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Forever and Always

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Heath and Brax were sitting out on the front porch, having a bottle of beer. “Thanks for letting me come stay here bro,” Heath said. “Getting sick of being in that van.”

“No worries,” Brax exhaled. “So, how long you planning on being here?”

“I want to stay here,” Heath pulled at the label on the bottle. “So any chance of a job at the restaurant?”

“Don’t beat around the bush eh,” Brax stifled a laugh. “What about Tash and Case?” Brax questioned. He saw Heath’s facial expression change, Heath looking almost angry.

“I’m done with them,” Heath answered. “Both of them. They are dead to me.”

Brax raised his eyebrows. “What happened?” Brax knew it had to be something big. Heath and Tash had been together for almost 10 years and of course he was always loyal to his brother.

“Caught them in bed together.” Heath mumbled.

“What?” Brax was gobsmacked. “Case and Tash?” Brax rubbed the back of his head. “But she....I....bro I’m sorry.” Brax exhaled.

“Their loss,” Heath murmured. “They’re welcome to each other,” Heath started pulling at the bottle label and Brax saw his nose flaring. He was trying to stay strong but Brax could see he wanted to let the hurt out at the same time. “Besides, someone here’s caught my eye.”

“Hey,” Brax warned him knowing exactly who he was worried about. “Bianca is a great woman and she doesn’t need to be played so if she is only going to be a bit of fun then -”

“I’ve had my rebound already,” Heath told him. “And I like Bianca. She’s sweet, smart, funny, kind, not to mention gorgeous,” Heath said. “I don’t plan on hurting her or her kid. I want to start something up with her and I think she feels the same.”

“Well I saw the way she looked at you tonight,” Brax said. “She definitely likes you.” Brax told him as he noticed a little grin forming on his face.

“Good to know,” Heath took a drink of his beer. “And now you are back from you holiday maybe you can offer to babysit so we can have a date just the two of us.” Heath suggested.

“Is that so?” Brax laughed.

“Help a brother out eh?” Heath said and Brax just laughed again as he shook his head. He took a drink of his beer before looking out to the night. “So, you and Charlie look like things are in a better place now.” Heath said, still pulling at the label on the bottle. He’d knew about Charlie loosing the twins, the brothers of course still keeping in touch.

“Yeah we’re much better,” Brax exhaled. “I think we’re not there 100 percent yet but the holiday has been great for us,” Brax gave a little smile. “We really talked and....” Brax trailed off as he smiled, also pulling at his beer bottle label. “Yeah, we’re good.”

“Good to hear,” Heath smiled. “Isn’t about time you two got hitched?”

Brax stifled a laugh. “We talked about that too. It’ll happen this year for sure.” Brax said before taking another drink of his beer, really looking forward to the day that he’d finally get to marry the love of his life.


April walked out onto the balcony and sat down sideways on James’ knee, James wrapping his arms around her and she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, James smiling into the kiss, letting it deepen. “Not that I’m complaining but what was that for?” James questioned.

“Do I need a reason?” April questioned as she ran her hand through his hair.

“Nah.” James shook his head a little.

“Well then shut up and kiss me again,” April said as she kissed James again. “Mmm,” April pulled back. “I love that you did this for us,” April told him. “Finn’s having a blast.”

“He is huh?” James smiled as he thought about how happy Finn was right now and how much he was enjoying himself. “And I hope you are too?” James questioned.

“I’m having a blast too,” April smiled. “When I’m feeling well enough to enjoy it.” April mumbled.

“I’m really sorry you are being sick.” James exhaled. He hated that April was sick and only hoped it would quickly die down and the pregnancy would get easier as it went on.

“It’s not really your fault.” April told him.

“I’m the guy that’s responsible for this,” James said, moving his hand round to her stomach. “It was me who left some of my....juices in you.” James screwed his face up a little.

April gave a little laugh. “Well neither of us thought it would be a good idea to stop and protect against that happening so...” April paused. “This little peanut is both of our fault,” April said. “Not that she’s a bad thing,” April added. “We are having a baby, Jay. A little bit of me, a little bit of you,” April smiled. “How cute is she going to be?”

“Pretty cute I’d say,” James smiled as he tucked her hair behind her ear while his other hand was rubbing her stomach. “Just like her big brother.”

“Hmm,” April raised her eyebrows. “Speaking of Finn, he’s super excited for our trip tomorrow,” April said, the family going on a crocodile trip on the river. “He wants to find the crocies.” April said, James giving a little laugh.

“Maybe we’ll feed him to the crocs.” James joked but April slapped his chest anyways.

“Maybe we’ll feed you to the crocs.” April said and James gave a sad pout.

“You can’t feed me to the crocs,” James told her. “Then you’d have no one here to do this to you.” James said before he placed a soft kiss on April’s lips, April smiling into the kiss, letting it deepen.

“Mmm I definitely need you here even if it is just for that.” April mumbled before she kissed him again, the kiss becoming more passionate as James held onto April’s tightly as he stood up, April staying in his arms as he walked back into the room and made his way over to the bed, their kissing never breaking.


“Hey babe,” Ruby sat down in front of the headstone, leaning the new bunch of flowers against it. “So, I’m back from Bali,” Ruby said. “It was.....I had a good time. A great time, really,” Ruby exhaled. “Would have of course been much better if you were there too, but I....I still get to have fun, right?” Ruby questioned, her hand running over the lettering of his name. “We went snorkelling a couple of times, we went on a volcano trip, mum and I went to a spa which was awesome,” Ruby said. “Honestly it was like the best massage I’ve ever had. Seriously, babe,” Ruby stopped talking for a moment, just staring at the headstone. “Back to school next week,” Ruby pursed her lips. “It’s still really weird being there without you. I keep going to the big tree out front at lunch time to meet you then I remember,” Ruby took a deep breath, like she was pushing away tears that wanted to fall. “Daniel, Brax and Heath are going surfing today,” Ruby said. “They uhm....asked me along,” Ruby exhaled. “Or at least, Daniel did. He misses surfing with me but I...I’ve not surfed since....” Ruby wiped a tear from her eye. “Since that day,” Ruby cleared her throat. “Anyways I’ll probably just stay home and help mum out with the laundry and stuff,” Ruby said. “Or maybe go see Sasha. Sometimes we’ll hang out. Mostly out on the farm, but....” Ruby gave a little shrug. “I’m never going to surf again, I....I can’t. Not after what happened to you. I lost you because I was surfing. How can I possibly go back out there?” Ruby questioned. “I....” Ruby felt more tears rolling down her cheeks. She leaned her head forward against the headstone and stayed silent as she let the tears fall.

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Ruby walked into the laundry room as Charlie was putting a load of clothes into the machine. “Hey, you want me to help with anything?” Ruby questioned. “I can put that load out on the line if you want me to?” Ruby said as she pointed to the wet clothes in the laundry basket.

“No. You keep enjoying your holidays,” Charlie told her. “Not too late to go with the boys,” Charlie said. “Think they are just getting the surfboards into the truck now.” Charlie pushed the button on the machine before she stood up and faced her daughter.

“Nah,” Ruby cleared her throat. “I don’t want too.” Charlie looked a little saddened that Ruby had completely ruled out doing something she loved ever again. Of course she understood why she was so reluctant to give surfing a go again, but hoped one day she’d find the courage to go back into the surf.

“I wills,” Georgia came marching into the room, Owlie tucked under one arm. “Me mummy.” Georgia pulled on Charlie and Charlie lifted her up into her arms.

“You are too little and far too precious to go out surfing.” Charlie told her and Georgia scowled.

“How about I take you in the pool?” Ruby questioned.

“And mummy?” Georgia said, her hand going onto Charlie’s cheek. “You an me mummy.”

“Mummy has lots of housework to do today,” Charlie told her daughter. “But you go swimming with Ruby and I’ll come and join you later, deal?”

Georgia sucked in her bottom lip as she scratched the side of her head like she was contemplating the idea. “You come in a minute,” Georgia said. “Kay?”

Charlie gave a little laugh. “Sure, I’ll come in a minute.”

“Kay,” Georgia grinned as Charlie put her down on the floor. “Let go Ruby.” Georgia grabbed her sister’s hand and ran from the laundry room, leaving Charlie to finish getting all the holiday clothes washed in peace.


April, James and Finn were on a crocodile safari, the trip taking them on a boat through wetlands to hopefully spot some crocodiles, before they’d get lunch then get taken on a drive around the area, to spot some lizard, wallabies and other wildlife. “I see one look,” Finn screeched excitedly as he pointed out to the water where a crocodiles head was visible. “Mummy mummy there.” Finn yelled, the little boy not able to contain his excitement.

“Ah yeah I see it.” April was standing behind her son, her arms wrapped around his stomach.

“Daddy it’s there.” Finn continued to point at the crocodile.

“So cool, huh?” James questioned and Finn nodded, a huge grin on his face. “Better watch it doesn’t come and eat you.”

“It won’t,” Finn sounded unsure as he put his hand over hi mothers and gripped onto them tightly. “It won’t, right mummy?”

“Nah,” April answered placing a soft kiss on her son’s head. “Might get daddy though. He’s bigger so has lots more meat for the crocs.”

“Yeah,” Finn giggled. “It will want you daddy no me.” Finn looked up at James with a cheeky little face.

“Aw what?” James gasped. “I’ll taste all old and yucky. Three year olds are nice and fresh.” James joked and Finn frowned as he shook his head.

