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Hmm tut tut I think too soon to joke about T – was highly inappropriate. So much for not seeing her again! He was honest with Charlie though about Darcy which was great. Im glad he will be proud of Casey either way. Especially with what is coming up. I guess Ruby said it all – with Heath on the inside, Casey had a chance to do well but now he’s out bye bye Casey’s HSC and future?! :angry:

I missed Heath. That breath of air he took... yaay for freedom! Great timing too... way to ruin Chax make-up session! He is right though. It did look rather cosy :wink:

Lol Brax’s spat with Heath lasted like 5mins – that how long they weren’t brothers! Boy Brax has magic words and a wrap -able little finger.

Have to say my FAVE scene today was when Hammer turned up in the middle of the Braxton feud. What is it with Heath always getting smacked?! He is going to get a complex soon surely especially after the tiny tots got to him. It just made my day watching them – the clothes, the gestures. I was rofl-ing at the kick thrown in the air after he punched Heath. Seriously?! Haha it was a kindergarten move :lol:

Well I am itching to see this new side of Heath that will appear for Darcy. Poor Heath having both Brax and Casey scoff at him doing this for Darcy so he can step up and make a life for her.

Okay so I actually think Tegan has a plan - as ridiculous as it may be. So I am thinking she is keeping Jake non-the-wiser about dobbing him to Brax. Also when she isn’t shaking from fear at the thought of him, it seems like she is a master at the art of manipulation. She is trying to help Heath by talking to Jake? Gross thought – she is back “together” with him while he is inside [bucket needed to vomit] – sounds like she might be using more than words to attempt to make him listen?! :unsure:

So I can’t understand the merry-go-round we are on for Charlie and Brax’s relationship. On-off-on-flung off-jumping back on; they want to be together, they can’t be together. I feel dizzy thinking about it. The only way I can describe what I see is that they are drawn to each other like MAGNETS. It seems they both chose each other today over everyone else?! I am glad that she didn’t trust him about keeping Heath quiet. She is right; Brax is in serious case of denial thinking that Heath actually will listen to him and not do as he pleases - when he pleases! I am happy she chose to call her boss to confess. At least now it is not in her hands. Someone unbiased makes the call on her future with Brax and/or professionally as a cop and there is less likeliness of her actually compromising the case further.

<3Brax! “What we have is really special” – have to say it wasn’t my fave scene of them (something off about the angle of the scene but this line was cute... bravo Brax!) ohh yeah and the whole "I couldn't deal with it if you backed off again" - lol neither can we!! :wub:

Posted (edited)

Awesome Awesome AWESOME response by Inspector Joyce to Charlie’s confession! LOL Charlie should have got one of the responses that she stated herself. But nah he tells her pretty much to hush up and carry on with doing a great job. Joyce didn’t even tell her to end the relationship if she wanted to keep her job lol just told her his opinion on Brax - which wasn’t great but apart from VJ and Elijah who hasn’t got something bad to say?

YAAAY something bigger is going on! It is about time I said it again. It has been a while lol

--OMGosh writers - Please be doing something awesome with the Braxtons. Something undercover :ph34r:

So T thinks Darcy is safer this way and I do agree. I loved Heath’s reaction to it all. He really has a paternal instinct already – who would have thought?! At least Brax has accepted that Heath is hardly in his control. I loved how he went to discuss with Charlie about coming clean. Better than trying to make everything okay by denying to her Heath will use this against them.

I really think it was an over-reaction on his part asking her why she didn’t quit her job. Did he expect her to be taken off this particular drug case? I think so. I think that is the reason he flared up. He can’t exactly be happy to have his girlfriend trying to arrest him and his crew. But it is great that she stood up for her career and what she has worked for. Girl Power! “Your whole life and there’s no room in there for me is there?” lol she DIDN’T say that! Insecure much?? :rolleyes:

Jake is the puppet master behind Hammer. He must be! The teeny bopper really looks way out of his depth and doesn’t look like he can handle a Heath let alone a bunch of RBs. I am nervous-excited about the gang war and how each will retaliate :unsure:

Giggled at a few Heath moments. He doesn’t like sympathy much – does he see it as disrespect?!

haha "Chicks don't eat carbs at night"

Either he has a really strong hand OR that wall was made of paper. Im going with the latter!

