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So, Hammer's gang is four people, and the River boys are probably double.. Who do we think will win a gangwar??

Hmm.. :rolleyes: And the River boys seems a lot older too :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Hahaha I liked how Liam appreciated Heath’s humour. He is right - it is good: “I hear they are hiring checkout chicks at the supermarket”. Lol @them carrying cricket bats around with them. You would think they were scared of the teenage dirtbags. Hmm like Brax, Heath has a complete split personality once again proved when talking to Bee. Bee is a little forgetful and too easy to impress? Just saying :rolleyes:

Brax is still the boss man! Or is he? Heath has too much influence over the rest of the RBs clearly. Brax gave them orders and it just fell on deaf ears OR is it dumb heads??!

Okay first thing is first. Well I should have said it first lol. Stu is CUTE! Even if he is playing a 17 year old. I loved the little man-hug he gave Brax “Looks like your finally one of us” – haha is that all it takes – a tiny tatt? Lol any Tom, Dick or Fozzie bear can do that. Well I think to Brax it was a ‘welcome to the family’. And to Heath it was ‘welcome to the wrong side of the law and if you roll over on me I’ll skin ya!’ - kind of moment. Well he is a naive kid (albeit charming too) who seemed a little too eager to impress the brothers. Poor sweet but foolish boy – I am thinking he is going to learn a valuable lesson soon enough. Ohh and noo he is not just a sex object. Im sure HAA writers have much more planned for him :lol:

Ermm helllloo Roo- is anyone home? – wasn’t Brax an obvious choice to ask? Opposed to Liam for the second time in what 2days? Or Colleen whose friend Madge Wilkins - has a friend Beryl at Bowls who has a friend who works at the OpShop who has a son who might be looking for a place to rent??? Lol had to be done! (LOVE Colleen)

Casey – great character and the fear/worry soo well played. I think the actors do a real believable performance of these characters. I don’t get how a supposedly smart teen thinks carrying a flick knife is in anyway the right thing to do. Even if using for self-defence, gosh it can do so much damage. Goldfish memory aye ...not looking good for his HSC! Brax nearly died after a knife attack :unsure: ... ehh well I do understand the logic I guess but it doesn’t make it right!

<3 Brax! I liked the interview with Steve and Esther. I have to say loving Esther more and more. Can see a huge difference in Steve’s confidence (note I didn’t say cockiness). Has grown miles since the last interview they had together. Unfortunately though thought the questions asked were BEYOND ridiculous. Would have liked questions centered around Brax and Charlie not Steve and Esther and their private lives? The responses weren’t great but I couldn’t blame them. Lol I would have said ‘mind your own Buzzz’ if someone random asked me how I like my eggs :P ohh screw it. I like mine sunny side up! SEEE... WHO CARES ABOUT THAT?!

Edited by DocZed64

They are so funny together.... Loved all the Brax scenes yesterday. SO looking forward to seeing how today plays out!!!

Thnaks for the recap DocZed, I always appreciate what you write!!

Posted (edited)

Thanks@Whitney. I appreciate your love for Chax also lol

Sooo you know when you are a HAA addict... when you are super sleepy yet still force yourself to watch the epi and rant on BTTB about it!

I am liking this new relationship that is going to form with Brax and Liam. Liam was looking a little directionLESS but I can see this being the start of something more interesting for him. Hallelujah

Got to love 3*Braxton-time. “You want a hanky, you finished crying yet” haha this was a good giggle. Why is Heath being such a baby? The RBs have hardly been walked over, have they? Bar Heath and Brax getting a beat/stabbed for dobbing on Jake and the car getting burnt – it seems to me Heath has done worse to get that reaction so should shut it and not instigate anything further. haha but I guess where is the drama in that? Im thinking he just wants RESPECT but it seems he is not much of a giver.

Casey STOP being a baby. You don’t want to be involved and sliced to pieces – be grateful you have PEOPLE (Brax, Ruby, Miles at least) who are trying to protect you from this life. Gosh I don’t think I can take any more unnecessary complaining from him! I too am waiting for it to “hit the fan”

Okay while I am at it – Brax STOP being a big baby too!

