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Loved this chapter! Haley and Kyle are so cute together :wub: Maybe a little stomach turning for Caleb to see but I'm sure he's happy for his sister and for his best mate. Loved the "Nooooooo flirting!' line :lol: very funny! I'm pleased Kyle was feeling better and seemed to have gained some confidence back. Pity it was so short-lived and Jake and his gang had to show up and ruin things :angry: They really are horrible, aren't they?! Poor Kyle having to sleep in a tent with Jake! :blink::( I wonder what they did to him? :unsure: Hope that Haley, Caleb, and his brothers can help him get the better of his bullies once and for all. Looking forward to the next chapter! x

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Great chapter 

poor Kyle glad Haley and Caleb were there to try and help him against Jake and his gang.

Update again soon :)


Thank you, ~JarlieFanEver~, Kristen and Ludub for your comments. 

Chapter 42

Kyle, Haley and Caleb walk into the house. Kyle starts to feel nervous he knows that many questions will be asked and he didn't know if he was ready for it. Haley grabs Kyle's hand and they walk through the door together. 

“Mate.” Brax smiles. Pulling Kyle into a hug, he never imagined himself hugging. Darryl Braxton leader of the river boys hugging his younger brother but it was all natural to him now, with everything that Kyle was going through. He didn't back up and he didn't even get embarrassed. This was his little brother that he was talking about his little brother that could crack again. 

“Hey Brax.” Kyle smiles. He was glad to be home even if it meant that he was going to be babysat again. 

“Kyle!” Heath yells slapping Kyle on the back lightly and ruffling his hair. 

“Heath, good to see ya.” Kyle smirks, Heath had never been the loving type but through this whole Phoebe thing he had been amazing.

“Ky!” Bianca and Ricky yell running up to greet their brother in law. They had been so worried about him, even after he woke up that he would try and kill himself again. They launch themselves into his arms. 

“Girls.” Kyle laughs as he is pushed backwards. He had missed them though and let them keep hugging him. They eventually pull away.

“We were so worried Kyle, that something would happen and you wouldn't 
make it or you would try again.” Bianca frowns.  

“Yea, Kyle you have no idea how scared we were, we can't loose you.” Ricky frowns. 

“Don't break him.” Haley smiles as she grabs him by his head and pulls him close and kisses him. 

“So you two are officially dating.” Bianca smiles. 

"Yea.” Kyle smiles kissing Haley's cheek. Everyone smiles at them, Kyle was happy again and it was with a girl that everyone knew wouldn't hurt him the way that Phoebe did. Everyone knows that these two would love each other and never hurt each other. They had known each other since they were just kids and they had been there for each other through the happy times and the sad times. Brax clears his throats though because they had to have a serious talk with Kyle. 

“Kyle, can you sit mate, we need to talk.” Brax sighs. 

Kyle knowing exactly what he is talking about nods and sits down on the couch with Haley on his lap. 

“Mate, why?” Brax asks. Kyle sighs and looks at his hands. Haley runs a hand through Kyle's hair to calm him down. 

“Before I start can I please ask no one to interrupt me because there's a lot I need to get off my chest and interrupting me will only make it take longer to explain,  its as easy as this I'm sick of being the target the bullseye that people aim for the big points that everyone goes for as hard as they can, they came hard at me all the time no matter what's they were doing they stopped just to make me beg and cry. If they managed to make me beg or cry that was there goal for the day achieved, if they were bullying another kid as soon as they saw me they would stop and start bullying me, they would put all their energy into making my life miserable, making me wish that I had never been born, making me believe that I didn't deserve the right to walk on the same land that they did. It was always me, no other kid in the whole school was bullied as bad as I would. I'm done being the victim okay that's why I tried to kill myself that’s why I cut myself I'm not going to be the victim anymore the one that gets hurt the one that ends up crying it all had to stop and I'm sorry if you're not happy about it but Jake and his stupid gang are not going to stop until I'm dead? I just wanted to save them the pleasure, I've been bullied and harassed by them since I was 12, I thought it stopped when I was 14 but no, Jake though he would humiliate me more by making Phoebe pretend that she loved me for all these years that we've been together do you know what that's like, to love someone with all your heart only for it to be practically ripped out just when you thought where you wanted to be in life. I was about to marry the girl that I loved I proposed to her and she ripped it out as if it meant nothing to her as if I meant nothing to her.  She broke my heart, chewed it up and spat it out. Even before that she was my bully, helping them shove me in lockers, rubbish bins hitting me, humiliating me, called me names that no kid should be called, teased me and on top of all made me still love her, so answer me this why wouldn't I try kill myself, I understand that you are all there for me but all I could see was the pain and the agony that I was feeling whenever I was hit, shoved or just genuinely bullied by them.” Kyle breathes out in a rush. 