“No,” Finn sounded like he was going to cry. “I don’t want it to eat me.” Finn mumbled.

“Daddy is just being silly,” April told her son as she hugged him close to her. “It’s not going to eat anyone.”

“No,” Finn shook his head. “He’ll stay down there,” Finn said as he pointed to the water. “Can I take one home?”

“Scared it’s going to eat you one second then want to take one home the next,” James gave a little laugh. “Make your mind up boy.”

“Not a real live one,” Finn sighed. “Just a teddy crocodeal.”

“Ah a teddy crocodeal,” James mocked Finn getting the word wrong. Finn gave a big grin, not understanding the mocking. “You want a crocodeal?”

“I’m sure we’ll find a little crocodile in one of the shops here.” April told her son, Finn grinning on hearing he could get a new toy.

“Mummy said I’m a get one,” Finn grinned. “You not daddy.”

“What?” James gasped. “That’s so not fair. I want a crocodeal too.” James pouted sadly and Finn giggled at his father before staying cuddled into his mother as the boat continued along the river to see the crocodiles.


Ruby threw Georgia away across the pool, the girl giggling as she flew through the air. “Again Ruby,” Georgia moved her hair from in front of her face as Ruby swam over to her and lifted her sister up, once again throwing her sister across the pool. “Mummy,” Georgia shouted as she saw Charlie walking over to the pool in her bikini. “She throw me.” Georgia said, Ruby once again throwing Georgia, Charlie laughing at her daughter’s hysterics.

“Looks like you are having fun, huh?” Charlie said as she sat down on the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the water.

“Uh-huh,” Georgia made her way over to her mother as Ruby followed, Ruby getting out the pool and sitting next to Charlie as Georgia pulled on Charlie’s leg, wanting her mother to come all the way. “Good fun.”

“That’s awesome,” Charlie ruffled Georgia’s hair before looking round at Ruby. “So, you heard Brax and I are starting to plan the wedding, right?”

“Yeah.” Ruby answered as Georgia paddled round to be in the middle of her mother and sister, one arm resting on one of each of their legs.

“Well I’m going to need some help wedding planning,” Charlie told her. “You be up for that?”

“Sure,” Ruby answered. “But this wedding is being planned for before Georgia turns 18, right?”

“Yes,” Charlie laughed. “We’re hoping within the next 6 months,” Charlie said, thinking that by helping plan the wedding her mind wouldn’t constantly be occupied with losing Dex, and more so, for feeling like she was the reason why he passed. “Think we’ll be able to come up with a nice little wedding by then?”

“I’d say so,” Ruby answered before she pursed her lips, watching Charlie stared down at Georgia who kept sticking her head under the water before coming up for air then going right back under. “You think,” Ruby paused. “You think you and Brax will have another baby?” Ruby spoke quietly, knowing it would probably still be a touchy subject for her mother.

“Brax would tomorrow,” Charlie answered. “I uhm...I need some more time but yeah I think we will have one or two more,” Charlie said and Ruby gave a little smile at the answer. “Which is why we need to get this wedding moving,” Charlie said. “Marriage for me for sure before any more babies.”

“Sounds like a nice plan,” Ruby answered. “And I’ll help make sure this day is exactly what you wanted and more.” Ruby and Charlie smiled at her eldest daughter as she wrapped her arm around her and placed a kiss on the side of her head.


After seeing the crocodiles and stopping for a barbeque lunch, the tour moved onto an old train typed thing that drove through some grassland. Finn was sitting on April’s knee as she sat next to James. They’d already seem some lizards before getting on the train and Finn was excited at the possibility of seeing more animals. “There mummy,” Finn screeched as he pointed out to the grasslands. “A kanaroo.”

“It’s a wallaby buddy.” April kissed his temple.

“No a kanaroo,” Finn sighed. “Daddy it’s a kanaroo.”

“It’s a wallaby,” James said and Finn scowled.

“Well it’s cool,” Finn said. “Can I get a wallaby too?”

“You can’t have both,” April told him. “Teddy’s costs money bud,” April said. “You think about what one you want most and we’ll get you that, okay?”

“Kay.” Finn sighed as he went back to watching the wallaby as it hopped along the grasslands like it was following alongside the train.

“He really can’t get both teddies?” James mumbled.

“I don’t want him to be spoilt,” April answered. “And do we really need like a hundred teddies taking up room in the apartment?” April questioned and James gave a little shrug. “Seriously babe and if we always gave him everything he wanted he’ll be a nightmare child expecting everything all the time.” April said.

“I guess so,” James exhaled. “But we are on holiday so we should be allowed to spoil him now, right?” James answered. “And Grams gave us that extra money so technically one can be a gift from her.”

April shook her head as she exhaled. “You spoil him,” April mumbled. “And you are probably only going to get worse when we have this one.” April gestured down to her stomach.

“I thought that’s what parents were for,” James said. “And my dad wasn’t around to get me the cool stuff I wanted when I was growing up so I’m going to make sure that my kids get what they want.”

“Well when he starts acting like a spoilt brat he’s your problem.” April said.

“Deal.” James gave a little laugh as he ruffled Finn’s hair, Finn to engrossed in looking for animals to be paying attention to what his parents were saying.




Charlie was sitting at her desk in her office, about to take her lunch break. It was her first day back at work since the holiday and the day was going unbelievably slow, but it was a good thing in a way as she had a lot of paper work to catch up on. She closed up the file and put it to the side, on top of all the other paperwork she’d already been through before taking her lunchbox from her bag. “Sarg,” Charlie looked up as Georgie walked into the room with a little boy, who looked around 5 years old. “This is Skip Miller.” Georgie said.

Charlie looked down to the boy who wasn’t making eye contact. He was looking down to the floor playing nervously with the tie on his shorts. “And what are we supposed to do with him?” Charlie wondered.

“He needs to stay here till someone from DOCS can get him,” Georgie answered. “Avery and Sutton are talking with the parents now.” Georgie informed Charlie.

“Right,” Charlie gave a little nod. “Well he can stay in here with me,” Charlie said, the police having been asked to go and remove the boy from his home, due to reports of abuse and neglect. “Can you go out to Ferry Road? Mr Campbell reported stolen property.”

“Again?” Georgie sighed. “You know he always finds it elsewhere later on.”

“I know but we need to follow it up,” Charlie exhaled and Georgie gave a little nod before going back out to continue with her work. Charlie looked to the boy again. “You want to go sit down over there?” Charlie asked and the boy looked up at her before he walked over to her desk and stared at her lunch before looking to her very briefly before once again looking at her lunch. “You hungry?” Charlie questioned. The boy stayed silent as he continued to stare at the sandwiches. “You like chicken salad?” Charlie said taking the sandwich from the box and handing it to the boy. He took it in his hand and stared down at it before looking to the picture on Charlie’s desk. “Those are my kids,” Charlie told him. “My son Daniel and my daughters Ruby and Georgia,” The boy looked up to Charlie, his green eyes looking all empty and sad, his fair hair sticking up on end and looking in good need of a brush. “So, Skip, huh?” Charlie said. “That’s an interesting name.”

“Kobe.” The boy said.

“Sorry?” Charlie scrunched her face up a little.

“My name is Kobe,” Kobe said. “They call me Skip because my mummy left me in a skip when I was a baby. They’s only fostering me.”

“Oh,” Charlie raised her eyebrows. She couldn’t believe it when parents were abusive towards their children, but foster parents doing it to a foster child really was something else. “Well you’re safe here now,” Charlie said, giving Kobe a smile. Kobe smiled back at Charlie before taking a bite of the sandwich. “You want a drink?” Charlie questioned and Kobe gave a shy nod. Charlie took her wallet from her bag and walked out from her office and over to the vending machine. She put the money into the machine before selecting an orange juice. She walked back through to the office and put it down on the table, Kobe staring at it for a moment before he took a drink, Charlie watching the boy and smiling to herself, hoping that he’d be placed with a loving family next time round.


April was enjoying a relaxing sunbathe on the beach as Finn and James were down in the water. Her hands were gently resting on her stomach, April finding herself dreaming about the new baby. She gasped in fright as cold water was thrown down against her stomach. “Ah Finn Joseph.” April opened her eyes as she sat up, hearing Finn giggling as he held his blue bucket in his hands.

“Got you mummy,” Finn laughed. “Daddy told me to do it.”

“Little dude,” James gasped. “Way to rat me out.”

Finn giggled as he jumped onto April, April wrapping her arms around her son in a hug. “How about we don’t get mummy with cold water again?”

“It’s fun.” Finn continued to giggle.

“Cheeky monkey,” April tickled Finn’s side, Finn erupting into an infectious laugh. “You been having fun out there with daddy?”

“Uh-uh,” Finn nodded as he sat over April’s stomach, his legs going down either side of her. James looked a little alarmed and gave April a questioning look, April giving James a little nod, letting him know Finn was fine to sit like that. “Come see me boogie.” Finn said, James having been out teaching Finn now to boogie board, but like they’d expected, he didn’t need much teaching, Finn able to do it right away, like he’d been doing it all his life.

“I’ll come later,” April told him. “Mummy was enjoying relaxing.”

“That boring,” Finn sighed. “Come see me now,” Finn gave his mother a sad pout. “Daddy, tells her.” Finn looked to James who was sitting down next to April.

“You should see him,” James told her. “He’s awesome.”

“Well of course he is going to be awesome,” April ran her hand over Finn’s hair. “You’re the best at everything huh?” April questioned, Finn giving a proud grin as he nodded. “I’ll come and watch you soon, I promise,” April rubbed his back as she spoke. “I think we should just chill out for a little while, hmm?”

