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Heath is just stirring up so much drama and headaches for Brax... URG. He wanted out for something better and Heath keeps dragging him into his messes.

Brax was so great in the episode. He is always coming to Charlie's defense when issues arise. It is so sweet!!


In all fairness, who would gladly let the leader of their gang, brother or not, just walk away? Brax was the brains and had all the contacts. He was the one who helped the boys make all their drug money. Without him the Riverboys will go under. So I can't imagine the other boys are too impressed either.

The problem that Brax has is pretty complicted. He lived as the leader of the gang. The brains, the person all the boys answered too. And he gladly lived that role and the rewards it brought him while he was the big shot leader. Now all of a sudden he wants out so he can date Charlie without having to worry about the cops constantly trying to arrest him and so he can escape all the bad things that come with being in a gang.

But the reality is, you can't expect to just up and walk away without there being serious reprecussions. Obviously if the Riverboys get caught, they are going to drag Brax down with them. He may not be "in" the gang anymore, but for the majority of their existence he was the leader and the brains. There's also going to be to be the inner conflict Brax will have, if he believes in being loyal to the boys, that by leaving them in the lurch he is putting them at risk of getting caught. So he may not be able to distance himself completely.

Brax can say he wants out, but he will always be involved in the Riverboys one way or another.


I really hope Brax continues to get dragged into Heath’s messes because they’re as much his mess as Heath’s. He was the leader, the mastermind and he deserves to be dragged down with the rest of them. Just because he wants out, doesn’t make him any less of a criminal and any less responsible because the River Boys are in Summer Bay because Brax dragged them there, along with all their criminal behaviour.

It’s ok for Brax to say he wants out, he’s made sure he has another life to fall back on, but what about Heath and the others? I doubt any have jobs (they don’t seem to) and life in a criminal gang is probably all that they know. Knowing Heath the way he does, does Brax really believe it is wise to leave such a man in charge of a bunch of immature and criminal thugs? It’s sometimes easy to forget that Heath is also a brother with the way Brax slaps him down and bullies him. Brax is also quite happy to use Heath to do his dirty work for him, enforcing his law with violence and sending him out there to put his neck on the line with the drugs while Brax is off sleeping with Charlie; making sure he always has an alibi. Is it any wonder that Heath has less control than Brax?

And as for Brax’s code and lines not to cross, it’s such a shame it doesn’t extend to drugs; how many women, teenagers and families have been harmed by the drugs Brax grows and traffics? A lot, but I suppose they’re just the faceless victims of his crimes and as he’s doing all of this for a better life for his brother, it’s ok to hurt these people; he certainly doesn’t seem to feel any guilt for all the hurt he’s no doubt inflicted over the years of leading a criminal gang. No, he’s got what he wants, he’s got a business, he’s got a brother who thinks he’s wonderful and he’s got a woman he’s totally fooled into believing he’s an honest and respectable businessman when he’s as dirty as the rest of the River Boys.

Brodie, those two on the boat were sacrificed by their wonderful leader who has now left them all in the lurch so he can go and sleep with the woman trying to bring them down. And if Charlie does bring the River Boys down and Brax gets off scott free, it's not going to look too good when they find out he's been sleeping with the woman who's after them; even if it was only to get her off his back (once again, all about his precious butt being kept out of jail), I doubt the Boys will be happy. It does make me wonder what Brax has done in the past that despite his lack of loyalty to them, they stay quiet and protect him but I hope that when they realise he's turned his back on them so he can pretend to be respectable and sleep with the local copper, they no longer stay loyal to him and drag him down; won't happen of course, because he will more than likely get away without Charlie even realising how bad he really is, leaving him free to continue with his lies.

As long as Brax continues to get away with his crimes and show no remorse for all the hurt he has no doubt caused others and as long as he continues to lie and deceive Charlie, a woman he supposedly cares about, then I see nothing good about him. He’s a criminal and a manipulative one at that, one not to be trusted and not even his concern for his brother makes up for the lies and crimes.


  b2sb09 said:
And as for Brax’s code and lines not to cross, it’s such a shame it doesn’t extend to drugs; how many women, teenagers and families have been harmed by the drugs Brax grows and traffics?

