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Yes he did!! Brax is the reason the Riverboys and everything else are in a freefall. This is what happens when the leader of a criminal gang tries to just up and leave. It all falls apart and people end up seriously hurt.

Heath's an idiot that's obvious. Tegan is a manipulator and a liar, which is probably why her and Brax were drawn together in the first place.

And Brax...well he just leaves me flabbergasted. He more or less talks to Charlie lately with an attitude of "yeah I lied, so whats the problem?"....eh hello, the problem is you lied and now everyone in the Bay is terrified of the people that you have drawn into their lives.

Heath didn't start this. Brax did. The only difference is, everything Heath has done has been shown onscreen. Brax was the brain behind the drug crop, he was the one who gave the orders on who shoud be "taken care of". He is the one with all the contacts and who organised the transporting of the crop to the city. Heath just bowed down to his brothers command and still does.

All of Heaths mess ups have been shown on screen which is why people find it so hard to like him and make out that Brax is an angel compared to him, when he's not, he's worse. Because he tries to hide behind someone he's not. He plays mind tricks with people, he manipulates them, he abuses the power he has over the Riverboys, he walks around like mister innocent and worst of all is, he keeps trying to solve everything by using more mind games and plans to fix things instead of being honest and going to the police. Heath may be a tool, but at least he wears his true self on his sleeve.

Brax thinks that involving the cops will make everything worse but the truth is, he just doesn't want to do jail time. Things can't get much worse than people fearing for their lives and looking over their shoulders. Casey and Ruby are between a rock and a hard place becasue Brax doesn't have the guts to do the right thing and just go down to the cop shop and tell them everything thats happend.

He deserves to get his back side handed to him by Jake. If he thinks he can keep getting away with this he is seriously disillusioned.

You know what, I actually hope Charlie has to witness Ruby or Leah or Bianca or someone along that lines suffer at the hands of Jake or the Riverboys. Maybe then she'll cop on and ditch Brax until he finally cuts ties with all this or serves his time.


Lol So he did sleep with her?! Why does it have to be so cryptic? Isn’t there enough we have to read between? All he had to do - to make it look like he had slept with T is to have taken his pants OFF... HELL YEH that is all! :P Hmm the scenes don’t add up. Not sure if it bad editing or purposefully misleading so that we don’t know the full story?! Okay well I will assume that he did sleep with her as that is the most likely scenario and I don’t want to be accused of being in denial.

Aww the scene on the beach with Brax and Charlie was a mini tear jerker. I loved seeing the hurt Charlie felt (as sad as it was) and the stand Brax took. After doing the dirty he couldn’t exactly go apologising for it. I mean what would have been the point of it all! After all there was a purpose for it.

“When do I ever do anything without thinking it through” Was this his way of telling her the truth? I also like this quote because it does stay true to his character (in which after yesterdays epi I didn’t think of)... He is willing to cross any lines for the people he cares about.

“If you think I can move on at all, then you don’t know me, do you?”... Poor Charlie what is she supposed to think? Aww her tears said it all. Great acting by Esther!

Mmm Brax in a towel – this needs to happen more often lol He better had been wearing something underneath otherwise Casey got a little too much information ... Just saying :lol:

I liked the scene for other reasons too I swear hand on my heart. Okay so what I got from it was that he needs Charlie (and Ruby) to continue thinking that he is with T and that his relationship with Charlie is over to keep them safe. He used Tegan and she was non-the-wiser of what he was doing by the looks of it. T just thought Brax and her would pick up like they always do... hmm nope not happening by how much he seems to dislike her to use her and talk to her the way he does. As soon as Casey was out the door, he made it clear to her he wasn’t interested. So seems that the main purpose of Charlie catching him is to keep her away from him. Fair play I guess. As cruel as it is, I can see it making sense considering Jake’s gang is probably capable of murder by the sounds of it! :unsure:

Ohh Heath, what to do with you? I have no idea how you are going to get out of jail (although I know you will!)... How will we cope without our smart-ass one-liners?

“You were right, I was wrong. Case is listening to the right brother” – I really can’t hate him. So I was thinking it was really strange that he was caught with drugs but he really was freaked out at the idea of doing time inside - that he was going to go on the run! Lol what is with him making these ridiculously rash decisions? He is inside now. I bet he is scared. I liked that Charlie saw their conversation. ha Heath glanced at her before telling Brax to tell his mum that he loved her...aww... he looked at her because he knew he was about to lose his tough guy image?! One positive is that Murphy (as he put it) lol rolled over on him. He said in the previous epi that there wouldn’t be much skin left if he found out who would roll over. I guess that is one positive thing: his first instinct was to run, not have Liam beaten again. Liam fans should be grateful aye!

