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While I understand Steve Peacocke is popular, I wouldn't refer to Steve's Logie win to support that claim.

It's common knowledge that the Logies and TV Week are biased towards Home and Away. If you watched then it was painfully obvious how little coverage Neigbours, an Australian institution, got in celebration of it's 30th year. H&A was inducted into the Logies Hall of Fame at a time when the quality is arguably at it's lowest. Why not wait for a milestone year? As for TV WEEK, they only ever have H&A on the front cover. They are owned by 7 and quite simply are a joke.

I don't think Steve will ever be back. He just wants to appease his fans. I think TPTB have done the Braxton fans a huge disservice by drip feeding Brax to the viewers every so often just to flog the dead horse that is the Braxton family. They had their time and it's over. #letitgolucy

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  On 05/05/2015 at 22:54, Light of the Bay said:

While I understand Steve Peacocke is popular, I wouldn't refer to Steve's Logie win to support that claim.

It's common knowledge that the Logies and TV Week are biased towards Home and Away. If you watched then it was painfully obvious how little coverage Neigbours, an Australian institution, got in celebration of it's 30th year. H&A was inducted into the Logies Hall of Fame at a time when the quality is arguably at it's lowest. Why not wait for a milestone year? As for TV WEEK, they only ever have H&A on the front cover. They are owned by 7 and quite simply are a joke.

I don't think Steve will ever be back. He just wants to appease his fans. I think TPTB have done the Braxton fans a huge disservice by drip feeding Brax to the viewers every so often just to flog the dead horse that is the Braxton family. They had their time and it's over. #letitgolucy

I think your thoughts on Brax and the River Boys era have been made very plain repeatedly and fair enough if that is your view.

However your assertion that Neighbours was not given adequate coverage on Logies night is simply not accurate. Both Jacqie Woodburn and Alan Fletcher were interviewed at length on the night. In fact it could be argued that Neighbours received more coverage than Home and Away despite it supposedly being Home and Away's big night.

The Logies were screened on Channel 9 and sponsored by TV Week and I doubt that Channel 9 can be seen as biased toward Channel 7 programs. That assertion shows no understanding of the "battle" between the two major commercial TV channels here in OZ.

As you concede, your argument that Home and Away is is at its lowest ebb for quality at the moment is also not universally supported. To argue that all or even a majority of the viewers who voted for the show and gained it a popularity award had no idea how to judge quality would seem to be self serving and a little bizarre.

I have no problem with you holding the views that you do as long as you concede, even occasionally, that others who are capable of thoughtful judgement have come to a different view.

Posted (edited)

I do think John that even the keenest Braxton fan would have to admit that there is some truth to lotb's assertion that tptb are dragging every last ounce of value they can out of Brax's popularity. This exit story is becoming so ridiculously dragged out, that it is painful. Especially when compared to how most are treated. Andrew Morely's sudden exit being a classic example.

Apparently they are going to drip feed Brax scenes for as long as they possibly can.

It does feel like there is a hint of desperation in this. The producers have invested so much in this character. And I personally believe that has come at the cost of developing other characters. I guess the next few months will show if the show will continue on strong without him. Or if the assertion that Home and Away was turned into nothing more than the Braxton Show will be proven correct.

Edited by kmp1963
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Brax was the reason I started watching Home and Away but I seriously have not been interested in a single one of his storylines since Adam Sharpe departed the show. The peak was hands down at the 2012 finale when he found out about Adam's betrayal and confronted him for the first time at the restaurant. The relationship between the two characters was exceptionally interesting and well acted, but I think the producers have just been dragging out every storyline since then for the sake of it. No doubt the character is great but if ever there is a time to depart, it is now. I can't wait to see the farewell storyline.


  On 06/05/2015 at 08:18, kmp1963 said:

I do think John that even the keenest Braxton fan would have to admit that there is some truth to lotb's assertion that tptb are dragging every last ounce of value they can out of Brax's popularity. This exit story is becoming so ridiculously dragged out, that it is painful. Especially when compared to how most are treated. Andrew Morely's sudden exit being a classic example.

Apparently they are going to drip feed Brax scenes for as long as they possibly can.

It does feel like there is a hint of desperation in this. The producers have invested so much in this character. And I personally believe that has come at the cost of developing other characters. I guess the next few months will show if the show will continue on strong without him. Or if the assertion that Home and Away was turned into nothing more than the Braxton Show will be proven correct.

I agree with the part in bold. I am a fan of the River Boys as a "band of brothers" and what they brought to the show. As far as I am concerned that era ended with the death of Casey and the departure of Heath. What is going on now with Brax doesn't interest me.

The part not in bold I don't agree with.

I think the show is in a transition similar to what happens after any iconic character or group of characters leaves. Aden and Belle, Shane and Angel, etc It's happened many times before. My interest is in how this transition is handled and where they transition to.


I always respect others opinions but H&A cannot rely on the prospect of bringing back characters within a year of their departure. Brax ran his course when Casey died, I feel he should have left then. I agree with LOTB that Peacocke may just be saying he may return to keep his fans happy. Why over egg the pudding? Brax has run his course and the family have had their time in H&A. When Shane died of an infection in 1996 Angel left as she came to a natural end. The Fletchers, Nashes, Sutherlands etc were likeable and compelling whereas the Braxtons are like Ronnie and Reggie Kray, career criminals.

