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My first attempt at explaining just got lost *kicks the board* so I will try again.

Firstly, we definitely need vanilla characters because without them the show would just be stupid. The problem is that halfway through last year that balance disappeared.

Now... I can only speak for myself here and this is just my opinion but I think my reason for liking Brax (and Heath) is very different from others and I also hate that fans are treated like shallow fools. For me it isn't about looks at all, but about the story. Throughout 2011 we never got to see fully why Brax is the leader of the River Boys, but what we did see was 10% of what I feel is the true Darryl. And there is the interest. The viewers have seen what Heath is capable of but when it comes to Brax... we know nothing. What the viewers have seen so far is a false image of the character and all the wrong decisions.

This may be a stupid idea of similarity but I see it the same way as I did while watching The Shield (Heath = Shane, Darryl = Vic). Throughout the show Shane went deeper into the darkness because he wanted to be equal to Vic but just wasn't as smart. In one episode they showed that Shane was an okay person before Vic began influencing him. I see this dynamic a lot in Heath and Darryl and just like The Shield I look forward to see the fallout when it comes (it better come).

So I hope in 2012 we get to see just how bad Darryl can be because you just know he is worse than you guys think. Maybe it is stupid waiting for a character development that may never come but at least I am watching H&A fully again. I just hope they don't make him a vanilla character because the viewers aren't dumb.

Does that make any sense?

Or should I try again :lol: !


Brax is one of the big reasons that H&A is succeeding. LOL. They made all the storylines juicy and exciting last year. I hope there is more Chax to come, but if not, Brax will make some great scenes I am sure.


  Pierced Musie said:
My first attempt at explaining just got lost *kicks the board* so I will try again.

Firstly, we definitely need vanilla characters because without them the show would just be stupid. The problem is that halfway through last year that balance disappeared.

Now... I can only speak for myself here and this is just my opinion but I think my reason for liking Brax (and Heath) is very different from others and I also hate that fans are treated like shallow fools. For me it isn't about looks at all, but about the story. Throughout 2011 we never got to see fully why Brax is the leader of the River Boys, but what we did see was 10% of what I feel is the true Darryl. And there is the interest. The viewers have seen what Heath is capable of but when it comes to Brax... we know nothing. What the viewers have seen so far is a false image of the character and all the wrong decisions.

This may be a stupid idea of similarity but I see it the same way as I did while watching The Shield (Heath = Shane, Darryl = Vic). Throughout the show Shane went deeper into the darkness because he wanted to be equal to Vic but just wasn't as smart. In one episode they showed that Shane was an okay person before Vic began influencing him. I see this dynamic a lot in Heath and Darryl and just like The Shield I look forward to see the fallout when it comes (it better come).

So I hope in 2012 we get to see just how bad Darryl can be because you just know he is worse than you guys think. Maybe it is stupid waiting for a character development that may never come but at least I am watching H&A fully again. I just hope they don't make him a vanilla character because the viewers aren't dumb.

Does that make any sense?

Or should I try again :lol: !

Hmm, interesting. See I've always wanted to see the good side to Brax, but now you've mentioned it, I also want to see just how bad he can be. It would make his character even more interesting, and we all know that there is much more to him than meets the eye. Although if they showed us more of his bad side, I can't say I could see much of a future for his character, so they'll probably just make him good because it's easier.


  Pierced Musie said:
My first attempt at explaining just got lost *kicks the board* so I will try again.

Firstly, we definitely need vanilla characters because without them the show would just be stupid. The problem is that halfway through last year that balance disappeared.

Now... I can only speak for myself here and this is just my opinion but I think my reason for liking Brax (and Heath) is very different from others and I also hate that fans are treated like shallow fools. For me it isn't about looks at all, but about the story. Throughout 2011 we never got to see fully why Brax is the leader of the River Boys, but what we did see was 10% of what I feel is the true Darryl. And there is the interest. The viewers have seen what Heath is capable of but when it comes to Brax... we know nothing. What the viewers have seen so far is a false image of the character and all the wrong decisions.