While I love Brax in the show, I agree with this as it pertains to real life. Too many tough guys have "rules" re violence against women that they bend in all sorts of other ways incl. making an exception for women who "deserve it".


  Julez said:
  b2sb09 said:
And as for Brax’s code and lines not to cross, it’s such a shame it doesn’t extend to drugs; how many women, teenagers and families have been harmed by the drugs Brax grows and traffics?

While I love Brax in the show, I agree with this as it pertains to real life. Too many tough guys have "rules" re violence against women that they bend in all sorts of other ways incl. making an exception for women who "deserve it".

Well as yet we haven't seen Brax bash any female or even hint that he would 'if she deserved it' - I can't see it myself.


  b2sb09 said:
I really hope Brax continues to get dragged into Heath’s messes because they’re as much his mess as Heath’s. He was the leader, the mastermind and he deserves to be dragged down with the rest of them. Just because he wants out, doesn’t make him any less of a criminal and any less responsible because the River Boys are in Summer Bay because Brax dragged them there, along with all their criminal behaviour.

It’s ok for Brax to say he wants out, he’s made sure he has another life to fall back on, but what about Heath and the others? I doubt any have jobs (they don’t seem to) and life in a criminal gang is probably all that they know. Knowing Heath the way he does, does Brax really believe it is wise to leave such a man in charge of a bunch of immature and criminal thugs? It’s sometimes easy to forget that Heath is also a brother with the way Brax slaps him down and bullies him. Brax is also quite happy to use Heath to do his dirty work for him, enforcing his law with violence and sending him out there to put his neck on the line with the drugs while Brax is off sleeping with Charlie; making sure he always has an alibi. Is it any wonder that Heath has less control than Brax?

And as for Brax’s code and lines not to cross, it’s such a shame it doesn’t extend to drugs; how many women, teenagers and families have been harmed by the drugs Brax grows and traffics? A lot, but I suppose they’re just the faceless victims of his crimes and as he’s doing all of this for a better life for his brother, it’s ok to hurt these people; he certainly doesn’t seem to feel any guilt for all the hurt he’s no doubt inflicted over the years of leading a criminal gang. No, he’s got what he wants, he’s got a business, he’s got a brother who thinks he’s wonderful and he’s got a woman he’s totally fooled into believing he’s an honest and respectable businessman when he’s as dirty as the rest of the River Boys.

Brodie, those two on the boat were sacrificed by their wonderful leader who has now left them all in the lurch so he can go and sleep with the woman trying to bring them down. And if Charlie does bring the River Boys down and Brax gets off scott free, it's not going to look too good when they find out he's been sleeping with the woman who's after them; even if it was only to get her off his back (once again, all about his precious butt being kept out of jail), I doubt the Boys will be happy. It does make me wonder what Brax has done in the past that despite his lack of loyalty to them, they stay quiet and protect him but I hope that when they realise he's turned his back on them so he can pretend to be respectable and sleep with the local copper, they no longer stay loyal to him and drag him down; won't happen of course, because he will more than likely get away without Charlie even realising how bad he really is, leaving him free to continue with his lies.

As long as Brax continues to get away with his crimes and show no remorse for all the hurt he has no doubt caused others and as long as he continues to lie and deceive Charlie, a woman he supposedly cares about, then I see nothing good about him. He’s a criminal and a manipulative one at that, one not to be trusted and not even his concern for his brother makes up for the lies and crimes.

Heath doesn't have to do what his brother says you know - he could actually be his own man - but no it is easier for Heath just bum around surf all day drink etc... Hate to live in your world where no-one gets a second chance and even when they do try to actually become a decent human being still get slammed down.

You want Charlie the cop - Well sorry but how boring (IMO) is charlie the 'COP'.


Brax can get a second chance.......AFTER he's been punished for the crimes he's already committed.