“Okay,” Finn exhaled. “Oh I know,” Finn held his hands up in the air, all excited all of a sudden. “Daddy tells us a story.” Finn cuddled into his mother as she stay sitting on the sun lounger.

“A story eh?” James rubbed the back of his head. “What about?”

“Uhm.....fisheses and uhm.....” Finn paused as he scratched his head. “Thomas tank.”

“Right,” James tried to combine fish with Thomas the tank. “Give me a second.” James said as he looked at Finn getting all comfy on his mother as he waited for James to tell him a story.


“Georgia Mae,” Georgia jumped, startled as she heard her father’s voice. “What do you think you are doing?” Brax stood in the door frame of the kitchen, leaning against it, his arms folded as he looked down to his daughter.

“No doin’ nuffin.” Georgia hid the marker behind her back as she looked down to the other marker by her feet and kicking it a little, like she was trying to make it disappear.

“Well I think you’ve drawn all over the walls with marker pen.” Brax sighed, trying to put on an angry voice to show Georgia this wasn’t allowed.

“No.” Georgia shook her head.

“Let me see your arms,” Brax walked over to his daughter and bent down to her level. Georgia shyly brought her arms up for Brax to see as she dropped the orange marker, the yellow marker still visible on the floor next to her feet. “Hmm lots of orange and yellow marker scribbles,” Brax said. “Matches the walls, see.” Brax pointed to the wall where Georgia had decided to decorate it in yellow and orange scribbles.

“I didn’t.” Georgia mumbled, but of course it was obvious she’d done it. Brax had caught her in the act and the fact she had the same colour pen over her arms was also a big hint.

“Georgia Mae we do not lie,” Brax scolded as he looked down to his watch. “Hmm and mummy will be home from work any minute now and she will be really mad at you for colouring her walls.”

“No,” Georgia shook her head. “Mummy no get mad.”

“What’s mummy not going to do?” Charlie questioned as she walked into the kitchen, as if right on cue.

“Your daughter decided we needed to decorate.” Brax pointed to the white wall, now marked with the pen.

“Georgia Mae,” Charlie gasped. “That’s very naughty. We don’t draw on walls.” Charlie also bent down to her daughter’s level, Georgia not looking at either parent.

“Sorry.” Georgia spoke in a squeak.

“You get two minutes on the naughty spot.” Brax told her, Georgia looking up at her mother, her big green eyes all sad with tears ready told fall.

“No,” Georgia moaned. “I sorry.” Georgia stepped forward and tried to hug Charlie but Charlie gently pushed her daughter back .

“Naughty spot,” Charlie said and Georgia frowned before walking through to the living room and taking a seat on the little stool in the corner of the room. “Honestly I’ve been back at work one day...” Charlie shook her head as she stood back up, Brax also going back to standing. “Control your kids.”

“Well you know what she’s like,” Brax exhaled. “Need about 6 sets of eyes to keep up with her.”

Charlie gave a little laugh as she wrapped her arms around Brax’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. “That wall needs a fresh lick of paint anyways.” Charlie mumbled and Brax gave a little laugh before they once again shared a kiss.


Thank you Romeo&Indi Forever, Sarah, CharlieAndBraxLover and Sabrina for the comments. :)


Charlie walked out of the en-suite and pulled back the covers, getting herself into bed next to Brax. She reached for her hand cream that was on her bedside table and squeezed a little on her hands and rubbed it in, her lips pursing as she looked to Brax. “Brax?”

“Hmmm.” Brax looked around to Charlie.

“Well you know how we were talking about more babies?” Charlie questioned as Brax sat up in the bed, looking a little intrigued as to where this was going.

“Yeah.” Brax answered.

“Well what if instead of having one of our own, you know bringing another child into this world; we fostered a child that’s already out there and in need of a loving caring home?” Charlie questioned, speaking a little tentatively as she wasn’t sure how Brax would take the suggestion.

“Fostering?” Brax looked a little confused. “What’s brought this on?”Brax questioned.

Charlie pursed her lips. “There was a little boy brought into the station today,” Charlie told him. “He was removed from his foster home because of abuse and neglect and it broke my heart to see him so scared, so untrusting. I....it’s just made me realise how lucky our kids are how and much we could give a foster child.”

“So let me ask you one thing,” Brax said. “Would you want to foster this little boy only or any child they’d place with us?” Brax questioned. “Because I don’t think you’d get to pick and chose what child you want.”

“I uhm,” Charlie gave a little shrug. “I’d love to give this little boy a home,” Charlie answered. “He’s staying with Irene until they can find him a more permanent placement. I’m sure if we tell DOCS we want to foster they’d get us checked over and into the system and yeah, maybe we could take on this little boy. He was the cutest little thing and I just want to wrap him in my arms and tell him everything is going to be okay from now on.” Brax could see the passion in Charlie’s eyes as she spoke.

“I can see this is something you really want to do,” Brax said. “But it seems a bit out of left field. You sure you don’t just want to help this little boy after seeing him today?”

“Well,” Charlie exhaled. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to help this little boy in particular, but of course I’d love to give any child out there a home that needs one,” Charlie said. “Obviously I am only going to do this if you are with me 100 percent but I really think it’s something worth discussing.”

Brax rubbed the back of his head. “So this would be instead of having another baby of our own?”

“I’m not ruling out having another baby,” Charlie said. “I just....there are so many little babies out there already that could really use some love and I know that we have bucket loads to give,” Charlie exhaled. “Just agree to talk with DOCS with me and we can take things from there, yeah?” Charlie suggested.

Brax looked into her eyes and gave a little smile. “I love how big a heart you have,” Brax mumbled. “And I’d love nothing more than to give a less fortunate child a home with you.” Charlie gave a little excited squeal before she leaned up and placed a soft kiss on Brax’s lips, Brax smiling into the kiss, letting it deepen as they lay down in the bed together.


Ruby was sitting on the beach, looking out as she watched people surfing. She had that longing look on her face, like she too wanted to be out there. “Can use this board if you want?” Ruby looked up as she heard the familiar voice.

“Evan,” Ruby was surprised to see him. “What...what are....wha...”

Evan gave a little laugh. “I told you I’d be in this area,” Evan said, taking a seat next to her on the sand, his board lying down in front of them. “Gorgeous here, huh?”

Ruby gave a little nod as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “So what brings you here?” Ruby questioned. “As gorgeous as it is there’s not much here, really.”

Evan took a deep breath, figuring he may as well tell her right away. “I’m looking for my brother,” Evan said. “Well we have the same dad,” Evan pursed his lips. “Anyways before dad died he told me he had son before meeting my mum and that he lived around here,” Evan said. “I uhm....I always thought I was an only child so it would be nice to find him and I dunno...” Evan gave a little shrug. “Hopefully be able to get to know him.”

“I see,” Ruby gave a little nod. “Does your brother have a name?” Ruby wondered. “Chances are I have heard of him,” Ruby said. “It’s a small town.”

“James,” Evan told her. “Not sure about his surname though cos I don’t think he’ll be using Butler.”

“I know a James,” Ruby widened her eyes. “How old is he? You’re brother?”

“Uhm,” Evan clicked his tongue. “Dad said he must be 22 by now.”

“Fitting the James I know for sure,” Ruby exhaled. “He eh....he’s a really nice guy.” Ruby gave a little smile and Evan raised his eyebrows as he nudged Ruby’s arm.

“Nice guy, huh?” Evan gave a cheeky laugh. “You know him as more than a friend?”

“No no,” Ruby shook her head. “He’s my best mate’s boyfriend,” Ruby explained. “They’re on holiday right now though so I can’t introduce you to him.”

“I see,” Evan gave a little nod. “Well he has to come back from the holiday at one point right?” Evan said. “And it’ll give me more time to think about what to say. I mean I can’t just walk up to the guy and be like, hey, you’re my brother, let’s be best friends.”

“I guess not,” Ruby gave a little laugh. “Now you mention it you do kinda look like him a little bit,” Ruby said, staring up at Evan. “You’ve got the same eyes and hair colouring. Same stupid long surfer style too.” Ruby laughed.

“Chicks dig this style.” Evan flicked his hair out, it blowing in the light wind.

“Sure we do,” Ruby rolled her eyes. “So you uhm....you’re going to be around for a while then?” Ruby questioned.

“See how it goes with James really.” Evan answered.

Ruby gave a little nod as she pursed her lips. “Well if you wanted any company until James gets back from his holidays...” Ruby trailed off, speaking quietly.

“Sure,” Evan looked Ruby up and down as he grinned. “I’m heading out for a surf. You should get a board, show me what’s you’ve got.”

Ruby shook her head. “I can’t.” Ruby looked to the sand, picking up a clump and letting it fall between the gaps in her fingers.

“Okay well I’ll head for a quick surf then maybe we can get some lunch or something?” Evan questioned and Ruby gave a little nod as she felt herself smiling at Evan as he stood up and picked up his board and ran down to catch some waves.


“Where is mummy?” Finn questioned as he built yet another sandcastle with his dad.

“She’s gone to the room for a little lie down.” James answered, patting down the bucket and lifting it up, Finn admiring his work for a moment.

“Why?” Finn questioned as he started filling the bucket with sand to continue making sandcastles.

“Because she’s not feeling too well.” James answered.

“Why?” Finn questioned again.

