Inactive User Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 Great chapter Wondering what Nate has got over Amelie Looking forwards to next chapter
Laura2015 Posted March 6, 2015 Author Report Posted March 6, 2015 Sorry for the big gap between updates but I've been really business and homelife is, well, hectic. Thanks for the comments. Here's the list of the characters we're going to be following: Amelie (her children Wyatt, Tristan and Aurora) Denny - with scenes with Roman, Evie, Oscar, Hannah & Andy Dani (with her daughter Courtney and her relationship with Kyle Ruby The mystery man of the last chapter. Here's a new chapter. Chapter Ten “Nice break?” Denny looked up from the cleaning she was doing as she saw Evie and Oscar walking into the bait shop. Yes she had an amazing time away with Roman. It had confirmed what she had already thought, he was a gentleman and just thinking about him turned her to mush. After losing Casey and the end of her relationship with Ash, she hadn’t seen herself with anyone else. Well more Casey than Ash, she told herself, if she was being truthful. “Yes fabulous. We stayed in this stunning hotel in Sydney, went shopping and spent yesterday at the spa before we came home. He also bought me this necklace,” she said as she pulled it out from the t-shirt she was wearing. It was a gorgeous, diamond encrusted open scroll pendant which was made with platinum. She had been so shocked when he had given it to her on Saturday during their last night in Sydney. All morning she had been putting her hand up to make sure it was still there and wasn’t a dream. No it absolutely wasn’t and it was there. She could still feel his hands putting it around her, the light touch of his fingers before he had kissed her neck whispering beautiful. God she was falling in love with him, she knew she was, but she also knew he was hiding something. “Wow that’s gorgeous,” Evie said as she smiled. She was happy for her sister finding a man like Roman. He was a successful businessman and would be able to take care of her sister, even if she didn’t like the idea of him and his large shopping mall. “Thanks, I’m so scared I’m going to lose it. So what have you two been up to?” “We went to see Hannah and she’s invited us for dinner tonight. I think maybe she’s got something to tell us,” Evie said with a twinkle in her eye. Hannah was dating former bad boy Andy Barratt and there had been whispers about an engagement for sometime now. It was something that the twins and Denny wanted as as they got to know Andy better they actually started to like him. “What like their engaged or maybe pregnant?” Denny questioned. “Pregnant? I never thought of that to be honest,” Evie admitted as she looked at her sister. “We’re going to grab some drinks before we head off to look at uni’s. Want to come?” With Hannah’s accident, both of the twins had decided to defer putting off going to uni but also because they wanted to be able to save up some money. Evie did have a part time job until two months ago when the company she was working for in Yabbie Creek went burst. There had been nothing since but she did have two uni offers on the table; one from Sydney and the other from the Northern Districts – she was still trying to make her mind up. “I am due a break, yes.” The trio headed down the short walk and into the busy diner. It was nearly lunch time so Irene, Sasha and one of the other waitressing staff were rushed off their feet. Finding a seat, luckily, they grabbed some menus and started looking through. “You guys any closer to deciding uni’s?” Denny asked. “Probably Northern Districts for me,” Oscar replied wanting to be near Maddie. They had been dating since before the accident after she had successful come through chemo but was currently redoing her final year at school. “To be close to Maddy?” questioned Denny again. “Yes.” Denny sighed; “Has she absolutely confirmed she’s wanting to attending the Distrcits?” “No but...” “Oscar, don’t choose university on your girlfriend. If you’re meant to be then your relationship will stand the test of being separated. Go with your head and not your heart,” Denny told him. Oscar sighed before one of the waiters came over to order their food. *_*_*_* “What do you mean you’ve only been back in the bay two weeks?” Amelie was absolutely fuming that he had decided to keep that piece of information quiet. Where had he been? She had heard from Ethan they had gone back to Sydney but they had lost contact from there and because Sydney was so big they hadn’t bumped into each other. Nate sighed; “I was in Melbourne. I left Sydney as something came up. Something I don’t want to talk about but it meant I only came back two weeks ago.” “And I’m guessing Ethan doesn’t know? Yes, Nate, I’m still in touch with him. You are forcing me to marry you or your trying anyway and you decided to drop the bombshell that you haven’t even back long.” “I don’t want to talk about it just yet.” “You’re unbelievable! You want me to be your wife but you’re keeping secrets. It doesn’t work like that Nate.” He laughed; “This comes from the girl who kept my daughter hidden?” “Yes okay chuck this back in my face because I kind of deserve it. You know about Aurora and I’m not trying to keep her from you. There’s something bigger that’s making you force me to marry you. I have two other children they will see you as their father. You will bring them up.” Nate let out a sigh as he walked over to the glass doors of the pavilion. What was he hiding? It was driving her crazy. Quickly glancing at her watch she saw she had an hour before she absolutely had to leave to go home to change. She was still interviewing for managers for the restaurant and the bar plus she had a meeting with Andy about being the gym’s manager. Darryl Braxton had agreed to keep on paying him but would stop if she decided to take him on. “I know that and don’t you think I’ve thought about this. Amelie, I want us to get married, I don’t want my daughter to grow up in a house without her father.” “Plenty