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  DocZed64 said:
Thanks@Whitney. I appreciate your love for Chax also lol

Sooo you know when you are a HAA addict... when you are super sleepy yet still force yourself to watch the epi and rant on BTTB about it!

I am liking this new relationship that is going to form with Brax and Liam. Liam was looking a little directionLESS but I can see this being the start of something more interesting for him. Hallelujah

Got to love 3*Braxton-time. “You want a hanky, you finished crying yet” haha this was a good giggle. Why is Heath being such a baby? The RBs have hardly been walked over, have they? Bar Heath and Brax getting a beat/stabbed for dobbing on Jake and the car getting burnt – it seems to me Heath has done worse to get that reaction so should shut it and not instigate anything further. haha but I guess where is the drama in that? Im thinking he just wants RESPECT but it seems he is not much of a giver.

Casey STOP being a baby. You don’t want to be involved and sliced to pieces – be grateful you have PEOPLE (Brax, Ruby, Miles at least) who are trying to protect you from this life. Gosh I don’t think I can take any more unnecessary complaining from him! I too am waiting for it to “hit the fan”

Okay while I am at it – Brax STOP being a big baby too!

“I have nothing to do with cops anyway” ermm yeahh you do - when it suits you! Happy to sleep with one too (-- YES SHE WAS A COP ALL ALONG SURPRISE SURPRISE – you were mostly removing a cop uniform?!). Just saying :rolleyes:

WTH is with the change in attitude? Is he stung at her putting her career before him (If soo, he needs to grow a pair!)? Is he still trying to protect her (I doubt it – but she needs protecting from his ass-ness)? Hmm based on their scene last week – I think it is just that he wants a supportive girlfriend and not a supercop. He wanted her off this case and didn’t expect her to come clean and still be the main cop who is after him and his family (including RBs). And the look they gave each other today was that of 2 different people on opposite sides of the line. I feel like Brax sees his match in Charlie – I don’t think he can quite believe that he has though. He is just so used to doing things his way period! Who knows if I am making sense??– :wacko: it’s mind boggling! But anyway that’s why I love him. He is a psyche head case AND a smart one (MOSTLY) at that.

Poor Stu – lesson learned?

<3 Brax! "We are not doing anything wrong" LIAR :P

I can see the future – and it doesn’t look pretty for all gang members and people surrounding them :unsure:

Yeah, Brax has really found his match in Charlie. He does what he wants and so does she. But in the end they are made for each other :rolleyes:


Gosh Bianca!! Brax is sandbagging in Mangrove River - not dancing in the rain OR surfing in the crazy storm (lol that would be a challenge for him) OR bumming on the beach! <_<

Last time Heath saw him - he was trying to get his Mum out of the pub. He needs to forget her and come to SB asap. We (-the fans of course) miss him.

Ohh and LOOK OUT - Heath has a heart embedded in all the muscle. The cutest scenes today were with him and Darcy. I love the fact that his first scene with her and it was far from awkward (which is what we saw with Brax and Darcy). It was like he was right at home with the idea. Stupid Tegan - made a bad situation ten times worse by leaving with Darcy while the storm was getting worse. Something tells me what comes around goes around... :unsure:

Casey hasn't told Brax about leaving school but I assume it is still the same day that he told Gina where she could stick his HSC. Erm Ruby yahh Brax will go crazy. Not sure what we are supposed to be seeing with Casey right now. He seems like one conflicted teenager. But I loved the way he stood up for his home and brothers today. Blood is thicker than water and he seems to think it's one or the other!

--It will probably end up all-good in the end but I am a little nervous about the journey (in a totally healthy and non-obsessive way - ofcourse)

<3Brax! Ehh it has been too long I need new quotes :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Normally I don't mind watching Brax scenes, but I have to admit I was glad of his absence.

He's become so smug and arrogant lately. Everytime I see him on screen I just want to slap him across the face with the back of my hand. Normally he has a little spark that makes you like him. But lately he's just been a complete tool.

What's worse is, this is exactly who Brax was before he tried to change. Which makes me more defiant on the the Brax feeling the hard end of the consequences of his actions. I really want to see him hit rock bottom, because right now, he's blowing all his chances with the people of Summer Bay, with Charlie and his chance of starting fresh.

Brax is so deluded by his own belief that he can get things under control, by this power trip he's on, that he can't see just how wrong he is. He's making really bad decisions and he's not thinking about how badly it could all end. It shouldn't take Charlie being shot to make him realise just how deep he's in. If he really wanted to change, he would have abandoned ship a long time ago instead of this revenge seeking path he's on.

This is why I want to see Brax go to jail for a while. He needs to realise if he doesn't change now, he'll never be anything more than a Riverboy. Living his life looking over his shoulder and constantly fighting off rivals and threats. He could even risk endangering the lives of the people he loves. It's already happend a few times. How many more times can it happen before somebody actually ends up dead.

He can preach to Casey all he wants about doing the right thing and getting ahead in life. But what's the point when he is doing the complete opposite. Taking one step forward just to take a hundred steps back.

This Brax is far from loveable. In fact, even Heath has surpassed him in my eyes. And Heath's a tool. But at least he's an honest tool.