Everyone stares at Kyle he had just got a lot of his chest and bow his head was in his hands, sobbing quietly. Haley was running a hand though his hair and hugging him lightly. 

“Mate, we understand.” Brax breaths quietly. 

“NO YOU DON’T!” Kyle screams at his brother. “You were popular at school all four of you were, I spent more time in my locker than in the lunch area, no one except from my mate Mason and my foster family apart from Ethan wanted to be my friend or even spent time with me, I was the school loser, you two were the school leaders, everyone liked you, everyone respected you, so you don't understand.” Kyle mumbles hugging his arms around his chest. 

Brax didn't know how to reply to that because it was true him and Heath had no trouble fitting in at school and on the popularity scale them and Kyle were on completely different scales. They were never bullied or teased if anything they were even bully's sometimes when it came to popularity, in their juvenile years they had shoved around some smaller kids, but now hearing what Kyle went through he realized just how wrong it was and he couldn't imagine what it was like for Kyle and any other kid that was treated like that every single day. 

“Look Kyle, no we don't understand but it doesn't mean that we won't help you get through this.” Heath smiles lightly ruffling Kyle's hair and pulling him in a tight hug. 

“They threatened to throw him in the sea.” Caleb blurts, Kyle's eyes burst open on panic. 

“Cal!” He hisses, glaring at his best mate. Everyone turns to Kyle, wondering what was so threatening like that surely he could just swim out. Kyle tries to hide his face. 

“Have you ever seen Kyle swim?” Haley asks everyone, helping them understand the severity of the threat. 

The realization hit Bianca first. 

“Kyle, you can't swim.” Bianca gasps. 

Kyle blushes and looks at his hands and refuses to look at his brothers who he thought would be ashamed to have a brother who can't swim, especially being the surfers that they were. 

"See a loser." He mumbles rubbing his hands together and fighting the urge to cry.  Brax and Heath came and sat on either side of Kyle. 

“Kyle loads of people can't swim, okay. Everyone had their strengths and everyone had their weaknesses, my strength is my physical state and my weakness is my brain. You, your strength is your brain and your weakness just happens to you're physically state, there's nothing wrong with that okay, you are normal sized 23 year old it's just that you happen to struggle with things such as fighting and swimming.” Heath shrugs. Brax reaches over and slaps his head. 

“Shut it, your not helping.” Brax hisses. The last thing Kyle needed was to hear that his weakness was his physical state. 

“Let me finish, Kyle one day when we are older, strength is going to mean nothing okay but that's when you come in as the strong one, okay you will never lose the ability to use your brain. Okay so that's when you will succeed and show everyone just how important and superior you are, like can you imagine a 40 year old me doing weights but by then there you will be with your big brain, still proving that you got the right kind of strength, the brains, you have no idea what I would give to be smart like you.” Heath smiles at his little brother. 

Kyle looks up at them. 

“So you aren't embarrassed that you're related to someone who can't swim?” Kyle asks surprised. Shocked that Heath wasn't laughing his head off, or teasing him. 

Heath looks at his brother and throws an arm around him, pulling him towards him slightly so he's half hugging him. 

“Are you embarrassed that you are related to someone who can't read?” Heath asks looking his little brother straight in the eye. Kyle shakes his head, no he wasn't embarrassed it wasn't Heaths fault that he couldn't read he just wasn't made for school. 

“Then I'm not embarrassed that you can't swim, your childhood was awful Kyle, okay not swimming is so small to the amount of damage your childhood could of caused you.” Heath smiles lightly rubbing the back of Kyle's head. 

Kyle looks up and smiles lightly. 

“Thanks Heath.” Kyle smiles letting Heath ruffle his hair before he fixes it again. 

"Kyle, they wouldn't actually throw you in the sea would they?” Ricky asks concerned for her brother in law. They couldn't lose him not after the terror they felt when Kyle was in his coma. 

“They threw him in the pool once.” Caleb mumbles staring at his hands and shuddering at the thought of it again. 


A fourteen year old Kyle was sitting on a bench in the local swimming pool watching his friends and foster family in the water on a hot Saturday afternoon Caleb and Mason were soaking each other and laughing, Oliver and Kevin were racing eachother down the hydro slide and Theo had Haley on his shoulders and she was shooting a ball in the nearby hoop he smiled at them all and just really wished that he could swim when he heard someone behind him. 