of children do, Nate, and they turn out fine. I’ve been raising the boys for two years on my own before you came along.” He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. Was he about to open up to me and tell me what was really going on? I hated to be in the dark about anything especially this whatever it was. But when I looked into his eyes I saw something that killing him, it was like he had just been told something and he was trying to come to terms with it. Or maybe something was on going and he didn’t want to talk about it until its conclusion/ “Yes that’s true but....I....I’m not even sure it’s absolutely true yet. I only came back here because work needed me.” “Nate, tell me.” “It’s to do with my ex-wife, Sophie....” *_*_*_* Dropping the empty coffee cup into the bin, he walked into the large shop and followed the voice. Maybe he should have waited until she finished work but this couldn’t wait. He knew she was still in contact with people from back there. He had been racking his brains ever since he had received the e-mail from Ethan about the sale but it had been too late. “What you doing here?” she questioned him. “This, did you know about it?” Taking the article from his hand, she shook her head confused as to why he would want to go back there. They had left that place and the memories behind, going back would, well, probably delight a load of people. “No but why are you even bothered. Our life is here now, we are successful here so what’s the point in going back there. It’s sold, move on.” She knew he had never really been comfortable leaving and to be honest she did miss the people. Nevertheless they had successful businesses here in Sydney and she didn’t want to leave them to go back to something that was so unsure. She wasn’t stupid and she knew what he was thinking about. “I’m going to find out if maybe there’s a chance to buy into it.” Shaking her head she sighed; “Why? We left because of the people there....” “He doesn’t live there anymore, and you said yourself its the perfect place to bring up a family.”
pembie Posted March 6, 2015 Report Posted March 6, 2015 I'm not too sure who those two people were in that last scene there. Hmmmm I think Nate's acting like quite the twit in this story. Maybe when I find out more about his problem with Sophie I will start to like him. But even so I feel sorry for Amelie having to marry him without any choice in the matter
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 6, 2015 Report Posted March 6, 2015 Interesting developments. I like Oscar dating Maddy but his sisters are right that he needs to make the decision for himself.Wonder what Nate's secret about Sophie is.Looking forward to more!
Inactive User Posted March 6, 2015 Report Posted March 6, 2015 Great chapter Liked the developments in this fanfiction Wondering what Nate's secret about Sophie is Update soon please xx
Guest Posted March 7, 2015 Report Posted March 7, 2015 Great chapter Wonder what Nate's secret about Sophie is. I look forward to more. Update again soon
Laura2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Author Report Posted March 10, 2015 Thanks for the comments. Chapter Eleven “Hi, glad you could come.” “I had nothing planned,” Dani said as she stepped into the large entrance hall of Amelie’s house. Even though this was her second time in this house, the entrance hall still took he breathe away. She felt like she was standing in a British country manor. It was gorgeous with its double barrel staircase, glossy wooden floors and cream walls. There was hardly any furniture in but then again Amelie hadn’t been back a week yet. Well it would be a week tomorrow but her friend hoped to have everything unpacked and furniture put where they needed to be by the end of the week. “I needed to reconnect with my best friend didn’t I and I’m sorry for the other night!” Amelie was deeply embarrassed by Leah’s outbreak and wondered what she had done to offend the woman. Did she know what was going on with Nate and therefore had taken it out on her? If that was the case then she needed to tell her because Nate was being very quiet and not opening up to her. She knew it was something to do with Sophie; one look at the internet told her that Sophie had been sentenced to six years in jail for her role in the crash two years ago. There had been no trial as she had confessed but what was he hiding. “Don’t be, Leah was out of order and she needs to apologise. She’s needs to learn to keep her opinions to herself and stay out of stuff that has nothing to do with her.” “Thanks but I think I ought to speak to her because she is clearly angry with me over something.” “Mmm that’s Leah, always poking her nose into other business. Talking of business, I have a charity gala dinner next week and I’ve been given two tickets. Come with me.” Where had that come from? Two catch up sessions and Dani was inviting her to a charity gala. Then again they had been friends for a long time that had lost contact. It would be a good chance to have a girly day but she hoped it wasn’t in the city. Then it would be the whole fact she hoped Nate wouldn’t find out. He was still pushing her to marry him and it was driving her crazy. She was a adult for crying out loud and she felt like she was bullied into it. “What are you serious?” Amelie asked her as she turned on the expensive coffee machine – the one thing she couldn’t live without and it did to die-for hot chocolates as well as coffees. “Yes; it’s a fundraising event for Kirsty’s charity. Now she’s famous and all and I thought it be a nice way for all us to meet up.” Kirsty and Jade, her sisters, had been two of her closest friends when she had been growing up in the Bay. She had been there when the Sutherland family had discovered Kirsty had been swapped with Laura at birth. She had of course had them all added on her social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter until Rhys murder. Now she was back in the bay she hoped maybe they could reconnect. “I’ve read Kirsty’s new