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Forever and Always

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one hundred and twenty-one

Ruby poured milk into her cereal as Evan walked down the hall and into the kitchen. He took the bread from the bread bin before putting it into the toaster. “So,” Evan leaned against the worktop as he waited for his toast. “Have you thought about the baby thing yet?” Evan questioned.

“No.” Ruby answered.

“No you’ve not thought about it or no because you don’t want to have a baby yet?” Evan said, it having been a few days since he’d brought the subject up.

“My stepdad has just been diagnosed with cancer,” Ruby raised her voice. “So, no Evan, I haven’t given the stupid baby thing much thought.”

“Well given you just said it was stupid I guess it’ll be a no anyways.” Evan sighed, sounding disappointed.

“Ev,” Ruby raised her voice. “Brax has just been diagnosed with cancer. We are not talking about this right now.”

“Why not?” Evan questioned. “We can’t stop our lives. That’s the last thing Brax and your mum would want,” Evan exhaled. “And maybe knowing he’s going to be a granddad would give him some extra fight.”

“I’m pretty sure the fact that he has a daughter who’s only like 12 days old will help with that,” Ruby mumbled. “I....why now?” Ruby wondered. “We are still so young and have our whole lives to have babies.”

“Because why not?” Evan exhaled, glancing to the toaster as the toast popped up before looking back to Ruby. “I see James with the boys, see how much they love and adore April. I see how happy Jessica has made Heath and all your siblings and of course your parents are just besotted with Emmi,” Evan spoke softly as he walked closer to the breakfast bar. “I want us to have that too,” Evan explained. “A cute little person to love. A bit of me and a bit of you,” Evan leaned forward and rubbed Ruby’s cheek softly. “And who doesn’t like trying for a baby?” Evan grinned.

Ruby took a deep breath as her head shook a little. “We’ll see how you cope with the boys at the weekend.” Ruby exhaled.

Evan widened his eyes. “Oh my God,” Evan exhaled. “That’s why they are coming isn’t it?” Evan questioned. “You offered to watch them in hopes that I’d be put off the idea of a baby, didn’t you?”

“I....” Ruby seemed lost for words.

“Unbelievable,” Evan muttered. “Well I am only going to prove you wrong. I’m never going to not want a child with you,” Evan said before walked off towards the door.

“Ev,” Ruby sighed. “Where are you going?” Ruby wondered as he walked over to the door of the apartment.

“For a surf.” Evan muttered, picking up his board that leaned against the wall beside the door.

“What about your breakfast?” Ruby questioned as he opened the door to leave. “Evan.” Ruby shouted his name as he walked out of the door, slamming it shut behind him.


Charlie was leaning against the door of the nursery. She’d just gotten home from taking the boys to school and Georgia to day care and had stopped to listen to Brax with their baby daughter. “Now Pickles we’ll just get these buttons popped back together and you’ll be all cleaned and ready for more daddy cuddles,” Brax cooed down to her, Charlie smiling at the scene as Brax buttoned her baby grow back up. “And don’t you tell mummy I’m still calling you Pickles because she wants Georgia to stop but I just think it’s so cute. I do,” Brax spoke softly, his eyes locked on Emmi as her eyes darted around. Brax sighed sadly as he gently rubbed over Emmi’s tummy. “Ah sweetheart I hope I’m still going to be here to see you grow up,” Brax murmured. “And your big brothers and sisters,” Brax exhaled. “Well Ruby is all grown up but I’d love to see her getting married and having a family with Evan,” Brax paused and Charlie could hear he was getting choked up. “But just so you know already you and Georgia won’t be going near boys for a long long time, okay?” Brax questioned, his hand still lightly rubbing Emmi’s tummy, Emmi making a little sound. “And you don’t just have daddy to contend with when it comes to dating I’m afraid. You’re going to have two big brothers who are going to be rather protective,” Brax managed a stifled laugh. “God you are so gorgeous,” Brax said. “You’re still going to like daddy when he’s more sick, right?” Brax questioned. “You don’t care that I’ll be weak and that I’m probably going to lose my hair?” Brax asked her. “Daddy doesn’t care as long as all you guys will still like me.”

“The kids adore you,” Charlie spoke quietly as to not startle him. Brax looked around to her, giving her a weak smile. “They’re not going to care if you go bald, have green hair or grown an extra ear,” Charlie said. “As long as you are here they will love you.”

“I’m sure Georgia would have something to say if I had green hair and especially if I grew an extra ear.” Brax mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Charlie’s waist, pulling her close to him. Emmi quiet content with laying on the changing table.

Charlie stifled a laugh. “And you know. I’d still like you too.”

“Oh yeah?” Brax questioned, Charlie seeing he looked a little unsure.

“Yeah. I mean, I do like you a little bit already so I’m sure it won’t change.” Charlie gave a cheeky grin before she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“Just a little bit?” Brax questioned as he pulled back from the kiss. Charlie gave a little nod before she kissed him again. “But I know you don’t like bald men.” Brax looked down.

“But I do like you,” Charlie said. “And if the chemo makes you bald for a few months then so be it,” Charlie exhaled. “I’d rather have bald Brax than no Brax at all,” Charlie said, pushing lightly on his cheek so he was facing her again. “I love you so much and I’m here for you. I’m here now and forever and always.” Charlie told him, Brax giving her a smile before he placed another kiss on her lips. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t scared about what was going to happen over the next few months but knowing he had Charlie right by his side made it all that little bit better.


April walked into the house, back from Uni. “Finn.” April widened her eyes at hearing James call their son by his name. He very rarely called him by Finn unless he was about to get into trouble, James usually calling him little dude or buddy and April knew by the tone of James’ voice that Finn was getting into trouble.

“Mummy.” Finn shot out of the living room, into the hall, looking pleased to her.

“Finn Joseph.” James walked out of the living room, carrying a crying Leo in his arms.

“What’s going on?” April questioned as Finn was clinging onto her arm, trying to climb onto her.

“I not I not.” Finn said immediately, his head shaking.

“He’s supposed to be on the naughty spot.” James exhaled as Leo held his hands out to go to April, his cries only getting louder and more whiney. April took him into her arms, Finn tutting loudly as Leo cuddled himself into April.

“No Leo.” Finn squealed as he nipped his little brothers side, Leo squealing even more.

“Finn.” April gasped as she glared at him before looking to James.

“He’s been like this all afternoon with him,” James looked a little confused at Finn’s sudden change in mood when it came to his little brother. “He’s nipped him, hit him, keeps pulling his toys from him,” James gave a little shrug, looking puzzled as to why. “He won’t stop.”

“Well Finn you need to listen to daddy and go to the naughty spot,” April pointed into the living room to the little red circle cushion that sat in the corner of the room. “On you go.” April said, walking through to the living room as she rubbed Leo’s back, trying to sooth him. James followed after her as Finn ran into the living room, his head shaking as he ran over to his toy car.

“No.” Finn scowled before moving his car along the carpet.

April and James exchanged a glanced before James walked over to him, hauled him up and walked over to the naughty spot, Finn screaming to let him go as he kicked his legs out. “Sit there for four minutes,” James tried to stay calm but authoritative as he looked down to Finn.

“No,” Finn squealed. “I do no wrong.”

“You did,” James replied. “You can’t hurt your little brother like that.”

“I no I no I no.” Finn shook his head as he ran out of the living room, making a run for the stairs, April and James hearing his defiant little giggle. James walked straight out after him, knowing he needed to follow through on Finn’s punishment.

“Oh Leo,” April spoke softly, Leo still crying a little as he was cuddled into her. “You’re okay bubba.” April murmured as she continued to rub his back, this weekend away from the boys in Sydney only look more appealing but feeling even further away, especially if Finn was about to start playing up.

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Thank Kristen, CharlieAndBraxLover and chels24.

one hundred and twenty-two

Charlie watched as Ruby bathed Emmi. “You’re great with her,” Charlie said. “I’m surprised you don’t want to have a child.”

“I never said I didn’t want to have a child,” Ruby looked up at her mother before her eyes went back to Emmi. “Just not yet. We are still so young,” Ruby answered. “You are still having babies for goodness sake,” Ruby mumbled as she softly squeezed the sponge over Emmi’s stomach. “And I’m not having a baby the same time as my mother or just have one born no more than a year after it’s Auntie,” Ruby sighed. “I.... I thought us women were supposed to be the ones who wanted the kids. Who brought the idea up but Evan seems more into it than me and Dex before that,” Ruby exhaled. “God Dex and I even broke up because of the whole baby thing for a while,” Ruby pursed her lips. “I love Evan but I....” Ruby stopped talking and took a breath to compose herself. “I...” Ruby shook her head.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want too.” Charlie said, seeing Ruby wasn’t ready to share everything with her just yet.

Ruby gave a little smile as she lifted Emmi from the bath and lay her down in her little yellow duck towel. “She’s super cute,” Ruby exhaled as she gently dried her baby sister. “But she’ll also cry and poop and cry some more,” Ruby said. “To tell the truth I don’t think Evan is ready for how full on of a responsibility a baby actually is,” Ruby took the bottle of lotion and put some onto her hand before rubbing it over her sister. “I don’t think I am either,” Ruby mused. “I know we’re both not ready.”

“Well you can have the kids for a few days,” Charlie gave a little grin. “See how you get on.”

Ruby gave a little laugh. “We are looking after April’s boys at the weekend,” Ruby told her mother. “So we’ll see then if he still wants a baby,” Ruby reached for the new nappy to put onto her sister. “I’m kinda hoping Leo will be grumpy.”

“No,” Charlie shook her head. “You don’t wish for a grumpy baby,” Charlie said. “They’re hard enough work without them being grumpy.”

“Well like I said, he’ll hopefully realise that this weekend,” Ruby said as she did up the tabs of the nappy before reaching for Emmi’s sleep suit, pulling it over her head. “And we’ve also got a 4 year old to keep entertained.” Ruby raised her eyebrows, hoping they’d do enough to keep Finn happy.