James exhaled lightly. “Because sometimes people don’t feel very well,” James told him, James of course not yet able to tell him she was sick because she was pregnant. “So I sent her for a little lie down and hopefully she’ll get some sleep and then feel lots better and come back outside to be with us.” James said, hoping this was a better answer for the boy.

“Hmmm,” Finn pursed his lips. “No nice being sick.” Finn gave a little pout.

“Nah it’s not,” James answered. “But she’ll be fine soon,” James assured him. “Then more time for swimming with her little dude.” James said as he ruffled Finn’s hair.

“Yeah I’s love to swim.” Finn grinned.

“We can go in the pool or sea now if you want?” James tried, James getting pretty tired of making sandcastles.

“No,” Finn shook his head. “I’m making sandcastles.” Finn answered as he patted the top of the bucket and lifted it up to reveal another perfectly shaped sandcastle before once again staring to fill up the bucket to make more sandcastles.


Thanks. :)


Charlie walked into the diner, Georgia dancing around at her feet as she hummed a little tune. “Some nice singing their Gee.” Leah smiled down at her from behind the counter.

“I sing,” Georgia screeched. “La la la la la.” Georgia spoke loudly as she jumped from foot to foot.

“Someone’s been very excited all day,” Charlie rolled her eyes. “Seems lunch in the diner is just too exciting.” Charlie put her hands on her daughter, if only to keep her still for a minute.

Leah gave a little laugh. “She’s probably still on holiday energy.”

“I was Bawi,” Georgia told Leah, her eyes all wide as she grinned the biggest she could. “Best evers.”

“Ah yeah I bet you had a good time,” Leah said and Georgia nodded her head. “Well when I’m not so busy you’ll have to come around to play with Pop’s so your mummy can tell me all about it, huh?”

“Poppy ‘ere?” Georgia questioned.

“No she’s with her daddy right now. I can’t bring her to work, can I?” Leah questioned and Georgia shook her head before she ran over to get a table, bringing an abrupt end to the conversation. “Well I guess its goodbye.” Leah mumbled and Charlie gave a little laugh as she watched Georgia who looked very interested in the sugar bowl.

“Sarg.” Charlie looked around as Kobe came running out of the kitchen. He stood as close to her as he could get without actually touching her.

“Oh hello,” Charlie smiled down at him and noticed he was wearing the exact same clothes as the day before and his hair seemed to be in even more of a need for a brush. “How are you today Kobe?”

“I’m okay.” Kobe answered, staring up at her.

“That’s the first time I’ve heard him talk,” Irene said as she walked over to Charlie. “Couldn’t get a squeak out of him,” Irene exhaled looking down at Kobe and seeing how he was looking at Charlie. “Seems to have taken a liking to you.” Irene smiled glad to see the boy looking happy.

“Sarg,” Kobe spoke again. “I see where Irene works.”

“Oh wow, that’s cool.” Charlie smiled down at the boy.

“Yeah,” Kobe smiled. “Do you have lunch here?”

“Yeah I will be.” Charlie answered once again glancing at Georgia who was considering tipping the sugar out everywhere.

“With Ruby, Georgia and Daniel?” Kobe wondered and Charlie looked to him, a little surprised he’d remember the names of her kids.

“Just me and Georgia,” Charlie answered, Daniel and Brax out having a boys day as Charlie and Georgia had their mummy and me time. “Have you had your lunch yet?”

Kobe looked to Irene before looking back to Charlie and shaking his head. “I was about to give him lunch while I did some stock taking.” Irene told Charlie.

“Well he can sit with us while you do what you need to get done if you want.” Charlie offered, smiling to herself as she heard Kobe cheering at the thought of lunch with her.

“Could I?” Kobe looked pleadingly to Irene and Irene gave a little nod.

“If Charlie is sure it’s okay.” Irene answered.

“Sarg?” Kobe looked up to Charlie, his eyes all wide, Irene happy to see the boy could smile.

“Sure,” Charlie smiled as she put her hand out and went to ruffle his hair. Kobe flinched back for a moment before letting Charlie do it. “Come and meet little Georgia.” Charlie said as Kobe took her hand and walked over to the table with her.


April had never appeared back down at the beach, so at about 4.30, James and Finn had gone back up there. “I was just about to get up,” April murmured, looking at James like she’d just woken up. “Come back out with you guys.”

“It’s after 4.30 anyways.” James answered as April sat up in the bed.

“Really?” April sounded shocked. “I thought it would have been like 2,” April widened her eyes as she glanced at the clock on the bedside table. She gave a yawn as she glanced over at her son who was climbing up onto the bed to get next to her. “How was your day bud?”

“Daddy and me uhm....” Finn sucked in his bottom lip. “Maked sandcastles and swims.” Finn told her.

“Sounds like a fun day then.” April smiled as she cuddled her son into her. Of course she couldn’t help it and there would be many more times where she could swim and make sandcastles with her son but she hated missing out.

“Yeah,” Finn answered. “You be better?” Finn stared up at his mother as he brought his little hand up to her face as rubbed her cheek.

“I do feel better,” April answered with a smile. “Let’s hope mummy isn’t sick anymore huh?” April questioned and Finn gave a little nod.

“Yeah you to come tomorrow,” Finn told her. “We wills swim all the day.” Finn said and April gave a little nod as she leaned down and kissed Finn’s head.

“Sounds like an awesome plan.” April said as she rubbed her sons arm.

“You alright for going out tonight then?” James questioned.

April opened her mouth to answer yes, but Finn spoke over her. “No no,” Finn shook his head. “Can we eat here again?” Finn wondered, wanting to eat in the room like on the first night of the holiday. “Watch a movie.”

April and James exchanged a glance. “Fine by me,” James shrugged. “What do you say?”

“I say room service and a movie as I’m cuddled up with my boys sounds good to me.” April said and James smiled as her got onto the bed next to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.


“Hey mum.” Daniel ran over to her, throwing his skateboard down to the side.

“Hey bud,” Charlie smiled as Daniel gave her a hug as he sat down next to her on the couch. “How was your day with dad?”

“Awesome,” Daniel answered. “We went to the skate park and I got ice-cream and then we played with a ball for a bit and we just hung out,” Daniel said, smiling up at Brax as he came into the living room, walking over to the couch and greeting Charlie with a kiss. “Eugh,” Daniel screwed his face up as he pushed Brax back. “How was your day with Georgia?”

“Good,” Charlie answered. “We baked cupcakes and played pairs and had lunch at the diner.”

“Where is she now?” Brax questioned as he sat down on the armchair.

“Heath has her in the pool.” Charlie answered, Heath of course now staying in their guest room.

“I thought she was scared of Uncle Heath.” Daniel gave a little giggle.

“She wasn’t scared, she was just shy,” Charlie told her son. “But anyone who offers to take her swimming isn’t going to get a no,” Charlie said, Georgia loving the swimming pool. “What’s this you’ve done here?” Charlie lifted up her sons arm, seeing a huge bruise down most of it.

“Dunno,” Daniel shrugged. “It just came. Same as that one,” Daniel said as he pointed to another bruise on his knee. Charlie widened her eyes before looking to Brax. “Can I go swim with Heath and Georgia?”

“Sure,” Charlie answered and Daniel jumped down off the couch and ran from the room. “He fall off his skateboard?”

“He took a little stumble but nothing to hit his arm for that bruise,” Brax shrugged. “He’s always bruised easily though so he probably just knocked it.”

Charlie pursed her lips. “Hmm,” Charlie exhaled. “I’ll keep an eye on him,” Charlie said. She knew he’d just been to the hospital for a check-up before their holiday and had been giving the all-clear but the worry was always there for Charlie that his cancer could come back at anytime. “So I uhm....I called DOCS today.”

“Oh yeah?” Brax said. “What they say?”

“They can have someone come assess the house tomorrow,” Charlie said. “They’ll bring us all the paperwork we need to fill out too and the sooner we get it in, the quicker we can start fostering.”

“Right,” Brax gave a little nod before glancing at his watch. “Well I need to get into work anyways but we’ll talk when I get home.” Brax said as he stood back up from the armchair and walked over to Charlie, giving her another kiss before leaning the house to go to work.




Charlie and Brax were showing Tanya – the lady from DOCS – around the house. “Lovely home you have,” Tanya said as she followed them up the stairs. “And it’s already childproof so that’s one less thing we’d need to discuss.”

“Safety first eh,” Brax said. “Especially with trouble.”

“She showing you the meaning of terrible two’s then?” Tanya gave a little laugh.

“Looking likely,” Charlie sighed as she opened the door to the guest room. “So, this would be the room we’d use for the child,” Charlie exhaled before she glanced to Brax, embarrassed by the mess of the room. “I’m sorry for the mess. My brother-in-law in staying with us right now,” Charlie said. “I thought you told him to straighten this up,” Charlie muttered. “God he’s 29 not 19.”

Brax just gave a little shrug as Tanya laughed. “At least it looks like he’s comfy in here,” Tanya said. “Well based on the initial house assessment and going from the talk we had earlier I’d put you forward for the next step.” Tanya told them as they walked out of the room and back down the stairs to the kitchen, taking a seat at the table again.

“Which is?” Brax questioned.

“You’ll need to fill out these forms,” Tanya took them from her briefcase and put them onto the table. “Get them sent back to us so they can be reviewed then we’ll ask you to attend a preparation group course.” Tanya informed them, pausing for a moment to let them take the information in.

“Then do we get to foster?” Charlie questioned.