“Ohhh the waterphobs at the pool.” Jake smirks, he had Issac and Carter with him and they all wore the same evil grin, that made Kyle even more nervous it had been a month since the year 11 and 12 beach day and Kyle was nervous that they would come looking for him. He looked at his hands and tried to avoid eye contact. 

"Just leave me alone Jake.” Kyle mumbles. He felt nervous about what was about to happen. 

“Why aren't you swimming princess.” Issac laughs pinching Kyle's cheeks. Of course they knew why and Kyle wasn't going to find them the satisfaction.

“You know why.” Kyle sighs running a hand through his hair and leaning against the wall. 

“No I can't say I do.” Issac smirks and grabs Kyle's arms and pulls him up so that he is standing and the boys are surrounding him.

“Boys I think Kylie, needs a bit of help.” Carter smirks as they all grab Kyle and throw him in the deep end of the pool. 

“Kyle!” Caleb yells swimming over to his best mate who is flapping his arms around trying to stop himself from going under. He was struggling he ended up loosing the fight and started to sink. When Mason and Caleb finally got Kyle they dove under the water to pick him up from the bottom of the pool and took him to the pool edge he started spewing up water and finding it hard to breathe, Caleb turns his head to see Jake, Issac and Carter laughing their heads off and walking away, he shook his head in anger when would these guys stop. 

End of Flashback. 

“You have no idea how bad these guys can get, they're literally monsters.” Haley shakes her head in disgust, these guys had 
made Kyle's life horrible and now they were back to do it all over again she couldn't think of worse people. 

“Well no matter what, we will protect you, these punks are not going to hurt you again.” Heath reassures him pulling him in a tight hug as his little brother lightly cried in his arms.




Aw, poor Kyle! That would have been so scary! Lucky that Mason and Caleb were there to save him. Love how supportive Heath was of Kyle, and how hard he tried to make him feel better about himself. That was very sweet and he made some good points. Lovely that Brax gave him a proper hug too that the girls made such a fuss of him. Hopefully he can see now how much his family and friends love him. Looking forward to the next chapter x


Poor Kyle!

Loved how Mason and Caleb helped him.

Liked Ricky and Bianca making a fuss over Kyle.

Update again soon :)


Thank you, ~JarlieFanEver~, Kristen and Ludub for your comments. 

Chapter 43

2 days later

It had been a completely different two days to how they had been in a long time, Kyle was happy, Haley made him happy. Like a young teenager who had just got his first girlfriend. Haley had changed him, they started to see what Kyle must have been like as a teenager and everyone liked it. Kyle could not stop smiling as hard as he tried. Haley had fixed him and he no longer saw himself as a loser, everyone just hoped that it would stay that way. That night Kyle was walking with Haley, Casey and Denny to dinner . He wanted to be with just Haley so that they could go on a date since they were now officially dating and he was happy with where his life was now, sure there was still the issue with Jake and his gang trying to drown him but he was happy he was with someone who he loved and who loved him  but his brothers refused dating that it was far to dangerous with Jake and his crew still being out there and hunting him down ready to bully him again so they were making sure that at least Casey went with him so that if anything happened Kyle and Haley wouldn't be alone, so they were going on a double date which wasn't too bad at least all four of them were similar in age and he wouldn't feel like he was being babysat, which is exactly how he would feel if it was Brax or Heath that he was on a double date with. They arrived at Angelos and sat down at a table in the corner of the room,, Kyle pulled out a chair for Haley and kissed her cheek and then He and Casey were sitting next to each other on the couch seat

“Thanks Kyky.” She smiles kissing him back.  It was so obvious to see that these guys were in love, they always held hands, always whispered things to one another and always kissed. The boys thought that Kyle and Phoebe kissed a lot but turns out that it was possible to kiss more. They would get caught about 7 times a day just kissing each other with no intention of stopping, it was extremely sickeningly sweet. They were like teenagers who just started their relationship it was childish but somehow with these two it worked, they were cute together and it looked like they belonged together without a doubt, everyone just hoped that it wouldn't turn out to be a train wreck like Kyle and Phoebe’s relationship. Kyle's brothers didn't want him to get hurt again, he was in so much pain over how his relationship ended with Phoebe and if that happened again it would be far too much for his heart to handle and he would once and for all end his life no one wanted that to happen, no one could lose Kyle they all loved him too much. 

