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Posted (edited)

I think Brax not going to the funeral is actually pretty realistic, he is in denial and doesn't want to say that final goodbye which will make it even more real. I didn't like him barging into Leahs and making Ruby feel worse but I think thats his way of dealing with this, get drunk and angry- I think alot of people react in a similar way when losing the people they love. I loved the fact he corrected them about the date at Angelos.

Well done to Steve because I thought he done a fantastic job today and his acting brought me to tears.

Edited by Jen1205
Posted (edited)


Wow what a return to 2012! I am not sure what everyone thought of this final outcome but it blew me away. So much great emotion from Leah, Ruby, Casey and Brax. I have to admit the whole thing was a surprise to me. Spent no time thinking about the rumours and who said what when but I have to admit I was convinced she wasn’t going to die as it was being implied and looked so obvious. Good one @writers... LOL you got me good!! Kinda feel foolish haha ehh well you win some you lose some. I guess the writers did Esther Anderson a huge favour by killing off Charlie as now she can have a legit chance at trying to make it in America. Guaranteed she wouldn’t have the same motivation if she had a cushy HAA gig as a security net to fall back on. She is beautiful, has a Hollywood-body, it seems she is humble and down to earth and for those reasons –if for nothing else - I hope she makes it!! I got a little teary when I saw the goodbye video - she really has no idea what the future holds for her. If it means so much to her – Esther will fight for her dreams. As should anyone :wink:

Oh how I have missed analyzing Darryl Braxton! And to say it was an eventful start to the year for him is really the understatement of the year (even if the year is pretty new)... From the hide and seek game he was playing with the devil-on-earth aka Jake to the barricading himself with a gun (THE same gun responsible for shooting Charlie) to prevent anyone switching off her life support to once again (TWICE) being in handcuffs/behind bars and to drinking himself silly instead of going to the funeral of the woman he loves. Oh and not to mention the verbal attack on Bee and Ruby... pot, kettle, black all comes to mind!

I don’t do this very often but I have to agree with Elijah :rolleyes: (ps New Year’s resolution is to stop saying mean things about him - oops ignore the eyeroll I just did.. bad habits die hard an all) “Let’s not be sad for he has given us so much to smile about” ... I think the “he” he is referring to is Cam Welsh btw lol! Anyways... those snippets of scenes were heart wrenching especially Leah and Ruby’s. I think the bit that got me was when Ruby was talking about how Charlie was happy and could be herself. I knew this was always written as a tragic star-crossed love story but seriously my romantic heart just cried a little at the outcome. So the moral of the story is that IF a good girl follows her heart and gets with the bad boy she meets DEATH? A horrible, untimely death? Hmm I don’t think that was the moral but it felt like it for a while.

Well an epic tragedy is what is was imo. The writers did a great job of telling it over a year and giving it so many twists and turns and keeping the fans wanting more. I am apprehensive but excited to see where Brax goes to after this. Looking forward to learn more about the depths of his character, his past and most importantly what his future holds. Exactly how does one recover from losing the love of their life when in fact they are ultimately responsible for it? I mean he didn’t pull the trigger but his “dark” life style ended her “light” one. Well I hope the drama is worth it all and we get some great stories from it :unsure:

<3Brax! Him telling Ruby about the date night ... ohh how I will miss the happier Chax times. RIP Charlie Buckton. RIP CHAX.

--- Steve Peacocke, Lincoln Younes, Bec Breeds and Esther Anderson for some Logies please! Awesome job done in 2011 and so far in 2012 :)

--- Well Congratulations to the writers for a successful 2011. I admit I would have been happier with a happily ever after, however Im still here itching for more.

Edited by DocZed64
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thanks LauraPhilly! It is good to be back. How are you liking the new HAA year so far??

urghhh soo annoyed at my internet. It takes me atleast an hour to watch a 22min episode! I don't enjoy Brax time when it pauses mid-drunk or angry scene! <_<

haha to quote a youtube comment: "I love a drunk Brax :) I love a sober Brax, I love an Angry Brax, I just LOVE BRAX".. is THE only thing that made me giggle while being annoyed at all the extra loading time.

