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1994 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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Have binge watched about 50 episodes over the past two weeks - I'm surprised at how many of the storylines, episodes and scenes I remember from these episodes, since I was only 7 when they aired. I was essentially raised on Home and Away, so I've always remembered the characters and big events, but it's my memory of the minor events that have really surprised me.

Jack's arrival really kicks off the true golden era of the show... It was the whole Jack/Selina/Shannon/Curtis gang that shook things up in a big way, so it's exciting to be reliving all that, knowing what's ahead for everyone.

Damian and Fin are probably my least favourites at the moment, even though I probably liked their characters when I was a kid. Luke, Roxy and Nick I'm really enjoying this time around, even though they're incredibly underrated characters in Home & Away's history. My favourites from this cast are Fisher, Shane, Angel, Jack, Tug, Alf, Luke and I also really like Beth even though I know her character is quite short lived.



Police and fire authorities are on full alert for one of the biggest flamin' Alf showdowns in Home And Away history as 7TWO this morning airs the episode where Flamin Alf erupts into a raging inferno at Shane and Damian for making a huge mess of his waterbed.



Police and fire authorities are on full alert for one of the biggest flamin' Alf showdowns in Home And Away history as 7TWO this morning airs the episode where Flamin Alf erupts into a raging inferno at Shane and Damian for making a huge mess of his waterbed.

It's nothing compared to how many flamin' flamin's he'll drop in the Christmas episodes of this season, which I think was his all-time biggest Flame Fest...


Have we had the episodes yet where Sam starts saying "Flamin" all the time resulting in Alf being asked to stop saying "Flamin" in front of Sam, and he replies "I  hardly use the flamin word"? I remember it being Bobby or Greg who ask Alf to watch his language but as they have both left now, I'm either wrong, or I missed the episode.


Have we had the episodes yet where Sam starts saying "Flamin" all the time resulting in Alf being asked to stop saying "Flamin" in front of Sam, and he replies "I  hardly use the flamin word"? I remember it being Bobby or Greg who ask Alf to watch his language but as they have both left now, I'm either wrong, or I missed the episode.

No, that's still to come: It was actually Don who did/does it and I seem to remember it's to do with a sponsored fast storyline.I'm pretty sure it's while Tug and Sarah are still around, so must be later this year.(As I remember, it's prompted by Angel quoting Alf to Sam, who then proceeds to use the quote verbatim.A lot.)

Anyway, just seen 1451 and 1452.Again, knowing what's coming up it feels like a lot of set-up.Haydn is in severe danger of falling off the waggon, Sarah is beginning to realise that her feud with Angel isn't worth it and Beth's turned up.(And seems a lot younger than she did at the time.)Angel must be blind not to notice Jack's intentions.Don's idea of getting Shane to mentor Jack seems to be more of a nuclear deterrent than actually thinking Shane will be a good influence on him: Jack's going to stay in line because he knows he'll have to deal with Shane if he doesn't.Angel and Sally are in the same scene but Sally literally only says two words to her.Which is two more than she's said to Haydn.I vaguely remembered Alf being caught out when he tried on his corset for the first time but didn't realise it was Sarah and Roxy.Smart move that they didn't make too much of it.


If this is the same party I remember, Pippa and Michael are going to be returning home to a broken bannister or something like that. For some reason I have it in my head that Shannon and Curtis were at that party, so I could be mixing it up with one that happens later on... Either way it's not going to end well...


I'm amazed Alf hasn't Ripped his shirt off and turned Green down the years!

"You Galahs won't like when I'm Angry!"

"Alf Mad! Alf Flamin' Smash!" :lol::lol::lol: 

Although, In Sal's defence. There's two  more words I'd say to Haydn if I were in her shoes and one of them's "You!".

Toni Pearen was well fit wasn't she? (Knew this even at 10)



Alf and Nick both have been so grumpy! Especially Alf lol. And loved it when he gave her some time off she she slaps him on the back (fluke, she forgot about his bad back) and loved the scene between Fin and Irene. It was lovely.

Actually loving all storylines at the moment. Sarah and Angel are finally friends again and we won't have to hear about that silly old argument again and Hayden has gone. 

Enjoying Shane and Jack's feud. Shane is being immature, he should be the better man but its fun to watch :P I also like Sal and Jack's friendship. He'd be a good brother to her I think, he's been nice to her since day one. 

If only Damian went to live with his mum! Its getting too crowded there and Fin is so why can't he? Its starting to bother me why he's taking up extra space when its unnecessary.


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