It's all well and good that Brax wants out and wants a better life, but that doesn't mean he should be allowed to just go unpunished for what he's done.


  tobygirl said:
Heath doesn't have to do what his brother says you know - he could actually be his own man - but no it is easier for Heath just bum around surf all day drink etc... Hate to live in your world where no-one gets a second chance and even when they do try to actually become a decent human being still get slammed down.

You want Charlie the cop - Well sorry but how boring (IMO) is charlie the 'COP'.

Funny, whenever Heath does try to do his own thing, Brax slaps him down because it reflects badly on him and the other River Boys, like Heath, seem to bow down to Brax and do as he commands, because he was the leader. Even now, I doubt it's easy for Heath to stand up to a man like Brax and being in a gang, he probably doesn't know any other life, except cowtowing to what Brax wants.

To be given a second chance, Brax shouldn't just be allowed to walk away and be free to lie and manipulate people into believing he's an innocent man when he's not. Brax has gotten what he wants and walked away without a care for all the people harmed, sorry, but after all he's done (that we know of), I believe he should be made to pay, that's what justice is about. He shows no guilt for his crimes or for the people he's hurt, he does nothing but lie to people about where his money comes from and his involvement with the River Boys and their crimes, especially to Charlie and he makes excuses for the crimes he has committed; hardly good qualities in a person trying to be decent. I'm doing it for my family is no excuse - growing and trafficking drugs, money laundering, assaulting people aren't petty little crimes, they're major crimes, so yeah, I have a problem with a lying, manipulative man like Brax getting off scott free when I don't believe he deserves too. And in my little world, decent people don't lie and con people and they certainly don't make excuses for their crimes.

I happened to find Charlie the cop one of the better and more stronger characters and as Esther has been popular well before this storyline, obviously a lot of people didn't find her boring as a cop, whereas I find a woman too weak to resist a man and running around like some desperate teen incredibly boring and in no way appealing as I've always prefered stronger characters, not women too dumb to realise they're being conned and too weak to end an unhealthy affair, especially when it's already led to her blowing a drug bust.

Charlie is a cop and unless they have her decide that Brax is just so marvelous and have her toss her career in, then they should have her act like a cop, otherwise, what is the point of putting the uniform on her; though she seems to spend more time out of it while she cavorts around with the criminal. Better yet, it'd be nice if they had her acting like a mother and not some sad and desperate teen chasing after some guy who's not even the man she thinks he is and having sex in secret. Gee, Charlie sneaking around and having sex, hasn't she done that with every relationship and hasn't every guy she's been with committed a crime - to me, repetitiveness and predictability is boring.

Until he pays for his crimes, Brax doesn't deserve a second chance, especially if that second chance is nothing but lies and deceptions. Also, if he gets off without Charlie realising his guilt, then that means if they contintue with their affair, then it will be based on his lies and her misguided belief he is innocent and not a bad person; for some unknown reason, I've always thought a relationship should have honesty and trust or it's not much of a relationship.


  lollypop said:
But the reality is, you can't expect to just up and walk away without there being serious reprecussions.

These were my feelings very early on, not only about Brax walking out on the River Boys, but also about the revelation that he's been secretly dating Charlie. Heath and the River Boys will hardly be impressed by this news and may also believe that their relationship contributed to him leaving the gang, which it did.

For this reason, it is my feeling that Charlie may be somehow targeted by the River Boys in the coming weeks. Not maybe by Heath but maybe by other members of the gang who are furious by Brax's betryal. In revenge, they may attempt to hurt Charlie in some way. I may be wrong but I just felt that way for awhile; that there was also a risk to Charlie's safety should the RB's find out about her relationship with Brax.

  Julez said:
^^Maybe if he's really changed, he should turn himself in? He'd get a light sentence if he did.

I would very much like if that happened because it would go some way towards Brax becoming a better person, and reconciling with those members of the audience who don't like him. By turning himself it, it would show that he's realised the gravity of his actions himself and is willing to suffer the consequences. For Chax fans, it might possibly go some way in reconciling with Charlie as she might realise that he is not all bad, that he has done the right thing.

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