I just love Geoff... he is one funny guy. I just wish he would pick on someone his own age. If Brax were to hit him - he would be abusing the elderly, no?! However, he really isn't doing a great job of scaring me - I think it's the accent. He clearly just can't take no for an answer and has some deeper psychological issues at being rejected??! lol Im clutching. I have no idea what I'm saying!

As a huge fan of the forbidden Chax romance I have to say I am also enjoying Leah's time with a juicy storyline. I feel like she is long overdue some interesting scenes and what's juicier than scenes with the head Braxton boy?! I guess I am biased. But there is something so unthreatening about Leah. The girl-next-door-sweetheart that the boys always end up marrying. Ermmm dare I say... the only issue with this sweetheart is that your guaranteed a quick exit by DEATH so Brax needs to be warned of the penalties. Don't get me wrong bar the few pregnancy-miscarriage selfish moments her character went through last year I am a big Leah fan. Unfortunately in soap world characters have to move on from death at cheetah speed and it looks to be heading in the Brax-Leah direction.

Yep so I am struggling to remember the scenes from the past week and today as it has taken a while to get through them but enjoying the spiral that is Brax's journey so far. Especially liking his interaction with Watson/police. haha him kicking the door down... as classic as the time he climbed up a pole. I heart drunk Brax :lol:

<3Brax! Ohh how I wish Brax could have said something to Heath about the consequences of getting revenge and having the urge to have the last laugh. PEOPLE DIE HEATH!! :angry: That's all!

Edited by DocZed64
Posted (edited)

Ugh ... year started on a bit of a downer for me. I was routing for Charlie & Brax so seeing as that relationship crashed and burnt I have been a little bit less enthusiastic about the show.

It's like a cycle I go through ... every time my fav couple leaves or dies, I go through a period of 'mourning' where I barely watch the show or am less enthusiastic about it. Happened when Belle died first ... that was worse than this though! I was completely heartbroken when Adelle was over ... they were some couple!

Loving Brax with the stubble though I've got to say ... he looks even hotter with it if that is even possible! :P

Not liking this all-of-sudden Leah interaction ... It doesn't bode particularly well with me. I'm hoping it doesn't develop into anything more. Not in a few months, never!

As I said before, loving your commentary on all the Brax episodes!

They were very missed over the Christmas break!


Edited by LauraPhilly!!
Posted (edited)

I'd like to widen the discussion of the character of Daryl Braxton.

At times discussion has been focussed entirely on his criminal dealings, real and assumed, and the tragic consequences of those both for him, his family and his friends. I certainly acknowledge that and I think that a large part of the point of the River Boys storylines has been the tragic consequences which can come from association with gangs and their culture and criminal associations. This is particularly the case when drugs are involved. These have been graphically portrayed in the death of Charlie and the various others who have become casualties of that whole scene and will continue to be felt in the grieving of those who loved Charlie and those who were her friends.

But to stop there ignores all the other dimensions of this complex character.

There are some who choose to believe that Brax and the others effected by the deaths of other gang members are not entitled to any sympathy or compassion and are only to have blame assigned to them, be ostracised from society and forgotten about. I don't subscribe to that view.

I believe any human being is entitled to compassion after suffering loss or grief.

Why did the writers introduce us to Ma Braxton and her attitudes to Casey and her other children if not to have us understand the background they came from? Why did the writers show us the struggle that Brax had to try and go straight and cut himself off from any criminal associations in his past? Surely it was to show us how difficult it is for people who are born on the "wrong side of the tracks" to escape from that life and access the opportunities for a better life that those of us who are more affluent enjoy often without thinking. Casey's struggles have been a great illustration of this.

So I feel compassion for Brax, at the same time as I feel it for Ruby and Charlie's friends.

