SammyF Posted July 7, 2015 Author Report Posted July 7, 2015 Chapter Eight"Hey darl," Irene said as she walked into Leah's kitchen, in her hands she held a salad bowl.Leah smiled gratefully as she took the salad from her friend, "Oh you didn't have to do that Irene. They're all in the living room if you three want to go in, dinner will be ready in a few minutes. We're going to eat outside, if that's alright."Irene nodded, "Of course love."By the time dinner was ready the group had already merged outside, Cece having been introduced to Nate, Zac and Matt was sitting next to Vj and Matt. She was engaged in a conversation with Matt about his sister. Nate chuckled lightly and nudged Zac to look at Vj who was shooting daggers at Matt over Cece's head."Mate, why don't you help me bring out the dessert?" Nate suggested to Vj, who got up and followed Nate without a word."We're barely even finished dinner, in fact Matt hasn't yet." Vj rolled his eyes. Nate nodded, "You would know, wouldn't you?"Vj frowned, "What?""You've been watching Matt like a hawk all night. You need to relax." Nate told him, reaching into the refrigerator to get the pavlova."No, I haven't. I don't." Vj shook his head and began to get enough plates for everyone."Vj. Mate, the entire table, with the exception of Cece and your mother noticed." Nate told him, "Get it together."Nate then proceeded to exit the kitchen and return outside, taking the pavlova with him, leaving Vj to bring out the spoons and plates.Vj slinked out after him and stopped dead in his tracks, seeing Chris sitting in his seat. He paused, and looked at Nate who raised an eyebrow almost daring him to react. Instead he just walked over to where Chris had been sitting and sat down.He sat, moodily eating his dessert until Matt leant over, "Dude. You met her like a few hours ago. Chill." Vj just glared at him, rolling his eyes dismissively as he felt his face go all hot.Later when Irene, Chris and Cece were about to leave, Matt glanced at Vj and grinned. "Hey Cece, tomorrow. I'll walk with you to school?"Vj stood up, "Actually Jett and I were going to do that." Cece looked at Matt, "Yeah actually they were," she grinned at Vj, "But if Mr Moody is going to be all grumpy tomorrow then maybe-""I won't be. I'm not. So I'll see you tomorrow, at 8? We'll be there okay?" Vj looked at her and smiled.Cece laughed and looked at Matt, "Well I guess I'll be seeing you at school then?" She smiled at Vj, "See you tomorrow Vj."Vj nodded and watched her leave, as soon as she was out of sight he felt Matt flick his ear. "Ow.""You're obsessed dude. Get over it, it's creepy."Cece looked in the mirror one last time before making her way down stairs, "Chris! Great you're awake, how do I look?""Almost as good as me Sharlo!" He grinned."Funny one you are," She grabbed a cushion as threw it at him, "So I look okay?""Aww, you want to look good for Vj? Sharlo you look terrific, he'll love the outfit."Cece rolled her eyes and smoothed down her school uniform, "What? Chris I'm starting at a new school, I want to make a good first impression."Chris sighed, "Sure. Sure, break the boy's heart.""Knock, Knock," Chris and Cece both looked towards the door, seeing Jett and Vj both dressed in their uniforms."Hey." Cece smiled as she made her way towards them. "Should we go?""Sure, are you ready?"Cece nodded and grabbed her bag. "Actually, I should say goodbye to Irene," she turned around. Chris shook his head, "She's actually already at the diner but she said to come by at lunch."Cece nodded, "Oh. Okay, bye Chris." Jett and Vj both echoed their own goodbye's to him and began to leave, stopping when Cece turned around to face Chris again, "and Chris? My name's Cece."Chris grinned, "Bye Sharlo.""Hey! Cece?" Josh called out, his arm around his girlfriend's waist. Cece, who had just finished her meeting with Mr MacGuire."Hey, Josh. Evie," She smiled at them both."Your first day?" Josh asked. Glancing slightly at Evie who hadn't said a word to Cece yet."Yeah it is. Well I should get to class, don't want to be late on my first day." Cece nodded, waving her timetable around.Josh nodded and Cece began to head in the opposite direction, "Hey Cece?"Cece turned around to look at them. Evie spoke again, "Do you need any help, finding your classes?"Cece smiled at the brunette, "Actually Mr MacGuire just gave me a tour. But thanks Evie."Evie nodded, "Well if you do need any help, just ask."Cece nodded in thanks before waving and continuing towards her first English class at Summer Bay High.As Cece walked away Josh looked down at his girlfriend, "What?" She asked."Nothing," He smiled and pressed a light kiss against the top of her head and the couple continued their walk down the school hallways."Hey, do you want to go grab some lunch?" Vj asked watching Cece finish sending a message on her phone."Oh, actually I was going to go see Irene at the diner." Vj nodded, "Yeah, me too. Not Irene, my mum.""Your mum works here, doesn't she?" Cece asked, looking directly at Mrs Patterson's office.Vj, mentally kicked himself, "Oh yeah. Duh. Well I can still come with you? If you want?""Well, actually I was going to meet Kyle for lunch. There's just something we need to talk about," Cece told him, referencing Kyle's apparent relationship with Phoebe. "But I mean, I can cancel. I'm sure he won't mind."Vj shook his head at her suggestion, "No, don't do that. Maybe afterschool you could come over to mine and I could help you catch up on any work you've missed?"Cece smiled and nodded, "Sounds good. I best be going, I'll see you later?" Vj nodded.Walking into the diner Cece spotted Kyle sitting up the back, a black pram parked next to him. She smiled and waved before heading towards Irene, standing behind the counter."Hello!" She said cheerfully."Hi