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Yeah, you're right. But, the way I see it is; they said, last week, that he would have about 6 months if the cancer was inoperable... now they know that it is, they give him less than a month. In some weird way I think ti's better, because then he might not have to go through so much pain..?


I know what you mean. When my grandfather was really sick I thought why won't he just die and I know its a horrible thought but when he died I was relieved in some ways, not that he was gone that he was out of the pain. You see them struggle and even though you don't want to let them go, it hurts to see them struggle.


Yeah, it really does. We went to see him and his (boyfriend's) grandmother on Tuesday. It was good to see him while he's still somewhat well, although he had lost a lot of weight, and now bile is seeping into the blood (some sort of bloodpoisoning), and it's making him really yellow.


My grandfather had quite a while from when he found out till when he died. I can't remember how long it was but it was over a year. At first he didn't accept it and didn't want to see us, but when he did and we saw him I couldn't handle it. Here was my grandfather, the strong man I idolised and loved, turned into someone who had no energy, looked weak and powerless. And when I saw him in hospital it was worse. It shook me right down to the core, It is so hard to see them like this but you have to keep strong for them and cherish every minute I guess.


:(hug.gif to Mar! cutecow87! . Anyone else not having a very good time at the moment.

I don't go to chruch, I'll def be doing a lot of praying an soul searching. When Tom has his operation.


I'm sorry about you boyfriends grandfather, Mar :(

Di, I think we're all going to be thinking of you and Tom when he goes into hospital!!


What operation is he having Di?

Hope it all goes well :)

Mercury Girl, I'm really sorry to hear about your boyfriend's grandad, it must be awful for you all. I don't really know what to say, other than that I'll be thinking of you. As you said though, whilst it is probably really hard to take in that he only has a month left, it means that he won't be suffering for as long. If he had 6 months like they initially said, that would be a long time and would be harder on all of you. I just hope that he can go peacefully with the least amount of pain.

*Hugs Mercury Girl* :(


  TabbyCool said:
What operation is he having Di?

Hope it all goes well :)

Thank you guys :)hug.gif

Tom has scoliosis, which happens to most DMD boy/teens. His curve has gone from about 32% to 64+% in roughly in the last six/eight months. In the last eight weeks He and his curve has rapidly grown it has progressed so much, the whole of his bottom rib is been pushed out and is very visable, as his spine is twisting even more.

He is having surgery to have two rods in his back. He will be left with a curve roughly about 20%. The operation is roughly nine hours long, he will need blood transfusions and ICU/HDU for 24/48 hours after.

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