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  DocZed64 said:

“I don’t blame you. He’s hot! It could have happened to anyone.” ohh Georgie how you made me smile.

Have to admit, that line cracked me up. And it's true xD It was nice to see a bit more of a different side to her, a less professional side ;) Although it's definately not the first time she's had a funny one liner. Love the way she acts around the River Boys too lol.

Posted (edited)


Intrigued by the safe house they had. Cute little thing on the outside; the inside not so much!

Oh poor naive Casey, even if Heath has a plan, he should already know it is a sucky plan which ends up with him being in jail and with a sentence that is worse than the original. You would think that Heath would keep his nose clean considering how afraid of jail he is. Well you know it is bad if Heath starts blubbering in public. I personally don’t understand why there is talk of Casey going to jail. I thought as a minor he would go to juvenile detention centre at most? Isn’t that supposed to be a place that counsels young, troubled kids and equips them to make better decisions on returning to the community? Okay it’s not Disneyland but what to do? If you commit the crime – you got to do the time.

Quote of the day “He is a Braxton. You reckon they are going to treat him fair?” At least it explains Heath’s stupidity. So IF Casey goes down for this – it will be because he has been written off as a troublemaker based on his last name and not his first. That just sucks for him. And the hard times have hit: Brax is strapped for cash by the sounds of it! If Stu has learnt anything today it is to not keep Brax waiting. Poor lamb looked a little frightened by an angry Brax :unsure: .

Fortunately Heath sulked off into his room so we could at least have Brax making a move on Charlie. How thoughtful of Heath to leave them together alone. It is about time he missed her. How long have they been at each others throats for? My bad - NOT been at each others throats?? :P

<3Brax! “I miss you so much Charlie”: And the journey starts up again. Step 1 taken on the road of being an official couple: they both miss each other :wub:

Edited by DocZed64

  DocZed64 said:
If you commit the crime – you got to do the time.

Hmmm...... Unless of course you're Brax or Heath. In that case you can grow and sell weed, launder drug money, help a fugitive flee the country, almost kill someone (Angelo), lie to the police, organise gang wars, pervert the course of justice, plan a murder and get away scott free. Did I leave anything out???? :unsure:

I feel sorry for Casey. The poor lad should put himself up for adoption. In a family like that he has no hope of a bright future. :(


  lollypop said:
  DocZed64 said:
If you commit the crime – you got to do the time.

Hmmm...... Unless of course you're Brax or Heath. In that case you can grow and sell weed, launder drug money, help a fugitive flee the country, almost kill someone (Angelo), lie to the police, organise gang wars, pervert the course of justice, plan a murder and get away scott free. Did I leave anything out???? :unsure:

I feel sorry for Casey. The poor lad should put himself up for adoption. In a family like that he has no hope of a bright future. :(

Sad truth is, this happens in the real world too. People live on the wrong side of the law for most of their lives, and get barely (if any) trouble for it. That's life. Might as well happen in soap land too. Not everyone gets their comeupence!

Posted (edited)


Haha I have heard a few say that the Brax-Sid scenes is history repeating itself and that we already know the next stage of how this love story develops. Haha Brax beds Sid :o ... eww... this is just clearly so SOO VERY WRONG and only in Sid’s dreams could he have a bisexual encounter with Brax. That would be far too hard to sweep under the carpet and sent to Never-Never-Land. Although it got me thinking that Charlie and Brax are soo mirrored with their storylines so who knows?! LOL Nahhh I just kid... before some start promoting it for real, FOR REAL lol

Seriously talking to the ‘monkeys’ (haha love John!) doesn’t really wok for Brax. Well not for long anyway. WTH Brax has to play Dad for all of them? No wonder he doesn’t get anywhere. Most parents can’t even control one teen - let alone 15 and a Heath!! <_< I laughed at the comment made to John “I don’t take kindly to threats” – obviously he doesn’t! Lol unless they are originating from his mouth and fists.

<3Brax! “So you do like her? It’s alright. It happens to the best of us” aww it sure does...I had to giggle at him referring to girls as "grass" and the boys as lawn mowers? :lol: Nice!

Well I for one, already love the Brax-Stu scenes. He will definitely fill a void when a certain someone goes to film Tangle. Today was a snippet of the old-Brax (I missed his smile :wub: ) who looks out for the kids and tries to get the RBs to behave in a civilized way. Like I said - it is a shame their parents can’t be the ones and it’s all on his head and therefore when it all goes pear-shaped he is the one left being ‘threatened’. Poor Brax (in this case)!

Edited by DocZed64

I absolutely loved the Brax scenes today... I loved Gina stepping in on the conversation, and Brax talking to Stu about feelings for someone. "It happens to the best of us." Thats right BRax, so go get your girl!!!