Darl, sorry I missed you this morning. How was your first day?" Irene asked.Cece nodded, "So far, so good. I'll leave you to it but I just thought I'd let you know that I'm going to go to Vj's this afternoon. He offered, to help me catch up on some stuff, is that alright?""Oh he did, did he?" Irene smirked and raised an eyebrow. She'd known that boy his entire life and not once had he ever offered to tutor anyone, "Sure go ahead, I'll see you for dinner at 7 though?""Of course." Cece smiled and nodded and made her way to where Kyle was sitting, determined to get to the bottom of whatever was going on with Kyle and Phoebe."Hey," he said as soon as she sat down. He pointed to the pram, "Ricky's surfing, said I'd watch him for her."Cece nodded, "That's the truth?"Kyle frowned, "What do you mean?"Cece, "I don't know. It's just pretty hard to tell when you're telling the truth and when you're not Kyle."Kyle raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as a waitress came over to take their orders.Cece glanced up, "May I have a chicken and mayo burger and an OJ?"The waitressed nodded and scribbled it down on her notepad and then looked at Kyle, "I'll have the same with a flat white. Thankyou."As soon as the waitress left he looked at Cece again, "What are you talking about Cece?""I don't know. You tell me. What's going on with you and Phoebe?"Kyle glanced at his sleeping nephew, "I told you. Nothing.""Don't lie to me Kyle. I don't like liars." Cece told him, her usually positive tone quite cold. Kyle didn't say anything."No. Wait, I'm sorry. You didn't lie to me, you just conveniently left out the fact that you're not together because you broke up." Cece snapped at him as the waitress bought their order over to them."You knew we broke up." Kyle said, carefully watching his words, he really didn't want to go into too much detail about his breakup with Phoebe."Yeah, when you left Melbourne. But Ricky said you'd been different since the two of you broke up. Now tell me Kyle, how would Ricky, apparently your brother's girlfriend. The brother who you found in Summer Bay, know that you'd been different, if you broke up with Phoebe when you left Melbourne?"Kyle sighed, "It's complicated Luce."Cece scrunched up here face, "How is it complicated? It seems pretty simple to me, you cut me off but not your precious little girlfriend?"Kyle's eyes widened, "What? No Luce. That is not what happened."Cece looked at him with saddened eyes, "Then what did happen Kyle?"Kyle sighed, realising that if he wanted to have a relationship with her then he needed to tell her the whole truth. "Let's just eat and I'll start from the beginning, or near it."Cece nodded and took a sip of her orange juice."We broke up when I left, okay? I cut everyone off and that's one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. But I made it. Then I didn't see Phoebe again until she came here when I was organising a music festival and we started hanging out again. Then we got back together and then she left Summer Bay and we broke up and I went after her and then we ended up back together-" Kyle's rambling was cut off by a screech, coming from Casey."Hey, Case. Shhh, Case." Kyle hushed to the baby and he picked him up. The baby's cries soon died down, "I should feed him," he told Cece regretfully.Cece nodded, "Yeah, I should probably head back to school. I'll talk to you soon?"Kyle nodded, "Yeah. And Luce? I'm sorry I lied to you."Cece stood up, "I thought we established that technically you didn't lie? I'm just over dramatic."Kyle laughed as she pulled out her purse, "No. No, it's my shout."Cece smiled and nodded, "Good luck with Casey.""Good luck with school," Kyle grinned and watched her leave."Ahah! I won, I smashed you." Vj cheered and threw down his controller.Cece rolled her eyes, "I so let you win."Vj grinned, "Sure you did." They'd gone over some school work for about an hour before getting bored of Maths and deciding the xbox was much more interesting."I did!" Cece shoved him roughly in the shoulder, resulting in Vj landing on the floor. He grinned at her before tugging on her leg, bringing her down with him. She laughed lightly, as she reached for the cushion to use as a weapon.Vj upon realising there was nothing within reach that he could use in his defence, grabbed her waist and began tickling her. Cece screeched with laughter as she tried her best to squirm out of his reach, only playing further into his hands.He laughed as she struggled to catch her breath enough to say, "Oh my god. Vj, stop it."Suddenly he stopped and grinned, hovering just above her.He glanced down at her, her blue eyes instantly captivating him. Their laughter died down until it was completely silent. His eyes slowly drifted to look at her lips before he glanced back at her, slowly leaning in towards her."Hey, dude. You home?" Jet's voice sounded through the house causing Vj to jump up off of her. Cece slightly flushed pulled herself into a sitting position.Jett's figure soon stood in the doorway, "Hey, what are you guys doing?""Nothing.""Studying."Came both of their replies simultaneously.Jett looked between them both, "By playing xbox?"Vj glanced down at their two discarded controllers, "Oh yeah. You caught us. Haha."Jett frowned, "Uh right."Silence awkwardly fell upon the three before Cece opened her mouth, changing the subject completely. "So, um. What do you guys know about Kyle and Phoebe?"Jett frowned, "Not much. Just that they broke up after Kyle's grand proposal."Cece's jaw dropped, "What?"Jett looked startled at her, "Oh you didn't know?"Cece shook her head, "But you're about to tell me.""I am?"Cece nodded, "You are."When Jett finished explaining what happened at the Colour Run, Cece was shocked. She would have never guessed that Kyle would propose