Since 2011, as much as some may sugar coat it H&A has turned into The Braxton Show. Lucy Addario's view is that if you are not a Braxton fan you can go and whistle. When fans complain she says "Well H&A has to move on and many want the crime stories". Yet she is the same era as me I think and I started watching a quarter of a century ago.

LOTB, myself and Cadyctslover (plus some other BTTB viewers) dont moan for the sake of it, we moan because we care about H&A. And Cadyctslover did say a while ago that Lucy Addario has overtaken Susan Bower in showing the most contempt to fans and I am 100% in agreement.


  On 05/05/2015 at 22:54, Light of the Bay said:

While I understand Steve Peacocke is popular, I wouldn't refer to Steve's Logie win to support that claim.

It's common knowledge that the Logies and TV Week are biased towards Home and Away. If you watched then it was painfully obvious how little coverage Neigbours, an Australian institution, got in celebration of it's 30th year. H&A was inducted into the Logies Hall of Fame at a time when the quality is arguably at it's lowest. Why not wait for a milestone year? As for TV WEEK, they only ever have H&A on the front cover. They are owned by 7 and quite simply are a joke.

How could Steve winning the Most Popular Male Actor Logie point to anything other than his obvious popularity?

If your Channel7/TV Week/H&A/Logie bias conspiracy theory is true then why didn't any other Home and Away actors win an individual award? How do you account for the fact that a Channel 10 presenter won the Gold Logie, and a Channel 10 actress took out the Most Popular Actress Logie, an award she has won multiple times? The Logies are broadcast on Channel 9 and they would never support anything that favoured Channel 7. They are bitter bitter rivals.

As for your point about Neighbours, it is completely irrelevant. I gather from reading this forum that people in the UK still watch Neighbours but the same can not be said for Australia. Most people in Australia probably don't even know that Neighbours is still on air. The little coverage that Neighbours got on Logies night is indicative of the fact it's insignificant in the Australian television landscape these days. Home and Away and Neighbours haven't been genuine rivals for years.

Steve wasn't gifted a Logie. His popularity is undeniable. He has won an individual Logie three out the four years he has been on the show. (And I personally think he would have had a clean sweep if only Brax wasn't off screen during the 2014 voting period). I think these awards accurately reflect the impact Brax has had during his time on the show!

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Steve Peacocke is very popular but I think the character of Brax is stale now. Since Casey's death, Brax has lost his "spark" and it's painfully obvious (to me) that Brax needs his brothers. Brax and Charlie's relationship was a huge success but after Charlie died, Brax has Heath and Casey and he fitted in because of his love for his brothers. But since Casey's death, Brax has been hanging around the Bay like a bad smell.

I think it's a shame that Steve Peacocke has never won a Gold Logie because it must have been frustrating for his fans. I know how they feel because Kate Ritchie was shortlisted for several Gold Logie nominations but she always missed out winning. But in 2007 and 2008, Kate Ritchie finally won 2 Gold Logies.

  On 06/05/2015 at 13:01, Fyn3 said:

As for your point about Neighbours, it is completely irrelevant. I gather from reading this forum that people in the UK still watch Neighbours but the same can not be said for Australia. Most people in Australia probably don't even know that Neighbours is still on air. The little coverage that Neighbours got on Logies night is indicative of the fact it's insignificant in the Australian television landscape these days. Home and Away and Neighbours haven't been genuine rivals for years.

BIB - I think it's a bit harsh to say that. Neighbours actually got more coverage than Home and Away in the Logies. Jackie Woodburne and Alan Fletcher got a lot of coverage in their interview. I just think it's a bit insulting to say that Neighbours is insignificant in the Australian television landscape these days :)

Posted (edited)

  On 06/05/2015 at 10:01, John said:

I do think John that even the keenest Braxton fan would have to admit that there is some truth to lotb's assertion that tptb are dragging every last ounce of value they can out of Brax's popularity. This exit story is becoming so ridiculously dragged out, that it is painful. Especially when compared to how most are treated. Andrew Morely's sudden exit being a classic example.

Apparently they are going to drip feed Brax scenes for as long as they possibly can.

It does feel like there is a hint of desperation in this. The producers have invested so much in this character. And I personally believe that has come at the cost of developing other characters. I guess the next few months will show if the show will continue on strong without him. Or if the assertion that Home and Away was turned into nothing more than the Braxton Show will be proven correct.

I agree with the part in bold. I am a fan of the River Boys as a "band of brothers" and what they brought to the show. As far as I am concerned that era ended with the death of Casey and the departure of Heath. What is going on now with Brax doesn't interest me.

The part not in bold I don't agree with.

I think the show is in a transition similar to what happens after any iconic character or group of characters leaves. Aden and Belle, Shane and Angel, etc It's happened many times before. My interest is in how this transition is handled and where they transition to. My concern John is that they're just moving straight into Braxtons 2.1.

The Barrets, Ash, Kyle and Ricky are just carrying on with the same old, same old that we've had since the day the Braxtons arrived. They've even resurrected the River Boys who had effectively vanished for the last year or so. I don't see transition myself, I see a desperate attempt to hang on to something that's time is over.

Originally the Braxton formula worked largely because of great chemistry between the original brothers. But most of all it was the sheer talent of Steve that carried the whole thing.

However he has gone and it will not work without him.

That was the point I was trying to make John.

Unfortunately I don't believe Lucy will accept this.

Alas 'The Sons of Hypocrisy' lives on

Damn where's that remote.

Edited by kmp1963

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