“We’ll you’ve looked after our kids before and he seemed to do fine,” Charlie said, not sure what Ruby was trying to accomplish by having Evan watch the boys for the weekend. “Just.....don’t let this argument get out of control, yeah?” Charlie said, not wanting things to get out of control and have Ruby end up single.

“I won’t,” Ruby murmured as she lifted Emmi into her arms, her little sister all ready for bed. “Anyways, how are you?”

“Me?” Charlie scrunched her face. “I’m fine.”

“Mum.” Ruby spoke softly, looking into her eyes.

“I’m not the one who’s just found out he’s got cancer.” Charlie murmured, looking away from her daughters.

“Maybe not,” Ruby pursed her lips. “But you are married to him.”

Charlie remained silent, Ruby keeping a hold of Emmi with one arm as her other wrapped around her mother and rubbed her back soothingly. “I’m worried. I’m scared.....terrified for him. At the thought....at the thought of losing him,” Charlie bit her lip and Ruby noticed her nostrils flaring as tears appeared in her eyes. “But we’ll -” Charlie squeaked and Ruby stopped her from saying anymore.

“You can cry too.” Ruby spoke softly and Charlie gave a little nod as tears quickly escaped her eyes as she leaned into her eldest daughter, Ruby giving her mother a much needed shoulder to cry on.


Kaya was kneeling next to the baby bath, her hands on her ears as Jessica screamed, the baby girl not a fan of bath time at all. “Give her her dummy.” Kaya said, looking around the floor to see if there was a dummy laying close by.

“No,” Bianca answered as she wet the sponge before gently squeezing it over her daughter’s stomach to get rid of the gel. “She doesn’t get a dummy unless she is asleep.”

“But she is crying.” Kaya sighed.

“She doesn’t like bath time.” Bianca retorted.

“She doesn’t like anything,” Kaya frowned as she looked at her little sister, her face all red and scrunched up as she screamed. “She’s a rubbish sister.”

“Kaya,” Bianca said. “She’s not rubbish. She’s just a baby.”

“Emmi is just a baby too, even younger than Jessica and she never cries.” Kaya retorted, folding her arms across her chest in frustration.

“Well all babies aren’t the same,” Bianca said. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t get frustrated at Jessica’s little sleep and what seemed like constant crying but of course she still loved her baby daughter more than anything. “And when she gets older and starts being able to do more I bet you won’t be saying she is rubbish.”

Kaya stared at her mother for a moment before she gave a little shrug. “When does dad get home? I want to play on the Wii.”

“Well you are going to be in bed before dad gets home.” Bianca replied. Heath still had his job on the trawler but would sometimes help out at the restaurant at night. Brax had called earlier to say he wasn’t going to make it in, so Heath had gone in to cover for him.

“But mum,” Kaya sighed. “We’ve not played for ages.”

“Well you can play at the weekend,” Bianca said. “How about you help me with Jessica tonight then me and you can play the Wii when she is asleep?”

“Dad is better to play with,” Kaya frowned. “Can I feed her before bed then?” Kaya wondered.

“I’ve not expressed any milk yet sweetie.” Bianca told her daughter, Kaya frowning again.

“Well then do it,” Kaya sighed. “I want to feed her.”

“I will soon, I promise.” Bianca said, Kaya looking unsure at her mother’s words. “But I think dad might get the first bottle feed.” Bianca knew she did need to express some milk soon, Kaya not the only one interested in feeding little Jessica.

“No no no,” Kaya shook her head. “I will get to do it,” Kaya hit her chest. “Now get her out of the bath so we can go on the wii.” Kaya said, Bianca shaking her head at her daughter’s impatience before lifting Jessica out of the bath, laying her in her towel so she could start getting her ready for bed.


Charlie took Emmi from her breast, passing her to Brax so he could wind her. She put her singlet back on properly before turning a little in the bed, leaning herself against Brax as he winded their daughter. “So, I’ve been thinking,” Charlie spoke tentatively. “We should at least tell Heath and Bianca about your cancer.”

Brax cleared his throat. “I was hoping to keep it quiet.”

“You know that’s not going to happen,” Charlie murmured. “Especially because we told the kids,” Charlie said. “And you can’t really keep something like this quiet.”

“I suppose not,” Brax muttered. “And Heath is probably....he should know.”

“At least them for now yeah?” Charlie rubbed his arm as Brax nodded. They both looked to Emmi as she gave a rather loud burp. “Oh little lady did that come from you?” Charlie questioned, lightly rubbing Emmi’s cheek.

“Just like her mum then eh?” Brax joked. Charlie gasped as she slapped Brax’s arm, Brax giving a little laugh as he smiled down at Emmi, Charlie smiling at the look in his eyes. Brax moved Emmi a little so she was snuggled into his chest, Brax loving it when his daughter fell asleep on him. He loved feeling her breathing against him. “Daniel told me before he’s coming to every chemo session,” Brax said. “He uhm....he said he’ll help me with knowing what’s going to happen and if I am scared it’s okay because he’ll be there to hold my hand and keep my mind away from the IV.” Brax sounded like he was choking up at Daniel’s words.

“Well I am sure Daniel will be wonderful in helping you through these hospital visits,” Charlie said. “He uhm....he also said he’d talk with you about a nice family holiday for once you are better.”

“Oh so we are getting a holiday if I pull through?” Brax questioned.

“When you pull through,” Charlie rubbed his arm. “And besides we did promise the kids before Emmi was even conceived that we’d take them on a holiday.” Charlie said her index finger gently rubbing over Emmi’s little hand.

“That’s true,” Brax exhaled. “And a holiday with you lot sounds amazing,” Brax smiled. “Something else to keep my spirits up.” Brax said as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Charlie’s lips.


Thanks :)

one hundred and twenty-three

Charlie, Brax and the kids had gone into town to Heath and Bianca’s place. The kids quickly all went out into the garden where Kaya was already outside, Bella hopping around the garden. “So everything okay?” Heath questioned as Charlie and Brax sat down on the couch, Heath sitting on the arm chair as Bianca took a seat on the actual arm of the arm chair. Jessica and Emmi were lying side by side on Jessica’s play mat. “You sounded a bit serious on the phone.”

“Yeah,” Brax cleared his throat. “Uhm....” He took a deep breath, Charlie moving a little closer to him in the couch and taking a hold of his hand.

“It’s something bad, isn’t it?” Bianca put her hand on her chest, her heart beating faster with worry. “Oh Daniel’s cancer isn’t back, is it?” Bianca questioned.

“No. Daniel doesn’t have cancer,” Brax shook his head. “It’s....I.....” Brax took a deep breath as he looked to Charlie.

“Brax does,” Charlie exhaled. “It’s in his liver.” Charlie squeezed Brax’s hand tighter.

Heath and Bianca looked gobsmacked. “God Brax,” Bianca’s hand stayed on her chest. “I....” She looked around to Heath, who looked like he was in shock. “What happens now?” Bianca said, looking back to Charlie.

“He needs to get chemo to shrink the tumour,” Charlie informed them. “Surgery is the future aim but the tumour is to large right now to safely remove it.” Charlie took a deep breath. She didn’t like talking about Brax’s cancer but knew that Brax wasn’t able to say it so she had to.

“I’m so sorry,” Bianca murmured, looking to Heath again, expecting him to talk but he was just silent as he looked blankly in front of him. “Heath,” Bianca whispered down to him as she squeezed his shoulder. “Say something.”

“I....” Heath stood up. “I have to....” Heath stopped talking as he walked out of the front door, leaving the room.

“Sorry.” Bianca felt like she needed to apologise on his behalf, finding it rude of him to just walk out after hearing news like that.

“He just needs to take this in.” Charlie said, not blaming Heath for needing time alone to take the news in.

“I’m going after him.” Brax said as he stood up and left the house after his brother. Bianca waited until the door was closed before opening her mouth to talk again, but stopped when she saw Kobe and Georgia from the corner of her eye, Kobe carrying a crying Georgia into the house.

“Mummy,” Kobe said as Charlie took Georgia into her arms. “She tripped and cut her knee.” Kobe pointed to Georgia’s knee that was bloody before running off back outside.

“Aww sweetie you’re okay,” Charlie rubbed Georgia’s back as her tears continued. “It’s just a little scrape.” Charlie looked down to the cut on her daughters knee as she saw Bianca had gone to the kitchen, taking the first aid kit out of the cupboard.

“It hurts.” Georgia said between tears, pouting down at her cut knee, her blood dripping down her leg.

“You’re okay,” Charlie assured her. “Bianca is going to clean you up.” Charlie looked up as Bianca appeared before her, kneeling down in front of them as she opened the first aid kit. She took out a sanitised wipe and very gently rubbed over Georgia’s knee, Georgia pulling her knee away as she screamed at the wipe nipping her cut.

“Sorry sweetie but it’ll make it better,” Bianca said, wiping away the last of the blood. “Now what colour band-aid do you want?” Bianca questioned, the choice of band-aids multi-coloured thanks to Kaya.

“Uhm...” Georgia pushed back some tears. “Yellow.” Georgia answered.

“Good choice.” Bianca smiled at her as she took a yellow band-aid from the box and put it onto Georgia’s knee before leaning down and kissing it better.

“Thank you Bee,” Georgia said as she stayed cuddled into her mother. Bianca pinched her cheek as she stood up, before taking a seat next to Charlie. “Where’s daddy and Heath?” Georgia mumbled, her cheeks still tear stained.

“They’ve gone for a little walk.” Charlie told her daughter, exchanging a glance with Bianca.

“They’ll be alright won’t they?” Bianca questioned and Charlie gave a little nod, knowing once Heath had taken in the news he’d be there for Brax no matter what.


April and James walked into the hotel room, James dropping the bag down on the bed. April walked over to the full length window and looked out to the city. “So, no balcony,” April glanced at James. “You going to tell me there’s no Jacuzzi either?” April questioned, looking in the direction of the bathroom door.