“I have nothing to do with cops anyway” ermm yeahh you do - when it suits you! Happy to sleep with one too (-- YES SHE WAS A COP ALL ALONG SURPRISE SURPRISE – you were mostly removing a cop uniform?!). Just saying :rolleyes:

WTH is with the change in attitude? Is he stung at her putting her career before him (If soo, he needs to grow a pair!)? Is he still trying to protect her (I doubt it – but she needs protecting from his ass-ness)? Hmm based on their scene last week – I think it is just that he wants a supportive girlfriend and not a supercop. He wanted her off this case and didn’t expect her to come clean and still be the main cop who is after him and his family (including RBs). And the look they gave each other today was that of 2 different people on opposite sides of the line. I feel like Brax sees his match in Charlie – I don’t think he can quite believe that he has though. He is just so used to doing things his way period! Who knows if I am making sense??– :wacko: it’s mind boggling! But anyway that’s why I love him. He is a psyche head case AND a smart one (MOSTLY) at that.

Poor Stu – lesson learned?

<3 Brax! "We are not doing anything wrong" LIAR :P

I can see the future – and it doesn’t look pretty for all gang members and people surrounding them :unsure:

Edited by DocZed64
Posted (edited)

I can't believe Brax sometimes! :angry: Did he seriously just expect Charlie to do nothing?! What the hell is going on with him lately?! I get that he wants to protect his family and all but, imo, the best way to protect them would be do nothing, that way if Hammer/Jake's gang did anything, they would be in the wrong and carted off to jail!

And has Brax completely forgotten that only a few months ago he decided to leave the Boys?! What is with his 180 turn?! And why the hell is getting mad at Charlie?! I remember in one particular episode, he said he understood that it was her job, and then yesterday, the look of fury he gave her!

And then he said he couldn't believe it that she had stopped them?! Is he that naive or stupid to think that they would get away with a gang brawl on a public beach?! <_<

Omg, Brax is just wrecking my head at the moment! :angry:

I'm glad Charlie arrests him in today's episode! He needs to be brought back to plant earth! <_<

Edited by LauraPhilly!!

Brax is continually caught in this internal struggle. I am hoping that over the next couple of weeks, with what has happened (Tegan's lies and Charlie sticking by him) adn now with the storm and etc... that he learns where he really needs to be and tries to make things right.


  Whitney said:
Brax is continually caught in this internal struggle. I am hoping that over the next couple of weeks, with what has happened (Tegan's lies and Charlie sticking by him) adn now with the storm and etc... that he learns where he really needs to be and tries to make things right.

I agree totally and I think today he has realised that things have gone too far and unless he sorts himself out all the effort that he has put into becoming a better person (for himself, Casey and Charlie) will have been for nothing. Like I said on another thread - the look on his face said it all. :(


3rd Rant of the week. Gosh it is a little exhausting - the s/l. Is this why they are only usually on twice a week?

Aww sneak peek into their lives again when Brax was telling Sid they were Stu’s family. And if he wanted he could find his dad in a bar and his mother at the pokies. *Sad face* – some will think there behaviour has zero justification but can’t help but think where would teenagers like Stu and Casey be without Brax and the RBs?

The reversion back to his old ways was as clear as day especially noted when talking to Heath. Rival gang crossed a line and big bad Brax was ready for a fight to show them who was the boss and what would happen if they dare to repeat. It would have worked maybe(?) if they didn’t end up brawling in a public place. I really enjoyed the fight scene though, especially when Brax picked the rival up and put him on the snooker table. Again some of them are just children yeah?! Heath is to blame FULLSTOP! FACT!

Haha good one Charlie leave the plank of wood with a killer toddler while you drive off and leave an officer! “Im watching my weight” – pity you can’t arrest him for manorexia and save him from himself :P

Hooray for small miracles. John likes Brax. Oopsie I think he jinxed himself. He should have touched wood. At least Brax wasn’t a total tool. He wanted to take it outside the SC and rushed to John’s aid asap. Aww he did look super sorry at being an idiot. I think you could see it wasn’t even about Charlie but more about letting himself down and someone innocent getting hurt because of his idiocy. Don’t really know where they go from here except I know that with what happens to Casey on Friday – he is going to feel even more responsible.

“She is not my girlfriend”... hmm said to Heath BUT still something going on inside that huge head of his. Rolling over to the cops is just one thing they don’t do no matter what (hah unless Brax does it for fun!). They must have pinky promised each other :rolleyes:

<3Brax! They still love each other though based on the looks they exchange even when they are angry. Clear as Night - I mean Day

On a serious note even miniatures can be capable of evil. Juveniles with knives and guns = not cool! :o

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