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Posted (edited)

  Red Ranger 1 said:
I should probably shut this computer down, go to bed and have a think before posting but...I'm here now.I feel I probably qualify as one of the "holier than thou" types of whom john speaks but, right to reply. I have spent the last few months following the talk in the Australian Discussion section and there's been talk of how the consistent portrayal of crime without punishment or consequence sends out the wrong message.And it seems people have grabbed that message with both hands:"If you're poor, crime is an acceptable lifestyle choice."Maybe I'm being simplistic and maybe those who have a balanced view of Brax are overcompensating to answer the other extreme.But it frustrates me when even storylines that have nothing to do with Brax are held up as evidence that he's somehow in the right, where Romeo failing his exams to impress a girl, dropping out of school, playing at being a businessman without making any money and entering a marriage he is not financially or emotionally ready for is suggested as the only alternative to getting a gang of street thugs together and growing marijuana.Did Brax come from a poor background?Yes.But if I believed his choice was the best or only one for someone from his background, I'd throw myself off a cliff.Maybe it's naive of me to think we live in a world where a man can support his family without breaking the law but I'll carry on believing it anyway.

A few posts back, DocZed suggested the moral "If a good girl gets involved with a bad boy, she'll die a violent death."That seems pretty accurate.Perhaps less obviously we might have "Violence breeds violence" or "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."It's implied with Brax, and shown with Charlie, that breaking a little law to help those you love can seem like an acceptable choice at the time.But a few more steps along that road and you're mired into a world of crime and violence and revenge and there's no way out, however much you might want to convince yourself it can all stop.

If we are not meant to view Brax as a criminal, why do we see him react in such a matter of fact way to Angelo being left with life-threatening injuries as a result of his activities?Why do we see him ordering Liam beaten up for crossing his family?Why do we see him purchasing a gun with the expressed intention of murdering a man he sees as a danger to him?Why do we see him declaring he'll "deal with" Romeo if he objects to being used as a drugs courier?A criminal is how we are meant to see him.Is he "just" a criminal?No, he's a son, a brother, a boyfriend and even a legitimate businessman at times.But none of that stops him being a criminal and nothing ever will.A man who sees nothing wrong with planting evidence on a man who did him no harm because it's the most convenient thing to do.A man for whom "grief" is just another reason to wave a gun about.

Did Brax love Charlie?Yes.And her death was the result of that love.Have Heath and Casey really been helped by being exposed to gang culture or has it left all three Braxton brothers irreparably damaged with regards their moral and psyche?How often can you justify your behaviour by saying "I did it for my family" before you stop and look at what that family has become?

It seems as though the show and the fans are very restrictive about how "compassion" is implied.Is Jake Pirovic deserving of compassion for losing someone he loved or is he just to be viewed as a criminal to be locked up and kept away from society?Is Dean O'Mara, the perpetrator of an indefensible crime, to be given allowances for his disadvantaged background or is he just to be quietly shunted off to prison in a congratulatory manner?The only difference between Brax and any other criminal in Summer Bay is the amount of screen time he's given.If the story was told from someone else's point of view, we could have a very different image of him.

I think you make some good points however why do people always feel everything Heath does is Brax's fault - Heath is an adult and he actually brings alot of these situations on himself and his family and others do the cleaning up - the whole jake saga started because heath ripped off his plantation and the story grew from there - I remember Brax telling him not to go there and that's just one example. If you have never lived this sort of life you may not fully understand and have empathy for people who have and i am hoping as time goes on we get to see alot more of the back story behind the Braxton bros. I am not making excuses for him and as an actor I think H & A struck gold finding him he is absolutely brilliant and obviously playing the character well or we would not be reading all the for and against him comments. I do have compassion for him as if you are brought up in this type of world then yes you live it and it is not easy to exit this lifestyle - just my thoughts anyway.

  Red Ranger 1 said:
At the risk of dominating this thread and turning into a broken record, I think it's probably giving Brax too much credit to say he's not a bad person.When his bad points outweigh the good, I think that's exactly what he is.The main good point people seem to come up with is that he loves his family but it's not a healthy love and doesn't seem to do them, him or anyone else much good.When love tends to manifest itself as a desire to hurt or kill people, you begin to wonder how much of a good point it is.