“Sorry,” James answered. “But I am here,” James gave her a cheeky grin as he walked over to her, his arms wrapping around her waist. “And I’m sure we could still have fun with no Jacuzzi or balcony,” James raised his eyebrows. “Bed looks nice and big and comfy.” James smiled before he leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

“It does,” April murmured. “And the best thing is we have no little boys to interrupt us tonight,” April grinned before they kissed again. “I do wonder how they are getting on though.” April said as she pulled back. “Maybe I should phone Ruby. See if they are okay?” April looked questioningly to James.

“They’ll be fine,” James stifled a laugh. “Let’s not stress over the boys. Let’s just have a nice weekend.”

April exhaled loudly as she nodded her head, knowing the boys would be fine with Ruby and Evan and knew if anything went wrong or Finn wanted to talk to herself or James that Ruby would call. “So what do you have planned for this nice weekend?” April questioned.

“I booked the hotel,” James shrugged. “I thought you were going to take care of the entertainment.”

“The entertainment,” April gave a little giggle. “Well shopping is fun.”

“No no,” James shook his head. “Let’s be tourists.”

“Jay,” April laughed. “We’ve been to Sydney heaps. It’s practically our home city. We aren’t tourists.”

“Well,” James shrugged. “Doesn’t mean we can’t do the touristy things.”

April gave a little shrug as she glanced over to the bed. “Well right now how about we test the comfort level of the bed?” April said, her eyebrows raising before she shared a kiss with James as they made the way over to the bed, James very much liking her suggestion.


Ruby spread the peanut butter onto the bread before putting it together with the piece of bread with raspberry jam on it, Finn getting peanut butter and jam sandwiches for his lunch. She cut it in half, then in half again, April instructing Ruby that this was the way he liked it. “Ruby,” Evan walked into the kitchen, Leo in his arms, Leo being a little whiny. “This guy is hungry.”

“Lunch is almost done,” Ruby said as she took out some bread and spread jam onto it for Leo’s sandwiches. “Put him in the high chair,” Ruby said before glancing at Finn who was busy building with his Lego’s, Lego being very much a favourite of his at the moment. They were going to take the boys to the park but it was raining a little so decided to hold off till after lunch in hopes the rain would clear. “Finn bud lunch is ready.” Ruby said, Finn looking up at her and running over to the table, climbing up on the seat.

“Can I get a juice please?” Finn questioned, looking to Evan as he clipped Leo into the high chair, Leo squealing as he banged his hand off the tray, the boy obviously excited for lunch.

“Sure buddy.” Evan smiled at him as he walked over to the kitchen to get the boy a drink.

“And for Sam.” Finn said, Evan looking at Ruby with a confused look on his face before looking back to Finn.

“Who’s Sam?” Evan questioned.

“Sam,” Finn pointed to the empty seat next to him. “My friend. He’s nice.” Finn said.

“Oh,” Evan looked back to Ruby and mumbled. “What do I do?”

“Get him a drink,” Ruby shrugged as she plated up the sandwiches before walking over to the table, giving the boys there lunch. “After sandwiches you can get some apple and grapes.” Ruby said, Finn nodding as he took a bite of his sandwich.

“Ruby,” Finn spoke with his mouth full. “Sam is hungry.”

“Oh he is?” Ruby questioned. “Well what does Sam like?”

Finn looked to his side and muttered something before looking back to Ruby. “Just jam.”

“A jam sandwich?” Ruby questioned.

“No just jam.” Finn answered as Evan brought over the drinks for the boys.

“Okay.” Ruby walked back over to the kitchen, getting the jam and a spoon, before bringing it over to the table, putting it down where Finn said Sam was. She exhaled lightly, not sure if she was doing the right thing in playing along with Finn or not and wondered if she should call April to see what she wanted her to do.


Thank you for the comments. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. :)

one hundred and twenty-four

The weather had cleared up so Ruby and Evan had decided to take the boys out to the park as first planned. Ruby was watching as Evan pushed Leo on the swing, the boy with a big grin on his face, Evan with an equally as large grin as he pushed the swing gently, Leo waving his arms excitedly against the bar of the swing. Ruby put her hand over her stomach, her lips pursing. She knew Evan would be a great father. He was great with the boys and her younger siblings but she just wasn’t sure if he was ready for the full time responsibilities. Being great with the boys or her siblings was one thing, but the whole time with your own child would surely be different. “Ruby,” Finn said, looking up to her. “Ruby.” Finn pulled on her hand, bringing Ruby out of her daydream.

“Yeah buddy?” Ruby looked down to Finn.

“Sam needs a pee.” Finn said, jumping around on the spot, Ruby seeing it was actually Finn who needed to go to the bathroom.

“Well we best take him then, huh?” Ruby questioned, Finn giving a little nod. “You going to come too?” Ruby questioned.

“Yeah,” Finn answered, taking Ruby’s hand and walking with her to the toilets. “Ruby why is we with you and Uncle Evan?” Finn questioned as he walked into the cubical, not even waiting till Ruby had shut the door to pull his shorts down and push himself up onto the toilet seat.

“Because mummy and daddy are going to spend the weekend in Sydney,” Ruby told him. “So you get to stay with us and you can annoy Uncle Evan all you want.”

Finn’s face lit up at he gave a little giggle. “Really?” Finn questioned and Ruby nodded her head in response. “Mummy said to be very very good.”

“Well it can be our little secret,” Ruby pinched his cheek before he jumped down from the toilet, pulling his underwear and boxers back up. He ran from the cubical and over to the sink where Ruby lifted him up so he could wash his hands. “You ready to go back to the park?” Ruby questioned and Finn nodded as she put him down, Finn looking around for a moment before smiling in the direction of the door.

“C’mon Sam, let’s go play.” Finn said before running out of the building, Ruby still unsure as to what to do with the Sam situation. She followed Finn out and walked back over to the park, smiling once again she saw Evan pulling funny faces at Leo, the little boy giggling as he continued to swing on the swing. She pursed her lips lightly, her plan to let Evan see that kids were hard work not really going her way at the moment.


Brax walked back into the living room, smiling down at Charlie as he sat down on the couch next to her. “She’s still going on about that little cut.” Brax stifled a laugh as Charlie cuddled into him, her head resting on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her.

“And I thought she was tough,” Charlie mumbled. “So,” Charlie spoke tentatively. “Is Heath okay?” Charlie questioned, Charlie not knowing how their chat went. When they arrived back at the house the kids came inside and the adults got distracted by the Wii.

“He’s fine,” Brax answered. “I’m the one with cancer.”

“I know but hearing your big brother who’s practically raised you has cancer won’t be easy.” Charlie said, her hand rubbing over his chest.

“He said he’d be here for us if we need him,” Brax said. “Even offered me his liver,” Brax gave a little chuckle. “But I told him it doesn’t work like that,” Brax murmured. “He eh...he said that he and Bianca can help out with the kids anytime we need time for just us. If the chemo makes me really groggy and I don’t need screaming kids running around the house he said to send them his way.”

“We’ll be sure to keep that in mind then,” Charlie said. “But I was thinking you might be working less right now so maybe I should go back to work sooner than first planned.” Charlie suggested. She was supposed to be on maternity leave till Emmi was 6 months old, but now given the circumstances she wondered if she should go back sooner.

“But then you’ll miss out on important time with Emmi,” Brax said. “And I don’t want to be the reason you miss out,” Brax exhaled. “I....I want us to just continue life like normal. You know, I...I don’t want this to change anything.”

Charlie looked into Brax’s eyes, a smiling growing on her face. “Nothing will change,” Charlie spoke in a whisper before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. “We’ll get through this and then like we’ve talked about we’ll go on a nice holiday.”

“Hawaii,” Brax said as his hand rubbed Charlie’s cheek. “We’ll go to Hawaii.”

“Hawaii.” Charlie smiled before she placed another kiss on Brax’s lips.


April and James were walking back to the hotel after a gorgeous meal at a nice restaurant in Darling Harbour. “Today went so fast.” April said, hugging her arms around herself, feeling a little cold.

“Didn’t it?” James questioned as he took his zippy hoodie off and put it round April’s shoulders, April putting her arms into the sleeves at zipping it up, there being quiet a chill in the late night air. “Been a great day though. I especially enjoyed testing the comfort level of the hotel bed out this morning.” James gave a cheeky grin as he wrapped his arm around April’s back as they continued to walk back to the hotel.

“It was fun,” April answered. “In fact we will probably have to go for round 2 when we get back.”

“Why stop at 2?” James grinned. “There’s no little bro or little dude to interrupt us tonight,” James said, rubbing her back. “We have the whole night to ourselves.”

“Well,” April pursed her lips. “I seem to recall that I wanted some nice Jacuzzi time with you,” April said. “And you didn’t pull through on that, so....” April shrugged as they walked into the hotel, the hotel being very close by to Darling Harbour.

“Aww hun,” James pouted at her as they waited for the lift. “We can still have a nice long hot bubble bath together,” James said as they stepped into the lift, April pressing the button for floor 16. “I mean, when do we ever get the chance to take bubble baths together at home?” James said.

“Never really.” April answered as they walked out of the lift, making their way down to their room.

“Well then,” James said, putting the key card into the slot and opening the door. “Let’s bathe together.” James smiled as April noticed the bottle of champagne and box of chocolate covers strawberries.

“Ah Jay baby,” April walked over as she took James’ hoodie from her, throwing it to the chair. “Aren’t you a little romantic?”

“I have my moments,” James mumbled as April wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Mmm,” James moaned into the kiss, the couple letting it deepen a little. “How about you get the champagne poured and I’ll get the bath started,” James said. “Bring the strawberries too.” James told her as he walked through to the bathroom, April walking over to the table to get the champagne poured, wishing they had more alone time together than they had.


Thanks :)

one hundred and twenty-five

Evan was pacing the room, Leo screaming in his arms. “Aww buddy c’mon,” Evan sighed as he looked to at digital clock on the bedside table, seeing it was almost 3am and that Leo had been crying for almost a half an hour. “It’s sleepy time.” Evan was rubbing his back. He taken Leo through to his and Ruby’s bedroom, the boys sleeping in the guest room but Leo had woken Finn so he left Ruby to settle Finn again while he tried to sooth Leo.