“We need to do a few more home visits then if you are approved to care you’ll be in the system,” Tanya told them. “It’s a long process but worth it in the long run for the children’s lives you could come to affect.”

“How long a process we talking here?” Brax questioned.

“It can take up to 6 months,” Tanya told them, Tanya seeing Charlie deflate a little. “Is that not okay?”

“It is,” Charlie pursed her lips. “I just liked the idea of fostering Kobe Miller.”

“Ah yes,” Tanya nodded. “He didn’t want to leave you at the station the other day,” Tanya gave a little smile. “Seems you’ve made a big impact on him.”

“He was a very sweet boy,” Charlie smiled. “Quiet and gentle but he’s lovely and I know how much he’d fit in here. We’d love to welcome him into our home.”

“Well he is in the system so I can’t guarantee that in 6 months time he won’t already be placed elsewhere,” Tanya exhaled. “I’m sorry but we can’t keep a child back for you and if you only want to foster Kobe then perhaps we should stop this process here.”

“What if we said we wanted to adopt him?” Charlie questioned. “Can we do that?”

“You can,” Tanya nodded. “Again we’d need to assess you a little more. You could be given a temporary foster care role and he’d stay with you until an evaluation on the adoption was made.”

“Well we can -” Charlie started but Brax spoke over her.

“Hold on a minute, Charlie,” Brax glared at her. “Adoption? I’ve not even met the boy yet and you are wanting to adopt him?” Brax said. “We can’t take your hunch that he’s going to fit in with this family. You are getting carried away.”

“I’m not, I -” Charlie went to talk again but this time was cut off by Tanya.

“I think you two need to discuss this matter more,” Tanya said. “I’ll leave these papers here and if you want to move forward with this process then get these filled out and handed in and we’ll take it from there.” Tanya said as she shook Charlie’s hand before shaking Brax’s, Brax showing Tanya out of the house as Charlie crossly left the room, Brax hearing the door slamming shut and knowing Charlie was now mad with him.


April was sitting in the baby pool as Finn was splashing around, just having a good time. “Oh no.” Finn shrieked, startled April a little as he rushed over to her in the pool. He kicked up in the air and did a few punches, April screwing her face up as she rubbed her son’s back.

“What you doing bud?” April questioned.

“Saves you,” Finn stared at her, his big brown eyes all wide and serious looking. “Them bads one get you but uhm...” Finn jumped around in the pool. “Spideyman Finn saves you.”

“Ah thanks baby.” April pulled Finn into her, Finn sitting on her knee in the pool, splashing her a little as he slapped his hands down against the water.

“No one gets my mummy.” Finn told her.

“Nah no one is going to get me sweetie,” April wrapped her arms around him a little tighter. “You and Jay will keep me safe, right?”

“Yeah,” Finn nodded. “Daddy and me.” Finn slapped his chest as April placed a soft kiss on his temple.

“Love you so much baby.” April whispered into the crook of his neck.

“Loves you more.” Finn grinned as he looked up at her, crunching up his cute little face. April smiled as she started kissing his cheek over and over, Finn giggling in delight.

“Well this is a cute little scene to walk in on.”James said as he walked through the pool, sitting down next to April and wrapping his arm around her and giving her a kiss.

“How was your surf?” April questioned.

“Good,” James nodded. “What you been doing bud? Looking after mummy I hope?”

“Yeah,” Finn nodded. “I punch ‘em baddies.” Finn made a fist with his hand before punching the air.

James gave a little laugh as he ruffled Finn’s hair. “Ah, sad to be going home tomorrow.” James exhaled, not wanting the holiday to be over just yet.

“Me too,” April pouted. “What do you say to staying here forever bud?”

“Uhm,” Finn scrunched his face up. “I miss Bee,” Finn sighed. “And Kaya and Gamma and Nana and uhm...” Finn scratched the side of his head. “Ruby and Gee and Pop’s.”

“Ah he wants to get home to all his ladies.” James teased as he ticked Finn’s side, Finn giggling as he tried to move away from the tickling.

“Mummy misses them too, April said. “I’m excited to see Rubes again. Got lots to tell her too.” April admired her engagement ring before grinning up at James. James raised his eyebrows before placing another kiss on her lips.

“You think she’ll want to hang out with us when we get back?” James questioned, Ruby not doing much with the both of them lately, saying she’d only be a third wheel.

“I dunno,” April shrugged as Finn leapt off her knee, going for another swim around the baby pool. “I guess she’ll feel awkward being around a couple,” April pursed her lips. “Maybe we could see if she’d be up for getting set up with one of your friends.”

“Hmm,” James pursed his lips. “My friends are surfer jerks,” James gave a little laugh. “I don’t think any of them are good enough for Ruby.”

“What about Shay?” April questioned. “He seems really sweet.”

“Shay is a good guy actually,” James nodded. “I guess we can see if she is up for it.”

“Yeah,” April agreed. “I mean I don’t want to push her into dating again if she’s not ready but I don’t want her being single and sad forever.” April said, of course worrying about her friend getting through her grief.

“I know but we can’t rush her,” James said. “And hey, when she meets the right person she’ll be able to move on without hesitation.” James said and April gave a little nod before looking back to her son who at her son who was swimming around the pool, April smiling as she leaned into James, the family enjoying the last day of their holidays.




Charlie and the kids met Leah and her kids and Bianca and Kaya at the beach. The kids were building some kind of sand city while the adults relaxed. “So how did it go with DOCS this morning?” Leah questioned, aware of her friends desire to foster Kobe.

“We hit some problems,” Charlie exhaled. “And now I don’t even know if Brax wants to foster at all. I just...” Charlie shrugged as she threw her hands up in the air.

“So you and Brax need to talk more then.” Bianca said, glancing over to the kids to see if they were safe before looking back to her friend.

“I guess so,” Charlie sighed picking up some sand and letting it fall through the gaps of her fingers. “After Tanya left he went straight to work so I guess we’ll have to talk tomorrow now.”

“Why wait till tomorrow?” Leah questioned. “It’s best not to go to bed angry with each other.”

“I have night shift,” Charlie answered. “I’m not going to see him again today.” Charlie said, hating that on Thursday’s she hardly got to see her partner.

“Oh yeah it’s Thursday,” Leah exhaled. “Can’t believe it’s almost the weekend. This week has gone so quick. And the kids are back at school on Monday.”

“I think we are excited about that though.” Bianca laughed.

“Maybe a little,” Leah said, glancing at her kids as they played with their friends. “Not sure the kids will be though.”

“Well this mummy certainly is,” Charlie said, glancing at Georgia who in that moment looked like a very sweet little girl. “Little madam is driving me crazy. She’s found the terrible two’s.”

“Ooooh dear.” Leah pulled a face. “What’s she been doing?”

“Well she decided to decorate the kitchen wall the other day because you know, white is just too boring,” Charlie sighed. “She poured all the salt from the salt shaker this morning and ripped up Daniels drawing because she wanted the crayon he was using,” Charlie shook her head. “Little Braxton for sure.” Charlie muttered and Bianca and Leah laughed.

“Looks like butter wouldn’t melt right now too.” Bianca said glancing at Georgia.

“Hmm if only,” Charlie raised her eyebrows. “So, Miss Scott, I hear you have a little thing for my almost brother-in-law?”

Bianca went a little red. “He’s nice.”

“Well anytime you need me to watch Kaya so you can have a hot date I will,” Charlie told her. “And Heath told me to tell you we are free tomorrow night for babysitting services.”

“Thanks,” Bianca smiled. “I’ll let you know.”

“Sarg.” Charlie looked around as Kobe came running down the beach.

“Hey Kobe.” Charlie smiled at the boy. “Where’s Irene?”

“She’s talking with Mr Stewart,” Kobe answered, pointing up the beach. “I saw you.” Kobe grinned as he sat down in the sand next to her.

“Does Irene know you are here?” Charlie wondered and Kobe gave a little nod. “She said she’ll come.”

“Okay,” Charlie gave a little smile before looking to the other kids then back to Kobe. “You want to go play with the kids?” Charlie questioned. “You remember Georgia?” Charlie pointed to her daughter.

“Uh-uh,” Kobe nodded. “Will you come too Sarg?”

“I’ll come soon,” Charlie told him, seeing Kobe was once again in the same clothes. “And you can call me Charlie, okay?” Kobe looked up at Charlie very seriously before he nodded his head. “Daniel,” Charlie shouted over to her son. Daniel looked across before getting up to his feet and running over to her. “This is Kobe,” Charlie ran her hand through Kobe’s hair. “He’s going to come play with you guys for a while okay?”

“Sure,” Daniel said, smiling down at the boy. “You like making sandcastles?” Daniel questioned and Kobe gave a little shrug, looking down shyly. “Well cos we are making this whole sand city,” Daniel said. “But we’ll show you how. C’mon.” Daniel gestured for Kobe to walk with him. Kobe looked to Charlie very shyly.

“Go on.” Charlie nudged his shoulder and Kobe stood up and walked over to the rest of the kids with Daniel, Charlie glad to get the opportunity to see how he’d get along with her kids.


Finn buttoned up his little red shirt, his tongue sticking out as he concentrated very hard at getting the buttons into the holes. He was wearing tan coloured pants and little pair of red vans completed his outfit. “I did it by self.” Finn grinned, proud of his accomplishment.

“Wow look at you all smartly dress for dinner buddy.” April gasped down at her son, Finn giggling as he looked down shyly.

“Daddy,” Finn ran across to James who was at the mirror, brushing his hair. “You do my hair?” Finn questioned. “Spike it.”