We all know if an actor's under contract for two years their character's not going to go to jail in the first six months.(Well, unless they really annoy someone.)But if that's the case, you don't have them do something that makes the audience want them to go to jail in the first six months.Or at least, if you do, you make sure they go to jail for it at the end of the two years.If it happens, there's no comeback and the audience are expected to just forget about it, that's not swift justice or slow justice, it's no justice.Yes, you can force yourself to like a character, you can search really hard for any redeeming features they might have.But why should you?It's the writers' job to make the audience like the characters they intend to me sympathetic, if the audience have to do the work for them then they're not doing their job. Personally I don't see why I should make the effort to find Brax likeable, I'd rather enjoy watching the characters I can like without trying.

There will always be characters in soap shows that the audience dislikes and that is a good thing from a female perspective I absolutely hated Amanda there's a name for a woman like that - although not a criminal she slept with her daughter's b/f for FS and there is no excuse for that but she was really sorry and her characer was portrayed as becoming this nice person and she was going to play happy families the happy ending with Peter etc. well I still hated her but she portrayed her bitch character well and I still wanted to see what the future was going to bring to her - you don't want to love everyone! The witers have done this to his character and he as an actor is GOLD and plays the part he is given I think really well. Of course the writers are going to keep this running for as long as possible with the bad boys of Summer bay it is the highest rated show in the 7 o'clock timeslot and was for most of last year so they will not jepordise that. I don't think we are ever going to see brax without his edgy/dodgy side that is what he is there for and i think we all need to see the show for what it is - a tv soap opera and over the years I have seen many soap shows where someone is murdered/hurt and the culprit gets away with it - its just the world of soap. I think Steve is an outstanding actor and channel 7 struck gold when they found him every part of his character he portrays well and that is what he is meant to do - and before I am slammed this is my opinion only.


Hi All

I have never posted in this thread before so very exciting! :)

Thanks to John003 for opening this discussion further as I would have never considered posting but a lot of these posts I have enjoyed reading and starting to see Brax as a more three dimensional character as I am a bit iffy on Brax at timers but completing believing him in other times - I think as an audience viewer keeps me hooked on watching Home and Away every night!

In response to toby girl's question about Heath (pls note this is my own response and interpretation and I am coming from a Heath fan perspective)why do people always feel everything Heath does is Brax's fault ? I love this relationship as its more complicated than Caseys and Brax's and I would love to explore this relationship more.

My answer is that I completely agree that Heath is an adult and must take reponsibliities for his actions from dealing drugs to taking of his daughter but my view is that I have always seen as Brax and Heath really close for their whole lives and kinda did everything together but all of a sudden Brax changes ( this could be due to Charlie and wanting a better life) and Heath has no idea what the hell is going on and who the hell Brax is.

Secondly this brother relationship is not a 'normal' relationship of equals ( I don't mean intelligence)we see that Brax as the provider in the family ( more so than his mother) and everyone takes cues from him, Casey, the River Boys and even Heath thus its kinda like a parent child relationship, you do what your parents ask of you as a childbut as you grow older your parents "let go" give you respect and become more friendly as you grow into adults , Brax and Heath is stuck in the adolescent stage where Heath is rebelling and wanting respect and Brax doesn't give it to him.

Like I said these are my thoughts ( or wild imagination) and I hope I haven't offended anyone as its not be intention or am I trying to place blame! :) I have no doubt these two love eachother but I don't think they understand each other any more.


I sort of agree with cassecar's response above.While obviously Heath has a mind of his own and makes his own choices, I can't help feeling that in a way Brax "created" Heath.It feels like Heath is easily led and followed Brax into the gang culture and became part of that world with him.If Brax had decided to become a plumber, Heath would probably have followed him into that too.Although he cared enough about him to try and get him to come to the city with them to keep him out of trouble, Brax has explicitily stated in the past that, while he's tried to keep Casey out of the gang and let him have a better life, he doesn't think Heath's capable of anything better.I think that attitude, together with Brax's habit of bullying and belittling him, probably hasn't done much for Heath over the years.