“I had to read him a couple of stories but he’s finally asleep,” Ruby yawned as she walked back into their bedroom. “Can see your not doing so well with this little one,” Ruby exhaled. “Or should I say hear.” Ruby mumbled.

“You take over,” Evan said, Ruby walking over and taking Leo into her arms. “I’ve tried everything. He won’t settle.”

“He’s teething,” Ruby retorted. “April packed teething gel. Did you give him any?”

“Uhm.” Evan shook his head.

“Well that might be a good idea,” Ruby said, Evan giving a little nod as he walked out of the room to get the gel from Leo’s bag. Ruby walked over to the bed and sat down, sitting Leo on her knee as she undid the buttons on his sleep suit, letting a little air into his body, the baby feeling rather hot. “You a little hot?” Ruby questioned, lightly rubbing Leo’s little chest, smiling a little as his cries lessened. “Maybe you just want your mummy,” Ruby murmured. “You’ve been away from her a long time, haven’t you?” Ruby ran her hand over his soft blond locks.

“Mmm ma.” Leo babbled through tears as he cuddled in his head into Ruby’s chest, Ruby rubbing the side of his face softly.

“I know bubba,” Ruby spoke softly. “She’ll be home in the morning.” Ruby said, looking up as Evan came back into the room, handing Ruby out some cream.

“Is this it?” Evan questioned.

“Did you read the label?” Ruby retorted, not bothering to take the cream from him.

“Yeah.” Evan gave a little shrug.

“Not closely enough,” Ruby muttered. “That’s nappy rash cream,” Ruby said. “So unless you want him screaming even louder because you put that horrible taste in his mouth and probably poisoned him I’d go look again.” Ruby said, Evan sighing a little before he walked out of the room. “Silly Uncle Evan huh?” Ruby continued to rub the side of Leo’s face as she felt his tears soak through her singlet. “But we’ll give you some teething gel then hopefully you are not in so much pain.” Ruby felt her eyes rolling. She was struggling to keep herself awake but knew she wouldn’t get any sleep until Leo was settled again.

“So is this it?” Evan questioned, walking back into the room, handing out the gel for Ruby to take.

“Uh-huh,” Ruby answered. “But I don’t want it. You do it.” Ruby told him, Evan curling his nose as he sat down onto the bed next to them. He looked down to Leo who’s cries had settled as he cuddled into Ruby. He put some onto his finger tip before going to Leo’s mouth, putting some over the new tooth that was cutting.

“Ouch,” Evan pulled his hand away, Leo screaming in fright at Evan’s tone. “He bit me.” Evan waved his hand out, his finger sore from Leo’s sharp little teeth biting down on it.

“Way to frighten him,” Ruby muttered. “He’d just stopped crying.” Ruby rubbed Leo’s back as he screamed into her, Ruby knowing it was going to be a long night.


Sunday, like normal was family time in the Braxton house. They’d already played a game of cricket out in the garden and now the weather had turned a little drizzly they’d gone back inside where they were on their 3rd game of snakes and ladders, it being a favourite of the boys’. Georgia liked when she got to climb the ladders but very much disliked the snakes. Georgia rolled the dice, before looking to her mother, only trusting her to tell her what she needed to move. “Seven sweetie.” Charlie answered, Georgia picking up the yellow counter and counting out seven steps, Georgia frowning as she saw she’d missed a ladder by only one place.

“Daddy is your go,” Kobe said, looking to Brax who had Emmi in his arms, Brax smiling down at his daughter who was snuggled into him. “Daddy.” Kobe spoke a little louder, Brax to besotted with gazing at his baby daughter.

“Brax.” Charlie slapped his knee, resulting in Brax looking back to the game.

“Sorry,” Brax murmured as he rolled the dice. “Oh Emmi we got 10,” Brax grinned, moving forward 10 space. “And a ladder.” Brax moved the red counter up the ladder, grinning as he was now on space 97, only 3 away from the winning spot.

“Ah dad is going to win again.” Daniel frowned as he rolled the dice, moving a poor 4 places.

“No,” Kobe shook his head. “I’m near to him. I will get him.” Kobe said, taking the dice and rolling, smiling as he got to move 8 spaces, ending up only a couple behind Brax.

“Don’t think so bud,” Brax said. “Next roll of the dice I am home.” Brax grinned as he gently rubbed Emmi’s back.

“No,” Daniel shook his head. “You need to roll a 3.”

“What?” Brax gasped. “We’ve never played it that way before.”

“Rules have changed,” Charlie gave him a smirk before she rolled the dice, lagging behind in last place, Charlie having been the victim of too many snakes. “You need the correct amount to win.”

“Aww Emmi,” Brax exhaled as he looked down to his baby daughter. “That’s not fair for daddy is it?” Brax said, all the kids giving a little giggle.

“Pickles said it was.” Georgia nodded her head as she looked to her sister. Georgia still insisting her name was Pickles, two weeks after her birth, Charlie pretty sure she’d never heard the name Emmi coming from her daughter’s mouth.

“Ah what so everyone is going go gang up on poor daddy?” Brax faked a sad pout.

“Doesn’t that usually happen on family day?” Charlie questioned and Brax gave a little nod as he stifled a laugh before Georgia took her turn, the family continuing to have a fun family day.


Bianca had finally got round to expressing some milk, allowing Heath the chance to feed his daughter. Kaya was dancing around behind Bianca as she got the bottle from the fridge, really hoping that she was going to get the first feed. “It’s very important that dad gets to feed her,” Bianca said, looking down at Kaya who frowned as she followed her mother to the living room where Heath was holding his daughter, a grin on his face at the thought of feeding her for the first time. “Besides this is her first bottle feed. She might spill everywhere and get covered in baby milk and you don’t want that, do you?” Bianca said as she handed Heath the bottle. “We want daddy to deal with all the mistakes,” Bianca gave a little laugh as she sat down next to Heath on the couch, Kaya sitting up on her mother’s knee.

“Well it’s just milk.” Kaya shrugged a little.

“You can do the next feed, I promise,” Bianca ran her hand through Kaya’s ponytail, watching the grin on Heath’s face as Jessica took the bottle with no problems and started taking her milk, which surprised Bianca a little, Bianca thinking it might be more of a struggle given that Jessica wasn’t a very easy baby so far. “You already got to change her nappy, dress her and bathe her before daddy. I think it’s daddy’s turn to do something first, don’t you?”

“Maybe,” Kaya muttered, not looking the best bit pleased it wasn’t her to feed her baby sister with her bottle first. “Can I burp her then?” Kaya questioned, glancing up at Heath, her eyes going all puppy dog like.

“Sure,” Heath gave a little chuckle before going back to watching Jessica, loving spilling out at he watched his gorgeous baby daughter taking her bottle. “Thanks for doing this for me,” Heath looked up to Bianca for a moment, giving her a soft smile. “I really appreciate it.”

“You are welcome,” Bianca answered, smiling at the sight of their little baby in Heath’s big strong arms, it still melting her heart every time she saw them together. “And it makes it easier for me, really,” Bianca said. “I can have the milk expressed and bottled for you and Kaya to take turns feeding her. I’m not tied to needing to be with Jessica at feeding time.” Bianca tucked her hair behind her ear as she spoke.

“So me and dad get to feed her all the time now?” Kaya grinned up at her mother, liking that idea.

“No no,” Bianca shook her head. “I’ll still be feeding her lots but this is just something else that you and daddy get to help out with now.” Bianca said, Kaya grinning, not able to wait for when it was going to be her turn to feed little Jessica her bottle.


Thanks. :)

one hundred and twenty-six

“Mummy.” Finn screeched as he ran across the room, jumping up into April’s arms, April hugging her son as she kissed his temple. Leo squealed from the floor where he was playing with his blocks upon seeing his mother and crawled speedily over, pulling on April’s leg. April passed Finn to James as she picked her younger son up, Leo burying himself into her as she held onto him tightly.

“Hey guys,” Evan smiled at the couple as they walked further into the apartment. “How was your weekend?”

“Great,” April answered as she sat on the couch, Leo continuing to cuddle into her as Finn went back to playing with his Lego’s. “Ah it was.....” April and James exchanged a smile, not going unnoticed by Evan and Ruby. “Great.” April raised her eyebrows as James winked at her.

“Mummy,” Finn looked up to April. “We went to the park and played on the swings.”

“Ah fun,” April at her son, Finn nodding with a grin on his face. “And were you a good boy for Ruby and Evan?” April questioned as she passed Leo to James for some cuddles.

“Uh-huh,” Finn nodded his head. “Leo wasn’t.”

“Was he not?” April looked to Leo before looking to Evan and Ruby properly for the first time, seeing they did look rather tired.

“He was very vocal last night,” Ruby yawned. “But I think that other tooth is almost through. He tried to take a chomp out of Evan’s finger.” Ruby laughed.

“Leo James King,” James gasped as he ticked his cheek. “You don’t bite your Uncle.” Leo giggled, his cheeky little face scrunching up, Leo displaying the few teeth he had.

“Sharp little teeth they’ve got.” Evan exhaled.

“That’s why mummy doesn’t breastfeed anymore.” April laughed as she pinched Leo’s cheek, Leo grinning up at her.

“Ahhh.” Leo babbled as he held his arms out, April lifting him back into her arms, Leo cuddling into her, the little boy having clearly missed his mother.

“So, has looking after the boys made you want one of your own then?” James questioned, Ruby glancing at April, looking shocked, figuring April had told James considering that’s really why Ruby was watching the boys. April shook her head, telling Ruby she’d never breathed a word of Evan’s want for a child to James.

“Aww I’d have one tomorrow.” Evan answered with a smile, looking up from playing Lego’s with Finn.

“Because you don’t have to carry the thing,” Ruby scrunched her face up. “You get all the fun then get to leave me to deal with the rest.” Ruby muttered, Evan looking a little saddened that Ruby had appeared to have not changed her mind as of yet.


