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  b2sb09 said:
  tobygirl said:
Heath doesn't have to do what his brother says you know - he could actually be his own man - but no it is easier for Heath just bum around surf all day drink etc... Hate to live in your world where no-one gets a second chance and even when they do try to actually become a decent human being still get slammed down.

You want Charlie the cop - Well sorry but how boring (IMO) is charlie the 'COP'.

Funny, whenever Heath does try to do his own thing, Brax slaps him down because it reflects badly on him and the other River Boys, like Heath, seem to bow down to Brax and do as he commands, because he was the leader. Even now, I doubt it's easy for Heath to stand up to a man like Brax and being in a gang, he probably doesn't know any other life, except cowtowing to what Brax wants.

To be given a second chance, Brax shouldn't just be allowed to walk away and be free to lie and manipulate people into believing he's an innocent man when he's not. Brax has gotten what he wants and walked away without a care for all the people harmed, sorry, but after all he's done (that we know of), I believe he should be made to pay, that's what justice is about. He shows no guilt for his crimes or for the people he's hurt, he does nothing but lie to people about where his money comes from and his involvement with the River Boys and their crimes, especially to Charlie and he makes excuses for the crimes he has committed; hardly good qualities in a person trying to be decent. I'm doing it for my family is no excuse - growing and trafficking drugs, money laundering, assaulting people aren't petty little crimes, they're major crimes, so yeah, I have a problem with a lying, manipulative man like Brax getting off scott free when I don't believe he deserves too. And in my little world, decent people don't lie and con people and they certainly don't make excuses for their crimes.

I happened to find Charlie the cop one of the better and more stronger characters and as Esther has been popular well before this storyline, obviously a lot of people didn't find her boring as a cop, whereas I find a woman too weak to resist a man and running around like some desperate teen incredibly boring and in no way appealing as I've always prefered stronger characters, not women too dumb to realise they're being conned and too weak to end an unhealthy affair, especially when it's already led to her blowing a drug bust.

Charlie is a cop and unless they have her decide that Brax is just so marvelous and have- her toss her career in, then they should have her act like a cop, otherwise, what is the point of putting the uniform on her; though she seems to spend more time out of it while she cavorts around with the criminal. Better yet, it'd be nice if they had her acting like a mother and not some sad and desperate teen chasing after some guy who's not even the man she thinks he is and having sex in secret. Gee, Charlie sneaking around and having sex, hasn't she done that with every relationship and hasn't every guy she's been with committed a crime - to me, repetitiveness and predictability is boring.

Until he pays for his crimes, Brax doesn't deserve a second chance, especially if that second chance is nothing but lies and deceptions. Also, if he gets off without Charlie realising his guilt, then that means if they contintue with their affair, then it will be based on his lies and her misguided belief he is innocent and not a bad person; for some unknown reason, I've always thought a relationship should have honesty and trust or it's not much of a relationship.

oh my god - that lecture was more full on than my mum used to give me 25 years ago, didn't mean to offend lol - I have been married for 22 years to a bad boy turned good because we met each other and we have never looked back - it does happen and I knew exactly what he was like but still fell for him best decision I ever made was seeing the good in him but still keeping my eyes open.

I find Charlie the cop boring sometimes and shows no emotion what so ever I have thoughly enjoyed seeing the lighter side of her and Brax obviously brings that out in her - I think this has brought a whole side to her character and sorry but I am enjoying the show again after losing Adelle from our screens it has been great viewing. As for the having sex hasn't almost every female and male been doing this in SB for quite sometime - it's a bit like a boy/girl go round she is not alone on that score.

To me I think the writers are lazy as they can never show a relationship that goes through the rough times and makes it out the other side it is always the same and can see it coming now - break up, one or the other sleeps with someone else, get jelaous, a lot of drama inbetween and then get back together - that's boring and predictable to watch and when two people on a SOAP have great chemistry as it is only a SOAP then use it to their advantage and not take the easy storyline everytime. Different characters but always the same road they follow for the same out come.