I would like to see more scenes between Brax and Casey showing their fraternal relation with the typical teen problems: to arrive late at home, punishments, to disobey orders, talking back, little lies, problems with the homework, fights at school, calls and meetings with the principal, to take some drink from the bar ...

Would Brax slapped Casey as he do with Heath?. I am not sure, because, when he discovers that his little brother burned the bar, he was out for not hitting Casey when he pushed him.

And another question, is Cheryl out of the village at this moment? She is not with her sons when they need her. She is an horrible as mum but ironically they respect her. Heath only stopped her hand, when she was hitting him. He knows where the limits are. And Brax bites his tongue each time he discusses with her. Neither I belive that his older son allow any lack of respect toward her on part of his brothers.

What would happen if dad Braxton appears?... It would be interesting to sse the reaction of the three Braxon kids. And if he claims Casey (as minor he is)...only by tease...demonstrating Brax that he is the boss?.


I haven't been able to see the current episodes. I hear today's were amazing. Can't wait to see them when I have new internet contract

I am enjoying reading everyone's views. This thread has become a little livelier since I was last on and very insightful opinions they are too :wink:

Not everyone has the same opinion - as would be the case - even if this was a real-life scenario. So I think reading it opens everyones mind.

I think the way the character has been written is very complex and refuse to see it in black and white. Whether we empathize or despise Brax - we difinitely have something interesting to discuss.

<3Brax! Ill be back to comment on the latest goings on as soon as I have seen them :)

Posted (edited)

Hey just saw this on another forum what Brax new tattoo was its "Cara de mo croi" which is Irish for "Friend of my Heart" maybe the Braxtons have some Irish Heritage.... :D

Edited by marie_the_bee
  • 3 weeks later...

I know that the actors who play the Braxton brothers are in the show for a while but how long do you think for? The characters are going to have to change a little because I can't see them still being criminals in a year to come. I feel like their going to have to leave or become 'good' guys.


I think Brax will have to fight with a new problem. This time in his own family.

Heath is hurt because Casey has not wanted to told him what happened in juvi with Tyler, and he has told it to his teacher. He is disappointed and feels that he doesn´t trust him.

And Casey doesn´t like the things that Heath say to him, as mock of him, and his way of thinking in generally.

This week, Darryl has had the opportunity to see as the little revolted against the medium and even hit him with a billiard cue. How he shout him, and which are his thoughts about Heath.

He (Brax) doesn´t like this behaviour by Casey´s side...at episode 5469 he has been very clear...” you just remember he's your brother, and no matter what idiot things he says or does, he'll take a bullet for you”... (nice)

I fear that the fight between them, that the older has to stand up the other night, will not the only one that this couple would have.

And what will happen when Heath discover the feelings of Casey towards Henri?. Personally, I don´t like the relation student-tecaher. Please Brax, stop it...:wink:

Posted (edited)

I think they're only about a year into what's usually a 3yr contract though I suppose each one varies.I can't see them staying around for three years if they're going to continue how they are at the moment.

I agree with what some others are saying.I think Heath's a follower and would have followed Brax into whatever he chose to do.I kinda liked Brax last year but i'm sick of him now and find myself liking Heath a lot more.

I'm not really liking the idea of Casey and Henri but I don't want Brax to stop it with violence.Yet again.

Edited by ~Lynd~

I want to clarify that when I have recommended Brax to interrupt the possible relationship between Casey and Henri, not crossed my mind that the older behaves more violently.

I like the Braxon brothers in the show. And also I think that they are going to change. Maybe Casey (temporally, until he forget the time he was in juvi), will take out his rebellious side and he will leave to be the compliant boy who says always "yes" to his old brother.

Heath will have to find his space, likely he will try to be more comprensive and to become in a good boy for April?. But his volatile character and his wants of showing he is not soft, can bring him some problems.

And finally Brax, in his paternal role, will be very busy taken care of both, specially Casey.

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