to Phoebe, let alone in public."So the proposal, she said no and then they just broke-up?"Jett shrugged, "I don't really know. I just know that they're not together anymore.""Right," Cece trailed off. "Actually I have to go, I'll see you both tomorrow?" Cece jumped up from her spot and gathered her books.The boys watched as the blonde rushed out of the house, shouting a goodbye over her shoulder.Jett looked at Vj, "Dude what did I walk in on before?"Vj shrugged, "Nothing."Cece stood in the doorway of Angelos, her eyes scanned the restraunat for Kyle. Spotting him out on the balcony she headed towards him."I'm sorry," She blurted out as soon as she reached him.He turned around and raised an eyebrow as he finished serving the customers. Once he was done, he motioned for her to sit at one of the far tables."I heard about the proposal and I'm sorry." She told him as soon as she sat down."How did you hear about that?" He asked, not yet acknowledging her point about the proposal."Jett. I asked. He just told me what he knew, I'm sorry for asking around." He shook his head at her words."It's fine. Not like the whole bay didn't already know," Kyle sighed, sweeping his thumb over the table."Yeah," Cece quietly said, "Kyle why would you do it?"Kyle pursued his lips and shrugged, "I thought she'd say yes.""And she didn't?" Kyle shook his head, "Why?""She doesn't want to marry me.""But you wanted to marry her?" Cece pressed him."I know that you two don't get along but I love her and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her," Kyle told her softly.Cece didn't comment on his use of present tense when talking about loving Phoebe."Kyle?" A waitress called him, causing Kyle to stand up."I've got to get back to it." Cece nodded and followed him inside."Kyle," She said before leaving, "For what it's worth, I think she's insane for not wanting to marry you."Kyle nodded briefly before turning back to talk to his staff.Later when closing up, Kyle sighed and looked at his phone. His wallpaper a picture of Casey, and while the baby was adorable Kyle would much rather it be the previous wallpaper of himself and Phoebe.She hadn't spoken to him since she left his place the other day and he missed her greatly, wanting nothing more than to be back together with her.Thanks for reading, please review and let me know what you thought.Sammy xx
Guest Posted July 7, 2015 Report Posted July 7, 2015 Great chapterGlad Cece found out about the proposal.I wonder if VJ Will ask Cece out he seems to really like her.I look forward to more.Update again soon
Inactive User Posted July 10, 2015 Report Posted July 10, 2015 Great chapterHoping VJ will ask Cece out Update soon please xx
SammyF Posted July 18, 2015 Author Report Posted July 18, 2015 Thankyou both so much for reviewing!Chapter Nine"Happy, Happy Birthday!" Cece sung as she saw Kyle enter the living room. She'd been waiting for him to wake up for hours and had offered to watch Casey while Ricky got some more sleep."Hey," Kyle grinned as he saw her sitting on the sofa with Casey lying next to her protected by a barrier of pillows."Case, say happy birthday to your Uncle Kyle," Cece laughed as she spoke as she lifted the baby up. Holding the baby in front of her face she spoke in a baby-ish tone, "Happy Birthday Uncle Kyle."Kyle laughed at her lightly. Cece smiled before standing and handing the baby over to Kyle. She placed a kiss on his cheek. "Happy Birthday!""Thankyou" he smiled at her as Casey gurgled in his arms."So you'll get your present later because I kind of…maybe…sort of…forgot it at home this morning." Cece giggled at her forgetfulness."It's fine. Where's Ricky?" Kyle asked looking around."I said I'd watch Casey, so she's getting some more sleep." Cece told him."No I'm not. I'm up now," Ricky's voice filtered through the house before her body did, "Hey mate, Happy 23rd getting old now aren't you?"Kyle grinned, "Yeah, uh Ricky? I know it was a long time ago but do you remember what you did for your 23rd?"Ricky reached out a hand and hit Kyle over the head, "That's not funny."Kyle grinned at her and offered Casey to her. Ricky shook her head, "I'll let you, considering it's your birthday after all."Kyle smiled but looked at Cece briefly."Well I'm not that polite, give me the baby and go get ready. We're going out for brunch, remember?" Cece reached out towards Kyle so that he could give her the baby."I'll go call Bee and tell her they should leave," Ricky said and left to go back into her flat to call Bianca.Kyle looked at Cece, "She's avoiding Casey," he said quietly."I know." Cece nodded, "Now go, seriously your brother will already be there by the time you're ready to leave."Kyle nodded and went back into his bedroom, noticing his phone was flashing with a notification of a message, he opened it."Happy Birthday xxx"He smiled lightly at Phoebe's message."Thanks. Are you coming tonight? xx"He sent the message before heading towards the bathroom to shower.Once he was changed and ready to go he grabbed his phone and saw he'd gotten another message from Phoebe."Do you want me there?"Of course Kyle wanted her there. In all honesty, he'd love for her to be going out with his family for brunch but he decided it might not be in the best interests of everyone."Of course."He shoved the phone into his pocket and made his way into the living room before Cece could call out for him to hurry up."Are Josh and Andy meeting us there?" He asked when he saw Ricky sitting on the sofa with Cece."Yep, should we go?" Ricky asked standing to her feet, "Let's take my car."Kyle nodded and watched as Ricky walked out the door. "Is Case's bag here?""Yeah Ricky packed one, why don't you take him and I'll grab his bag." Cece told him.Kyle nodded and grabbed the baby carrier, glad it was Ricky who