It would be a boring show if he just turned himself in.... I like where this headed now. Will he pay (maybe not in the way that some want him to becuase this is a soap after all) but I am sure that there will be something out there that helps him through this.


  tobygirl said:
oh my god - that lecture was more full on than my mum used to give me 25 years ago, didn't mean to offend lol - I have been married for 22 years to a bad boy turned good because we met each other and we have never looked back - it does happen and I knew exactly what he was like but still fell for him best decision I ever made was seeing the good in him but still keeping my eyes open.

Wish I was you! I did the same thing - saw the 'good' in a bad boy - and was divorced after a year! Lol.


  Julez said:
  tobygirl said:
oh my god - that lecture was more full on than my mum used to give me 25 years ago, didn't mean to offend lol - I have been married for 22 years to a bad boy turned good because we met each other and we have never looked back - it does happen and I knew exactly what he was like but still fell for him best decision I ever made was seeing the good in him but still keeping my eyes open.

Wish I was you! I did the same thing - saw the 'good' in a bad boy - and was divorced after a year! Lol.

I know it doesn't always work sorry to hear that!

Posted (edited)

ohhh how I missed HAA this past week... I watched all this weeks episodes, checked out new spoilers, gallery pics, and watched the promos.. and all I can say is DON'T DO IT like that :blink: I have no idea what to say I am overwhelmed with it all. One thing I will say for now though is the spoilers most of the time sound more exciting than they are or don't even cover the best part of the s/l.. so I believe there will be lots of surprises coming our way.

@tobygirl lol after my last rant I was a little negative (must have been exam stress talking) .. but I am back to believing something is going on or going to happen and it is ALL good as long as I enjoy the s/l as much as I am now. I won't be slapping you nor getting one from you re the BRAX faith we seem to have lol until the end of the year! It might be only then that we find out where the s/l is headed and what is going on :P

@b2sb09 .. I do agree with what you say, people who do wrong need punishment before they can start afresh. However in my profession I do have to be a little less judgmental and sympathetic to both sides of the story. And fortunately it is not my job to lay down the law for those people doing the bad. As much as you hate this character or the s/l, I am the opposite and completely invested in Brax and RB s/l. But it has everything to do with the complexity of the character. I think he has been well written to make everyone love-to-hate and hate-to-love him. The actor is very talented at bringing both the good and the bad Brax come to life on screen. He is the reason I am watching HAA!

I do have an issue with Brax lying to Charlie. I am a fool for romance and really like this one. But like any good romantic story there has to be hurdles before the happy ever after OR else there is no story. As it has been said it is Romeo and Juliet re-make HAA-style. The reason Charlie has been putting herself in a compromising position is because this is about love - and no I don't mean lust. If it was lust then I may be wrong but I think she would be able to resist long before now!

Having said all that the truth is I am 100% a fan of Brax (Brax alone trumps Chax for me) - which means the good and the bad (minus rape and cold-blooded murder.. even I posses a line that I can't cross lol). The good part is HOT pure and simple AND NO it doesn't hurt that he is drop dead gorgeous. The bad brings out my urge to take out my psychology/psychiatry books and to diagnose him with pathologies lol So I get to win both ways :rolleyes:

If I get to re-watch Brax scenes this next week, I am sure I will have plenty of ranting to do.. it is only healthy to let it all out. haha oops this wasn't supposed to be a long post.. MY BAD!

<3Brax! "You need to send a message to the boys that rape is a line we don't cross" .. and how good was that punch he threw at Heath.. lol I bet Dan would really like a go at punching Steve.. I mean the slaps were just embarrassing for his character lol :P

Edited by DocZed64

I am loving Brax too.. But I am hard core Chax all the way. He has been torn in so many directions that I think this storyline will continue to be filled with ups and downs and hopefully some surprising twists that make it all worth it... All I have to say is... BRAX, DONT SLEEP WITH TEGAN PLEASE


I loved todays installment of Brax. I liked that we saw Darcy.. he was too cute when he was talking to her. I like the kid.. seems like Tegan has done good by her little one at least.

Brax reacted harshly to the cops and Charlie but understandable as he was the one who tipped them off to prevent Heath being hurt.