Charlie and Brax walked back into the house, Charlie carrying the car seat where Emmi was sleeping soundly. Brax walked through to the kitchen as Charlie went into the living room, putting the car seat down on the couch and lifting her daughter gently out before she lay her down in the moses basket behind the couch. She gently stroked her little cheek before she walked through to the kitchen, where Brax was sorting out his pills into the container a different department for each day of the week and for morning, noon and night. “You still going to love me now I’m going to be popping all these pills?” Brax questioned, reading his prescription over and over, taking care that he putting the right amount of each on into each compartment.

“Mmm, I think so.” Charlie gave a cheeky grin as she wrapped her arms around his waist and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“Even though I....” Brax paused for a moment to take a deep breath. “Even though the chemo could leave me infertile?” Brax spoke quietly, sounding sad at the news Dr Reed had told them on their hospital appointment. Brax had been talked over to in regards to the pills he needed to take then spoken with about his first chemo session which would be in a week time.

“Well do we want more kids anyways?” Charlie questioned. “I think I’m good with the five kids we do have,” Charlie spoke tentatively, knowing Brax was hurt by the news he may be made infertile by his chemo drugs. “Would you seriously want more in the future?”

Brax gave a little shrug as Charlie saw his nostrils flare. “It would be nice for the option to still be there.”

“Well it might be,” Charlie rubbed his upper arms gently. “He didn’t say it was 100 per cent going to happen. There’s just a chance,” Charlie pursed her lips. “But baby wouldn’t you wish that you could go through the chemo and end up infertile but still be here to see the kids we do have grow up than......than not be here at all?” Charlie was almost unable to say the last part, of course not wanting to thinking about ending up losing Brax to his cancer.

“Well if I had to wish anything I’d wish that......” Charlie saw Brax’s eyes blur. “I wish....”

“I know. I know,” Charlie spoke softly as she rubbed his cheek, wiping away a lone tear that fell from his eye. “You’re going to be okay,” Charlie tried to sound hopeful but of course she didn’t know what was going to happen. “You are a Braxton for goodness sake. It’ll take more than a little bit of cancer to knock you down, hmm,” Charlie continued to rub his cheek. “And hey, if another child is something that’s on your mind then maybe we can....” Charlie took a deep breath. “Maybe we can see about freezing some of your sperm. Just in case.” There was no way Charlie wanted more children but she wanted the option to still be there, more so for Brax’s sake than her own, but she wanted it there all the same.

“It’s an idea,” Brax sniffed back. “But like you say it’s going to take more than a little bit of cancer to get me,” Brax said, trying his best to sound upbeat, like he wasn’t too worried, but of course Charlie knew the real him and knew he was. Charlie smiled before she placed a soft kiss on his lips. Brax smiled as he pulled back, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I love you Charlie.”

“I love you too.” Charlie replied, before stepping into a hug, smelling in his scent as she held onto him tightly.


Bianca was waiting at the school gates for Kaya. Jessica was in the pram, sleeping soundly, Bianca smiling at her daughters contentment as the white dummy with a little yellow butterfly on it moved ever so slightly as her sucking. Of course she would have preferred to not let Jessica use a dummy but right now a dummy meant Jessica slept, so a dummy would be used. “Auntie Bee....Auntie Bee,” Bianca looked to her side to see Georgia running over to her, a big grin on her face. She jumped up, Bianca lifting Georgia into her arms so she could see into the pram better. “Oh Pickles sleeping too.” Georgia pointed to her mother who was walking over to them, Emmi all snuggled up against her mother in the baby carrier.

“Hello.” Bianca smiled as Charlie came to a stop beside her.

“How’s little Jessica.” Charlie smiled into the pram, Jessica not affected by her visitors as she continued to sleep.

“She’s an angel right now,” Bianca smiled, smiling down at her daughter. “Same as Emmi I see.” Bianca gestured to the baby carrier, Emmi’s chocolate hair sticking up.

“Yeah.” Charlie rubbed over her head softly, trying to pat the hair down but it continued to stick up on end.

“How did the appointment go this morning?” Bianca questioned, knowing Brax had an appointment with his doctor.

“Uhm,” Charlie pursed her lips. “Yeah it was fine,” Charlie answered. “He starts his chemo next week,” Charlie told her friend. “I think he’s quiet scared about that to be honest.”

“But he won’t admit it though.” Bianca murmured, taking a better grip of Georgia who was still in her arms, continuing to look down to Jessica.

Charlie gave a little shrug. “He sort of has, to me,” Charlie exhaled. “Putting on Mr Brave Man with everyone else though.” Charlie said.

“It’ll just be his way of trying to cope.” Bianca said, Charlie giving a little nod, agreeing with her friend.

Charlie opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by the sounds of one of her sons shouting out at her. “Mummy.” Kobe grinned as he ran out of the school gates as fast as his legs could carry him.

“Hey bud.” Charlie ruffled his hair. “You have a good day at school?”

“Uh-huh,” Kobe nodded. “We are doing a new project.”

“Oh, on what?” Charlie questioned.

“The Amazon Rainforest,” Kobe grinned. “We got this work book for it and the teacher said we can draw on the front.” Kobe’s little eyes lit up as he spoke.

“Well that’s cool.” Charlie smiled, ruffling his hair again.

“What you going to draw on it?” Bianca questioned.

“I don’t know yet,” Kobe shrugged. “I need to think proper and make it good.”

“Maybe daddy can help you pick something out tonight, huh?” Charlie questioned and Kobe grinned as he nodded his head.

“Where is daddy?” Kobe wondered, Brax normally at school pick-up on a Monday, the families always going to the diner after school, the adults getting coffee while the kids got milkshakes.

“He’s having a lie down at home,” Charlie told him. “He’s got a bad headache.”

“Oh,” Kobe looked a little concerned. “Is we still going for milkshake and cake?”

“Yeah,” Charlie nodded her head. “We’ll just wait on Daniel and Kaya and then we’ll get going.” Charlie said, Kobe nodding his head as he waited on his brother and Kaya so they could all go to the diner together.


Thanks. :) Sorry for the lack of updates. Life it a bit hectic right now.

One hundred and twenty-seven

Charlie, Bianca and the kids were at the diner, the kids enjoying their milkshakes. Daniel, Kaya and Georgia were enjoying some chocolate cake, while Kobe had chosen a slice of the lemon drizzle. Jessica was still sleeping soundly in her pram, while Emmi was still cuddled close to her mother, she too also still asleep. Georgia was sitting on Bianca’s knee, blowing bubbles into her strawberry milkshake through her yellow straw. “Georgia,” Charlie glanced at her daughter, her eyebrows furrowing. “Stop that.”

“It’s funny.” Georgia giggled before blowing into the straw once more. Charlie gave her daughter a very stern look and Georgia stopped blowing bubbles and went back to drinking her milkshake.

“Oh I can finally get to see the little one,” Colleen’s shrill voice squawked as she hurried over, almost knocking down another customer as she passed. “Little Emily. She is lovely, Charlie.”

“Mrs Smart,” Kobe giggled as he looked up to her as she looked down to Emmi. “Her name is Emmi.”

“No no no no no,” Georgia shook her head vigorously. “She’s Pickles.”

Bianca laughed as she ran her hand through Georgia’s ponytail. “You still calling her Pickles?” Bianca questioned, ticking Georgia’s sides, Georgia giggling as she wriggled on Bianca’s knee, trying to get away from the tickling.

“She is my Pickles.” Georgia answered before taking another drink of her milkshake.

“Well she is very sweet. As is Jessica.” Colleen said, looking into the pram for a moment.

“Thank you Colleen.” Charlie replied before taking a drink of her iced tea.

“And where is Darryl today?” Colleen asked, Brax never missing Monday diner visits.

“He’s in bed at home,” Daniel answered. “He’s sick now.”

“Oh.” Colleen widened her eyes, looking very interested in hearing more information as she looked back to Charlie.

“He has a bad headache is all.” Charlie answered, Brax not yet wanting to let the news of his cancer get out to everyone, let alone to Colleen.

“Mummy,” Kobe looked to her, confused. “He’s got -”

“Don’t you need to get take some orders?” Bianca questioned, seeing Charlie looking alarmed at what Kobe was about to say.

“Well yes I guess I do,” Colleen said, looking across to the table of people waiting to have their order taken. “I’ll come back to see these lovely little girls later.” Colleen said before scurrying off to the back of the diner.

“Why didn’t you tell Colleen about Uncle Brax having the cancer?” Kaya questioned, chocolate crumbs around her mouth as she pulled her milkshake closer to take a drink, Kaya’s choice of flavour being chocolate. Every week Kaya would get this combination and Bianca always told her it seemed like too much chocolate but the little girl wouldn’t have her mind changed.

“Because having cancer is a very hard thing to take in and Brax needs more time before he’s comfortable telling everyone,” Charlie said, the three older kids all furrowing their eyebrows as they thought about what Charlie had told them. “Anyways,” Charlie looked back to Bianca, Bianca seeing it wasn’t really something Charlie wanted to continue talking about. “How’s April’s wedding planning going?” Charlie said, changing the subject. The kids groaned upon the mention of wedding talk and started talking amongst themselves.

“I don’t think she’s done too much if I am honest,” Bianca shrugged. “She’s got this idea that we have a double wedding,” Bianca gave a little laugh. “But I’m not going for that.”

“Why not?” Charlie questioned. “You and Heath have been engaged for nearly a year now.”

“9 months,” Bianca corrected. “And it’s nowhere near as long as you are Brax were engaged for.”

“We’re not talking about me and Brax,” Charlie retorted. “And you have Jessica. You should get married.”

“Again,” Bianca glanced at Georgia. “She was 2 when you got married. Jessica is only 3 weeks old.”

“Yes okay it took me and Brax a while to get married,” Charlie sighed. “But you guys live together, are engaged, have Jessica together,” Charlie said. “I just thought you’d want to marry him sooner rather than later.”

