregnant. I told Aurora’s father but he didn’t want to know so I decided to leave New York. I’d been thinking about it for a while. My siblings had moved back to Sydney and our parents are on a yearlong cruise so I decided to sell up and head back to Australia.” “I had no idea. Aurora’s adorable, it’s his loss.” “Sure is,” Lola said quietly. “Actually I meant to give you this earlier.” She pulled out an envelope from her bag and handed it to her. Taking it she turned and started shaking when she saw the seal in the right hand corner. She knew it would come sooner rather than later but she really thought her lawyer would tell her to her face and not just through a letter. “Em I’m going to bed.” Placing her drink down onto the table, she lifted Aurora out of her Moses basket and took the little girl upstairs. All the time the letter in her hand felt like it was burning into her. She knew inside that would bring back memories and probably undo everything she had been thinking about. She was trying to move on with her life. Deep down inside she knew she’d always love Rhys and she wanted justice for him, but was she really strong enough to open that envelope? *_*_* Dropping the keys onto the kitchen worktop Dani let her hand slid through her hair as she heard voices coming from the living room. It had been a massive surprise to see Amelie. A smile came to her face as she remembered all the great times they has had together and she really hoped they’d become friends again. It was funny that they both had six year olds and had decided to move back but she also sensed that not everything was okay with Amelie. “Hey you’re home,” she heard a female voice ask as she turned to see Denny Miller stood there. The two had been friends since Dani had moved back into town and now they lived together in a three-bedroom house. Denny was great with Courtney, too. “I put Court down about an hour ago. You okay?”” “Yes....em I was walking past the surf club and I bumped into an old friend of mine, Amelie Cullen. She’s just bought the Surf Club.” “Yeah I heard. Evie is going to try and see if she and Josh can get some jobs there. So how so you and Amelie know each other?” “We met when my family originally moved to the bay and we became best friends. She left when she was eighteen. We kept in touch through Facebook but when her fiancé Rhys was murdered she closed down her account and we lost contact. Seeing her again....well I hope we can be friends again.” “Just give her time to settle in but how did your meeting go with Jared?” Dani smiled when she thought of Jared Wilson, he was the older brother of Hannah, the nurse who lived in the Bay and had come to live here. Evie and Oscar now lived with Zac, VJ and Leah. “Really well and he said he wants me to start a weekly column and a blog for the magazine. I’ll speak to my publishing house and see what they say but it would be great to be able to give my advice out,” she said. There was other things in the pipeline too but right now she wanted to keep that to herself. “That’s awesome, so there isn’t anything going on between you and Jared?” Denny asked being nosy. “What about you?” “I’m happy at the bait shop and Mr Stewart is great to work for...” “That wasn’t what I meant and you know it. You and Roman?” Denny smiled shyly, which totally wasn’t her but she really liked Roman and he made her feel like she had been with Casey. It could be even more special and Roman was a great guy. It was still early days but she was looking forward to their next date in two days time. “It’s going great and that’s all you’re getting. Anyway I’m going to bed. Night.” Dani watched her friend head to bed before she got herself a glass of milk and headed up to bed herself. She quickly checked on Courtney to see the little girl fast asleep in her Frozen bedroom. Sweeping her blond locks to one side, she smiled at her daughter before pulling the blanket up. Heading out of the room, she turned once more before heading to her own bed.
Guest Posted February 7, 2015 Report Posted February 7, 2015 Great chapter Oh Aurora has a different father then the other two. Nice that you brought Dani into this story I look forward to more Update again soon
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Posted February 8, 2015 Like that you've brought Dani in and your relationship choices are intriguing.Looking forward to more!