I am stressed about all those drugs under that house. Really scary the life these boys are living... Im sorry but it still doesn’t make sense to me. The future is not looking too bright! I am glad I get a break from worrying lol

<3Brax! “What will it take for me to show I have changed” ... erm please can you stop lying, manufacturing drugs, defending Heath, baby sitting the RBs, being a man-hoe with your ex... That’ll do for now! :wink:


  DocZed64 said:
<3Brax! “What will it take for me to show I have changed” ... erm please can you stop lying, manufacturing drugs, defending Heath, baby sitting the RBs, being a man-hoe with your ex... That’ll do for now! :wink:

Haha I like that.

Although the saying goes a leopard never changes it's spots. Maybe one day Brax will go on the straight and narrow and leave the drug manufacturing behind. But he lying, the manipulation, the mind games, they are all a part of his character so regardless of the life he leads after all this Riverboy business is done, that will never change.


Today just made me more confused. I loved all the scenes... and I am not in denial about the hotel scene from yesterday and the fact that Brax may have slept with Tegan, however that one article stated they did not. Therefore, I am wondering if Tegan is just trying to take it further and further, which is why Brax turned her down?

The conversations are so cryptic that I have no idea what to believe. I think as it continues to play out we will learn more. Pretty upset though that Brax had to drive her away. They are so great.


  DocZed64 said:
Heath and Tegan have history.. NO DOUBT about it after today! This is going to get dramatic for the brothers if this is correct. aww Was he thinking about Darcy when he was helping T?! Maybe he is stupid enough to not take responsibility IF the kid is his but smart enough to realize it could be his?! hmm interesting that he might have a soft spot for T and the kid. Glad that Heath cared more about her than Brax did!

Poor Casey... gosh he would melt quicker than a snowman on fire in an interview room. Lets hope he has to never face one. Unlikely with his family history

Casey/Brax scene was good although not very informative. I was just happy that finally Casey didn’t seem angry about the relationship anymore and clearly was playing supportive bro – it was very clear that Brax was upset about the whole break up. Same goes for Ruby being supportive to Charlie. I was very glad that Leah was a good enough friend to not tip-toe around her and said her true feelings about Brax. Lol she is completely right to have her worries and it was a good, non-naive, non-biased view. Unfortunately Ruby is wrong love isn’t enough imo. There are just too many lies being told by Brax. Until there is some resolution to the involvement in the drugs and gangs it is just not going to work for them. Even Romeo and Juliet have their limits :rolleyes:

Lol@Heath reading the Bible. This character is soon going to become my favourites for his one-liners. They are few and far between but very memorable!

haha how I chuckled a LOT at the crack Heath made to Charlie about tattooing her name on his butt cheek.. ohh if Brax heard he would be in for another sucker punch. It will be soo amusing when he finds out! They have such a hate-relationship (which I love). Heath will be left standing odd-man-out once again as there are no other Buckton girls around for him :lol:

Okay Im doing some detective work now. Strange that Brax asked Heath if he was expecting someone at his door. Later on did he know Charlie was the one at the door that evening? Me thinks so... :unsure:

hmm Brax wasn't going to kiss T. But once she figured out they weren't together anymore she got him at a weak moment! I don't believe they slept together. It all looked soo staged. Nothing was happening before she got there and the regret on his face at having Charlie witness it all was all too obvious before and after she got there...looked like he was waiting for her.. CRAZY.. if Brax slept with her it makes zero sense! Answering the door makes zero sense. I mean come on AND he was still half dressed.

“What will it take for me to prove to you that I have changed” My guess is he realized that he isn’t able to make the change just yet, even if he wants to for her. He had no choice but to buckle to Tegans threat. So many people are in danger if T was to reveal anything to Jake. Seems to me like he had no choice but to chase Charlie away. This way she won’t be running back to him anytime soon. He knows how difficult it is for her as well as himself to stay away!

I honestly felt bad for Charlie today. She is really deeply in love with him to close her eyes and her common sense to the truths about him. I thought the big question for me would be Did Brax and T sleep together or not? But after watching the epi, the thing that stood out to me today is that Love really is blind. Poor Charlie!

