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Oh gosh what an episode! RANT ALERT..

Charlie touching Brax’s hand and who sees... Morag! But all the other people and staff are still non the wiser lol.. people need to open there eyes a little :blink:

Charlie tells Morag that she is supposedly using Brax to get information. Is that going to be her excuse if things go sour? Hmm not a foolproof plan unless she has someone to back her corner.

Liked Brax and Casey scenes. He is trying to set a better life up for Casey by getting him out of the gutter (Mangrove River) and doesn’t seem like Casey is so grateful and understanding of this. Must be hard if he has never had any expectations of himself until now. Heath pulled Brax up on it when he said he has forgotten what Angelo’s is for and if he is the one that wants out. So what is Angelo’s for? It is a front to appear respectable and to have a reason for the money they have.

But there is some confused bit of writing going on imo, Casey wasn’t much of a river boy but now is?! Huh and why does he care if Brax wants out. Lol thought that he wanted out too.

The best conversation was between Morag and Brax. She summed up her thoughts on him pretty nicely. There was some nice little bits of information there about Bali. “We would both do anything to protect the people we care about” .. haha.. another version of “I do what I do for family”. Can’t wait until the day we find out more with this.

One thing that has been bugging me for a while is why haven’t Heath/River boys pulled up Casey for going out with Ruby when her mum is a cop and her grandmother is a lawyer/judge. Hasn’t made sense to me since the start! Even Tegan mentioned that Brax has never had a conversation before with a cop and why Casey was staying in Charlie’s house. Watch this space. (I’m confused) :unsure:

I am still liking one of Heath’s quotes “Do you believe everything you hear”. I just can’t help feel like what you see isn’t what you get! MY BAD If I am that gullible in the real world too.

<3 BRAX! “I’m just an average bloke making his way” haha LIES Brax.. you are far from average..No need for too much modesty aye. We are not fooled :P


I loved how Morag said her peace. She knew without coming out directly and she made her opinions known to both of them.

Loved today by the way.... Brax was awesome. So much going on for him today he does not know where to turn. I am excited to see the coversations for him tomorrow and how everything plays out. Hope we get some nice Chax scenes.

Posted (edited)

:rolleyes: urghhh I officially lost my version of the twist today! I was gripping onto it pretty tightly thinking something :ph34r: was going on but now will have to conjure up a new theory. There has been too much confusion for me in the last few episodes to make sense if it - even in my magical mind :innocent:

Brax has a serious case of leading a double life up until now. But can't see it being that easy to walk away especially if Heath is in on it. But it is just crazy that the side he has with Charlie is super nice along with other caring characteristics and his dark side involves being a mastermind drug-leader who is capable of violence etc.

I understand the fact that he wants a better life for Casey but why has he risked Heath being involved? Surely he wants both his brothers out. Yep Heath isn't going to listen but he hasn't even tried. WTH is going on with this character.

- LOL I just snapped back to reality and realized it is a soap. haha not real life so basically, most likely it will never make sense but the psychologist in me is really not going to like this if there are no justifiable answers!

I loved the interaction between Heath and Brax today. Really powerful. It is a shame that Heath doesn't realize what it takes to be in charge of something like this. But it seems he really wants the respect he is clearly lacking in his life, probably all his life.

And it seems plenty of people are in Casey's corner in encouraging him with school. But he is his own worst enemy it seems. He just seems to want approval from his mother maybe and the pressure that has been put on him to do well has clearly got him acting out. Time to grow up and take responsibility me thinks!

Need to psychoanalyze why a supposedly smart drug dealer would start dating a cop. Even if it is in the name of love.. no happy ending can come of it so did he plan on hurting Charlie all along?... ohh dang I am doing a circle thinking something more is going on again! :blink:

okay forgetting details .. yaay <3BRAX! Really still love this character - good and bad.

He is out of the gang for now! And boy Heath looks really scared for a second. I am a little scared for everyone too. :unsure:

haha Break from HAA for a whole week! When I am back I hope there are some great scenes to look forward too


Edited by DocZed64

I am glad that he actually made that decision... if he makes it once he can make it again. I think in that moment he realized that there are more important things that he has been living for the past years now that he has some positive things in his life.

Heath is just WAY too much drama for Brax. I guess you need a character like that but it is SO frustrating. URG.

Wonder if there are any Chax scenes tomorrow??