James lifted Finn up so he was sitting on the dresser and took a little bit of hair gel and spiked up Finn’s hair a little. “Look cool dude.” James kissed his cheek before lifting him back down to the floor. Finn ran over to the full length mirror at the end of the hallway and posed to admire his look. April gave a little chuckle at her son before looking back to James.

“You spend more time doing your hair than me,” April laughed as she walked over to James. April had left her hair down, letting her long dark locks flow passed her shoulders. “I think you should cut it off.” April said and James raised his eyebrows before turning to face her.

“I thought you liked my long hair?” James questioned. “You said you liked having something to grab....” James trailed off as he gave a cheeky grin.

“Hey,” April slapped his chest. “And I do like it long but it’s been like that ever since we’ve been together. Maybe it’s time for a change,” April suggested. “Get an older, yes I am a father of two look.”

“I guess,” James put his hands onto April’s stomach as he spoke. “And it would be easier having short hair. Grams doesn’t like me having long hair.”

“Yeah. She’s always telling you you’re not a girl.” April laughed.

“What do you think little dude?” James looked down to Finn who was still posing in the mirror. “Should daddy cut his hair?”

“Uhm,” Finn pursed his lips. “Yeah cos then you do like mines.” Finn patted his hair as he spoke.

“Wouldn’t have that hot surfer look then though, would I?” James questioned.

“Even if you were bald you’d still be my hot surfer fiancé,” April told him as she placed a soft kiss on his lips. “But don’t shave it all off. Like you say, I like some hair to grab.” April mumbled and James gave a little laugh before he glanced down at his watch.

“Right, we all ready?” James questioned and April gave a little nod. “Let’s go get some dinner then.” James said, the family about to go out for a nice meal on the last night of their holiday.


“Should be getting these ones home for dinner no?” Charlie looked up as she saw Brax behind her.

“They’ve got 5 more minutes then we are going home,” Charlie said as Brax sat down next to her. Leah, Bianca and the kids had left long ago but Charlie and the kids stayed longer at the beach, the kids wanting to spend the whole day there, giving days at the beach would be more limited after they went back to school. “Aren’t you working?”

“I get breaks,” Brax answered, staring out at Kobe who was still playing with her kids. Albeit he hadn’t said a word to them all day but he was playing well with them. “Who’s that?”

“That’s Kobe,” Charlie answered. “Irene needed to go into work so I said I’d watch him.”

“Is that even allowed?” Brax questioned.

Charlie gave a little shrug. “Irene is his carer right now. She says I can watch him, I can watch him.” Charlie didn’t look at Brax as she spoke, but kept her gaze on Kobe instead.

Brax clicked his tongue. “He’s cute,” Brax said. “I just don’t want us rushing into this. Adoption, even fostering; it’s a big decision.”

“You said you wanted to foster,” Charlie sighed. “That’s why I called DOCS. That’s why we had that home visit. Why have you changed your mind?” Charlie looked up to Brax.

“I....I...” Brax shook his head. “It’s not that I’ve changed my mind. I just...” Brax pursed his lips, not sure how to word it.

“Sarg,” Kobe came running over to Charlie. “I got you this.” Kobe handed her the white shell with little pink specks on it.

“Ah thank you it’s lovely.” Charlie smiled at Kobe and he looked down shyly. “Kobe this is my partner, Brax.” Kobe looked to Brax who smiled at the boy.

“Hey Kobe,” Brax held his hand out but Kobe just stared at him, stepping closer to Charlie. “You having fun with those two?” Brax gestured to his kids who were still paying happily. Kobe glanced at Charlie before looking back to Brax, giving the littlest of nods. He sat down in the sand close to Charlie, his little hand going onto her knee. Charlie put her hand on top and rubbed his gently. Brax watched the boy and saw the connection he already had with his soon to be wife. “Well you’re right. I should be at work so...I’ll see you later.” Brax said as he stood up and walked away from Charlie, looking back again at the bond that had already formed between Charlie and the boy.


Thank you.


Charlie walked into the house and went straight up the stairs to the bedroom. It was 6.30am, but Charlie was just getting in from working, Charlie always doing nightshift on a Thursday night. She quietly opened the door and crept into the room, not wanting to wake Brax. She pulled the old t-shirt of Brax’s from under her pillow before walking through to the en-suite and taking her uniform off, throwing it into the laundry basket. She yawned as she put the t-shirt on before reaching for her toothbrush and brushing her teeth. She saw a shadow at her side and turned to see Brax walking into the bathroom. “Sorry,” Charlie spat into the sink. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I was awake anyways.” Brax yawned as he handed the papers out for Charlie to take. Charlie put her toothbrush back in the holder before taking the papers from him, screwing her up as she read over then.

“You filled out the foster papers,” Charlie looked questioningly up to Brax who was nodding his head. “But you said you didn’t want too -”

“I never said I didn’t want too,” Brax butted in. “I just had concerns. Foster kids can be troubled and I....I was just a little apprehensive,” Brax exhaled. “But I saw that little boy today and he’s just....you know when we first met and we had this undeniable connection, like we’d known each other for ever, like we, like were made to be together?” Brax questioned and Charlie gave a little nod. “Well I saw that with Kobe. You’re meant to be his mother. You and him together just seemed to fit. He’s supposed to be with us, Charlie.”

Charlie smiled before wrapping her arms around Brax in a hug. Brax wrapped his arms around her as he kissed the side of her head. “You’re not only doing this for me, are you?” Charlie said as she pulled back and looked up into his eyes.

“I get another son out of it,” Brax exhaled. “Level the teams a bit,” Brax joked. “Can’t have you, Rubes and trouble ruling the house forever.”

“I know he was really quiet with you and the kids today but I can see him fitting in. I can....as you say he’s supposed to be a Braxton.” Charlie said.

“Well we’ll get these papers to DOCS and see what happens. We’ll hopefully be able to bring him home with us.” Brax said and Charlie gave a little excited squeal before jumping into Brax, wrapping her arms around him in another hug.


Finn had his crocodile teddy tucked under one arm as his wallaby was under his other. He was sitting on the top of the suitcases as they were on the trolley, James pushing it through the airport to wait in line at the check-in desk. “I don’t want to go home.” Finn sighed sadly.

“You did yesterday,” April ran her hand over her son’s hair. “You wanted to go see Bee, Kaya, Gamma and everyone else.”

“Well,” Finn exhaled. “I want to see ‘em but I want to stay ‘ere.” Finn gave a sad pout.

“We can’t stay in Whitsundays forever,” April rubbed his cheek. “And hey you can show Auntie Bee you’re new friends,” April glanced down to his teddies before looking back up to him. “They got names yet?”

“Uhm....” Finn looked down to his crocodile. “Snappy,” Finn gave a little giggle. “And this is Jumpy.”

“Snappy and Jumpy for a crocodile and a wallaby?” James questioned. “Ingenious names little dude.” James said and April stifled a laugh as Finn grinned. James looked beyond Finn to a woman cradling a young baby and a rather large smile formed on his face. April looked round and spotted what James was looking at before looking back to James with a smile. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on April’s lips as his hand brushed over her stomach.

“Can we tell him?” James whispered into her ear.

“No,” April replied in an equally low tone. “It’s too soon.”

James gave a sad pout as he fluttered his eyelashes but April stood firm, shaking her head again. “After our dating scan,” April mumbled. “That’s 6 weeks away.”

“6 weeks,” James widened his eyes. “I’m going to burst if I need to wait that long to tell him.”

“Well you do,” April sighed. “Babe it’s still so early and I just want to be sure before we tell him. We don’t need to go confusing him, do we?”

“Well no,” James answered. “But you’ve been pretty sick so that’s a good sign of a healthy pregnancy, right?”

“Mmm,” April nodded. “But we’re still not telling him.” April raised her eyebrows before leaning up and placing a kiss on James’ lips, if only to get him to stop going on about telling Finn about the baby.


“Food food food food food.” Georgia banged her spoon off the table, screaming at the top of her voice for her breakfast.

“Shhh,” Brax glared over at his daughter from the worktop where he was waiting on the toast to pop. “Mummy is sleeping.”

“Lazy mummy.” Georgia screeched.

“No she’s not,” Daniel glared at his sister from eating his weet-bix. “She’s been working all night so gets to sleep in on Fridays.”

“Hmm,” Georgia curled her nose as she reached for her orange juice, taking a big drink. “Want me egg daddy.” Georgia sighed, hungry for her breakfast.

“It’s almost ready,” Brax said as he lightly buttered the toast before cutting it up so she could dip it into her boiled egg. He knocked the top off of the egg, smiling to himself as the yolk was still nice and runny, just how Georgia liked it. He took the plate over and put it down in front of his daughter before joining them at the table, going to have some weet-bix of his own. “So what you two want to do today?”

“The park,” Georgia answered as she dipped her toast into her egg. “Push me high on the swings.”

“What do you think of the park buddy?” Brax looked to Daniel to see if that’s what he fancied doing to.”

“Yeah,” Daniel answered. “Cos I can skate there.”

“You and you’re skating eh,” Brax said. “Love that more that surfing. You’re letting the Braxton name down.”

“My names not Braxton.” Daniel answered.

“I guess not,” Brax mumbled. “Not yet anyways eh.” Brax said and Daniel shook his head. “Maybe you’ll need to take an extra skateboard and show me how to do some tricks.”

“No,” Daniel giggled. “You can’t skateboard you are too old.”