packed her sons bag. He was worried about her, she wasn't showing much interest in Casey and if she was she wouldn't let anyone else near him. She went from one extreme to the other."Happy Birthday mate," Andy said, giving Kyle a slap on the shoulder."Yeah happy birthday, Kyle." Josh said as well.Kyle thanked them as they sat down at a table, leaving four spots for Heath and his family.The waiter bought over some menu's before leaving the group in peace."How are you going with school?" Josh asked Cece as they sat next to each other.Cece nodded, "Alright, I've never been great at school but I think we were a little bit ahead at my old school, so I'm not struggling to catch up. Just with the work itself but Jett and Vj have been helping me a lot.""Oi Knuckles. Happy Birthday." Kyle laughed as Heath's voice boomed through the café.He stood up to greet his brother in a 'man-hug.' He moved towards Bianca and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek."Happy Birthday Kyle.""Thanks Bianca. Darce! Look how tall you've gotten." Kyle said as he looked at his niece."You saw me not even 3 months ago. Happy Birthday Uncle Kyle," Darcy told him, holding out a gift bag."Thanks Darce," He said taking the bag and giving her a hug, "This is Cece by the way, guys. Cece this is my brother Heath, his wife Bianca and their kids Harley and Darcy.""Hello," Cece waved her left hand. Bianca turned towards the blonde, "Oh it's great to meet you, you're living with Irene now?"Cece smiled, "I am, she's so great. She speaks very kind words about the two of you.""I knew Irene loved me!" Heath cheered as he took a seat next to Ricky who was sitting with his son on her lap.Bianca laughed and shook her head at Cece, "Now where's my nephew? I want cuddles!"Kyle pointed to the pram in between himself and Ricky, prompting Bianca to go around and take the baby from the pram.She returned to her seat next to Heath and Andy, cooing at the baby as she ignored the latter's teasing."Uncle Kyle, are you going to open your present?" Darcy asked."I sure am," he opened up the gift bag to see a neatly wrapped box-shaped present."Nice wrapping Heath," Kyle joked."I wrapped it! Not dad," Darcy announced."It's very nice," Kyle told her as he began removing the tape. Once the first side of present was unwrapped he could read the label on the box and looked up at his sister-in-law and brother to say thanks, "You guys shouldn't have." Pulling the box of Black Beats from the wrapping he showed the headphones to Cece, Josh and Andy."Do you like them? I picked the colour, dad wanted to get you pink ones but me and Bee didn't let him." Darcy told her uncle."I reckon you should've gone with pink," Cece grinned.Heath looked at her from across the table, "I like this one."Kyle rolled his eyes the pair, "Thanks Darce.""Where's Phoebe?" Bianca asked.Josh and Andy looked at her confused, Cece and Ricky looked at Kyle, Ricky with a raised eyebrow and Cece with a perplexed look present across all her features."Why would-" Andy started only to be cut off by Kyle."She's working."The table, with the exception of Heath, Bianca and the children all looked at Kyle.Heath scrunched his face up, "You're the boss and you rostered your girlfriend on to work on your birthday?"Kyle opened his mouth, but no words came out."We don't get along. Phoebe and I and well I wanted to meet you, so I came. Not Phoebe. That's why she's not here," Cece lied, stumbling over her words. She wasn't used to lying.Bianca looked at her and back at Kyle, then toward Ricky who nodded."So Heath, how's your job?" Andy asked changing the subject."That brother of yours, cannot lie to save himself." Bianca told Heath as they walked back to the car with Harley. Darcy having decided to drive back with Ricky and Kyle."I know. I may not be Brax but that was horrible, thank god he wasn't around when we were younger, the cops would've been onto us the moment they interviewed him." Heath commented as he unlocked the car, Bianca glared at him."Really Heath? Something wasn't right, you're going to find out when you give him the letter alright?""Yes ma'am" Heath said cheekily.Kyle drove the car, silently watching the road, ignoring the glares he was getting from Ricky and Cece who obviously weren't saying anything because of Darcy's presence. He wasn't sure how to answer their questions and had never been so grateful of her company. He knew in a matter of time they'd be able to corner him.Pulling into the driveway Kyle stopped the car and began getting out of the car, seeing Heath's car wasn't yet in the street."Hey Darce, here's the key. Do you think you could take Casey's bag inside?" Ricky asked passing the diaper bag and house key to Darcy.Darcy nodded and ran up towards the house."What the hell was that?" Cece asked as Ricky unbuckled Casey.Kyle sighed, "I hadn't gotten around to telling them yet, it must of slipped my mind."Ricky came around to where Cece and Kyle were standing, "How did it slip your mind Kyle? You're saying you just forgot that you proposed to your girlfriend and she said no and that the two of you broke up?"Kyle sighed, "We had more important things to discuss.""Like what?" Cece demanded."Like Casey, and Brax and Ricky." Kyle told them."A marriage proposal seems like a pretty big thing to me Kyle." Ricky said."What are you going to do when she's not there tonight?" Cece asked him."Actually she will be. I invited her," Kyle stated.Cece raised her eyebrows, "Oh. Okay, good. That's great. Yep, and what happens when you're at this party, with your ex-girlfriend and your brother who thinks that said ex-girlfriend is still current-girlfriend?"Kyle ran a hand over his face exasperated, "I don't know! Okay, I don't know."Kyle stormed off towards the house leaving Ricky and Cece in his wake.