  DocZed64 said:
:rolleyes: urghhh I officially lost my version of the twist today! I was gripping onto it pretty tightly thinking something :ph34r: was going on but now will have to conjure up a new theory. There has been too much confusion for me in the last few episodes to make sense if it - even in my magical mind :innocent:

Brax has a serious case of leading a double life up until now. But can't see it being that easy to walk away especially if Heath is in on it. But it is just crazy that the side he has with Charlie is super nice along with other caring characteristics and his dark side involves being a mastermind drug-leader who is capable of violence etc.

I understand the fact that he wants a better life for Casey but why has he risked Heath being involved? Surely he wants both his brothers out. Yep Heath isn't going to listen but he hasn't even tried. WTH is going on with this character.

- LOL I just snapped back to reality and realized it is a soap. haha not real life so basically, most likely it will never make sense but the psychologist in me is really not going to like this if there are no justifiable answers!

I loved the interaction between Heath and Brax today. Really powerful. It is a shame that Heath doesn't realize what it takes to be in charge of something like this. But it seems he really wants the respect he is clearly lacking in his life, probably all his life.

And it seems plenty of people are in Casey's corner in encouraging him with school. But he is his own worst enemy it seems. He just seems to want approval from his mother maybe and the pressure that has been put on him to do well has clearly got him acting out. Time to grow up and take responsibility me thinks!

Need to psychoanalyze why a supposedly smart drug dealer would start dating a cop. Even if it is in the name of love.. no happy ending can come of it so did he plan on hurting Charlie all along?... ohh dang I am doing a circle thinking something more is going on again! :blink:

okay forgetting details .. yaay <3BRAX! Really still love this character - good and bad.

He is out of the gang for now! And boy Heath looks really scared for a second. I am a little scared for everyone too. :unsure:

haha Break from HAA for a whole week! When I am back I hope there are some great scenes to look forward too


Don't give up on your theory re the twist - there is something we don't know about as why would his mum get arrested etc. and words like 'I 'm a dead man' as shown in the promo - I still think he is helping the police with this investigation somehow maybe to protect his mum????? and Charlie I think is aware of this just by the little comments that have been made especially the comment about Brax being in real danger if Heath & Ma Braxton found out they were together - Maybe that slap I said to give me is getting closer though LOL!!!!

I will be so angry if she has been working undercover so to speak and investigating him and sleeping with him to blow the whole thing wide open as that is just so wrong for a police officer to do - a prostitute maybe but not a cop!


I actually kinda hope Charlie is the one undercover, it's pretty much the only way to rescue her character.She's been behaving like a bit of a tart anyway so at least it would have been in a good cause.Although if she's been doing it off her own back, I doubt it would stand up in court.It would explain her erratic behaviour:The way she goes from being suspicious of him to sleeping with him, her vehement defence of him to Angelo, her acting as though she thinks Heath's behind everything when she should know Brax is involved.But I very much doubt they'll go down that road.Either way, if one of them is on the side of the angels which they probably aren't, they're obviously hiding it from the other one.They wouldn't be having such oblique private conversations if they were in this together.


  Red Ranger 1 said:
I actually kinda hope Charlie is the one undercover, it's pretty much the only way to rescue her character.She's been behaving like a bit of a tart anyway so at least it would have been in a good cause.Although if she's been doing it off her own back, I doubt it would stand up in court.It would explain her erratic behaviour:The way she goes from being suspicious of him to sleeping with him, her vehement defence of him to Angelo, her acting as though she thinks Heath's behind everything when she should know Brax is involved.But I very much doubt they'll go down that road.Either way, if one of them is on the side of the angels which they probably aren't, they're obviously hiding it from the other one.They wouldn't be having such oblique private conversations if they were in this together.

If she is sleeping with him just to bust an investigation wide open then that is wrong the same as if he is sleeping with her to try to cover his tracks - wrong, wrong, wrong!!! A cop even undercover wouldn't be sleeping with the enemy well not in the real world but summer bay well that is another story, and if I am wrong then you can all slap me - duck look out!!!!!!

Posted (edited)

Even if Brax would be undercover or Charlie, I think that somewhere on they way they started to fall for each other.

And now it has got to them bad, like real love, which I think they both need.

Clearly Brax has changed because of Charlie's and his relationship, so far only for the better.

But who knos what happened when their secret comes out in the open..

Edited by maciam

I dont want Charlie to be undercover. I think that both their feelings are genuine and it just would not sit well with me if she were undercover this whole time. Doesnt seem legit.

I do wonder if there is more to Brax than meets the eye... and I have thought that since the beginning so I guess we will see as this continues to play out.

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