“Daniel Ross,” Brax gasped. “I’m not old.”

“You are a bit.” Daniel giggled and Georgia joined in with the giggling as she nodded her head in agreement with her brother.

“Well I am going to skate and show you two what an old guy can do.” Brax said, Daniel and Georgia still giggling as they looked at their father.

“I’m a get mummy.” Georgia said as she jumped down from the table.

“Georgia, no,” Brax stood up from the table as she disappeared out of the room. “Leave mummy to sleep longer.” Brax said as he ran out of the room after his daughter, Daniel still giggling at the thought of Brax joining him on the skateboard.


Ruby concentrated for a moment before moving the pool cue, hitting the white ball, sending it rolling down the pool table, it hit the yellow ball which knocked off the side before hitting against the blue ball, letting it roll gently into the pocket. She gave a little grin as she looked up to Evan. “My go again then?” Ruby gave a cheeky laugh before taking another shot, this time not managing to pot any balls.

“Green stripe top left pocket,” Evan said before taking his shot, not even hitting the green stripe and the ball he did hit didn’t go anywhere near the top left pocket. “Or not.”

Ruby gave a laugh. “You suck at this just as much as Dex did.”

“Yeah?” Evan exhaled. “Not a pool shark either then?” Evan questioned and Ruby shook her head, before pursing her lips as she realised she’d brought Dex up.

“He uhm....” Ruby paused. “He wasn’t the sporty type at all. Felt more comfortable with a book in his hand than any type of cue, stick, bat, racquet, surf board....” Ruby exhaled. “But anyways, it’s my go.” Ruby took a shot before looking up, seeing Evan walking over to her. He rested the pool cue against the table before putting his hand onto her upper arm and rubbing it gently.

“I can see it still hurts you to talk about him,” Evan told her. “When I talk about my dad now, it’s makes me happy to remember,” Evan said. “You’ll get to that moment too,” Evan told her. “And when you do, I’ll be here to listen if you chose to talk to me.” Evan said and Ruby gave him a weak smile as he tucked her hair behind her ear. He gently brushed over her cheek with his thumb as they stared into each other’s eyes. He leaned in a little more, edging closer, almost going in for a kiss, but stopped when he heard Ruby clear her throat and pull away.

“It’s uhm...it’s your go.” Ruby said, moving to the side as Evan’s hand fell from her face. He exhaled lightly before picking up his pool cue and continuing with the game.


Thank you Rome&Indi Forever and CharlieAndBraxLover.


Ruby knocked on the door before walking into her mother’s bedroom. “Hey, you busy?” Ruby questioned as she sat down on the end of the bed.

“I’m just about to go out and meet Brax and the kids at the park,” Charlie said as she put her sandals on. “I thought you were hanging out with Evan today?”

“Things got weird.” Ruby gave a little shrug as Charlie walked over to her and sat down next to her.

“What do you mean weird?” Charlie questioned, staring down at her daughter as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“He tried to kiss me.” Ruby told her, one hand rubbing over her other.

“And that made it weird because you don’t like him in that way or because you do like him but you feel guilty for it?” Charlie questioned, Ruby pursing her lips as she looked down, Charlie knowing the answer. “It’s always going to be hard to move on,” Charlie put her hand on her daughter’s thigh. “But Dex would be the first person to tell you to keep living your life and find that special someone to spend it with.” Charlie told her, her tone soft and comforting.

“But what if I don’t ever love someone like I loved Dex?” Ruby’s voice sounded like it was going to break.

“You’re not ever going to love someone like you loved Dex,” Charlie wiped a tear that slowly fell from Ruby’s eye. “But you can love someone just as much,” Charlie said. “Dex is always going to have a special place in here,” Charlie put her hand over Ruby’s heart. “But this heart is big enough to find love and happiness with someone else too.”

“I can try right?” Ruby questioned. “That’s okay?”

“It’s more than okay, Ruby,” Charlie told her. “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you and it would be pretty lonely being by yourself for the rest of it just because you can’t be with Dex.”

“He uhm....he’d want me to move on, right?” Ruby questioned and Charlie gave a little nod as she wrapped her arm around her daughter and placed a soft kiss on her head. “You know I....I really did want to kiss him but I was taken a little by surprise and...” Ruby trailed off.

“It’ll happen when it’s supposed to,” Charlie said. “You’ve admitted that you like someone else and that’s already a big step,” Charlie rubbed Ruby’s arm as she gave a little nod. “It’ll all fall into place.”

“Yeah,” Ruby exhaled. “You know eh....Evan he’s here because he...” Ruby pursed her lips. “He’s James’ brother.”

“James?” Charlie screwed her face up. “April’s James?” Charlie questioned and Ruby gave a little nod. “I didn’t think he had any siblings?”

“He isn’t aware of his existence,” Ruby said. “You know his dad took off when he was young. Got himself a new family.”

“Wow,” Charlie widened her eyes. “Wonder how he’ll take that.”

“You and me both,” Ruby mumbled. “Guess we’ll find out soon. They’re due back from Whitsundays today.”

“Ah well it’ll be nice for you to see them again,” Charlie gave a little smile before looking to her watch. “Well I better get in to meet these guys. You want to come?” Charlie questioned and Ruby considered it before shaking her head.

“Nah I’ll just stay here.” Ruby answered.

“You sure?” Charlie questioned. “They took an extra skateboard. Brax wants Daniel to show him some tricks.”

Ruby gave a little laugh at the thought. “Might be amusing,” Ruby said. “But nah. I’m gonna chill out.”

“Okay,” Charlie gave her daughter a smile. “I’ll see you later then.”Charlie said before she left her room, ready to leave the house to meet up with the rest of her family at the park.


“Mummy,” Georgia screeched as she saw Charlie walking over to them. “He’s broken.” Georgia pointed to Brax who was sitting on the bench, his knee bloody.

“What did you do?” Charlie tried to hold back laughter.

“He took a real tumble,” Daniel laughed. “He was at the top of the half pipe and fell when he tried to come down and he’s hurt his knee and hip and look.” Daniel was still laughing at he pointed to Brax’s head, an egg forming on his brow.

“Aw kids, it’s don’t laugh at daddy,” Charlie had to bit her lip so she didn’t laugh as well. “Although I would have loved to have seen that,” Charlie gave a little chuckle as Brax just glared angrily at her. “So I see teaching dad to skate wasn’t too successful,” Charlie bent down in front of Brax as she took the wet wipes from her bag, always having some on her due to having a two year who wanted to get into everything. She wiped away the blood from Brax’s cut, Brax wincing as it stung a little. “Aww don’t be a baby.” Charlie light slapped the side of his leg as she continued to clean her fiancé up.

“He hurted.” Georgia climbed up onto the bench and started poking at Brax’s egg on his forehead.

“Ouch,” Brax batted her hand away. “Don’t touch daddy’s ouchie.” Brax said and Georgia gave a little giggle as she continued to stare at it.

“He should have been wearing protectors then he wouldn’t have gotten hurt as much eh?” Daniel said and Charlie gave a little nod. She always made sure Daniel wore knee and elbow pads and a helmet was especially always a must when Daniel was on his skateboard, especially when he was at the skate park. “Can I go back to skate?” Daniel asked.

“Just be careful.” Charlie told him and Daniel nodded as he ran off to keep skating.

“What we going to do with daddy babycakes?” Charlie questioned, glancing at her daughter who was still staring up at Brax’s egg.

“Uhm,” Georgia held her hands out to the side as she shrugged. “I no no.” Georgia said as Charlie sat down on the bench next to Brax, Brax holding onto his side like he was in pain.

“You hurt your side?” Charlie questioned.

“Mmm,” Brax nodded and Charlie looked down as she once again tried not to laugh. “It’s not funny. I’m in pain.”

“Was it really that bad a fall?” Charlie moved Brax’s hand and lifted his shirt up, seeing some bruising on his side. “Besides you have to be a big brave boy,” Charlie rubbed his side. “Will a kiss from mummy make it better?” Charlie questioned leaning up to Brax and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Georgia gave a little giggle. “Mummy,” Georgia said and Charlie pulled back from the kiss and looked to her daughter. “Ehm...daddy say a bad word,” Georgia told her. “When he falled.”

“Did he?” Charlie raised her eyebrows as she looked back to Brax.

“He sayeded uhm...fu -” Georgia went to say the word.

“We don’t need to say it,” Brax looked to his daughter as his hand went over her mouth. “Why don’t you go back to play on the swings?” Brax questioned. “Mummy will come and push you high.” Brax said and Georgia nodded as she jumped down from the bench and ran over to the swings.

“I guess you’ll be staying here for a bit?” Charlie said as she stood up and Brax gave a little nod, his hand once again rubbing over his side, not impressed that Charlie still looked more amused than concerned for him. “Rest up.” Charlie chuckled as she rubbed his arm before walking over to her daughter, lifting her up into the swing, before starting to push her high, Georgia grinning as she enjoyed being on the swing.


Finn ran into the house and leapt up into Bianca’s arms. “Auntie Bee.” Finn screeched as he hugged her.

“Hey buddy how was the holiday?” Bianca questioned, walking over to the couch and sitting down with Finn on her knee.

“I gots thems,” Finn showed her Jumpy and Snappy who were in his hands. “Jumpy n Snappy.” Finn said.

“Wow they are cool,” Bianca looked down to the teddies. “So you guys looked very relax and refreshed.” Bianca said looking up to her sister and her fiancé as they sat on the armchair, April sitting on James’ knee as James had his arms wrapped around her.