Guest Posted July 18, 2015 Report Posted July 18, 2015 Great ChapterLoved the family birthday brunch for Kyle.i'm sort of glad Kyle invited Phoebe to the party tonight I look forward to more Update again soon
Inactive User Posted July 23, 2015 Report Posted July 23, 2015 Great chapterLiked the family birthday brunch for KyleUpdate soon please xx
SammyF Posted July 25, 2015 Author Report Posted July 25, 2015 Chapter Ten"Love what you've done with the place," Heath said sarcastically as he walked in.Kyle looked up from video game he and Darcy were playing, "Took your time." Kyle and the others had already been at the house for almost an hour."Yeah we went back to the café when we realised that Harley left his rabbit-toy behind." Heath explained."We couldn't have that now could we?" Kyle laughed as he continued to play the game."Yeah. Actually mate, can we go outside? There's something we need to discuss." Kyle looked up at his older brother."Cece, come take over." Kyle called the blonde who jumped up and took the remote.Kyle followed Heath outside to the back garden."Firstly, I'm just going to say it. You're the crappiest liar in the world. Cece's not much better either." Kyle glanced away, immediately knowing what Heath was talking about. "Now, I don't really mind, you must have had your reasons but if I go back inside without details my wife will kill me."Kyle sighed, "We're not together anymore."Heath nodded, "How long ago?"Kyle pursed his lips, "Beginning of April."Heath's eyes widened, "April? And you're only now just mentioning it?"Kyle nodded, "Yep.""Mate, I'm sorry. I thought you two were good?" Heath wasn't sure what to say.Kyle nodded before muttering, "We were. Until I proposed."Heath choked on air, "What?"Kyle shook his head, "Don't ask.""I'm going to ask. What? You proposed?" Heath asked shocked, "To Phoebe?"Kyle pursed his lips, "Something like that yeah.""When?" Heath asked, "Why?"Kyle glared at Heath, "The colour run.""And she said no?""No, Heath she said yes. The wedding's tomorrow." Kyle snapped."Sorry."Kyle shook his head before turning around and heading towards the house's entrance. "Actually there was something else, I was sent this letter."Kyle turned around to see Heath holding a white envelop towards him, "It's from Brax. He wanted me to give it to you, today."Kyle frowned and reached out and took the envelop. Shoving it into his pocket, "Thanks."Heath nodded and watched his brother go back inside the house."Kyle are you up for a beach day?" Bianca asked as soon as she noticed him. Kyle looked at her and then at Harley, already decked out in a hat and boardies."Yeah, why not? You guys head down and I'll be there soon. I've just got do something first." Kyle said."Do what?" Bianca asked.Kyle frowned, "Go into work, and update the gym's rosters."Ricky shook her head, "No. The only reason you're going into work is later tonight, for your party."Kyle looked at her and sighed, reluctantly agreeing and heading into his bedroom to get changed for the beach.Cece watched him go before turning to Ricky, "Well I'm going to head home. I'll see you all later?"Ricky stood up, "You're not coming to the beach?"Cece shook her head, "No. I'll leave you guys to it.""Why don't you come?" Heath asked from the doorway."You're his family, besides I have to go and get his present anyway."Bianca sighed, "You have so much to learn. Kyle's Heath's half-brother who was Casey's half-brother who was half-brother's with Josh who is Andy's half-brother. Yet they're all family. We're all family, you're included in that now, and I'm sure Kyle wants you there."Kyle sat helping Harley build a castle in the sand next to Bianca who held Casey in her arms. Ricky and Heath were out the back surfing with Andy and Darcy was waist deep in the water with Josh and Cece."She's a good kid," Bianca said.Kyle nodded, "Yeah she is." Kyle knew Bianca was talking about Cece."Heath told me," Bianca started, "About Phoebe."Kyle nodded."I'm sorry Kyle.""It's fine. We're fine now." Kyle told her."What do you mean you're fine?" Bianca asked."It means the whole proposal thing and having kids conversation has been forgotten and now we're good." Kyle said watching Harley bash his fist into the sand castle."But you're not back together?"Kyle shook his head, "Not yet.""Not yet?""Not yet." Kyle confirmed.Casey let out a cry demanding their attention, "I'll take him." Kyle offered.Bianca smiled at Kyle as he began to walk away with Casey. "Ky! Ky," Harley called after him.Kyle turned around to see Harley toddling through the sand to get across the short distance between them. Kyle grinned at him, "Hey little man."Kyle looked up at Bianca, "I'll take them both up to the beach? Go have fun in the water with the others.""It's your birthday. You can't spend it babysitting babies.""It's my birthday, so I get to choose what I do and this is it." Kyle smiled. Reaching out he grabbed onto Harley's hand and led him up the beach into the shade where everyone had left their stuff.After feeding Casey a bottle and setting Harley up with a bucket and shovel Kyle sat down. Pulling out the letter he'd bought with him he contemplated opening it. Deciding it was best just to get it over with he ran his finger under the edge, ripping it open."Kyle,I've been in the lock-up just a week at the time I'm writing this and I'll post it to Heath so he can give it to you on your birthday. Sorry I'm not there to celebrate with you, not that we did much last year anyway, I think that all the stuff with Phoebe's dad was going down and the year before I reckon I was in a hospital bed.This year will be better I reckon, everything should settle down. Finally. Thanks for looking after Ricky for me while I'm in here. And my son, I reckon he'd be out by now, and I know you're a softy when it comes to babies so thanks for being there for him when I can't be.I know Angelos will be still up and running but how's the gym? Andy hasn't burnt the place down yet? Let that girlfriend of your take care of you once in a while, yeah? I know you'll be run off your feet with work and family, and I'm sorry for leaving that all on you, but Phoebe's not that bad.How's her 'rock-star' dream coming along, by the way. Don't tell her but I'm missing hearing her constant humming, it's so quiet in here sometimes. I guess you know that though, you've been in here before. But you've changed completely for the better and I couldn't be prouder than to call you my brother.You've had a rough time for most of your life, but I'm glad you ended up in Summer Bay because you're a great guy and Casey, Harley and Darce are lucky to have an uncle like you, you'll be a great dad one day, Phoebe could do worse than you and Heath, Casey and I, we're lucky to have you as our brother.Happy Birthday Mate. