Dean Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 I can't stand coffee at all. Makes me sick. Quote
Holly Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 Hi Dean! *runs in, hugs him* lol. I prefer tea to coffee but tea just doesn't make me hypo like coffee does! Anyone here? Quote
Dean Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 Yeah. Not doing much though. Did you watch Blue Heelers last night? Everyone vote in the Fugly Awards! 2006 Fugly's Quote
Holly Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 Either am I. I'm still trying to figure out your writing! No :crying smiley: I missed it, wasn't feeling well went for a nap about 2pm and ended up sleeping right through. You wouldn't happen to want to give me a recap would you? :smile smiley: Quote
Dean Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 I'm not good at summaries, but here are some people's thought about the ep on a forum I go to. Basically the ep was about Tom reminniscing about his childhood while very reluctantly helping his next doo neighbour who was being bullied at school. He helped wash the cop cars but fell asleep and woke up while they were driving to a standoff with drug dealers, the kid ran out and he got shot. :sad: Here's what I said: Dean said: That episode was bloody fantastic!! John was fantastic, and if he doesn't win that 'Outstanding' Logie, especially after last night's performance, those people who decide who wins are seriously screwed in the head!! lol. God that was a sad episode. So sad when Francis was shot. He was a great character, though. Absoulety great when Tom was talking to Amy in his office. Love the new Amy, not so snappy and Ice Queen-ish. I Fro some reason though, I cracked up laughing when Tom was interrogating Rex. "Bulls**t and Pr**k" in the space of two minutes. 10/10. Quote Oh my god...that certainly tugged at my heartstrings!! All the way through I was thinking MATT would be the one that was going to be murdered so I was even more engrossed and suspenseful the whole way through! I didn't cry when the boy got shot though, most likely because of all the relief I felt that it wasn't Matt. I know thats awful but that's what it was like! Such a fantastic episode for Tom, John Wood was brilliant from start to finish! I really loved the way he played out the scenes with everyone, especially Amy who was also a great character tonight. I really am loving her more and more this season, she's so much more fun or something. Really caring though with Tom, and the references Tom and Francis made about her nagging too much about the doctor was emphasised when she said "and so far I've been half-hearted??" when Tom was saying to let up on the whole thing. One of her best quotes ever though was when Tom barged in and accused her of telling Jonesy about him being sick, saying she blurted it out to every man and his dog and she replied "I haven't said a word to anybody!!! Or a dog!!!" Oh my god I cracked up laughing so much at that. Speaking of Jonesy, how HOT was he looking in the blue collared shirt! Almost as good as the blue police uniform! And I'm really glad that Chris was there, it wouldn't be Heelers without her and I'm happy she was in the 500th episode! Great stuff. Hmm but the wrap that John Wood gave the episode didn't really measure up to the ep as a whole. Don't get me wrong, it was a great episode but it wasn't leagues above the rest of the episodes or anything. I could name a handful of episodes that I thought were better than tonight's. The one thing that "surprised" me in this ep was probably when Senior Sergeant Tom Croydon said 'bull****' and 'prick' in the space of 2 minutes!! week's episode looks awful!! Finding the remains of a baby? God, I would hate to be in that situation... Quote Oh yep brilliant episode! Brilliant brilliant brilliant! I have to say, I wasn't as blown away with it as I thought I would be, and other episodes have blown me away more, but it was still amazing. I think we were supposed to be blown away more with John's performance and the in depth look at his character rather than the actual storyline of the episode. I loved John though - OMG - he was outstanding. If he doesn't get that Logie (or Logies!) I will never watch television again. Gosh he can be so emotive can't he....he had me crying my eyes out! It was so Tom centred I loved it - like Sarah said, it was a great look back at his life and how he has got to be the person he is today. I so enjoyed it! I adored Amy's concern for Tom too. I think some of you are UNDER estimating the popularity of the character of Amy and the performances of Rachel Gordon. I bet you she only missed out on a nomination of the Logies by the slimmest of margins. She got one last year remember? And not every BH star gets a whole section in the TV Week letters section...and Rachel did. A lot of fans would be disappointed if she had been the one killed tonight. I didn't work out until half way through the episode that 'Francis' was 'Ben Greenway' from Wayne's final days! What a difference! It took me ages to remember where I knew the face from! He's still as good now. I wasn't expecting Francis to be the one killed, but then I didn't know who else it would be. But I didn't suspect Francis. That was such a sad part. And such a jolt for poor Tom. I think it made him realise how much impact he can have on people. All in all fantasbulous ep - and hell yeah Cas -- Jonesy was sex on legs again tonight in that blue shirt! - and I am just killing myself waiting for the next episode! I can tell I'm going to be like this for the rest of the season. Quote Anyway, onto the episode... Absolutely fantastic! I laughed until I cried then I cried some more at the end. I will not even attempt to describe how good John Wood was - there are no words strong enough to say how good it was - and if anyone can find words to do his performance justice, I salute you. I was glad everyone had a part to play in this episode, and nice to see Kelly and Susie working together - just for a change, instead of Kelly/Joss, Susie/Jonesy/Matt. The sequence of when Tom entered the station was just hilarious. I felt tired just watching it, LoL. Some of the best lines ever last night. I think - just taking into consideration what was actually going on - that episode 500 had the best scripting of all the episodes so far, and it was definately John Wood's finest hour (thus far). Poor Francis. Almost everyone of his scenes made me cry. Especially the end. He'd had a rotten life, and look how it ended. But through the tears, I couldn't help but laugh when he asked Tom if he had helped, to which the Senior Sergeant replied, "No - you bloody got it the way!" I laughed so hard at that, and because of the crying, broke out in hiccups, LoL. All I can say is: best episode ever (in my opinion). 5,879,529/10 Quote
Holly Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 :-( I'm sad I missed it. I had set the alarm for 6:30 but must have slept through it. Thanks for that! Quote
Holly Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 Thanks! You have any idea's what you want written? I really should be doing that for you instead of sitting here reading useless crap. lol Quote
Dean Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 Nope. That's sort of why I asked. Well I'm reading reviews of 24 and for some reason they crack me up. Quote
Holly Posted April 9, 2006 Report Posted April 9, 2006 lol. Hmm I am trying to think of something creative but for some reason I can only come up with booring things. But Don't worry I'll think of something, if not I'll ask my brother. You think thats weird. I am sitting here reading a supposedly sad and heartbreaking magazinge article and am nearly in tears of laughter! Oh I am a weird cookie sometimes. Quote
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