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Was Lynn axed prematurely?


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  On 18/06/2016 at 15:41, beau_t said:

I remember reading speculation that Lynn was the Summer Bay Stalker in 2005, her life had gone tragically downhill since returning to her family - she had written a letter to Sally (her best friend) in 1989 desperately begging her to get Pippa to help her, but Dodge got it first and destroyed it out of maliciousness towards Sally and also because he didn't want to lose his place in the house in favour of Lynn (this would all come out later).

She then grew up damaged from the abuse she received at home, feeling that the Fletchers abandoned her, and her whole motive was getting revenge on Sally and the Bay for forgetting about her.


This would of actually been decent if It had of happened I've never heard this before but it's a shame it never went ahead, it would of been great to see what she's been up to since she left the bay and how her life had turned out, it would of also been a great story for Pippa because she's always done well with the fostering minus Dodge but would of been great to see her in the aftermath of her failing a child and the pain she'd of felt.


That would have been great but ultimately it all turned into Dani playing Perry Mason/Jessica Fletcher/Sherlock Holmes at Uni, which backfired on her (moreso her friends). 


They could still have tied Lynn into Zoe/Eve's backstory without really changing much. She could have had problems back in her real family and blamed Sally/Summer Bay etc. but still maintained a tenuous hold on sanity. She could still have been a nurse and fallen in love with Sara - and Sara's death could have reignited her hatred towards Summer Bay etc. and completed her descent into madness...

The whole 'Lynn as the stalker' is a really good idea. I wish they had done that.


I guess it would come down someone putting two and two together and reaching that conclusion (e.g. the timing of the letter). Maybe Dodge wrote back as Tom and Pippa saying to leave them alone and Sally recognised the writing/knew it wasn't Tom or Pippa's. The storyline would obviously work better if Pippa returned for that storyline


Fun Fact: Helena Bozich is the only original cast member who can return but hasn't. The only others are Vanessa Downing and Justine Clarke, whose characters have been recast (and most fans would now only know Debra and Georgie as these characters!) and Frank Lloyd, who died off-screen because he supposedly turned down an offer to return in 2000.

I know Lynn left and then returned briefly, but she remained in the credits, so I'm not sure that counts (since it was obviously pre-planned from the outset).


That's actually the kind of thing Dodge WOULD do. 

F*** it, fire half these writers and hire some of you guys.:D  And no I'm not just saying that, I've seen how people on here get under the skin of the characters. 

Frank Lloyd was still sore about being given the boot and finding out via TV Week, no less (A real dick move when you think about it) and basically said "Screw you." and the decision to kill Nev Off was taken. I can't say blame the guy even if his character didn't really fit in as time went on.



I hadn't heard that actually, but given he hasn't done much since, it's certainly possible. If Frank Lloyd was alive, perhaps Neville wouldn't have died in the 1990s, and Floss would have made up some excuse for Neville not attending the wedding

I've read that he was really bitter and angry about learning of his and Sheila's axing in TV Week before being told, so perhaps I was just putting two and two together and assumed he refused to return because of that.



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