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There must be some twist coming... As the writers said... there is a lot they can still do with him (and Charlie) so I am excited for what comes next for them.

Posted (edited)

I, too, think a major twist is coming -

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possibly at the court case coming up shortly

. I am convinced that the producer and writers were originally planning for the two older Braxton Bros to be finally caught out re a drugs s/l and sent down. But having become so popular with viewers, with possible improved rating figures, they have changed tact and a twist in the tail is coming. Dan Ewing's interview confirmed he was originally contracted to come in to the show, engage in criminal activities and go to jail. However, he has now become a regular cast member and going to be around for quite some time, therefore won't be going to jail anytime soon - even being caught red-handed with drugs, etc. Just my theory.

I think Heath is also Darcey's father!!

Spoiler tags added.
Posted (edited)

I do think that the producers/writers have been possibly quite surprised by the popularity of the River Boys! Dan Ewing said in a recent interview that there were a lot of ads promoting their arrival but still, I think the three of them have made a bigger impact than they were originally expected to! I know that I pretty much find an episode without them fairly dull, and looking around the Internet, I know other fans feel the same way too!

Edited by LauraPhilly!!

If the writers are going to let the characters get away with their crimes because a bunch of fans can't look past how good they look with their shirts off, then that's an appalling cop-out and I'm thoroughly disgusted with them.There's absolutely no excuse for their behaviour and if the show does somehow try and justify it and try and manipulate the audience into sympathising with them then it will have seriously crossed a line and proved once and for all that there's no justice in Summer Bay and hot guys can do whatever they like.


I totally agree with you RedRanger!! The sad thing is, it's looking more and more likely that the writers are going to find some pathetic excuse for the way the Riverboys are to make viewers sympathise with them so that they will be justified in allowing them to walk free without punishment.

It's been pretty obvious lately that the writers are already trying to create excuses for Brax in particular, so that they will be able to just let him off. It's sad just how much this show is beginning to depend on shirtless thugs to survive.


I am severely tempted to say that if the show lets Brax and Heath off scot free then I'll stop watching, because I think that really will be a step too far for me.Up until a few years ago, and even since then comparatively, Home and Away has been one of the most moralistic of soaps but it's in severe danger of jumping right down the slippery slope at the moment.I'm clinging onto the hope that things haven't got that bad yet:It seems obvious that Brax was going to be around longer than Heath whatever happens so I'm hoping that the storyline was planned to have a definitive end and they're just keeping Heath around until the end of that.If, come next year, they're both still on the show and this whole business has been brushed under the carpet, then I think the show will seriously lose credibility.

Posted (edited)

I find it so ironic that after all the lies Brax has told, and the way he stabbed Heath in the back by getting him busted in the drugs raid, that next week

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Brax himself, literally, gets stabbed in the back!!

Karma's a b*tch like that :rolleyes:

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Brax getting stabbed trying to rescue Casey and Ruby, when it's just as much his fault as Heath and Tegans that they need to be rescued in the first place, is a complete cop out on the writers part.

I knew they would find some ridiclous way of making Charlie feel sorry for him. Never mind the fact that her daughter nearly could have been killed because of the type of "business" Brax is involved in.

I'm so happy Tegan is around to through the sword down between these too. Maybe it will make Charlie realise that going back to Brax just because he's hurt isn't a safe sound bet!!

Edited by lollypop

I totally disagree with you as always... I think Brax does a lot to protect his family, and when Tegan first showed up and in the bar scene re: Heath, BRax stood up for Casey and Ruby's protection as well. He looks out for the people he loves. He did not start this mess they are currently in, Heath did. Brax is trying to salvage things so that they can get better, not worse. Unfortunately, Tegan is just making everything worse,... and now this big thing that will happen next week that is all Tegan's doing just sucks.


Heath and Tegan have history.. NO DOUBT about it after today! This is going to get dramatic for the brothers if this is correct. aww Was he thinking about Darcy when he was helping T?! Maybe he is stupid enough to not take responsibility IF the kid is his but smart enough to realize it could be his?! hmm interesting that he might have a soft spot for T and the kid. Glad that Heath cared more about her than Brax did!

Poor Casey... gosh he would melt quicker than a snowman on fire in an interview room. Lets hope he has to never face one. Unlikely with his family history

Casey/Brax scene was good although not very informative. I was just happy that finally Casey didn’t seem angry about the relationship anymore and clearly was playing supportive bro – it was very clear that Brax was upset about the whole break up. Same goes for Ruby being supportive to Charlie. I was very glad that Leah was a good enough friend to not tip-toe around her and said her true feelings about Brax. Lol she is completely right to have her worries and it was a good, non-naive, non-biased view. Unfortunately Ruby is wrong love isn’t enough imo. There are just too many lies being told by Brax. Until there is some resolution to the involvement in the drugs and gangs it is just not going to work for them. Even Romeo and Juliet have their limits :rolleyes:

Lol@Heath reading the Bible. This character is soon going to become my favourites for his one-liners. They are few and far between but very memorable!

haha how I chuckled a LOT at the crack Heath made to Charlie about tattooing her name on his butt cheek.. ohh if Brax heard he would be in for another sucker punch. It will be soo amusing when he finds out! They have such a hate-relationship (which I love). Heath will be left standing odd-man-out once again as there are no other Buckton girls around for him :lol:

Okay Im doing some detective work now. Strange that Brax asked Heath if he was expecting someone at his door. Later on did he know Charlie was the one at the door that evening? Me thinks so... :unsure:

hmm Brax wasn't going to kiss T. But once she figured out they weren't together anymore she got him at a weak moment! I don't believe they slept together. It all looked soo staged. Nothing was happening before she got there and the regret on his face at having Charlie witness it all was all too obvious before and after she got there...looked like he was waiting for her.. CRAZY.. if Brax slept with her it makes zero sense! Answering the door makes zero sense. I mean come on AND he was still half dressed.

“What will it take for me to prove to you that I have changed” My guess is he realized that he isn’t able to make the change just yet, even if he wants to for her. He had no choice but to buckle to Tegans threat. So many people are in danger if T was to reveal anything to Jake. Seems to me like he had no choice but to chase Charlie away. This way she won’t be running back to him anytime soon. He knows how difficult it is for her as well as himself to stay away!

I honestly felt bad for Charlie today. She is really deeply in love with him to close her eyes and her common sense to the truths about him. I thought the big question for me would be Did Brax and T sleep together or not? But after watching the epi, the thing that stood out to me today is that Love really is blind. Poor Charlie!

<3Brax! Looking forward to tomorrow. Love this s/l

PS I just remembered Tegan was hardly wearing any clothes anyway throughout the epi! Not much to strip off aye :P - Nice and handy

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