This may be a stupid idea of similarity but I see it the same way as I did while watching The Shield (Heath = Shane, Darryl = Vic). Throughout the show Shane went deeper into the darkness because he wanted to be equal to Vic but just wasn't as smart. In one episode they showed that Shane was an okay person before Vic began influencing him. I see this dynamic a lot in Heath and Darryl and just like The Shield I look forward to see the fallout when it comes (it better come).

So I hope in 2012 we get to see just how bad Darryl can be because you just know he is worse than you guys think. Maybe it is stupid waiting for a character development that may never come but at least I am watching H&A fully again. I just hope they don't make him a vanilla character because the viewers aren't dumb.

Does that make any sense?

Or should I try again :lol: !

I actually find myself kind of agreeing with you, especially about the relationship between Brax and Heath.It would be interesting to see them take him down that path but unfortunately I don't trust the show to do that and I certainly don't trust it to follow such a storyline through to its conclusion rather than dropping it when they get bored.More likely, either Brax will abruptly turn nice and everyone will be expected to forget what he's done or he'll carry on being a jerkass at best and a psychopath at worst and everyone will be expected to like him anyway.


  Pierced Musie said:
This may be a stupid idea of similarity but I see it the same way as I did while watching The Shield (Heath = Shane, Darryl = Vic). Throughout the show Shane went deeper into the darkness because he wanted to be equal to Vic but just wasn't as smart. In one episode they showed that Shane was an okay person before Vic began influencing him. I see this dynamic a lot in Heath and Darryl and just like The Shield I look forward to see the fallout when it comes (it better come).

While I actually don't know the show that you're talking about, I love the comparisons that you draw between the different characters.

I definately agree with you when you suggest that Heath's behaviour is as a result of Brax's influence and the fact that Heath is perhaps as smart or clued-in as Brax is. Heath ploughs away with whatever he's different but Brax always then thinks of the fallout too if anything bad happened.

Perhaps Heath would be a better guy without Brax's influence...?


  Pierced Musie said:
My first attempt at explaining just got lost *kicks the board* so I will try again.

Firstly, we definitely need vanilla characters because without them the show would just be stupid. The problem is that halfway through last year that balance disappeared.

Now... I can only speak for myself here and this is just my opinion but I think my reason for liking Brax (and Heath) is very different from others and I also hate that fans are treated like shallow fools. For me it isn't about looks at all, but about the story. Throughout 2011 we never got to see fully why Brax is the leader of the River Boys, but what we did see was 10% of what I feel is the true Darryl. And there is the interest. The viewers have seen what Heath is capable of but when it comes to Brax... we know nothing. What the viewers have seen so far is a false image of the character and all the wrong decisions.

This may be a stupid idea of similarity but I see it the same way as I did while watching The Shield (Heath = Shane, Darryl = Vic). Throughout the show Shane went deeper into the darkness because he wanted to be equal to Vic but just wasn't as smart. In one episode they showed that Shane was an okay person before Vic began influencing him. I see this dynamic a lot in Heath and Darryl and just like The Shield I look forward to see the fallout when it comes (it better come).

So I hope in 2012 we get to see just how bad Darryl can be because you just know he is worse than you guys think. Maybe it is stupid waiting for a character development that may never come but at least I am watching H&A fully again. I just hope they don't make him a vanilla character because the viewers aren't dumb.

Does that make any sense?

Or should I try again :lol: !

It makes sense - I want to see the back story of Brax and his brothers and why he chose the path he did in life - more about his mum and his dad etc. and a bad upbringing does not excuse bad behaviour but it makes you understand why people make the choices they make. Mind you I am over the whole epic relationship stories then the death that always seems to follow - it's boring.


I read in TV week that off the next few weeks Brax will go off the rails even

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attempts to set Angeleo's on fire

Didn't like the way he acted at first but then he agreed to letting Ruby turn the life support off glad Casey talked a bit of sense into him


Brax should of been at Charlie's funeral instead of getting drunk and having a fo at Liam and Bianca when they tried to help and then later he had a go at Ruby I hope Brax shapes up soon.

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