“Oi you two this is a restaurant don't make people spew.” Casey laughs. He felt happy for his brother though he was finally smiling again, which all the other Braxton's didn't think was possible after being heartbroken by Phoebe. He had found his heart again and it was amazing even though there was still danger out there he had stopped being scared and he had started living again starting loving himself again the person that he was and the kid that he used to be , but everyone knew that it was early days and soon enough Jake would be back and Kyle would crash back down again but everyone hoped that Haley would be there to pick up the pieces and help rebuild them. That's all they wanted was for Kyle to be happy with himself and the life that he has. 

Kyle shrugs his shoulders he didn't really care and he took Haley's hand and kissed it. He loved her so much and she made his life a life again not just a man living with every passing day going by and not achieving anything. For the first time since his failed proposal he was finally living the life that he wanted a happy life, and for the first time since year 9 he felt safe, because no matter what was going on as long as he had Haley he felt like he could survive anything, he knew that if Jake and his gang come back he would have enough love waiting for him to be able to stick up for himself and fight. 

“They shouldn't stare.” Kyle smirks. He loved Haley and he wanted her to know that, he didn't care what anyone else thought. Even if they pointed and whispered he didn't care he had gone through enough embarrassment in his life to deal with it. 

“I think it's romantic, why can't you be romantic.” Denny butts in slapping Casey's chest. Denny loved Casey and she was just teasing she adored Casey and she knew that he adored her. She knew that one day he would propose to her and she wouldn't think twice about saying no. She couldn't wait to be Mrs Denny Braxton. I 

“Owwww, Den.” Casey moans. But he knew that she was joking as well so he leaned over and kissed her cheek. He loved where they were at the moment as well, he was so lucky to have her. 

Kyle had Haley's hand in his still and was grinning at his brother. Kyle loved the fact that Casey and Denny were together and knew that they would be together forever.  

“Yea come on Case, be a romantic.” Kyle grins, raising his eyebrows at his brother in a teasing way. He  knew that Casey had a romantic side like he did but he just didn't show it as much. 

“Yea then you can write a song about can't you Kylie…. I mean Kyle.” Casey mutters looking at his hands ashamed that the name just slipped out. He felt so mad at himself for lowering Kyle's self esteem more. 

“You can call me Kylie mate, I know it's just friendly banter with you.” Kyle grins, he knew that Casey only did it in a non threatening teasing way and he didn't mind. Casey was his little brother and he was only about two years younger so they were fairly close in age so they always joked with each other and made cheeky comments at each other. , 

“Hey guys what can I get you?” Parker a waiter smiles. Coming over to his boss’ brothers table, he worked with Kyle and got in really well with him. 

“Beer please.” Casey grins. 

“Wine, any kind.” Denny grins. 

“Ahhh coke.” Haley grins. 

“Beer please.” Kyle smiles lightly. 

"Sure and to eat?” Parker asks, 

“Two Hawaiian and one pepperoni please.” Casey grins as he knows that everyone will eat the pizzas he ordered. 

“No worries.” Parker grins walking back to the bar. Kyle leaned over and kissed Haley's neck. 

“Kyle, please I just ordered, don't make me vomit.” Casey chuckles. 

Kyle glares at him and rolls his eyes, every time he kissed Haley one of his brothers would make a smart comment, it was just like old times. When all his brothers used to tease him for kissing Phoebe all the time. 

Parker comes back and hands everyone their drinks. Telling them that the pizzas won't be too long. 

Haley grabs Kyle's beer and takes a sip. Kyle pulled the drink away from her and grinned. 

“Hey no you don't, you just drink your coke. This is mine.” Kyle smirks. Leaning closer to Haley with a cheeky grin. He loved how they talked to each other it reminded him of a younger him the kid who through all the pain and agony found the strength in him to have fun with the ones he loved. 

“Somehow I think I'll be able to convince you to share.” Haley flirts battering her eyelashes at Kyle. It always worked when they were younger and it always worked on Kyle. Now that they were dating and her and Kyle were in love she knew that it would be great for flirting the problem was that Kyle had big brown eyes which reminded Haley of a puppy dog and she never had the heart to say no he just looked too cute. 

“Hmmmm is that right and how do you plan to do that.” Kyle smirks. He was more than happy to share his beer with her but he liked where this conversation was going. He loved flirting with Haley it was different to flirting with Phoebe, Phoebe couldn't batter her eyelashes like Haley, actually when Kyle thought about it, the only reason that Phoebe got her way in an argument was because deep down Kyle was scared of her and that she would bully him like she used to if he refused, deep down he was always nervous that his bully's would show up again and continue their terror, and now that they were back Kyle realized just how strong his fear of Phoebe was.  