<3Brax! Looking forward to tomorrow. Love this s/l

PS I just remembered Tegan was hardly wearing any clothes anyway throughout the epi! Not much to strip off aye :P - Nice and handy

'Everything you said is so spot on.. You're so funny in your comments too :lol:


I think that if Heath dob Jake in for the drugs , he will help the police, and get out of jail maybe?

Or the reason if he gets out of jail is becasue of their $1000/ hour lawyer.. which we still knows nothing about, or his connection to the Braxton family.


  maciam said:
  DocZed64 said:
Heath and Tegan have history.. NO DOUBT about it after today! This is going to get dramatic for the brothers if this is correct. aww Was he thinking about Darcy when he was helping T?! Maybe he is stupid enough to not take responsibility IF the kid is his but smart enough to realize it could be his?! hmm interesting that he might have a soft spot for T and the kid. Glad that Heath cared more about her than Brax did!

Poor Casey... gosh he would melt quicker than a snowman on fire in an interview room. Lets hope he has to never face one. Unlikely with his family history

Casey/Brax scene was good although not very informative. I was just happy that finally Casey didn’t seem angry about the relationship anymore and clearly was playing supportive bro – it was very clear that Brax was upset about the whole break up. Same goes for Ruby being supportive to Charlie. I was very glad that Leah was a good enough friend to not tip-toe around her and said her true feelings about Brax. Lol she is completely right to have her worries and it was a good, non-naive, non-biased view. Unfortunately Ruby is wrong love isn’t enough imo. There are just too many lies being told by Brax. Until there is some resolution to the involvement in the drugs and gangs it is just not going to work for them. Even Romeo and Juliet have their limits :rolleyes:

Lol@Heath reading the Bible. This character is soon going to become my favourites for his one-liners. They are few and far between but very memorable!

haha how I chuckled a LOT at the crack Heath made to Charlie about tattooing her name on his butt cheek.. ohh if Brax heard he would be in for another sucker punch. It will be soo amusing when he finds out! They have such a hate-relationship (which I love). Heath will be left standing odd-man-out once again as there are no other Buckton girls around for him :lol:

Okay Im doing some detective work now. Strange that Brax asked Heath if he was expecting someone at his door. Later on did he know Charlie was the one at the door that evening? Me thinks so... :unsure:

hmm Brax wasn't going to kiss T. But once she figured out they weren't together anymore she got him at a weak moment! I don't believe they slept together. It all looked soo staged. Nothing was happening before she got there and the regret on his face at having Charlie witness it all was all too obvious before and after she got there...looked like he was waiting for her.. CRAZY.. if Brax slept with her it makes zero sense! Answering the door makes zero sense. I mean come on AND he was still half dressed.

“What will it take for me to prove to you that I have changed” My guess is he realized that he isn’t able to make the change just yet, even if he wants to for her. He had no choice but to buckle to Tegans threat. So many people are in danger if T was to reveal anything to Jake. Seems to me like he had no choice but to chase Charlie away. This way she won’t be running back to him anytime soon. He knows how difficult it is for her as well as himself to stay away!

I honestly felt bad for Charlie today. She is really deeply in love with him to close her eyes and her common sense to the truths about him. I thought the big question for me would be Did Brax and T sleep together or not? But after watching the epi, the thing that stood out to me today is that Love really is blind. Poor Charlie!

<3Brax! Looking forward to tomorrow. Love this s/l

PS I just remembered Tegan was hardly wearing any clothes anyway throughout the epi! Not much to strip off aye :P - Nice and handy

'Everything you said is so spot on.. You're so funny in your comments too :lol:

Oh you do put a smile on my face the way you write is awesome!

I am still really unsure if the deed was done or not there were some many things said but also not said (if that makes sense) in the episode I still have a seed of doubt as the beach scene was like he was trying to tell her that he has done what he has done for a very good reason almost like he was trying to make her understand the potential danger and when he said about moving on and her not knowing him - I just don't know. I was not even panicked with skank bag lying on the bed etc. as again Brax seem to know it would be Charlie at the door - did you notice the look he gave skanky like right let's get this over and play your part - the only thing that made me think the deed was done was when he told skanky 'last night was a mistake' and made it clear it was not going to happen again.

I really don't care that he is a bad boy and Charlie is a cop it is just so nice to see Charlie the woman instead of the police officer Charlie - this is showing a whole new side to her character she is happy and Brax obviously makes her happy until recently of course I want to see these 2 back together and working through all their issues cos there is lots of them


  tobygirl said:
  maciam said:
  DocZed64 said:
Heath and Tegan have history.. NO DOUBT about it after today! This is going to get dramatic for the brothers if this is correct. aww Was he thinking about Darcy when he was helping T?! Maybe he is stupid enough to not take responsibility IF the kid is his but smart enough to realize it could be his?! hmm interesting that he might have a soft spot for T and the kid. Glad that Heath cared more about her than Brax did!