Actually felt sorry for Watson.. wonder what Brax would have said if he found out it was her. Im sure the River Boys will find out though.. some were there at the time. Worried for Watson :unsure:

The scenes with Heath and Brax/Casey were my favorite today. I love watching how much they care for each other. And what each does to go out of their way to protect the other. Especially like the vulnerable side to Heath. He would prefer to be dead than in jail. And what he said to Casey about looking after his mom and being good. It was so out of character and I loved seeing that.

The scene with Brax and Charlie was very telling. Charlie has definitely changed. She is not only Cop Charlie like she once was. I got the impression she really wanted to protect Heath in a way for Brax's sake. I am glad that finally Ruby knows and it has been confirmed to Leah. Tomorrow should be interesting!

After today.. confirmed for me that there is definitely more going on. Just the way Brax was with the cops and Heath's vulnerability. The lawyer is finally being mentioned again. There were a few phone calls Brax was making to some people and we don't know who was on the other line. Can't wait for the unraveling mystery!

<3 BRAX! "One wrong word and we'll end up in a cell together".. lol sounds like a fun party!


I really enjoyed how Brax was today... adn his comment by the car with Charlie. They have not travelled together before so it was cute that she got in the car, and you could tell that she was happy when she got back. Yeah for Brax! I liked him today... even though in the near future I fear I will not like him much at all.


  DocZed64 said:
I loved todays installment of Brax. I liked that we saw Darcy.. he was too cute when he was talking to her. I like the kid.. seems like Tegan has done good by her little one at least.

Brax reacted harshly to the cops and Charlie but understandable as he was the one who tipped them off to prevent Heath being hurt.

Actually felt sorry for Watson.. wonder what Brax would have said if he found out it was her. Im sure the River Boys will find out though.. some were there at the time. Worried for Watson :unsure:

The scenes with Heath and Brax/Casey were my favorite today. I love watching how much they care for each other. And what each does to go out of their way to protect the other. Especially like the vulnerable side to Heath. He would prefer to be dead than in jail. And what he said to Casey about looking after his mom and being good. It was so out of character and I loved seeing that.

The scene with Brax and Charlie was very telling. Charlie has definitely changed. She is not only Cop Charlie like she once was. I got the impression she really wanted to protect Heath in a way for Brax's sake. I am glad that finally Ruby knows and it has been confirmed to Leah. Tomorrow should be interesting!

After today.. confirmed for me that there is definitely more going on. Just the way Brax was with the cops and Heath's vulnerability. The lawyer is finally being mentioned again. There were a few phone calls Brax was making to some people and we don't know who was on the other line. Can't wait for the unraveling mystery!

<3 BRAX! "One wrong word and we'll end up in a cell together".. lol sounds like a fun party!

I totally agree with you DocZed!

I loved that we saw Darcy in todays episode! She really is so adorable! I'm still kind of intrigued as to why she's been brought up in the show in the first place! :unsure: It surely isn't just to show a good side of Tegan...? I'm thinking that Darcy is in fact Brax's daughter but that Tegan pretended someone else was! If she didn't have a purpose in the show, surely they wouldn't have brought her in....?!

I rather worried for Watson too! I hope this isn't an excuse for the show to get rid of her! I love her character, and how she always keeps Charlie's feet on the ground! The fact that a report had to be made over her tasering Heath worried me a bit...will the Police Board try and remove her maybe? I hope not, I really like Watson!

I absolutely LOVED the Braxton brothers scenes today! They were all so vulnerable, you could really see the truth behind the characters. Heath's fear of

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going to jail

, Brax promising to help him out, Casey showing how much in fact he does need his brother, and Heath's ask of Casey to take care of Ma Braxton. I really, really loved the scenes between the three of them today! They were really lovely!

I think the phonecalls that Brax was making to the mysterious person was in fact their lawyer. When Brax is paying him as much as he is, they would want him to do the job, and get Heath out of this predicament that he's in! Not that he has much luck!


I dont think that Brax is Darcy's dad. There has been no clues to that as of yet and if Tegan wanted to keep a hold of Brax, she would be using that relationship and she is not.

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