Edited by lollypop
Posted (edited)

  lollypop said:
Normally I don't mind watching Brax scenes, but I have to admit I was glad of his absence.

He's become so smug and arrogant lately. Everytime I see him on screen I just want to slap him across the face with the back of my hand. Normally he has a little spark that makes you like him. But lately he's just been a complete tool.

What's worse is, this is exactly who Brax was before he tried to change. Which makes me more defiant on the the Brax feeling the hard end of the consequences of his actions. I really want to see him hit rock bottom, because right now, he's blowing all his chances with the people of Summer Bay, with Charlie and his chance of starting fresh.

Brax is so deluded by his own belief that he can get things under control, by this power trip he's on, that he can't see just how wrong he is. He's making really bad decisions and he's not thinking about how badly it could all end. It shouldn't take Charlie being shot to make him realise just how deep he's in. If he really wanted to change, he would have abandoned ship a long time ago instead of this revenge seeking path he's on.

This is why I want to see Brax go to jail for a while. He needs to realise if he doesn't change now, he'll never be anything more than a Riverboy. Living his life looking over his shoulder and constantly fighting off rivals and threats. He could even risk endangering the lives of the people he loves. It's already happend a few times. How many more times can it happen before somebody actually ends up dead.

He can preach to Casey all he wants about doing the right thing and getting ahead in life. But what's the point when he is doing the complete opposite. Taking one step forward just to take a hundred steps back.

This Brax is far from loveable. In fact, even Heath has surpassed him in my eyes. And Heath's a tool. But at least he's an honest tool.

That would mean Charlie would be single again! - I think most of us don't want to see that and thanks to the clue we got at the weekend I don't think that is about to happen.

Still looking for the positive in Brax - I know it is in there somewhere and I'm sure CHARLIE is the one to bring it out. Unlike previous relationships Charlie obviously is prepared to follow her heart with Brax otherwise she would not have told her boss - she isn't the one that 'backed off' this time

Edited by Jane17

Chax are meant to be... It was nice ot hear that the riverboys are such helpful guys... hope they show their helpfulness with the SUmmerbay community tomorrow.

I have missed my brax and Charlie. Glad they are back on tomorrow!!


So were Charlie and Angelo, and Charlie and Joey, and Noah and Haley, and Jack and Martha, and Ric and Maddie. But just because they're meant to be doesn't mean that they should be together.

Brax is bad for Charlie the way he is right now. It's like chocolate and your waistline, just because you like it doesn't mean it's good for you.

You'd think Brax being stabbed and Charlie getting shot, would make him see sense that he is not in a good bplace right. But instead he just resorts to revenge. Is he trying to get them killed?? Because he's going the right way about it.

Charlie has been trying to get the good out of Brax for a long time only to have him turn around and shove it back in her face. He needs to find the good in himself by himself or he'll just drag her down with him.


Note rantings are from episode 5279 AND 5380. I watched them both today =) = Awesome. The scenes have merged in my brain – apologies!

Okay so there is good news and bad news. The bad news is Tegan’s dead. Poor Darcy is all I can say – she was a good mother (mostly) if nothing else. The good news is she didn’t go while “on the throne” (haha LOVE Colleen – she’s so right that would be a terrible way to go)

“I suppose he does see something good in you” ermm helloo T, she is ALL good - they are definitely opposites.

I loved the scene between Charlie and Tegan. Saskia said at the start that she hopes we like T. Have to say she came and went with a bang AND there were a few more surprise bangs in between. Great actress - talented at playing the bad girl. Not to mention attractive too! It was ironic that she was rescued by Charlie and in a subtle way she explained herself and the reason she acted out of spite by telling Hammer. But she said it herself what comes around goes around...bad choices do have a way of catching up to everyone imo (RB-haters no need to fear)

How rude bub – Brax is NO dog! <_< Hmm that kid needed a good punch to knock some sense into him but Im afraid that it might have destroyed the little brain cells he possessed. Haha @Heath telling Brax to be smart (the irony is too funny) and looking “all pretty” while he goes to look after Darcy.

Hammer’s hitman is ridiculous. He needs to go back to Crime school. Yeah the lime green car is totally inconspicuous :whistling: . Im sure the cops could have seen it if they were watching from Mars! Unless their plan was to try and blind them – in that case they are super smart.

Good job Brax is a fast runner – again amateurs giving him a nice prolonged warning not to mention SEVERAL threats. Looks like he may have got there in time and hopefully it’s a graze at most. How convenient :rolleyes: Not sure her tiny frame could take a bullet.

I liked the conversation with Bee. I think everyone finding out there is/was something between them is a good sign. They are not in a relationship right now but I personally don’t think what they had was real relationship at any point in time anyway. Firstly the lies have to stop. Secondly this war with the rival gang is out of control. But to Chax fans everywhere – it’s inevitable they will end up together. And totally convinced it’s heading in a great direction. But all the dramatics will have to be played out first. However, I’m sure we will get plenty of scenes that will keep everyone happy in the meantime =)

<3Brax! “Someone is out to hurt the woman he loves but how far will he go to get revenge” Awesome Promo.... mmm Brax in a black shirt – not bad at all! :wub:

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