Poor Casey... gosh he would melt quicker than a snowman on fire in an interview room. Lets hope he has to never face one. Unlikely with his family history

Casey/Brax scene was good although not very informative. I was just happy that finally Casey didn’t seem angry about the relationship anymore and clearly was playing supportive bro – it was very clear that Brax was upset about the whole break up. Same goes for Ruby being supportive to Charlie. I was very glad that Leah was a good enough friend to not tip-toe around her and said her true feelings about Brax. Lol she is completely right to have her worries and it was a good, non-naive, non-biased view. Unfortunately Ruby is wrong love isn’t enough imo. There are just too many lies being told by Brax. Until there is some resolution to the involvement in the drugs and gangs it is just not going to work for them. Even Romeo and Juliet have their limits :rolleyes:

Lol@Heath reading the Bible. This character is soon going to become my favourites for his one-liners. They are few and far between but very memorable!

haha how I chuckled a LOT at the crack Heath made to Charlie about tattooing her name on his butt cheek.. ohh if Brax heard he would be in for another sucker punch. It will be soo amusing when he finds out! They have such a hate-relationship (which I love). Heath will be left standing odd-man-out once again as there are no other Buckton girls around for him :lol:

Okay Im doing some detective work now. Strange that Brax asked Heath if he was expecting someone at his door. Later on did he know Charlie was the one at the door that evening? Me thinks so... :unsure:

hmm Brax wasn't going to kiss T. But once she figured out they weren't together anymore she got him at a weak moment! I don't believe they slept together. It all looked soo staged. Nothing was happening before she got there and the regret on his face at having Charlie witness it all was all too obvious before and after she got there...looked like he was waiting for her.. CRAZY.. if Brax slept with her it makes zero sense! Answering the door makes zero sense. I mean come on AND he was still half dressed.

“What will it take for me to prove to you that I have changed” My guess is he realized that he isn’t able to make the change just yet, even if he wants to for her. He had no choice but to buckle to Tegans threat. So many people are in danger if T was to reveal anything to Jake. Seems to me like he had no choice but to chase Charlie away. This way she won’t be running back to him anytime soon. He knows how difficult it is for her as well as himself to stay away!

I honestly felt bad for Charlie today. She is really deeply in love with him to close her eyes and her common sense to the truths about him. I thought the big question for me would be Did Brax and T sleep together or not? But after watching the epi, the thing that stood out to me today is that Love really is blind. Poor Charlie!

<3Brax! Looking forward to tomorrow. Love this s/l

PS I just remembered Tegan was hardly wearing any clothes anyway throughout the epi! Not much to strip off aye :P - Nice and handy

'Everything you said is so spot on.. You're so funny in your comments too :lol:

Oh you do put a smile on my face the way you write is awesome!

I am still really unsure if the deed was done or not there were some many things said but also not said (if that makes sense) in the episode I still have a seed of doubt as the beach scene was like he was trying to tell her that he has done what he has done for a very good reason almost like he was trying to make her understand the potential danger and when he said about moving on and her not knowing him - I just don't know. I was not even panicked with skank bag lying on the bed etc. as again Brax seem to know it would be Charlie at the door - did you notice the look he gave skanky like right let's get this over and play your part - the only thing that made me think the deed was done was when he told skanky 'last night was a mistake' and made it clear it was not going to happen again.

I really don't care that he is a bad boy and Charlie is a cop it is just so nice to see Charlie the woman instead of the police officer Charlie - this is showing a whole new side to her character she is happy and Brax obviously makes her happy until recently of course I want to see these 2 back together and working through all their issues cos there is lots of them

I completely agree with you. I really hope they get back together. When the Charlie/Brax-storyline began he reminded me a lot of Aden, but now not so much. Anyway, I hope that Chax' relationship will last much longer than the one with Angelo.


toby girl.... I agree. There seems to be a lot of vague comments and I am unsure what it all means. Some sound bad, and others dont. Guess we will see.

I like seeing Charlie as a person too. She is always in cop mode, but needs some woman mode too. Brax brings out that side of her, which none of her other boyfriends did. So excited to see where this goes and hopefully they get back together soon.

Come on Brax.... hopefully you didnt do something you cant take back!

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