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.""What's that?" Cece looked curiously at the sheet of paper in his hands."Ah nothing important," Kyle shoved the letter back into his pocket. Cece smiled and nodded, silently agreeing to drop the topic.She reached over him and grabbed a plastic spade, ready to help Harley build his sand castle. Kyle smiled as he watched the two interact, "Hey, Luce." Cece looked up at him, "I'm glad you're here."Cece smiled and winked at him before flinging a spade full of sand at him, "I'm glad I'm here too."Kyle laughed, he really was glad she was here, just in the past few days she'd really been watching Casey whenever Ricky needed a break and Kyle was working. Ricky seemed to get on quite well with Cece, even if the younger girl had quite a different personality to Ricky."Yes. Got it, 10 o'clock. Me and Darcy will take the boys back to Irene's and we'll call you if there's any problems." Cece repeated what Bianca had been telling her for the past hour.Bianca looked hesitantly, "Are you sure? Why don't I come back with you all? Or I'm sure we can still get a sitter."Cece shook her head, "I promise, Bianca. Everything will be fine. Casey and Harley will be asleep in their strollers in the office and at 10 o'clock we'll take them and go home."Heath walked over to his wife, "Babe, Cece and Darce are more trust worthy than me. They'll be fine. We're are going to have a good night."Bianca looked at Cece who nodded encouragingly."Alright are we ready to go?" Ricky asked as she pushed her son's pram into the house. Her was down and straight and she was wearing a yellow peplum dress."Just waiting on the birthday princess," Heath said nodding his head to where Kyle was sitting, engrossed in phone."Kyle?" Kyle looked up, "Huh?""Can we go?" Darcy asked from where she stood by the door."Yeah, of course." Kyle stood up, storing his phone in the pocket of his pants."Oh darls, look at the two of you! Don't you both look gorgeous," Irene gasped as Bianca and Cece both walked over to her.Cece smiled and smoothed down her dress, it was royal blue with cut outs in the back."Oh Irene! It's so good to see you, you need to come visit more often. We should come visit more often." Bianca nodded her head and threw her arms around Irene, pulling her in for a hug."Oh certainly enjoying yourself aren't you? How many have you had?" Bianca shrugged as she pulled away.Irene looked towards Cece who held up two fingers, "I'm going to leave you both to it." Irene waved her goodbye. Walking over to where Vj and Jett were sat at a table."Hey, watcha doing?" She asked sitting down.Jett looked at her before whispering something towards Vj. Vj looked at her startled before opening his mouth, "Hey, did you…"Jett rolled his eyes at his friends stumbling, "Dude!"Vj took a deep breath, "Would you like…"Vj was cut off by Darcy running over, "Cece! Come dance with me?"Cece grinned and stood up, "Sure!" She turned around to look at the two boys, "Are you two coming?"Vj nodded and shot up out of his seat, obviously very eager while Jett just mumbled something about Vj 'being an idiot.'"You're such an idiot man." Jett told Vj quietly as Cece laughed while she danced with Darcy.Vj glared at Jett quickly before bringing his attention back to Cece and Darcy, not that he noticed the latter."So you came?" Kyle asked as he felt the breeze of the night against his skin. Phoebe turned around, leaning against the railing of the balcony."I did."Kyle nodded, "I'm glad."Phoebe laughed, "Yeah, couldn't miss Heath's dancing." Phoebe pointed inside where Heath was currently showing off his 'moves.'"Yeah," Kyle looked back at his brother, glad that he came to visit."So, you and Cece seem to be getting along?" Phoebe commented. Kyle nodded."Yeah. We're getting there," Kyle told her. "You'd know that, if we actually spoke."Phoebe cringed, "Kyle. You needed space."Kyle shook his head. "I needed you.""Kyle, now's not the time to talk about this.""You're right. Can I get you a drink?" Kyle offered, noticing her glass was empty."If you insist," Phoebe smirked and followed Kyle inside, towards the bar.Thankyou both SO MUCH for the comments and I'm sorry I'm so slack at uploading here! Let me know what you think of this one
Guest Posted July 25, 2015 Report Posted July 25, 2015 Great chapterGlad that Kyle told Heath about breaking up with Phoebe.VJ was so embrasssed he could hardly ask Cece out.Glad Kyle is good with kids.I look forward to moreUpdate again soon
Inactive User Posted July 25, 2015 Report Posted July 25, 2015 Great chapter Liked how good Kyle was with kidsUpdate soon please xx
SammyF Posted August 1, 2015 Author Report Posted August 1, 2015 Chapter ElevenIrene kissed Cece's cheek, "I'll be home shortly."Cece nodded, "Don't rush, enjoy yourself."Darcy and Cece then began to make their way towards the exit of the restraunat, pushing Harley and Casey in their prams."Hey, where are you going?" Vj asked, coming over to them."We're gonna go home." Cece told him. "Have a good night though."Vj motioned Jett over from where he was sitting at a table, "Why don't we go with you?"Cece looked between the boys, "You want to spent the rest of your Saturday night babysitting?""Yeah! Why not?" Vj said enthusiastically."Dude," Jett mumbled."You afraid of little people, Jett?" Cece teased."What no? Bring it on," Jett laughed, already heading towards the door.Cece laughed as she and Darcy followed him, with VJ trailing behind.It was almost midnight when Irene arrived home, walking into the living room, she saw all four of them still wide awake, watching a movie that she didn't know the name of."Hey Irene." Cece greeted her, "Did you have a nice night?"Irene nodded, "I did. Darcy those parents of yours, are really enjoying themselves. Your dad especially."Irene chuckled as Darcy shook her head in embarrassment."So the party's still going?" Vj asked.Jett, Darcy and Irene laughed, "You've never been to a Braxton gathering? I've lived next door to them for years, they're definitely still going." Jett told him.Irene nodded, "Yeah. Don't think they'll be wrapping up anytime soon. Where're little Casey? And Harley?""They're in my bedroom." Cece told her."Alrighty, you're all set for the night?" They nodded. "Then I'll leave you too it.""Good night Irene," all four chorused.As soon as Irene started up the stairs Casey's cried rang throughout the house, causing Cece to jump up. "I'll go get him."Irene and Cece both headed up the stairs, Irene heading into her bedroom and Cece going to tend to Casey."Hey, hey. Case, come on little man." She