“Well you know we did everything else so quickly. Him moving in, us getting engaged and finding out we were expecting Jessica,” Bianca glanced to the pram before looking back to her friend. “I kind of just want to enjoy being engaged,” Bianca bit her lip. “Is that bad?”

“No,” Charlie shook her head. “That’s perfectly fine.” Charlie answered before taking another drink of her iced tea, lightly rocking Emmi as she stirred a little in her arms.


James and Aubrey were at the cake shop, a whole lot of samples of cakes in front of them. “Are you sure April said she could come?” James questioned, looking at his phone to see the time. April always had school late on a Monday so was confused when Aubrey called him to say that they were going cake testing.

“Yes,” Aubrey answered. “She may just be a little late.” Aubrey gave a little shrug as she moved her seat slightly closer to James’.

“Well we should probably wait on her before eating any of these eh?” James suggested, April obviously going to be interested in choosing her wedding cake.

“Sure,” Aubrey murmured. “So how are the boys?”

“Leo is being a constant grump right now,” James answered. “And Finn is starting to get jealous and is acting out more,” James sighed. “I’d love more but honestly sometimes those boys.....” James trailed off, his head shaking.

“I remember when we would talk about our future we had a whole soccer team of kids,” Aubrey said. “You’ve always wanted a big family huh?”

“I think it’s because I was an only child,” James exhaled. “Or at least, I grew up as an only child,” James muttered, of course having found Evan as an adult. “Anyways, I told myself I’d had enough kids so no-one was ever lonely or left out.” James exhaled.

“You wanted to call our daughter Eleanor,” Aubrey scrunched her face up as she continued to reminisce. “Still like that name?”

“Not so much,” James answered. “And I thought Ellie would have been a cute nickname is all.” James retorted, defending his choice in name.

Aubrey laughed. “Ellie would do fine as a standalone name.”

“Well whatever,” James shrugged. “We’re not having a kid together so it doesn’t matter.”

“Well we could,” Aubrey answered rather quickly. “I’d take you back in a heartbeat.” Aubrey spoke softly as she rubbed James’ upper arm.

“I cheated on you with your cousin,” James said, Aubrey noticing he hadn’t shrugged her touch away yet so she let her hand linger there. “You deserve better.”

“So what, April doesn’t?” Aubrey questioned.

“No, I....” James trailed off. “I love April so I wouldn’t ever...” James pursed his lips as Aubrey smiled up at him, her blue eyes glowing under the light as her chestnut hair flowed loosely passed her shoulders. Before James knew what was happening he felt Aubrey’s lips against his. He pulled back quickly, trying to tell her he wasn’t interested but she persisted, leaning into kiss him again.

“Stop,” James pulled back after a few moments hesitation. “April could walk in any minute.”

“She won’t,” Aubrey answered. “She doesn’t know about this meeting. I wanted it to be just us. I wanted us to just talk and thought maybe you’d see what you used to see in me and -”

“Shut up,” James shot up from the seat, looking mad at Aubrey, seeing now her plans. “I’m marrying April. We were over long ago. I....you....I’m leaving.” James said, walking quickly away from Aubrey who got up to chase after him.


Ruby put the plate down on the table in front of Evan. He looked up to her briefly before picking up his knife and fork and cut into his salmon, taking some onto his fork before trying to get some potato on there as well. He huffed before taking his forkful into his mouth. “Not talking to me isn’t going to get you a baby.” Ruby muttered, knowing that was why Evan had been quiet with her ever since April and James had come for the boys the afternoon before.

“I just don’t get why it has to be when you want one,” Evan retorted. “We are a couple. We make choices and decisions together.”

“Because I am the one who is going to be pregnant,” Ruby replied. “My body will change, I’m the one who will get fat, and swollen and sick and have to give birth,” Ruby’s voice rose. “It’s only fair I get more of a say in what happens to me.”

“Well I can’t help nature,” Evan sighed. “But I’m prepared to help you through all that,” Evan put his knife and fork down and turned a little so he was facing Ruby more. “I just think a little version of us would be wonderful,” Evan gave a goofy smile. “A little bit of me and a little bit of you will just make this cute little chubby squishy bubba,” Evan’s smile grew larger. “I just us to be a family,” Ruby gave a little smile as she looked into his eyes. She’d never seen Evan want anything more so badly. She could hear passion in his voice every time he spoke about a baby and them raising a family together. “Let’s just....” Evan trailed off. “Sometimes it can take a while for baby number 1 to happen, right, so why not just give ourselves 6 months to year and if it’s not happened then obviously it’s not meant to be right now.”

“Mmm,” Ruby pursed her lips, not too convinced by his argument, given that herself, Daniel and Finn were all one time conceptions, and her mother and Bianca weren’t even trying to get pregnant but they still ended up with Georgia and Jessica, but looking into his eyes, she didn’t have the heart to keep disappointing him and knew they wouldn’t be able to go on much longer without the baby issue being solved. “How about 3 to 6 months,” Ruby questioned. “If there is still no baby then, then we can stop trying for a while.”

Evan was completely shocked hearing Ruby saying a sort of yes. “So you are saying we can try?” Evan jumped up from the chair, his heart beating faster in hope that they could try for a baby.

“We can try.” Ruby spoke quietly as she bit her lip, Evan squealing in happiness as he lunged at her, pulling her into a hug, to excited too noticed the look of uncertainly on her face.


Thanks :)

one hundred and twenty-eight

Charlie walked into the bedroom, laying Emmi down in her moses basket before walking over to the bed, climbing onto it and rubbing Brax’s upper arm. “How you feeling?” Charlie questioned, Brax having been in bed most of the day.

“My head is banging,” Brax spoke quietly. “And this hasn’t really even begun. I’ve only been on the pills one day. Half a day really,” Brax exhaled. “And wait till I start chemo.”

“So you’ll have some bad days,” Charlie mumbled. “You’ll also have a lot of good days too.”

“Here’s hoping,” Brax spoke quietly as he leaned himself into Charlie, Charlie wrapping her arm around him and placing a kiss on the top of his head. She winced a little as Brax buried himself against her more. “You okay?”

“Yeah just remember we have a newborn. My boobs are pretty tender right now.” Charlie replied as Brax moved his head a little so he wasn’t leaning on her breasts so much.

“Well they are kinda comfy. Especially right now when they are bigger and more bouncy,” Brax spoke cheekily and Charlie slapped him arm. “Ouch,” Brax reacted as Charlie heard the slap, Charlie hitting him harder than intended. “Babe be nice to me, I’m sick.”

“I’m letting you lie on my painful engorged boobs,” Charlie retorted. “I think that is me being more than nice.” Charlie argued.

“Maybe,” Brax answered, Charlie playfully poking his side. “Nah you are always nice to me,” Brax said. “What time even is it?” Brax questioned with a yawn.

“Almost 7.30,” Charlie answered. “Georgia is putting her dolls to bed then it’s time for her to go down.” Charlie said, having just bathed Georgia and letting her have 5 minutes to put her dolls in their beds before she’d be put into hers.

“Putting her dolls to bed.” Brax laughed.

“She is,” Charlie told him. “One is in the pram, two are in those little cot moses basket things she has,” Charlie exhaled. “She’s kissing them goodnight, she’s telling them she loves them. It was rather sweet to watch actually.”

“So why are you in here with me?” Brax questioned, glancing up at his wife.

“Emmi needed put down and well, I had to check on you at one point, didn’t I?” Charlie said, a cheeky grin etching on her face.

“Well you’ve got to play the caring wife sometimes I guess,” Brax murmured, Charlie once again poking his side, the both of them looking up as Georgia came into the room, Owlie in one hand as she was dragging her owl blankie behind her, a book in her hand, ready for her bedtime story.

“Hey munchkin what you saying?” Brax sat up in the bed as Georgia climbed up and snuggled next to her parents.

“Story time.” Georgia replied.

“Ahh,” Brax took the book from her. “I thought you were putting all you’re dolls to bed?” Brax questioned as he tapped his hand against Owlie.

“Daddy,” Georgia glared up at him. “This is an owl.”

“Yeah daddy, jeez,” Charlie rolled her eyes as Brax tried not to laugh at his daughters expression. “Anyways, what you doing in here lady?” Charlie ran her hand through her daughter’s hair. “Mummy said she’d be through to read you a story soon.”

“Want daddy to read it.” Georgia answered.

“Well daddy’s not feeling too well sweetheart.” Charlie said, running her hand over Georgia’s hair.

Georgia gave a sad pout as she gave Brax puppy dog eyes. “I can read you a story but we need to put you in your own bed.” Brax told her.

“No,” Georgia shook her head. “Here. Mummy and yous bed.”

“But you’ll fall asleep here sweetie.” Brax said, Georgia giving a little shrug.

“Read to her here,” Charlie said. “I can take her to bed if she falls asleep,” Charlie told him. “I’ll give you some daddy and Georgia time,” Charlie said, moving herself from the bed. “I’ll go see what these boys of ours are up too.” Charlie said as she walked out of the bedroom.


April walked back into the living room, from putting Finn to bed. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him,” April mumbled as she sat down next to James on the couch. Finn had hit Leo twice before he was taken to bed, a little early than normal for being naughty. “And should we be worried about this Sam thing?” April questioned, Ruby having said something to April when she’d collected the boys the day before.

“He hasn’t mentioned him with us,” James shrugged. “So I wouldn’t say anything.”

“I guess.” April answered, cuddling in to James as he wrapped his arm around her.

“So listen,” James spoke tentatively. “I’ve been thinking,” James paused for a moment, April turning her head to look up to him. “Do we really need Aubrey planning our wedding?” James questioned, not sure how much to say to April.

“Well, why not?” April questioned. “It’s been nice to not have as much stress of wedding planning.”

“I know but,” James pursed his lips. “I think maybe we should meet with someone else. I mean, does it have to her? She is my ex after all.”

“Yeah but we’ve been through all this already,” April sat up, looking really confused. “You said there was nothing to worry about. Is there something I need to be worried about?” April questioned, cocking her head to the side as she stared at James, looking into his eyes.