Posted (edited)


Cheryl is so unbelievably selfish! The problem isn’t who is looking after you; it is who is looking after your kids! And why the hell have they been responsible for looking after each other every step of the way. She would get top marks at bad-parenting school. Lol and YES you give up something that makes you happy IF it means you can’t control it or pay for it ie when your an ADDICT duhhh! :rolleyes:

I know the arguments against Brax but you have to feel bad for the situation he is in and has been in forever. “Hard times make for hard people” – seems he has been fighting Cheryl’s fires. Is this the whole reason behind the drug trafficking? The only way for him to earn masses amount of money to prevent his family losing the roof over their heads? Bailing his mother out of 70,000 - that’s just crazy out-of-hand addiction and it is so obvious this is far from over. Pity they are so against ‘do-gooders’ – she needs Gamblers Anonymous like 20years ago! And I highly doubt the 20 she got from Casey is going to be used to buy cheetos. Hmm I want to see some breaking down and bawling and declarations of how unfit she is as a mother [i wish!] from Cheryl if Casey gets convicted. Poor Casey – she is to blame for what is coming up. You have to admire the kids for being so protective and self-sacrificing for their mother though when she really doesn’t deserve anything close to it. Imagine what they could do if the person they cared for actually had a human heart?!? Gosh what a piece of work. Enough said! <_<

Brax is still pushing Casey to fight for his future with school qualifications and getting a decent job. You can see how much they both want it. I really hope with all the drama they still manage to send a positive note to the young-uns. When you make a mistake like he did, it shouldn’t be the deciding factor of whether you can be successful and have a happy future in the ‘real’ world. I actually need to see it more than the young-uns or else I am just going back to watching Disney movies :P . Okaaaay lol I am kidding before people think I am only 11.

I enjoyed the scene with Ma/Brax/Charlie. Good to know they can have a chuckle at Cheryl’s dramatics now (and forever) while giving each other oh-so-adorable glances. Cheryl is so good at getting Brax to do what she wants. Charlie was soo right – it shouldn’t be like this. But poor Brax is facing the dilemma of either being responsible for Cheryl going inside or the possibility that Casey ends up in juvie. How can he be responsible for everyone and the river boys and still be the good guy that Charlie wants when they are all so great at screwing up? Hmm did Heath say it all – it’s in the genetics!?!

Step 2 taken on the road of being an official couple: (1) Heath walked past Charlie without giving her cheek (2) Charlie: “I don’t know why we bother because the heart rules over the head every time” (3) Brax: “I’m on the straight and narrow now and funnily enough it doesn’t pay as well” (OMGosh.. was that honesty about his past shadiness? Woohoo)

<3Brax! “Doesn’t seem to score you too many points for the woman your doing it for either” – kk a little more of this and a little less of the lying and we will be at Step-Wedding-Day in no time! :wub:

Edited by DocZed64
Posted (edited)

5398 = Awesome Braxton epi

You have got to love the difference in pact-making by the girls and the boys. Haha the girls were totally in control - giggling away even and the boys were crying into their beers and swearing off all women. Aww “just a world of hurt” – hmm isn’t vulnerable, rejected Brax too cute for words? I feel for him but also love to see his softy side.

Oh-so-many heartbreaking scenes! Gosh Charlie give the guy an ear or an arm already. He looked so lost. *sad* he knows he is going to lose Casey. Casey totally got me lost for words again today. Awesome acting! I doubt he was being suicidal but more reckless to numb his fears :unsure:

The river boys were in their element today weren’t they?! Heath: “have you got a pimple?”, “want a beer sweetheart?” LOL; I loved that we saw them having a laugh together and at each others expense – that was just too funny. Go Ruby! “The key is don’t think about it, just do it” – lol well that just sums up Heath in a very small nutshell. “I’ll spend a night in a cell with you, officer” who is Sam and why do I find it difficult to take him seriously?? Oh yeah - it’s because I have a crazy urge to trim his chin! :P

Don’t you just love a drunken Brax? We need to see this again esp if he climbs more poles :wink: ! It is times like this when I would like to ring Heath’s neck for interrupting Chax time. How could he? After 6 whole weeks!!! Charlie was soo about to buckle a little. You could see her heart breaking for him. Aww well at least she knows for a fact he is not over her. Typical Charlie move to go running back when it is too late.

<3Brax! “Stick to the waves, at least if they kill you, it’ll be quick” He needs to say more like this. Totally love his broken heart :wub:

ohh and I forgot to add 3 Braxtons saving each others asses = totally hot!

Edited by DocZed64

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