I don't believe any of these insights into the difficulty of escaping from a criminal background would have been illustrated to us, the viewers, if the drug squad had descended on mass and swept all of the alleged criminals up and conveyed them to court and jail. A sometimes self righteous, and "holier than thou" society would have once again dusted off it's hands, congratulated itself on a job well done, and proceeded to once again ignore those who grow up in disadvantage and who at times see crime as their only chance of gaining some of the advantages of society denied to them.

This examination of the tragic consequences of all of this in the death of Charlie and all of the others, as well as the ongoing grief being suffered by Ruby, the Summer Bay community AND BRAX is a far better illustration of the tragedy of all this than a simple morality tale where all crime is punished, all criminals end up in jail and all crime is committed by those from the "wrong side of the tracks".

To me that is the point of the character of Brax and I think he has been written with a great deal of insight and beautifully played by Steve.

Edited by john003au

Well said. He is going through a hard time and needs to grieve the loss of the one person he has ever loved and get past his role in her death in his own way and time. Hopefully when that happens, Ruby will be able to be there with him as they remember the love they share for Charlie.


  john003au said:
I'd like to widen the discussion of the character of Daryl Braxton.

At times discussion has been focussed entirely on his criminal dealings, real and assumed, and the tragic consequences of those both for him, his family and his friends. I certainly acknowledge that and I think that a large part of the point of the River Boys storylines has been the tragic consequences which can come from association with gangs and their culture and criminal associations. This is particularly the case when drugs are involved. These have been graphically portrayed in the death of Charlie and the various others who have become casualties of that whole scene and will continue to be felt in the grieving of those who loved Charlie and those who were her friends.

But to stop there ignores all the other dimensions of this complex character.

There are some who choose to believe that Brax and the others effected by the deaths of other gang members are not entitled to any sympathy or compassion and are only to have blame assigned to them, be ostracised from society and forgotten about. I don't subscribe to that view.

I believe any human being is entitled to compassion after suffering loss or grief.

Why did the writers introduce us to Ma Braxton and her attitudes to Casey and her other children if not to have us understand the background they came from? Why did the writers show us the struggle that Brax had to try and go straight and cut himself off from any criminal associations in his past? Surely it was to show us how difficult it is for people who are born on the "wrong side of the tracks" to escape from that life and access the opportunities for a better life that those of us who are more affluent enjoy often without thinking. Casey's struggles have been a great illustration of this.

So I feel compassion for Brax, at the same time as I feel it for Ruby and Charlie's friends.

I don't believe any of these insights into the difficulty of escaping from a criminal background would have been illustrated to us, the viewers, if the drug squad had descended on mass and swept all of the alleged criminals up and conveyed them to court and jail. A sometimes self righteous, and "holier than thou" society would have once again dusted off it's hands, congratulated itself on a job well done, and proceeded to once again ignore those who grow up in disadvantage and who at times see crime as their only chance of gaining some of the advantages of society denied to them.

This examination of the tragic consequences of all of this in the death of Charlie and all of the others, as well as the ongoing grief being suffered by Ruby, the Summer Bay community AND BRAX is a far better illustration of the tragedy of all this than a simple morality tale where all crime is punished, all criminals end up in jail and all crime is committed by those from the "wrong side of the tracks".

To me that is the point of the character of Brax and I think he has been written with a great deal of insight and beautifully played by Steve.

VERY well said.

I feel like some people are, as you said, 'holier than thou.' The truth is, if you haven't been brought up in poverty, you have no idea what it is like. When the choice is to either let you or your family starve, or do something illegal, who knows who would do what. Some people say "he's a drug dealer, he's evil", but really what else should he have done. With no father, a mother who's about as useful as a chocolate fire guard, and four mouths to feed,should he have just let his family starve and wear shoes with holes in? No. He did what it took to protect him, and that certainly does not make him all bad.


I have no problem with the recognition that the gang lifestyle and it's associated activities are criminal and can and do have tragic consequences. But I believe that if our appreciation of Brax as a character and his efforts to look after his family stop there we have missed a lot of the point of the storyline.

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