whispered to him as she picked him up. "Are you hungry?"Casey's crying continued and Cece bent down to get his diaper bag, "I think you're hungry."She frowned when she couldn't find the diaper bag, "Oh no," she mumbled."Damn it." She whispered to herself as she headed down the stairs.Casey's cries seemed to have died down but the baby was still whimpering into her chest."I forgot the bag. Oh my gosh, how did I forget the bag?" Cece ran her spare hand through her hair. "I'm an idiot.""The diaper bag?" Darcy asked, Cece nodded. "At the restraunat.""I have to go get it," Cece told them, Darce can you take him?" She passed the baby to his cousin."Why don't you get Bianca or Ricky to bring it?" Jett suggested.Cece shook her head, "No. They're all having a good time, they deserve a break.""I'll come with you?" Vj suggested, standing up."Dude." Jett said, motioning subtly to Darcy, still remembering when she had a crush on him.Cece nodded, "We should go now." Cece looked at Darcy who was trying desperately to soothe the baby. Turning on her heel she bolted for the door."Give him 'ere." Vj heard Jet offer as he followed after the blonde."We'll just grab the bag and go, no need to explain. No-one will even notice us," Cece told him as she climbed two steps at a time.Vj nodded, finding it funny how much she was stressing out."Vj!" Bianca shouted as soon as she saw the pair. Stumbling towards them she latched onto his arm, "You're mum just left! Yeah she and Zacky, they were getting pretty cozy."Vj cringed at the thought of his mum and Zac. Cece grinned at him, shrugging and slipped away from the two, in order to get the bag.Cece glanced around the restraunat, not many people that she recognised remained. She didn't see Kyle among any of them either, which if she wasn't focused on getting the bag she might have asked about.She opened the door the office and walked over to where Casey's pram had been and sure enough, right there was the diaper bag. She grabbed the bag and made an exit from the office. Walking back down the hall, she looked up from the ground just in time to side-step a couple passionately sucking at each other's faces. Scrunching up her face as they continued down the hall still unaware of her presence. Sher glanced back at the demonstrative couple, her eyes widened as she realised who they were. She rushed out of the hall way and re-entered the main part of the restraunat.Charging straight towards the exit, past Vj and out the door."Hey?" Vj called racing after her down the stairs.Cece stopped and turned around, "Oh! Sorry, uh hey. Are you ready?"Vj frowned, "Yeah but what was that about? You couldn't get out of there faster enough.""Oh," Cece continued walking, "Just Kyle and Phoebe. They were are "occupied," if you know what I mean," She cringed.VJ laughed, "And you walked in on them?"Cece paled, "No thank god. They went in as I went out." She shuddered at the thought of her being a few minutes later.The pair continued on their brisk walk back, arriving back Cece's face fell as she saw Irene sitting with Jett and Darcy."I'm so sorry Irene!" Cece said as she rushed, pulling the bag off her shoulder and already digging around to find what was needed for Casey's bottle."It's fine, Cece. Why don't you just fix him a bottle and we'll see it that'll do the trick?" Irene told her, rocking the baby in her arms.Cece nodded slightly and went about making the bottle. Later once the baby was fed, burped, changed and back to sleep and Irene had headed back upstairs Cece sighed and looked at the others, "Not what you had planned for your Saturday night?"The other's grinned tiredly at her. "Hey Darce, why don't you just go take my bed? Harley's in there as well? I'll just stay down here?" Cece offered, seeing how tired the younger girl was.Darcy nodded appreciatively and bid them all goodnight."Where's Chris?" Jett asked, since Casey had been put to sleep in his room so that his crying didn't wake Harley throughout the rest of the night."He went to stay in the city with his family for the weekend, I think?" Cece told them, unsure of exactly what Chris was doing considering on Friday morning he just randomly upped and left.VJ and Jett nodded, "So, another movie?" Vj suggested, much to the agreement of the others.When Irene woke the next morning, all four kids were awake making breakfast. The blankets and pillows that had been sprawled out over the living room the night before had been neatly packed away."Look at you, all getting to work." Irene smiled, seeing Harley being entertained by Darcy with Casey nearby.Jett smiled and continued flipping pancakes. Vj was pouring juice into glasses while Cece cut up a pancake, presumably for Harley."Would you like some Irene?" Vj offered. Irene shook her head, "No thanks love. I'll just grab my keys and get out of your way. I've got to get to work; had a bit of a sleep in, this morning."Cece frowned, "Have a good day and don't forget to eat something!"Irene smiled and squeezed her shoulder lightly as she left."Here you go mate," Vj said as he placed the sliced up pancake in front of Harley, the young boy slapping his hands against the food."Tanka." He babbled and grinned toothily at Vj then at his older sister.Kyle smiled as ran a finger across Phoebe's bare stomach, her skin was warm and soft. Phoebe shifted slightly, her eyes fluttering open."Hey, you." He whispered softly, pushing a curl behind her ear an placing a light kiss on her forehead."Hey.""So, we're here again." He said quietly, looking at the ceiling before finding his eyes drawn back to her."Yeah, we are." Phoebe said, "Last night was fun."Kyle grinned, "What you remember most of it?" They'd both drunk a lot, and that's all that he knew. Phoebe smiled. They both lay silent for minute."Phoebe," Kyle started off quietly, "Brax being in jail, away from Ricky and his kid. It's given me some perspective, and you & I, we were always so focused on the future we never really lived for now. I love you and I'd love to give this another shot?""Kyle, is now really the time to be making big decisions?" Phoebe asked, as she ran her fingertips through his hair, too her it seemed softer than normal."Please Phoebe. We love each other, isn't that all that matters?" He asked, his eyes locking with hers."I get it Kyle, if I were in your position, yeah I'd be looking for something too."Kyle shook his head lightly, "No it's not about Brax. I don't want to waste any more time apart. And I get that this is big, so I don't expect an answer right now. But can you think about it, please?"Phoebe didn't respond to his words, she just lay quietly tracing a pattern on Kyle's chest.After a few minutes of silence Kyle heard