“It was great,” James answered. “Nice to get away and relax. Have a nice time with my family.”

“How’ve you been?” April questioned. “Any hot dates with Heath yet?” April raised her eyebrows and Bianca went a little red in the face.

“We’ve had dinner a couple of times but Kaya’s been there,” Bianca told her sister. “She’s going to Charlie’s tonight though so we’ve got our first official date,” Bianca sounded a little nervous and April picked up on that.

“I’m sure it’ll go well,” April said. “There’s a spark there for sure.” April raised her eyebrows as Kaya came running out of her bedroom, happy to see April and James home.

“April,” Kaya beamed. “Look.” Kaya opened her mouth wide, displaying her teeth.

“Oh wow you’ve lost another two teeth since I’ve been gone,” April cupped Kaya’s cheek with her hand as she looked into her mouth. “Keeping the tooth fairy busy then huh?”

“Yeah,” Kaya grinned. “I got 5 dollars for each tooth.”

“Wow,” James gasped. “Seems like you’ve got a very generous tooth fairy,” James said as he glanced at Bianca.

“Doesn’t she,” Bianca raised her eyebrows as he ruffled her daughter’s hair. “I don’t think she’ll be able to keep up with the 5 dollars a tooth price at the rate your teeth are falling out.”

“She will,” Kaya nodded as she looked to her mother. “It’ll always be 5.” Kaya said before looking back to April. “Did you get me a present?” Kaya wondered and James gave a little laugh.

“That’s why she’s glad to see us back eh.” James nudged on April as she leaned down into her bag, Kaya grinning as April got out the small gifts they’d brought back for Bianca and Kaya.


Thank you. :)


Brax was sitting on the couch, still complaining of a pain in his side from his skateboard injury earlier that day. “You’ve probably just bruised the muscle,” Charlie said, running her hand over the area where a bruise had formed on the skin. “I’ll call Sid if you want me too.” Charlie said and Brax shook his head.

“Nah nah you are right, I’ll be fine,” Brax said. “Will teach me to try something new again though.” Brax sighed and Charlie gave a little laugh.

“Skating is something Daniel loves and you were showing interest,” Charlie cuddled into Brax, her hand rubbing over his chest. “It was sweet. Maybe next time you try something the kids love it’ll be more along the lines of dress up with Georgia. Less chance of injury that way.” Charlie looked up to Brax, giving a little grin as she spoke.

“If seeing me in a sparkly tiara is going to do it for you then you just need to ask,” Brax joked. “Because that can be arranged.” Brax gave a cheeky grin as he raised his eyebrows before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Charlie’s lips.

“We’s ready.” Georgia came running into the room first, dressed in her pyjamas, Kaya helping the two-year-old change. Charlie pulled back from the kiss, the kids getting ready for bed before they were going to watch a movie.

“We picked Rio,” Kaya said, holding the DVD in her hand. “I’ve not seen it yet.”

“He a bird.” Georgia flapped her arms like they were wings as Daniel took the DVD from Kaya and walked over to the TV to put it on.

“He can’t fly though.” Daniel looked to his sister; cross she was flying when the bird from Rio couldn’t.

Georgia scowled at her brother before running over to the couch and climbing up onto it, Owlie tucked under her arm as she dragged her white blankie with different coloured owls on it behind her. “Make the poppycorn mummy.” Georgia said as she moved her hair from in front of her face.

“Popcorn and drinks coming up,” Charlie said. “You two get yourself comfy.” Charlie looked to Daniel and Kaya as she spoke. Daniel jumped up onto the armchair, pulling the throw down from the back of it and putting it over himself. Kaya looked to Charlie before walking over to her.

“I’ll come help you,” Kaya said, Charlie giving a little nod as she walked to the kitchen, Kaya following after her. “Auntie Charlie?” Kaya questioned as Charlie put the bag of popcorn into the microwave to pop.

“Hmmm?” Charlie hit the time into the microwave before hitting start button and turned to face Kaya, Kaya starting up at her, her big green eyes all wide as she moved her brown hair from in front of her face.

“Will my mummy marry Heath?” Kaya questioned.

“I don’t know sweetheart,” Charlie answered. “They’ve just gone out on a date. It will be a long time before mummy decides to marry anyone.”

“Oh,” Kaya looked a little sad at the answer. “Well you see I really really would love it if mummy got me a daddy,” Kaya said, Charlie picking up on the sadness in her tone. “Does you know who my real dad is?”

Charlie didn’t know what to say. “Uh....that’s something you need to speak to mummy about,” Charlie said, of course not going to tell Kaya all about Liam, knowing it wasn’t her place. “Now do you want orange or apple juice?” Charlie questioned, quick to change the subject before any more awkward questions from Kaya were asked.

“Apple please.” Kaya answered and Charlie walked over to the fridge to get juice for the kids to have along with the popcorn and movie.


“Congratulations,” Ruby was holding April’s left hand in hers as she stared down at the ring. “What a gorgeous ring.”

“Thanks,” April admired the ring herself. “Took me completely by surprise when he asked me,” April said. “But I’m super excited.”

“Ah yeah it’s great,” Ruby answered. “I’m really happy for you. Does that mean I have two weddings to help plan now?” Ruby questioned, the other of course being her mothers.

“Uhm, nah,” April shook her head. “Don’t think we are going to get married any time soon.”

“What, why?” Ruby questioned.

“Weddings cost a lot of money and.....” April cleared her throat looking downwards. “I just...we need to save.”

“I guess,” Ruby pursed her lips. “We need to go out though. Or at least have a wine or two here to celebrate.” Ruby got up and walked over to the kitchen, looking for wine in April’s fridge.

“Oh no no,” April shook her head walking through to the kitchen after Ruby. “We can celebrate without alcohol.”

“Like how?” Ruby questioned. “It’s the perfect excuse to have a glass of wine with your bestie who you’ve not seen for like 3 weeks,” Ruby sighed as she stared at her friend. “You’re boobs are falling out of that dress by the way,” Ruby mumbled. “Seems like they’ve grown since I last saw you,” Ruby widened her eyes as she stared down at April’s stomach. “Oh my God.” Ruby slapped her hand against her mouth. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”

April bit her lip before nodding a little. “Well I guess its congratulations again,” Ruby said before pulling her friend into a hug. “Lots of great news to tell me huh.”

“Not sure that news is so great but,” April gave a little shrug. “Jay’s ecstatic and I know when we tell Finn he’ll be pleased too.”

“It seems like it would be pretty great news to me,” Ruby said. “I’d give anything to have had Dex’s baby. I...” Ruby shook her head. “You have no idea how lucky you are to be with a guy like James.” Ruby said and April pursed her lips as she gave a little nod, knowing that she was lucky to have James in her life.

“I know I’m lucky to have him,” April said. “And you will find some to have that with one day.” April assured her.

“Yeah,” Ruby agreed. “Actually, I’ve been talking to this guy and he.....well he’s here to look for his long lost brother.” Ruby spoke quietly, aware James wasn’t too far away putting Finn to bed.

“Right?” April looked a little confused.

“He said his brother’s name was James and that he was 22 and this guy, he....he sort of reminds me of your James.” Ruby said, seeing April’s face widen in shock and confusion at the same time, just like she expected her reaction to be.

“James doesn’t....but he.....” April looked gobsmacked. “He always wanted a brother.”

“Well maybe he’s about to get one.” Ruby mumbled, knowing that now James was back in town, Evan would want to meet with him as soon as he could.


Brax winced as he hobbled over to the bed and got in to lie down. “Can you rub my side?” Brax questioned.

“God,” Charlie gave a little laugh. “Anyone would think you were an old cripple.” Charlie said as turned to her side and started to rub Brax’s side where he was a little bruised.

“I feel old,” Brax murmured. “Falling on my side should not hurt me this much,” Brax said, Charlie just laughing as she continued to rub his side. “I should have listened to Daniel. He said I was too old to give skateboarding a go.”

“You’d think considering how well you can surf you’d be able to skate,” Charlie said. “It’s got to be similar, no?” Charlie cocked her head to the side a little.

“Well after today’s attempt I’m not so sure,” Brax answered. “Little bugger just kept laughing at me and of course trouble needed no encouragement to laugh at her old man.”

“Wouldn’t ever have dreamed she would,” Charlie said. “I’m surprised at Daniel for just laughing though. Although if I was 9 and my dad fell I have to admit I think I’d laugh too.” Charlie continued to rub where Brax was sore.

“Well I’m telling you now we are getting Kobe a surfboard before we get him into this skating thing,” Brax said. “Daniel’s not luring him to his side.”

“He might not even want to do either,” Charlie said, liking that Brax was already talking about when Kobe came to stay with them. “And it’s not like Daniel hates surfing. If he’s not wanting to skate chances are he’ll be wanting to surf.”

“So very true,” Brax said. “But still, he’s going to a Braxton and I’m afraid it’s just a rule. Us Braxton’s love the surf.”

“So does that mean I better keep my Buckton name because you know you’re luck on getting me out on a surf board.” Charlie said and Brax gave a little laugh.

“Uh-uh,” Brax shook his head. “You’ll be Mrs Braxton. And I’m getting you into that surf one day.” Brax told her but Charlie just shook her head, surfing never going to be her thing.

“Keep dreaming baby. Keep dreaming.” Charlie mumbled before she leaned up and placed a soft kiss on Brax’s lip before they snuggled together to sleep.


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