ldscott Posted February 8, 2015 Report Posted February 8, 2015 Really loving this fic! Interested to know what is in the envolope! Lisa x
Laura2015 Posted February 8, 2015 Author Report Posted February 8, 2015 I want to say a massive thank you for the continuing support and I'm writing as much as I can. Some of the characters I've changed them from when they were on screen or changed their backgrounds a bit, but I hope you all still recognise them. I'll be having a new chapter up ASAP. Laura
Inactive User Posted February 8, 2015 Report Posted February 8, 2015 This is really good! Update soon please xx
Laura2015 Posted February 9, 2015 Author Report Posted February 9, 2015 Thanks for the comments. Chapter Four Two days later Taking a deep breath Ruby walked into the diner to see Irene and Marilyn running around. The diner was busy as ever and she was glad to see it had survived the three years she had been away. She had loved coming here with April, Nicole, Jai, Annie and Casey, they had so many amazing memories but because what she had done she had lost April and Casey’s friendships. She had been devastated to learn of the youngest Braxton's murder. “Oh my...Ruby?” she heard a voice say before she looked up to see Irene looking at her. “Ruby?” “Hi Irene,” replied the young adult quietly. She had been so nervous about coming here and facing everyone again. Amelie had sent her out to get some desserts for after their meal tonight and she knew that the Diner was the one place to visit. “When did you get back?” Marilyn asked. “I’m arrived here yesterday....” “Come and sit down, we can have a talk,” Irene said leaving Marilyn to look after the diner. Ruby sighed and she knew this wasn’t going to be easy but Irene was one of the most understanding people she knew. Walking out onto the balcony, she chose a seat and sat down, her stomach in butterflies. She needed to get this over with and that people were going to know she was back. Indi, Dexter and April had already moved away but she knew Sasha Bezmel was still here. She had spotted the young girl when she had been heading to school but luckily for her she hadn’t been spotted. It was one meeting she wasn’t looking forward to having but knew it needed to. “There you go, darl, strawberry milkshake okay?” “Thanks, Irene. You don’t have to be nice to me you know, I nearly killed Dex, didn’t I? And everything I did with Romeo lying about being....” “When did you get released?” Irene simply asked. She had always liked the young Buckton and could see she was nervous about being back here ad she could understand why. “Eight months ago. I’m here because my new employer has just moved back...” Irene eyes widened, no she couldn’t be thinking along the correct lines could she? Amelie had hired Ruby? She hadn’t seen the girl since the age of eighteen but knew she had a kind and sensitive heart. Amelie was the type of girl who would give someone a second or maybe a third chance to make things right. However she knew that it would be hard for Ruby to be reaccepted into the Bay but if the Braxton’s could do it then so could she. “You’re working for Amelie Cullen?” Irene asked shocked. “Yes as her nanny. She has three children but I had no idea she was planning to move back here once she hired a nanny or buy the Surf Club.” Ruby saw Irene wasn’t convinced by her answer but right now she needed to get back to the villa, well, mansion. She loved working for Amelie and being a nanny, it had certainly been worth it to take the childcare course in prison. “Oh okay but you know Sasha won’t be happy to see your back and you can’t hide at Amelie’s villa, darl.” “I know and I know I’m going have to face Sasha. I need to get back to the house. Amelie sent me out for dessert.” “Okay what do you want?” Ruby smiled and gave her the dessert order before they walked back to the counter. Looking around it felt weird to be back but also good. She had missed coming to the diner for a milkshake or grabbing her morning coffee, walking along the beach and the carefree life she has had before she went and did something utterly stupid. Taking the two dessert boxes from Irene, she said bye to her and Marilyn before heading out of the door. It was only then she clicked that Marilyn hadn’t come over trying to offer her advice. *_*_* Letting out a sigh Amelie looked at her laptop screen as she began looking through some catering websites for ideas for the restaurant and bar. There was so much to do in order of recruitment, ordering the catering and uniforms, restocking the bar and speaking to wholesales and vendors. The gym would be reopening in two weeks so she had already contacted a recruitment agency to put advertisement out for a week and then the interviews would be held on the Wednesday and Thursday. There was already someone she had in mind to run the gym full time, a guy called Andy Barratt. The Braxton’s had left glowing reports on him and