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  Red Ranger 1 said:
There's a lot of things that, a few months ago, we wouldn't have imagined Brax doing:Trafficking drugs, ordering people beaten up, carrying guns around.And turns out he does do all those things. Saying that your guy will beat up other people but not you is often the first step to becoming an abused wife.I think, in the right set of circumstances, Brax is quite capable of getting rough with Charlie.

I'm definately thinking along those lines too RR1!

And personally, I don't think it's something Brax can change!

He obviously thinks it ok to be doing all the stuff that you just listed, and has shown no remorse for this! Only a major wake up call would change Brax at this stage, something which I doubt will happen!

His lack of remorse, morals and respect of people's privacy is what annoys me a lot about Brax! He doesn't care about what he does to protect himself, he even read Charlie's messages! I'm sorry like but I would've dumped him on the spot for invading my privacy, no matter how good his intentions were!

There are definately some boundries...and Brax has crossed all of them!

Does he not realise that like?! <_<


I think Brax needs to watch his manner, Charlie is a female but she is also a cop and she will react strongly if Brax tries anything. She can hold her ground but it would shake her up especially since Grant..you know...but Brax has crossed a lot of boundaries & I am not sure if they can get the relationship back...its not even a healthy relationship.


  Red Ranger 1 said:
Saying that your guy will beat up other people but not you is often the first step to becoming an abused wife.

This was going to be my point. People who say marriage is just a paper don't know what it means to an abusive man - a license to change the rules on you! People use violence when they feel justified to do so, but that's a personal judgment. So a man who says he'd never hit a woman will make an exception if he thinks she deserves it.

But this is a soapie, a fairytale, so I'm hoping Brax shows signs of real change and turns out good :wink:


In the real world yes definitely agree a character like Brax is only trustworthy when all-is-right with the world but when things get tough, you never know. I think people less violent than him can do bad so he definitely could.

However, don't think (or mostly hoping not) that he will go down this road with Charlie unless the writers get bored of him. I think the scene with Heath and Ma was very telling about the boys and their morals. Heath was capable of hitting her (ie strong enough) and also angry enough too but didn't. And not to say that he wouldn't ever hit anyone but just making a point that even when really angry you know what's right and wrong. But the rage can easily overcome your morals - I agree.

Brax has a lot to answer for though as he has been hiding a whole other side from Charlie and agree that there's no "realistic" relationship that can happen if she doesn't know about it. I personally think she would be crazy to remain with him if there is no acceptable justification for what he is doing. So I am curious about how the writers would go about it.

Does anyone else wonder why Angelo was written to leave in such a quiet way?? If they wanted the River Boys to be really bad and especially Brax - why not go out with a bang? JUst a random thought.


  DocZed64 said:
In the real world yes definitely agree a character like Brax is only trustworthy when all-is-right with the world but when things get tough, you never know. I think people less violent than him can do bad so he definitely could.

However, don't think (or mostly hoping not) that he will go down this road with Charlie unless the writers get bored of him. I think the scene with Heath and Ma was very telling about the boys and their morals. Heath was capable of hitting her (ie strong enough) and also angry enough too but didn't. And not to say that he wouldn't ever hit anyone but just making a point that even when really angry you know what's right and wrong. But the rage can easily overcome your morals - I agree.

Brax has a lot to answer for though as he has been hiding a whole other side from Charlie and agree that there's no "realistic" relationship that can happen if she doesn't know about it. I personally think she would be crazy to remain with him if there is no acceptable justification for what he is doing. So I am curious about how the writers would go about it.

Does anyone else wonder why Angelo was written to leave in such a quiet way?? If they wanted the River Boys to be really bad and especially Brax - why not go out with a bang? JUst a random thought.

I don't think he will physically abuse Charlie ever at all !!! - emotionally maybe (which is just as bad in my opinion) but I cannot see the writers turning him into a 'woman basher'. it wouldn't happen.


  tobygirl said:
I don't think he will physically abuse Charlie ever at all !!! - emotionally maybe (which is just as bad in my opinion) but I cannot see the writers turning him into a 'woman basher'. it wouldn't happen.

I wonder whatever happened to Macca? :offtopic: I know!


  Julez said:
It was too scary for me to and a reminder that no matter how much people change, they can easily fall back into old ways. There'll always be a danger with Brax that he'll rely on these things in tough times.

Yeah, excactly.. Look at Kane Phillipps..


HEY DOCZED.... So glad you are back... we always agree.

I do not think that the writters would go down that route. If anything, with what happens to Bianca they may revisit Charlie's rape storyline to help her friend through whatever happens to her.

Brax does not seem the character to get violent with women. HE may have a rough side when it comes to business, but we have not seen a rough side towards any woman. In real life, I agree that men in this situation may be different, but this is a soap.

When everything comes out I think Chax will have a lot to work through. I for just hope they try because they are so amazing. I bet Charlie will be furious at first but I still think there is going to be some kind of twist in there somewhere before this is all said and done.


DocZed64 - some great points.

I have no idea why Angelo left with such a whimper, given the amount of information he knew - I'm pretty sure when he followed them to the national park he actually saw the Braxtons there at the marijuana crop - if he was willing to provide a signed statement to the cops there's no reason why they wouldn't have been able to prosecute given the other circumstantial evidence that they had. They just had nothing concrete.

He also had the incriminating CCTV video showing Heath admitting to "taking care" of PeeWee which definitely would have obtained a conviction regardless of whether Angelo thought he had to have a warrant to take that tape (he's not a cop anymore - he owned the restaurant so i'm pretty sure that surveillance tape is his property). And of course, the CCTV also showed that Darryl Braxton has a close, if not intimate relationship with the investigating officer - something which would have cast a huge shadow of doubt onto the investigation to date. I wonder if Brax had been pashing another cop on the tape and not Charlie - say, Watson - what would Angelo have done?


Whilst I'm glad the River Boys didn't kill Angelo as seemed to be hinted at one point, the way he just abandoned his investigation into them was pretty hard to swallow.In effect, he took a pay off from Brax so he, Nicole and George could have a fresh start somewhere else.He probably kept quiet partly to protect Charlie but what about everyone else?Lying about seeing Heath and the others with the crop just made no sense.And while he's probably correct that the CCTV evidence was inadmissible(it's illegal to record someone without their permission and I believe CCTV cameras have to be in view and/or advertised), Nicole was probably right that the police could have used it to get a warrant and put them under surveillance.Even after he found out about Angelo's secret camera, Brax seemed to spend the next few weeks chatting about moving the drugs crop to Heath, Casey and the rest of the Boys in the middle of the restaurant practically every episode he appeared in.If the police had recorded those conversations, they'd have him and the others bang to rights.

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