book, its fab,” she told Dani as she smiled. “Yeah she’s doing amazing. I can’t believe both of us are now published authors with movie deals pending.” “So you think it will go ahead then?” Amelie questioned as she handed Dani a coffee. “Oh I hope so and then maybe I can head out to LA during the summer holidays. Jade is based in LA now and working with Laura at their event planning business. Rumour has it they might be getting the Oscar flower arrangement deal.” Designs by JL was a huge deal in America but they not only planned wedding but also made cakes, did flowers, stationary and photographs in house. “That be amazing.” “It certainly will be,” Dani said as they walked into the living room and curled up on the large, chocolate sofas. “So tell me have you heard from Kyle?” “Yes he said he should be back in a month but I get the feeling he is hiding something. I need to be careful because of Courtney, I don’t want her getting hurt. I guess its the reason why I am so nervous about dating because I have to think about her and her welfare but she knows Kyle from going to Angelo’s, well when it was Angelo’s. To be honest I’m surprised he didn’t try and buy the business back.” Amelie frowned. That didn’t sound good and now she was curious. She wanted to know what Dani meant about that and if she could keep the conversation away from her then she wouldn’t have to disclose the nature of her relationship with Nate. She was sure it was already going around the Bay that she had meet with him yesterday and with only Aurora, who was currently fast asleep next to the sofa in her moses basket. *_*_*_* Kyle’s head was spinning as he walked into the social worker’s office. Surely this was a mistake, no it cannot be true. It had been at the age of six he had been abandoned and placed into foster care when his mother claimed she could no longer look after him. It had been something that had haunted him until he had found Casey, Brax and Heath and had begun a new life in Summer Bay. However things had happened since then, Casey was dead, Brax was serving time for a murder he didn’t commit, again, and Heath was happily living in the city with Bianca, Darcy and Harley. He felt terrible as he had made out to Dani that his mother was alive but she wasn’t, was she? She was dead and knew it was going to cause more problems. He had never ever spoken about his real mother and had made out his foster mum was his real mum, she may as well be. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Quiet certain, Mr Braxton, Francesca Fawcett was killed six weeks ago in a car crash in Melbourne. Her husband was killed in action in Iraq, and it’s through her will we have been able to find you. Freya, Jasper and Levi are currently being cared for in a foster home but we would rather they be placed with you,” Tabitha Fields informed him. Kyle’s head was spinning, he had more siblings he had no idea about it and it hurt that his mother had decided to keep them but not him. He knew she had walked away from him, but it seemed that had Danny left Cheryl and been with his mother, then he’d never gone into foster care but then again he wouldn’t have three additional siblings. Nevertheless the question that crossed his mind was was he really in a position to take these children on? He didn’t know. “Am I the only person they can come to? Did Francesca or her husband have anyone in their families?” he asked. Francesca’s parents had already cut off contact when he was young, he knew that, but he did know she had two sisters but they hadn’t wanted to take on Kyle. “Unfortunately yes but if you say no then they would be placed on the register for adoption and I’m afraid I can’t guarantee they will be adopted together. Mr Braxton, these children are between the ages of three and eight years old. Of course if you decide to take them on then we will have to do a house check beforehand.” “I am currently residing in Summer Bay as you know but it is my brother’s house. His fiancé lives there with their children,” he told her. Despite Brax being in jail for something he didn’t do, Ricky ran a successful photographing company and was currently bringing up their twins, Casey Junior and Scarlett Erica. “Would you be willing to find a property of your own?” “I’m currently not working right now as my brother’s businesses were sold. I am hoping once I return to Summer Bay then hopefully the new owner of the businesses will take me on as a manager.” If she’s willing to take on someone who was so rude and a jerk to her last time she met me, he thought to himself. He had just wanted to get out of the Bay and up to Melbourne to sort out this problem. Could he really turn his back on his family, his younger siblings? Brax, Heath and Casey had taken him in despite Cheryl’s misgivings especially after he had kidnapped and nearly killed Casey. Kyle’s head was battered as he deep down he knew he wanted to take the siblings but how could he finance it? It was ten minutes later he left his meeting with Tabitha; he had said he wanted to take the children but he needed to go back to the Bay and see if he could get a job. Who knows how long it would take for restaurant to open because he didn’t know what Amelie’s plans were. He needed to discover those first. Heading back to his hotel room, he quickly began to pack up his belongings and head straight for the airport. The next flight to Sydney left at twenty past one which luckily was two hours away. It was near to half four before he drove back into the Bay and headed straight for Amelie’s house, hoping that she would indeed give him a job.
Red Ranger 1 Posted March 10, 2015 Report Posted March 10, 2015 Wow, interesting twist with Kyle.Looking forward to more.
Inactive User Posted March 10, 2015 Report Posted March 10, 2015 Great chapter Liked the twist with Kyle Update soon please xx
Guest Posted March 10, 2015 Report Posted March 10, 2015 Great chapter interesting twist with Kyle. I look forward to more. Update again soon
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