she was keen to rehire Spencer Harrington, too, as she had been impressed with them. Hearing the front door opening she locked her laptop and headed out of the office to see Tristan and Wyatt coming out of the living room. She had put them in there watching TV as she wanted them within ear shot but not loud enough they’d wake Aurora who was asleep in her Moses basket in the office. The little girl had been fed, changed and put back down for a nap an hour earlier. “Hey got dessert then?” she asked Ruby who nodded. “Great. Boys why don’t you go back into the living room and we’ll call you when dinner is ready?” They nodded before they headed into the kitchen. It had taken them two days to unpack all the nessecary rooms like the living room, kitchen which had a u-shape banquette built in, office and the bedrooms they needed with Lola’s help. Inside the kitchen they saw Lola was busy cooking them all dinner. Amelie didn’t want Lola not to feel part of the family so she ate her meals with the family in between doing her jobs. “Lola, I’ve spoken to a recruitment firm about getting you another pair of hands. I know this house is large but I think two of you will be able to clean okay.” “Thank you. Okay dinner will be another ten minutes,” the housekeeper said as she carried on preparing dinner. “Ruby, how did the trip to the diner go?” Amelie asked. She knew all about Ruby’s history and she knew that it would have probably had been one of the toughest things she had ever had to do. “It was okay. Irene was there and we talked, well she asked me some questions about why I was back and stuff. She knows your back.” “I’m guessing that will be common knowledge, it’s a small town so news will travel fast,” she replied. It was one of the Bay’s drawbacks that news seemed to travel extra fast so she would have to show her face sooner rather than later. “Unfortunately. I’m just going to go and get changed. Do you want me to send the boys in?” “Yes,” she replied watching her leave. Tomorrow she was going to go down to the surf club to spend some time there and make a list of things she needed. A few moments later the boys came walking into the kitchen and sat down ready for their dinner. *_*_*_* “You look amazing.” Denny smiled at her reflection as she stood in her bedroom as Dani walked in. She loved being housemates with her and they got on so well, and she even loved having little Courtney around. The blond haired youngster was the double of her mother and a bundle of fun. “Thank you, I’m so nervous though.” “Why Roman’s a great catch and he’s gorgeous. Seriously he’s into you.” “I guess I’m nervous because I feel the same way I do with Roman as I did with Casey and looked what happened there,” she whispered. “It’s not going to happen again. What happened to Casey was horrible but Roman isn’t a Braxton not that there isn’t anything wrong that.” Denny laughed at her friend; “I knew it there is something going on between you and Kyle!” “Okay maybe but he’s gone off to Melbourne, hasn’t he?” Dani said getting offensive. She hated the fact that he had gone to Melbourne even though she had asked him not to. He had gone nevertheless and that hurt her because their relationship was so new. “Awww give him a break. He’ll be back, you know he will be when he’s got you here.” “Maybe,” Dani replied. She knew why he had to go back to Melbourne but she wished he had allowed her to go with him but he had stopped her. “Anyway do you know where Roman is taking you?” “No idea and it’s driving me mad. I saw him earlier and he wouldn’t give it up but told me to pack an overnight bag. He’s picking me up earlier than usual, too,” mused Denny. He had said to be ready to be picked up for six which had sent her mind into overdrive. Hearing the doorbell, she checked her hair once more before turning on her heel and gripping her overnight bag. Within moments she opened the door and Roman stood there looking handsome as ever. “Hi,” she said shyly as he smiled. Roman was dressed in a pair of black trousers and a crisp white shirt. “Hi, you look amazing.” Blushing she smiled; “Thank you.” “Come on then we need to go,” he informed her as he reached for her bag. Taking his hand she allowed him to lead her out to the house and over to his car. She had butterflies in her stomach and had a feeling already, although it was early days, that she could see herself spending the rest of her life with Roman. Sometimes you just knew. DENNY'S DRESS
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Posted February 9, 2015 Glad that Irene was understanding with Ruby. Dani and Kyle is an intriguing combination!
Laura2015 Posted February 9, 2015 Author Report Posted February 9, 2015 On 09/02/2015 at 14:27, Red Ranger 1 said: Glad that Irene was understanding with Ruby. Dani and Kyle is an intriguing combination! Thanks about the Dani/Kyle - I can't stand Phoebe.
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