“Please don't answer that.” Casey mutters fake gagging. He loved all the teasing between him and Kyle but deep down he knew that he really did take it to far sometimes, just like Heath. But they knew Kyle didn't mind. They always teased him all three of them but Kyle never took it personally, it only brought them closer. 


Kyle walks into the lounge wearing his maroon shirt and navy jeans, his hair was gelled to perfection and he was wearing loads of aftershave. It was Phoebes 23rd birthday and Kyle was taking her out for dinner. 

“Hey Kylie you look pretty cute.” Heath teases as Kyle fixes his hair by looking at the blurred outline of himself from the microwave. 

“Honest opinion, does this look okay?” Kyle asks his brothers, he was desperate to see if this looked okay and he was prepared to ask his brothers. 

Suddenly they all start laughing, all three are laughing their heads off and Kyle raises her eyebrows like he was wondering what they were all laughing about. He didn't think that he had said anything stupid but he must have because they hadn't stopped laughing yet and Kyle was getting severely nervous about what he had said finally Heath controlled himself enough to reply. But unfortunately it wasn't the reply Kyle was hoping for. 

“Ahhh sure we will rate all your outfits out of ten, ohhhh then we can do your hair and nails and if we hurry we can have a pillow fight before we get your make up done.” Heath howls with laughter clutching his stomach which hurt from so much laughing. Out of everyone,  he teased Kyle the most he just couldn't help it because it was so hard to believe that Kyle was 21, he still had a baby face with hardly any facial hair or pimples and his smile was so childlike. He could pass for a year 12 if people didn't know him. His mother had to have been beautiful because one thing was for sure no one else had the younger looks like he did. But most of all he was the romantic one one willing to go to extreme lengths to make Phoebe happy and Heath couldn't help but tease him for that. He was love sick, he was like a kid in Christmas when it came to his relationship with Phoebe. 

"Well haha, look please tease me all you want but out of ten please?” Kyle begs really wanting to know if he looked okay, it was for Phoebe and he wanted everything to be perfect. Kyle loved her always wanted to do best by her, no matter what it took. 

"Haha, you're such a girl sometimes!” Heath howls with laughter. 

“Ohhh definitely a 7.” Casey says  in a girl voice, “ maybe an 8 no no tots a 7.” Casey grins. 

“Why are you so nervous, you've got the cute factor, she like 2 years older than you.” Heath squeals out loud in a girl voice. 

All the boys look at each other and burst into fits of laughter. While Kyle just stands there blushing.  

“Ahhh, Kylie you walked right into that.” Brax grins. “A 9.” Brax smiles at Kyle finally answering his question. 

“But your hair is not right though,” Heath grins and him and  the other boys look at each other and charge towards Kyle and grab him before he can make a quick getaway and they all ruffling up his hair. 

“That's better.” Heath grins as Kyle's hair was now in completely different directions. Kyle grinned at his brothers. 

“I'm going to fix it now.” Kyle laughs and heads off to the bathroom. 

"But its tots a ten now.” Casey chuckles. Kyle could hear him from the bathroom and he just rolled his eyes. His brothers teased him a lot but he didn't really mind. 

End of Flashback 

Haley and Kyle just grin at each other. 

“I could make you an offer that you just can't refuse.” Haley grins. 

“Is that right? Well depending on what it is, I might share my beer with you.” Kyle grins leaning closer to Haley. 

“Oi, we are still here.” Casey laughs his brother pulls away from his girlfriend. 

“Denny can I walk to you for a moment?” Haley asks, flicking her head towards the toilets. As she wanted a private girl chat. 

“Ohh sure, yea I can do that.” Denny smiles and follows Haley to the toilet. Kyle and Casey stared after them wondering what they were going to talk about. Abs guessed it must have been a girl talk. 

“Kylie shouldn't you join in with the girl talk.” Casey laughs nudging his brother in the ribs. 

“You’re hilarious.” Kyle grunts, but he never his brother was only joking and nudged him back. 

“What do you think they are talking about?” Kyle mumbles, worried about the girls will be talking about. 

"She's wondering a nice way to dump you.” Casey sniggers at his brother, Kyle reaches over and ruffles Casey's hair. He knew that Casey was just kidding and he only took it in a friendly way. 

