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Agggghhh!!!! *sobs*

I had the worst day of my life so far.

1. Half an hours sleep last night!

2. Failed my ECDL (computers course)! Module 1, might i add!!( Information Technology!)

3. Got so much homework!

4. Just told that I have to pick my subjects for leaving cert in 1 day!!!( when you are in 4th year here, you have to pick subjects you want to do for the leaving cert(big bitch exam), and my teacher came into the maths class today and said.."Okay, here are the forms for your subjects", and we were all ok with it until she said we had to pick them for thursday!! If I pick the wrong subjects, then I wont be able to go to the college i wan't to go to (art college)!

Im so annoyed right now!! Any irish people reading this will be able to relate to points 2 & 4!

*cries* :(


  Kimmy said:
I'm lucky I have a great group of friends who accept everyone for who they are. We never turn away anyone. We're like the smart group but their are some people in our group who aren't smart but they just fit in well with everyone =]

Your friends sound nice, mine just walk over me. They come to me for stuff just cos they know that I find it hard to no. Im the opposite to them. They're like those type of girls: "Boys this, boys that", wear mini skirts e.t.c. Im not into those type of stuff cos mini skirts can look slutty and I think im too young for a boyfriend


Hey thats weird, I'm also doing an ECDL course where I work... Im finding it OK but then I've only really started it in the last couple weeks!!!

I see the person who started this Thread aint back on here yet, I know I go on - Sir Drinks Alot come back soon, ya hear!!!!

Maybe he under a different name!!!!


Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!

I have just looked in my diary for tommorow and it says in lovely pink capitals "Hand in German ILLP".

We are supposed to do an Independent Language Learning Portfolio for each language, with all the extra work we should be doing, like speaking German, listening, reading, watching films, grammar exercises and such like. Of course, no one really does this as it is a pain in the bum and non-assessed, but it is compulsary and you get in deep poo if you don't make it look like you've done something. Unfortunately, the tutor who is checking mine is a real b*tch and will go mad if I don't hand it in (especially as she is already slightly peeved about my non-presence at my workshop this afternoon).

Looks like I'm going to have to make something up now. And I was just thinking about getting in bed too. :(

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