“No, I...well maybe, she.....” James paused. “Look she called me today saying you two were meeting for cake testing. I went to meet with you both and of course you weren’t there because you had school and I knew that, but she said you didn’t have the class anymore and.....anyways she started talking about when we were together and...” James stopped talking, his head bowing a little.

“Jay,” April raised her voice. “What happened?”

“I realised you weren’t actually coming but it was to late and she made a pass at me and I swear I -” James started to talk all quickly.

“What do you mean she made a pass at you?” April questioned.

“We were talking about the boys and she said we could have had that and that we -” James started to explain but April spoke over him.

“James,” April interrupted, her tone all serious, like when she was giving Finn a telling off. “Get to the point.”

“She kissed me.” James told her.

April widened her eyes. “Did you kiss her back?” April questioned. James opened his mouth to talk but hesitated. April shook her head at him, his reluctance to respond letting her know the answer. She stood up from the couch, walking towards the door to leave the room.

“April,” James ran out after her. “Hun, wait. Let me explain. It was only for a second.” James tried to catch up with her but he heard the sounds of their bedroom door slamming shut, knowing right now April was best to left alone.


Ruby looked down to her pack of contraceptive pills. She pursed her lips before popping the Tuesday pill out and bringing it to her mouth, swallowing it quickly down before throwing the pack into her bag, just in time as Evan walked into the living room. “Morning,” Evan smiled as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed a kiss in the crook of her neck. “You should come back to bed.”

“I’ve got to go to school,” Ruby murmured as she pulled away from his grasp. “So have you, come to think of it.”

“Maybe we could miss one day,” Evan suggested, pulling her close to him again. “It’s not like we would waste a day, you know we can....” Evan raised his eyebrows as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips. “Get making Junior.”

Ruby bit her lip. “We tried a few times last night if I recall,” Ruby mumbled. “There is such as thing as trying too much you know.”

“Babe it’s been one night,” Evan laughed. “It’s not too much at all.”

“I know. I just meant,” Ruby exhaled. “You wanting us to skip school to have sex,” Ruby shook her head. “We need to be sensible about this.” Ruby did feel a little guilt in the pit of her stomach.

“I guess,” Evan rubbed her back. “And hey, for the sake of Junior we should graduate eh. Get good jobs to support the little one?”

“Exactly,” Ruby exhaled. “Now c’mon. We need to get to school.” Ruby said, the pair of them leaving the apartment together, Ruby pursing her lips as Evan locked hands with hers the guilty feeling in her stomach only increasing.


Thanks :)

one hundred and twenty-nine

Leo was standing up, his hands grasping onto James arm to steady himself. He gave out a squeal before he lifted his foot moving it forward a little as he put it down. “You going to start walking little bro?” James questioned, running his hand over Leo’s blond hair.

“Eee maa ba.” Leo babbled.

“Yeah,” James agreed. “We best wait for mummy to be here before we take our first steps, huh?” James questioned, wrapping an arm around Leo as he tried to move again. James and April hadn’t spoken since he’d told her about the kiss with Aubrey and April had already left for uni before James had gotten out of bed that morning. She’d left earlier than usual but James knew she’d still feel angry so didn’t question it when he had heard her leaving. Leo opened his mouth in an O shape as he got down onto his hands and knees, crawling closer to his brother, who was playing a came of pair with James.

“Leo.” Finn screeched as Leo crawled over the cards, messing them up.

“It’s alright.” James said, lifting Leo up and moving him to the side.

“No,” Finn sounded mad. “He’s moved all the game,” Finn shrieked as he pushed his brother, Leo falling to the ground in a thud. “He’s so stupid.” Finn scolded as he hit his brothers back, Leo bursting into an ear piercing scream.

“Hey calm down little dude,” James said, trying not to get to angry as he lifted Leo into his arms, Leo immediately cuddling into him. “And you don’t hit your brother.”

“I didn’t,” Finn retorted. “It was Sam. He is naughty daddy.” Finn’s big brown eyes widened as he nodded his head in agreement with himself.

“Finn Joseph,” James spoke more sternly. “You say sorry to Leo now.”

“No,” Finn shook his head. “I didn’t. I didn’t do nothing.” Finn argued.

“Yes you did. Daddy saw you. Now give Leo a hug and say sorry.” James said, Finn shaking his head in defiance.

“It not me,” Finn jumped up from the spot in which he was sitting. “Sam did it.”

“Finn.” James roared, startling Leo into an even louder scream than he already was in.

“You can’t get me.” Finn sang cheekily as he ran out of the room in a giggle.

“Finn Joseph, come back here.” James scolded, hearing Finn’s defiant little laugh as he walked out of the living room.

“What’s all this racket for?” James turned his head as he saw April walking into the house, the distraction giving Finn time to run off up the stairs to the safety of his bedroom. She threw her bag and folders down on the table in the hall, before taking Leo into her arms, the baby still crying as he reached out to go to his mother. “You’re okay.” April softly rubbed Leo’s back as she looked to James for explanation.

“Finn pushed and hit him.” James told her, this the first words they’d spoken to each other since the night before.

“Out of the blue?” April questioned, walking into the living room as James followed after her.

“Leo crawled over our game, messed it a little,” James gestured to the cards that were on the floor. April pursed her lips as she continued to try and sooth Leo who was cuddled right into her. April raised her eyebrows before staying silent, the cries from her youngest son being the only sound in the room. “Listen, Hun I wanted to say I’m sorry and I -”

“I called Aubrey today,” April spoke monotonously. “Told her she was no longer needed.”

“That’s all you said?” James questioned.

April stifled a laugh. “I don’t want to repeat what I said to her,” April murmured. “How could you do that, James? How could you kiss another woman?” James could see the clear upset in his fiancée eyes.

“I kissed her back for a split second. Not even that,” James shook his head. “Milliseconds really,” James moved closer to her as he rubbed her arm. “I love you so much and I’d never ever do anything with another woman. I don’t need anyone else. I’ve already got the most gorgeous, lovely, caring fiancée in you.”

April pursed her lips, looking down a little. She knew how much James adored her and the boys and she did trust him but she was still hurt. “So why kiss her back?” April wondered. “Why did she think it was okay to kiss you? You must have said something or given her some sort of signal for her to just kiss you.”

“I swear,” James shook his head. “Hun it was all her. All in her mind if she thought she had an invitation to kiss me,” James exhaled. “I have your name tattooed onto me,” James hit is chest. “That shows you are going to be with me for life. That you are the only one I want.”

April exhaled as she looked back into his eyes. “You should probably go follow through with Finn’s punishment.” April murmured, continuing to rub Leo’s back, his cries finally lessening.

James pursed his lips as he gave a little nod. “But we are okay?” James questioned.

“C’mon Leo you come with mummy,” April stood up from the couch. “We’ll get you a little snack.” April said as she walked out of the living room, ignoring James’ question.


Bella was hoping around the living room, Bianca watching where she was walking as she walked through from the kitchen, shaking Jessica’s bottle a little as she handed it down to Kaya who was sitting on the couch, holding into her baby sister, looking rather excited that she was getting to feed her. She took the bottle from her mother, placing it into Jessica’s mouth, Jessica immediately taking the offering of a feed. Bianca smiled at the look on Kaya’s face as she sat down on the couch next to her, ruffling her hair. “When will you have another baby?” Kaya questioned, her gaze staying on Jessica.

“Another one?” Bianca sounded a little shocked at the questioned. “Jessica is only 3 weeks old.”

“I know but I want a brother.” Kaya answered.

“Is this because Saffron is getting a new brother?” Bianca questioned. Kaya’s best friend already having two little sisters, her mother now pregnant and having found out she was going to have boy.

“Ehm,” Kaya gave a little shrug. “I just want a brother too.”

“Well daddy and I won’t be having another baby for a while. Maybe in a couple of years after we are married.” Bianca said, Kaya giving a little frown.

“So will you get married soon then?” Kaya questioned.

“I don’t know,” Bianca answered. “Maybe next year.”

“No,” Kaya moaned. “You need to get married this year,” Kaya told her. “With Auntie April. You can get married on the same day.” Kaya beamed up at her mother.

“Have you been speaking with Auntie April,” Bianca gave a little laugh as she ruffled Kaya’s hair. “We’re not going to have a double wedding.”

“You don’t do anything I want.” Kaya scowled.

“Excuse me?” Bianca voice went a little squeaky.

“Well you won’t give me a brother or marry dad,” Kaya sighed. “Don’t you love dad?”

“Of course I do,” Bianca answered, leaning down and scooping up Bella, patting the bunny as she sat her on her lap. “And you’ve got Bella and I’ve just given you a little sister,” Bianca explained. “She’s so little and knew, she needs us right now more than we need to get married and be having more babies.” Bianca said, glancing down at Jessica.

“But I can help with Jessica so you and dad can have a brother.” Kaya pleaded.

“We are not having another baby right now,” Bianca said, cupping Kaya’s cheek. “But I promise one day daddy and I will have another baby.” Bianca told her eldest daughter, knowing Heath wanted a big family, and she was open to having one more, maybe two.

“Okay,” Kaya exhaled before looking back to Jessica who was still enjoying her milk. “And I will teach Jessica to be a good big sister.” Kaya said, Bianca giving a little laugh, no doubt in her mind that Kaya would show Jessica to be a good big sister, for she was great with little Jessica herself.


Brax, Evan and the boys were playing cricket outside, while Georgia was playing with her toy kitchen as she was dressed as Elsa from Frozen. Ruby was on the couch having cuddles with Emmi as Charlie was sitting next to her, Ruby and Evan always visiting on Tuesday’s for dinner. Charlie watched as Ruby gazed down to Emmi, seeing she looked deep in thought. “Everything okay?” Charlie questioned, Ruby looking up at her mother as she nodded, but Charlie knew her daughter and knew something was on her mind. “Want to try the true answer?”

“I’m okay,” Ruby lied. “How’s Brax?”

“He’s fine,” Charlie answered, deciding not to push it with Ruby and what was bothering her. “I know he’s nervous for the first chemo session but he’ll get through this.”