“What do you think of Haley?” Kyle asks. Wondering that his brother thought of the girl that he loved. And he was wanting to tell his brother something huge, and he didn't want to be harassed, he wanted to know that his brother would be behind him. 

"Yea she's cool, keeps a smile on your moody face.” Casey grins nudging his brother. Casey thought that Haley was amazing. 

“I love her.” Kyle mumbles blushing a lot, he was embarrassed by the way he was talking to Casey and was scared that Casey would tease him like he always did when he talked about feelings. 

"Yea Kylie I know…. Owwww I mean Kyle.” Casey grins then moans when Kyle punches him. 

"Well I really want to be with her forever, I've known her most of my life and I know that I love her.” Kyle sighs at his brother. He was trying his best to get the words out. But his brother knew where he was going with it. 

“You want to propose?” Casey asks. Shocked that Kyle wanted to propose after such a short time. 

“No not yet but I would like for us to wear promise rings.” Kyle grins then blushes when he sees Casey's smirk. 

"Kyle, you are unbelievably romantic.” Casey grins slapping his brother on the back of the head lightly. 

“So will you and the boys  tease me?” Kyle asks. Nervous about how his brothers will react. If they will mock him ruthlessly. 

“We’ll always tease you Kyle, but in the end, you do love her and you deserve to be happy.” Casey smiles. “You tell the boys I said that or so help me.” Casey threatened. 

“I'm older.” Kyle smirks. Shoving his brother in a friendly way. Him and Casey always acted like this they were similar in both age and size and it was always even between them. 

"Yea and I'm bigger.” Casey smirks, shoving him back. 

“You're an inch taller, one inch.” Kyle smiles nudging his brother. 

"Yea and I weigh more than you.” Casey laughs slamming his shoulder into Kyle's. 

The girls walk back to the table and kiss their boyfriends. 

“So what you talk about babe?” Kyle asks. Kissing Haley's cheek. 

“Girl chat babe.” Haley smirks. 

“Yea its for us to know and for you to never find out.” Denny laugh ruffling both the boys hair. 

"Hey it’s the nerd, the bird and two tag alongs.” Clark smirks, he was alone and he must have been picking up dinner. 

Kyle just looks at his hands, trying to hide the fear, Casey takes one look at his brother and stands up. 

"So you're one of those punks.” Casey hisses, staring right into Clarks eyes. He wanted to stand up for his brother. 

“So you’re his big brother…. Whoops sorry you're the younger one it's just so hard to tell with Kylie, he's quite small isn't he.” Clark hisses. 

Kyle lowers his head suddenly he was going back to being scared and upset. 

“Although his baby face just proves he's a baby.” Clark laughs at Kyle. Kyle rubbed his lips together and looked away trying to stop crying. 

“What's your problem!” Denny yells, staring straight to Clark, she had to stand up for Kyle, he needed protection from these guys and even though Casey was sticking up for him she needed to as well. 

“Ha! She's got more balls than you do Kylie.” Clark sneers. 

“Oi do you need to be escorted out, cause we will kick you out.” Parker hisses coming to the table and placing a Hawaiian pizza down. 

“Okay okay see ya Kylie.” Clark smirks slamming his hands on the table making Kyle jump. Clark smirked at him and grabbed his ordered pizza and left. 

Casey rubs Kyle's shoulder in a comforting kind of way. 

“Will you be alright mate?” Casey whispers. Trying to look after his older brother. 

“Yea, he's not worth it.” Kyle mumbles. As Haley grabs his hand and kisses it. 

“He's pretty big Ky.” Denny sighs leaning over and rubbing Kyle's arm. She was worried for him, Kyle couldn't stand up for himself when his bullies were that big. 

“Yea, I don't really want to talk about it.” Kyle mumbles. As he grabs a slice of pizza and eats it, realizing that everyone is staring at him. 

“I'll be fine, can we just drop it?” Kyle asks kissing Haley's cheek. 

Everyone looks at each other, knowing that they shouldn't drop it. 



Great chapter

Aww Kyle and Haley are so cute.

wonder what Denny and Haley where talking about

Update again soon :)


Awww, Kyle and Haley are adorable. I'm so pleased he's found someone good and kind who treats him properly. Loved all the banter between him and Casey, even if Casey does skirt the edges of what's acceptable. Nice that they can joke around like that. Just a pity that Clark had to show up and put a downer on things :angry: wonder what the girls were having their private chat about. Looking forward to the next chapter x


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