“I listened to you and it gets me nowhere”... haha as opposed to listening to himself which gets him a reunion with “his cousins” (love John lol)

<3Brax! “Nice day for a surf officers. Maybe Brax can show you a few things Buckton” – erm 100th? mention about Brax teaching Charlie to surf! Yes Please writers – make it happen. STOP teasing

--Brax standing in the middle looking at both of them pretty much summed up his current situation

See you next Week for RB-dramatics :P

Edited by DocZed64

Doc... i love it.. all of it.

It is good to see some Heath back... and the comment to Brax at the end and what Brax said... sounds like he is in for a rude awakening when he gets in trouble next week. LOL.

I am looking forward to it all. So happy that Joyce did not tell her to end it. Now she can keep things the way they are!

Posted (edited)

I think Inspector Joyce is hoping that Charlie's relationship with Brax will draw him out or that he'll be able to use it to his advantage. He obviously isn't a fan of 'Darryl', si I'd say, based on his opinion about the boys eventually wiping each other out, that he'd rather see Brax and the Riverboys either arrested or dead, rather than walking around scott free.

It's also not going to look good for Charlie in front of her superiors next week

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when she has to arrest Brax.


I think Joyce is hoping that his confidence in Charlie's policing abilities will be proven right and she will do her job properly, regardless of her feelings or relationship with Brax. Otherwise he would probably have kicked her off the case or suspended her.

Next week will be a big wake up call for Brax. He'll finally see that Charlie isn't willing to ruin her career or change her morals and principals where his involvement in the Riverboys is concerned. It's about time the writers showed this side of Charlie, because lately it has felt like she was giving up too much of herself while Brax was giving up and nothing.

Edited by lollypop

Maybe Joyce let Charlie off for a reason just like you said, lollypop..

Either to get info on the River boys, or to watch over Chalire like an hawk, just waiting for her do do something wrong.

To see if she's doing her job like she always has/is supposed to , or if she will protect Brax when he/or the others do something wrong..

Somehow, there got to be a reason.. Maybe Joyce has known their secret for awhile, without saying anything?


I think the beginning of that conversation with the inspector was important, he thinks the gangs will take each other out. Since Brax is part of one of these gangs, the inspector thinks he will show his true colours soon. He might think Charlie will be repulsed by Brax' behavior and end the relationship once she sees what he is capable of (because that feud between the River Boys and Hammer's gang cannot end well). In my opinion, the inspector did not take Charlie's confession very seriously and he thinks this will all blow over soon.


I am hoping we see Brax realize the bad path he is on. HE does try to do things the right way before resorting to the tough way. HE talked to Hammer about keeping the peace before any violence is shed. That shows he has some morals. Good on you Brax. I hope you show Charlie the kind of man you can be and she can see she is right by being with you.


  Whitney said:
I am hoping we see Brax realize the bad path he is on. HE does try to do things the right way before resorting to the tough way. HE talked to Hammer about keeping the peace before any violence is shed. That shows he has some morals. Good on you Brax. I hope you show Charlie the kind of man you can be and she can see she is right by being with you.

But that's exactly Brax's problem. He starts off trying to do things the right way, but when it doesn't go the way he wants it, instead of standing down or walking away, he resorts to dirty underhanded tactics or violence.

I understand that he's part of a gang who have rivals/enemies. But Brax needs to realise that, the world/community he wants to be a part of, the one that Charlie lives in, he can't be a part of that if he keeps falling back to his old ways because the other people who live in the world don't accept gang activity.

He can't have the best of both worlds because the two worlds he wants to be a part of do not go together and never will. At this point he needs to make a serious decision, it's all in or all out. But this keeping one foot in the door attitude he has is never going to allow him to be happy with Charlie. Because while she's standing on one side of the door, Brax's buddies and his gang life are standing on the other and he needs to shut the door on one of them because it's getting pretty tiring watching this never ending merry go round.

Like Inspector Joyce said, eventually these rival gangs will wipe each other out. Which means at the moment Brax is standing on a road which cuts off in two different directions 1.) Is to an early grave, and 2.) Is heading for jail.

If Brax keeps up his double life these are the only realistic outcomes. It's crunch time and he needs to start making serious, no tunring back decisions. No more of this "I'm taking care of it" business.


Wasn't Brax the one who said to Hammer that if he wants a war they will get them the war..

Then telling the River boys to get rid of them once and for all..

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