“Yeah.” Ruby gave a hopeful smile.

“Daniel’s assured him that it doesn’t hurt but it can make you feel sleepy and sometimes a little sick,” Charlie said. “He’s coming with us to the appointment to support him.”

“That’s sweet,” Ruby smiled. “You want me to watch the others?”

“You’ll be at uni,” Charlie answered. “But we’ll find a sitter. Well we can always take then with us. The kids will keep him entertained and make the time pass quickly.”

“I guess so,” Ruby answered, looking back down to Emmi who made a little noise as she wriggled a little in her arms, getting herself comfy. “Ahh gosh she is adorable.” Ruby said, looking at her baby sister right now did make her feel a little clucky and question her idea of not actually coming off the pill, just pretending to Evan they were trying.

“Not when she cries,” Georgia said, running over with a plate and cup in her hands. “Toast and tea.” Georgia handed the plate to Charlie, grinning up at her mother.

“Thank you sweetie.” Charlie took the offerings from Georgia, pretending to take a drink before taking a bite of her imaginary toast.

“Ruby want some?” Georgia questioned.

“Oh yes please.” Ruby answered. Georgia skipped off back over to the little kitchen as Ruby looked back to Emmi, sighing heavily, not idea what to do.


Thank you. :)

one hundred and thirty

It was now the day of Brax’s first chemo session. All the kids had come along with him, all of them standing looking at Dr Reed as he talked Brax over what would be done. “He talks funny.” Kobe murmured as he nudged Daniel’s arm.

Dr Reed gave a little laugh as he looked to Kobe. “That’s because I am from England,” Dr Reed to him. “Have you heard of there?”

Kobe nodded. “It’s far,” Kobe answered. “You need to take a plane to get there.”

“Oh we take planes to Bali,” Georgia said. “It in Bali?”

Charlie laughed as she ran her hand through her daughter’s ponytail. “You take planes to more places than just Bali,” Charlie told her. “He’s from England.”

“Like the Queen,” Daniel said. “But he doesn’t talk like her.”

Brax laughed at the kids, Charlie smiling at him, the first time she’d seen him relaxed all day. “No, I don’t sound like the Queen,” Dr Reed said. “Anyways, I need to get going but the nurse will be through soon to get you started,” Dr Reed glanced back to the kids. “See you.” Dr Reed said before leaving the room. Brax was sitting in the chair, no one else currently in the room. There were 4 more big comfy chairs, so Brax expected more cancer patients to turn up at one point.

“Oh Darryl you’ve brought quiet the support team,” Evie – one of Brax’s nurses – said as she walked into the room. She pushed the trolley over to him, and sat on the stool by the chair. “This one looks like daddy.”Evie gestured to Kobe, Kobe looking thrilled at the comment; of course not biologically their child, but he had the same eye and hair colourings as Brax and the same shape face. Charlie smiled at Kobe as he leaned into her, Charlie running her hand over his hair.

“I like daddy too.” Georgia answered, hiding herself against Brax’s leg, getting all shy.

“You are,” Evie smiled before glancing at Daniel, who was the double of his mother. “So you are all here to keep daddy company?” Evie said as she put gloves on and opened a new catheter before opening a sterilised wipe, wiping over Brax’s arm.

“Pickles too.” Georgia nodded as she pointed to Emmi who was snuggled up against Charlie in the baby carrier.

“Aww yes I see,” Evie said. “She looks awfully new.” Evie murmured as she looked to Charlie who was rubbing Emmi’s back softly.

“She’ll be three weeks tomorrow.” Charlie answered.

“Ah you’ve to deal with this already.” Evie looked saddened. Of course it was always sad when someone had cancer but having a newborn made it seem all the worse.

“And she is called Emmi,” Daniel told her. “Not Pickles.”

“No,” Georgia screeched. “She is Pickles.” Georgia sounded adamant. Evie just laughed at the three year old before looking back to Brax.

“You ready for this?” Evie questioned, Brax giving a little nod. Evie put the catheter into his vein before attaching the tube that led to the bag of his meds. She hit a few buttons on a machine before taking her gloves off and standing up. “It’ll take around an hour and a half to drip through,” Evie said. “I’ll be back to check on you.” Evie told him before she made a disappearance from the room, leaving Brax to get through the chemo with his family by his side.


“You have got to be kidding me.” Bianca heard Heath’s raised voice from the kitchen. He walked through to the living room, where Bianca was sitting feeding Jessica.

“What’s wrong?” Bianca questioned. Heath had just returned home from work and was opening his mail. He shook his head, looking shocked as he held the card out.

“A wedding invitation.” Bianca looked a little confused. Apart from April, she didn’t know anyone else who was getting married and knew April hadn’t booked a venue or anything yet, let alone set a date.

“Open it and find out.” Heath retorted.

“I’m a little preoccupied at the moment.” Bianca answered, not able to take the card and find out herself.

“Casey and Tash are getting married,” Heath told her. “I can’t believe they think I’d attend. Are they stupid? Didn’t they think at all?” Heath sat down on the couch next to Bianca, his hand cupping Jessica’s head as he leaned down and kissed her softly.

“Uhm,” Bianca pursed her lips. “I don’t know. I mean, he is still your brother and it is his wedding day.”

“What?” Heath shot his head up to look at Bianca. “So if me and April ran off together then invited you to our wedding you’d attend?” Heath questioned, Bianca pursing her lips as she shook her head. “She was my girlfriend,” Heath hit his chest. “We’d been together nearly 10 years. And he’s my brother. After all Brax and I did for him he....” Heath sounded mad, pausing to keep himself composed. “They’re fools to think that I’d attend.”

“It is a silly thing to do, thinking about it,” Bianca agreed. “But maybe this is them trying to reach out and you know, put things in the past.”

“By inviting me to their wedding?” Heath retorted. “That’s just a slap in the face that she left for my kid brother.”

“Well I mean,” Bianca sucked in her bottom lip. “Is it a bad thing that happened?” Bianca questioned. “You wouldn’t have had me or Jessica if you were still with Tash.”

“I know and of course I am glad Tash and I ended because I have something amazing with you and we have the girls but just I can’t believe they’d think it be a good idea to ask me to their wedding.” Heath said, scrunching the card up and throwing it across the floor, Bianca raising her eyebrows a little, knowing he wasn’t even going to RSVP to the letter.

“They probably wont be thinking. They’ll be in wedding land right now so would be thinking about getting invites out.” Bianca said, rubbing Jessica’s back lightly as she continued to feed.

Heath scrunched his face up, shrugging a little. “Wonder if they’ve asked Brax.”

“I’d say so,” Bianca replied. “Don’t think they’ll go though. Giving the current circumastances.”

“He better bloody not,” Heath replied. “After what they did. His loyalties should lie with me.” Heath said before standing up from the couch, walking through to the bathroom, the door slamming loudly.


“Mummy,” Finn ran through to the study, some toy cars in his hands as he was dressed up in his Spiderman outfit. “Mummy.” Finn said again, getting as close to her as he possibly could.

“Hey buddy.” April looked down to her son.

“Can we play?” Finn questioned, holding his car up for her to see.

“Mummy is busy,” April answered. “I’ve got to do lots of homework for school,” April ran her hand through his hair as she spoke, Finn pouting sadly.

“But I wanna play with you.” Finn sounded like he was about to cry.

“I can play after dinner.” April told him, planning on taking a break from her homework for dinner then having some time with the boys before James would do bath and bedtime so she could continue with her homework. James having work at the club but not till 9pm, when the boys would already be tucked up in bed.

“Mu-mm-y.” Finn moaned, throwing his car down in frustration.

“Sorry buddy but mummy’s got lots of important homework to do,” April said as she rubbed his cheek. “You are having fun playing with daddy and Leo, right?”

“Leo is stupid,” Finn scowled. “And daddy plays more with him.” Finn looked a little sad as he bowed his head down.

“Hey buddy, Leo isn’t stupid. He’s just a baby,” April exhaled, looking to the door of the room as if right on cue, Leo crawled into the room. “Hey bubba,” April grinned as she lifted Leo up onto her knee, Finn’s pout getting ever sadder as he watched April kiss Leo’s temple. “Finn where’s daddy?” April questioned, James supposed to be keeping the boys occupied so she could get her homework done in peace.

Finn shrugged. “Can I get a hug too?” Finn said, pulling on April’s chair and trying to get onto her knee, not caring he was pushing Leo from her grip.

“Watch it,” April said pushing Finn back a little. “You’ll make me drop Leo.”

“So,” Finn shrugged as April stood up, walking out of the study, Finn running behind her. “Mummy.” Finn whined as he grabbed onto her, cuddling into her leg.

“James.” April walked down the hall, both boys holding onto her tightly. “Jay.” April yelled. Things with April and James were still rocky since the whole kiss situation, April still not fully forgiving him. She looked to the downstairs toilet door as she heard the toilet flushing and moment later James walked back into the hall.

“Sorry. I had to pee.” James said, taking Leo into his arms, Leo whining for a moment and leaning out, his arms stretched to go back to his mother. He gave a sigh of defeat when he knew April wasn’t going to take him back into her arms and sat contently in his fathers arm.

“Bud,” April pulled Finn from her leg and bent down to his level. “You want mummy to become a doctor and help lots of sick people, right?” April questioned.

Finn furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his head. “I just want to play with you.”

April sighed lightly. She was way behind on the report and she needed to get it finished and handed in Monday morning and wanted her weekend free to be with boys. “I have to do my homework,” April did feel her heart tugging a little, seeing how much her son needed some time with her, some special mummy and me attention but right now, she couldn’t afford to wait any longer to finish the report. “After dinner we will play. I promise.”

“Why not now?” Finn’s voice broke and James could see tears in his eyes.

“Hun just take a break,” James suggested. “10 minutes. One little game of something with the boys.”

“You can shut up.” April muttered, staring up at James before she turned and walked back down to the study, Finn throwing himself to the ground as he started screaming, kicking his arms and legs out in a full blown tantrum.


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