her whisper a small, "No."Phoebe sat up, "I don't want to think about it. I want us too. I want you."Kyle grinned as she climbed on top of him, "I love you."Phoebe smiled. "I love you too," she mumbled before allowing their lips to meet.Later that morning Phoebe smiled, slightly out of breath from her morning of activity. "Are you hungry?"Kyle grinned and nodded, "Starving."Phoebe leant up and kissed him softly before rolling off the bed. She grabbed his shirt from the night before and smirked as she noticed him watching her."Like what you see?" She asked as buttoned up the shirt."Yeah but I prefer you without it." He grinned. She stuck her tongue out at him before opening his bedroom door and heading in search of food.Heading down the hallway, she smiled to herself; her hangover wasn't too bad, she and Kyle had gotten back together and it wasn't quite midday and already the day was great.She stopped dead in her tracks when she reached the kitchen, suddenly aware of the voices coming from the living room. She considered making an escape back to Kyle's room."You should know, we can see you." She heard Cece inform her. Turning around she smiled, seeing Cece, Darcy and Harley all on the sofa while Bianca was leaning against the table with her head in her hands."Hey."Cece smiled, she and Darcy had been at the house for almost an hour and Kyle hadn't surfaced, she'd assumed Phoebe would be there, considering how 'cosy' they'd been getting when she saw them last.Darcy, who hadn't been made aware of Kyle and Phoebe's breakup, didn't see anything weird about her presence and waved.Bianca just blinked at her and rubbed her temples so more. "Um Ricky and Heath should be back from their surf soon, we were going to go out for breakfast?""Oh." Phoebe nodded awkwardly.Cece watched Phoebe shift from foot to foot, clearly unsure about what to do."Well I'll leave you all too it," Cece said standing up and heading towards the front door.Bianca looked up, visibly wincing at the sunlight coming through the front door, "Thankyou for babysitting last night."Cece smiled, she'd obviously forgotten that she'd already thanked her. "It's fine. It was nice to meet you all."She turned around right before leaving and looked Phoebe dead in the eye, "Phoebe, tell Kyle I said: Hey."Phoebe noticed her semi-cold tone and pursed her lips as the teenager flounced out the door."Ah, hey." Kyle appeared in the doorway of the kitchen suddenly, pulling a singlet over his head.Bianca glanced at him and groaned. Phoebe raised her eyebrows, "Cece says 'Hey."Kyle's face was one of surprise, he'd heard voices and decided it was best to come out but he didn't know Cece had been there.Phoebe nodded, her face seemingly inexpressive as she walked past him in order to get changed.Kyle's eyes darted around the living room, Darcy smiled, "We're going out for breakfast when Dad and Ricky get back. I've already had breakfast so I'll have to have lunch instead."Kyle sighed and nodded, unsure of exactly what to say about the current situation."Great the princess is awake," Heath commented as he walked in the door and spotted Kyle, "Right Kylie. Get a move on, I'm starving."Kyle raised an eyebrow and heard Bianca snap, "Heath! Do you have to yell everything you say?!"Ricky laughed, "Hitting you hard is it Bee?"Bianca again, just glared.Phoebe came rushing into the living room, now wearing the clothes from the night before and holding her shoes in her hands. She stopped suddenly when she noticed Heath and Ricky. Heath grinned and whistled, "Look at you!"Phoebe rolled her eyes and pushed past him, "I've got to go.""Pheebs," Kyle called after her, following her outside to the breezeway.Phoebe turned around. "Come to lunch with us?" He asked.Phoebe looked down at her outfit and back at Kyle. He followed her thinking, "You can change first, if you want.""I'm not sure it's a good idea."Kyle grabbed her free hand, "Please Phoebe? If we're going to make this work..."Phoebe gave a small smiled and nod. He smiled and pulled her into him, placing a small kiss on her hair and walking back inside."You guys go, we'll meet you down there shortly." Kyle told them, Ricky nodded. She was yet to comment on Phoebe's presence. Bianca stood up slowly and grabbed her bag.Heath just grinned at them both before organising his son quickly and following his already departed wife and daughter. Ricky mucked around with her son's pram but was careful not to wake him as the others left. She glanced at Kyle and Phoebe before pushing her son out of the main house."That was weird." Phoebe told him, having noticed Ricky's silence. Kyle nodded in agreement."That went well," Phoebe said, "I think." Kyle smiled, pressing a kiss against her forehead.Phoebe sighed and leant against his chest, digging her toes further into the sand. "I still haven't given you, your gift."Kyle looked down at her, "Oh?"Phoebe nodded, "It's back in my van. I'll give it too you later.""So you got me a present even though we weren't together?"Phoebe smiled, "Yeah. Well actually I ordered it a while ago."Kyle nodded, the couple continued to watch the waves crash around the people in the surf. Neither of them noticed, Cece make her way out of ocean and make her way towards them. Only detecting her when she came to a stop in front of the couple."Hey." She spoke lightly.Kyle's eyes slightly expanded, "Hey! I, didn't see you out there?"Cece looked back to where she'd been previously, "You can't see the over-sized beach ball that Chris is throwing around?"Kyle looked in the direction of gaze, finally seeing a brightly coloured plastic ball being thrown up in the air. "Oh." Cece nodded."So, you two," Cece started, noting Kyle's arms that were wrapped around Phoebe's waist, "Back together?"Phoebe nodded. "Yeah," Kyle smiled."Good for you, Kyle." Cece said looking at him."Cece? You want to play a round of cricket?" Jett's voice came from a few meters away, he was holding a plastic bat and ball. Vj was standing next to him, his mouth slightly agape.Cece glanced at them and back at the 'happy' couple. "Yeah." She looked towards Kyle and Phoebe, "I'll see you round, Kyle. Phoebe." She nodded at the latter before walking over to where the two boys were."Cece! You ditched me for cricket?" Chris complained, as he shook off the excess water."Sorry," She said apologetically, holding the bat in preparation for the ball Jett was about to bowl.Chris shook his head, disgraced. "Do want to play?" She offered.Chris sighed, "No. I've got work. Irene's a slave driver.""Chris that's mean. Don't say that." Cece scolded him before attempting the hit the incoming ball, missing by miles.
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